Newspaper Page Text
Free Press-News & Fanner, Thurs., April 11, 1968
Woman's Page
Jonesboro Socials
105 Smith Street — Phone 478-6841
NOTICE— Frankie Lyle
Chapter, United Daughters
of the Confederacy, will
meet at the home of Mrs.
Lester Dickson in Fayette
ville Saturday, April 13, at
2:30 p.m. Mrs. W. D. Gibson
and Miss Carrie Conkle will
assist Mrs. Dickson.
Mr. and Mrs. W H. Stone
and Mr and Mrs W G Nor
rell returned on Friday from
Fairmount where they at
tended the funeral of their
brother, E. L Norrell. at
Fairmount Baptist Church
on Thursday.
Mrs Abby David of Orlan
do, Fla., and Frank Davis
of Brisbane, Calif., have re
turned to their homes aft
er visiting Mrs. A C. Davis
and attending the funeral of
their brother, A. C. Davis.
Mrs Fannie Lou Durham,
also of Brisbane, Calif., who
is now in Cordele. Ga., will
return for a visit with Mrs.
Davis before returning home.
Mrs. W T. Mcßride and
children, Karla and Whit
ney, of Milledgeville, were
guests of Mrs. Mcßride's
mother, Mrs J A Hathaway
Jr. several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp
of Arlington Heights. 111.,
spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. L Yonce and Mrs. W R
Camp, and grandmother,
Mrs. Doyle
Mr and Mrs. Earl Allen,
Mrs David Knox, Sherry and
Kathy Barr attended the
R ’ a
BkC \ 1/' Ji
Would like at this
time to wish all the
people of Clayton
County a most hap
py Easter and invite
you to come by
Riverdale Plaza
SHOP Bonnie ’s
* Goy Gibson
_j • Jonathon
>\ Logan
W v , -O' T • Miss Couture
11 V
B \\ • Sportswear
■ A
■ f \ • Jeannie
>1 ■v?
Wkxl \<f i • Maverick
' ■ r
>ll ; \
J// O?
I / , Bonnie’s, inc.
!■ । /
K I । Dress Shop
r ] PHONE 3M-89W
fII 812 Ash-Morrow Plaxa
Store Hours: 9:30 to 6 p.m. - Fridays to 7
Tiny Tots Concert at Pace
Academy in Atlanta on Sun
day. March 30. It was pre
sented by the Atlanta Sym
phony Orchestra
Mrs. C. R. Chesney spent
last week in Decatur with
Mrs. Martin A. Luther who
is ill.
Mrs. Lula Robke and Mrs.
Elizabeth Waters of Atlanta
were last weekend guests of
Mr and Mrs. G L Brogdon.
; Mrs. W R Ellis and son.
Randy of Decatur, Ala , spent
last week with her mother,
Mrs. Winnie M. Brown, who
has been ill Mr. Ellis arrived
on Friday to return home
with them
David Sims. DK/3, sta
tioned at Norfolk, Va., was
the guest of his wife, Ann,
over the weekend.
Mrs. J. P. Daniel of Is
' land. Kentucky, who has
been the guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. W. H. Huddleston,
Mr Huddleston and family
for several months, plans to
return home on Easter.
M Sgt. Ronald Davis who
! is stationed at Nha Trang,
! Viet Nam, is spending a
i month emergency leave with
his wife and children and
his mother, Mrs. A. C. Davis,
। because of the death of his
। father, Mr. A. C. Davis. He
will return to duty on the
23rd of April.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Gurley
and family, and Mrs. R. B.
Woodall. Jr. and children
were dinner guests of Mrs.
Charles C. Jordon on Tues
day evening. Mrs. Gurley
and Mrs. Woodall’s mother,
Mrs. Bell Adams of Hartwell,
| Is a patient at Hart County
. Memorial Hospital where
they visited her last week.
Mrs. Carlotta Tate has re
turned home after spending
several months with her
sister, Mrs. C. M. Seltzer in
Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Miss
Reba Stewart, who has been
a patient at Wesley Woods
for some time, is at home
and recuperating nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Loy Dickson
were hosts at a Pilau dinner
at their home on Huie Street
on Saturday evening. Twelve
guests enjoyed this delicious
and unusual meal.
Mrs. Weyman Mann —
Crawford Long.
B. J. Turner—Emory.
R. T. Whitlock—Piedmont.
Veda Williams—Grady.
Arthur Manning—DeKalb.
Mrs. Bailey—LaGrange.
Mrs. Mertlce E. Baird-
Crawford Long.
Miss Ottye Lee—Emory.
Mrs. Claude Hembree —
■ Crawford Long.
Mrs. Edna D. Waldon—
I Crawford Long.
To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
ph, $
*• ' \
I -
■ ... i <
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Rozes of Forest Park an
nounce the forthcoming
wedding of their daughter
Linda Ann Rozes, to Thom
as Edward Stanford, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Stanford, also of Forest
Miss Rozes is a graduate
Eugene Brown Speaks
To Junior Women
H. Eugene Brown, promi
nent Jonesboro attorney, was
the guest speaker at the
April 1 meeting of the Jones
boro Junior Woman’s Club
held at the Bank of Jones
boro. Mrs. Sara Ellen Ander
son, president, presided. Sec
ond Vice - President Mrs.
Gennie Rheny was in charge
of the program which fea
tured Mr. Brown of the
Jonesboro law firm of John
son and Brown.
A graduate of the Naval
Academy and active in civic
affairs throughout the coun
ty, Mr. Brown spoke on the
Importance of having a le
gally executed will, and the
probating of wills in regard
to the Georgia law. Attend
ing the meeting with Mr.
Brown was an associate of
the firm, Monroe Ferguson.
Appointed as department
and standing committee
chairmen by Mrs. Anderson
for the new term were the
following members: Club
Chaplain, Mrs. Jan Riner;
By-Laws. Mrs. Bobbie Cham
berlain; Hospitality, Mrs.
Lucy Garber; Publicity, Mrs.
Shirley Daniel; Telephone,
Maynard—A daughter, Kim
berly Diane, March 22, Geor
gia Baptist.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Stephens—A son, Jefferey
lasm federal I
, o/ on AND LOAN
I R OR°/ I
B Zb /a two locations
/v Nmh inici - Mtviiii 11 DM I
IN Ueth Cml'X Arme
— Concrete Products —
W. H. Huddleston, Manager
Phone 474-7271 -474-7272
Night: Charles Mundy 478-8019
Cecil H. Lyle 474-4381
W. H. Huddleston 478-8181
of Forest Park Senior High.
She is employed by the
Georgia Power Company.
Mr. Stanford, also a grad
uate of Forest Park Senior
High, Is in business with his
The wedding will take
i place May 5. at the Forest
j Park Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Diane McManus; Year
book, Mrs. Jinny Julllan;
Awards, Mrs. Michal Zuck;
Club Paper, Mrs. Peggy
Turner; Membership, Mrs.
Kay Hassey; Social, Mrs.
Janice Wright; Ways '&
Means, Mrs. Gloria Conkle;
Home-Life Department, Mrs.
Penny Byars; Public Affairs
Department and Operation
Helping Hand, Mrs. Ruby
Hall; International Affairs
Department, Mrs. Betty Jean
Burrell; Tallulah Falls De
partment, Mrs. Ann Norris.
Mrs. Kay Hassey, first
vice - president, introduced
the provisional members at
tending the meeting, and an
nounced plans for a banquet
Tn honor of the provisionals
to be held on May 11 at the
Marriott Motor Hotel. Those
being sponsored by club
members as provisionals are
Mrs. Jan Riner, Mrs. Pat
Samples, Mrs. Marcella Wood,
Mrs. Darla Ping, Mrs. Beth
Pullen, Mrs. Brenda Horton,
Mrs. Ginger McNichols and
Mrs. Charlene Rose. Mrs.
Rheay conducted an orien
tation program at her home
on Tuesday evening, April 9,
at 8 p.m. for new members.
Jonesboro motorists BE
WARE! A "Highway Rob
bery” is being secretly
planned by a gang of “Femi
nine” outlaws on Saturday,
April 27, in the Jonesboro
Xi Alpha
XI Alpha Omicron Chap
ter of Beta Sigma Phi held a
progressive dinner on Satur
day night, March 30. The
theme for cultural programs
the chapter has been study
ing this year has been "The
Grand Tour." The dinner
was food representing vari
ous sections of the USA.
The dinner began with ap
petizers California style in
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Morin on Forest Valley
Drive, Atlanta, SE. The group
then moved onto the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sims
on Conley Road, SE, for a
Montana salad. The next
stop was Morrow, Georgia, in
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James McCord, Harper Court,
for the main course which
consisted of chicken repre
senting the Deep South. The
blueberry dessert, represent
ing the New England States,
was served in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Austin
on Peacock Boulevard, Mor
row. The group had a won
derful time and the food was
Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. James McCord,
Harry Austin, Alton Sims,
Robert O’Brien, Joe Potwell,
Earl Sinor, Roy Williams, Ed
Foster, Jack Clower and Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. May
nard of Forest Park an
nounce the birth of a daugh
ter, Kimberly Diane. Kim
berly weighed in at 7 lbs. 1
oz. She was born March
22nd at Georgia Baptist Hos
pital. The Maynards have
one other child, a daughter,
, Sherrie, age 4.
area. This notorious bunch of
robbers will be after your
wallets in support of the
Jonesboro Area Cancer Cru
sade being held this month.
Don’t try to fight them as
i they are desperate for funds
in support of the crusade.
Just smile and GIVE GEN
If We Knew Our Need,
Would We Make It Profitable to Us?
NO. 14-68
Men need to be saved from themselves, to
pay the bill they owe themselves, resolutely
facing up to their responsibilities, oppor
tunities and choices. What needs to be of
the deepest concern to them, they have not
awakened to and show little concern to
learn about. Their carnal nature is the great
thing that stands in the way of men's sal
vation. The carnal mind is enmity against
God, for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can be. They that are in the
flesh cannot please God. Rom. 8:7-8. He
that soweth to his flesh (carnal nature) shall
of the flesh reap corruption, but he that
soweth to the Spirit (divine nature) shall of
the Spirit reap life everlasting. Gal. 6:8.
They that are Christ's have crucified the
flesh with the affections and lusts. Gal.
In the end it is not church membership and
observing the rites of the church that we
need to be concerned about. It is through
the disposal of our carnal nature, and a new
birth, that the old passes away, and all
things become new. Ye are not in the flesh
but in the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of
God dwell in you. Now if any man have not
the Spirit of Christ he is none of his, Rom.
Our salvation is a question of being in the
flesh or not being in the flesh. God saw that
the wickedness of man was great in the
earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil (carnal)
continually, Gen. 6:5. Jesus said, ye are of
this world (carnal), I am not of this world
(not carnal). We should be not of this world.
Love not the world, neither the things that
are in the world; if any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him, for all
that is in the world, the lust of the flesh
and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life,
is not of the Father, but is of the world. John
It is God's will for men to deal with their
carnal natures by crucifying it. This they
must do if they would gain life. The death
of the carnal man is simulated in baptism,
but is proved only by the life that we live.
In our carnal nature we are dead to spirit-
All churches know that the Lord said "My
word that goeth out of my mouth: it shall
not return unto me void, but it shall accom
plish that which I please, and it shall pros
per in the thing whereunto I sent it. Isa.
55:11. Every church can have signs speak-
f J*
^^^B 4 I
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MRS. ALLEN JOHNSON, wife of Forest Park Kiwanis
president; Mrs. Ernest Cheaves, wife of lieutenant gov
ernor of 12th District, and Mrs. Charles Smith 111, wife
of Georgia District governor, shown at tea for Kiwanis
ladies before dinner for 12th Division rally at Officers
Club March 28.
Morrow Junior Woman's Club Cited
Eleven members of the
Morrow Junior Woman’s
Club attended the Spring
District Meeting In Griffin,
Ga„ March 26. The club can
feel proud of its representa
tives because they walked
away with six awards.
The Bruce Davis Family
were chosen to serve as fam
ily of the year for the 6th
District. Mrs. Davis was pre
sented with a steerllng silver
engraved tray.
The following departments
won second place awards:
Fine Arts, Mrs. Beverly Bond,
Chairman and the Conserva
tion Department.
Third place awards went to
Public Affairs, Mrs. Jo Ann
Davis, Chairman and Home
Life Department, Mrs. Jane
Young, Chairman.
The Morrow Junior Wom
an’s Club won Honorable
Mention for overall excel
lence in club work for the
year and was cited for the
Increase in membership over
last year.
Neigh lx>rly
Ist Neighbor--" How did that
naughty little boy of yours get
2nd Ditto-" That good little
boy of yours hit him with a
Forest Park
Phone 366-3080
I know that the many
friends of Rev. Ralph Shea,
pastor of Jones Memo
rial Methodist Church, will
be sorry to hear that he
has undergone surgery and
will be confined to the hos
pital for several weeks. I
have learned that he is mak
ing steady Improvement
and his condition Is as good
as can be expected.
I am sure that many peo
ple will want to send him
cards. These should be ad
dressed to him in care of:
University Hospital, Room
110, Jennings Bldg. Augusta.
Also Mrs. Jean McClure,
who was involved In an
automobile accident under
went surgery and is con
fined in a local hospital.
Rev. Herman L. Smith of
Oxford, N. C. plans a visit
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rayford Smith. Rev.
Smith will be assisting at a
revival in Griffin, Ga.
Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs.
ual life, and in the spiritual nature we are
dead to carnal life. We are circumcised
with the circumcision made without hands,
in putting off the body of the sins of the
flesh by the circumcision of Christ. Col.
In spiritual life men become awake to a
comprehension of what is the breadth, the
length, the depth and the height, and to
know the love of Christ which passeth
knowledge. Spiritual life fills men with all
the fullness of God. Eph. 3:18-19. For we
are members of his body, of his flesh, and of
his bones, Eph. 5:30. We need to be strong
in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim.
2:1. Made perfect, stablished, strengthened,
settled, 1 Peter 5:10. We are saved by grace.
The grace that is a quality which we get
from God, by which we become partakers
of the divine nature, 2 Peter 1:4. Os his full
ness have all we received, and grace for
grace. John 1:16.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and
that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
We manifest that we are filled with grace,
and all the fullness of God, in the mercy,
kindness, meekness, patience, justice, hu
mility, faith, temperance, goodness, love,
peace, longsuffering, and every attribute of
God, and prove ourselves to be free from
captivity to the law of sin which is in our
members. Rom. 7:23. If a man abide not in
me (crucifies not the flesh) he is cast forth
as a branch, and men gather them, and cast
them into the fire, and they are burned.
John 15:6.
Men are not abiding in Christ until they
cease from their own works, and live by the
bread that cometh down from heaven, and
by drinking waters that become in them
wells of water springing up unto everlast
ing life. Jesus said, my words are truth and
they are life.
Christians are false to their calling until
they do the truth, and become new creatures
in Christ Jesus. The new creature walks in
the light as he is in the light, and the blood
of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all
sin. 1 John 1:7.
ATLANTA, GA. 30315
ing God's words displayed where all who
pass by are continually reminded of them.
Signs with words of grace and truth are free
if desired and asked for from Contenders
of the Faith, 6151 Holiday Boulevard, Forest
Park, Ga. 30050. Tel. 361-8837.
Notes on
Chiropractic is much more
than adjusting the back. Its
scope is greater than most
people think. It deals with
the mechanics of body op-
While the
greater part
of disease re
sults from
diso r d e r e d
mechan i c a 1
opera t i o n s,
the progress
of disease and
met hods of
dealing with
it are an im-
portant part of Chiropractic.
For that reason an adequate
schooling in physiology,
anatomy, chemistry, neu
rology, pathology, hygiene,
and other allied subjects is
a regular requirement; a ne
The mechanics of body op
eration are varied and In
tricate. The key to it all is
the spinal column. It is from
the spinal column that the
thirty-one pairs of spinal
nerves leave the spinal cord.
Mechanical derangement of
spinal segments affects these
nerves and diseases of many
kinds result.
Chiropractors are success
fully helping millions of sick
people; and obtaining splen
did results; receiving praise
from those who have taken
adjustments because they
give full consideration to the
importance of body me
780 Main St., Forest Park, Ga.
(Next door to Post Office)
W. M. Haynie, and Mrs. C. S.
Haynie have just returned
from a trip to Washington
where they visited Mrs.
Smith’s sister, Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. H. C. Castleberry
honored bride-elect Karen
Bardsdale with a miscellan
eous shower at her home re
A group of Junior Civitans
from Forest Park High
School will be attending the
state convention at Jekyll
Island April 26-28.