Newspaper Page Text
Agency, Inc.
4599 Jonesboro Kd.
dlaytnn dnunty Nms anb IFarm^r
End of War Up to
Ho Chi Minh
(U. S. News।
Ending the war in Vietnam, basic to the success of the
Nixon presidency, apparently is to be approached in this
is for a breakthrough in truce talks
there. How? Secret negotiations probably will clear the way.
Russia is being looked to for help. That’s the administra
tion's hope, anyway.
Signals being given by Mr. Nixon and Defense Secretary
Melvin Laird are these—To "hawks” in the U. S.: War can't
be won outright. To Hanoi: The Nixon administration will
not cut and run; U. S. will not withdraw on its own.
So the message is this: Let's make a deal.
When will the war end? That's up to Ho Chi Minh. It
takes two to make a truce. Fact to remember, though, is that
Mr Nixon knows he can’t fully attack this nation's big do
mestic problems until the Vietnam war tapers off.
If action can't be shown by the end of 1969, he will be
in hot water.
Life Membership Goes
To Mrs. Annie Thompson
At the regular meeting of
the Lake City School PIA on
March 18th, Mrs. Annie
Thompson was honored by
being chosen for the 1969 Life
Membership in PLA.
Mrs. Thompson has taught
piano at Lake City I lementary
School for many years and
though she does not have a
“homeroom” there, she has
many students and friends. She
has had the privilege of seeing
many of her students progress
into advance music performers.
I hese students, her many
friends, and the faculty of
Lake City School join the Pl A
in offering congratulations to
one so deserving.
Following the presentation
of the Life Membership Award,
Mr. Johnson, principal, showed
a film concerning the proper
study habits and attitudes of
Ihe following were
Good Friday
Services Set
For April 4
The Living Word Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Jonesboro
will observe Good Friday,
April 4, with a special service
of Tenebrae at 7:30 p in.
Tenebrae is one of the
oldest traditional services of
the Christian Church for Holy
Week. It is a service of shadows
used to untold the passion and
death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
W. Osborne Herlong, Jr.,
Pastor, will conduct the service
and deliver the meditation
entitled. “Something livery
Man Must Face Death”.
The church is located on the
South lixpressway (41) and
junction of Highway 54.
Serving All of Clayton County
JFnmt ^ark
Battlefield pressure is to be kept
on the Communists. U. S. troops will
stay in present numbers—s4o,ooo—as
long as fighting goes on at today's
But escalation of the war is to be
left to the Communists—not the U. S.
Widespread bombing of North
Vietnam isn't to be resumed. Mining
of harbors is out.
Attacks are not to be launched
against Red troops in Laos and Cam
Paris is the place to watch. Aim
v - W
/' t V
nominated to serve in the
coming year as officers of Lake
City P I A: President, Mrs. Mary
laylor: Vice-President, Mrs.
Johnnie Lee McCloud, Secre
tary, Mrs. Jeanette Cox and
Treasurer, Mrs. Libby Griswell
1 hey were duly elected and
will be installed at the April
Attendance banner for the
most parents present was won
by Mrs. Mary Nell Wilke’s third
Lake City School will have
four delegates attending the
State P I A Convention in April.
1 hey are, Mrs. Joan Eagan,
Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Mary
Ellen Adair and Mrs. Margaret
• •••••
Selfishness is at the root of
most human conflicts. You
cannot reform your neighbors
but you can work on yourself.
• •••••
GROUNDBREAKING for the new South
ern Bell building in Jonesboro shown un
der way at the corner of Mills Street and
Lee Street last Thursday. County Commis
sioner Sharon Abercrombie (left) and
Mayor Hugh Dickson of Jonesboro are
Morrow PTA
Mrs. Ahl
Mrs. James W. Ahl,
(Josephine) has received the
1969 PIA Life Membership
Award from Morrow P I A.
At the regular meeting on
Feb. 18, at Morrow School,
PI A President, Mrs. Pat King,
welcomed everyone and First
Vice-President, Mrs. Shirley
Williams introduced several
past Presidents of Morrow PI 'A
who were special guests, then
she introduced Mrs. Billie
Prock, President of Clayton
County PLA Council and her
supporting cast who presented
a delightful skit “Would you
like to be Queen of PI A”.
(Continued on Page 8i
A *
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THE SHRIMP BOAT, just opened in Forest Park, is away
to a flying start. It is located at 4325 Jonesboro Road.
(Georgia and Old Dixie Hwy.)
Southern Bell Plans
New Jonesboro Facility
Ihe Southern Bell's latest anil most up-to-date
facility will be located in Jonesboro, an SSI 1,000
building at the corner of Mills and Lee Streets.
Ground was broken last Thursday following the
announcement of all details by Preston Collins, general
commercial manager of the
company for Georgia.
Mr. Collins addressing the
Clayton County Chamber of
Commerce, revealed the
"ISPS" facility, a new one in
the traffic service system, will
be completed by April of
1971. This is only the second
TSPS to be located in the
country, he said, the first one
shown stopping the machine while Clyde
Harrelson, president of the Clayton Coun
ty Chamber of Commerce, is shown look
ing on; beyond him is Preston Collins,
general commercial manager of Southern
Bell for Georgia. (Derickson Photo.)
being in Morristown. N. J. The
I SPS will handle long distance
calls, station to station, person
to person and credit card. The
customer can also dial direct.
It will be the console type,
electronically controlled
Mr. Collins stated that
Jonesboro was chosen as the
site because of the labor
market, that housewives and
other employes would be more
readily available in that area. A
Georgia boy himself, he was
highly complimentary to
Jonesboro and its rapid
growth, as well as to Georgia.
(Continued on Page 8)
Ben L. O’Neal, Jr., has been
elected an assistant cashier of
the Citizens Bank of Clayton
Charles E, Wells, president,
said the bank is “extremely
fortunate to acquire the serv
ices of a person with Mr.
O’Neal’s wide experience in
Mr. O’Neal, a native of
Columbus, was with the
Citizens & Southern National
Bank for the past 10 years. A
graduate of the University of
Georgia, he is treasurer and a
director of the North DeKalb
Merchants Association.
The new officer of Citizens
Bank of Clayton County is
married to the former Patricia
Ann Peters and they have three
children, Elizabeth Ann, Robin
Marie and Ben 111.
Clayton Countv Federal to
Dedicate New Building
1 hursday, April 3, |909 at 10:00 o’clock am Ulaylon ( ounty I cdcral Savings
and Loan Association will dedicate then new building al 101 North Mam Street.
Jonesboro, G. M. Kilpatrick, Chairman Board ol Directors states that the ribbon
cutting and dedication will bring to reality a dream long in the planning of this
institution which was chartered in U>so and in thirteen years has served the ( lay ton
County and surrounding areas
with savings and home
Mr. Kilpatrick stated that
Clayton Federal is a mutually
owned business, actually
owned by the thrifty savers
who have placed then hard
earned savings where they are
safe from market fluctuations
with the knowledge that said
savings are then invested in
first mortgage loans to deserv
ing home-owners. Savings are
insured by the Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Corpora
tion. up to $1 5,000.00. and are
available at anytime, with no
waiting required.
He further stated that Clay
ton Federal has great con
fidence in the future of this
area, and that they now have
sufficient office space to serve
this community for a number
of years. In addition to the
new home office a branch
office is located at 822 Main
Street. Forest Park. Mr. Kil
patrick asked that everyone be
informed that the Branch will
most certainly be continued,
and even improved, notwith
standing a rumor that occupy
ing the new building at Jones
’ boro would cause the branch
to close. “NOTHING IS
TRUTH”, stated Mr. Kil
"Everyone is invited to join
in the Open House and Dedi
cation at the new building in
Jonesboro. Also, we invite
everyone to participate in the
celebration and valuable
premiums available at either
office for adding to old savings
accounts or opening new sav
ings accounts. Further, that
exactly the same Door prizes,
and Draw prizes are available at
both offices. See advertisement
in this paper for details”, was
the final request of Mr. Kil
pat rick.
Ben L. O’Neal, Jr.
\ m
Six Flag's Opening
Date Is Announced
Spring is the time to think about dal Todils. warm
days, cool nights, planting a garden, or summer va
cations. Not so at Six Flags Over Georgia
At the 276-acre family entertainment center on 1-20
West of Atlanta, it’s the time to think about opening
day only two weeks away,
getting fresh coals of paint on
a building, putting the linishing
touches on a new show, and
making sure the rides and at
tractions are pinned and
And primed and operating
they will be on Saturday, April
1 2 when Six Flags opens for its
third season of operation being
open weekends, Saturdays and
Sundays, 10 a m. to 10 p.m ,
until June 6 when daily opera
lions begin.
Angus G. Wynne, Jr., Presi
dent of Great Southwest At
lanta Corp., operators of the
park, in making the announce
ment of Six Flags’ opening
date stated. “Each of the
Parks six colorful historical
flag theme sections has been
added to with the purpose in
mind of providing our guests
with whatever they like best in
the way of family fun and
Daily operations will begin
on June 6 with the Park being
open 10 a.m. to 10 p. m. until
Labor Day. Then it is open
only on Saturdays and Sundays
until closing on November 30.
Mr. Manse
Passes On
Mr Manse Waldrop of
North Avenue, Forest Park,
died March 23 at a private
hospital after a heart attack,
his second in two years. He was
76 years of age. He was born
here and hail devoted most of
his adult years to his city,
serving as Mayor for 1 8 years,
and as Councilman for two
years. During his time in office,
he was instrumental in intro
ducing the first water system
for the city, and worked to get
electricity installed in the
homes, including the telephone
service. In June this year Mr.
and Mrs. Waldrop would have
celebrated their 5 2nd wedding
Funeral services were held
i Continued on Page 8'
Your Full-Service
bank of
Member FP I.C.
* b
4 W
Blanton Is
New Owner
Os Kawaski
Glenn Blanton, new owner
and manager of Kawasaki Sales
and Service Inc in Forest Park,
invites you to come by and see
his stock of these fine motor
cycles. Glenn is no stranger to
this district, has lived here lor
the past twelve years with his
wife and four children He is a
former police officer attached
to the Forest Park Police De
partment. He recently attended
a Dealers Preview in Washing
ton D C. where dealers got
their first look at the sensa
tional new 111 3 cylinder
model, a 500 cc machine said
to be the lastest production
motorcycle in the world.
Last month he rode a
motorcycle to Daytona to
attend a motorcycle race,
together with Lee Speirs and
son. Tommy. Mrs. Blanton and
the kids followed in a trailer
and also attened the races.
Glenn is surely the right man in
the right place, with a first
hand knowledge of the