The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, April 11, 1968, Page 10, Image 10
10 Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., April 11,1961 ► UGfIL NOTICES NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF CLAYTON COUNTY. GEORGIA YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 7th day of May. 1968. an election will be held in ail of the election districts in said County, at which election there will be sub nutted to the qualified voters thereof for their determination the question of whether or not bonds in the ag gregaie principal amount of $2 - 500.000 shall be issued by Clayton County School District for the pur pose of pioviding funds to pay the cost ot acquiring, constructing and equipping school buildings and other buildings and facilities useful or de shablc in connection therewith, adding to. improving, renovating, re pairing and equipping existing edu- Cational buildings and facilities of Claxton County School District, ac quiring the nrcrssarx property their foi. both teal and personal, and pa> tng < xpense* incident to accom plishing the foregoing, said bonds, if mi authorized are to be dated as of June I 1968 to be in the de nomination of $5,000 each, numbered consecutively from I upward to 500. mclusixe. in order of maturity, to beat intcirst from date at such tate or late* not exceeding fixe and one-half pet centum 's’a'. • per an num In anj yeai. all interest pay able Februatx 1 1969 and semi-nn nualh hciraf ei on the Ist days of Fvbtuaty ind August in each vear and hr principal to mature on the Hi day of Frbtuary lowest nuin h» i > first in 'he wais and amounts, as follows Year Amount i 960 $ 30.000 1970 $ 35.000 1971 $ 40.000 1972 $ 40.000 1973 $ 45.000 1974 $ 45.000 1975 $ 50.000 1976 $ 50.000 1977 $ 50.000 197 H $ 55.006 1979 $ 60.000 lOflit $ 65.000 1981 $ 70.000 1982 $ 70.000 1983 S 75.000 1984 $ 80.000 1985 $ 85.000 1986 $ 90.000 1987 $ 95 000 1988 SIOO,OOO 1989 SIOO,OOO 1990 SI 05.000 1991 SIIO,OOO 1992 $120,000 1993 $125,000 1994 $130,000 1995 $135,000 1996 $140,000 1997 $l5O 000 1998 $155,000 The principal of and interest on -.nd bonds shall be pavable in law ful monex of the United States of Amritca at a bank ot banks to hr designated later Votcis desiring to vote for the is suance of 'he said School Bonds (ot the aforesaid purpose shall do so bv mat king their ballots with a cross or check mark in the square to the left of the wotd "YES" primed thereon and voteis desiring to vote against the issuance of said School Bonds for the aforesaid purpose shall do so bx mat king 'heli ballots by a check ot cross mark in the square to the left of he word "NO ’ printed 'hereon as to the question pro pounded. to-w it Shall theie be au thoiized io hr issued $2,500,000 Clav tm County School Distric’ Bonds' The several places for holding said elecion shall be in the tegular and established election districts of Clay ton County. Georgia, and the polls will be open from 7 00 o'clock /X M m 7 00 o'clock PM. on 'he day fixed for the elecion All persons qualified to vole in general elections and only ’hose reg istered and qualified to vote In gen eral elections util be allowed to vote in 'his election CLAYTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RY COLIE T ADAMSON President I. W NORTHCUTT ORRIS W COWAN MRS JOHN /X RUTLEDGE MRS E W BAKER MRS W RICHARD HAYNIE JAMES B KEMP MRS VAUGHN SHELNUTT E A ARMAN ROY HANCOCK WILBUR WHALEY Membcts Attest: J E Edmonds Secretary • SEAL* NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS RE ESTATE OF MARY C HUGULEY All creditors of the Estate of MARY C HUGULEY, deceased, late Clayton County. Georgia, are hereby notified to render in then demands to the undersigned according to law. and all pet sons indebted to said estate are required to make Immedi ate payment This 15th day of March. 1968 CHARLES A CURTIS As Executor Charles /X Curtis 683 Elkmont Di N E Atlanta. Georgia 30306 4-11 Se.ded bid- will be tcieixed until 11 30 am . FS T . Apt U 11. 1968. bx the Claxton Coun x Commission cti of Ro.ids and Revenue at the Olfne of 'he Puh hasmg Agent Room 211 Courthouse Jonesboro Georgia, for an conditioning and heating, wiling and hgh'ing. plumb ing and fix’utes ceiling and insula tion ami x nix i flout tile of a County owned building located on Smith Sure- Jonesboro. Georgia Specifi cations may be obtained ai the Of fic< of h< Purchasing Agent. Room 211 Cmn'imuse Jonesboro, Georgia Clavmn Countx reserves ’he tight ■ > accept nr reject any and all bids and io teadver’ise EI BERT C WOOD Put chasing Agent 4-11 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF' GEORGIA SUPERIOR COURT FEBRUARY TERM. 1968 CASE NUMBER 67 376 FULTON CHF EK N( )RVELL Plaintiff, Vs DOLORES MARGARET MILLER NORVELL Defendant To DOLORES MARGARET MIL LER NORVELL 117 Burlington Drive Ellzabr th Citv. Not th Caro lina GREETINGS Bx Order of the Couh dated Match 27 1968 you are hereby notified thin on rhe 28 dav of March. 1968 FUL TON CHEEK NORVELL filed sub against you for Divorce in ibis Couit Yo i are hert by ieq lin d ob< and appear tn said Com within 60 da\ k from 'he 28 dav of Match, 1968, then and their to make answer tn writing m the Plaintiff's Complaint WITNESS the Honorable HAROLD BANKE Judge nf said ( mi- Thi 28 dav of March 1968 JOE B MUNDY CLERK Superior Couit JOE H BYNUM. JR Attorney for Plaintiff SPEARMAN BYNUM * GOODWIN 2236 National Bank of Ga Bldg At lama Georgia 30303 577-1560 4-25 IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY GEORGIA In the Interest of 'White. Male I Vincent Eugene Iwinskie) Age 7. Born 3-21-60 I A child under 17 years of a ß* ’ . ~ Case No I 3-130 TO EUGENE IWINSKIE AND MRS FRANCES SMITH, SUGGS. IWINSKIE. GREETINGS: Whereas, the Clayton County Ju venile Court took legal custody of said child, Vincent Eugene Iwinskie. by order of this Court date of De cember 1. 1964; and, Whereas, said child was placed in the temporary care and custody of his maternal uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Wayne A Smith, by order of this Court, date of December 1. 1964; and. Whereas. the parents. Eugene Iwinskie and Mrs Frances Smith Suggs Iwinskie, were ordered to show cause before Mrs. Gertrude M. Boswick. Referee. Juvenile Court of Clayton County, Georgia, at 9:30 A M on March 15 1968. why all paternal rights should not be severed; and, It now appearing to the Court that said child. Vincent Eugene Iwinskie, is presently within and has been within the jurisdiction of the Clayton County Juvenile Court since about November 30. 1964. and is subject to the jurisdiction of ihf’* Court, and. It further appearing to the Couit that said child. Vincent Eugene Iwinskie. has been in a state of neg lect and abandonment since Novem ber 30. 1964. and is still tn a state । of neglect and abandonment in that I 'he whereabouts of the mother and father arc unknown and they refuse ' to support said child; and. It furthet appearing to the Conn that the question of custody was bi ought before ihi* Court on De cember 1. 1964. and the whereabouts of ’hr said parents. Eugene Iwinskie and Mrs Fiances Smith. Suggs. Iwinskie being unknown the Court has ordered a final hearing sei in said mailer on the 23id day of May. 1968. at 10 00 o'clock A M at the Juvenile Couit of Clayion County. Georgia, ai 79<i8 N McDonough 1 Slice. Jonesboro. Georgia, at which time 'he final question as to termina tion of parental rights or adoption w ill be determined You and each of \ou are hereby commanded to be and appeal in said i Cour' at the lime and place above stated, to show cause why said child should noi be dealt with according i io ihe provisions of law So ordered his 'he 18ih dav of March. 1968 EDWIN S KEMP Judge Juvenile Court of Clayton Countx Georgia 4-18 GEORGIA (LAYTON COUNTY TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. PETITION FOR CHARTER The petition of KENNETH KIL PATRICK, 5909 North Cheryl Drive Morrow. Georgia. LEE HUTCH ESON, 162 Chui ch Sneet. Jonesboro, Georgia and GEORGE T BROWN JR. 101 Blight Drive. Jonesboro, Georgia, respectfully shows: — i __ Th.ii Peuitoneis desire for them selves. then associates and succes sors to be incorporated under the name of SOUTHERN ASSOCIATED INVESTMENTS, INC 2 - The object of said corporation is pecuniary gam and profit 3- The general nature of the business oi businesses to be transacted is as follows ‘.i To engage tn and operate a real estate business, io buy and sell real and personal properly of all kinds. <b» To develop and subdivide real piopei'x and const। uc> buildings of all kinds, to To make loans on real and personal property. id) To boirow money on teal and personal property . e< To act as a broker in the placing of loans on teal and personal propel ly. f> To buy sell. own. deal in. | mortgage oi convey all types ol ir.d and personal propel tv in this slate or in any other state In the United States —4— Petitioners (urihei desire that said corporation bv vested with all the rights and power! now oi hereaftei given to do any and all things which max be needful oi proper in the op eration of the above described busi ness. and that said corporation have all of the powers enumerated in Sections 22-1827 and 22-1828. Geor gia Code Annotated, and such powers .is max hereafter be given by law -5— The maximum number of shares of stock shall be Two Thousand shares of common stock of the par value of SSO 00 each The amount of capital with which the corporal ion shall begin business shall be not less than SSOO 00 The corporation shall be authorized to issue additional shaies up to the maximum sum above stated from time to time The time for which said corpora tion is to have existence is thirty five >3s' years, with the privilege of renewal of the charter fiom time to time, upon the expiration of safrt periods of thirty-five <3s* years The county in which the prin cipal office of the corporation is io be located is Clayton County. Geoi - gia. but ihe privilege is desired of establishing branch offices and places of business both within and without the State of Geoigia - 8- Petitioners further desire that by laws of the corporation shall be adopted by the common stockholders. • and such by-laws shall provide for the officers ot the corporation, the manner of their selection, and such othei rules appropriate to by-laws which have as then purpose the con rol and management of the corpo ration, including provisions whereby •he bv-laws max be amended 9 Petitioners herewith exhibit cer tificate of 'he Secretary of ihe State of Geoigia as required by Section 22-1803. Geoigia Code Annotated -10— The corporation shall have the power io amend, alter, change or re peal any provision of Its charter in form or substance upon ihe vote of iwo-thirds of its outstanding com mon stock and all rights conferred upon stockholders, directors and of ficers herein are gi anted subject to this revision WHEREFORE. PETITIONERS PR AX' io be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the tights, powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and such additional rights, powers and privileges as max be necessary, proper or incident to the conduct of the business aforesaid, and as may be inherent in or allowed to like corporations under the laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or max hereafter exist HUTCHESON. KILPATRICK. WATSON. CRUMBLEY A BROWN Bv KENNETH KILPATRICK ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER 106 E Mill Street Jonesboro. Georgia PHONE 478-8866 GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY IN HE PETITION TO INCORPO- RATE SOUTHERN ASSO CIATED INVESTMENTS. INC " ORDER OF COURT The foregoing petition of Kenneth Kilpatrick. Lee Hutcheson. and George T Brown. Ji . to be incor porated under the name of Southern Associated Investments, Inc read and considered, and it appealing that said petition is within the purview and intention of the laws applicable thereto and that all of said laws have been fully complied with, including the presentation of a certificate from the Secretary of State as required by Paragraph 22-803 ot the Code of Georgia, Annotated, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. AD JUDGED AND DECREED that all of the prayers of said petition air granted and that said Petitioneis, their associates, successors and as signs aie hereby incorporated and made a body politic under the name of SOUTHERN ASSOCIATED IN VESTMENTS. INC for and during <i period of thirty-five years, with the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of that time, according to the laws of the State of Geoigia. and that said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the rights, powers and privileges men- Honed in said petition This the 22 day of March. 1968 /s/ HAROLD R BANKE JUDGE. SUPERIOR COURT CLAYTON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 4-18 NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MORROW. GEOR GIA: NOTICE is hereby given that on the 11th day ox May. 1968, an elec tion will be held in the City of Mor row. Georgia at which time there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said City for their deter mination the question of whether or not Recreation Bonds shall be issued by said City in the aggregate principal amount of $195,000 for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping recreational buildings and facilities, including, but not limited to. recreational centers, parks, trails, swimming and wading pools, playgrounds, athletic fields and courts, gymnasiums, gymnaio* i turns and other buildings, struc tures. facilities and appropriate ap purtenances and utilities useful or de sirable m connection therewith, add ing to. repairing, renovating, re modeling. improving and equipping existing recreational facilities, ac quiring the necessary property therefor, boih real and personal, and paying expenses incident to accom plishing thv foregoing, said bonds, if authorized, to be dated May 1. 1968. to be in the denomination of SI,OOO each, to be numbered con secutively from 1 upward to 195. in clusive. in order of maturity, to bear interest from date at such rate or rates not exceeding six pet centum «6',t pet annum, all interest pay able semi-annually on the Ist days of May and November in each year and ’he principal of said bonds to mature on ihe Ist day of May, low est numbers first, in the years and amounts, as follows: Year Amount 1970 $ 2.000 1971 $ 3.000 1972 $ 3.000 1973 $ 4.000 1974 $ 4.000 1975 $ 4.000 1976 $ 5.000 1977 $ 6,000 1978 $ 7,000 1979 $ 8,000 1980 $ 9,000 1981 $ 9.000 1982 SIO,OOO 1983 SII,OOO 1984 SII,OOO 1985 $12,000 1986 $13,000 1987 $14,000 1988 $15,000 1989 $15,000 1990 $15,000 1991 $15,000 Thr principal of and interest on all bonds of said issue shall he pay able in lawful money of the United States of America, at such bank or banks as may hereafter be desig nated The voting polls will be opened at 7 00 o'clock AM, and will be closed at 7:00 o’clock PM. on the said date fixed for tht election, and the place of voting will be ihe regular place for holding elections for the Mayor and Councilmen of said City Those qualified to vote at said election shall he determined in all respects in accmdance with the laws govern ing the election for Mayor and Coun cilmen of said City. Voters desiring 10 vote for the is suance nf the said Recreation Bonds for rhe aforesaid purpose shall do so by marking then ballots with a cross or check mark in the square in the left of the wotd YES" piinted thereon and voters desiring to vote against the issuance of said Recreation Bonds for the aforesaid purpose shall do so bv marking iheir ballots bx a check or cross mark in the square to the left of the word "NO" primed ’hereon, as to the question propounded, to-wh: "Shall there be authorized to be issued $195,000 City of Morrow Recreation Bond-' FRANKLIN R FRAME Mayor JAMES E HALE BRUCE DAVIS J P MAYS W E. SAMMONS Council men Attest. Tootsie McKinnon Clerk 5-9 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will bo received by Clayton County Water Authority in their office at 1611 Lake Harbin Road. Morrow. Georgia until 2:30 p.m. Thursday April 11. 1968 for the purchase of the following vehicles two 2 ton cab and chassis trucks; one 1 ton stake body truck; three 4 ton pick up trucks Specifications may be obtained by contacting the man ager of the Clayton County Author ity 1611 Lake Harbin Road. Morrow. Georgia All bidders shall include in their bids the trade in value al lowed on one 1962 Chevrolet four door Biscayne; one 1963 Chevrolet ’a Ton pick up truck, one 1961 Chevrolet ’a ton pick up truck; one 1964 Chevrolet ‘a ton pick up truck one 1952 Ford ton stake truck now owned and operated by Clayton County Water Authority C L CRAWLEY. JR Chairman Clayton County Water Authority 4-11 Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 am. EST. April 11 1968 by the Clayton County Commissioners of Roads and Revenue at ihe Office of the Purchasing Agent. Room 211. Courthouse, Jonesboro. Georgia, for one pickup Va-ton truck, one 9-pas senger station wagon, one 4-door sedan passenger car. and three 2-ton stake body trucks. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. Room 211. Courthouse. Jonesboro. Georgia Clayton County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to readvertise. The following County-owned equipment is offered as a trade-in: One 1966 Chevrolet sedan. S/N 154696D181427 One 1966 Chevrolet wagon. S/N 156456D187883 One 1958 Chevrolet truck. S/N V658A101385 One 1957 Dodge truck. S/N 83520974 One 1962 Dodge Dart, S/N 4022- 155552 The trade-in equipment may be inspected by appointment by calling 478-9911, Ext 34, and is offered on an "as is" basis. ELBERT C. WOOD Purchasing Agent 4-11 THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO PUBLICATION CITATION PATRICIA n STARR, PLAINTIFF VS ROBERT J STARR. DEFENDANT Th.- defendant ROBERT J STARR is hereby commanded personally by attorney to appear at the Superior Court to be held in and fol* said County within sixty 1601 days from the date of the Order for Service by Publication herein, then and there to answer ihe plaintiff's com plaint in the above captioned case, else thr- Court will proceed ns jus tice shall appertain Witness ihe Honorable Harold Banke, Judge of said court, this 28th dav of March. 1968 JOE B MUNDY. CLERK. CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT SCOTT WALTERS. JR Attorney for Plaintiff Drawer J East Point. Gent gia 766 8393 4-25 GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY; The petition of William C. Howell. Fran M. Nunnery and Rev. John D Noble, respectfully shows: 1 Petitioners desire to be incorpo rated and made a body corporate under the name and style of "Fran- Jo's Dress Shop, Inc ", for a period of thirty <351 years, pursuant to the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved Jan uary 28, 1938. and acts amendatory thereof. 2 The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and profit to itself and stockholders. 3 The general nature of the business or businesses io be conducted by the corporation is a ladies' clothing store or stores; a child's and/or teen-age clothing store or stores and all mat ters incidental thereto. 4 The principal office of said cor poration shall be in the Chy of For est Park. Georgia -4923-A Jonesboro Road, Clayton County—Zip Code: 30050, with the privilege of estab lishing branch offices and places of business elsewhere in the Slate of Georgia. 5 The name of the proposed corpo ration is not the name of any exist ing corporation registered with the Secretary of State. 6 The name and post office address of each of the applicants for charter is ns follows. William C Howell. 4923-A Jones boro Road, Forest Park, Georgia -30050; Fran M. Nunnery, 4923-A Jonesboro Road, Forest Park, Geor gia; Rev John D. Noble, 4923-A Jonesboro Road, Forest Park, Geor gia 30050 7 The authorized capital stock of aaid corporation shall be $100,000,00. with the maximum number of stock to be 100.000.00 shares, of the pai value of 91.00 per share, «nd to con slst of common stock The amount of capital may be subscribed to and paid In cash or with property ot a fair market value, or a combination of the two; the amount of capital with which the corporation shall be gha" nOl be le “ 'han 91.000 00. Petitioners further desire that by laws of the corporation shall be adopted by the common stock hold ers. and such by-laws shall provide for the officers of the corporation, the manner of their selection, and such other rules appropriate to by laws which have as their purpose the control and management of the corporation, including provisions whereby the by-laws may be amended. 9 Your petitioners herewith exhibit a certificate of the Secretary of the State of Georgia as required by Sec- Code Annotated WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights powers, privileges, and immunities herein set forth, and such addl rights, powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or in cident to the conduct of the business aforesaid, and as may be inherent in or allowed to like corporations under the laws of the State of Geor gia as they now exist or may here after exist VICTOR H HIGGINS Attorney for Petitioners Victor H. Higgins 1201 Carnegie Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. 30303 JA 5-1250 ORDER The foregoing petition of William C. Howell. Fran M. Nunnery and Rev. John D. Noble, to be incorpo rated under the name of "FRANJO'S DRESS SHOP. INC ". has been duly presented to me. and read and con sidered; and it appearing that said petition is within the purview and Intention of the laws of this suite applicable thereto; and it further ap pearing that all of said laws have been fully complied with; IT IS THEREUPON CONSIDERED. ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that said petition be and the same is hereby granted; and petitioners, their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of "FRANJO’S DRESS SHOP INC." for an during the period of 35 yeaqp. with the privilege of re newal at the expiration of that time, and with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities mentioned in said application, and with such additional rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are provided by the laws of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist. This the 25th day of March. 1968 JUDGE. SUPERIOR COURT. CLAYTON COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 4-25 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Security Deed given by FRANCES E McALLISTER to FIDELITY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF AT LANTA dated January 25. 1966, and filed for record January 27, 1966. at 3:38 o’clock P.M . and recorded in Deed Book 423. page 696-698, Clayton County Records, there will be sold at public outcry for cash to the highest bidder before the Court House Door of Clayton Coun ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 1968, bv FIDELITY FEDERAL SAV INGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATLANTA, as Attorney in Fact for FRANCES E McALLISTER, the fol lowing property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 114 of the 13th District of Clayton County, Georgia, and being more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the south right of way line of Hickory Court, three hundred sixty-seven and two tenths *367 2' feet easterly, as measured along the southerly right of way line of Hickory Court, from the point of intersection of the southerly right of way line of Hick ory Court and the east right of way line of Hickory Drive, said point df beginning also being located at the northeast corner of Lot 19. Block A. Section Two of the subdivision of Hickory Hills; thence running in a southeasterly and easterly direction along the southwesterly and south erly right of way line of Hickory Court and following the curvature thereof, ninety and two tenths <9O 2i feet to an iron pin. tsaid distance being 81.9 feet, if measured on a chord line'; thence running in a southeasterly direction along the southwest line of Lot 17 of said Block, Section and Subdivision, and forming an interior angle of 132 de grees 26 minutes with the chord line above mentioned. one hundred seventeen • 117< feet to an iron pin; thence running in a southwesterly direction one hundred one and six tenths ilol6> feet to an iron pin; thence running in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly line of Lot 19 of said Block. Unit and Subdivision, one hundred forty-nine and seven tenths <149 7i feet to the iron pin at the point of beginning; being Lot 18. Block A, Unit II of Hickory Hills Subdivision, as per plat recorded In Plat Book 9. page 29. Clayton County Records. The debt secured by said Security Deed having been declared due be cause of default in the payment on said loan, the debt remaining in de fault. this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale. Said propmty will be sold as ihe property of FRANCES E. McALLIS TER, and said property will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes and/or •assessments. FIDELITY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATLANTA. AS ATTORNEY IN FACT FOR FRANCES E McALLISTER SMITH, COHEN. RINGEL, KOHLER. MARTIN & LOWE BY: ROBERT J. NeSMITH 4-25 CITATION —NO ADMINISTRATION NECESSARY GEORGIA. COUNTY OF CLAYTON Ordinary's Office April 8. 1968 Mrs. Flora Wheeler Henson has applied for an order directing that no administration is necessary on ihe estate of Grace Wheeler Valen tine deceased. All creditors and all parties concerned are, therefore, re quired to show cause on or before the first Monday in May next, whv such order should not be granted as applied for /s/ JOE T LANE Ordinary -2 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY: The petition of Jess A. Holder. 1231 Weston Drive. Decatur. Geor gia. Faye L Watkins. 7333 Fielder Road, Jonesboro, Georgia, and Thomas F. Nicholson, 843 Main Street, Forest Park. Georgia, for the granting of a charter for a private corporation, shows io the Court the following facts: 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under the name of: JESS SUPERETTE NO 2. INC for a period of thirty-five (351 years, with the privilege of renewal as pro vided by law. 2. The principal office of said cor poration shall be Clayton County, but the corporation, by vote of a ma jority in interest of its stockholders, may have the right of establishing branch offices and places of busi ness elsewhere within and without the Stale of Georgia under its own name and such trade names as may be permissable by law. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its stockholders. 3. The general nature of said cor poration is: <at To operate and manage a gro cery store or stores and. in connec tion with or separate from, a filling station or stations; and any other re lated activities; <b> To offer to the public at retail or wholesale, as broker, jobber or distributor, any and all types of foods, fresh, frozen or canned, mis cellaneous items, and any and all other types of food items and other related consumer goods; <ci To purchase and sell, at retail or wholesale, any and all kinds of petroleum products for automobiles any any other road equipment; to purchase and sell, at retail or whole sale. any and all types of parts and equipment thereto; and for service and repair thereto; id) To enter into and engage in anv joint business venture with any person, partnership or other forms of business origin; <e» To purchase, hold, own, mort gage. manage, operate, sell, lease, transfer, exchange or in any manner develop and dispose improved and unimproved properly, and to engage in any and all types of activities in connection with the purchase, sale and development of real estate; ifi To do any and all other things necessary, convenient and expedient io the accomplishment of the fore going purposes and to carry on any business, trade or transaction nec essary which is incidental and legal thereto; <g) io have all powers, enjoy all ihe privileges enumerated in Paragraphs 22-1827 through 22-1870 of the Code of Georgia and all other powers and privileges enumerated in Chapters 22-18 and 22-19 of said Code, and all ihe privileges enumerated therein are made a pan hereof to the same extent as FT ihey were quoted in full herein 4. The capital stock of the corpora tion shall be divided into one hun dred <looi shares of common stock with the face or par value of One Hundred Dollars i$100.00« per share fully paid and nonassessable. Peti tioners desire the privilege of in creasing capital stock of said cor poration to one thousand 11.0001 shares of common stock of the par value of One Hundred Dollars <sloo 00i each so that the total capi tal will be One Hundred Thousand Dollars (SIOO,OOO 00) by a majority vote of the stock outstanding at ihe time nt a meeting duly called for the put^ose Petitioners attach hereto a cer tificate of the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia certifying that the name of "JESS SUPERETTE NO 2. INC " is not the name of any other existing corporation now reg istered in his office WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights and privileges herein set out and such additional powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or in cident to the conduct of ihe business for which petitioners are asking in corporation and as may be allowed like corporation under the laws of Georgia as thev now or may here after exist. THOMAS F NICHOLSON Attorney for Petitioners 843 Main Street Forest Park. Georgia 366-4611 ORDER The petition of Jess A. Holder. Faye L Watkins and Thomas F Nicholson tn be incorporated under ihe name of "JESS SUPERETTE NO 2, INC ’ for a period of thirty five (35) years has been read and considered It appearing that said pe tition has been filed for publication, and the law otherwise complied with, i’ is hereby ordered that the peti- z tinners' prayer, and all privileges praved fnr. be granted: and the said corporaiinn shall have all the rights and privileges prayed for and all rights and privileges lawfully en joyed by any like corporation in this State This the 11 day of March. 1968 s/ HAROLD R BANKE JUDGE. SUPERIOR COURT CLAYTON JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Filed in Office March 11. 1968 s/JOE B MUNDY CLERK. SUPERIOR COURT 4-11 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY The petition of. JOHN W. MOR GAN. BARTON D CASEY, and R H EASON, respectfully shows: 1. Petitioners desire to be incorpo rated and made a body corporate under the name and style of, CASEY & MORGAN CONTRACTORS. INC." for a period of thirty-five years pur suants io the provisions of the laws of Georgia. 2. Petitioners' posioffice addresses are as follows: JOHN W. MORGAN. 5768 Shere wood Drive. Riverdale. Georgia, BARTON D CASEY. Ri No 3. Calhoun, Georgia, R. H. EASON, 681 Brookline Street. S W . Atlanta. Georgia. 3 The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain 4 The business to be conducted by said corporation is the general earth moving including laying pipes of all kinds and nature, dredging ditches for the same and to carry on a gen eral earth moving, tractors, contract ing business, and to that end io lease, charter, own. manufacture, acquire, deal in. advertise, and dis pose of claims, bulldozing tractors, trucks, rigging, automobiles and any other vehicles and kindred appli ances and equipment used in any wise and matter and to buy and sell, hold, rent, sublet, lease and gener ally deal in real and personal prop erty condusive* to said business 5. The principal office of said cor poration shall be in the City of Col lege Park. Clayton County, Georgia, with the privileges of establishing branch offices in places of business within and without the State of Geor gia. 6. The authorized principle stock of said corporation shall be 100 shares of stock with no par value. The amount of capital with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than S2OO 00. 7. The name of the proposed cor poration is not the name of any other existing corporation registered with the Secretary of the State of Georgia. W’HEREFORE, petitioners pray that they be incorporated under the name and style above stated and with al) ihe powers and privileges sei forth and such others as now or may be allowed similar corporations by the laws of the State of Georgia. JOHNSON & BROWN. Lawyers 106 Main Street Jonesboro, Georgia BY: H E. Brown GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY ORDER The petition of JOHN W. MOR GAN. BARTON D. CASEY, and R H. EASON, having been duly pre sented and same having been fully examined by the Court and it ap pearing that all the requirements of law having been fully complied with and that said petition is within the intentions and purview of the law, and it further appearing from cer tificate from the Secretary of Slate that the name of the proposed cor poration is not the name of any other corporation registered In rec ords of his office, it is hereby or dered and adjudged that the prayers of said petition be granted and that petitioners be and there hereby in corporated and made a corporate under the name and style of, "CASEY & MORGAN CONTRAC TORS. INC.,” for a period of thirty five years from this date with all the rights, powers and privileges prayed for, together with those which are usually exercised and per mitted to similar corporations under ihe laws of this State. So ordered this 12ih day of March. 1968 /s/ HAROLD R BANKE Judge Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit BY: Gene Brown Johnson & Brown. Lawyer! 106 Main Street Jonesboro, Georgia -11 GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY: There will be sold at Public Out cry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of sale before the Courthouse door in the City of Jonesboro. Clayton Coun ty. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Mav, 1968. the following described property to wit: ill Westinghouse Refrigerator ID Hotpoint Range. RC446f & Cable Said property levied as per Mort gage Fi. Fa. No. 6994. Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, Georgia Power Co., Vs. Norman B. LaFuze. This the sth day of April. 1968 BILL C. MURRAY. SHERIFF 5-2 GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY: There will be sold at Public Out cry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of sale before the Courthouse door in the City of Jonesboro. Clayton Coun ty. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May, 1968, the following described property to wit: (1) 1964 Corvalr Monza, 6 Cyl. 900, S No. 40927W224218 Said property levied as per Mort gage FI. FA. No 6971, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, Associates Dis count Corp. Vs. Malcolm R. Kelly. This the sth day of April, 1968. BILL C MURRAY. SHERIFF 5-2 CITATION, ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY To AH Whom it May Concern: Edna Lynn Davis Bailey having in proper form applied to me foi Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Charles Alvin Bailey, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Charles Alvin Bailey to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Edna Lynn Davis Bailey on Charles Alvin Bailey's estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 16th day of January, 1968 JOE T. LANE Ordinary 5-2 CITATION DISMISSION GUARDIANSHIP GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY Charlie M. Finch, Guardian of James O. Smith, has applied to me for a discharge from his guardian ship of James O. Smith: This is therefore to notify all per sons concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in May next, else he will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. JOE T. LANE Ordinary 5-2 CITATION, TWELVE MONTHS’ SUPPORT TO CONVEY OR ENCUMBER GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY To all Whom it May Concern: Mrs. Joan S. Hunter (formerly Mrs. Joan Eleanor Stewart) having filed her petition seeking leave to sell real estate set aside to herself and her minor children out of the estate of William Earl Stewart de ceased, as a year’s support, this is to cite all and singular the persons who may be interested therein, to be and appear before me on the 23rd day of April. 1968. at 10:00 A.M., and show cause, if any they can, why the prayers of said petition should not be granted. Witness my official signature, this Ist day of April, 1968. JOB T. LANE Ordinary 4-11 CITATION, TWELVE MONTHS’ SUPPORT TO CONVEY OR ENCUMBER GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY To all Whom it May Concern: Mary E. Brewer having filed her petition seeking leave to sell real estate set aside to herself and her minor children out of the estate of Henry R. Brewer. Jr. deceased, as a year's support, this is to cite all and singular the persons who may be interested therein, to be and ap pear before me on the 23rd day of April, 1968 at 10:00 A.M., and show cause, if any they can, why the prayers of said petition should not be granted. Witness my dfficial signature, this Ist day of April, 1968. JOE T. LANE Ordinary 4-11 CITATION, DISMISSION FROM ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY WHEREAS, Norma B. Redden, Ad ministrator of Charles T. Redden estate, represents to the Court In his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully admin istered Charles T. Redden estate: This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion, and receive Letters of Dismis sion on the first Monday in May. 1968 JOE T. LANE Ordinary 5-2 CITATION-YEAR'S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY April Ist, 1968 The appraisers upon application of Bernice Anness Gothard widow of said William Russell Gothard for a twelve months' support for herself and 2 minor children, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. JOE T. LANE Ordinary Clayton County 5-2 CITATION-YEAR’S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY April Ist, 1968 | The appraisers upon application of Mrs Martha Boyd Kelly widow of | said Tison B Kelly for a twelve 'months' support for herself and 6 minor children, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at (he next regular May term of this Court, why said application should not be granted JOE T. LANE Ordinary Clayton County 5-2 CITATION-YEAR’S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY March 4. 1968 The appraisers upon application of Mattie Irene McNease widow of said John Henry McNease for a twelve months' support for herself and two minor children, having filed their leiurn; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. JOE T. LANE Ordinary Clayton County 5-2 CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY March 8, 1968 The appraisers upon application of Violet T. Carlson widow of said John Eric Carlson for a twelve months’ support for herself and no minor children, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. JOE T. LANE Ordinary Clayton County 5-2 CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY March 29th. 1968 The appraisers upon application of Mrs. Benard Theodore Camp, Jr. widow of said Benard Theodore Camp, Jr. for a twelve months’ sup port for herself and no minor chil dren, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. JOE T LANE Ordinary Clayton County _________ B ’ l CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT STATE OF GEORGIA CLAYTON COURT OF ORDINARY March 29th, 1968 The appraisers upon application of Nell Smith Banks widow of said Alvin H. Banks for a twelve months’ support for herself and 1 minor child, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May term of thia Court, why said application should not be granted. JOE T. LANE Ordinary Clayton County -2 GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY: There will be sold at Public Out cry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of sale before the courthouse door in the City of Jonesboro, Clayton Coun ty. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May, 1968, the following described property to wit: (1) 1967 Ford GTA. FLSOO, HT. S No. 7A425138279, 2 Dr., 8 Cyl. Said property levied as per Mort gage Fi. Fa. No. 7051, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, American Credit Company Vs. Louis A. Kirven. This the sth day of April, 1968. BILL C. MURRAY, SHERIFF 5-2 CITY OF MORROW: Sealed bids will be received until 5:00 P.M., E.S.T., on May 7. 1968 by the City Clerk of the City of Mor row for the sale of one 1966 Dodge and one IW4 Ford. Police Carr The car» may be seen al the City Hail located in the Fire Station on Highway 54 In Morrow, and are of fered on an "as is" basis. The Mayor and Council of the City of Morrow reserve the right to reject any and all bids. (MRS.I TOOTSIE McKINNON City Clerk City of Morrow 4-39 NOTICE OP SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON By virtue of the power of sale contained in a loan deed executed and delivered by Raymond V. Brooks and Doris Brooks to Harry B. Hen drix and Ralph Henderson dated No vember 15, 1965, recorded in Deed Book 416, Page 211-212 Clayton Couniy Records, there will be sold at public outcry before the Court House door in said State and County by Harry B Hendrix and Ralph Henderson, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May 1966, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wli: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 148 of the 13th District ot Clayton County. Georgia: being Los 45. Block L, Sec tion Three-D. Apple Valley, as per plat by Watts & Browning. Engi neers, dated January 6, 1964 and recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 136, Clayton County Records This sale will be held subject to a prior loan deed from Harry B. Hendrix. Ralph Henderson and Ray mond V. Brooks to First Fedetpl Savings and Loan Association of At lanta. dated November 15. 1965 and recorded In the Office of the Clerk of Suoerlor Court, Clayton County Records. The debt secured bv the said loan being in default, and the holder having declared the balance of the indebtedness due, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and the proceeds thereof will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all charges and ex penses in connection with this fore closure, and the balance, if any, to be applied as provided by law The above described property will be sold a< the property of Ravmond V Brooks and Dnris Brooks. HARRY B HENDRIX and RALPH HENDERSON as Attorney-In-Fact for Ravmond v Brooks and Doris Brooks William L. Moore Attorney at Law 515 Rhodes Havertv Building Atlanta. Georgia 30303—Te1: 523-0595 -2 CITATION. ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY To All Whom it May Concern: Neil F. Oliver having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Ruth tKimblei Oli ver. late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mary Ruth (Kim ble) Oliver to be and appear at my office within the time allowed bv law. and show cause, if anv thev can. why permanent administration should not be granted to Neil F Oli ver on Mary Ruth (Kimble) Oliver estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature. this 3rd day of April. 1968. JOE T. LANE Ordinary 5-2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH APPLICATION FOR REZONING, CITY OF MORROW, GEORGIA Please take notice that Mr. M. L. Florence has filed application with the City of Morrow to have the fol lowing described property rezoned from its present usage to R-3, Mul tiple Family Dwelling. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 12th District of Clayton County, and being part of Land Lot 143 bounded as follows: Commencing at the Tucker’s cor ner on the east line of right of way of Central Railway, three hundred and eighty five feet from the origi nal north line of said lot, thence run ning due east two thousand one hun dred fifty seven decimal twenty five, thence due south two hundred feet to a made corner, thence due west two thousand one hundred ninety eight seventy five one hundredth feet to right of way of Central of Georgia Railway north along said right of way to the beginning point Said tract containing 10 acres. Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing before the Zoning Commission on the 30th day of April. 1968 at the Fire Station in Morrow. Georgia, at 7:30 P.M. A final hearing will be held before the Mayor and Council on the 7th day of May. 1968 at the Fire Station in Morrow, Georgia at 7:30 P.M, (MRS.i TOOTSIE McKINNON City Clerk City of Morrow 4-25 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON By virtue of the power of sale contained in a loan deed executed and delivered by MILTON J. CAMP BELL and BARBARA D. CAMP BELL to O. L. TURNER dated June 2, 1964, recorded in Deed Book 359 page 341 subsequently assigned to MORTGAGE ENTERPRISES. INC. on October 2, 1967 Clayton County Records, there will be sold at public outcry before the Courthouse door in said State and County by Mortgage Enterprises, Inc., during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 1968, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wh: ALL that tract or parcel of land lying and being In Land Lot 49 of the 12th District of Clayton County. Georgia, being Lot 8, survey for West Lumber Company on Raymond Street, by Harold L. Bush and Asso ciates, dated January 7, 1958, re corded in Plat Book 5. page 125, Clayton County Records and being improved property known as 113 Raymond Street, Jonesboro. Geor gia. The only title sold will be the equity of redemption of a senior deed to secure debt from O. L. Turner to First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Atlanta, dated May 29. 1964, recorded in Deed Book 352. page 129, Clayton County Rec ords. The debt secured by the said loan being in default, and the holder hav ing declared the balance of the in debtedness due. this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and the proceeds thereof will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all charges and ex penses In connection with this fore closure, and the balance, if any. to be applied as provided by law. The above described property will be sold as the property of MILTON J. CAMPBELL and BARBARA D. CAMPBELL. MORTGAGE ENTERPRISES. INC as Attorney-in-Fact for Milton J. Campbell and Barbara D. Camp bell Hatcher, Meyerson, Oxford A Irvin Attorneys at Law 40 Marietta Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Tel: 525-3404 STATE OF GEORGIA ) ) COUNTY OF CLAYTON) TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY The petition of Thomas D. Tram mell, Rachel D. Trammell and Homer H. Wilkerson, hereinafter called pe titioners. respectfully shows: 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated under the name and siyle of KLEEN RITE SANITATION CO., INC., for a period of thirty five t3si years, with the privilege of renewal. 2. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and profit, with Its principal place of business In Forest Park, Clayton County, Georgia. 3. Petitioners desire to engage in GARBAGE COLLECTION. SANI TARY SERVICE and HAULING; To carry on the business of pri vate garbage and refuse collections Contractors for hauling ashes, cin ders. rubbish and soil, as well as. garbage and waste products. To act as contractors in the haul ing of dirt and gravel. To hire and rent trucks in the furtherance of said business. To hold out for hire to private in dividuals, scavenger, ash, cinder, rubbish, dirt and garbage trucks. To operate and maintain a fleet of motor trucks and other mode of conveyance to carry out the pur poses of said business. To have the power to haul and dispose of, in a lawful manner, any material collected. 4. Petitioners further desire that said corporation be vested with all the rights and powers now or hereafter given to do any and all things which may be reasonable and proper in the operation of the above described business, or businesses, including, but not limited to the right to buy, sell, own, hold or lease real and per sona) property of any kind. 5. The names and Post Office ad- dresses of applicants are: Thomas D Trammell—s373 Laurel Circle, Forest Park, Georgia 30050 Rachel D. Trammell—s373 Laurel Circle, Forest Park. Georgia 30050 Homer H. Wilkerson—4Bls Jones boro Road. Forest Park. Georgia 30050 6. The maximum number of shares of stock shall be 50.000. all of which shall be of »1 00 par value and all of which shall be common stock. The amount of capiial with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than $1,000.00. 7. Said corporation shall be gov erned, managed and operated by a board of directors to be elected by the stockholders, who are to conduct the affairs of the corporation in ac cordance with the by laws of said corporation. Petitioners desire the powers, rights, and immunities enumerated in Chapter 22-1827 and 22-1828 of the Georgia Code, as amended from time io time. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, and the charier set forth herein, with the rights, powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and such additional rights, powers and privileges as may be necessary, proper or incidental to the conduct of the business or busi nesses aforesaid and as may be in herent in. or allowed to like cor porations under the laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist ARTHUR A MORRISON Attorney for Petitioners Arthur A Morrison Attorney at Law 4950 Courtney Drive Forest Park, Georgia 30050 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON ORDER It appearing to the Court that the foregoing application for incorpora tion of KLEEN RITE SANITATION CO . INC. is legitimately within the purview and intentions of the laws of this State; and It further appearing from the cer tificate of the Secretary of State, that the name of the proposed cor poration is not the name of any other existing corporation registered in the records of the Secretary of State, the application is hereb' granted, and the petitioners, their successors and assigns are hereby incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities mentioned in the foregoing pennon for incorporation, and with such additional rights powers, privileges and immunities as are provided by ihe laws of Geor gia. and may now exist oi may hereafter be provided by the laws of Georgia. This 23rd day of March 1968 /s/ HAROLD R BANKE Judge, Superior Court Clavton Judicial Circuit 4-18 THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION IN RE. ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH, • INC. OF COLLEGE PARK. GEORGIA • 1. The petition of FELTON L HALL. 2061 First Avenue. College Park. Georgia, GLENDON E. DURAND. 6030 Walker Road, Riverdale, Geor gia, and ERNEST CANTRELL. 4664 Lottie Place, College Park, Georgia shows the court the following: 2. Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates, and their succes sors to be incorporated under the. name and style of ANTIOCH BAP TIST CHURCH. INC OF COLLEGE PARK, GEORGIA for a period of thirty-five <33» years with the right of renewal as provided bv law. 3. That the principal office of the said corporation shall be in said county, and the right is reserved to establish branch offices elsewhere. 4. That there is presently in exist ence a church being incorporated hereunder, and petitioners desire corporate authority for the purpose of maintaining good order consistent with the propagation of the Gospel according to their evangelical faith 5 That said corporation shall be non profit religious membership corpora tion and its business shall be trans acted by the trustees and deacons of said church as presently con stitute, or as hereafter modified by by-laws. 6 That petitioners desire all the powers granted to like corporations under the laws of the State of Geor gia, and in addition all powers not expressly prohibited to corporations of like nature WHEREFORE PETITIONERS PRAY AND DEMAND: A. To be incorporated under ihv name and style afore said. B. That said corporation have all of the rights and privileges herein set out and such additional powers, rights, and privileges as may be necessary, proper or incident in the nature of their business, and such additional powers, rights and privi leges as are not expressly prohibited by law SCOTT WALTERS. JR Attorney for Petitioneis Drawer J East Point, Georgia 766 8393 GEORGIA. CLAYTON COUNTY The foregoing petition for incor poration read and considered and it appearing that the same is within the purview and intention of the law applicable thereto and all of said laws have been fully complied with: It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that all of the pravers of said petition be granted and said ap plicants and their associates, succes sors. and assigns are hereby incor porated and made a bodv politic under the name and stvle of "AN- CHURCH. INC OF COLLEGE PARK. GEORGIA", for a period of thirty-five ,35, years with the privilege of renewal as bv law provided, and. Said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the rights and privileges mentioned in the petition, and all additional rights and privi leges not expressly prohibited bv law. This 28 day of March. 1968 HAROLD R BANKE JUDGE. SUPERIOR COURT Clayton Judicial Circuit GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY * s h £ reb y given that MRS MARY G. TUGGLE, the under signed. filed her petition to the Su- Cour ' of sa| d County on the 27th day of March. 1968, proving for a change in the name of STANLEV WAYNE CATLETT from said STAN LEY WAYNE CATLETT to STAN LEY WAYNE TUGGLE, and noilce is hereby given to any interested or affected party to be and appear in said matter In said Court on or be fore the 3rd day of May. 1968, at 1:15 P.M., at which time all objections so the granting of the relief prayed for be lb said Court. This 27th day of March. 1968. MRS MARY G. TUGGLE PETITIONER Wallace. Wallace 4 Delebe Law Offices Jonesboro, Ga. -25 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Caro line Hembel Moore, mother of Re becca Candice Smlthey and Kelly Elisha Smlthey, the undersigned, filed her petition in the Superior Court of Clayton County on the 7th day of March, 1968, praying for a change in the names of her daugh ter from Rebecca Candice Smlthey to Rebecca Candice Moore, and of her daughter Kelly Elisa Smlthey to Kelly Elisa Moore. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that this petition be placed on the proper docket of this Court and that the name change be granted by the Judge of this Court as the law pro vides. CAROLINE HEMBEL MOORE, Mother of Rebecca Candice Smlthey Age 8 and Kelly Elisa Smlthey age 5 Carnes, Dillon & White 1313 First National Bank Blds Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE After this date I will not be re sponsible for any debts unless cre ated personally. I will not be respon sible for those created bv my wife or any other person. This 13 dav of March, 1968. CHARLES HENRY HOOD 4-4