Newspaper Page Text
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Apr. 10, 1969
A message to those
Americans who don’t
happen to think
the land of milk and
honey is going all sour.
Our country is in a strange mood
these dav s.
I n< eitainlv surrounds us.
Si what can you do about it?
\\ ell, first of all. mavbe you
should take a long, hard look at
th- ( oiintrv oi ours. Maylte we
should l<H>k at our healthy side as
well as our ills.
\nd mavbe. just maybe, you’ll
find we re not all that had.
Sure we have our problems.
And thev’re not going to go away
if you just 'land along the side
lines as a spectator.
But they might start to go awav
it vou seriously want to do some
thing for vour country.
Al .S.Savings Bond is one
wav. Let'- sav you fork over
5 18.75 of your hard-earned gP fa
cash. I hrough a l’avroll
Savings Plan where vou >73
work, or at vour bank.
’lliat will give you
Take stock in America
Buy U.S. Savings Bonds & Freedom Shares
Talent Show
I he South lulton Kiwanis ;
C lub is sponsoring an Amateur
I'alent Show April 19th and I
April 26th at ( ampbell High j
School, lairburn. Ga begin- j
ning at " 30 pm. each night, i
I he show will be conducted I
by I reddie Miller and his stall ’
lor the popular television show |
'Stars ol lomorrow" seen on
WQM l\ I reddie is also the
southeastern director for the I
9625 South Main St. Jonesboro
J w
Dripless Paint
Complete Building Materials
Special Week-End Prices on du Pont PAINT
3S ©
a Bond that’s worth
*25.00 in just 7 years.
II von did that every
month you'd stash
awav quite a nest egg
for vourself.
And so would vour country.
'tom country would be economi
cally stronger to hud remedies for
some of the headaches we have.
\\ hile it s preserving something
called freedom.
Something that's hard to appre
ciate. I util vou lose it.
Savings Bonds now have a new
high interest rate of 1‘4%. And
buying them gives you the privilege
of also buying the even higher
\ interest 5% f reedom Shares
in combination.
FvA 11 owe ver vou look at it. it
simplv makes a lot of sense
to invest in vour country.
After all. it’s the only
country you've got.
led Mack Amateur Hour”
seen on IV
Anyone interested in com
peting on this show should
send in their name, address,
name of act, number of per
sons in act, and the type ot act
(solo, duet, pupperty, etc.) to
Richard M Gaddy, Tri-City
I ederal Savings and Loan Asso
ciation, 27 Smith Street, l aii
burn, Georgia 30213 and be
present April D'th at 6 45 p.m.
at the school
"Rally for
April 10
Women oi the Atlanta
Southwest District of Ihe
United Methodist Church will
gather at the Headland Heights
United Methodist Church in
East Point on April I Oth at
10:00 A M for a “Rally for
Miss Virginia Proctor of the
I mory University School of
Nursing will discuss mission in
the realm of medical edu
Miss Diane Ramsey, a
deaconess of Ihe United
Methodist Church, presently
working in lannin County,
Georgia, will discuss the work
of the church in rural areas and
also the Lake of the Ozarks
ministry, in which she partici
Ihe meeting will conclude
with lunch.
ihe Atlanta-Southwest
District Women's Society of
Christian Service is comprised
of women in United Methodist
churches in southwest Atlanta,
I ast Point, College Park.
TAKING TEN . . . Sgt Jimmy E. Powrzanas and his
dog Rebel take a rest break. The 101st Airborne Division
soldier and his dog had been searching out possible enemy
positions in advance of the forward element of their unit,
operating in the mountains south of Hue, Republic of Viet
nam. The sergeant is from Birmingham, Ala.
Vas* ■ - M
*■ J? ■
LOVE IN BLOOM . . . There is nothing like starting
young and this lad prefers a Bermuda Lily to his playmate.
Fields of lilies bloom in Bermuda in lute March ami early
I Would Say This
Easter has come and gone. 1
find myself wondering how it
left a lot of people feeling. Is
there a let-down? Do you feel
lifted in your
moral and
spiritual life?
Today we
have emphases
in the Easter
season that
were not in
tended to be a
part of this
holy season.
The com
emphasis is perhaps the most
harmful instrusion. Just before
Easter, a mother told me this
Her four year old daughter,
through associating with other
children, learned that a lot of
people buy and wear new
clotlies at this time of the year.
The child asked her mother
this simple question: “Why do
people buy new clothes at
Easter?” The mother hedged a
little in giving a clear answer
| The child repeated the ques
tion several times. After all.
there is no short, simple reply.
In our home we provided
new Easter clothes for our
daughters. This meant a lot to
them. As parents, we did not
magnify this side of the season.
It has been many years since 1
wore any new apparel at this
time of the year. If 1 had a new
suit or even a new shirt, after
Easter was the time to use
faster commemorates the
resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the grave. On the third
day after he had died on the
cross, His body was alive and
he was again with his family
and friends. This event proved
that Cod’s Son had power over
the grave and over death, this
was really sensational news.
Never before had sinful men
found a friend who possessed
and used such infinite power.
Io Christians today this
subject of the resurrection is
View News
Ihe 18th through the 25th
of April was an especially busy
i seven days for the W. C. Cook,
j Sr. family. Daughter Angela
I started things off when she
arrived home for Spring Holi
days Angela is a student at
Georgia at Milledgeville. On the
19th Mr Cook’s brother in
law. Dr Delio Cobo, Hew in
from Key West, 1 la. for a four
day visit. Dr Cobo was in town
for the Hinman Dental Clinic.
Not to be outdone daughter.
Margaret Blackstock, chose the
25th to present Mr and Mrs.
Cook with a new granddaugh
ter. Ihe baby was named
Rebecca Rose. Rebecca’s
father, Jimmy Blackstock is in
the Army stationed in
It only took twenty minutes
| for 85 children who attended
! the Youth Center Easier Egg
। Hunt to find 600 eggs. Special
I prizes were awarded to Karen
Hendrick and Gene Jones, who
found the prize golden eggs.
I he children enjoyed a movie
after the egg hunt.
Mr and Mrs. James I
Dinkins announce the birth of
a son, James 1 dwin. Jr.
Brother Lee and sisters Terri
and Tracey are proud of their
new brother Jimmy
Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Thomas
spent the Spring holidays in
I lorida.
Carl and Roselyn Hayes and
children, Carl. Bob and Patricia
have moved from Oak Dr. to
their new home in Riverdale.
' Hapeville, Douglasville, Jones
| boro, Eorest Park, Morrow.
Palmetto, Riverdale and Union
mainly thought of as a
doctrine. It is labeled often as a
belief. People ask one another,
“Do you believe in the resur
rection?” To the New Test
ament writers and to the think
ing people of Jesus' day, this
had another note. These people
were thinking of dead bodies
rising and standing up again.
They were talking about
corpses. They were thinking
definitely of dead bodies and
Jesus’ own body was the prin
ciple one.
After the holiday spirit of
Easter has vanished, we ought
to find ourselves stronger in
our faith in the risen, living
Saviour. This should bring a
finer spirit of loyal, devoted
personal service to Him who
was raised from the dead.
lit j W iMBi
migji EkUe
('•tecUt• » » I MAiW V Uw» 24 —* —♦
X I C-Sr"”
HcnsonH Furniture
Fairburn, Ga. 10 Hudson Plaza 964-7828
ROTC Posts
Flags at Meet
On Monday, April 17, mem
bers of the 1425th AFJROTC
unit of Forest Park Sr. High
will attend the regular meeting
of the North Clayton High
School PIA. The reason for
their attendance is to post the
flags at the beginning of the
meeting. They will be under
the direction of the Com
mandant Col. Earl R. Bradley
and the Cadet Commander
C/Maj. Douglas Burnett.
Among the guests at the
PLA function will be governor
Lester G. Maddox. Other high
officials will also be on hand
and Maddox will be the main
C/Sgt Dennis Eaton
P.IO. staff
THESE COMMUNITY 4-H project winners from Riverdale
4-H Club represented their club at the County 4-H Meet
on March 29. They are (L-R) Nancy Perryman, apron;
Lois Phillips, home furnishings and art; Suzie Brookshier,
veterinary science; Don Younginer, recreation.