The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, January 23, 1969, Page 7, Image 7
LEFT TO RIGHT: Randall Williamson, A. E. "Andy" An derson, Flynt Langford, Grady Norton. Visitors to Mountain View Kiwanis Club , Lan g ford of Griffin, 1969 Lieutenant Governor of the 12th Kiwanis Division of the Georgia District, was guest at last week’s meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Mountain View. Accompanying him was Grady Norton, vice-president of the Griftin club. Langford inducted a new member, A. E. ‘‘Andy’’ Anderson, for the Mountain View club. Langford succeeds Ernest Cheaves of Forest Park in the divisional post. The division embraces seven counties, in cluding Clayton. Cheaves moved to a chairmanship at the state district level. The new lieutenant gover nor received his higher edu- FP Kiwanis Attend Training Conference Attending the Rock Eagle mid-winter Kiwanis training conference at the Rock Eagle 4-H Club Center at Eatonton, Georgia on Jan. 11-12, were a number of Kiwanis Club mem bers from Eorest Park. 1 his mid winter training conference is held each Jan uary to enable recently elected club officials to continue their program of Kiwanis training in community activities and con tributions. The motto for Kiwanis International for 1969 * is, "Stand Up Eor Freedom.” Attending the Rock Eagle Conference from Eorest Park were; President, Herman R. Walker; Vice President, Milton Proclamation ‘ATLANTA BRAVES DAY’ BY THE MAYOR: WHEREAS: Baseball, our national pastime, is thoroughly enjoyed and enthusiastically supported throughout the community of Forest Park and the Atlanta Army Depot; and WHEREAS: The citizens of this community, Forest Park, are able to enjoy our national pastime at the highest degree of excellence due to the presence of the Atlanta Braves in our close proximity; and WHEREAS: The citizens of Forest Park recognize that the Atlanta Braves are a definite asset to our community; and WHEREAS: The official Caravan of the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team will visit our community on Monday, February 10, 1969, now THEREFORE: I, Charles W. Summerday, Mayor of the City of Forest Park do hereby proclaim Monday, February loth, 1969, as "Atlanta Braves □ay m the City of Forest Park and urge all citizens of this City to join with me at the Forest Park Recreation Center at 4:00 P.M. on that date to welcome the Atlanta Braves Baseball Stars and representatives to our city. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed. This 17th day of January 1969 CHARLES SUMMERDAY MAYOR Wayne Allen USED CARS NEW OWNERSHIP 797 Main St. Corner Lake Dr. FOREST PARK THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS '65 CHEVROLET Impala Caprice 4-Dr. HT. One owner, low mileage, fully equipped $1425 '66 CHEVELLE SS 396 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic . . . $1750 '66 FORD Country Sedan 10-Pass. Station Wagon. Air conditioned and power.. . $1395 '66 CHEVROLET Caprice 2-Dr. HT. Auto. Fully equipped. Like new ... $1895 VERY REASONABLE RATE I OF FINANCING Up to 36 Months to Pay WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION! cation at Auburn; is a veteran of WW 11, past commander of American Legion Post 15 in Griffin, past chairman of the official board of the First Methodist Church of Griffin and past president of the Griftin Kiwanis Club. Presently he is secretary-treasurer of Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Georgia. His commercial line is office supplies and printing. Another esteemed guest wa c the well-known minister of the Morrow Methodist Church, Rev. Randall Williamson. He supplied the meeting’s program by narrating one of his popular slide presentations. McDonald; 1969 State Chair man for the Support of Churches committee, Ernest L. Cheaves; Immediate past presi dent Allen T. Johnson; 12th division chairman of Key Clubs, Wally Goddard; 12th division chairman of Public Re lations, Donald E. Wilkes, and Bill McLeod. Ihe announcement was made at the Rock Eagle train ing conference that the Forest Park Kiwanis Club had won the award for the interclub contest tor 1968. The actual award will be presented at the annual 1 2th division rally to be held in the near future. 6 Good News’ Presented By Church The College Park Second Baptist Church, located on Main Street S. W. College Park, will present a Christian folk musical ‘‘Good News” Febru ary 2nd at 7:30 p.m. at the church. This musical was com piled and arranged by Mr. Bob Oldenburg. It is an expression ol the joy of a life committed to Christ. Each section has a special message which can be interpreted into life-action. I he choir composed of ap proximately thirty voices of teenagers is under the direction ot Mr. Roger Miller, educa tional and youth director for the church. Many teenagers are featured soloists with a narra tor and cast members. Iwo guitars and piano make it come alive as the rhythm patterns and cords are established. At the beginning the audience is whisked briskly into the mood as the cast moves quickly and deliberately into place. Firstly “Good News” wakes all sleepers and is followed by “Wake Up and Live". As it progresses suddenly the audi ence is caught up with reality as “rebels” appear and realism is expressed as one senses the truth this musical presents. Truly this must be consid ered one of the greats of all times as a Christian folk-musi cal and it will bless all who hear it. The public is invited to attend this unusual presenta tion and delight in the beauty of reality as presented by the teenagers of today who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Will "YOU” be there? We dare you to come. February second, 7:30 P.M., Second Baptist Church, College Park. Mrs. Lois Bailey, Reporter P O 6-1789 / “* —N MAKE YOUR OWN -Trfh —I Qjl TV T£ST I. Star of "World of Aggra vations." Alan Ladd Alan King Fred Allen 2. Producer of "Reptilesand Amphibians." Chicago Museum National Geographic Society Science World 3. Star of “Saturday Adoption.” Shirley Temple Rick Gates David Niven 4. Charlatan Rainmaker in “Here Come the Brides.” Eddie Albert Jack Albertson John Anderson 5. He’s "Mr. Wizard." Don Adams Don Herbert Don Juan uoj ou [ ’jßAa A|pjoq j 'js/asia aiuiiauros £ (jaqoiOM |uanb a-4 v 'pad-a g =38035 |jaqjap| uos -paqiV sajDQ DiqdDjfioaQ |OUOI|D N 6ui)| :Sa3MSNV AT this date, even a friendly smile from a captain or a waiter involves extra expense. Daniel Court Apts. 260 Main St. FOREST PARK, GA. 2-Bedroom Apis. - Now Renting Wall-to-wall carpet - stove - refrigerator - vent ■ hood - washerette - swimming pool. $125 Month Resident Manager A-7 363-3578 OPENING SOON SEARS JONESBORO STORE PART-TIME OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Sales Stock Maintenance Apply al: SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. 895 Gordon St. S.W. Personnel Office Phone 758-4511 An Equal Opportunity Employer For Sole Real Estate Henry County 36 miles south of Atlanta-De catur 200 acres I mile off pavement; wooded, stream, lake site $250 p. acre. Also 24 acres, stream, wooded, 16 mile 6ff pavement $350 p. acre. T. K. White, Realtor S. 155 HIGHWAY STOCKBRIDGE 474-4151 LAKE JODECO— LAKE SPIVEY Large, beautifully wood ed lots; pines and hard tv oods: natural gas; county water, paved drives. The best buys in Clayton County. $2,500 up. Call H A Wilson. Broker. 753-7436; 344- 0701 PAY EQUITY and ASSUME LOANS FOREST PARK 3 Bd. Rms. and Den 2 Baths - Brick $13,800.00 TOTAL PRICE Brick, 3 Bd. Rms. $Bl per mo. incl. T. and I. $14,000.00 3 Bd. Rms. s'i% Loan at $87.0(1 per. mo. incl. T. and I. Lots and Small Acreage Tracts. Reynolds Rd. 180’ x 210’ $4,000.00 REX 8 Acres 7.34 Acers 6.85 Acres $1500.00 Per Acre Terms: 25% Down, Balance 5 Years 5348 Jonesboro Rd. 366-2112 Life is as simple as a popular tune to a pretty girl of twenty. EXCEPTIONAL > OPPORTUNITY For drivers for Mobile Food Service operating out of commissary at Jonesboro. Applicants accepted will have a guaranteed salary of $75 for a 5-day week plus ex cellent commission Hard worker can double the guaranteed salary. Male or Female applicants ec ceptable; prefer with food background (wait ress, route man, etc.' Route already establish ed. Call 478-8078 any time for interview. 11/28tf HI Ll' WAN II D House wives and mothers l ive im mediate openings, full or part time, lop commission, no experience necessary, no in vestment. no delivery. For appt., call 474-8898. or 24 1-5997 CLAYTON COUNTY Paid vacation with sick leave, 10 holidays, paid hospitalization . . . free parking, other benefits. Clerk Typist -1 (No experience $285 p.m. Clerk Typist - 2 (Ex perienced)_. $295 p.m. High school graduates— -40 w.p.m. Electric type writer. Apply Personnel Office, Clayton County Court house, Jonesboro. 1/30 11111' WANTED Service Station help wanted. Must know something about mechanical work. Job available Jan. I. 361-901 1 or 366-5974. 12-19tf CLAYTON COUNTY Paid vacation and sick leave, 10 holidays, paid hospitalization . . . free parking, other benefits. Auto Mechanic $430 per mo. Bldg. Custodian $370 per mo. Laborer S2BO per mo. Tire Repairman . $285 per mo. Concrete Finisher $430 per mo. Crane Operator $520 per mo. Const. Foreman (Bridges) .. $535 per mo. Apply Personnel Office, Clayton County Court house, Jonesboro. 1/30 HELP WANTED—Lady for nursery work. Answer by letter giving experience if any. Nursery, P. O. Box 47, Forest Park, Ga. 4-4tf PRODUCTION JOBS Corrugated Box Plant Good Pay Steady Employment Rotating Shifts Good Fringe Benefits Qualifications: Good health, stable work record and own transportation Union Camp Corp. 5115 Pine Tree St. Forest Park (Across from Farmers' Market) An Equal Opportunity Employer HI Ll' WANTED Substi tute rural carrier; no experi ence required. Apply to Post master. Riverdale Post Office; Riverdale, Ga. 30274 or call 478-5566. 12/14tf Germans resist a revaluation of the mark. NEW MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ... Set up, blocked . . . Ready to move in RITZ MOBILE HOME COURT 130 Lake Mirror Rd. Forest Park, Ga. 366-6862 TEXACO, Inc. 30,000 Gal. We have a Texaco Service Station presently producing in access of 30,000 gal. per mo. Available for lease. This Texaco Service Sta tion is located at U.S. 41 at Arrowhead Blvd. Near schools, shopping centers, large resi dential area. For further information about this high profit potential location call ELDON SMITH days 451-0181; nights 963-9998 SHIRT OPERATOR Two girl cabinet unit, top pay, other benefits. Call or apply at One Hour Martinizing in For est Park 361-5756 I -9|f SEARCHING FOR COTTON STATES' KINGLY JOB OFFER? You've found n The 111 kingly offer to be .111 WS .«gent for fast-growing, lull line insut an c r K»oup ■ Colton States Insui.uu. yf'Bn wants additional agent >n ihe Metro - Atlanta LRfnWli ,uea ' Home. Macon, and Augusta, as well as otli er areas in Georgia You don't need a crown to apply Just a bit of kingly spirit, and an appetite for success and financial growth We're seeking the young, aggressive, family man who is ambitious, wanis io sell, is willing 10 learn, likes peo pie, and is well-liked by others We will provide excellent training m all phases of ihe insurance business agency management, and selling md servicing of customers- plus a nun imum earnings base with success as only requirement An excellent op portunity to grow and prosper with the leading full-line insurance com pany in Georgia and Florida Call SAM COULSON at 404/938-3534 01 write him at Cotton States Insui ance. 2340 Castleiidge Ci Tuekei Ga 30084 Upholstering ••••••••••••••••••••••« ! A home-owned business; • J 25 years experience . . * • Work done very reason- • • ably. Low overhead. Free • J estimates All work J • guaranteed. 766-9518 or • ! 627-1433. Call the man I J who knows. l-25tf * SUITK stuff, sure nut! Ihat’s Blue Lustre tor cleaning rugs and upholstery. Rent elec tric shampoocr $1 at Belk-Gal lant in Forest Park. E. N. CONKLES TREE SERVICE Jonesboro, Ga. PRUNING - CABLING TRIMMING - REMOVAL SPRAYING Cavity Work FREE ESTIMATES INSURED PHONE: 478-9255 Day or Night HERMAN CRAVEN LANDSCAPING Professional Work MODERATE COST Also Bush-Hog Work 112 Jones Ct. - 366 2816 FOREST PARK, GA. PLUMBING & REPAIRS Call before 7:30 a.m or after 4:30 p.m. 361-6940 3/6 SERVICES -361-4996 or 523- 6971 connects you with TAX FREE INCOME INFOR MATION. Ask for Shep Bu chart for details. 2/7 Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Jan. 23, 1969 -fr EMM Dirty Carpets! Let Us Make Them Sparkle Again! Expert wall-to-wall and rug cleaning. SPECIAL: 9x12 rug $9 95 Pick up and delivery Call now I RED CARPET ('LEAN ING SERVICE of Glay ] (on County Serving Clayton. Fayette and | Henry Counties. Use Your BankAinericard Red Carpet Cleaning Service CALL 478-8313 I \NDS( AI’ING and sard work ot all kinds ( all day or night. 461 'S'di I 30 SEWING MACHINE RE PAIRS. We repair all makes Sewing Machines, specializ ing in Foreign Makes. All Work Guaraateed. 29 Years Experience. Scissors and Pinking Shears Sharpened. We also sell new and used machines. Used sls up, New $39 50 up. CHAFIN SEWING i MACHINE CO., 3825 MAIN ST.. COLLEGE PARK PO-7 ! 1616; PO7-6163. ts SI I WANIED Brick layer Any kind ol brick work. Small lobs a specialty. Work guar anteed 366-0085. 1-23 SI RVK I S Will do ironing J in my home. Quick service. I x- I pe’ienced Guaranteed satis ’ faction 3(>6-(>460 > 1/23 I Auto Ins. Problems? ; Cancelled? Rejected? - Need an SR-22? ' ; Military handled also. Call Walter R. Banks, Mgr. 366 8371. CALLAWAY INS. AGENCY 976 Main St., Forest Park. 10-26t f ^SAVE UP TO 50% — Floor, samples, furniture and ap pliances. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Thursday at 6 p.m. Earl Gunn Appliances, TV & Furniture. 3438 More land Ave. at Cedar Grove,' Conley, Ga., across from Ric’ ’"ista Restaurant. 627-3554. UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY NEW 1968 Zig-Zag sew ing machine must be sold. Sews on buttons, button holes, blind hems, monograms, all without attachments. Original 5- yr. parts and labor guar antee. Unpaid balance: S3B 72 or 10 payments of $4 Call Capitol Sewing Service manager to 9 p.m. (404-622-8127). If long distance, call collect Atlanta. 11-23 FOR SA I 1 19.59 Custom cab; long wheel base, pick-up truck. 478-6230. 1/23 ’6B SINGER CONSOLE Slightly used zig-zag in stylish walnut cabinet. Makes buttonholes, sews or. burtons, monograms, over-cast and blind-hem stitches without attach ments. All controls built in. Balance due $56 66 or assume payments of $5.66 per month. For free home demonst ration without obligation, call Capitol Credit Mgr. to 5 p.m. If long distance, call collect 622-8127 1/23 lummhhmmhhbmhmmmJ LOR SALL Comm Con stellation trumpet. 1968 model; like new $225. Phone 366-8644. 1/23 FOR SALI 1960 (HIV ROI 11 4 door hardtop. 283 engine. Good condition. Make offer. 366-6518 or 766-6357. 1/23 IOR SALE JONESBORO 3 bedroom brick home. Built -in range and oven. 14 acre lot; I block from school. Pay equity and assume 5%% loan. Monthly payments, $lO2 478-4269 1/23 W iQI W»i« i DM SHRUBS FRUIT. NUT FIG AND SHADE TREES. Ever green and flowering shrubs. Ground covers. Grapevines (in cans and held growni. Landscap i ing. Price list free. Riv erdale Nurseries. River dale. Ga 478-7933 Hwy 314-138 10/24tf lOR SAI 1 RI 1 our bedroom. 2 bath. Williamsburg brick home. Huy equity and take up payments 478-2(>47. -30 STEREOS Top na m e brands 1969 consoles and components Only $69 50 while they last Budget terms. For address and information, dial 261- 1409 FOR SALE—Sewing machine (repossessed), 1967 model Zig-Zag. Does all modern work without attachments. 10 years guarantee. Balance $25.85. Easy terms, $2.50 month. 938-7991. ts ZENITH stereo - console Assume 10 payments ot $7.03 or less for cash Telephone 261-1409 IOR SALI 1 girls 24 bicycle Good condition. 361-5120. I 23 IOR SAI I 2 cemetery lots in I Orest Hills Cemetery 366-3036. 1/23 IOR SALE Custom-made double drapes with valance. 84 wide x 82" long. S3O. Off-white print. Never been used. 474-7889 alter 4 p.m. Also one male Siamese cal. 1 year old; S2O. 1/23 I' () R SA 1 I Reclining wheel chair; good condition. Several positions. 149 Spring St . Jonesboro. Ga 478-6864. 1/30 IOR SALI Oak fire wood. Pickup truck load; $lO De livered 366-4960. l/23tf IOR SALE R.I 3 bed room brick home. Central heat ing and air-conditioning. 109 Woodhaven Dr., Jonesboro, Ga. 478-6784. 1/23 APARTMENTS AND HOUSES Furnished or Unfurnished “T” Ellis 366-5520 8u5.—366- 1760 Home. Forest Park Realty, 1167 Main. For pro fessional, qualified manage ment, let us manage youi property. MOBILE HOMES and private rooms with cooking facili ties $15.95 week up. Utilities included on some units Kingston Trailer Park, 4561 Jonesboro Rd , Forest Park. l-12tf IOR RI N I 3 bedroom brick. Conley, Ga. Furnished or unfurnished. 366-5280 or 366-7474. 1/23 FAMILY POT LUCK Two medium-sized fresh sweet potatoes will equal about 1 1/4 cups of cooked mashed sweet potatoes. You can add honey, mus tard and a bit of ground gin ger to canned baked beans, with exciting results. Or, blend honey with peanut butter to create a fine glaze for a baked ham. If you make sandwiches nearly every day for school children or a working hus band, variety is essential. One tasty spread requires 1/3 cup mashed liver sausage, 3 hard cooked eggs, 1/3 cups chopped ripe olives, 1/4 cup mayon naise and a dash of Worces tershire sauce. Blend ingre dients well, use enough sauce for pleasant flavor. Refrigerate between using. Sesame seed biscuits are right for a change of pace. Take 2 cans oven-ready bis cuits and arrange on baking sheet. Brush eacn biscuit with butter and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon sesame seeds on top. Bake in a pre-heated 450 de gree F. oven for 8 to 10 minutes 7