Newspaper Page Text
Your Full-Service
Member F.DI.C.
Glluytntt (Enmity Nma anb farmer
Manager Harris Says Braves
To Be in Thick of Fight
Old friend Luman Harris, manager of the Atlanta Braves,
hasn’t been put on the spot in the various polls depicting
the finish of the Braves in the National League pennant
Harris pitched for Paul Richards when old Slug man
aged the Atlanta Crackers of the Southern League. Harris
in that time was on Atlanta pennant winners. He and Paul I
Richards make a good team.
Some believe Richards is running the show. However, '
Luman was asked pointblank the other day who was man- I
aging the Braves—him or Richards.
“I am," Harris answered.
We believe that. Luman has good major league experi
ence and he has his own ideas or plan as to how to manage I
a team.
He was asked recently about his secrets of managing.
"If I told you that everyone would know them.”
Ole Lum is blunt and frank and honest. We believe he
will make a good showing in his first year as Braves man
• * *
Irish Takeover
March 16, 1968 |
Hugh Downs
New York
You have my permission to read this observation on your
program if you wish:
The hawks in Washington don’t need to worry about a
Communist take over, but a take over by the Irish—Ken
nedy, McCarthy or Pat Paulsen. Beware, beware, their truth
goes marching on.
Very truly yours,
Forest Park Swimmers
Shatter Team Records
Forest Park swimmers participating in the Re
gional 111 Championship Meet at Woodward Acad
emy set 20 new team records. This meet was between
Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina which
Georgia won by over 900 points, for the second year
in a row. The meet also gave
the swimmers a chance to
qualify for the Indoor Na
tional Championships.
In the boys 400 yard Med
ley Relay a new team record
of 4:24.4 was set by Doug
Allen, John Stack, Ricky
Layson and David Holt; for
the girls, Theresa Attina,
Debbie deVictoria, Denise
deVictoria and Denise Pic
ard established a new team
record in the 400 yard Med
ley Relay of 5:13.0
A new team record in the
400 yard Freestyle Relay for
the boys of 3:49.8 was set by
Doug Allen, Ricky Layson,
David Holt and John Stack,
while Theresa Attina, Debbie
deVictoria, Denise deVic
toria and Denise Picard, set
a new team record of 4:49.2
for the girls in this event.
The 800 yard Freestyle Re
lay saw John Stack, Doug
Allen, Ricky Layson and
Doug Vogt clock 9:06.6 for a
new team record, while De
nise Picard, Debbie deVic
toria, Denise deVictoria and
Theresa Attina splashed to a
very respectable 10:00 to es-
Stye Storst ^ark Press
race. Most polls pick the Braves to
finish out of the first division.
Just this past week the Associated
Press picked the Braves to finish
seventh. Two years ago the AP
picked the Braves to win the pen
Well, the AP was wrong about
that first place finish, and they
could also be wrong about the sev
enth place finish.
Manager Harris, who was with
general manager Paul Richards in
Baltimore and Houston, believes his
team will be in the thick of the pen
nant fight.
tablish a new team record
for the girls in the 800 yard
Freestyle Relay.
Individual team records
were set by Theresa Attina
In the 200 yard breaststroke
2:56.9, 100 yard breaststroke
1:19.7, 500 yard freestyle
7:10.0 and the 200 yard free
style at 2:32.8, while team
mates Debbie deVictoria
went 1:07.9 for the 106 yard
freestyle. Denise deVictoria
(Continued On Page 5)
Bill Powell, president of
the Jonesboro Jaycees, an
nounced that plans are now
under way for the Miss Clay
ton County Pageant.
The pageant is to be held
on Saturday, April 27, at 8
• p.m. in the Jonesboro High
| Tickets are now on sale.
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SPRING CLEAN-UP Committee, City of
Forest Park. All ladies officers of Forest
Park Junior Woman's Club. Standing, left
to right: Mrs. Betty Johns, Stay and See
Georgia chairman; Mrs. Lucille Pearson.
Spring Clean-Up
Week Announced
For a fire safe home, clean up.
This is the basic message of Spring Clean-Up,
which starts in Forest Park on May 5, Fire Chief L. C.
Cole announced today.
“Clean-up makes good sense for a lot of reasons,”
says the chief. "But most
important of all is that it
helps make the lives of you
and your family safer from
' fire.”
| “According to the Na
tional Fire Protection Asso
ciation, which has been
gathering and analyzing fire
records since 1896, more
than a half million homes
in this country were hit by
No Changes Planned in
County Post Offices
Congressman John J. Flynt, Jr., said today that the Post Office Department
has no plans to eliminate any Clayton County Post Office by consolidating any
such post office with Atlanta.
Mr. Flynt’s statement was made after he received numerous inquiries from
Clayton County residents expressing anxiety and concern over recent published
reports that such consolida
tion is being planned by the
Post Office Department.
"The rumor has no founda
tion in fact”, Flynt said.
The Sixth District Con
gressman received a letter
from the Deputy Postmaster
General which contains
written assurance that there
are no such plans which
would result In a transfer of
any Independent post office
In Clayton County to the At
lanta Post Office. The letter
reads as follows:
Washington, D. C. 20260
April 4, 1968
Honorable John J. Flynt, Jr.
(Georgia and Old Dixie Hwy.)
Public Affairs chairman; City Manager
Bennett; Fire Chief L. C. Cole; Mrs. Betty
Goodlett, first vice president; Mrs. Marga
ret Wetmore, president. Seated, signing
proclamation, Mayor Charles Summerday
fire last year. About 5,500
people died in those fires.
“Rubbish is one of the top
causes of building fires, the
NFPA records show.
"So what it comes to is
this: clean up our homes —
as well as our places of busi
ness and all other buildings
—and we’ll cut the number
(Continued On Page 5)
House of Representatives
Washington. D. C. 20515
Dear Congressman:
This refers to your tele
phone call and letter of Ap
ril 4 advising of persistent
rumors In your District that
one or more Clayton County
post offices would be made
branches of the Atlanta,
Georgia post office.
I can assure you that we
are not considering conver
sion of any of the independ
ent Clayton County, Georgia
post offices to branches of
Atlanta. There is no inves
tigation being conducted at
this time and we have no
plans to make such a study.
A special Easter sunrise
service will be held at Klwan
is Field in Forest Park on
Easter Sunday, April 14, at
6:30 am.
The Easter message will be
delivered by Rev. Fred Shel
nutt. The Easter sunrise
service is jointly sponsored
by the Ministerial Associa
tion of Clayton County and
the five Kiwanis Clubs in
Clayton County.
Your interest in good
postal service is sincerely
Best regards,
Frederick C. Belen
(Deputy Postmaster
The Regional Director of
the Post Office Department,
Mr. C. Banks Gladden, re
cently told Congressman
“I assure you that we have
no investigations being con
ducted at this time, and I
have no knowledge of any
considerations being given
to consolidate Forest Park or
any other Clayton County
Post Office, with Atlanta.”
We Also
Invitation to Bid
Clayton Co. Federal
Sealed proposals will be received in the office of
Mr. G. M. Kilpatrick, Clayton County Federal Sav
ings and Loan Association, Jonesboro, Georgia until
2.00 p.m„ April 23, 1968, for the construction of Bank
and Office Building for Clayton County Federal Sav-
Ings and Loan Association ।
located in Jonesboro. Oeor- [
gia. At the time and place i
noted above, proposals will |
be publicly opened and read.
The principal portion of
the building will be struc
tural steel frame with brick
and block exterior walls and
concrete block and metal
stud interior partitions. The
building has approximately
16.200 square feet of floor
Wins Naf 1
Jonesboro Woman’s Club
and Fifth District of Geor
gia Federation of Women’s
Clubs have received national
recognition for community
improvements projects ac
cording to an announcement
Thursday by Mrs. Howard
Nix, Sr., president of the Ga-
The two groups were se
lected as finalists from 12,-
000 entries in a two-year
program co-sponsored by the
General Federation of Wom
en's Clubs and The Sears-
Roebuck Foundation.
This is the second consec
utive time Georgia groups
have been recognized. Two
years ago the Toccoa Wom
an’s Club was selected as one
of ten women’s groups in the
United States for commu
nity improvement. At the
same time the Fifth Disrict
was chosen as one of three
districts in the United States
in the joint-entry urban
The Jonesboro club is one
of 10 women’s clubs selected
to compete for a SIO,OOO cash
award and the Fifth District
is once again one of three
groups entered as finalists in
competition for the joint
entry urban award. The
joint-entry urban award is
limited to metropolitan
areas of 100,000 or more pop
As a finalist the Jonesboro
club will receive a minimum
of SI,OOO and the district will
receive at least SSOO and pos
sibly $2,000.
The order in which the
two groups placed and the
amount they will receive will
be announced at the General
Federation of Women’s Clubs
convention in Boston, Mass,
in June. Mrs. J. Horace
Clark is state chairman of
the community improve
ment project.
Mrs. C. F Roberts Is chair-
<Continued On Page 5)
Chick-fil-A and Delicious Salads |
Across from Kroger—Entrance to Mall
area, plus 440 square feet of
Bidding documents may
be obtained at the office of
the Architect, Gregson and
Associates, 618 Carnegie
Building, Atlanta, Georgia.
Application for documents,
together with deposit of
$50.00 per set, should be filed
promptly with the Architect.
Bidding material will be
forwarded, shipping charges
collect. The full amount of
deposit for one set will be
refunded to each general
contractor who submits a
bona fide bld upon return
of such set to the Architect
in good condition within 10
days after date of opening
blds. All other deposits will
be refunded with deductions
approximating cost of re
production of documents
upon return of same in good
condition to the Architect
within 10 days after date of
opening bids.
Contract, if awarded, will
be on a lump sum basis. No
bids may be withdrawn for
a period of 35 days after
time has been called on the
date of opening. Blds must
be accompanied by a bld
bond in an amount not less
than 5% of the base bld.
Both a performance and
payment bond will be re
quired in an amount equal to
100% of the contract price.
The Owner reserves the
right to reject any or all blds
and to waive technicalities
and informalities.
Rev. Alvin Williams Dies;
Active in Youth, Gvic Work
The Rev. Alvin Otis Wil
liams Jr., 45, a former pas
tor at the Mt. Paran Bap
tist Church and the Beth
saida Baptist Church, Riv
erdale, died Tuesday in a
private hospital.
The Rev. Mr. Williams was
active in both the Atlanta
and the Fairbum Baptist
associations until two years
ago. He was a member of the
First Baptist Church in Mor
row and lived at 6155 Nav
ajo Trail, Morrow.
A 1949 graduate of Mercer
University, he was also a
veteran of World War 11. He
was a member of the board
of the Atlanta Youth Ranch
and was active In the For
est Park Optimist Club.
He also served as first vice
president of Imperial Man
agement Co. and was vice
president and director for
SfMir Imurance
Agency, Inc.
VtXIMAM *0 ft**
«**'***' <4^
Runs for
Robert A. Sadler, church
leader and businessman, has
announced his candidacy for
Ordinary of Clayton County
in the Democratic Primary.
Mr. Sadler, who resides at
6078 Navaho Trail in Morrow,
was for a number of years
associated with the Bank of
Jonesboro. He is presently
employed by the Citizens
Bank of Hapeville, where he
continues to serve the people
of Clayton County.
Mr. Sadler is also serving
as an approved supply pastor
of the North Georgia Meth
odist Conference, and pres
ently serving as pastor of
Rex Methodist Church in the
Atlanta Southwest District.
“Bob” Sadler, as he is
known throughout Clayton
County, is married to the
former Julia Parrish. They
have one son, Jeff.
“Bob” Is a graduate of
(Continued On Page 5)
agencies of the Imperial In
ternational Life Insurance
Funeral services were at 3
p.m. Wednesday at the First
Baptist Church of Morrow
with the Rev. Howard Scar
brough officiating. Burial
was in Forest Hills cemetery.
Survivors include his wife,
the former Jackie Barnett;
three sons, Alvin Williams
111, Steve Williams and Mark
Williams, all of Morrow; a
daughter, Mrs. Eugen? Pot
ter, Forest Park; his moth
er, Mrs. A. O. Williams Sr.,
Mountain View; five sisters,
Mrs. Walter Brown, Moun
tain View, Mrs. W. A. Hay
nie and Mrs. Harold Stone,
both of Morrow, Mrs. Jerry
Tomasello, Forest Park, and
Miss Mickey Williams,
Mountain View, and a broth
er, Van Williams, Atlanta.