The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, May 30, 1968, Page 8, Image 8
8 t Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., May 30, 1968 HARRY WHITE South NEW LOCATION FOREST PARK 2963 Jonesboro Rood OPPOSITE FOREST PLAZA Phone 363-1600 i 1966 VOLKSWAGEN One owner radio and heater S2OO Down, $995 Financed 1968 FORD GALAXIE 2-DOOR HT. 500 Factory air, V-8, radio and heater, whitewall tires, automatic transmission. $2895 1968 FORD GALAXIE 4-DOOR HT. 500 Factory air, V-8, radio and heater, whitewall tires, automatic transmission. $2895 1968 MUSTANG 2-DOOR HARDTOP Factory air, V-8, radio and heater, white wall tires, automatic transmission. $2795 1964 CHEVROLET WAGON । Factory air, power steering, radio and heat er, white sidewalls, extra nice. S2OO Down, $ I 095 Financed 1967 GALAXIE 500 4-DOOR HT. Automatic transmission, like new. S2OO Down Financed $2198 1965 GALAXIE 2-DOOR HT. Full power, factory air. S2OO Down, $1245 Financed 1965 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission, radio and heater, whitewall tires, extra clean. S2OO Down $ 1395 Financed SPECIAL 1967 FAIRLANE GT FOUR-IN-FLOOR Radio and heater, whitewall tires, 6,000 ac tual miles S2OO Down, $1995 Financed SPECIAL 1966 ECONOMY PICK-UP Extra clean S2OO Down, $895 Financed SPECIAL Harry White South t Morrow's Ballfield Lights Are Paid for! In ceremonies at the ball field on Reynolds Road in Morrow Saturday, the "mortgage” on the lights were burned, concluding a two-year project which cost over $4,000. The bulk of the loan was paid off by the Morrow Lake City Ladies’ Auxiliary, with a SSOO por tion being paid by the Little League. It was exactly two years ago, May, 1965, that twenty two unselfish men signed notes for S2OO each to fi nance the purchase of the lights for the ballfield. These men were recognized Saturday with Certificates of Merit which read "In ap preciation for Unselfish and Generous Service to our chil dren, our organization, and our community, we award this Certificate of Merit to . . .” H. C. Berry, Doyle Bond, John W. Campbell, Robert S. Channell, Thomas N. Compton, Clarence L. Cummings, (whose wife was the first president of the Ladies’ Auxiliary i, James O Fleming, E. T Gaultney, L. Roy Gillia, James L. Helms, Joseph W Hodges. Willie R. Kerr, B G. Manning, Charles H. Mayo, Bobby J. Rainwa ter, Ronald L Shaw, Thos. M. Smith, Leonard P. Stuart. Charles P Stroup, William Harold Thompson, Law rence F Warren. Robert B. York President of the Associa tion Larry Helms made the announcement, then added, "But don't go away, Folks! Now we want to sign an even larger mortgage, for some land!” The campaign to raise funds for purchase of land will get into full swing 3418 Stewart .Avenue HAPEVILLE '66 FORI) Galaxie 500 2- Dr. HT. V-8 Engine. C-O-M. P.S., P.B R&H. WSW $1695 ’67 COUGAR 2-Dr. HT. V 8 Eng. C-O-M. P S. Fact. Air. Vinyl Roof. Loaded $2495 '63 FORI) Fairlane 500 4-Dr. V-8 Eng. Auto. Trans. WSW. R&H Clean. One Owner $895 '66 FIOO >j-Ton Pick-up. V 8 Eng. Custom Cab. R&H. WSW. Sharp $1495 '67 MUSTANG H.T. Full Power. Factory Air. R&H. WSW $2295 '66 MUSTANG . R & H WSW. Nice. C-O-M $1695 '65 MUSTANG Convert. 6 Cyl. 3-Speed. R&H. WSW. Real Nice $1195 '66 MUSTANG 2-Dr. HT. R&H. WSW. V 8. Low Mileage. S2OO Down. Financed SI3OO '67 GALAXIE 500 4-Door HT. Auto. Trans. Like New. S2OO Down. Fi nanced $2198 iHAMYWHiIEi ySEOIMI] within the next two weeks, and the organization will go house-to-house, asking for $lO per year per family pledges for the next five years. Mr. Helms is resigning as president, due to his health and other conflicts in his work, so Mr. Oren Leake will assume the duties of presi dent for the remainder of the year. The Association re grets the loss of Larry as president, but he assured all that he would still be “in there pitching". The double-header soft ball game which was part of the mortgage-burning cele bration Saturday saw the Ladles’ Auxiliary and Girls’ Softball Coaches team win ning, 7-2 over the Managers and Coaches’ Wives team. The second game, the Little I League Managers, Major League versus Minor League, was won by the Major League managers and coaches, who were reluctant to divuldge the score, since it was such a runaway! (Something like 30 to 5?) Everyone who participated in both games so thoroughly enjoyed it that they didn’t want to go I home! So. there shall be | more of the same in the fu- I ture. we hope l S. Jensen GIBSON'S Bookkeeping and Tax Service No account too small or too large to handle. 366-2112 s&s BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICE Complete Service for Any Business 366-0959 366-0871 Martin Burks COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT PAINT and BODY SHOP Automatic Transmission Repair (Any Kind) BUDGET TERMS TO 12 MONTHS Across the Street from Farmers' Market in Forest Park PHONE 366-9245 FOREST PARK BODY SHOP • Guaranteed paint and body work. Wrecks re built—FßEE Estimates. 95 COURTNEY DRIVE PHONE: Business 366-2233 Residence 366-5093 "Red” and Billy Phillips For Fast Results... FIRING TIME . . . SP4 George R. Sanchez, Laredo. Texas, blasts away at a Viet Cong position with his M-72 rocket launcher. Sanchez is a member of the 101st Airborne Division. USED CAR SPECIALS TO MAKE BUYING AT HOME A REAL SAVING TREAT! NEW PRICE '6B PLYMOUTH FURY 111 4-Dr. HT., V-8, Auto. PS. Fact. Air. ONLY \j '66 CHEVROLET 4-Door Cl ZAC Sedan •66 FIAT Wagon. COQC Extra Clean ... Jp '67 FURY 4-Door Sedan '66 CHEVROLET Impala. V-8. Auto. PS. CIQQC Factory Air. Extra Clean 4 ■ > J J '49 CHRYSLER. f IQf Extra Good Condition JJ 808 MADDOX CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC. SPh. 361-6550 - 175 Georgia Ave. Near Old Hwy. 41 - Forest Park BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO BODY REPAIR AND PAINTING All Work Done to Your Satisfaction SPEEDY SERVICE ROY'S BODYSHOP 2641 Jonesboro Road : FOREST PARK I Behind Evans Motor Co 1 366-6464 I I————■ | Beautiful i ^Z"wedd in o Cakes I AnH Birthday uikas FLOYD’S BAKERY 1044 Main St. FOREST PARK PHONE 361-9137 "Decorated Cakes" While You Wait FOREST PARK CAB 361-5333 Flat Rates to Airport and Atlanta ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ USE WANT ADS RALPH’S QUALITY CLEANERS, 1006 Main Street, Forest Park, Ga. Dry Cleaning and Laundry, Al terations, Pickup and De livery Service. One Day Serv ice. Open 7:00 a.m. til 6:30 p in., Monday through Sat urday. PHONE; 366-6286. We give S&H Green Stamps. Ash SI. Cleaners Cor. Ash and Central ONE-HOUR CLEANING THREE-HOUR SHIRT SERVICE Pick Up and Delivery No Extra Charge 366-4700 Free storage for out-of season garments. Alterations ■ Hand Cleaning All Work Done on Premises! (FOR. QUALITY CLEANING^ 1 & SERVICE!'D SAY / |GALL CARTE® CLEANERS I ( VPOAY PROW 366-5750 J CHRISTIAN’S PHARMACY corner Main Street and Phil lips Drive, Forest Park, Ga. Phone 366-4320. Hours 8:00 a.m. til 9:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Sundays 1:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m. Pre scriptions, Patent Medicines, Sundries. Emergency calls 366-6742. Also at 1295 Main Street, Morrow 366-4040. JEAN’S FLOWERS, 1214 Main Street, Forest Park, Ga. Flowers telegraphed anywhere at any time. Flow ers for all occasions. Floral arrangements delivered any where. Call 366-4454. Dance to Be Held June Ist at Morrow Ballfield A dance will be held on the ballfield in Morrow on Saturday night, June Ist, ; Johnson : Realty, Inc.: ? Forest Park, ;• ;! Morrow and J !; McDonough •: NEW HOMES $16,500 - RESALES ; SII,OOO up I CALL i; !; Harold Thomp-; son 366-1863 !; I; Allene Cruce „ ;! ;! 366-5960 5348 Jonesboro : : Rd. 366-2112 !; i[ Rudolph Johnson ;! Realtor ;• For ALL GARDENING NEEDS see Swint’s Feed and Garden Supply, 132 Mill Street, Jonesboro, for lawn and garden seeds, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Purina Feeds, Baby Chicks. SMITH HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO., 1186 Main Street. Forest Park, Ga. Store hours: 8:00 a.m. til 6:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Builders Hard ware, Sporting Goods. Household Appliances, Housewares, Toys, Gifts. Call 366-3455. ZsAVEAwX/ j*/ on all your (I FIX-UP T sKMMDSjr I. L. Huie & Son LUMBER - PAINT HARDWARE 130 West Mill - 478-7257 JONESBORO Forest Park Moving & Storage 366—0406 A TREASURE j / TROVE THE WANT 0 W ADS Jpg 7:30 p.m. featuring “live” music by the Chordsmen. Adults $.50 admission, and children (Connie Mack age and under) free when- ac companied by an adult. Pro ceeds go to the Morrow- Lake City Recreation Asso ciation. Wanna start something? We carry a complete line of dependable, powerful Atlas Batteries. STANDARD “ OIL ~ Call Your Standard Oil Man in Forest Park W t Peoples 366-4728 •Siandoid Oil Company ;lnc in Ky Pre-Spring Sale! SWP $£ 95 a Gal. mouse him’ YOUR BEST BUY... SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SWP HOUSE PAINT I. L. HUIE & SON, INC. Lumber - Paint - Hardware Building Supplies 130 Mill Street JONESBORO. GA. Forest Park Office and Church Supply Co. 813 Main St. PHONE 361-8196 “From office furniture to rubber bands . . Interior and Exterior PAINTING General Repairs Cement repairs for walls and driveways. Asphalt | Work. Free Estimates. Call Anytime. 758-8520 SINGER PARTS AND NOTIONS Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners Re paired. We repair all makes and models. All Work Guaranteed. New and Used Sewing Ma chines and Vacuum Cleaners. SEWING CENTER 627 Central Ave. Hapeville 762-8888 TV REPAIR FOREST PARK SALES AND SERVICE 1235 Main St. PHONE 366-4860 Hours: 8:30-6:30 Mon.- Sat. Electrical and Gas Appliances. TV sets, ts j MAIN ST. AMERICAN SERVICE 24-Hr. Wrecker Service Brake Serv. - Road Serv. Norman Dalton, Mgr. 361-9011