Newspaper Page Text
ft Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., May 30, 1968
J Woman s Page |
Jonesboro Socials
105 Smith Street — Phone 478-6841
Mr and Mrs. Bernard Fos
ter spent the week end in
Brunswick attending an
Amaranth meeting. The
next week end, the Fosters
will be at Jekyll Island for
a Pioneer Convention of the
Southern Bell Telephone
Mr and Mrs Eugene Mad
dox of Juliette. Georgia, and
Mr W T Maddox of Grif
fin. were spend the day
guests of Mrs. Elsie Cauthen
on Sunday.
Mrs F B Elliott is the
guest of her daughter. Mrs
G D McElroy, Mr McElroy
and family in Durham.
North Carolina, for two
week- Mr Elliott spent the
week end with them.
Mr and Mrs. B L. Yonce
and Ricky vacationed last
week in St Petersburg. Flor
ida The Yonces had as
their house guests on their
return. Mr and Mrs. Paul
Hartsoe and Paulette, of
Johnston. South Carolina,
and Mr and Mrs. Edward
Burley. Jimmy and Teresa,
of Newberry. South Carolina.
Mrs D C Camichael was
the luncheon guest of Mrs.
W V Whaley at Davis
Brothers on Friday for her
birthday which was on
Wednesday Mrs. W. P
Carnes of Kenwood was
hostess at a luncheon on
Sunday in honor of Mrs.
Carmichael and Mrs Frank
Rutherford for their birth
days. the other guest was Mr
Mr and Mrs C. S. Miller
and daughter. Susan, spent
the week end at their coun
try home in Moultrie.
Mr and Mrs Charles Gas
saway and son, Brian, of
Marietta were spend the day
guests of Mr and Mrs I F
Elliott, on Sunday
Mr and Mrs H F Puckett
of Forest Park, were the
guests of Mrs. H Glenn
Camp on Thursday. Mrs.
Camp has been ill for three
Miss Jennifer Troy was
honored on her Bth birth
day. Monday evening. May
27. by her mother, Mrs. Dan
Troy, with a wiener roast.
Eight girl friends enjoyed
the occasion Mrs Troy and
daughters Jennifer and
Christina will leave on June
1. for Baltimore, Maryland,
to visit her sister. Mrs. Ellis
L Jones. Dr Jones and fam
ily They will be accompanied
on the trip by her parents,
Mr and Mrs. L H Coleman,
of Atlanta
Mrs. C A Haskew of An
niston. Alabama, is visiting
Col Ret and Mrs John S.
Hassell for several weeks
The Hassells son, Lt. Leon
ard G. Hassell and Mrs. Has
sell stopped over for two
shop Bonnie ’s
PANT- mk
nt CZ
Junior and P.\ \
Junior Petite Fy O-T
Sizes 3to 15 I ( ' \
Just Arrived: A Complete i . ■
Line of POLLY ALLS / I
-I r J B
r®.’ Sportswear .. RFI ,
tnr.E l»lr 1
Bonnie’s, inc.
Dress Shop I: U
PHONE 366 8906 hOWV)//
812 Ash-Morrow Ploxa 9:3 ^' m _
FOREST PARK Fridays to 7 L___
days with their parents as I
they were en route from Fort
Belvoir, Virginia, to Fort
Miss Susan Hudgens of
Albany, was the week end
guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
M. Harris to attend the
graduation exercises from
Woodward Academy of their
son. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs Hal Davis of
Coral Gables, Florida, Mrs. (
Martha Chandler, Mrs. W. C. j
Weaver and Mr. Jim Stone- |
cypher, of Atlanta, visited
Mrs. J B Pulliam and Ju
lius, on Monday.
The Junior High Chorus
gave their 2nd concert of the
year at the junior high cafe
torium, on Friday evening,
May 24, under the direction
of the school choral director,
Mr Harold Douglas.
Mrs. Q. E. Bell's mother, j ■
Mrs. L. L. Bledsoe and her ।
sister, Mrs. Nathan Walston. I
of Newnan, were spend the
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bell on Saturday.
Mrs. A. C Davis has re
turned from a three week
visit to Brewton. Alabama,
where she was the guest of
her children, Mr and Mrs.
Tom Eidson and children.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Busby. i
Sr have returned from a .
trip to Washington, D. C. to
attend the National Cham- I
ber of Commerce Conven
tion, April 28-May 1. They
had many interesting exper
iences. Mr. Busby attended
an Atlanta Gas Light Com
pany’s Managers meeting at
Jekyll Island, May 21-24
Mrs. G. L. Brogdon with
two friends from Atlanta
and one from Woodberry. I
spent last week at a summer
cottage on Lake Burton.
A group of ladies from ‘
Lake Jodeco, met on Wed- ,
nesday, May 29. at the Civic j
Room of the Bank of Jones- i
boro, for a “Get Acquainted j
Mrs. Clemmle Brower of
Atlanta, was the week end
guest of Mrs. W. V Whaley
and they spent Saturday at
Callaway Gardens
♦ * ♦
Nelson Nichols — South
Fulton. (
George Moore—South Ful- ‘ ,
ton j
Mrs. R M Knight—Holy (
Mrs. Hiram Camp—Geor
: gla Baptist.
Mrs. Mertice E. Baird— I
i 3535 Ashton Woods Drive ■
Convalescent Home.
Miss Carolyn Blalock — i
Georgia Baptist.
Mrs. C. R. Chesney visited
her sister, Mrs. M H.
j Thames and Mr. Thames in
Red Oak, over the week-end
j v
1 \
I '
Camp, Ballard
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs Elzie Irving
Camp, Jr., of Concord. Geor
gia, announce the engage
ment of their daughter,
Dianna Delores Camp, to
Gerald Byron Ballard, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bal
lard of Jonesboro, Georgia
Miss Camp was graduated
from Jonesboro Senior High
School and attended Middle
Georgia College. She is pres
ently employed by the Geor
gia Power Company in At-
The Forest Park
Women of Moose
The Forest Park Women of
the Moose will meet Wednes
day, June 5, at the Lodge
home located on Highway 41
The Academy of Friend
ship Committee is in charge
of the program. Chairman
Joyce Reynolds urges all
members who have candi
dates for enrollment to please
bring them. This will be the
last enrollment for this year.
The speaker for the eve
ning will be Becky Dorris,
and her topic will be on
Friendship. Becky (as we all
know) is Past Graduate Re
gent, and member of the
Academy of Friendship, hav
ing received the degree on
May 2, 1965 in Mobile. Ala
j lanta, Georgia.
I The future bridegroom was
graduated from Jonesboro
Senior High School. He Is a
’ graduate of Middle Georgia
College and is presently &
student at the University of
Georgia where he is major
ing in Marketing.
The wedding will take
place July 27 at the First
Baptist Church. Jonesboro.
j Georgia.
I She is also a member of the
I College of Regents and re
ceived her cap and gown in
June 1967 at Moosehart, 111.
i The officers for the coming
I year was elected last meet-
I ing:
Gladys Fortner — Senior
Jewel Reed—Junior Re
Stella Collins Chaplain.
Angie Stephenson—Treas
May McKenzie - Recorder.
Installation of officers will
be held on June 29 at the
Lodge Home.
—M. McKenzie
Funeral services for Mr.
। William L. Thornton, Tur-
J ner Rd., Jonesboro, were held
i Sunday, May 26, at 4 p.m.
I from Dickson’s Chapel, Rev.
j Fred Shelnutt officiating.
Interment, Jonesboro City
Cemetery. Jonesboro Lodge
No. 87 F&AM had charge of
services at the graveside.
Surviving are daughter, Miss
Laura Thornton; sons, Mr.
W. A. Thornton, Mr. T R.
Thornton, Mr. Howard
; Thornton, all of Jonesboro;
| a number of grandchildren,
| nieces and nephews.
Pope Dickson & Son,
We wish to express our
appreciation for the kind
ness shown us during the
illness and death of our
loved one.
Mrs. Lewis L. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L.
It’s a swell sport and a
healthful activity for the
kids . . . and grown-ups too!
All sessions are supervised.
91 South Ave.
A rehearsal dinner tomor
row night a t the Officers
Club will climax a series of
pre-nuptial parties honoring
Ann Stanford and Kenneth
Prock. Hosts will be Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Prock.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stan
ford will be present along
with out-of-towners Mr. and
Mrs. Cass Stober and Mrs.
Ruth Stanford of New Hav
en, Conn., and Marty Juva of
New York.
Mrs. Charles R. Ingram
would like to pass along a
success story that some of
you may be interested in
hearing about. Says she took
a cake decorating course at
Hoke Smith Technical
School “Just to learn how to
decorate cakes for her chil
dren.” She “practiced” on
her neighbors and firends on
special occasions such as
making a cake in the shape
of a grand piano for Barbara
Gauntley when she came
home from the hospital. The
next thing she knew, she
was being asked to bake a
wedding cake for a wedding
in Miami.
Now she's decided to take
a course in catering in hopes
of going into business for
The 1968-69 presidents of
the various PTAs in Clayton
County had a real treat re
cently. They were invited to
a coffee and tour of the
State Georgia Congress
Building. The girls had an
opportunity to see how the
PTA functions at a state lev
el as well as to meet some
of the friendly people who
are always so eager to help.
Mrs. Dan Casey (Meg) and
brother, Sam Van Vorrhis,
will journey to Mt. Gilead,
Ohio, to attend the gradua
tion of their niece, Patricia
Seaburn, this week-end. By
special request, they will
bring along “Hercules” and
I’m going to let you guess
who that is!
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt C.
Whitmire flew to Merritt Is
land, Fla., for a brief visit
with their son, Jim, and wife.
Linda, and grandchildren.
Kelly, Wendy and Wade. Jim
has been ordained Minister
of Music and is doing a fine
If We Knew Our Need,
Would We Make It Profitable to Us?
NO. 21-68
Mon is not accountable for his own exist
ence. God, who is accountable for our be
ing here, tells us “no man liveth to him
self and no man dieth to himself, for wheth
er we live, we live unto the Lord; and wheth
er we die, we die unto the Lord, whether we
live or die, we are the Lord's," Rom. 1 4:7-8.
Man is not accountable for his being here,
but he is accountable for himself when he
is taught and knows the difference between
light and darkness. Once the truth has been
revealed to men, there is no escaping their
responsibility to live by the light of the truth
that has been made to shine unto them. The
times of ignorance God winked at, but now
commandeth men everywhere to repent,
Acts 17:30.
The natural man cannot fulfill God's will.
His mind is enmity against God, for it is not
subject to the law of God, neither indeed
can be. Rom. 8:7. The natural man is alien
ated from the life of God through the ig
norance that is in him. Eph. 4:18. The light
Jesus has made to shine unto men changes
everything for them. In the light which Je
sus brought to men, the darkness of ignor
ance is dispelled, and a new birth occurs,
men become children of the day and of the
light, not of the night nor of the darkness
of ignorance. The born again have eyes that
see, and they walk by the light of an under
standing that God gives. The natural man
walks by his own understanding and light,
his eyes focus on himself and the natural
desires of the flesh. When he is born again
his eyes focus on God's purpose and plan
to build men together in Christ, one body,
one spirit and one hope of their calling. For
as the body is one, and hath many members,
and all the members of that one body, be
ing many, are one body, so also is Christ.
Read for yourself 1 Cor. 12:12 to end of
Men need to live by the light which Jesus
has caused to shine unto us, to make us
members of his body, his flesh, and his
bones. Eph. 5:30. The (carnal) heart is de
ceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked, who can know it? Jer. 17:9. From
the heart of men proceed forms of wicked
ness that are deep, but hidden from our un
derstanding. They are things that are de-
** *
■k IL ■
f j
Sharon Lynn Hinton
Is Stewardess
Miss Sharon Lynn Hinton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Hinton of Forest Park,
has graduated from Eastern
School of Instruction-
Stewardesses, in Miami. She
has earned her wings and is
now based in New York City
Sharon is a graduate of
Forest Park High, Class of
1966, was most active in the
school activities. A member
of the Drill Team, president
of Kappa Club, member of
Tri-Hi-Y, Future Home-
job We’ll be hearing more
about him in the near fu
On our sick list this week
are H. A. Penn, Clifford
Piper, Perry Williams, Mrs.
William Delano and Mrs.
makers of America, member
Homecoming Court, member
Future Teachers of America,
and various other activities.
She worked for Southern
Bell for a time, representing
them at the Capitol during
the 1968 General Assembly.
But always she was most in
terested in the career of a
stewardess. We are happy to
congratulate Sharon on
achieving her desire, and
join her many friends in
wishing her every success.
MacMahan who is still hos
pitalized in Montgomery,
We’d like to say “Happy
Birthday” to Kirby Collier,
I. B. Collier II and Danny
Cook, and Happy Anniver-
structive of the body of Christ, hindering it
because the members will not fulfill their
function as a part of his body.
It is wickedness of a high order when man's
life does not conform to the pattern required
for the unity of the body of Christ. Only by
walking in the light which Christ sheds on
men's pathway can they become true mem
bers of Christ's body. Jesus said of those
who are his, "they are not of this world,
even as I am not of this world." John 17:6.
Jesus prayed to the Father, "Neither pray I
for these alone, but for them also which
shall believe on me through their word; that
they may be one, as thou, Father, art in me,
and I in thee, that they also may be one in
us; the glory which thou gavest me I have
given them; that they may be one, even as
we are one. I in them, and thou in me, that
they may be made perfect in one; and that
the world may know that thou hast sent me,
and hast loved them, as thou hast loved
me," John 17:20-23.
The relation we bear to one another makes
us children of light, or children of darkness,
members of his body or not members of his
body. Owe no man anything, but to love one
another; for he that loveth another hath ful
filled the law. Rom. 13:8. "Bear ye one an
other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of
Christ (one body in Christ), Gal. 6:2. If we
fulfill the desires of the flesh and the mind,
we are children of wrath even as others. Eph.
2:3. I was an hungered, and ye gave me no
meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink;
I was a stranger, and ye took me not in;
naked, and ye clothed me not; sick and in
prison, and ye visited me not." Matt. 25:-
42:43. Men who live like this are barbarians
to one another and not true members of the
body of Christ. Members of Christ's body
have the same care one for another and lay
down their lives for one another, even as
Christ laid down his life for us all. Though
men say, Lord, Lord," but do not play their
part as a member of Christ's body, they are
none of his, and failing in God's purpose for
them. True members of the body of Christ
are few, and they are those that constitute
the true church of God, and it is only in
these that we can say Christ's church exists.
ATLANTA, GA. 30315
Notes on
Sluggish bowels, or con
stipation, mean lazy bowel
These muscles, like other
muscles, are
influenced by
nerves, which
originate in
the spinal
cord. The
muscles of
the digestive
tract are em
bedded in the
walls of the
The mus-
cles contract a section at a
time moving along the entire
intestine in a milking like
action called peristalsis.
The residue entering the
large intestine consists
mostly of water, contain in
digentible portions of food,
waste material, bacteria etc.
Most of the water can still
be used by the body and is
re-absorbed back into the
blood stream, leaving enough
moisture to keep the stools
from becoming too dry.
When these bowel muscles
become inactive due to a
lack of nerve energy, con
stipation exists. Many pa
tients have come to me for
some other condition, and
within a week they have no
constipation problem.
Anyone having a constipa
tion problem should certainly
arrange for a Chiropractic
780 Main St., Forest Park
(Next door to Post Office)
sary to Wayne and Carol
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowen
announce the arrival of 8-lb.,
6-oz. Kelly Elyse Pamela
Bowen, born April 29 at
Piedmont. The mother is the
former Elyse Cash.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cash
of Forest Park are the ma
ternal grandparents and
Mrs. Peggy Bowen of Atlanta
is the paternal grandparent.
Maternal great-grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lewis
of Atlanta.
Comforting news—All ot
the problems of the world
will be solved very soon. All
we have to do is to listen to
the commencement orators.