The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969, April 17, 1969, Page 8, Image 8
8 Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Am. 17. 1969 >- M * . rs w st . - .fIMK . qfl ■Rr*' ■9^ *• • •■ - 7* - xW». ->«».. ' ■ a :$ BBx isga - JKgl^ . “ >• -" V • .■ > l sing City Equipment to Level Streets Saves Taxpayers Considerable Money Brad lex Kiwanis Speaker Ihe guest speaker at the Forest Park Kiwanis Club meeting of April It) was Colonel I or! Bradley, assisted by Lieutenant Colonel Vernon Owens, and Master Sergeant II Davis Bi ad ley is in charge of the Al J 1< O f C program at the l ores! Park Senior High School I hey spoke on the impor tance ol Aerospace in relation to the modern American way of life, and the program in the forest Park Senior High School these airmen empha sized the leadership develop ment that their program pro duces in the boys taking part m the RO I ( program at the high school ( adds Horn the Forest Park Senior High School presented a I lag Drill, preiimentary to the pledge to the Hag by the l orest Park Kiwanis Club Colonel Bradley was introduced by Hervey \\ (Herb) \mick, pro gram chairman for this meet mg. and Asst Principal at the I ->rest Park Senior High School ( adds taking part in this I lag Drill were Allan (iassett, ( harles Hodt, I ddie Bartlett, and I any Hickey Also present were Doug Al len. and Doug Barnett, < adet Commanders first and second in command, respectively Present as visitors and guests ol the lores! Park kiwanis Club were Jarrell I Williams, last Sacramento. California, Glenn Cowells, South West Michigan, ami Dr Colquitt C. Black Dr Donald Ford, past presi dent ofs.te Forest Park ki wains Club was a special guest ot the club Di lord has been away loi a year studying ortho dontia. and is currently in the process ol opening an office in I ast Point Scheduled for the April 17th meeting is the formal in duction into the Forest Park kiwanis Club, ot Luther Adair, and Robert Mlwine. I he guest speaker at this April |7th meeting will be Dr Harry Downs. President ol the new (layton County Junior Col lege 1 )<mald I W dkes I ores! Park Kiwarns ( tub Babb Science lair Ihe ( layton County Science I in was field on Marell 1, I" >9 at Babb I unit »t High. I his is the Inst year that we have had a county-wide science fair I his lair was lor all slu dents in grades 8 1 2 w lio had participated in a science fan at their own school and had been selected on the ment ot their projects to participate in Ihe county science tan A total ot XI projects were entered, all ot sufficient merit to present a challenge to the judges I here were a large num ber ot second. Hurd and honor able mention ribbons which in dicates that the quality ol the projects was excellent, and len ot the projects received a first place ribbon Ihe follow mg students were awarded first place ribbons Steve I orance. Botany, For est Patk Senior Willie Scott. Physics, Foun tain Nancy Watson. Mathema tics, North Clayton Senior Carol Irivett, Physical Science, Babb Junior Diana Vogt, Lite Science, Babb Junior. Nancy O’Neal, Lite Science, Babb Junior I heresa Alllna , Life Science, Babb Junior. Mike Bryant, Physical Science, Jonesboro Junior Madeline 1 vans, Physical Science, Jonesboro Junior Richard Mittenzwei, Physi cal Science, Jonesboro Junior. Diana Vogt and Richard Mittenzwei were two of our first-place winners that re ceived stale recognition at the Happenings At Moose Home Activities at the Moose Home for the month ot April are as follows Ihe regular meetings aie held on the first and third luesday nights at 8:00 PM Your attendance will be appre ciated Ihe District No 2 meeting ; will be held on Sunday, April ; 13, at 2 00 PM A free buffet : dinner w ill be served Ihe regular monthly dance J will be held on Saturday, April ■ 19, at 9 00 P.M Ihe entertain ment will be the ‘ Starliters". Ihe cost is $3 00 per couple. <Juests may be invited On Sunday, April 27, there will be a special enrollment ceremony in honor of the Supreme Governor, Cecil B Webster Ihe enrollment cere mony will begin at 7:30 P.M . followed by the installation of new officers A free buffet dmnci will he served between the hours ot 6:00 and 7:30 P M a tree dance at 930 P.M. Something new has been added a new buffet dinner is now being served Friday night with a variety of meats, vegetables and salads, along with tea, coffee and hot rolls. All you can eat SI .25 per plat for adults, children under 10 years ot age, 70c per plate. The previous Friday night was a great success and we would like to invite everyone to come out and join us lor these delicious meals I raternaliy yours, Id ward D McKenzie Fritz Named To Dean’s Richard J Fritz, a Forest Park student at Southern lech, achieved the highest possible scholastic honor by being named to Ihe Dean’s List with a 4 0 or straight “A” average lor w inter quarter Other Forest Park students placed on the Dean's List are: lames Harold Gray, Steve C. I eathers. I homas W Neal, and I arry Watkins Ihe requirements for the Dean's List at Southern lech call lor a student’s having ear ned a minimum of 15 quarter flours with al least a 3.0 or “B” average and no failures. Slate Science Fair on April 4, 5 and 6 Diana received a second place ribbon and Richard re ceived a lourth place ribbon. We would like to congrat ulate all ot the participants in Ihe (layton County Science and Slate Science Fairs for a job well done See The SOUTH FULTON KIWANIS CLUB TALENT SHOW CONDUCTED BY FREDDIE MILLER OF STATION WQXI-TV THE MC OF "STARS OF TOMORROW" AND HIS CORPS OF PROFESSIONAL JUDGES ELIMINATION APRIL 19, 1969 - 7:30 P M FINALS APRIL 26, 1969 - 7:30 P M AT CAMPBELL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Fairburn, Georgia Applicants Desiring to Enter Call 964-7808 or 964-7733 No Registration Fee Charged Admission by Donation - Adults $1.50 Children Under 12, SI.OO Door Prizes Each Night Nurses Post- Grad Series WHA I . “Registered Nurses Post Graduate Series 1969” WHI N: I hursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p m. April 10, 24, May 8. 15, 29, and June 12 ami 19. Will RI Crawford W. Long Nurses Residence, 543 W Peachtree St PROGRAM: Nursing in 1969 discussed by Dr William Dowda, Pres Flee Fulton County Med Society Dr. Har rison Rogers, Atlanta Surgeon. Miss Mary Woody, Director Nursing Grady Memorial Hosp., Mrs Mary Cates, Director Nurse Refresher Pro gram. Mrs Mary Bowen, Pri vate Duty Nurse Other Pro grams in May will be Pediatric Nursing Program by Mrs Margaret Bodeker, Director Nursing at I gleston Hospital lor Children, and a Program on Mental Health by Nurses who are active in the Menial Health field. I he Post Graduate Series is sponsored by Ihe Professional Registered Nurses Club of Metropolitan Atlanta Ihe club was organized January 6, by some 150 Graduate Registered Nurses Ihe objectives ot the club 1 To make available the services of qualified profes sional Registered Nurses to Metropolitan Atlanta from Home, Hospitals and Nursing homes, through a Central Registry for Professional Regis tered Nurses. Another objec tive is to provide professional educational programs for its members to the end that their skills ami proficiency may advance with professional scientific discovers. Ihe club feels that the educational pro grams will upgrade Ihe stan dards ot nursing and result in better patient care to the com munity Ihe Professional Registered Nurses Club of Metropolitan Atlanta is owned and operated by the Professional Registered Nurses and it is a non profit organization and is a service to the community of Metropoli tan Atlanta Southern to Buy 45 New Diesels Southern Railway System today announced it has placed an order for 4 5 new diesel-elec trie locomotives which will cost SlO million Ihe purchase was made from I lectro-Motive Division of General Motors Corpora tion, La Grange, 111., with 37 new general purpose 2,000 horsepower locomotives to be delivered before the end of August, and eight 1,500 horse power switching locomotives to be delivered during the last Iwo weeks ol October. Council of PTAs Honor Chief Smith, Mrs. Stillwell Ihe annual meeting of the Clayton County Council of PTAs proved to be an out standing one!! New officers were installed, awards made and honorary life memberships presented to deserving citizens. It was not only a time of look ing back at past deeds, but a challenge to work for the future. Ihe two lite membership awards were presented by Mrs. Jack londee to two very out standing persons Mrs. Martha 1 lien Stillwell, music and art consultant from the Clayton County School System and Chief Howard Smith from the Clayton County Police. Annual reports were given by various committee chairmen with the following announce ments being made: I School of Information will be held May 21 2. Ihe music festival with the sth and 6th grade students participating will be held April 25 at Tara Stadium at 8:00. 3. An Art Show will be held ; May 3 from 10 to 6 and May 4 from I 2 to 6 at the Farmer's Market. Arts and crafts made by the school children will be on display and there will be music, entertainment and various activities also All are urged to attend 4. the deadline for sending in the list of new officers for local P I As to State PIA office is June 1 5. All scrapbook chairmen are reminded to turn in their scrapbooks by April 30 to Council Publicity Chairman for the contest. Awards for the greatest in crease in magazine subscrip tions were made by Mrs. Jack Smith to the following First place W Clayton; second place I Clayton and third Annual PT A Convention Ihe Georgia Congress ol Parents and Teachers will hold its fifty-fifth annual conven tion in Columbus, Georgia on April 15, 16. 17 Theme lor the convention this year is “Growing Up in Modern America” Registration begins on l ues day. April 1 sth. 10:00 a.m al Hie Ralston Hotel, t he conven tion is open to all members of the Georgia Congress and visi tors upon payment of the re quired registration fee. General meetings will be held at St Luke Methodist Church and the First Baptist Church with the banquet in the City Auditorium. A box lunch and bus tour are planned for Ihe ladies Ihe men will meet tor a luncheon at the Ralston Hotel on April 16th with Dr M S McDonald, Chairman, Committee on School Education, Georgia Congress of Parents and leachers, presiding. Dr Frank lin Shumake, President of the Georgia Education Association will speak on “Improving Our Schools” Mrs Leßoy A Woodward. President of the Georgia Con gress ot Parents and l eachers, will preside over the conven tion Ihe First Vice-president of the National Congress of Parents and leachers, Mrs. Leon Price, will bring greetings from the National Congress and present the keynote address “Growing Up in Modern America A Plan of Action for Parent I eacher Citi zens Ihe program will also feature speakers on such sub jects as Safety, Moral and Spiritual Values, Children’s | Emotional I lealth, Citizenship, Judicial Concern for Children. Mrs. Ralph Hobbs, Past President of the Georgia Con gress of Parents and leachers, will speak to the group on Thursday, April 17th, regard ing “I he P I A’s Concern We Act.” Ihe whole world is pleased when a young man makes a success out of his hie place Lake Harbin. A special award was given to Church Street School. Fara Elementary School re ceived Ihe top award for the greatest PI A membership in crease for the county. Mrs. Hardeman also announced Tara was lirsl in the elementary school division; Jonesboro Junior High first in the junior high division and Jonesboro Senior High first in the senior high division. A special award was given to Hendrix Drive School anti ribbons were given to sixteen schools who also had increases in membership this year. I he outgoing Council presi dent. Mrs. Sam Lowe, made her annual report and noted activities accomplished, adding that Clayton County Council hail at least two “firsts” this year the Teacher In-Service I raining Program and the Parental Awareness Week. Mi Ernest Stroud from the County School office an nounced there will be a 4'A million dollar Bond Issue on May 20. He urged support for tins as it is imperative to have tins financing available in order to keep our schools al their present high standard. It will be used for remodeling, ad ditions and new facilities. Ihe installation of the new officers was most inspiringly and uniquely done by Mr. lid Webb He likened the new president to an orchestra leader and the other officers to band instruments, noting that not one is effective without the others working closely with it. these are the new officers for 1969-70: Mrs Jack londee, presi dent. Mrs V. 11. Shelnutt, vice president. Mrs. C. N. Darner, recording secretary; Mrs J D. Shaddix, corresponding secre tary; Mrs Billy Pruitt, treas urer. Mrs. Cowan presented Mrs Lowe with two past president “bars” to be added to her PIA pin and thanked her for a job well done. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the same was ad journed the Presidents Club held its luncheon at Horne’s Restaurant BUSINESS DIRECTORY Martin Burks —J COMPLETE SER VICED E P A RT M E NT PAINT and BODY SHOP Automatic Transmission ' Repair (Any Kind) BUDGET TERMS TO 12 MONTHS Across the Street from Farmers’ Market in Forest Park PHONE 366-9245 AUTO BODY REPAIR AND PAINTING All Work Done to Your Satisfaction SPEEDY SERVICE — ROY S BODY SHOP 2641 Jonesboro Road FOREST PARK Behind Evans Motor Co. 366-6464 CITY CAB CO. 5025 Jonesboro Rd. FOREST PARK, GA. OPEN 24 HOURS 363-3400 FOREST PARK CAB 361-5333 Flat Rates to Airport and Atlanta I Would Say This * By Dr. L. S. Williams I he other day, a pastor and his family from south Georgia stopped by for a short visit. They have two daughters ages four and two. I had not seen the younger girl since she learned to walk and talk. The time had come for । them to go. The two year old started down the ‘steps. Iler mother tried to help her. She would not accept this assist ance. She affirmed her own adequacy in firm and clear lan guage. At first I did not under stand exactly what she was saying. Ihe parents clarified her words. She said. “Self do it! Sell do it!” Ihe parents explained that, at the age of two, Ihe only name she had See Westbrook Plymouth THAN ’ / O $3,000 1969 ROAD RUNNER••• MOTOR TREND’S CAR OF THE YEAR To quote Motor Trend Magazine “It s an exciting car and has influenced others to follow the simple, practical theme that delivers a completely functional car " They're right l And here's the reason why take a 383 cu in. high performance V-8. bolt it to a fully synchronized Hurst 4-speed, set them on a 116 wheel base with wide oval tires, add high performance brakes, shocks, torsion bars, and you've got a W/N/Vffi. - sell the whole package for less than S3OOO, and you've got a ROAD RUNNEP It’ll purr through traffic, or snarl through a quarter mile in 14 seconds flat. On the street or on the strip, it s a beautiful way to GO. Road Runner's got the action And Westbrook's got the Road Runners Westbrook Plymouth Atlanta's only exclusive Plymouth dealer 2665 Main Street 761 -1124 East Point RALPH’S QUALITY CLEANERS, 1006 Main ' Street, Forest Park, Ga. Dry Cleaning and Laundry, Al -1 terations, Pickup and De livery Service. One Day Serv ice. Open 7:00 a.m. til 6:30 p.m., Monday through Sat ; urday. PHONE: 366-6286. We - give S&H Green Stamps. For Repairing and Renewing Old Furniture Call 363-1880 QUALITY CLEANING^ & SERVICE CD SAY / CALL CARTERS CLEANER I VQDAY PHONt 366-5750 I One hour mmix THE MOST IN DPY CLEAWINO 4660 JONESBORO RD. 361-5756 Fast, Expert Cleaning and Shirt Service NO EXTRA CHARGE YOUR y HIERLE IIORmAD COSMETICS DEALER IN FOREST PARK Jean Berry 4893 - JONESBORO ROAD j GRANT CITY SOUTH 3CI-8071 j learned to use for herself was self. 1 suppose that the little girl had reached the first definite level in the unfolding of her personality. She had become aware of herself as apart from others, including her mother. With this, she had also re flected one of the main human traits that often gets out of hand. It is that feeling of being able to take care of self; that position of standing outside the realm of supplementary assistance and energy. It seems to me that one of life’s vital and valuable lessons is to learn to see this line that separates the help we need from the extremity of our own limitations. Parents must supply the wisdom and the materials out of which such understanding comes, A small child cannot possibly see the mark between the two. A little child may believe that she can push the house over alone JEAN’S FLOWERS. 1214 Main Street, Forest Park, Ga. Flowers telegraphed anywhere at any time. Flow ers for all occasions. Floral arrangements delivered any where. Call 366-4454. For ALL GARDENING NEEDS see Swint’s Feed and Garden Supply, 132 Mill Street, Jonesboro, for lawn and garden seeds, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Purina Feeds, Baby Chicks. Glass Service FOREST PARK GLASS & MIRROR 1121 Main St. • 366-6222 We Specialize in AUTO GLASS and All Types of Glass • STORE FRONTS • SHOWER I Nt I.OSt RE • MIRRORS • TUB ENCLOSURE • DESK TOPS • PATIO DOORS • PLATE GLASS • WINDOW GLASS Hardware Retail SMITH HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO., 1186 Main Street, Forest Park, Ga. Store hours: 8:00 a.m. til 6:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Builders Hard ware, Sporting Goods, Household Appliances, Housewares, Toys, Gifts. Call 366-3455. CHRISTIAN’S PHARMACY corner Main Street and Phil lips Drive, Forest Park, Ga Phone 366-4320. Hours 8:00 a.m. til 9:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Sundays 1:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m. Pre scriptions. Patent Medicines, Sundries. Emergency calls 366-6742. Also at 1295 Main Street, Morrow 386-4040. LEFTOVER YOLKS To store leftover egg yolks, cover them with cold water and store them in the refrigerator in a covered container. Extra egg whites should also be refrigerated in a covered container. when there may be sufficient strength to push over only a chair. Some of the most valuable words in human language are these: “Let me help you.” They should be used, with caution and care, in the home when the children are small. This allows for the individual to do all that he can but it also teaches that he does not know it all nor can he do every thing. When these teachings are done properly, the help that is needed later in life may be received with the finest spirit. Unless the lessons of accept ing help are learned, a person cannot understand what God can do for him. Divine love is expressed in offering special strength and power. Self can not do it all. s • 1 ,4hl Forest Park Moving & Storage 366—0406 i Kawasaki CYCLE SALES & SERVICE, Inc. 920 Main St. Forest Park GLENN BLANTON, Mgr 361-5585 Forest Park Office and Church Supply Co. 813 Main St. PHONE 361-8196 "From office furniture to rubber bands . . SINGER PARTS AND NOTIONS Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners Re paired. We repair all makes and models. All Work Guaranteed. New and Used Sewing Ma chines and Vacuum Cleaners. StWING CENTER 627 Central Ave. Hapeville 762-8888 TV REPAIR FOREST PARK SALES AND SERVICE 1235 Main St. PHONE 366-4860 Hours: 8:30-6:30 Mon.- Sat- Electrical and Gas Appliances. TV sets, ts