Newspaper Page Text
Your Full-Service
Member F.D.I.C.
dlaytim County Nms anti farmer
A Fund-Raising 'Cards-Arama'
A worthy endeavor is presented by Mrs. S. Sam Caldwell
Several months ago four Franciscan nuns—operating in
dependently—moved into a disadvantaged area of Atlanta’s
inner city on a trial basis. The sisters have come to Atlanta
for the purpose of experimenting in a new form of religious
life. They have discarded their habits in an attempt to live
with and provide assistance for their neighbors in the in
ner city.
One —a teacher at North Fulton High — provides the
group’s main income. The others devote all their time and
energy to serving the community. As you can imagine,
their community service extends only as far as finances will
In an effort to underwrite the nuns' work, a group of
women—representing no single organization—have planned
a fund-raising “Cards-Arama" on April 18 at 8 p.m. in the
Dinkier Plaza Hotel Ballroom. The hotel has donated the
space and refreshments, and all the proceeds will be turned
over to the nuns.
We will greatly appreciate any mention The Free Press
and News can make of the benefit—on the women’s pages
and/or as a small news item.
If I can supply any additional details, please call me at
Thank you for your cooperation. The sisters badly need
a helping hand. With you on our side we can give them one.
Mrs. Sam Caldwell
♦ ♦ •
'Don't Sit Down'
Lee Hutcheson, prominent Jonesboro attorney, passed on
to us this gem of wisdom—
It seems that a convict sent a wire to his lawyer saying,
"Have been moved to Death Row—they’ve shaved my head
and slit my trousers’ legs. What must I do?” His lawyer
wired him immediately and said, "Don’t sit down.”
Forest Park Recreation
Center will be turned into an
information base for local
service families at 7:30 p.m.,
on Thursday, April 25, ac
cording to Reverend Ralph
C. Shea, Sr., Red Cross Serv
ice to Military Families Com
mittee member in Clayton
County. Rev. Shea is co
pas tor, Jones Memorial
Im ■ )
Kih wl*^^ Bi *
LEFT TO RIGHT: Walter Purcell, vice chairman, Ryburn
G. Clay, Jr., chairman, Metropolitan Atlanta Red Cross
Chapter Service to Military Families, and Mrs. Elinor
Allwine, executive, Clayton County Red Cross unit, go
over last-minute details in planning the first Red Cross-
Army Forces “Family Night” for military dependents
in the Clayton area.
JFnmt ^ark
of Decatur.
Her letter is self-explanatory—
Mr. Jack Troy, Publisher
Forest Park Free Press and News
1007 Central Avenue
Forest Park, Georgia
Dear Mr. Troy:
Methodist Church in Forest
A joint Red Cross-Armed
Forces briefing session will
be followed by refreshments
and an open-house setting
for questions and answers.
“This will be an excellent
occasion for dependents of
our fighting men not only to
(Continued On Page 6)
-A - 3? T .Jr •y».
Lighting for Special Week
Scenes like this are in evidence throughout the Metropoli
tan Atlanta area this week as homeowners light up flow
ering trees during the Dogwood Festival, being observed
April 15-21. This year, the Atlanta Designers Lighting
Forum and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce are
urging homeowners to light up not only dogwoods, but
other flowering trees to bring added beauty to the many
streets which this week comprise the "Lighted Dogwood
Marchman Trophy
Judging April 16
Mrs. Gordon Zuck, Chairman of the Beautifica
tion Committee of the Clayton County Chamber of
Commerce Women’s Division, announces that judg
ing for the awarding of the Marchman Trophy is set
for Tuesday, April 16th at 9:30 a.m. A committee
composed of members of the
Beautlfic all o n Committee
for the Chamber and three
judges from outside Clayton
County will personally visit
each club who has submitted
a scrapbook of their accom
plishments in beautification
for this year.
Several of our civic clubs
have entered the competi
tion, this being the second
year that the Chamber has
sponsored this project. Last
year’s winner was the Jones
boro Women's Club who was
selected due to their out
standing program in beau
tifying downtown Jonesboro.
The Marchman Trophy
was named for a past presi
dent of the Chamber, the
late Col. Frank Marchman
who was personally Inter-
Lake City
Working in the yard this
Saturday? Too busy to
cook? Get a box of barbe
cued chicken with trim
mings at the Lake City
Club House on Harper
Drive. Benefit Lake City
Community Club.
Serving between 4 p.m.
and 7 p.m. Adults, $1.00;
children, 75c.
(Georgia and Old Dixie Hwy.)
ested in the appearance and
beautification of Clayton
County. Col. Marchman
served several years as
chairman of the Chamber’s
Beautification Committee.
(Continued On Page 6>
Curriculum Fair
The annual curriculum
fair will be held at the April
18 PTA meeting at Lee Street
School. This special event
gives parents a chance to see
some of the accomplish
ments of their children and
other Lee Street students.
This display features all
areas of school work.
Also, Mrs. Billy H. Pruitt
will install next year’s PTA
officers who were elected at
the March meeting. They aTe
as follows: President, Mrs.
Gene McCuen; vice-presi
dent, Mrs. R. E. Tilly; secre
tary, Mrs. George T. Coble;
treasurer, Mrs. Albert Moses;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Albert Harrell; delegates,
Mrs. Joe Crumbley, Mrs.
Erich Sauerbrey, and Mrs.
G. N. Wilson
This final mev,,... o the
year starts at 8 p.m. Thurs
day so, parents, be there to
see the exhibits that all
classes have worked so hard
to prepare.
Lake City
Special call meeting of all
parents of Little League
and any other adults willing
to promote, develop, super
vise or voluntarily assist in
any way, the interest ot boys
who will participate in Little
League baseball.
At this meeting, you will
have the opportunity to be
come acquainted with the of
ficers, the board of directors,
managers, coaches, player
agents, umpires and every
one associated with Little
League. Morrow-Lake City
Little League to meet April
25, Lake Harbin Elementary
There will be a question
and answer session so that
everyone present will get an
swers. if possible, to any
question pertaining to rules.
This is the first of a series
of meetings to be held
throughout the season.
Please plan to attend and
show the people who are
volunteering their time, that
“you do care.”
Forest Park
Hearing On
Code Section
A public hearing will be
held by the City Council of
the City of Forest Park in
the Council Room at City
Hall at 7:30 p.m., May 6,
1968 on the addition of a
new code section to the
Code of Ordinances to be
known and designated as
Section 24-43-1, to-wit:
Sec. 24-43.1 Re-Applica
tion for Amendment.
Should the Forest Park
Planning Commission de
termine that a petition for
an amendment (re-zoning t
presented to it is so similar
in nature to any other peti
tion presented to said com
mission in the six (6)
months immediately past as
to constitute substantially
the same petition, the Com
mission shall take no action
on the new petition. The pe
titioner shall be directed by
the commission to re-submit
(Continued On Page 6)
—Mrs. Jack Pfeiffer
Publicity Chairman
Lee Street PTA
Clayton County
Library Hours
The Clayton County
Library, 124 Smith
Street, Jonesboro, has
the following hours:
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, 9 a.m. until 6
p.m.; Tuesday and
Thursday, 9 a.m. until 9
p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.
until 5 p.m.
The Forest Park
Branch, 696 Main Street,
Forest Park, has the fol
lowing hours: Monday
and Wednesday, 9 a.m.
until 9 p.m.; Tuesday.
Thursday and Friday, 9
a.m. until 6 p.m.; Satur
day, 9 until 5 p.m.
We Also
Speaks to
FP Kiwanis
The guest speaker for the
Forest Park Kiwanis meeting
of April 11 was Eddie Glen
non of the Atlanta Braves
baseball organization. Glen
non was introduced by For
est Park Kiwanian Kimsey
Eddie Glennon has had a
long career in professional
sports, beginning with nine
years of professional football,
followed by 26 years in minor
league baseball. He came to
Atlanta in 1965, to work with
the Atlanta Crackers Base
ball Club, the last year of
this baseball club. He is now
the director of Area Ticket
Sales in the southeast for the
Atlanta Braves.
Glennon spoke on the im
portance of sports, and the
impact the Braves have made
on the Atlanta area. He re
ported on the present con
dition of the Atlanta Braves
baseball, including an eval
uation of each team member.
In regard to the impact of
major league baseball on At
lanta, Glennon said, “Ac
cording to a study made by
Georgia Tech, the Atlanta
Braves Baseball team
brought $30,000,000.00 worth
of business into the Atlanta
area last year.”
At the April 4 meeting the
Forest Park Kiwanis Club
had as its special guest, and
the guest of Claud Simpson
Sr., the son of Claud Simp
son, Lt. Colonel Claud Simp
son Jr. who is en route from
an assignment' in Germany
to a new duty in Viet Nam.
Also visiting was Melvin Nall,
Educational Director of the
Forest Park First Baptist
Visitors at the April 11
meeting included Wayne
Jernigan, Don Kee and Ron
nie Walker. William Haney
in reporting on the progress
of the new Boy Scout Build
ing, stated that the building
is about 80% completed, and
should be ready for use
around the first of May.
Take us out to eat at
The Dwarf House
The Restaurant with PERSONALITY
Elementary Chorus
To Present Program
The first annual elementary All-Star Chorus will
present a two hour program on Friday evening, April
26, 8:00 p.m., at the Forest Park Senior High School.
More than two hundred and fifty students selected
from all the sixth grades of Clayton County’s ele-
mentary schools will partic
Youth Protection Founda
tion, Inc., is sponsoring the
program in cooperation with
the Clayton County School
System. The Foundation was
organized early this year to
promote the safety and wel
fare of minors in Clayton
County. In addition to its
work in distributing “Patch
the Pony” materials on the
elementary level, It will also
carry youth protection edu
cational materials to all
school levels.
Under the direction of
Mrs. Martha Ellen Stilwell,
the children have been re
hearsing in groups and dur
ing the final week, will be
brought together several
times for combined dress re
hearsals. Assisting Mrs. Stil
well were the following Ele
mentary Music Consultants:
Mrs. Shirley Addington, Mrs.
Becky Boak, Mrs. Eve Gris-
Garden Club
Flower Show
Artists of Clayton County,
the Forest Park Garden Club
invites you to exhibit several
of your paintings in their
annual Flower Show.
The Flower Show is to be
presented May 7, 1968 at the
Jones Memorial First Meth
odist Church and the theme
to be Artistry With Flowers
in Images.
Please contact Mrs. Ron
ald Wilson, 361-3022, for in
Speir Inturana
Agency, Inc.
| YOWL 1
\ /.—< / UIMY J
o ev
fin, Mrs. Edwina Burgess.
Mrs. Janet Lipschutz, and
Mrs. Betty White.
The program will be pre
sented in three parts. First,
the chorus will do several se
lections of music by the old
masters. Following the first
intermission, art songs and
spirituals will be featured.
The program will be con
cluded with more contem
porary music that has been
popular in recent years, in
cluding several show tunes.
(Continued On Page 6)
Music Club
Paper Sale
The Forest Park Music
Club will sponsor a paper
sale April 20 at the Forest
Park Senior High, between 9
a.m. and 12 noon. This proj
ect will be of benefit toward
the purchase of uniforms,
instruments and equipment
for the Senior High School
Your newspapers and
magazines would be greatly
Tire Forest Park Music
Club met March 25. The of
ficers of 1967-68 were re
elected to serve 1968-69.
They are: President, Mrs.
E. L. Swiney; first vice presi
dent, H. A. Hendricks; sec
ond vice president, Lloyd
Tarpley; secretary, Mrs. W.
R. Mize; treasurer, R. C.
Sandlin: associate treasurer,
Mrs. Paul Griffith.
The Music Club would like
to thank everyone for their
support in their projects to
benefit our school bands.