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*?.&*.- 4 JL
Smith - Spruill
On April 4 Yvonne Smith,
of Forest Park, daughter of the
late Mr and Mrs. D. L. Smith
ot Commerce. Ga., was wed to
larry Spruill, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Spruill of I orest
Park. The wedding took place
at the home of the groom’s
parents with Rev. Kenneth
Haag officiating.
Mrs. Dianne Lyles was
matron of honor, and Michael
Lyles (husband of Dianne) was
the best man.
The bride wore a lovely
white suit, with white heels
| Work this Contest and Win Prizes!!!
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C I A Brand New $209.95
■ I *WlOtj > dressmaker zig-zag I
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W .7., IBki* $140.00 Discount Certifi- .
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9k\ Si 889 KW ward the purchase of the i
r Ivv $209 95 DRESSMAKER Sew- ’
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B B i! 3RD PRIZES 2-Ad justable
* Q .. ' Dress Forms. I
I 4 ™ PRIZES ^-Transistor I
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B STH pr| ZE s 5- p a j r Pinking I
J. A>K. Axlk A .dkj Shears. -
K UnScßaMbLe ThE wOrDs contest I
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K 1 Ar; resident of the United States,
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V immediate families. The operation of >
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A in conformity with all federal, state I
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They All Pertain to Sewinq ( q
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NAME i | ? g
MAU TO—City Sewing Machine Co., 818 Broadway, Marysville, Ks. 66508 i
ami a yellow veil. The bride’s
bouquet was of small white
carnations centered with a
cymbidiuin orchid, carried on a
white Bible.
Following the ceremony a
reception was given by the
groom’s aunts, Mrs. W. C.
Barbour, of Conley and Mrs.
W. F Wilson, of Forest Park.
I he groom is now serving in
the U. S. Navy, stationed in
San Diego, Calif. Ihe bride will
reside with his parents and
sister until his return in Sep
2 All entries become tbe property '
Marysville, Kansas.
3 Entries must be postmarked no t
later than 8 days from the receipt ।
of this entry So hurry, mail today 1 ।
Winners of the Sewing Machine
Adjustable Dress Forms, Transistor
Radios and Pinking Shears will be f
selected by drawing from among all c
correct entries. Other entries will r
Engagement Told
Mi and Mis. Harold I
Herndon, ot Atlanta, announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Fhzabeth Lynne Herndon,
to Spec 4 Janies D Carter, son
Class Meets
Ihe Bethany Class of the
Jonesboro lust Baptist
Church, held their third meet
ing of the year on March 27,
1964. This meeting was a
covered dish luncheon and was
held in the church recreation
I he devotional was given by
Mrs Beverly White and Mrs
Janet Casey
Mrs. I sler Worthington and
Mrs B. J Turner led the class
members in a prayerful discus
sion ol the class and its mem
The program for this meet
ing was Spring and Spring
The Style Shop of Jones
boro furnished a number of
out I its and accessories
Mrs. Sarah I lien Anderson
described the outfits and
showed numerous ways each
could be changed
After the program all mem
bers were given lengths of tis
sue paper and flowers, and
were told to make a hat. Need
less to say there were some
most interesting headgear
modeled. Mrs. Martha Pulliam
won first place for the best hat
Shirley Doster
receive a $l4O 00 Discount Certific- 1
ate All prize winners will be notified J
by mail. 1
4 Only one entry permitted from 1
each contestant Use official entry I
blank below or you may use a 3" x ]
5' piece of plain paper I
5. Decision of the judges is final ]
6 No representative will call or I
come to your home Winners will be 1
notified by mail. J
of Mr. ami Mrs. Tommy L.
Carter of Forest Park.
I he bride-elect is the grand
daughter of Mrs. W I inion
lumhn and the late Mi. W
Linton I umlin, ami Mrs. David
1 Herndon. Sr., ami the late
Mr David L. Herndon, Sr. Miss
Herndon is a graduate of De
kalb Area Technical School’s
Medical Office Assistants Pro
gram and is now working for a
doctor in Sandy Springs.
the future bridegroom is
Ihe grandson of Mrs. Ina Zoe
Rockholt, and the late Mr. and
Mrs. Janies B Carter, of
Memphis Spec. 4 Carter at
tended DeKalb Area Technical
School and is now stationed
with the U. S. Army at Fort
Hood. Texas.
Ihe wedding will be June
14 at St. John United Method
ist Church. After a wedding
trip the newlyweds will live at
Fort Hood, Texas.
Why is it the guys who brag
they can take it or leave it
alone are always taking it.
Hoist, San Diego
Ihe American Cancer
Society under the direction of
Mrs Clara I illy has aboard its
crew of workers some wonder
ful ladies and teenagers in this
area. Some of them are the
following: Mrs W. A. Turner,
Mrs Shirley Millen. Mrs Hoyt
Haney, Mrs Iva Nell Bartlett,
Mrs Nell Whigham, Mrs W. B.
Price, Mrs Virgil Hammock,
Mrs Dale Henson, Miss Brenda
Bailey, Miss Diane Snow, Miss
Donna Bailey, Miss Carol
Henson, and Miss Joan Smith.
These will work the major part
of the crusade the twenty fifth,
twenty sixth, twenty seventh
ami twenty eighth of April.
Mrs. Margaret Northcutt is
serving with Mrs. D. R Bailey
as area chairman. Fveryone
who is contacted is urged to
receive these generously.
Mr. and Mrs Donnie Head
are delighted to have their son,
Donnie, from the Air Force.
Donnie has just returned from
Vietnam. Mr Head is the assist
ant pastor for the Liberty Bap
tist Church, College Park.
Harry Martin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. liar! Martin of College
Park, is home on leave from
the Navy. Harry is stationed in
Milton, Florida. Welcome
home, Harry.
Mrs. F V. Kirkland remains
in the South Fulton Hospital.
Mr. Richard J. Manion re
mains in the South Fulton Hos
pital. A speedy recovery to
each of these.
l or some five weeks now
Mr. Howard Melton has been
confined to the Crawford Long
Hospital where he was under
going various tests. Many hun
dreds of people all over the
Atlanta area have been prayer
ful for Mr. Howard and appar
ently these have been answered
m that he has improved great
ly Ihe Meltons have four chil
dren and live on Sherwood
Court, College Park. They have
been active in Civic affairs for a
number of years and friends of
them wish for Mr. Melton a
quick and complete recovery.
I he new church of the Col
lege Park Second Baptist which
is located on Norman Boule
vard is steadily being enlarged
and more beautiful. Ihe
pastor, Dr. Ramond C. Moore,
is pleased with Ihe results thus
far. Plans are for the building
to be occupied by the end of
August. The present church
located on Riverdale Road has
been purchased by the City of
Atlanta. Friends and neighbors
are invited to drive by and have
a look.
Ihe North Clayton Senior
High School seniors play was
presented April I 1-12th with
good results. Those attending
enjoyed it very much.
Mrs. Lois Bailey
PO fi-1789
Spotlight On Women
I believe that it would be
sate Io say that the members ol
the Parent teacher Association
m the seven county aiea under
the jurisdition ol the loth Dis
tricl, are m "good hands” and
can look forward to a stimula
ting and progressive leadership
lor Ihe next two years as the
newly elected Director of the
loth District ot the Georgia
Congress of Parentsand leach
ers is Mrs A J. Prock.
Mrs Prock, better known as
Billie, is not only well known
in Clayton County area for her
dedicated service to the ideals
ami principles of the PTA,
but serves on the Education
Committee ol the Chamber of
Commerce in Clayton County,
volunteers two hours a week as
a teacher’s aide at the Forest
Park Si Hi tor the Mentally
Retarded and puls in many
hours in supporting and help
mg others whenever possible.
As one friends says “Billie is
one ot those dedicated people
who feels a personal responsi
bility to help every person ami
cause lor progress in the Coun
Billie comes to the oil ice of
Director well qualified as is evi
denced by her background. She
has served as President of the
Clayton County PIA., Presi
dent ot the Presidents’ Club ol
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jaynes
innounce the arrival of their
baby daughter, Teri Maria,
born April 3 at Crawford 1 ong.
Baby Teri weighed 7 lbs. 15
ozs. Maternal grandparents are
Mr. ami Mrs B. W Hardin and
the paternal grandparents are
Mr and Mrs I R Jaynes, all
of Forest Park.
SAVE 20 to 30'
Dresses You Can Wear All Summer
' n New Spring Pastels and
Dark Colors
/ Sleeves
☆ Long Sleeves S O'
☆ Sleeveless mB&lY
"’7m’ ☆Solids and Stripes ;nW TWI
I I \ vPIF A
) ☆ Checks and McO®
I I ; Patterns jlMr ☆
Use Your C&S 9 f ' V I
BankAmericord i '
oud f
Master Charge ?
Clayton County, which she
organized. President ol the
Forest Park Sr. High P 1 A lot
two years, ami Lake ( ity l ie
mentary for two years, and has
been Chairman of many com
As chairman of the School
ot Information for the Council,
she was responsible tor estab
lishing two “firsts” for Clayton
County and the nation as well
with her Principals and Presi
dents Round table Discussion
Program and her Teachers' in
Service Program on PIA As
Program Chairman of several
schools and of Ihe Council.
Billie has been especially out
standing for her sense of
humor, and “fun-1 illed" as well
as informative programs
“Finding out the local needs
of each community and en
couraging local P LA's to in
corporate these needs in their
programs in an effort to make
the citizens more aware, hop
ing to have schools ot infor
mation to instruct parents and
teachers on the real purpose of
PI A so that they can assume
the responsibility of becoming
better leaders, ami making
plans to cooperate with the
State Parent Teacher Asso
ciation in strengthening all pro
grams” are some of the plans
Billie says she will be working
As a fellow worker com
mented “In all ol her PIA
work, Billie has more than
lived up to the highest ideals ol
the Parent Teacher Asso
ciation. She combines in
genuity, originality, know!
edge, and enthusiasm to any
job she undertakes. She is al
ways seeking new and better
ways to accomplish PI A goals.
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Apr.l7, 1969
DI \A I R ( \>h) I )avid K
Kovalcski. son ol Ah and Mis
Richaid ( Kovalcski. IS’4
l ake Harbin Rd . Morrow. G.i .
has been promoted to airman
Inst class m Ihe I S An
.Airman Kovalcski is an air :
armament mechanic in a unit
ot the \u Dclensc Command
al I owry Al B, ( 010
He is ,i giaduatc ol tones :
boro (Ga ) High School, ami
attended Southern Technical
Institute m Marietta < .a
For unto us a child is bom.
unto us a son is given ami the
government shall be upon his ■
shoulder, ami his name shall be
called Wonderful. ( ounselloi.
the mighty (.od. I he everlast
mg 1 ,ither the Prime ol Peace
Isaiah 11 :<> i
She gives hei all lo childien ol '
all ages through her efforts and
service in P I A
Edgemoor \\ Oman’s Club
Ihe April meeting ol ihe j
I dgemoor Woman’s Club was ■
held al the home of Mis Don :
Wood on Tuesday night. April
Bth. with Mrs. Jim Morrissey as :
co-hostess. Club President, Mis. |
Dan Travis, presided with 17 >
members present
Mrs. Richard Rayner, Chan
man of the Spring Adult Patty,
announced plans for the pro
gressive dinner to be held on
Saturday night, April 2<>th
Members ami their husbands
will gather at the home of Mi
and Mrs. Richard Rayner for
cocktails beginning al 6 p m
Salad will then be served at the
home of Mr and Mrs Walt
Cates from 7:15 to 7:45 p.m.
Couples will then progress lo
the home of Mt and Mrs Bill
Adams where the main course
will be served at 8 p.m. Dessert
will follow at 4:30 p.m. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
iGO'H.’l PARRIS IS! Wl).
St (I 11 IN ( T April I Manne
Private I list Class I. auren (
Sprallm. son ol Mrs W I
Spiculin Si. ot i)45 | Mt. /ion
Blvd . Morrow . Ga , and hus
band ot the lormei Miss (). J
Parden ol Patton Road. Jones
I'oto. Ga was meritoriously
promoted to Private First ( lass
upon gradual ion from recruit
training at the Marine ( orps
Recruit Depot. Parris Island.
S (
His promotion recognized
his outstanding performance ol
duties during recruit training.
He has been sent to Camp
Lejeune, \ C for four weeks
ot infantry combat training
ami lour weeks of basic tram
mg in his military occupational
Il thinking precedes talking,
the human race will have to
develop some new form ot
exercise lor the tongue
Ping Concluding the evening
will be dancing and social activ
ities at the home of Mr. ami
Mrs. Bob I uwson
\dorned in a variety of
Spring bonnets. members
modeled their creations, ami
1 Mis. Noel Alloway won the
i prize tor a beautiful bonnet
I cleverly made with an Laster
I basket ami garlands ot spring
Howers. Mis Veil Hawkins
coped first prize lor guessing
the most articles placed in a
grab bag. ami Mrs. Charles
Daniel "blew her horn” the
Movies of club members ami
their children taken several
years ago were shown by Mrs
Wood, and plans for the Little
League Parade float were dis
cussed. hollowing the meeting,
delicious refreshments were
served by the hostesses.