The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, March 14, 1968, Page 8, Image 8
8 ; Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Mar. 14. 1968 > lEGfll NOTICES < CITATION-NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Al! creditors of the estate of JOE DOUGLAS ESTES late of Clayton County, deceased, are hereby no tified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law. and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immedi ate payment February 6. 1968 MILTON D TANNER 5121 Bouldercrest Road Ellenwood, Georgia (Ellen wood* 3-14 PETITION FOR CHARTER GEOR G I A CLAYTON COUNTY TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY. GEORGIA The peti'ion oi P W Sum. 222 Con Irv Circle. Mountain View, Geoigi.' Pauline H Stan, 5(»0 Lake Mmm Road. College Park. Georgia and E W Sum. 560 Lake Mmot Hoad. College Park Georgia rr *prcHulls shown —1- Th u Pet it tonei a desire foi them *ei\ vs. 'heli associates, successors and assign*, to be incorporated ; undt i he name of E W STARR COMPANY INC Tin p'mcip.H office of said coi - poi ton shah be in Claxton Coun* >. G< . . nd Petiiioncr* desh < hr tight t<» Cftiablish blanch office* it oihei places 3 The gvneial naiuiv of the business • > be lansactcd and the cotpoiair pou ri > desired arc T< purchase, sell, tactoi, con -ign < xciiango. bioke* and nans P« i m< <t. i tisc. goods and mix nt i r\। naiutv in connection ‘•i’ tie nfi'.aion of an b T , . . .U . chicks and equip <i : lu pmpo<i >t and rn- . > bi m< '• as *n Elven lent < 'i ’i.h ~f and Sub-Contractor; Fo < • gage in any business .1. the w|i mg of icM- ! u« !.• aid business establishments 1 ’ I tv m illauon and rep.dr of I «i« >»< .1 equipment, appliances and I ’ T > engage- in business as a xhnh < id < I dealer of ele< i pliances. equipment and I < lighting nxtuics and associated I t Ta engage in am othri bus! ; I m * no vxpresslx prohibited bv law ’ h>i ' u pm.. ton* at a like nature. ; 1 ft Ta have all the powers and I < । .1 «»< rhe pnvileges onumer- ; ard tn he Georgia Code Annotated f which no herein tn.ide a part here- । of and ineoi porated herein —4- . . The time tot which said corpora- | nan H ~ be in existence is thirty I • five -35> veais wrh the privilege of icneual as allowed bx law • * -5- Thc .imoum of capital wuh w hich < he cmpoiauon will begin business shall no be less than $1,000.00 cash I oi ofhei .issv’s hi a combination of < ।tn- two < 6- I The maximum nunibci of shares < *1 stock shall be 500 shates of com mon tack of 'he face or par value of SIOO 00 The corporation shall be 1 auhorized ti >m time to tune hete ’ 1 d'ct to issue shates of stock up to ' he maximum numbei above stated i 7 re’iuonris desire that the ha bilitx as xtmkholdeis of said cm potation be confined to the unpaid putchaM- price of the stock sub 1 Mtibpd foi bx each -8- Pc'itioncrs attach hereto a cet • ific.i'e of he Svcretai x of State of < he State of Geoigia certifying that the name of E W Start Company. Inc is no* the name of any othet existing corporation now registered in hat office WHEREFORE. PETITIONERS • PRAY to be mcoi porated undci the name and s<vle aforesaid with all I of he tights, poweis and privileges < hrirln set out and such additional < powers and privileges as max be ’ ■- • ■■ : • • 1 »pei oi ln< idem to the condm l if the business for which Pcibloneis are asking incorporation I •nd is may be allowed like coi • I pot - ions under the laws of Geor- i gi-t is m \ now or inav hereafter 1 exb' ; HUTCHESON. KILPATRICK 1 W \TSON < RUMBLEY A < BROWN ( Bx I »-e Hutcheson i Anoinexs foi Petitioners I U O Address I HX. E Mill Street 1 Jtmvboio. G<orgia 30236 Phone 478 «8fl« 1 GEORGIA CI AYTON COUNTY LN RE PETITION TO INCORPO RATE F W STARR COMPANY. INC ORDER OF COURT The foregoing petition of P W Start. Pauline H Stan and E W Starr m be incorporated under the name of E W STARR COMPANY. INC read and considered It ap icaring 'hat said petition is within ’he purview and Intention of the laws applicable 'hereto and that all of said laws have been fully com plied xx|th including 'he presenta tion nf ,i certificate from the Sec retary of State as required bv Paragiaph 22-803 nf the Code of Georgia Annot.i-ed IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. AD JUDGED AND DECREED that all of the pr ixers <»f said petition are gt anted and that said petitioners, heli .<sjm lates uccessors and as *lgn‘ aie heieb’ incorporated and n . Ie । bodx politic under the name •d F W STARR COMPANY. INC fm and during a period nf thirtx fixe xears wnn the privilege of re newal . the expiration of that ’imp. accnrdin, tn the laws of the State of Gentgi . and that said corpora tion t 1 het eh', gi anted and vested with ill of 'he rights, powers and privilege mentioned in said peii tlon Th; 'he n dax o( Decembei, 1967 HARO! D Fi BANKE JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT CLAYTON' JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Hutche on. Kilpatrick, Watson. Crumbley A- Brown A’’«'tnevs for Petitioners 106 f Mill Street Jonesboro Georgia 30236 Phone 478 R 866 3-21 I r Eugem a h. nnet in a<< nd -m. Ulth G.oigrn Laws 1956. Act 362 (.difn-d „s Code Section 1 notified that se- •utitx in th. amount of $81175 will be deposited in the general funds of the Tuaxurx if not claimed bv you before March 15. 1970 D S H'Hs. Ji (ajt. Supervisor. Bu- I reau of Safety Responsibility NOTICE TO APPEAR < STATE OF (iEHUGIA < OUNTY OF CI AYTON CASE NO 08 312 PATSY (i SHORTRIDfJE vs ( RIAL W SHORTRIDGE To Rial W Shortiidge. Greetings < By mdei of the Court dated Feb ruary 19 1968 you are hereby no- I tified that on February 19. 1968 i Patsy G Shortridgr filed suit for i divorce against you. By said order you arc commanded to be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for said County within 60 isixtyi days from । the date of said order to answer < plaintiff's complaint, else the Court । will proceed as to justice shall an- ' i pertain 1 Witnessed the Honorable Harold । L Hanke. Judge of said Court this < 19th day of February, 1968 JOE B MUNDY, Clerk Superior Court. Clayton Judicial Circuit William S Rhodes Attorney at Law Atlanta, Ga STATE OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE I, Ben W Fortson, Jr , Secretary | of State of the State of Georgia, . do hereby certify, that the three . pages of typewriten and written ( matter hereto attached form one of the copies of the petition, filed in [ this office in triplicate, seeking the 1 Incorporation of THE BANK OF , RIVERDALE, Clayton County. Geor gia this copy is certified and re- * turned to petitioner tor publication of those documents required by law . to be published. In Testimony Whereof, I have 1 hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this 15th day of February, in the year of out Lord Onr Thousand Nmr Hundii'd and Sixtv-Eight and of the Independence of thr United States of America the One Bundled and Nmetx-Second BEN W FORTSON Secret.ii x of State ■ SEAL* STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY TO THE HONORABLE BEN W FORTSON JR . SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA The undersigned, xx hose names, •igiwd bx each of them are set forth il the end hereof, file this, their application to form .i Corporation for the puipose of carrying on the business of Banking, puisuant to thr ptoxismns of Chapter 13-9 of the <ode of Geoigia, as amended, and trspvcthillx show I The name bx which the proposed ‘.hall be known is THE BANK OF RIVERDALE The location .md place of business of said shall be Rix crd.ilc. Clax ton Countv. Geor Mia 3 The amount of capital stock of said Bank shall be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ts2M.oo(» 0(h. and •II of *.iid capital stock will bt< fullx paid m cash pilot to the commence ment of business bx said Bank 4 Said ( ipifal s’oek shall be divided into Twentx Thousand <20,000’ shares of common stock of the par value of Ten Dollars islo 001 pci share 5 Tile and nature of the business proposed to be conducted -h ill be that of a Bank Sani Bank -.hall have all powers given Geor gia Hank* under title 13 of the code of Georgia, as the same may now oi hereafter be amended and said shall have existence for a pe i tod of Thirty «30» wars from the date of its Incorporation, and shall h.ixc the light from time to time to icm xx its corporate existence as pfo x ided bx Law Without limiting the genet alitx of the foregoing, said Bank shall have the right and power to sue and to be surd to have and use a common seal and at pleasure to .liter the same to appoint such officers and agents as the business oi the Corporation requires and to JH escribe their duties. fix their compensation and remove them at pleasure, to make such by-laws as max be necessary or proper for the management of its propertv and icgulation of its affairs; to hold, pui chase and dispose of and convey '-m h । cal and personal property as max be necessary for its uses and business, to discount bills, notes, or othri evidences of debt; to receive •nd pax out deposits, with or with out interest; to receive* on special deposit monrx or bullion or foreign coms, or stock or bonds or other eruritir' to buy or sell foreign oi domestic exchange or other ne gotiable paper. to lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks or negotiable se curities. to take and receive security hx mortgage oi otherwise on prop ertx teal or personal, and gener ally to do and pei form all such other m.iflcrs and things not hereinbefore • numeiat< d.• oi maj be incident to tlie business of Banking, conducted undei tiic laws of the State of Geor gm. as the same may from time to time be amended 6. The numbei of Directots of said Bank shall be from five isi to twentx fixe t2si, but in no case less than 3 nor more than 25. This application is filed in tripli • ate. md. upon the filing of this application, there is herewith paid • hi- of Fiftx Dollars <sso 00’ WHEREFORE. applicants pray that this application be filed as pro vided by Law. that a certified copy of same lie delivered to applicants in order that the same may be pub lished as provided in section 13-902 of the code of Georgia, that a copy of said application be transmitted to thr Superintendent of Banks of the State of Georgia as provided in section 13 903 of the code of Geor gia. that this application be ap proved and granted after approval thrieof by the Superintendent of B.mks of the State of Georgia and aftet certificate of publication has been obtained, and that the Bank of Riverdale of <Clayton County, Ga • shall be authorized to conduct Its business with all the POWERS, RIGHTS PRIVILEGES. AND IM MUNITIES AS SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION THIS 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1968 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. NOLAN J MADDOX. SR 6858 Sandy Creek Drive P O Box 102 Riverdale. Geoigia EMILY M ARNESON Highway 139 P.O Box 206 Riverdale. Georgia SAM CARNES Riverdale. Georgia L B WARD Riverdale, Georgia JAMES P DAILEY Riverdale, Georgia HUGH D THOMPSON 2358 Dabney Terrace East Point. Georgia ARTHUR L CAIN Forest Park. Georgia JOSEPH F PICARD Forest Park, Georgia I OUIS EVANS Morrow. Georgia ROBERT A MADDOX Point. Georgia ERNEST W ABERNATHY. JR i MD i Jonesboro. Georgia ( C BURNETT. JR Hapeville, Georgia VICTOR H HIGGINS. Attorney 1201 Carnegie Building Atlanta. Georgia 30303 Ja 5-1250 3-14 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY Bx virtue of the power of sale con tained in deed io secure debt exe cuting and delivered by Billy Eugene Jefferson and Marx in Banks Jeffer* son. to Edwin L Collins, elated Au gust 20. 1966. recorded November 29. 1966. m deed book 451. page 61, in the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court <>f Clayion County, Georgia, and fully described therein and by virtue of default in payment of the debt mentioned therein, the undersigned as attorney in fact for Billy Eugene Jefferson and Marvin B.mks Jefferson, will sell before the courthouse doors in Clayton County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder on ’he first Tuesday in April, 1968 All that tract or parcel of land lying and bring in Land Lot 143 of thr 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia being Lot 20. Block H. Unit HI. Young America Subdivision as per plat by G W Nelson. Ji . Sur veyor. recorded in Plat Bonk 7, page 176, in the office of <hr Clerk of Su perior Court of Clayton County. Georgia, bring improved property known as 424 Bimini Drive. Forest Park. Ga Said property will be sold subject to a prior deed to secure debt in favor of Tharpe A Brooks Inc. EDWIN L COLLINS As attorney in fact for Billy Eugrnr Jefferson and Marvin Banks Jefferson 2356 Cloverdale Drive S E Atlanta, Ga 30316 3-28 Sealed blds will be received by the Clayion County Commissioners of Roads and Revenue until 10.00 am . March 20. 1968, nt thrir office. Room 211. Courthouse, Jonesboro, Georgia, for furniture and equip ment for the Northwest Branch of the Clayton County Library Clayton County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to readvertise. Specifications may be obtained nt the office of the Purchasing Agent, Room 211, Courthouse, Jonesboro, Georgia. ELBERT C. WOOD Purchasing Agent 3-14 NOTICE TO APPEAR CLAYTON SUPEKIOK COURT, CLAYTON COUNTY. GF.OHGIA CASE NO; No KUBY ALICE ENDEKLE VS JOSEPH A F.NDERLE TO JOSEPH A ENDEHLE, GREET INGS BY older nf the Court, dated, Feb- • 12. ILM>B you aie hereby no tified on. Febiuaiy 12. 1968 Huby Alice Enderlv lik'd suit for Divorce agaiiixt you Bv said mdei you are commanded IM’i Mmally or by attorney to be and appeal at the Superior Court to be held m .md for said county within 60 d.ixs from the date of said order to answci the plaintiff's complaint, else* thr Court will proceed, as to justice shall appertain Witnessed, the Ilonoiable Edwin S Kemp. Judge of said Court this 13th d.iv of February. 1968 ! JOE B MUNDY. Clerk Superior Court. Clayton Judicial Circuit Johnson A Biown Lawyers Momoe F'crguson, associate ’ 106 Mam Stivrt, Jonesboro. Georgia 3 14 GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY There will be sold ai Public Oui cry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of : sale before the Courthouse door in ; ’he City of Jonesboro, Clayton Coun ty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April. 1968. the following de scribed property to wit. tD 1966 Fotd Fail lane, 500 XL. S No GA 47 HI 66999 Said property levied as per Mort gage Fi Fa No 676 G. Clayton Civil A Criminal Court. Fulton National Bank of Atlanta Vs K G Foster. This the Ist day of March. 1968 BILL C MURRAY Sheriff 3-28 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON To THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY. GEORGIA The petition of THOMAS W MORELAND. JOHN T HUGHES. BONNIE M HUGHES and MAR THA L MORELAND, herein.iftei call e d Petitioners. i especifullx shows 1 Petiiioneis desire toi themselves. | i hen associates and successors, to be mcoi porated undci the name of । CENTURY ENTERPRISES INC for • a period of thirty-five <3s> years with ihe privilege of renewal. 2 • The object of said corpoiation is | I pecuni.rv gain 3 Tl.e general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is as follows. I to buy. hold. own. manufacture. ’ produce, sell and otherwise dispose of. either as principal or agent, as a licensor or licensee, and upon ' commission or otherwise, all kind of property, both real and personal, including but not limited to manu facturing. selling and installing floor covering materials of every nature and description 4 Petitioners further desire that said corpoiation be vested with all the rights and powers now or hereafter given to do any and all things which may be reasonable .and propel in the operation of the above described , business or businesses and that said | corporation have all the powers ■ enumerated in Section 22-1827 and Section 22-1828. Code of Geoigia : Annotated, as amended, and such powers as may be hereafter given bv law. 5 The maximum number of shares of stock shall be One Thousand shares of common stock at no par I value The amount of capital with i which the corporation shall begin business shall be not less than Five , Bundled Dollars 6 The Post office address of Peti tioners ate as follows Thomas W ' Moreland. 2553 Colonial Drive, Col- 1 lege Park, Georgia; John T Hughes, , Uppei Riverdale Road, Riverdale, Georgia; Bonnie M. Hughes, Upper I Riverdale Road. Riverdale. Georgia. 1 Martha L Moreland. 2553 Colonial ! Drive. College Park, Geoigia 7. The principal office of ihe cor ' poration will be located in Clayton ; County, Georgia, but the privilege 1 is desired of establishing branch of fices and places of business both within and without the State of Georgia 8 Youi Petitioners herewith exhibit i .i certificate of the Secretary of State of Geoigia, as provided bv Section 22-1803, Georgia Code An notated, as amended 1 WHEREFORE. youi Petitioners ; pray to be incorporated under the । name and style aforesaid with all of the rights, poweis. privileges and | immunities herein set forth and such additional lights, powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or incident to the conduct of the business or businesses aforesaid and as may be inherent in or al lowed to like corporations under the laws of the State of Georgia as ! they now exist or max’ hereafter 1 exist KEMPER. MILLER A MONTGOMERY By s/ MARVIN MILLER Attorneys for Petitioners I STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY' OF CLAYTON ORDER The foregoing petition of Thomas W Moreland. John T Hughes. Bon nie M Hughes and Martha L. More land to be incorporated under the I name of CENTURY ENTERPRISES INC read and considered. It appearing that said petition is | 1 within the purview and intention of । ; । he laws applicable thereto and that all of said laws have been fully • complied with, including the pres entation of a certificate from the Secretary of State as required by । Paragraph 22-803 of the Code of Georgia annotated; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. AD JUDGED AND DECREED that all of the prayers of said petition are granted and that Petitioners, their associates, successors and assigns arc hereby incorporated and made a bodx politic under the name of CENTURY ENTERPRISES INC for and during the period of thirty-five years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, ac cording to the laws of the State of Georgia, and that said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the rights, powers and privileges mentioned in said petition. This the 26 dav of February, 1968 s/ HAROLD R BANKE JUDGE. Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 3-15 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY The petition of DEWEY COX COMPANY, hereinafter called peti tioner. respectfully shows 1 The charter of petition was granted bv this Honorable Court on Septem her 26. 1966 The charter of thr cor poration has not heretofore been amended 2 At a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the stockholders of the corporation held on February 8. 1968 it was resolved that the cor poration amend its charter to change the coipointe name to. SOUTHEASTERN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. INC" 3 Thr certificate of thr Secretary of thr coi poration as to the resolution is attached hereo and made u part hereof as Exhibit "A" WHEREFORE. petitioner prays that its charter be amended to change the corporate name as prnved HODGES AND OLIVER I BY s/ G Robert Oliver Attorney for Petitioner i CERTIFICATE The undersigned. J CARL HODGES. JR. Secretary of DEWEY COX COMPANY, hereby certifies that the following Is a true copy of a Resolution adopted at a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and stockholders of that corporation held on February 8. 1968. at which meeting all the stockholders and all ( members of the Board of Directors were present in person, and that said Resolution is of full force and effect and recorded in the Minutes of the corporation; RESOLVED that the chatter of the corporation be amended to 1 change the name of the corporation from DEWEY COX COMPANY to SOUTHEASTERN I’ ROPE RT Y • MANAGEMENT, INC., and that the corporate officers are hereby au- ■ thorized and directed to take all steps necessary to obtain such char ter amendment. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 1 undersigned has hereto set his hand 1 and seal of the coiporation. this Bth dav of February. 1968 s/ J CARL HODGES. JR Secretary ATTEST <C<>r|N»ratr Seah EXHIBIT A" ORDER It apiwaring that the foregoing p<tition is within Ihe purview and intention of the laws nf the State of Georgia, and further bv errtifi <af<' of lh<* Secretary of Stale that Hie name SOUTHEASTERN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. INC is not the name of any other nnw existing corporation registen'd with this office. IT IS SO ORDERED that the char ter of DEWEY COX COMPANY be amended to change its corporate<' as proved to SOUTHEASTERN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. INC This 15 day of February. 1968 */ EDWIN S KEMP JUDGE. SUPERIOR COURT CLAYTON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 3-14 GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY The petition of R. J LIPSHUTZ JOHN H DAVID. JR., and BRUCE P. COHEN, hereinafter called peti tioners, respectfully shows: 1. That petitioners desire fc^ihein sclves, their associates and ^succes sors to be incorporated under the name of SUPERIOR MOBILE HOMES. INC. for a period of thirty five <35» years, with the privilege of renewal 2 The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain. 3. The general nature of the busi nesses io be transacted is as fol lows: To manufacture, process, de velop. subdivide, fabricate, build, erect, make, create, construct, buy. purchase, lease, rem, trade, ex change, repair, improve, invest in. own. hold, acquire, dispose of. mort gage. pledge, encumber, assign and transfer, deal in and deal with, for its own account and for others, goods, wares, merchandise, busi nesses and real, personal, tangible and intangible properties of every class, nature and description; to en gage m all types of service busi nesses; to engage in the construction business and all businesses related thereto; io borrow or lend money, property, or credit for itself, or for others; io guarantee or become surety on any obligation as an ac commodation or otherwise, whether or not there is a direct or indirect interest: to engage in all kinds of businesses related to or similar in nature to public utilities, including granting and paving of roads, side walks and highways, the laying of water mains and sewers and installa tion of gas and electricity and other public services; to act as a prin cipal or agent, licensor or licensee, in the borrowing or lending of money, servicing of loans, and all other matters relating thereto: to deal with .ill types and kinds of con tracts and policies of insurance, io act as agents for others in the sale and servicing of insurance policies, to act as insurance brokers, and generally to deal with insurance contracts and policies of all kinds and descriptions in every proper and legitimate manner according to the usages and customs of the busi ness; and to engage in business either incidental or related to ihe aforesaid businesses. 4 Petitioners further desire that such coiporation be vested with al! the rights and powers, now or here after given to do any and all things which may be reasonable or proper in the operation of the above-de scribed businesses, and that said cor poration have all ihe powers given, now and hereafter, to corporations bx- law. 5 The corporation shall be author ized to issue Five Hundred 15001 shares of no par value common stock. The amount of capital with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than $200.00 6 The post office addresses of peti tioners are: R J. Lipshutz, 64 Pryor Street. N. E., Atlanta. Georgia 30303. John H David. Jr, 64 Pryor Street. N. E . Atlanta. Georgia 30303 Bruce P. Cohen. 64 Prvor Street. N E , Atlanta, Georgia 30303 7. The principal office of the cor poration is to be located in Clayton County. Georgia, with the privilege of establishing branch offices and places of business elsewhere, both within and without the State of Georgia 8 Your petitioners herewith exhibit a certificate of the Secretary of the State of Georgia, as provided'bv Sec tion 22-1803 of the Georgia Code An notated, WHEREFORE. your petitioners prav to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights, powers, and privileges and immunities herein set forth, with such additional rights, powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or incidental to the conduct of the business aforesaid and as may be inherent in, or allowed to. like corporations under the laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist. LIPSHUTZ, MACEY. ZUSMANN & SIKES JOHN H DAVID. JR. Attorneys for Petitioners 64 Pryor Street. N, E Atlanta, Georgia 30303 JAckson 5-8521 ORDER The foregoing petition of R, J LIPSHUTZ. JOHN H DAVID, JR and BRUCE P COHEN, to be in corporated under the name of SU PERIOR MOBILE HOMES. INC, has been duly presented to me, read and considered, and it appearing that said petition is within the pur view and intention of the laws of this State applicable thereto; and it further appearing that all said laws have been fully complied with; IT IS. THEREFORE. CONSID ERED. ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that said petition be and the same is hereby granted, and the peti tioners, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby incorporated and made a body corporate under ihe name and style of SUPERIOR MOBILE HOMES. INC. for and during the period of thirty five 1351 years, with the privilege of lenewal at the expiration of that lime, and with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities mentioned in said application and with such additional rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are provided bv * aws the State of Georgia, as they now exist or may hereafter exist. This 27th day of February. 1968. JUDGE, Superior Court of Clayton County -28 GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in a certain security deed exe cuted by Cecil Herbert Coleman, Ji to The Commercial Trust Company, dated the 2nd day of July, 1956. re corded in Deed Book 146, Page 188. Clayton County Records, subse quently transferred to The Bowery Savings Bank, and by virtue of a default in the payment of the debt mentioned In said deed, The Bowery Savings Bank as Transferee and As signee of The Commercial Trust Company, as Attorney In Fact for Cecil Herbert Coleman, Jr will sell before the Courthouse Door in Clay ton County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, for cash, to the high est bidder, on the First Tuesday in April, 1968, subject to any outstand ing and unpaid taxes and/or street improvements and/or easements and/or restrictive covenants appear ing of record, the following de scribed property, to wit: All that certain property situated and being in Land Lot 111 of the 13th District, Clayton County, Geor gia, being Lot 14, Block "B' , as per plat of Hidden Forest Subdivision re corded in Plat Book 4, Page 190, Clayton County Records, more par ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the South side of Valley View Drive 345 feet West of the Southwest cor ner of Valley View Drive and Jef ferson Avenue, said point of begin ning being at the Northwest corner of Lot 13, said block; thence West along the South side of Valley View Drive 75 feet to an iron pin at the Northeast corner of Lot 15, said block; thence South 175 feet to an iron pin in the center of a 10-foot drainage ditch; thence East 75 feet to an iron pin; thence North along the West line of Lot 13. said block. 175 feet to Valley View Drive, at the point of beginning; this being improved property with a house thereon. THE BOWERY SAVINGS BANK As Transferee and Assignee Aforesaid As Attorney In Fact For Cecil Herbert Coleman. Jr. DRENNAN A BRANNON Attorneys At Law Atlanta, Georgia ORDER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON The foregoing petition to organize and obtain a charter for a corpora tion not organized for pecuniary gain or profit under ihe name of ‘'Gospel Crusaders Evangelistic Association, Inc " having been presented and it appearing on examination, thereof ihai the application is legitimately within the purview and intention of ’he laws of this state and ii further appearing that the name of any other existing corporation registered in the records of the Secretary of State and that the application should be granted IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED ORDERED AND AD JUDGED by the court that said ap plication he and the same is hereby granted. Dated at Jonesboro, Clayton Coun ty, Georgia, on this 23 dav of Feb ruary 1968 /s/ HAROLD H BANKE Judge. Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit Filed tn office of the clerk of Su perioi Court of Clayton County, Geoigia in Book of Charters— page — this 23 day of Februarl 1968 MATE W YOUNGBLOOD Deputy Clerk Superior Conn Clayton County Georgia January 6, 1968 STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY The petition of Charles A Davis whose address is 177 Suniise Circle Riverdale. Georgia; Gerald R. Sykes whose address is G 523 Bimini Drive. Forest Park. Georgia; Barbara R Davis whose address is 177 Sunrise Circle. Riverdale, Georgia; and Mary D Sykes whose address is 6523 Bimini Drive, Forest Park, Georgia respect fully shows. •—1 — There has been established for a period of 5 months In said county a voluntary evangelistic association, known as Crusaders for Christ, which has its principal office at 177 Sunrise Circle. Riverdale. Clayton County. Georgia. Petitioners are the officers of said association and they and their as sociates and successors desire to be clothed with corporate authority to acquire and administer funds and property, receive donations, make purchases and effect alienations of both real and personal property which after payment of necessary expenses shall be devoted exclu sively to the cause of the association, which is a faith ministry unaffiiiated I with any denomination, dedicated to training other Christian people in > evangelistic woik to bringing Christ into the homes by means of services , held in the homes, the spreading of I the gospel of Jesus Christ through . out the State of Georgia and to do ' all things necessary and proper for the advancement and general inter est of the corporation and its cause , Said corporation shall not be op erated for profit or pecuniary gain -3- Peiiuoneis desire the light to con tract. and be contracted with, io sue and to be sued, io have and use a common seal and exercise all cor porate powers that are usual and appiopriate to incorporated evan • gelistic associations and like insti -1 tutions. —4— ; Petitioners desire that upon ihe granting and acceptance of the char ter herein applied for. all of the properly,.both real and personal be longing to the said association shall immediately vest in the proposed cor poration and thereafter become the property of such coiporation. that all of the rules, regulations, customs and by-laws of said association shall , immediately become the rules regu lations customs and by-laws of the i corporation Your petitioners heiewith exhibit a name certificate of the Secretary of States office as required by the laws of said State, which shows the name of the proposed corporation to be Gospel Crusaders Evangelistic As sociation, Inc Wherefore petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name afore • said with the powers, privileges and immunities se’ out in the by-laws of • said association and as are now or may hereafter be allowed a corpora tion of like character under the laws . of said state Said corpoiation shall have an existance of 35 years with the privilege of renewal from time to time upon the expiration of said period CHARLES A DAVIS. President 177 Sunrise Cir Riverdale. Georgia GERALD R SYKES Vice President i' 6523 Bimini Di 1 Forest Park. Ga BARBARA R DAVIS, Secretary 177 Sunrise Cir Riverdale. Georgia MARY D SYKES. Treasurer 6523 Bimini Di Forest Park. Ga STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER ; Under and by virtue of Power of Sale contained In the certain Se curity Deed executed bv VIVIEN L DALTON to LAVINIA B GEORGE dated December 9, 1966. and re corded in Deed Book 452, page 20. Clayton County records to secure a debt in the amount of $17,000.00. there will be sold by the under signed at public outcry to the high est bidder for cash before the Court house Door in Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1968, the following de scribed property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 167 of the 13th District of Clayton County and being Lot No, 3 according to a subdivision plat made for V. L Dalton by Melvin E. Hyde. Regis tered Land Surveyor, dated April 5, 1966. and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point 475 feet South of the Southwest corner of Bethsaida Road and Old West Fayetteville Road, as measured along the West side of Old West Fayette ville Road; running thence South erly along the West side of Old West Fayetteville Road 125 feet to an iron pin; thence running Westerly 152.6 feet to an iron pin; running thence Northerly 140 feet to an iron pin; running thence Easterly 180.2 feet to the West side of Old West Fayette ville Road and the point of be ginning. The note secured by said Deed to Secure Debt being in default, said property will be sold as the prop erty of VIVIEN L DALTON, sub ject to all unpaid taxes and/or as sessments, and/or restrictions of rec ord, if any, and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness, the expense oi the sale, and the attorneys' fees, all as provided in said deed and note. LAVINIA B. GEORGE As Attorney-in-fact for VIVIEN L. DALTON George and George Attorneys al Law 712 Main Street Forest Park. Georgia 386-5724 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN SECURITY DEED GEORGIA ) 1 CLAYTON COUNTY I Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in a certain Security Deed executed by FRANK L. CALDWELL. JR. to FIRST NATIONAL BANK. McDonough, Georgia dated the llth day of May. 1962, recorded in Deed Book 270, Page 516-519, Clay ton County Records, subsequently transferred and assigned to GEOR GIA SECURITIES INVESTMENT CORPORATION said transfer and assignment being dated May 11, 1962. and recorded in Deed Book 270, Page 519, Clayton County Records, subsequently transferred and as signed to BANKERS TRUST COM PANY, as Trustee under Agreement dated February 26, 1943 with The Greater Western Sugar Company said transfer and assignment being dated July 18, 1962, and recorded in Deed Book 276, Page 387, Clayton County Records, and by virtue of a default in the payment of the debt mentioned in said Deed. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, as Trustee under Agreement dated February 26. 1943 with The Great Western Sugar Com pany as Transferee and Assignee of GEORGIA SECURITIES INVEST MENT CORPORATION as Trans feree and Assignee of FIRST NA TIONAL bank, mcdonough. GEORGIA as Auorncv-in-F.act for FRANK L. CALDWELL, JR. will sell before the Courthouse door in Jonesboro, Clnyton County. Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, for cash, io the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in April. 1968. sub ject to any outstanding and unpaid taxes and/or street improvements and/or easements and/or restrictive ' covenants appearing of record, the following described property, 10-wit: All that certain property situated and being In Land Lot 115 of the 13th District. Clayton County. Geor gia being Lot 24. Block E. Unit 4. Park Homes Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 6 page 258 Clayton County Records and being more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the South side of Thomas Drive, Two Hundred Five <2051 feet West of the Southwest corner of Thomas Drive and Park Drive (said beginning point being the northwest corner of Lot 25 of said block and subdivi sion); running thence West along the South side of Thomas Drive Sev enty-Five (75) feel to an iron pin and the North-east corner of Lot 23 of said block and subdivision; running thence South along the East Jine of said Lot 23 Two Hundred Twenty-Three and One-tenth <223 1) feet to an iron pin; running thence Southeasterly Fourteen and Seven tenths <14.7) feet to an iron pin; running thence Northeasterly Eighty- Five < B5l feet to an iron pin and the line dividing Lots 24 and 25 of said block and subdivision; run ning thence North along the West Hne of said Lot 25 One Hundred Seventy-Five and Four-tenths <175 4» feet to the South side of Thomas Drive and the point of beginning, being improved property having a one-story brick house thereon known as No. Thomas Drive, according to the present system of numbering houses in Clayton Coun ty, Georgia. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY. as Trustee under Agreement dated February 26. 1943 with The * Western Sugar Company As Transferee and Assignee Aforesaid As Attorney-In-Fact For FRANK L. CALDWELL. JR JONES & READ Attorneys at Law 916 William Oliver Bldg Atlanta. Georgia 30303 524-7555 -28 THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION CIVIL ACTION NO 11,046 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS. PAUL E. ANDREWS & MARIE L. ANDREWS, ET AL TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of ihe court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Paul E Andrews. Marie Andrews. Gen eral Mortgage & Realty Co., Inc Formerly Rankin-Whitten Realty Co.. Federal Natl Mortgage Assn , Clarence E. Johnson,. First Natl Bank of Ga. Director of Public Safety. State of Georgia, et al NO 11,046 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: All thai tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 10 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, being Lot 15, Block B. Fairfax Homes Subdivision, as pet plat made by C. R Roberts, C. E.. recorded in Plat Book 2, page 199, Clayton County Records and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northern side of Keene Street 90 feet west from the northwestern coi ner of Keene Street and Guest Street tis said corner were extended to form an angle instead of a curvet; thence north 104.8 feet: thence east 90 7 feet to the western side of Gues, Street; thence south along the west ern side of Guest Street 104.4 feet to the northwestern corner of Guest I Street and Keene Street; thence west | along the north side of Keene Street , 90 feet to the point of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT that portion of property used in rounding the above described property. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any righi, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said porperty to appear at a I hearing before Honorable Henry C Davidson, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held al Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 18th day of March, 1968, at 9:00 o'clock, A M., then and there to establish, by evi dence. their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof WITNESS the Honorable Harold R Banke, Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March, 1968. s/ JOE B MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clayton Couniy, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION NO. 11055 CIVIL ACTION CITY OF ATLANTA VS. THOMAS LESTER QUINN. ET AI. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Thom as Lester Quinn; General Mortgage & Realty Company, Inc., formerly Rankin-Whitten Really Company: Federal National Mortgage Associa tion, NO. 11055 Clayton Superior Couri, seeks to condemn the follow ing described propeftv All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 10 of the 13th District Clayton County. Georgia, and being Lot 1, Block C of Fairfax Homes Subdivision as per plat made by C. R Roberts. C. E.. recorded in Plat Book 2. page 199 Clayton County Records, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast cor ner of Fairfax Street and Annis Street (if said corner were extended to form an angle instead of a curvet running thence east along the north side of Fairfax Street 85 feet; thence northwardly 111.1 feet; thence west erly 104.7 feet to the easterly side of Annis Street; thence southerly along the easterly side of Annis Street 100 feet to the point of be ginning. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming anj’ right, title, Interest, claim or demand In. to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any Interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable William V. George. Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 19th day of March, 1968, at 11 o’clock, A M . then and there to establish, by evi dence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said properly and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold Banke, Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March, 1968. s/ JOE MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court. Clayton County, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION Civil Action No. 11,061 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS. J. E. ROSS. et. al. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. J. E Ross. General Mortgage & Realty Company, Inc. formerly Rankln- Whltten Realty Company, Federal National Mortgage Association, J. P. Shelton, Phelan Finance Corpora tion, et al NO. 11.061 Clayton Su perior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: ALL that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 10 of the 13th District of Clayton Couniy, Georgia and being Lot 16, Block C as per plat of Fairfax Homes Sub division made by C. R. Roberts. C. E., recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 199, Clayton County records ’and more particularly described as fol lows: beginning ni a point on the western side of Guest Street 85 feet south of the southwestern corner of Keene Street and Guest Street (if said corner were extended to form an angle instead of a curve!; thence west 100 feet; thence north 85 feel h> the southern side of Koene Street: thence east along the south ern side of Keene Street 100 feet to the southwestern corner of Keene Street and Guest Street; running thence south along the west side of Guest Street to ihe Pnim of begin ning, LESS AND EXCEPT there from that portion oi property used in rounding the above described corners. You me hereby further notified u 1 order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title interest, claim or demand in. to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having anv interest m said property io appear at a hearing before Honorable Lee Hutch eson Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to a, u Room 303 ' Clayton Couniy Courthouse, on the 19ih dav of March. 1968, at 3:00 o'clock. P M then and there io establish, bv evi dence, their rights, tiiics and claims vaiim n ?>. '° ;’ aid P r °P er| y and the value thereof. WITNESS ihe Honorable Harold R. B.ankc Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March. 1968 s/ JOE B. MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clavton County, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION Civil Action, File No 11,063 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS. GRACE M. WILKINS, et. al TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Grace M. Wilkins, Bascom T. Zeanah. Amil Gerlock, First Federal Savings & Loan Association, et. al. NO 11,063 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: ALL that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 26 of the 13th District of Clayton County. Georgia, being Lot 5 B^ock A oi Sara S. Hutchins Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 19, Clayton County records, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west side of Calloway Drive 519 feet south of the corner formed by the intersection of the west side of Callo way Drive with the south side of Bell Street; running thence south along the west side of Calloway Drive 60 feet to a point; thence west 160 feet to a point; thence north 60 feet to a point; thence east 160 feet to the west side of Calloway Drive and the point of beginning. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable J. Carl Hodges. Jr., Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 18th day of March. 1968, at 3:00 o’clock, P.M.. then and there to establish, by evi dence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold R. Banke, Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March, 1968 s/ JOE B. MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clayion County, Georgia THE STATE OF GEORGIA FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION NO. 11,060 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS. W. A PHILLIPS. ET AL TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Allen E Lockerman. 111, c. Peter Sien genthaler, W. A. Phillips. Emma K Johnston. Edythe N. Phillips, W. C. Phillips. Ethel Phillips Gantt, C. T. Phillips. Carolyn A Phillips. Wil liam A. Phillips, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. C. V. (Alice* Phillips, deceased, Heirs at Law of Mrs. Alice McDonald Phillips a/k/a Mrs. Alice Odell Phillips and Mrs. Alice (C. V । Phillips, Heirs at Law of Charles Virgil Phillips a/k/a Charlie V. Phillips, et al NO 11.060 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: ALL that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 41 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, and being more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the south land lot line of said Land Lot 41 a distance of 903 feet easterly, as measured along the said land lot line, from the southwest corner of said land lot; running thence north erly 360 feet to a point on the south line of property now or formerly owned by Trust Company of Geor gia, Trustee; running thence easterly along said Trust Company of Geor gia, Trustee property 602 feet to a point; running thence southerly along the west line of said Trust Com pany of Georgia, Trustee property 365.5 feet to a point on the south land lot line of said Land Lot 41; running thence westerly along said land lot line 602 feet to the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT from the above described property that por tion thereof embraced within the right-of-way of Lees Mill Road ’for merly College Park Road). ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT that portion thereof embraced within the bounds of the right-of-way of the Atlanta Circumferential Highway. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable William V. George, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 19th day of March, 1968, at 2:00 o’clock, P.M., then and there to establish, by evi dence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold R Banke, Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March, 1968. s/ JOE B. MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clayton County, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION NO. 11050 CIVIL ACTION CITY OF ATLANTA VS. C E VOYLES. ET AL TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. C. E. Voyles; B. M. Grant Company; New York Life Insurance Company. NO. 11050 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 7 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, being Lot 11 of the Harold Phillips Property, as per plat re corded in Plat Book 28, page 275, Clayton County Records, and being more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of McDonald Street 570 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Washington Road with the easterly side of McDonald Street; running thence easterly 150 feet to a point; thence southerly 60 feet to a point; thence westerly 150 feet to a point on the easterly side of McDonald Street; thence north erly along the easterly side of Mc- Donald Street 60 feet to the point of beginning. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable Victor Riggins, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303. Clayton County Courthouse, on the 18th day of March, 1968, at 11 o’clock, A.M., then and there to establish, by evi dence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold Banke. Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March. 1968. s/ JOE MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court. Clayton County, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION NO. 11051 CIVIL ACTION CITY OF ATLANTA VS. CLARENCE L COOPER. SR., ET AL TO ALU PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Clar ence L. Cooper. Sr.; Atlanta Fed eral Savings and Loan Association: Raymond A. Gold; T. J. Lewis, Jr.; Robert W. Cagle; Ernest Stone, Sr.: NO. 11051 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following de scribed properly; All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Loi 26 of the 13ih District of Clayton County, Georgia, being Loi 20 of thr Subdi vision for Hallmark Homes. Inc., according to plai recorded in Plat Book 4. page 234. Clayton Count> Records, and being more partiru* larly described as follows BEGINNING at a point located on the southerly side of East Bril Street, 130 feet easterly, as measured along the southerly side of East Bell Street, from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of East Bell Street with the easterly side of Willow Street; thence run ning easterly along ihe southerly side of East Bell Street. 60 6 feet io a point; thence running southerly. 190.6 feet to a point; thence running west erly, 60 feel to a point; thence run ning northerly, 190.5 feet to a point located on the southerly side of East Bell Street, at the point of begin ning. You are hereby fun her notified that an order has been signed b\ the Court requiring all prisons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in. to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any inieresi in said property to appeal ai a hearing before Honorable Victor Higgins. Special Master appointed tn and for said cause, said hcarinr to be held at Room 303. Clayton Couniy Courthouse, on the IRtH day of March, 1968. at 1 o'clock. P.M . then and there to establish, by evi dence their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Hai old Banke. Judge of said Court, the Gih day of March. 1968 s/ JOE MUNDY Clerk. Superior Coun. Clayton Couniy, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION Civil Action, File No. 11.048 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS BOBBY T. STANLEY, et ai TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED By order of the court, you arc hereby notified that the City oi Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs Bobby T. Stanley, Federal National Mort gage Association. Leathers Realty Corporation, et. al. NO. 11.048 Clay ton Superior Court, seeks to con demn the following described prop erty; ALL that tract oi parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 10 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, as per plat made by C R. Roberts, C. E , recorded In Plat 2, Page 199, Clayton County records, and more particularly described as follows. BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Keene Street. 150 feet west from the northwest corner of the intersection of Keene Street and Guest Street <if said street lines were extended to form an angle instead of a curve); running thence west on the north side of Keene Street 6() feet; thence north 108 8 feet; thence northeasterly along the line of Lot 11 a distance of 10 feet: thence slighlty southeasterly along the line of Lot 12. said Block. 60 feet; thence south 104.5 feet to the north side of Keene Street and the point of be ginning, being improved property known as 667 Keene Street. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable Henry Davidson, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303. Clayton County Courthouse, on the 18th day of March, 1968. at 10:00 o’clock, A.M., then and there to establish, by evidence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold R Banke. Judge of said Court, ihe 6th day of March, 1968 s/ JOE B. MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clayton Couniy, Georgia THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION NO. 11052 CIVIL ACTION CITY OF ATLANTA VS. WILLIAM J. MATHIS. ET AL TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Wil liam J. Mathis; Tharpe & Brooks, Inc.; Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank; NO. 11052 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the fol lowing described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 7 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, and being more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING as a point on the westerly side of McDonald Street, 470 feet southerly, as measured along the westerly side of McDonald Street, from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of McDonald Street with the south erly side of Washington Road; thence running southerly along the westerly side of McDonald Street, 65 feet to a point; thence running westerly, 200 feet to a point; thence running northerly, 65 feet to a point; thence running easterly, 200 feet to a point on the westerly side of McDonald Street, at the point of beginning. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said propertv, al! lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable Victor Higgins, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 18th day of March, 1968, at 2 o’clock, P.M., then and there to establish, by evi dence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold Banke, Judge of said Court, the 6th day of March, 1968. s/ JOE MUNDY Clerk, Superior Court, Clayton County, Georgia CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW. GA. APPLICATION FOR REZONING I, Mrs. Mildred White, hereby make application for the rezoning of all that tract or parcel of land known as 54 Blalock St., Mountain View, Land Lot 20, 13th District of Clayton County Georgia, being lots number 8 and 9 of Maxwellton Sub division as per pUt by Watts and Browning Engineers, recorded in Plat book 3, Page 9 Clayton County records. This property is on the Northeast corner of Wellington Ave., and Blalock Street. Requesting re zoning from residential to M-l, Light Industrial. Hearing to be held March 27th, at 8:00 P.M. Signed: Mrs. L. L. Chapman, City Clerk 3-21