The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, March 14, 1968, Page 7, Image 7
v IO- tj I \ ■ E-fe-V^kivA ’“S, • ' W m i 891 wE* S OMMHM A■£ ®Mp FP Civitans Sponsoring Club in Newton County Forest Park Civitan Club takes pleasure in announc ing the success of the organ izational meeting of the Civitan Club in Covington j which was held Feb. 27 in j the dining room of the Por terdale Hotel. The invocation was given by the Rev. Alan Mitchell of Covington, after which Mar ty Holman of the Forest Park Club led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Collectively, members read the Civitan Creed before dinner. Gordon Kraft, chairman of the Membership and Ex tension Committee of the Forest Park Club, nresided during the meeting. He em phasized that Civitan is made up of conscientious men who are proud of this country, whose hearts are warmed when we see the flag of our country pass in review, who are patriotic and value our heritage. Mr. Kraft introduced the following men who had messages and information for the new members join ing Civitan: Wally Poss, District Governor-Elect of Georgia District North; Hoke West, President of the tmUrORP] Forest Park Club who gave the Welcome; Wilbur Pea cock, Past Lt. Governor who related information regard ing Civitan International; Marty Holman. District Sgt.- at-Anns who gave important facts in reference to the re lationship of the District and the Club. Kraft told of costs and supplies available and led a discussion involv ing questions and answers. He called upon John Led better of Covington who ex pressed his feelings and ' ideas on a Civitan Club in the area. Following the business procedure the motion to or ganize was made, seconded, and passed. Another impor tant matter acted upon was the naming of the club, which, after discussion and voting, was decided to be the Civitan Club of Newton Hamil Art On Display Paintings of Donna Hamil are on exhibit in the Com munity Room of the Bank of Jonesboro during March. Miss Hamil Is a newcomer to the art shows in the Clayton County area, however, her works have been exhibited In Metropolitan Atlanta a number of times. All paint ings on display In the Com munity Room are in oil mer la and are framed — har moniously with the subject and theme of the painting. Miss Hamil feels that her favorite work is that of classical portraits. She is a student of Constantin and Roman Chatoff. And though she has a full-time position at Community Council of Atlanta, she finds time not only to paint, but to teach art classes three nights a week. The Community Room at Jonesboro is open every day during banking hours and the public is invited to see the impressive work of Don na Hamil. MYRA TARLETON COMPASSION For the Hard of Hearing rir * CARING FOR THE HARD OF HEARING KT A MAKES A DIFFERENCE Kii You can’t buy this or rent it ... we care about get ting the right aid fitted to you; this makes a difference., in the way you hear. We care long beyond the sale. WE CARE ABOUT SERVICE TOO this can make a difference in the service. Ask about the Audivox “NEW EAR,” all in the ear mold. BELEW'S HEARING AID SERVICE 376 Peachtree St., N.E. 524-0768 Cords-Batteries-Service, All Makes of Hearing Aids « after you see your doctor .. . ^8 I ] S Ji : I | bring your prescription to < R 1 t FoREST 3S£^ J 2948 JONESBORO RD 366-4621 FOREST PARK • ' , County. The club elected the I following to serve as tem । porary officers: John Led- I better, President; Bob Hun ter, Secretary; Billy Kitch ens, Treasurer. The two clubs will work together in making the final plans for the Charter Night meeting April 5. Before adjourning, Kraft reminded everyone the Civi tan Motto "Builders of Good Citizenship" comes into play as we insure that our club is truly a service club and not simply a social gather ing point. We enjoy the true Civitan fellowship as we work in our community, knowing the sum total of our activities must show a net gain for our community or we have failed to act as Civitans. We know this new club, will be an asset to Georgia as well as to Covington and Civitan Internalonal. June Grads Invited By Air Force Special interest news for young college men who graduate this June was dis closed today by Sgt. Tom Reese, Air Force recruiter. They can now apply for Air Force commissions while J still enrolled in college, “In this way,” said Sgt. Reese, “plenty of time is allowed to process applications and ob tain class starting dates for Officer Training School.” Seniors graduating with an engineering degree or those interested in flying as Air Force pilots are in de mand. Sgt. Reese stated. All men in their final semester are eligible to apply. Only three months in du ration, Air Force Officers Training School is the short est route to a commission as an armed forces officer. For the complete facts, visit the College Park Air Force Re cruiting Office at 3581 N. Main St. or call 761-6111. Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Mar. 14, 1968 ■, “Garbage Collectors — $1.85 per hour for 40 hours. Ap ply City Manager, 785 Cen tral Avenue, Forest Park. Georgia." HELP WANTED—Man for yard work one or two days per week. Call after 6:30 p.m. 478-6708 . 3-14 HELP WANTED — Shirt presser — 2 girl cabinet unit. Will train interested person. One Hour Martiniz ing, Forest Park. 361-5756. 3-14 SPARE TIME INCOME (man or woman) Servicing and collecting from new type coin dis pensers in this area vending Nabisco Snacks. We establish accounts. To qualify, you must have car, references, SBOO.OO minimum cash, 6 , to 12 hours weekly can net excellent income, more full time. For per sonal interview write: Nabisco Snacks, 305 Stemmons Towers, North Dallas, Tex. Zip 75207. 1 "HELP WANTED — Female Communication Clerks to receive and transmit infor mation via radio, teletype & [ | telephone for Police Depart ment. Apply City Manager, i 785 Central Avenue, Forest I Park, Georgia.” Executive Secretary For President of com ’ pany located in Jones boro. 5 days. Mature per son, car necessary Pro ficient shorthand and typing. Equal employ i ment opportunity. For • appt, call Mrs. Moessner, Jebco, Inc., 478-7232 I I—— ELP WANTED — Route salesmen wanted. Men or women—full or parttime. No age limit. Average $3 per hour. Apply 9-12 a m. 630 Lee St. S.W. or phone 755-7236. 2-22tf HELP WANTED FEMALE For general office-bill ing, accounts receivable, dispatching service calls, light typing, payroll and varied duties. No short hand. Will train but want someone experi enced in office proce dures that is dependable and has no small chil dren. Air conditioned of fice in my home in For est Park. Part to full time as needed. $1.50 p. hr. Phone 361-5388. JOB UNION-CAMP CORP, will train men for production jobs in corrugated box plant. । REGULAR position, excellent fringe benefits, rotating : shifts. Age 18-35, with stable work record and good health. An equal opportunity em ployer. APPLY Directly at plant located across from Farmers’ Market, Forest Park. WANTED - WAREHOUSE MAN. Need man for metal warehouse work on first shift. Good pay, excellent company benefits. For infor mation call Steve Morgan, 525-3871. ts ASSISTANT MANAGERS and MANAGERS For Johnny Reb Food Stores in the Forest Park, Candler Rd. south, Moreland Avenue, Col lege Park areas. Age 21 and over. Experienced men preferred but we can train you. Paid va cation and group insur ance when qualified. Ap ply in person to either Mr. Roy Dunn, Johnny Reb Food Store, 3887 Jonesboro Rd., Atlanta, or to Mr. Tinsler, Johnny Reb Food Stores, 4301 Buford Highway, Atlan ta. HELP WANTED — Depend able help for day or night work at Dairy Queen Brazier. Call 366-4401. Full or part time. 3-21 See our ad on page 2 Ray Mit chell Realty Co. HAIRDRESSER MALE or FEMALE Excellent opportunity for experienced operator . . Must be licensed and de pendable. Call 366-4730 or 366-5379. 2/22 ts MOBILE HOMES and private rooms with cooking facili ties $15.95 wk.-up. Utilities included on some units. Kingston Trailer Park. 4561 Jonesboro Road, Forest Park. l-12tf APARTMENTS AND HOUSES Furnished or Unfurnished “T” Ellis 366-5520 8u5.—366- 1760 Home. Forest Park Realty. 1167 Main. For pro fessional. qualified manage ment, let us manage your property. > FOR RENT — Furnished bachelor apt. — private ; entrance, kitchen, all utili ties. SBS. 361-3140. 3-14 ■ FOR RENT —Three room furnished apt.; Private entrance and lath. All utili ties furnished. Five minute drive to Chevrolet and Ford plants and Depot. 366-1387. 3-14 DROP-A-TOT Day Nursery OPEN HOUSE March 14, 3-5 p.m. MRS. CALLAWAY, LICENSED OPR. Hwy. 41, FOREST PARK Across from Kresge Warehouse 366-4846 — 366-3256 SERVICES—Tractor Work— Plowing and grading. Lawns planted. 361-3861. 3-14tf E. N. CONKLE'S TREE SERVICE JONESBORO, GA. PRUNING - CABLING TRIMMING - REMOVAL SPRAYING Cavity Work FREE ESTIMATES INSURED PHONE: 478-9255 THE amazing Blue Lustre will leave your upholstery beautifully soft and clean. Rent electric shampooer $1 I at Smith’s Hardware in For est Park. Dirty Carpets! Let Us Make Them Sparkle Again: Wall-to-wall specialists, cleaned in your home dry in 2-3 hours. Free pickup and delivery room size rugs. Get the best services at reasonable prices. Clayton County’s own Red Carpet Cleaning Service CALL 478-8313 HERMAN CRAVEN LANDSCAPING Professional Work MODERATE COST Also Bush-Hog Work 112 Jones Court - 366-2816 FOREST PARK, GA. IT’S terrific the way we’re selling Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and uphol stery. Rent electric sham pooer $1 at Belk-Gallant in Forest Park. Bad Brakes? All American Makes Guaranteed 20.000 Miles Parts and Labor $14.95 FOREST PARK SHELL STATION 996 Main St. — 366-9022 I SERVICES — Will prepare Spring gardening site. Large or small. Also bush hog work. 366-0413. 3-7 ts FRONT END LOADER SMALL TRACTOR LANDSCAPING 366-8234 SEWING MACHINE RE PAIRS. We repair all makes j Sewing Machines, specializ- | ing in Foreign Makes. All : Work Guaranteed. 29 Years. Experience. Scissors and Pinking Shears Sharpened We also sell new and used machines. Used sls up, New $39.50 up. CHAFIN SEWING MACHINE CO, 3825 MAIN ST.. COLLEGE PARK PO-7 1616; PO7-6163. ts 1 ASH STREET BARBERSHOP HAIRCUTS $1,50 Including Flat tops Children Under 12, $1.25 5963 Ash St. FOREST PARK, GA. SAVE UP TO 50% — Floor samples, furniture and ap pliances. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Thursday at 6 p.m. Earl Gunn Appliances, TV & Furniture. 3438 More lantj Ave. at Cedar Grove, Copley, Ga., across from Rio Vista Restaurant. 627-3554. Radiator Leaking Or Running Hot? Guaranteed Repairs FOREST PARK SHELL STATION 996 Main St. — 366-9022 EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTING. Minor repairs. Free estimates. References. 761-0852. 5-9tf Upholstering »••••••••••••••••••••« • • J A home-owned business; • •25 years experience ... I • Work done very reason- J J ably. Low overhead. Free • • estimates ... All work J J guaranteed. 766-9518 or • ; 627-1433. l-25tf I ’•••••••••••••••••••a* MISC. WANTED—Baby car riage - Reasonable condi tion — 474-8120. 3-22 USED FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES. We loan mon ey on anything of value. 478- 8523; nights, 478-9652. 10-14tf SIT. WANTED - Mature white woman to keep church nursery during 11:00 worship service. 366-6820. 3-14 FOR SALE—STEREO Con sole, 1967 model. REPOS SESSED with built-in bar. Sold new for $217, with lots of Stereo recordings. Close out not for $71.60. Credit ap proved on telephone. Dial 261-1409. FOR SALE—Baby bed. Good condition. sls. 366-0528. -14 *• ••••••*•••••• «rv«u ; UNCLAIMED j • LAY-A WAY 3 BIG ROOMb 9 ®FA ERYTHING vnu need In set upk • hmiwkecpinß indudinc a Jnnr mnrfl •cm Soh «nd rhny chair. • Iwo mtra e proof end UNm nod rock tail -two tall decorator lamp* Alan •bits four piera bedroom aulta wittr • tilting mirmr. large chest and fulß • size bod. And vou also set a corn# • plcte 37-pirce Kitchen outfit with W. A large family'aiiip dinetta with paddatU' •chair*. This croup orlslnallv %okO • for much mnre but has been pakt* • down U) just: • : $223 s - No money down, lust 17 50 a week A : BIG RED : ; FURN. BARN ’ • 1057 Lee St. SW 753 7l^< a Open Dally ♦ to ♦. SM. , to * a A rive Parking al Our Door a ”W« Boat Anybody’s Deal" g • ••••••••••• ••••••••• FOR SALE—Custom built travel trailer. Sleeps six $525.00 366-1852. 3-14 FOR SALE MISC. — Photo stat Machine $200: Grolier Encyclopedias $100: 2 air con ditioners $65-$75. Used tires 14" $2 50 each 3,000 watt heater S2O. 366-3789 after 6 3-14 FOR SALE- Complete set of drums plus extras. See to appreciate. Will sell on time to the right person 366-4906. 3-14 FOR SAIF Living room suite, coffee table. 2 end tables and lamps. Good con dition. SIOO. Call 361-4412 after 4:30 p.m. 3-14 c FOR SALE—Sewing machine (repossessed). 1967 model. Zig-Zag. Does all modern work without attachments. 10 years guarantee. Balance $25.85. Easy terms, $2.50 month. 938-7991. ts AUCTION 8 p.m. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ALL BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE Radios, Recliners, Irons, Living Room Suites, Tape Recorders, Clocks. YOU NAME IT WE’VE GOT IT WHY PAY RETAIL? Come to Union City Auc tion where you set the price you want to pay. Al merchandise sold to highest bidder Free prizes at end of sale. Come to red light at Un ion City on Highway 29, turn across railroad tracks on Gresham Road behind Green’s Building Material Company. FOR SALE—Bank of Forest Park stock at $32.50 per share. Call 344-2083. 3-14 FOR SALE—Top soil; fill dirt; rock dust for drive ways, cotton seed moat for lawns; reasonable rates. 366-0298. 11-7tf Auto Ins. Problems? Cancelled? Rejected? Need an SR-22? Military handled also. Call Walter R. Banks, Mgr. 366- 8371. CALLAWAY INS. AGENCY 976 Main St., Forest Park FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two cemetery lots in Forest Hill Memorial Park. For sale or trade for equal value. 521- 1080. 3-14 FRUIT, NUT, FIG AND SHADE TREES. Evergreen: and flowering shrubs^ Ground covers. Grapevines (in cans and field grown.) Landscaping. Price list free. Riverdalq Nurseries, River dale* Ga. 478-7933. ts 1967 STEREO-CONSOLE 5’ long, solid state, repos sessed radio. 4 speed-auto matic changer, 8 speaker audio system, built-in bar. Sold new $309. Now only sllß. Cash or terms with easy payments Free home trials arranged. Telephone 261-1409. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE— Beautiful wooded lot; 125’ x 300’ overlooking Lake Jod eco. Surrounded by new homes of excellent quality. 478-7593. 3-7 ts FOR SALE—Modern 2 and 3 bedroom house to be moved for airport expansion Prices $2,000-$2,800 includes mov ing cost. Good selection. Fi nancing available. 767-8102 or 478-7268. 4-4 FOR SALE—NICE 3 bedroom frame. $475 down, $79 mo. including T & I. Total price $11,350. Corner lot; trees. See to appreciate. Owner 361- 4880. 3-14 LAKE SPIVEY LAKE JODECO Best selection of Lake and off-lake lots in a prestige location of Clayton Coun ty. Heavily wooded, take your choice, hardwood, pine or peach trees; all spacious lots, lake privi leges. Paved roads, natur al gas, Clayton County water. Prices from $2,000 to SII,OOO. We can finance. H. A. WILSON Broker and Builder 753-7436 or 344-0701 FOR SALE Beautiful brick in Morrow. New carpet throughout Three bedrooms, large family room. 2 baths (vanity in master bedroom • Lot 100 x 200 Separate living and dining room; double carport and utility room. As sume FHA 5'4% 366-6865. 3-14 1 Acres, 3 Bedroom Brick Mt. Zion Rd. ijust list ed). Air-cond, 2 baths, living rm, dining rm. den with fireplace, screened porch, 20 x 30 brick garage, playhouse, other outbldgs, huge oaks, level lot, 400' front ! $32,000. WIDNEY REALTY 366-9488, 366-5412 Forest Park FOR SALE Custom-built 2 bedroom brick home. P 2 baths, separate dining room, kitchen and family room, large play-room, full day light basement. 2 fire places, carpet, double carport, sun deck. patio Large lot. 361- 5525 3-14 c $1750 CASH assume loan 5550 PINERIDGE PL.. Forest Park. 3 bedrooms. I>4 baths. Built-ins. Central gas heat. Carport. Approximately 2 years old. Lot 75x150. Con venient to everything. $120.40 month includes taxes and insurance. MR. EWING. 688- 3394. Res. 366-337!>r AL EWING REALTY CO. l-25tf FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE— Three bedroom brick house. Patio, fenced yard; bath and carpet. Pay equity and as sume 4>/ 2 % loan. Payments $66 per month. Includes tax and insurance or refinance. By owner. 366-5189. 3-14 ts Henry County 40 acres, 18 miles south of Atlanta, just off pave ment. Long road front age. >/ 2 open. Stream with lake site. $750 per acre. Will divide. 26 Mi. S. Atlanta 23 acres, 6 room re modeled home with bath, long frontage on old Hwy. 41; land fenced. Also barn and store building. $35,000. T. K. White, Realtor S. 155 HIGHWAY STOCKBRIDGE 474-4151 366-3080 ■ Z ° class'^ Women to Pick New Officers Clayton County League of Women Voters will hold their annual meeting on March 14 at 8 p.m. in the Bank of Jonesboro. At the annual meeting of ficers for the coming year will be elected, also members of the Board of Directors. A Budget will be adopted at this joint meeting of the morning and evening units. A local study Item will be selected by the membership. Two local studies have been suggested and recommended by the board of directors. It will be up to the member ship to select either one or both items. The one study item is election machinery which Includes the study of the election code and evaluation of its application in Clay ton County with particular emphasis on poll manage ment. The other study item is the selection of jurors which would include criteria for selection of jurors and its application in Clayton Coun ty. The League of Women Voters is open to all women of voting age interested in good government. Visitors are cordially invited to at tend this meeting. 7