Newspaper Page Text
-fr Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969
Woman's Page
Jonesboro Socialsl
105 Smith Street — Phone 478-6841 x
Mrs. W. V. Whaley, Mrs.
I). C. Carmichael, Mrs. Elsie
Cauthen and Mrs W. P Cham
bers were luncheon guests of
Mrs Myrtis Baird at Peachtree
Inn on I hursday. I hey also
visited Mrs Mattie Barnes who
makes her home there
Mr and Mrs. Jessie Powers
were hosts at a birthday dinner
party at their home on Jodeco
Drive, I hursday evening. Jan
uary 16 Ihe dinner was in
honor of their daughter. Mrs
J ames N Johnson Other
guests were Mr Johnson,
Nicole Johnson, Mr and Mrs
Sammy Powers, and Miss Judy
I ittle David Beckwith, son
ol Mr and Mrs I amar Beck
with. has been a participant in
Channel II WQXI IV pro
gram. Romper Room from
9-10 A M each morning for
the last two weeks
Mr ami Mrs Charles I Cox
and family are enjoying then
new home on Panhandle Road.
1 lampton
Mrs W I) Acker. Mrs J W
Hall, and Mrs \\ 1 Dickson
spent I hursday night ami I ri
day in Peiry attending the
Boaid Meeting ol the Georgia
Division of the I DC at the
Holiday Inn
Mr and Mrs Bill Frost and
lamiiy ol Dublin, spent last
weekend with Mr and Mrs
Hoke ( artledge
Mrs Suk Carter of Mayo
dan. North Carolina, is the
guest ol her daughter. Mrs Joe
Berry . Mr Berry and lamiiy for
several weeks
Mrs \\ P Chambers was
the guest of Mrs M A Hanes
and Mr and Mis 1 mest Hulsey
in Gritlm. on Sunday Other
guests from Jonesboro during
the day were Mrs lamp Car
mack and Mrs Jimmy Reeves.
Mr and Mrs J I Barrow
ami Mr and Mrs M. G Keiser
will leave the last ol January
lor a two week (ieorgia I ech
\lumm I our of las Vegas.
Nevada. San I rancisco, Califor
nia. and I law an.
Mrs Bill I stes ol Harrelson,
was the guest ol Mt and Mis
C l Iluffee and Miss Ruth
Brown on 1 uesday Mi Duffee
is recovering nicely from eye
Mr Clyde Harrelson, man
Mrs. Smith, Sixth District President,
Speaks to FP Woman's Club Jan. 13
Ihe I orest Park Woman’s
Club held its first meeting of
the New Year Monday, Jan
13. at the clubhouse on Sum
mit St. Mrs Harry Durham
opened the meeting with a very
timely and inspiring message
on "1 ove as only she can do.
Mrs John \\ Smith, our
Sixth District president,
brought a most informative
talk giving the ten command
merits lor a successful club
year Slides were shown depict
Bonnie 9 s, "*
_ and SKIRTS
25% to 40% off
Famous Brand
up to
50% JHEI
OFF Phone 366-8906
Store Hours:
Morrow -, n . _
5 30 to 6 p m.
ager of Southern Bell I ele
phone Company of Atlanta
South Metro Group, was host
to the Clayton County Cham
ber of Commerce officers and
committee chairmen at Horn's
Restaurant on the South Ex
pressway, Monday, January Id.
Ihe meeting was for the pur
pose of orientation and outline
of their 1969 duties. Mr Har
relson is the newly elected
President for this year.
Little Brian Montgomery of
Macon is visiting his grandpar
ents, Mr and Mrs. I I I ord
1 ittle Brian has a new brother,
Casey Lee Sandefur, born Jan
uary 14, in Macon Hospital He
is tlie son of Mr and Mrs R I
Mrs Scott I itshaw of
Atlanta spent several days last
week with her mother, Mrs
W D Acker and her grand
father. Mr J lee Austin
Mr and Mrs Herbert Gal
breath were dinner guests of
Mrs C. R Chesney and Mrs
A A ( amp on Saturday eve
ning I heir other guest was
Mrs Martin A Luthei ol Deca
tur Mrs Charles ( Jordon,
Mrs W 1 Dickson. Mrs Harry
Jones, Sr and Mrs W I Ruth
erford were their luncheon
guests on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs Chesney on
North Avenue.
Mrs. I liner R Bailey of
Rainsville. Alabama, spent last
week with Mr and Mrs J W
Burt and family
Mrs Lola M Hook, mother
ol W S Hook, passed away
last week I uneral was held at
Paul I Donehoo Funeral
Home in Hapeville, I hursday,
at 2 o'clock PM with Dr
W W Long officiating
* ♦ *
Mr Caroll I loyd South
Bobby Mcßee (rawford
Mrs Peggy Poster I inory.
C. R Stephens Georgia
Wilton Marchman Georgia
Mis W W. Mitchel! St
Mrs M I .Coleman Wesley
Woods Nursing Home
Mis I P Turner Hill
Ilaven Nursing Home
mg club members presenting
the great variety of work done
last year, at the district, state,
and national meetings It was
most interesting to see many
active clubwomen we recog
nized at these gatherings We
were inspired to strive harder
toward our goals this year.
Mrs J P Bing, the district
third vice president, spoke to
us on the great strides our
Clayton Co. school systems
have marie in the past IS or 20
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie II
Rogers Sr., of Morrow, an
nounce the engagement of
then daughter, Cheryl Annette
Rogers, to Stephen I dward
Smith, son of Mrs I R Brink
ley, of I orest Park
I he bride-elect is a graduate
ol Jonesboro Senioi High and
is employed by the Continental
Insurance Company in Atlanta
Mr. Smith, who graduated
horn forest Park Senior High,
years We are thankful to out
I ducation Chairman, Mrs.
Homer Parker, for inviting
these talented ladies to bring
our January program.
Mrs M R Sutton, our pres
ident, reminded all Department
( hairman that annual report
time is coming up and it was
time to select a nominating
committee t hose chosen are.
Mrs. Oscar leathers, Mrs
Homer Parker. Mrs. I d McKen
zie, and Mrs J. W. Stanford
Mrs Claude Simpson, Intel
national Affairs Chairman,
asked that we collect and bring
in used eye-glasses to be repro
cessed for use by the needy
overseas Pearle Optical is
handling this collection
Our hostesses for the
covered dish luncheon were
Mrs William Lee and Mrs
David I vans 1 hey prepared
lovely tables and gracious serv
M McKenzie, Publicity
— Concrete Products —
W. H. Huddleston, Manager
[Phone 474-7271 474-7272|
Night: Charles Mundy 478-8019
Cecil 11. Lyle 474-4381
W. 11. Huddleston 478-8181
dVINk XOM . /A
W ijmw
t xtlTtr
W I|
J fife w
Til I
111 T
Member Federal
Deposit Insurance Corp J />jij
139 Main Street WwEjJnJr
478 775?
will graduate in May from
DeKalb lech and is employed
by the Georgia Power Com
pany in Chamblee.
I he wedding will take place
February 14 in the home of
the bride.
Pilots 9 Wives
I he Piedmonts Pilot’s Wives
Club is planning a luncheon at
twelve noon on January 23rd
al the diplomat Reservations
can be made by calling Mrs.
John Onoff at 349-1065. All
members are urged to attend
this informative and interesting
Mrs Jack Branan
Ihe wife of a handsome
young business executive met
her husband one afternoon. As
they were going down on the
elevator it stopped and a high
octane secretary got on. Poking
the business man in the ribs,
she winked and said, “Hello,
cutie pie.” Unperturbed, the
young man’s wife leaned
toward the secretary and
smiled sweetly. "I'm Mrs. Pie,"
she said
By Nancy Little
Babb Jr. High P.T.A. spon
sored a “Snowball” party Eri
day night in the gym. As 1 hear
it, it was a smashing success
with about five-hundred of the
students attending.
Mr. led Key, master of
ceremonies, was responsible for
the unique and original games
for which prizes of the current
hit records were awarded the
winners and “'lhe Heavenly
Urchins” provided the music
for dancing.
I he “Y” Clubs and the 4-11
Club with the help of their
counselors Mr. Woody and Mr.
Blake carried out the “Snow
ball” theme in decorating the
gym and the Home Ec Club,
under the direction of Mrs.
Ward served the refreshments
and made the table decora
tions. All groups did an out
standing job and I wish space
would permit my going into
A special word of “thanks"
should be said for Mrs. Elna
Jackson, P.T.A. president and
the members of the executive
board. They proved once again
that teamwork and hardwork
are the keys to success.
How many people saw the
Suder Pre-Primary on “Today
Show” last week? If New York
thought it important how
much more should we in Clay
ton County?
Some people look forward
to Saturday afternoons for
rest, but one fine lady spends
her Saturday afternoons with
some of the girls in the Juve
nile Home so they can spend a
few hours out of their cell!
Hats off to Mrs. Jack Oswalt
who teaches art to these girls.
Chuck Thompson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. I hompson,
Jr., of Forest Park, a 1965
Forest Park High graduate and
“Star Student” for Clayton
County is continuing his fine
record as a student as he has
made the Dean’s List for the
Fall quarter at Georgia Lech.
Chuck is a senior and is major
ing in chemical engineering.
Richard Nicholas Callaway
who attends Oxford College of
1 mory University has made the
Merit List for the Fall quarter
of 1968.
Mrs. Ben Holland of Stock
bridge spent last week-end with
her 81 yr. “young” mother in
Moreland, Georgia.
Mr and Mrs. Roger (Janice)
Black had as their week-end
If We Knew Our Need, No. 4-69
Would We Make It Profitable to Us?
Men are called children in the scriptures.
Does it have a significance that is not
receiving the notice it deserves? This desig
nation can be interpreted as a statement
affirming the failure of men in their judg
ment and understanding, a setting forth of
their immaturity, and their need for greater
insight and true understanding. Men spend
years in school and college perfecting their
judgment and understanding, but formal
education does not come near attaining the
maturity of mind that is open to all in the
Word of God. For example, consider the
apostles who lacked formal education but
possessed a superior understanding which
came from God. "The words I speak unto
you they are spirit and they are life (Luke
6:63). "Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by (judgment and understanding im
parted) by every word of God. (Luke 4:4).
"Brethren, be not children in understanding
but in understanding, be ye men." (1 Cor.
14:20). This statement clearly reveals that
God has placed upon man the responsibility
of growing in judgment, understanding.
Such is vitally necessary to man's proper
relationship with God. God gives the means
whereby one can understand. (Eph. 1:17-18).
God's Son was the true light that lighteth
every man that cometh into the world (1
Jno. 1:9). If they do not close their eyes and
stop their ears, but give heed, ask and study,
they shall receive all they prepare them
selves to receive.
We know that the Son of God has come and
has given us understanding because in Him
is the understanding that is essential to
eternal life. "This then is the message which
we have heard of him, and declare unto you,
that God is light, and in him there is no
darkness at all (1 Jno, 1:15). His judgment
and understanding is the life of men. He
who has no judgment and understanding
from God, does not have life (1 Jno. 5:12).
Children's need for judgment and under
standing is recognized by all, but we are
limited and imperfect in supplying it, but
God goes far beyond men in his care for
his children, and he will perfect their judg
ment and spiritual maturity if they seek him
and walk by the light of the word.
Jesus said, no man can come to me, except
the Father which hath sent me draw him.
(Jno. 6:44). "It is written in the prophets,
they shall all be taught of God. Every man
T olbert—Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tolbert.
Sr., of Forest Park, announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Shirley Ann, to Pvt. S.
Chris Greenway, son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. B. Greenway, of
Forest Park.
Miss Tolbert was graduated
from Forest Park Senior High
BSE—What Is It?
Every woman should know
the meaning of BSI and prac
tice it monthly, according to
the American Cancer Society.
BSE, ‘Breast Self-Exami
nation’, may save your life if
practiced regularly. Ihe prac
tice of regular monthly breast
self-examination gives women
an opportunity to discover at
the outset any lump or
thickening. And this simple,
guest Mrs. Joyce Smith and son
Clark from Carrollton, Ga.
Master Sergeant Smith is sta
tioned in Hong-Kong.
Something Borrowed: Much
misconstruction and bitterness
are spared to him who thinks
naturally upon what he owes
to others, rather than what he
ought to expect from them.
and is presently employed by
Motorola C&E, Inc.
Pvt. Greenway received his
B.S. Degree in Education from
Georgia Southern College and
is presently serving in the
United States Army.
The wedding will be an
nounced at a later date.
yet effective, self examination
can be done in the privacy of
one’s own home.
According to the American
Cancer Society, 95% of all
breast cancers are discovered
by women themselves and if
detected early enough, 100%
ol breast cancers are curable.
I he Cancer Society revealed an
estimated 64,000 new cases of
breast cancer will be reported
in the United States this year
with approximately 27,000
deaths, making cancer of the
breast the leading cause of
cancer death in American
women today. Fortunately,
more often than not, a lump in
the breast proves to be benign.
But, the possibility of cancer
cannot be ignored, making an
examination by a physician
vitally important.
that hath heard and learned of the father
cometh unto me (Jno. 6:45). God draws men
to him because of his righteous judgment
and understanding, and to love God is to
keep his statutes. If we do this, the Father
will love us, and the Father and Son will
come unto us and make their abode with us
(Jno. 14:23).
It is impossible for men to abide in Christ
and Christ in them without the understand
ing which God imparts through His word.
To love God's commandments "with all the
heart, and all the understanding is more
than all whole burnt offerings and sacri
fices" (Mark 12:23). Judgment is the power
to estimate and to exercise discrimination.
Man's capacity for judgment and under
standing is far greater than they use. This
is the significance of Norman Vincent
Peale's statement, "None of us accept our
selves as we are and believe it is the best
we can attain, we all know that we have
not done all with ourselves that can be
done." In this, man pronounces judgment
upon himself.
Luke 8:18 tells us to "take heed therefore
how ye hear, for whosoever hath to him shall
be given and whosoever hath not from him
shall be taken even that which he seemeth
to have. Without judgment and understand
ing men are children of the night, but truly
converted men are not of the night or of
the darkness (I Th. 5:5). Jesus said, he that
followeth me shall not walk in darkness
(Jno. 8:12). The darkness is past and the
true light now shineth (1 Jno. 2:8). "Take
heed that the light which is in thee, be not
darkness (Luke 1 1:35).
If we say that we have fellowship with Him
and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the
truth (1 Jno. 1:6). Without judgment and
understanding we grope for the wall, like
the blind, and grope as if we had no eytes;
we stumble at noon day as in the night (Isa.
True baptism is the result of judgment and
understanding and delivers man from the
power of darkness. Man's physical life is but
a vapor that appeareth for a little while and
then vanisheth away (James 4:14) but spir
itual life acquired through God's word en
dures unto eternity. There is nothing to draw
men to God except judgment and under
standing which comes through a sincere
study of His word.
ATLANTA, GA. 30315
Notes on
By Dr. Henry L. Foley
Pain actually performs a
useful function as danger sig
nals, indicating that something
is wrong. Without the exper
ience of pain, many a disease
condition would reach an unre
pairable stage. This is the true
significance of pain in health
and disease.
To the patient the relief of
pain, as soon as possible, is the
outstanding need. He is not
concerned with the method
applied, only the results. The
drug approach to the treatment
of pain is aimed at dulling the
sensation itself rather than
eliminating the cause. As a
result, many patients are left
with a chronic condition.
Fortunately, most patients
suffering from pain do not
have a serious organic disease.
In most instances pain is the
result of irritation or pressure
on vital nerve trunks. When
pain is relieved through Chiro
practic there has been no use
of drugs. The relief can only
have been obtained from a
removal of the CAUSE.
Chiropractic Offices
780 Main Street,
Forest Park, Ga.
(Next door to Post Office)
“There is one glory of the
sun, and another glory of the
moon, and another glory of the
stars: for one star differeth
from another star in glory.”
1 . Where is this verse
2. Who spoke these words?
3. In what ceremony are
they often heard?
4. To whom were they
Answers To Bible Verse
1. I Corinthians 14:41.
2. Paul.
3. The funeral service.
4. To the church of
WOMEN: Become educated
on BSE and practice it regu
larly. The Clayton County Unit
of the American Cancer
Society will present films on
‘BSE’ and ‘Of l ime and Iwo
Women’ the pap test, Tuesday.
February 6 in the Community
Room of the Bank of Jones
boro, 9:00 a.m. through 4:00
p.m., beginning promptly each
hour. All women in Clayton
County are urged to attend.
Hostesses for the day will be
women from the Clayton
County Home Demonstration
Clubs. Refreshments will be