The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, January 23, 1969, Page 8, Image 8
8 •& Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs,, Jan. 23, 1969 HHgs] NOTICE I, John W. Robertson, do hereby give notice, that on and after this date, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by any person other than myself. /s/John W. Robertson 2/6 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LOCAL LEGISLAT ION Notice is hereby given that the City of Mountain View intends to apply for the passage of local legis lation at tne 1969 session of the General Assembly of Georgia, which convenes in January. 1969, to amend the Charter of the City of Mountain View, the title to such bill or bills to be as follows “An Act to amend an Act creat ing and incorporatmg the City of Mountain View, approved I cbruary 23rd, 1956, and which Act is set out in Georgia Laws 1956, pages 2518 through 2525, and the Acts amendatory thereof, and for other purposes.” This 6th day of January, 1909. Mrs. L. L. Chapman, City Clerk STATE OF GEORGIA CLAY ION COUN I Y ro THE SU Pt RIOR COURT OF CLAY TON COUN I Y The petition of C. M. Bartlett, | 292 Conley Rd., Conley, Ga., Ray , mond Presnell, 3993 Leslie Or . 1 Forest Park, Ga. and, Ronald Cassell. 4162 Tara Dr , I orest Park, Ga., shows 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated and issued a charter as a non profit corporation under the name and style of BIG RACK HUN I ING CLUB. INC., for a period of thirty-five years, and as provided by law. I he nature, objects, and purposes of the corporation is. to be the education of members m technique and skills in the use of firearms and equipment used in all fields of hunting and fishing both by class study and experience m the field, to learn, maintain, and assist in strict obedience to all game laws, and to promote fraternal fellowship among true sportsmen. J. I here shall be no stock issued and dividends paid to any members. I he corporation shall not become involved nor engage in any type activity which would deprive its non-profit status under the laws of Georgia or the F ederal Laws. 4. The principal office of tne corpo ration i$ Clayton County, Georgia i with the privilege of establishing * offices elsewhere in Georgia and | other states as needed Ihe corporation shall have the | power to own, accept title to, sell, | lease, mortgage, and dispose of | property, both real and personal, l and shall be vested with all the ; rights and powers now or hereafter ■ given to do any and all things which • may be needful or proper to its I operation, and shall have all of the ; powers enumerated in the Georgia I Code per taining c - such <or poia tions and such powers as may here after be given by law. 6. Ihe affairs of the corporation shall be managed by the officers thereof, who shall be the Hoard of Directors, consisting of the follow ing President, Vice President, Secretary, treasurer. Hunt Master, Safety Officer, Chaplain, and such assistants to the above as are estab hshed by the membership All I officers shall be duly elected by the i members as prescribed m the by ■ laws. 7 The Board of Directors shall I adopt by laws and regulations per taining to the operation of the corporation, membership and fees, meetings, and elections, which shall be approved by vote of a majority of the meh Pei pi • ent and shall manage all of the affairs of the corporation. WHE Rt I ORI , petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights, powers, and privileges herein set forth and such other rights, powers, and privileges allowed under the laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist Wesley G Bariev. II ATTORNEY I b R PL T I T IONE RS 274 N. Mam Street Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 ■ OR DE R GEORGIA CLAY ION COUN IY I he withm and foregoing petition for incorporation having been duly presented and the same having been fully examined by the Court, and it appearing that all the requirements of law have been complied with, and that said corporation is w.thm the intention and per view of the law; and it further appearing from a Certificate of the Secretary of State that the name of the proposed corporation is not the name of any other corporation registered in the records of his office. II IS THEREUPON CONSID I ER I U, OR DE RID AND AI ) JUDGE D that the prayers of the ' petitioners be and the same are i hereby granted.and that petitioners be and they ate hereby vested with a corporate charter under the name as set forth in the petition and said corporation shall have all the rights, j powers, and privileges prayed for and granted to such corporations under the laws of tire State of Georgia as they now or may here after exist. Granted this 9th day of Jan . 1969. S/Harold R. Banke Judge, Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 2/6 GE ORGIA CLAY I ON COUN I Y Personally appeared before me. William Bailey who on oath deposes and say. that he reside Addri ss 42l)'> Sherwood Avenue, Decatur, Ga. 300 J 2, is doing business in Clayton County, Georgia at 4209 Sherwood Avenue, Decatur, Ga l JOO J ’. und< r th< nam< ind style of । Bailey Drywall Co. I he business to be earned on is Hanging A I imsh ing of Sheetrock. This affidavit is made in accord ance with the Act of trie Georgia Legislature approved /August 15, 1929, and amended March 29, 193 7, and March 20, 194 3 William Bailey Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16 day of December, 1968. F ite H. Casey, Jr Notary Public 1/23 NOTICE Os PUBLICATION CONDI MNA I ION You are hereby notified that condemnation proceedings have been filed in Case 9121, to con demn certain described property specifically, a 1959 I ord 4 Dour White. M BOAS 141039 The same having been used to transport over the legal amount of tax paid whiskey and you are hereby noti fied to be and appear and file your answer m writing in the Office of the C ler k of the Civ 11 & Crim tn al Court of Clayton County within thirty days Witness the Hon. L. A. F oster. Judge of said Court T his the 9th day of January, 1969. Joe B. Mundy, Clerk Clayton Civil & Criminal Court 1/23 PUBLIC NOTICE I, John R. Griffitts, do hereby give notice that on and after this date. January 9, 1969, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by anyone other than myself. /s/ John R. Griffitts THE SUPERIOR COURT I OR THE COUNTY OF CLAY ION STA TE OF GEORGIA Civil Action NO. 1 1,491 NOTICE OF CONDEMNA DON CITY OF ATLAN TA VS. CHARLES F. BROOKS, JR.. EI AL: TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Charles F. Brooks. Jr., Adair Realty and Loan Company, The Western Savings Fund Society of Philadel phia, c/o Adair Realty and Loan Co., Charles F. Brooks, Sr., et al NO. 11,491 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the fol lowing described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 27 of the 13th District of Clayton Coun ty, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Curtis Street 55 feet south of the intersection of the east side of Curtis Street and the south erly side of West Point Avenue; thence south 80 feet, thence east 174.5 feet; thence north 80 feet; thence west 174.3 feet to the point of beginning, being improved prop erty known as 4206 Curtis Street, College Park, Georgia. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons own mg or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in . said property to appear at a hearing I before Honorable Henry Davidson, Special Master appointed in and for i said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 28th day of January, 1969, at 11 00 o'clock, A.M., then and there to establish by evidence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. Wl I NESS the Honorable Harold R. Banke, Judge of said Court, the 15th day of January, 1969. s/Joe B. Mundy Clerk, Superior Court Clayton County, Georgia 1/23 ADV! R I ISE MLN T FOR BIDS RE PAIRING ANO RF PAIN I ING L XIS I ING WA I i R I ANKS CLAY ION COUN I Y WA I ER AUTHORI I Y MORROW, GEORGIA Sealed bids will be received by the Clayton County Water Author ity at the Water Authority office in Morrow, Georgia until 2:30 P.M., I ST , I cbruary b, 1969, for furnish ing all material, labor, and equip ment to thoroughly repair and re । paint six (b) steel water tanks, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. , I he work consists of thoroughly repairing two (2) steel water tanks and repainting the interior and exterior of the tanks, along with thoroughly repairing and repainting i the exterior only of four (4) steel water tanks. S pec if icat ions, and Contract j Documents are open to the public at the Water Authority office tn Morrow, and at the office of | Robert and Company Associates. Architects and Engineers. Copies ; may be secured from Robert and I Company Associates, 9b Poplar Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia, 30303, upon deposit of Twenty live Dollars ($25,00). Ten Dollars ($10.00) of each deposit will be refunded to each bidder upon re turn of all documents m good condition withm ten (10) days after opening of bids Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount of not less than five per cent (5 ) of the amount bid. A contract performance bond and a , payment bond equal to 100% of tne contract price will be required of the Contractor. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the > time for receiving bid . I he Water Authority reserves the nqht to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and to re ad vertise. it will be the Contractor's respon sibility to execute the Contract, furnish all bonds and insurance certificates by February lb, 1969. /X work ordei will be issued to start work on or before February 24 1969. CLAY I ON COUN IY WAT 1 R AU I HORI TY By C. L. Crawley, Jr. Chairman 1 30 IN I HI SU PI RIOR COURT I OR THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE Os GEORGIA GEORGIA CLAY I ON COUN TY I lie petition of H. J. PIE TI E, M< Donough Road, Rex, Georgia, ANDREW L f Bt RfIA RD I , Mimosa Drive, Stockbridge, Georgia, and A S. McKEf MAN, 5/4 Windsor Drive, Forest Park, ! Georgia respectfully shows to the Court 1. Petitioners desire to be incor porated and made a body corporate indei th< iws if this Stat< indei the name and style of FOREST PARK SWIMMING ASSO CIA NON, INC. for a period of thirty five (35) years, with full right i of renewal as may be provided by ■ law, with its piincipal office at such , place in Clayton County, Georgia, । as its Directors may from time to ' time determme. Ihe object and purpose of said ■ " ati<>n ।. as follows io en ■ courage, promote and develop ■ physical fitness, self reliance and I sportsmanship through competitive , swimming in the City of Forest Park and its surrounding area. 3. Said corporation is not organized and shall not be operated for 1 pecuniary gam or profit and it shall । have no capital stock. 4 No part of the property of said I corporation and no part of its net i earnmgs shall ever at any time mure ■ t<» the benefit of any private share 1 holder or individual, nor shall said । corporation have the power to, and shall never, carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence i legislation 5. lire corporation shall have the , power and authority to accept gifts and contributions, whether made i by will or otherwise, m any form of j property, provided that the objects j specified by the testator or donor arc withm the objects and purposes of the corporation All such gifts and contributions shall be devoted to the objects and purposes and m all respects administered according to the provisions contained m said will or other form of instrument makmg said gift or donation, to the end that the wishes and directions of the donor shall m all respects be faithfully observed and executed, provided, however, that the corporation shall not accept any contribution which is to be held or used for purposes other than for the promotion of education, charity or religion. 6. Ihe governing body of the cor potation shall consist of not less than three nor more than twelve directors. Directors shall be selected m accordance with the Constitution and bylaws adopted by the cor potation. In the event vacancies on the Hoard of Directors are not filled as provided in said Constitution and bylaws, the Senior Judge of this Court, upon the application of one or more members of the Board of Directors or, if they fail to act, then upon the application of any party having a real interest in this cor poration shall appoint Directors to fill said vacancies. 7. Ihe Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall have the power to adopt all rules and bylaws con sistent with the charter and the conduct of the affairs and activities of the corporation. 8. /xii contributions received and accepted shall be devoted exclusive ly to the purposes set forth m this charter, the corpus and the income therefrom being perpetually used for those purposes. 9. The corporation, unless otherwise required by the terms of any con tribution, shall have the power in its discretion to retain all contii butions in the original form in which they may have been received, and also to buy, sell, exchange and otherwise deal in stocks, bonds, real estate and any other forms of prop erty at either public or private sale, without order of any court or other authority, to invest and reinvest any funds belonging to the cor poration at any time in such securities and property, real and personal, as the Trustees in their sole discretion see fit, irrespective of whether such investments may not be legal investments for trust funds under the laws of Georgia. The corporation may use any bank or trust company in the State as its fiscal agent, and delegate to such institution the custody and manage ment, investment and reinvestment of its funds, and compensate such agent for its services. 10. The officers of the corporation shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The direc tors may appoint such committees and agents and create such other offices as to them shall seem best and delegate to them such powers and duties as in the discretion of the directors may seem appropriate. 11. T he corporation upon the vote of a majority of its directors at the time then in office shall have the power to do and perform any and all of the powers conferred by this charter, or the laws of the State of Georgia, and shall likewise have all other powers, privileges and immunities which, under the laws of the State of Georgia now, or hereafter may be vested in similar corporations. 12. Petitioners desire that they may be incorporated under the Cor poration Act of 1938, as amended by the Acts of 1949, p. 95 3. WHI Rf FORE, petitioners pray that they may be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, privileges and immunities hereinabove set out, and such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities herein above set out, and such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are or may hereafter be conferred upon corporations of like character under the laws of Georgia. HUTCHESON. KILPATRICK. WA T SON. CRUMBLEY & BROWN By; /s/ Kenneth Kilpatrick Attorneys for Petitioners P.O. ADDRESS: 106 E. Mill Street Jonesboro. Georgia PHONE: 4/8-8866 GEORGIA CLAY TON COUN T Y IN RE: PETITION TO INCOR P O R A T E FOREST P A R K SWIMMING ASSOCIATION. INC. ORDER OF COURT The foregoing petition of H. J. Piette, Andrew L. Eberhardt and A. S. McKeeman to be incorporated under the name of Forest Park Swimming Association. Inc. read and considered, and it appearing that said petition is within the purview and intention of the laws applicable thereto and that all of said laws have been fully complied with, including the presentation of a certificate from the Secretary of State as required by Paragraph 22 803 of the Code of Georgia, Annotated; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that all of the prayers of said petition are granted and that said Petitioners, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby incorporated and made a body politic under the name of FOREST PARK SWIMMING ASSO CIATION, INC. for and during a period of thirty-five years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, according to the laws of the State of Georgia, and that said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the rights, powers and privileges mentioned in said petition. This the 2 7 day of December, 1968. /s/ F dwin S. Kemp Judge, Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 1 23 NO T ICE OE IN T1 NT ION TO IN TRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that the City of College Park intends to apply for the passage of local legis lation at the 1969 Session of the General Assembly of Georgia, con vening in January, 1969, to amend the Charter of the City of College Park setting forth the qualifications of residency of Councilmen, to amend the charter setting forth the procedure for naming Judge pro tern of the City Court of College Park, and for other purposes. This 10th day of January, 1969. George E. Glaze City Attorney of the City of College Park, Ga. 1/30 GEORGIA CLAY TON COUNT Y IO Till SUP! RIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA: PF FIT ION FOR Cl IAR TE R I he petition of MRS. MAR I HA ANNE HORNSBY /22 South Avenue, F orest Park, Georgia, KI NNI IH KILPATRICK. 5909 North Cheryl Drive, Morrow, Geor gia, and LEE HUTCHESON. 162 Church Street, Jonesboro, Georgia, respectfully shows: 1 The petitioners desire for them selves, their associates and successors to be incorporated under the name of “MAHS KUBBERD KRAF S, INC.” T he object of said corporation is pecuniary gam and profit. -3- The general nature of the business the corporation will transact and for which charter powers are desired is ttut of consigning, selling, buying, and promoting products of knitting, handcrafts, arts, ceramics, china, gifts, cards, clothing, candies, and extend credit when desirable, and all other things and items incidental to such a business and to do and perform any other act or thing relative to the conduct of such business authorized by law. 4 Petitioners further desire that the corporation have the right to buy, own, sell and lease real estate, whether incident to the operation of the corporate business or not; to create mortgages, execute deeds of trust and issue debentures for any other forms of obligations secured by such covenants and in such form as may be necessary to the validity thereof; to perform and ‘ - ansae t any type and kind of business that can be legally done by a cor poration created by a Superior Court of the State of Georgia, in its own behalf or as agents for others, and to have and exercise all rights, privileges and powers enumerated fur corporations in Georgia Code Annotated m Section 22-1827 et. seq., as amended. -5 l he maximum number of shares of stock shall be seven hundred shares of common stock at the pai value of $30.00. Ihe amount of capital witti which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than $500.00. The corporation shall be authorized to issue additional shares up to the maxi mum sum above stated from time to time. 6. Ihe tune for which said cor poration is to have existence is thirty five (35) years with the privilege of renewal of the charter from tune to time, upon the expiration of said periods of thirty five years. ■7 i he county in which the principal office of the corporation shall be located is Clayton County, Georgia, but the privilege of establishing branch offices and places of bust ness both within and without the State of Georgia is desired. 8 T he petitioners further desire that by laws of the corporation shall be adopted by the common stock holders, and such by laws shall pro vide for the officers of the cor poration, the manner of their selection, and such other rules appropriate to by-laws which have as their purpose the control and management of the Corporation, including provisions whereby the by laws may be amended. •9 Petitioners herewith exhibit certificate of the Secretary of State of Georgia as required by Section 22 1803, Georgia Code Annotated. 10 The corporation shall have the power to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision of its charter in form or substance upon the vote of two thirds of its outstanding common stock and all rights conferred upon stockholders, directors and officers herein are granted subject to this revision. WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray that they be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and such additional rights, powers and privileges as may be necessary. °/ incid ent to the conduct of the business aforesaid, and as may be inherent in or allowed to under ,he laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist HUTCHESON, KILPATRICK. WATSON.CRUMBLEY A BROWN By: /s/ Kenneth Kilpatrick Attorneys for Petitioners P.O. ADDRESS: 106 E. Mill Street Jonesboro, Georgia PHONE: 478 8866 GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY IN RE: PETITION TO INCOR PORATE “MAHS KUBBERD KRAFS, INC." ORDER OF COURT The foregoing petition of Mrs. Martha Anne Hornsby, Kenneth Kilpatrick, and Lee Hutcheson to be incorporated under the name of Mahs Kubberd-Krafs, Inc. read and considered, and it appearing that said petition is within the purview and intention of the laws applicable thereto and that all of said laws have been fully complied with in cluding presentation of a certificate from the Secretary of State as re quired by Paragraph 22-803 of the Code of Georgia, Annotated; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all of the prayers of said petition are granted and that said petitioners, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby incorporated and made a body politic under the name of MAHS KUBBE RD KRAFS, INC. for and during a period of thirty-five years, wdh the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, according to the laws of the State of Georgia, and that said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the r •9h ts, powers and privileges mentioned in aforesaid petition. 27 day of December, /s/ Edwin S. Kemp Judge, Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 1-23 GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNT Y TO THE SUPE RIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA PETITION FOR CHARTER The petition of KENNETH KILPATRICK, 5909 North Cheryl Drive, Morrow, Georgia, LEE HUTCHESON, 162 Church Street, Jonesboro, Georgia, and JOHN WATSON, Brown Road, Jonesboro, Georgia, respectfully shows: -1- The petitioners desire for them selves, their associates and sue cessors to be incorporated under the name of “FAB MATIC, INC.” 2- 1 he object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and profit. -3- l he general nature of the business the corporation will transact and for which charter powers are de sired is that of manufacturing, fabricating, installing and fashion mg products and by-products of metals, alloys, plastics and other materials and combinations thereof; to purchase lease, sell and acquire materials, products and fixtures incidental to the above. -4 Petitioners further desire that the corporation have the right to buy. own, sell and lease real estate, whether incident to the operation of the corporate business or not; to create mortgages, execute deeds of trust and issue debentures for any other forms of obligations secured by such covenants and in such form as may be necessary to the validity thereof, to perform and transact any type and kind of business that can be legally done by a cor poration created by a Superior Court in the State of Georgia, in its own behalf or as agents for others, and to have and exercise all rights, privileges and powers enumerated for corporations in Georgia Code Annotated in Section 22-1827 et. seq., as amended. I he maximum number of shares of stock shall be ten thousand shares of common stock at the par value of SI.OO. The amount of capital with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than $500.00. The corporation shall be authorized to issue additional share up to the maxi mum sum above stated from time to time. -6- Ihe time for which said cor poration is to have existence is thirty five (35) years with the privilege of renewal of the charter from time to time, upon the expiration of said periods of thirty five years. -7 l he county in which the principal office of the corporation is to be located is Clayton County, Georgia, but the privilege is desired of establishing branch offices and places of business both within and without the State of Georgia. -8- Petitioners further desire that by laws of the corporation shall be adopted by the common stock holders, and such bylaws shall provide for the officers of the cor poration, the manner of their selection, and such other rules appropriate to by-laws which have as their purpose the control and management of the corporation, in eluding provisions whereby the by-laws may be amended. .9. Petitioners herewith exhibit certificate of the Secretary of the State of Georgia as required by Section 22-1803, Georgia Code Annotated. -10 Ihe corporation shall have the power to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision of its charter in form or substance upon the vote of two thirds of its outstanding common stock and all rights con ferred upon stockholders, directors and officers herein are granted subject to this revision. WHEREFORE., petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and i such additional rights, powers and I privileges as may be necessary, ■ proper or incident to the conduct i of the business aforesaid, and as may be inherent in or allowed to like corporations under the laws of the State of Georgia as they now exist or may hereafter exist. HUTCHESON. KILPATRICK. WA 1 SON, CRUMBLE Y & BROWN By: /s/ Kenneth Kilpatrick Attorneys for Petitioners P.O. ADDRF.SS: 10b E. Mill Street Jonesboro, Georgia 4/8 8866 GE ORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY IN RE: PT TIT ION TO INCOR PORATE "FAB MATIC, INC' OR DE Ft OF COUR 1 Ihe foregoing petition of Kenneth Kilpatrick, Lee Hutche son. and John Watson, to be incor ■ porated under the name of i ab- Matic, Inc. read and considered, ‘ and it appearing that said petition is withm the purview and intention of the laws applicable thereto and 'hat all of said laws have been fully complied with, including the pres entation of a certificate from the ■ Secretary of State as required by ' Paragraph 22 803 of the Code of Georgia, Annotated; II IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all of the prayers of said petition are granted and that said petitioners, their associates, succes sors and assigns are hereby incor porated and made a body politic 1 under the name of FAB MATIC. INC. for and during a period of thirty five years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, according to the laws of the State of Georgia, and that said corporation is hereby granted and vested with all the rights, powers and privileges mentioned in said petition. This the 2 7 day of December, • 1968. /s/ Edwin S. Kemp Judge, Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 1-23 > CITATION i YE AR’S SUPPORT SI ATE Os GEORGIA Clayton Court of Ordinary r December 26th, 1968 The appraisers upon application of Clovis C. Page widow of said > David Eugene Page for a twelve । months' support for herself and no , minor children, having filed their t return; all persons concerned * hereby aie cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular * I cbruary term of this Court, why • said application should not be I granted. I Joe T. Lane I Ordinary I Clayton County 1/30 THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR - THE COUNTY OF CLAYTON STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION - CIVIL ACTION NO. 11,498 CLAYTON SUPERIOR COURT CITY OF ATLANTA VS. EMMETT C. BRYANT, ET AL TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: By order of the court, you are hereby notified that the City of Atlanta in City of Atlanta vs. Emmett C. Bryant; R. H. Bryant; R.O. Bryant; The heirs at law and/or devisees of Daisy S. Bryant, deceased, et al CIVIL ACTION NO. 11,498 Clayton Superior Court, seeks to condemn the following described property: ALL that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 27 of the 13th District of Clayton 1 County, Georgia being a part of Lot ! 20. Block C, of Liveoak Gardens Subdivision, as per plat recorded in । Plat Book 1, page 80, Clayton County, Georgia Records and being ' more particularly described as follows: • BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the south side of Denton Street with the east side of Clayton Street; running thence east along the south side of Denton Street 58 feet to a point; thence south 1.4 feet to a point on the northwesterly right-of way line of highway 1-85; thence southwesterly along the northwest erly right-of-way line of highway 1-85 to a point on the east side of Clayton Street; thence north along the east side of Clayton Street 85.5 feet to the south side of Denton Street and the point of beginning. You are hereby further notified that an order has been signed by the Court requiring all persons owning or claiming any right, title, interest, claim or demand in, to or against said property, all lienors, tenants and lessees thereof, and all other persons having any interest in said property to appear at a hearing before Honorable Joe Crumbley, Special Master appointed in and for said cause, said hearing to be held at Room 303, Clayton County Courthouse, on the 28th day of January, 1969, at 10:00 o'clock, A.M., then and there to establish by evidence, their rights, titles and claims in and to said property and the value thereof. WITNESS the Honorable Harold R. Banke, Judge of said Court, the 15th day of January, 1969. s/ Joe B. Mundy, Clerk, Superior Court, Clayton County, Georgia 1-23 NOTICE TO APPEAR STA TE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON Case No. 68-614 Doris W. Sellers Vs. Howard H. Sellers To Howard H. Sellers Greetings: You are hereby notified that Dons W. Sellers has filed suit against you for divorce. You are hereby required to be and appear in Said court within 60 days of the 23rd day of January, 1969, then and there to make answer in writing to Plaintiff's complaint. Witness Edwm S. Kemp, Judge of said court. This 16th day of January, 1969. Victor H. Higgins Attorney 124 N. McDonough St. Jonesboro, Ga. 2/13 Cl TA TION YEAR’S SUPPORT SI ATE OF GEORGIA Clayton Court of Ordinary December 26th, 1968 The appraisers upon application of Frances Payton Dison widow of said Alver Jay Dison, Jr. for a twelve months' support for herself and 2 minor children, having filed their return; all persons concerned hereby are cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular February term of this Court, why said application should not be granted. Joe T. Lane Ordinary Clayton County 1/30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON January 6,1 969 James E. Steele as administrator of the estate of Phyllis Steele, de ceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said Phyllis Steele. This is, therefore, to notify all con cerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in February next, else leave will be granted said applicant, as applied for. H. W. Roberts, Ordinary 1/30 S TA TE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON January 6, 1969 James M. Slater, guardian of James Mark Slater, has applied to me lor a discharge from his guard lanship of James Mark Slater. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their ob jections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday m Feb ruary next, else he will be dis charged from his guardianship as applied for. H. W. Roberts, Ordinary 1/30 CIT ATION ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA CLAY TON COUNTY To All Whom it May Concern: Anme Mae Glass Hunter having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administra tion on the estate of John D. Glass Hunter, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of John D. Glass Hunter to be and appear at my office withm the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can. why permanent administration should not be granted to Annie Mae Glass Hunter on John D. Glass Hunter estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 19th day of Decem ber, 1968. Joe T. Lane, Ordinary 1/30 Cl 1 Y OF MORROW MORROW, GEORGIA 1 his is an invitation to bid on a garbage and refuse collection franchise for the City of Morrow, Georgia for residental only. Bids will be received by the City of Morrow until 5:00 P.M., the 20th day of January, 1969, in the office of the City Clerk, 6141 Reynolds Road. Bids will be read publicly, reviewed and tabulated at the next subsequent City Council meeting, to be held January 21, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. Instructions may be picked up at the City I (all. Tootsie McKinnon, City Clerk City of Morrow 1 16 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced at the January 1969, Session of the General Assembly of Georgia, a bill to amend an Act known as the “Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Act of 1965” (Ga. L. 1965, p. 2243, et. seq.) and for other purposes. This Bth day of January, 1969. HUIE AND HARLAND W. STELL HUIE TOM WATSON BROWN Attorneys for Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 822 Fulton Federal Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 2/6 Cl FATION FOR ADMINISTRATION WITH WILL ANNEXED GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY To All Whom It May Concern- Helen Lumpkin of Fulton Coun ty, said State, having applied for Letters of Administration, with Will annexed, on the Estate of Carrie Lou Douglas, late of said County deceased; This is to cite the creditors, heirs, legatees and devisees, to be and appear on first Monday in Feb ruary, 1969, to show cause why s L ,ch . J Le « e, s of Administration should not be granted as prayed. ... W '™ ESS ,he name and seal of ° f sa ' d County, this 27th day of December, 1968 Joe T. Lane, Ordinary 1/30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLAYTON COUNTY: I The Petition Os BONANZA i PRODUCE, INC. respectfully shows: 1. Petitioner was incorporated by Order of this Court dated February 2, 1965, and its Charter has not J heretofore been amended, f 2. Petitioner now desires to have its ; Charter amended in the following ' particulars: > (1) By striking Paragraph 4 of its original Charter, in its entirety, and , inserting in lieu thereof, the follow- I ing new Paragraph 4 and subpara graphs: I ”4. The stock of the corporation shall i consist of One Thousand Five Hundred (1500) shares of stock, > divided as follows: (a) One Thousand (1000) shares of com- mon stock of the par value of One i Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per . share, said stock to be issued for money, property or services, or other things of value acceptable to the Directors of the corporation; said common stock shall have all of the voting power in the corpo ration; (b) Five Hundred (500) shares of preferred stock of the par value of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per share. (a) The amount of capital with which the corporation shall begin business shall not be less than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. (b) The holders of the preferred stock of the corporation shall be entitled to receive each year out of the net profits of the corporation a fixed yearly, n on-cumulative, dividend of six (6%) per centum, payable as may be authorized by the Directors, before any dividend shall be set apart or paid on the common stock. The holders of pre ferred stock shall not be entitled to any further dividend or share of profits beyond the said yearly dividend of six (6%) per centum; and the holders of common stock shall be entitled to receive all monies appropriated to dividends, after the yearly dividends of six (6%) per centum on the preferred stock shall have been fully paid. (c) In case of the liquidation or the dissolution of the corporation, the holders of the preferred stock shall be entitled to be paid in full the par value of their shares before any amount shall be paid to the holders of the common stock. But after the payment to the holders of the preferred stock of the amounts payable to them as hereinbefore provided, the remaining assets and funds of the corporation shall be paid to and distributed among the holders of the common stock. (d) The holders of the preferred stock shall not be entitled to any voice in the management of the corporation, or to any voting powers at any stockholders’ meet ing. The sole management of the corporation shall be m the hands of the holders of common stock, and they alone shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the stockholders of the corporation. (e) No stock having a preference over nor a parity with the preferred stock shall be created, nor shall any amendment be made to the Charter of the corporation diminishing the rights of the holders of the pre ferred stock without in each case, the written consent, or affirmative vote at a special meeting called for that purpose, of the holders of a majority of the outstanding pre ferred stock of the corporation. (f) The corporation may at its option, expressed by vote of its Board of Directors, at any time or from time to time, redeem the whole or any part of the outstand ing preferred stock at the redemption price. The redemption price shall be the par value of the stock plus unpaid dividends for that year. (g) No dividend shall be allowed to the holders on the redemption funds after the date fixed for redemption in the notice to be mailed to the holders of record at the address shown on the books of the corporation. (h) The corporation may also from time to time purchase shares of preferred stock at a price not exceeding the price at which such stock may be redeemed. (i) None of the holders of shares of common stock and preferred stock shall be entitled as a matter of right to purchase, subscribe for or otherwise acquire any new or additional shares of stock of the corporation of any class, or any options or warrants to purchase, subscribe for or otherwise acquire any such new or additional shares, or any shares, evidences of in debtedness or other securities con vertible into or carrying options or warrants to purchase, subscribe for or otherwise acquire any such new or additional shares.” 3. That pursuant to written Waiver of Notice, a Special Stockholders’ Meeting was held on the 16th day of December, 1968, at which all of the Stockholders were present, resolutions authorizing the amended Paragraph 4 and subpara graphs to said original Charter as aforesaid, and an amendment in that connection to its corporate Charter was adopted unanimously, providing further that the officers and counsel of the corporation are authorized and directed to effect such Charter Amendment as shown by the Certificate of the Secretary of said corporation, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A” and made a part hereof. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that this application for Amend ment be allowed, filed and published as provided by law. SHULMAN AND ALEMBIK By Aaron I. Alembik Attorneys for Petitioner 1134 National Bank of Georgia Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 524-1337 EXHIBIT "A” CERTIFICATE I, NORMAN E. STEWART, certify that I am Secretary of BONANZA PRODUCE, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia, the Petitioner in the foregoing Petition, and that at a Special Meeting of the Stockholders held on the 16th day of December, 1968, notice of which was waived by all of the Stockholders of said corporation, resolutions were adopted by unanimous vote of all of the Stockholders of said corporation, authorizing and con senting to the Amendments to the Charter or said corporation, sought in the foregoing Petition, to which this Certificate is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of BONANZA PRODUCE, INC., this 18th day of December, 1968. Norman E. Stewart, Secretary seal ORDER The foregoing Petition of BONANZA PRODUCE, INC. to amend its corporate Charter, by inserting a new Paragraph 4 and sub-paragraphs to said original Charter, all as set forth in said Petition, read and considered, It appearing to the Court that said Petition is made in accordance with the laws of this State, and that Petitioner has complied with the requirements of the law regulating the granting of amendments to charters of corporations, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the prayers of said Petition be, and the same are hereby granted, and the Charter of Petitioner is hereby amended in all particulars as set out in said Petition. This day of December, 1968. /s/ Edwin S. Kemp Judge, Superior Court Clayton Judicial Circuit 1-30 PUBLIC NOTICE I, John Alex Richardson, Jr., do hereby give notice that on and after this date, January 9-1969, I will not be responsible for any debts in cured by any person other than myself. /s/J. A. Richardson 1/23 CITATION DISMISSION OF EXECUTORSHIP GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY Whereas, Mrs. Alberta Kottkamp Eckert, Executor of the last will of Emma J. Kottkamp, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Emma J. Kott kamp estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Executor should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive Letters of Dis mission, on the first Monday in February, 1969. Joe T. Lane, Ordinary 1/30 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there > wil 1 be introduced at the regular 1969 Session of the General Assem bly of Georgia, a bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of For ' est Park, (now City of Forest Park), ’ approved August 14, 1908 (Ga. Laws 1908, p. 685), as amended, so as to change the corporate limits of said city; to provide an effective i date; and for other purposes. I This 31st day of December, 1968. » Charles W. Summerday I CITATION DISMISSION GUARDIANSHIP . GEORGIA 1 CLAYTON COUNTY Sandra M. Holloway, Guardian ; of David M. Holloway and John C. Holloway, minors, has applied to , me for a discharge from his guard ianship of said minors: This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their ob ( jections, if any they have, on or before rhe first Monday in Febru ’ ary next, else he will be discharged from his guardianship as applied i for - Joe T. Lane, Ordinary 1/30 Georgia . Clayton County: There will be sold at Public Out- I cry to the highest and best bidder . for cash between the legal hours of sale before the Courthouse Door in । the City of Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia, on the first Tues day in February, 1969, the follow ing described property to wit: (1) 270 Dresser & Mirror , (1) 270 Chest (1) 271 Bed , (2) 270 Night Stands (1) Beautyrest Extra Firm Mat tress ■ (2) Beautyrest Box Springs (l)PDJ186005 Dish Washer (Coppertone-Maple Cutting Board, front load, S No. 259280368 Said property levied per Mort gage Fi. Fa. No. 8980, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, Haverty Furni ture Co. Vs. Leroy Franks. This the 3rd day of January, 1969. Robert A. Deyton Sheriff 1/30 Georgia, Clayton County: There will be sold at Public Outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of sale before the Courthouse door in the City of Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia on the first Tuesday in February, 1969, the following described property, to wit: (1) Brown Westinghouse Refrig erator S No. RH801449 (1) White G. E. Washer S No. ZC 121673 Said property levied per Distress Warrant No. 9019, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, Mrs. Daniel L. Peek vs. G. I. Camp. This the 3rd day of January, 1969. Robert A. Deyton Sheriff 1/30 Georgia Clayton County: There will be sold at Public Out cry to the highest and best Didder for cash between the legal hours of , sale before the Courthouse Door in the City of Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia, on the first Tues day in February, 1969, the follow ing described property to wit: (1) 1963 Mack Truck Model No. F7l 5 T Trac to r, S No. F715T1082 No Engine. Said property levied per Mort gage Fi. Fa. No. 8975, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court Associates Dis count Corp. Vs. Robert L. Mitchell. This the 3rd day of January, 1969. Robert A. Deyton Sheriff 1/30 Georgia Clayton County: There will be sold at Public Out cry to the highest and best bidder for cash between the legal hours of sale before the Courthouse Door in the City of Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia, on the first Tues day in February, 1969, the follow ing described property to wit: (1) 7 Pc. Dinette (Table & 6 Chairs No. 1G5731/G351 Said property levied per Mort gage Fi. Fa. No. 8944, Clayton Civil & Criminal Court, Bass Furniture Company of Forest Park, Vs. Clif ford Sullivan. This the 3rd day of January, 1969. Robert A. Deyton Sheriff 1/30 CITATION NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of ' Woodrow Michael Tate late of Clay ton County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. January 7, 1969. Robert Denton O'Neal GEORGIA CLAYTON COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of default in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by a Deed to Secure Debt executed by JAMES G. PIERCE to NATIONAL HOMES ACCEPT ANCE CORPORATION dated May 9. 1968 and recorded in Deed Book 499, page 243, Clayton County records, and transferred to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK, NEW YORK, NEW YORK by Assign ment dated May 23, 1968 and rec orded in Deed Book 500, page 596, aforesaid records, and the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured, has declared the entire amount of said indebted ness due and payable and pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in said Deed, will on the First Tuesday in February, 1969, during the legal hours of sale, before the Court house door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: All that real estate situated and being in Land Lot 172 of the 13th , District of Clayton County, Geor gia; being Lot 4, Block C, River Valley Subdivision, Unit One, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 11, page 88, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Clayton County, Georgia, together with all fixtures and other personal proper ty conveyed by said Deed. The sale will be held subject to any unpaid taxes or other assess ments which may be liens against said property. Notice has been given of inten tion to collect attorney's fees in accordance with the terms of the Note secured by said Deed. Said property will be sold as the property of JAMES G. PIERCE and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said in debtedness, the expenses of said sale, all as provided in said Deed, and the undersigned will execute a Deed to the Purchaser at said sale as provided in the aforementioned Deed to Secure Debt. HARLEM SAVINGS BANK, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, Attorney in-Fact for JAMES G. PIERCE SWERTFEGER, SCOTT & PIKE 1000 First National Bank Building Decatur, Georgia 30030 1/30 GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed to secure a debt executed by James W. Morrow to I. D. Bishop and E. P. Echols, dated October 6, 1967 of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00) as expressed therein, and recorded in Deed Book 515, Page 672-674 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Clayton County, Georgia, and said property being fully described therein, and by virtue of a default in the payment of the indebtedness described in said deed the undersigned, as attorneys in fact for James W. Morrow, have declared the indebtedness due, and will sell said property before the court house door in Clayton County, Georgia within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in February, 1969. Said property to be sold is all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 179 and 180 of the 12th District of Clayton County, Georgia and being Lot 4 of the re-plat of Lots 2, 4 and 6 of Block E, H. G. Moore Subdivision, as shown in Plat Book 10, Page 48, Clayton County Records and being improved property known as 5115 Fourth Street, Morrow, Georgia. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding and unpaid taxes. I. D. BISHOP and E. P. ECHOLS, As Attorneys in Fact, for JAMES W. MORROW STONE & STONE, ATTORNEYS 1054 HURT BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 522-4335 1-30 NOTICE OF INTENTION k TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced at the regular 1969 Session of the General Assem bly of Georgia a bill to Amend an Act known as the "Clayton County’ Civil Service System Act", ap proved April 2, 1963, Ga. Laws 1963, p. 2747 and as amendad 1968, Ga. Laws 1968, p. 2759, SO as to change the provisions relating to the coverage of employees; so aS to change the per diem payments to members of the Civil Service Board and for other purposes. • This the 4th day of January, 1969. John R.McCannon County Attorney Clayton County 1-23 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced at the regular 1969 Session of the General Assem bly of Georgia a bill to amend an Act known as "Civil and Criminal Court of Clayton County” (Ga. Laws 1963, p. 3616, as amended by Ga. Laws 1964, p. 2032), so as to amend the Act to provide for the turn over of funds collected through the Court; to provide for employees of said Court; to make provisions for the Clerk of said Court and the salaries of the elected officials of the said Court; to repeal conflicting laws and for other purposes: This the 4th day of January. 1969. John R.McCannon County Attorney Clayton County 1-23 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Georgia, Clayton County Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in a certain Deed to Secure Debt, dated 26 April 1968 from Frank R. Klima in favor of J. Carl Gilbert, as recorded in Deed Book 497, Page 522, Clayton County Records, by virtue of a default in the monthly payments of the debt mentioned therein, J. Carl Gilbert, As Attorney in Fact for Frank R. Klima, will sell at public outcry within the legal hours of sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in Feb. 1969, the following described property to wit : All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 110 of the 13 th District of Claytonr County, Georgia, being Lot 2, Block C, Springview Subdivision, as per Plat recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 174, Clayton County Records, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the South side of Shady Lane, from the * point of intersection of the South side of Shady Lane, with the East side of Moss Drive, if said Street, lines were extended to form an angle instead of a curve, said point, of beginning also being located at the Northeast corner of Lot 1 of said Block and Subdivision; thence running East along the South side of Shady Lane 75 feet to an iron pin at the Northwest corner of Lot 3 of said Block and Subdivision;: thence running South along the West line of said Lot 3 for 150 feet to an iron pin; thence running West 75 feet to an iron pin; thence running North along the East line of the aforementioned Lot 1 for. 150 feet to an iron pin on the South side of Shady Lane at the point of beginning. Being known as 471 Shady Lane, Forest Park, Ga. Said property above described will be sold subject to a first mortgage as recorded on the Deed Record Books; also subject to restrictions and easements of record, unpaid taxes and assessments, if any. • The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of the indebtedness due J. Carl Gilbert and all charges and expenses irtt connection with this foreclosure and the balance, if any, to be applied as provided by law. J. Carl Gilbert As Attorney in Fact for Frank R. Klima (Present owner being Jack Williams) 1-30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN LOAN DEED GEORGIA, CLAYTON COUNTY By virtue of the power of sale contained in a security deed exe cuted and delivered by Richards & Higgins Developers, Inc. to Mutual Federal Savings and Loan Asso ciation of Atlanta dated October 22, 1958 and recorded in Deed Book 182, page 247, Clayton County Records, there will be sold before the Courthouse door of said County of the first Tuesday in February, 1969, during the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Land Lot 213, of the 12th District, Clayton County Georgia, being Lot 6, as per plat of the I. M. Burks Subdivision by W. T. Poston, Surveyor, dated February 8, 1958, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Tony (also called Toney) Road 973 feet easterly from the center line of State High way 42, as measured along the southerly side of Tony Road, and following the curvature thereof; thence running easterly along the southerly side of Tony Road 75 feet to a point; thence south 157 feet to the north side of a branch; thence southwesterly along the northerly side of said branch 75 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 5, aforesaid plat; thence north 160 feet to Tony Road at the point of beginning; this being improved property with a house thereon; all as shown on plat for Richards & Higgins Developers, Inc. by W. T. Poston, dated October 1, 1958. The debt secured by said deed being in default by reason of the non-payment of the monthly in stallments due Nov. 22, 1968 and subsequent installments, the entire debt has been declared due; said sale will be for the purpose of paying the said debt and the pro ceeds thereof will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and the expense of this procedure; said property will be sold subject to all taxes and assessments, if any, and will be sold as the property of Richards & Higgins Developers, Inc. This 3rd day of January, 1969. Mutual Federal Savings and Loan Association of Atlanta as Attorney-in-Fact for Richards & Higgins Developers, Inc. T. J. Henry, Attorney 2563 Gordon Road, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30311 1-30 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that there will be an application for local legislation to introduce a bill at the Regular 1969 Session of the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia to amend an Act known as "Civil and Crim inal Court of Clayton County” (Ga. Laws 1963, p. 3616, as amended by Ga. Laws 1964, p. 2032) so as to provide for the payment of costs in all civil cases filed in said Court; so as to provide for a system of permanent records of said Court; s<X as to provide for payment of necessary expenses involved in the operation of said Court and allied offices; to repeal conflicting laws and for other purposes. This 16th day of January, 1969. Joe B. Mundy * 1/30, CLAYTON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT JONESBORO, GEORGIA ~ January 14, 1969. Sealed bids will be received by the Clayton County Commit' sioners, at their office, Room 211, Clayton County Courthouse until 10 a.m., Tuesday, February 4, 1969 for Aerial Photographs of Clayton County, Georgia. Specifications may be obtained from the Purchas-i ing Agent, Room 211, Courthouse,, upon request. Clayton County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Elbert C. Wood, P.A. 1/27-