The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, April 11, 1968, Page 9, Image 9

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Century English Style Callaway Gardens Information
Center facing U. S. Highway 27 ic open to orientate guests
each day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. year-round. The Center
with lighted fountain and courtyard contains a small
theatre, infoi mation section and sales area. Callawav
Gardens, Pine Mountain, Ga.
Honor Roll - 3rd Quarter
Linda Gail Carroll, Deborah Nancy
Denson, Peggy Jean Harbin, Angela
Roberts, Roberta Jean Shaw.
Ray Crisp, Terry Fore, Margaret
Horton, Steven McKinney, Todd
Rainwater, Garey Gosdin, Jean
Jacobs, Barry Martin.
Glenda Kay Dailey, Ricky Lee
Jones, Kay Trammell, Charlene
Wages, Sandra Irene Carroll. Roger
Felton Godfrey, Donna M. Williams.
Michael David Hogan, Rebecca Ann
John Cavallin, Pam Anderson, Ma
son Griffin, Virginia Ayers, Debbie
McElroy, Russell Newland, David
Teasley. Elisi Weiner, Clyde Phillips.
Engagement Told
Mrs. Reba Turner an
nounces the engagement of
her daughter, Alice Diann
Turner, to Marvin R. Simp
son of Suffolk, Va. The wed
ding will take place Easter
Sunday, April 14, at Ash
Street Baptist Church.
Ewing ’s
Beauty Salon
980 Main Street
Forest Ft irk, Georgia
Open Every Day
Except Sunday.
Phone: 366-4730
© (WK
The Best in Dry Cleaning
at no extra charge
4660 Jonesboro Road
Bethsaida Baptist Church
invites you to spring revival
April 21-28, meeting each
night at 7:30 p.m. A nursery
will be provided.
Dr. Jesse M. Hendley will
preach and Rev. Russell Case
will be guest singer. Dr. Hen
ley is widely known as an
evangelist, and is always in
demand, and has many
friends in this district.
The church is located at
2101 Bethsaida Road, be
tween Old National Highway
and W. Fayette Road. Pastor
Rev. Herbert F. Woodyard
offers a hearty invitation to
25th Annual
Employees of the East
Point Office of the Georgia
State Employment Service
will attend the Labor De
partment’s 25th A nnu a 1
Training Institute April
18-20 at Jekyll Island.
T. E. Gannaway, Manager
of East Point, and others
from Agency Offices state
wide will hear addresses by
i Commissioner of Labor Sam
Caldwell: Asa Kelly, Director
I of the State Department of
' Corrections; William H. Bur
; son, Director of the State
Department of Family and
Children Services, and Julian
O. Colquitt, Regional Direc
tor of the U. S. Employment
The East Point Office will
maintain normal operating
hours April 18 and 19.
The three-day institute,
whose theme will be Human
Resources Renewal, will be
held at Stuckey's Carriage
Inn. The general session will
be opened Friday morning
with a welcoming address by
Horace G. Caldwell, Director
of the Jekyll Island State
Park Authority.
Kelly, Burson, Colquitt and
Commissioner Caldwell will
speak at training sessions
throughout the day Friday.
Saturday will be devoted
I to the annual business meet-
I ing and awards presenta
tion of the Georgia Chapter
of the International Associa
tion of Personnel in Employ
ment Security. IAPES First
I Vice President Myrtle Fowler
of Tallulah, La., will install
• the chapter’s new officers.
Praising the value of the
annual institute, Commis
sioner Caldwell said: “The
concept of Human Resources
Renewal, so vital to the con
tinued growth of Georgia’s
economy, concerns all em
ployees of the department.
“What we learn from our
institute speakers will enable
us to broaden our scope and
extend the range of our
Come to Callaway Gardens
It's spring fever time! Indulge
yourself and come to Callaway
Gardens where spring is busting
out all over 2500 acres. The dog
wood, azaleas and wild flowers are
spectacular along the walking trails.
The greenhouse is abloom. In fact,
there's 18 miles of spring flora I^^
beauty. Visit the new In
formation Center and en
joy the free guided bus
tours. Gardens entrance,
adults only 75c and chil
dren 35c for a pleasur-
Georgia's Unique Year 'round Resort on U.S. 27 at Pine Mountain, Ga. 31822
iuj iniiinjjij
111 kl Jill UN T1
hi ihe Interesi of
Walter Keith Pope. White Male age
4. Born 4-24-63 Case No. P 216-27
Tina Marie Pope. White Female age
3, Born 5-21-64 Case No. P 217-27
Children under 17 years of age
To Peggy Pope. Greetings:
Whereas, the Clayion County Ju
venile Court took legal custody of
said children. WALTER KEITH
order of this Court date of April 25.
Whereas, said children were placed
in the temporary care and custody
of their maternal uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Blessitt. by
order of this Court date of April
25. 1966
Whereas, the parent. Peggy Pope,
was ordered to show cause before
Mrs. Gertrude M. Boswick. Referee,
Juvenile Court of Clayton County.
Georgia, at 9:30 A M on June 13,
Pilot’s Wives
To Tour
The Atlanta Eastern Air
Lines Pilot's Wives Club will
tour the new Governor's
Mansion April 18. The mem
bers and guests will meet in
front of the Governor’s Man
sion at 11 a.m. for the tour
which will be at 11:30 a m.
A luncheon will follow at
"Yohannan’s Across The
Street Restaurant”, 3393
Lenox Road, N.E., at 12:30
am. For reservations call
Mrs. W. G. Scruggs, 767-2422,
or Mrs, T. W. McLean, 767-
j 3432, by noon April 17.
—Mrs. T. W. McLean
3067 Dogwood Drive
East Point, Ga. 30044
Havana--In a four and one
half hour speech against private
enterprise, Fidel Castro
declared the Communist party
would soon take possession of
all private bars and clubs. At
the same time he announced the
sugar crop would be 2.5 million
metric tons short of the goal,
services to the employers
, and employees of the state."
able day. You can take a splash into
the sunshine at beautiful Robin Lake
Beach. So pack up your family and
a picnic basket and come to Calla
way. Better still, make a family
weekend of it. Enjoy delicious Calla
way-style cooking at the Clubhouse
and accommodations at the
Holiday Inn or Callaway
I Cottages.
■ For reservations, call 688-
I 8542 in Atlanta, 342-2234
I in Columbus, or 663-2281
| in Pine Mountain.
■ Callaway ■
■ Gardens ■
1968. why all parental rights should
not be severed, and,
It now appearing to ihe Court that
said children, WALTER KEITH
presently within and have been
wiihin the jurisdiction of ihe Clay
ton County Juvenile Court since
about June 1965. and are subject to
ihe jurisdiction of this Court, and.
It further appearing to the Court
that said children. WALTER KEITH
have been in a state of neg
lect and abandonment since June
1965, and are sitll in a state of neg
lect and abandonment in that the
father is deceased and the where
abouts of the mother is unknown
and she refuses to support said chil
dren. and,
It further appearing to the Court
that the question of custody was
brought before this Court on April
25, 1965. and the whereabouts of the
said parents Peggy Pope being un
known the Court has ordered a
final hearing set in said matter on
the 13th day of June 1968, al 9:30
o'clock A.M., at the Juvenile Court
of Clayton County. Georgia, at 7908
N McDonough Street. Jonesboro.
Georgia, at which time the final
question as to termination of par
ental rights or adoption will be de
You and each of you are hereby
commanded to be and appear in
said Court at the time and place
above stated, io show cause why
said children should not be dealt
with according to the provisions of
So ordered, this the 2 day of April.
Juvenile Court of Clayton County
Under and by virtue of power of
sale contained in deed to secure debt
executed by HERBERT C. ROPER to
RATED under date of August 18,
1961, securing a note of even date in
the principal sum of $12,850.00, re
payable in monthly installments of
$72.99 each, being due and payable
on or before September, 1991, said
deed being recorded in Deed Book
250, Page 365, Clayton County Rec
। ords, and subsequently transferred to
transfer dated September 11, 1961,
and recorded in Deed Book 252, Page
67. Clayton County Records; and by
virtue of a default in the payment
of the indebtedness secured by said
I deed, the undersigned will sell at
public outcry to the highest bidder
। for cash, before the Court House
। Door of Clayton County, Georgia,
j during the legal hours of sale, on
I the first Tuesday in May. 1968, sub-
I ject to any outstanding and unpaid
taxes and/or street improvements
: and/or easements and/or restrictive
covenants appearing of record, the
following described property, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot 178 of
the 13th District of Clayton County.
! Georgia, and being Lot 21, Block D.
of the Oak Forest Subdivision, as per
plat by J. E. Allen, Registered Geor
gia Surveyor No. 416, dated Septem
ber 10, 1960, and recorded in Plat
Book 6. Page 173, Clayton County
Records, and being more particularly
A full year has slipped past us since we last celebrated
the coming of Easter and its meaningful promise to
men of faith everywhere.
The year, when you look at the cold statistics of the
news, has not been a good one. War is still with us,
and the fear of annihilation in an atomic holocaust,
through the error of man’s judgment or the simple
| miscalculation of a computer, is continually present.
Long, hot summers have lengthened into the winters,
as the lawless, looting where hands have not labored,
have defied civil order in the name of progress. Pro
ponents of a potpourri of causes have descended upon
the centers of our nation - even its capital city - and
contradicted by their actions all that their placards
proclaim. The crime rate is rising, the use of drugs
seems to be increasing, the threads of civilized society
sometimes appear to be coming apart at the seams.
And so we find ourselves - spirits sagging, perhaps -
standing at the threshold of another Easter. Yet if
there is one thing for which Easter is the everlasting
symbol, it is HOPE.
To every heart - unless that heart is closed and un
yielding - the dawn of an Easter morning brings hope
—hope that the sadnesses of this world will disappear,
hope of the ultimate triumph of faith and good will,
hope that the spirit of Christ will prevail and that the
peace and love of mankind which were his blessings
will pervade the hearts and spirits of all men every
Just as the sunrise of Easter morning illuminates the
darkness of the night, so can each of us contribute
“our candle” to a bright new day. Only then will our
hopes and our prayers become reality, and we can
live in harmony and in happiness in the best of all
possible worlds.
5601 Richlo Court
Forest Park, Ga. - 361-6681
BE ER-toast to America's economy
The brewing industry is a massive and dynamic part of
the national economy Each year it pours billions of
dollars into commerce and government
■ $1 4 billion in state and federal excise taxes
■ $3 billion to employees, suppliers and distributors.
■ $875 million in agricultural products and packaging
The brewing industry is a proud contributor to America's
Wu' 1 . t
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the
North side of Jen Road two hundred
seventy <27oi feet West, as measured
along the North side of Jett Road
from the point formed by the inter
section of the North side of Jett
Road with the West side of King
Road and running thence West, fol
lowing the North side of Jen Road
eighty five <BS» feet to an iron pm;
running thence North one hundred
thirty two <132» feet to an iron pm;
running thence East, parallel with
Jett Road eighty five • 85i feet io an
iron pin. running thence South one
hundred thirty two < 132» feet to an
iron pin on the North side of Jett
Road and the point of beginning,
and including one ill watvi heater.
The property described herein is
presently owned by BENNIE R
YONCE, who assumed the obliga
tions of paying the indebtedness se
cured by said deed
The unpaid principal balance of
$11,611.67 having been declared due
and payable because of a default in
the monthly payments, said sale will
be made for the purpose of applying
the proceeds thereof toward the ex
pense of this sale, ihe payment of
the debi and interest thereon, and the
balance, if any. shall be applied as
provided by law
The undersigned will execute a
deed to the purchaser at said sale,
as provided in the afenemonnoned
deed io secure debt
as Attorney-in-Faci for
under Power of Sale contained in
Loan Deed recorded in Deed
Book 250. Page 365. Clnvion
County Records
Attorneys ai Law
P. O. Box 20781 - Airport Branch
Atlanta, Georgia 30320
"Sealed bids are solicited b\ the
City of Forest Park for the purchase
of traffic controllers and signal heads
Bids will be received in the office
of the City Manager, 785 Central
Avenue, Forest Park. Georgia until
2:00 P.M.. April 19. 1968 at which
time and place they will be publicly
opened and read. Specifications and
bid forms mav be obtained at Cits
City Manager
COMPANY certifies that it. as sole
owner with legal domicile in Clayton
County is conducting a business
which is chiefly carried on in Clay
ton County under the name of
and that the business conducted is
the operation of an apartment proj
ect and that the Affidavit required
by Georgia Law has been duly filed
with the Clerk of the Superior CouVt
of Clayton County, Georgia.
Vice President
Hodges and Oliver
Attorneys at Law
146 McDonough Street
P. O. Box 37
Jonesboro, Georgia 30236
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in deed to secure debt
executed and delivered by Jimmy
H. Dean and Betty E Dean io Edwin
L. Collins, dated July 18, 1966. re
corded July 22. 1966, in deed book
439. page 753. in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court, Clayton
^^Lercrom Lie
om m en /
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., April 11, 1968
County, Georgia and fully described
(herein and by virtue of default in
payment of the debt mentioned
therein, the undersigned as attorney
in fact for Jimmy H Dean and Betty
E. Dean, will sell before the court
house doors in Clayton County.
Georgia, within the legal hours of
sale for cash to the highest bidder
on the first Tuesday in May. 1968
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Loi 148 of
the 13th District of Clayton County.
Georgia, being Loi 12. Block H. Sec
tion Three A of Apple Valley Sub
division. as pet plat recorded in Plat
Book 8. page 126. Clayton County
Records, being improv cd property
Known as 6625 Wolf Rivet Drive;
Riverdale. Georgia.
Said property will be sold subject
to a prior deed io secure debi in
favor of National Homes Acceptance
as attorney in fact for
Jimmy H. Denn and Benr E Dean
2356 Cloverdale Drive S E
Atlanta, Georgia 627-2342
5 !
By virtue of Power of Sale con
tained in Security Deed from
Thomas O Smith, Jr. to United
Mortgagee Servicing Corp , dated Oc
tober 1. 1965, recorded Oct. 13, 1965
in Deed Book 411, Page 367, Clay ion
County Records. Said Security Deed
being given to secure a Note of even
date in the original principal amount
of Ten Thousand Six Hundred and
Fifty and No/100 ,$10,650.00) Dol
lars, with interesi from date ai the
rate of five and one-fourth iS'x':; i per
annum on the unpaid balance until
paid; said Security Deed having been
sold, assigned, transferred and con
veyed by United Mortgagee Serv
icing Corp, to The Lincoln Savings
Bank on November 3. 1965 recorded
on November 12, 1965 in Deed Book
415, Page 583, Clayton County Rec
ords. there will be sold by the
undersigned at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash before the
Court House door at Clayton County.
Georgia, within the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in May.
1968. the following described prop
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot 50 ot
the 13th District, Clayton County.
Georgia, being Lot 47, Block B. King
Construction Co. as per plat re
corded at Plat Book 1. page 219.
Clayton County Records and being
more particularly described as fol
BEGINNING at a point tn concrete
on the Northwesterly side of Ash
Street, One Hundred Fifty <lsoi feet
Northeasterly from the corner formed
by the intersection of the Northwest
erly side of Ash Street with the
Northeasterly side of Bridge Avenue;
said point of beginning being al ihe
line dividing Lois 47 and 54 of said
block and property; running thence
Northeasterly along the Northwest
erly side of Ash Street. Fifty 150>
feet io a poini In concrete and a 30
fooi alley; running thence North
westerly along the Southwesterly side
of said alley. Two Hundred i2oot
feci to an iron pin; running thence
Southwesterly Fifty 1501 feet to an
iron pin and Lot 54 of said block and
properly; running thence Southeast
erly along the Northeasterly line of
said Lot 54, Two Hundred < 2001 feet
to a point in concrete on the North
westerly side of Ash Street and the
point of beginning, being Improved
property having a one story frame
house thereon and being more par
ticularly shown on survey prepared
by Sam G. Evans, Jr., dated Sep
tember 21, 1965
This conveyance also includes as
a part of the above described prem
ises 1 range or counter cook unit
and oven, 1 wall air conditioner and
1 water heater.
The debt is secured by said Se
curity Deed and Note has been and
is hereby declared due because of
non-payment of the monthly install
ments on said loan The debt re
maining in default, this sale will be
made for the purpose of paying the
same and all expenses of this sale.
Said property will be sold as ihe
property of Thomas O. Smith. Jr
and subject to the outstanding ad
valorem taxes and/or assessments,
if any.
As Attorney in Fact for Thomas
O. Smith
A. Leigh Baier
Hansell, Post, Brandon & Dorsey
3300 First National Bank Building
Atlanta. Georgia 30303
By virtue of Power of Sale con
tained in Security Deed from V H
Burks to Spratlin, Harrington &
Thomas, Inc., dated April 14, 1967,
recorded April 18. 1967 in Deed Book
461, Page 432/34, Fulton County Rec
ords. Said Security Deed being given
io secure a Note of even date in the
original principal amount of Twelve
Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and
No/100 ($12,750 001 Dollars, with in
teresr from dale at the rate of seven
<77,1 per annum on the unpaid bal
ance until paid; there will be sold
by the undersigned at public outcry
to the highest bidder for cash before
the Court House door at Fulton Coun
ty, Georgia, within the legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in May.
1968, the following described prop
ALL that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Loi 117 of
the 12th District of Clayton County.
Georgia, being Lot 7, Block A,
Renaldo Manor Subdivision, as per
plat recorded in Plat Book 9 page
258, Clayton County Records, which
plat is hereby referred to and made
a part of this description.
The debt is secured by said Se
curity Deed and Note has been and
is hereby declared due because of
non-payment of the monthly install
ments on said loan. The debt re
maining in default, this sale will be
made for Ihe purpose of paying (he
same and all expenses of (his sale.
Said properly will be sold as (he
property of V. H. Burks and subject
to the outstanding ad valorem taxes
and/or assessments, if any.
As Attorney in Fact for V. H
A. Leigh Baier
Hansell, Posi, Brandon & Dorsey
3300 First National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Pursuant to the power of sale con
tained In a certain Deed to Secure
Debt from Sonja W Bennett to Stone
Mountain Finance, Inc., dated July 3,
1963, recorded In Deed Book 309, page
246-248, Clayton County. Jonesboro,
Clayton County, Georgia, records, and
transferred from Stone Mountain Fi
nance, Inc., to T. P. Davidson and re
corded In Deed Book 486. page 289,
December 29, 1967, Clayton County,
Jonesboro. Clayton County, Georgia,
records, there will be sold by the un
dersigned in front ot the Courthouse
door In Clayton County, Jonesboro.
Clayton County. Georgia, on the first
Tuesday In May, 1988, during the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder
for cash the following described prop
All that tract and parcel of land
lying and being In Land Lot 115 of
the 12th District ot Clayton County,
Georgia, being part ot Lots 5, 6. and
8, Block A, Subdivision ot Pinecrest
Forest, Inc. According to plat by John
E. Chapman, Jr., particularly de
scribed as follows:
BEGINNING at an Iron pin located
on the north side of Pinecrest Drive
325 teet east of the Intersection ot the
north side of Pinecrest Drive with the
northeast side ot Pleasant Valley
Drive; running thence east along the
north side ot Pinecrest Drive 100 feet
to an Iron pin; running thence north
1886 teet to an Iron pin; running
thence west 100 feet to an Iron pin;
running thence south 188.6 feet to an
Iron pin on the north side of Pine
crest Drive, the point of beginning,
being improved property known as 105
Pinecrest Drive, Morrow. Georgia.
The debt secured by the aforesaid
Deed to Secure Debt and the Note
given in evidence thereof has been
and Is hereby declared due and pay
able because of default In payment
of the monthly installments due un
der said Note.
Said property will be sold as the
property of Sonja W. Bennett and the
proceeds of said sale will be applied
first to the payment of any and all
Indebtedness due under the note se
cured by the aforeeaid Deed to Secure
Debt and expense of sale.
Said property will be sold subject to
an outstanding indebtedness in favor
of First Federal Savings end Loan As
sociation of Atlanta, Georgia, secured
by Deed to Secure Debt dated April
12, 1963, recorded in Deed Book 302.
page 219, May 2, 1983, Clayton County
records, Clayton County, Jonesboro,
Georgia, and Deed to Secure Debt to
Briarwood Realty, Inc., as recorded in
Deed Book 302, page 154, Clayton
County records, Clayton County,
Jonesboro, Georgia, and transferred to
T P Davidson and recorded in Deed
Book 486. page 288. December 29, 1967.
Clayton County records, Jonesboro.
Clayton County, Georgia
This 4th day of March, 1968
As Attorney-in-fact tor
FRED W MINTER. Attorney at Law
3553 Memorial Drive
Decatur. Georgia 30032
Tel No 284-2668 5/2
Pursuant to the power of sale con
tained In a certain deed to secure debt
executed by EDGAR DODSON to DOR
OTHY JONES dated March 29th, 1963,
recorded in Deed Book 300, pages 25-
27, Clayton County records, subse
quently transferred to Mutual Invest
ment Company on September 13. 1963,
recorded in Deed Book 317, page 560,
Clayton County records, and by virtue
ot a default In the payment ot the debt
mentioned in said deed. Mutual In
vestment Company as transferee of
Dorothy Jones and as attorney tn fact
for Edgar Dodson, will sell before the
Courthouse door In Clayton County,
Georgia, within the legal hours of sale,
for cash, to the highest bidder, on the
first Tuesday in May, 1968. subject to
any outstanding and unpaid taxes
and/or street improvements and/or
easements and/or restrictive cove
nants appearing of record, the follow
ing described property to-wit
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in Land Lot 169 of the
12th District of Clayton County, Geor
gia, and being more particularly de
scribed as follows:
BEGINNING at the Southeast cor
ner and an Iron stob on the Lot of
Lovis Glover and running 69 3 < degrees
East 131 feet to a made corner and an
iron stob. thence running North 300
feet to a made corner and an Iron
stob, thence running West 122 feet to
a made corner and an iron stob,
thence running South degree East
250 feet to a made corner ana an Iron
stob and point of beginning
Said described property being Lot
No 3 of Subdivision surveyed foe Mar
tha Moore by R S Mundy CS. May
20. 1950. and plat of same Is recorded
tn the Office Clerk Superior Court,
Clayton County tn Plat Book No 3.
Page 54. and being part of tract pur
chased by Martha Moore from J C
Steele. January, 1944, recorded In Deed
Book 40. Page 269, and Plat of same
recorded In Plat Book 1, Page 229
Clayton County Records
This conveyance excepts that por
tion of above described property which
Is described in Deed to Secure Debt
from Edgar Dodson and Ella F Dod
son recorded In Deed Book 267, Page
327. Clayton County Records and
transferred to General Electric Credit
Corporation, recorded in Deed Book
271, Page 164, Clayton County Records
as transferee and as attorney-in-fact
Joseph M Brown, Attorney at Law
Suite 1316 First National Bank Bldg
Atlanta. Georgia 30303 5/2
By virtue of the power of sale con
tained in a deed to secure debt from
ration, dated July 31, 1965, and re
corded in Deed Book 402, page 251.
Clayton County Clerk of Superior
Court Records, which deed to secure
debt was given to secure a promissory
note in the principal sum of $2,342 40,
dated July 31, 1965, due and payable
In monthly Installments of 325 96, on
the Ist day of each month, beginning
on the Ist day of August. 1965, will
put up and expose to sale at public
outcry to the highest bidder for cash,
within the legal hours of sale, before
the Courthouse door in Clayton Coun
ty. Georgia, on the Ist Tuesday in
May, 1968, the following described
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being In Land Lot 46, of the
13th District of Clayton County, Geor
gia, and being part of Lot 16. of Block
B. of the Bennett property Subdivi
sion, as shown by plat recorded in
Plat Book 3. page 16. Clayton County
Records, and being more particularly
described as follows: BEGINNING at
a point on the northeasterly side of
City View Drive 291.5 feet southeaster
ly from the northeast corner of City
View Drive and Burk Place; running
thence southeasterly along said City
, View Drive 50 feet to an Tron pin at
Lot 15, of said block and subdivision:
thence running northeasvc.lj along
the northwesterly side of Lot 15, for
a distance of 134.3 feet to a point;
thence running northwesterly for 60 5
feet to a point; thence running south
westerly along the Loyd J Maroney
property for 134 8 feet to the north
easterly side of City View Drive and
the point of beginning.
The property above described is sold
subject to a first deed to secure debt
to Collateral Investment Corporation
of Birmingham, Alabama
The Indebtedness secured by the
deed to secure debt so recorded being
in default the undersigned has elected
to declare the entire Indebtedness due
' and payable according to the terms
of said deed to secure debt and the
above described property will be sold
at public outcry at the time and place
above described to the highest bidder
for cash for the purpose of paying the
Indebtedness secured by the deed to
secure debt so recorded In Deed Book
402, page 251, Clayton County Clerk of
Superior Court Records
The proceeds of said sale of said
land will be applied to the payment of
the principal and Interest due on the
note secured by the second deed to
secure debt together with all costs of
the sale, after which. It any funds re
maining, they will be distributed as
provided by law
The above described property will be
sold as the property of JOSEPH P
McKown Construction Company
By: H. E. McKown, President
as Attorney In Fact for
Joseph P. Nemeth
James H Neal
201 Healey Building
Atlanta, Georgia 5/2
GEORGIA, Clayton County
By virtue of the power of sale con
tained In a Warranty Deed to Secure
a Debt executed and delivered by W
Harold Russell and Hazel Russell to
the West Lumber Company, dated
March 7.1962, and recorded In Deed
Book 264, Pages 546-548 In the records
of the Superior Court of Clayton
County, there will be sold at public
outcry, before the door of the court
house of said state and county, by
said West Lumber Company, during
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in May, 1968, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
AU that tract or parcel of land, ly
ing and being in Land Lot 21 of the
13th District of Clayton County. Geor
gia, being Lot 38 In Block E of Oak
Forrest Subdivision, Section 1. as per
plat by Watts and Browning, Engi
neers, dated March 15, 1948, and re
corded In Plat Book 2, page 180, Clay
ton County Records, and being Im
proved property now known as 252
Oak Drive, formerly numbered 233
Oak Drive, Mountain View, Georgia.
The debt secured by said Warranty
Deed to Secure a Debt being In de
fault. said sale will be made for the
purpose ot paying the same, and the
proceeds thereof will be applied to the
payment of said Indebtedness and to
the expense of this procedure. The
above described property will be sold
subject to a loan In favor of First Fed
eral Savings & Loan Association, and
subject to all unpaid taxes and other
assessments or restrictions of record,
If any.
This, the Ist day of April, 1968
As Attorney-In-Fact for
W Harold Russell and Hazel Russell
George W. West, Attorney
1491 Piedmont Ave., NE
Atlanta, Oa. 5/2
Order for service by publication
dated AprU 2, 1968.
The defendant Thesesla Marie Kend
rick is hereby commanded personally
or by attorney to be and appear at
the Superior Court to be held In the
said County within sixty days from
the date of the order for service by
publication, as above set forth, then
and there to answer the plaintiff’s
complaint in the above captioned case,
else the Court will proceed as to Jus
tice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Edwin 8.
Kemp, Judge of said Court, this 2nd
day of April, 1988.
Clerk, Superior Court
Kemper, Miller 8t Montgomery
118 McDonough Street
Jonesboro, Georgia 5/2