Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1885, May 27, 1882, Image 4

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Mark Twain aa a Catecliiaer. “But there wns another little incident which I call to mind. Old Bill Nyeof Ne vada—everybody knows who he was—ap pointed Sam Clemons and I school com mitteemen for our district. Well, we bad a few Piute young ones and one or two white ones, enough to make a neuclus, as Sam said, so we hired a female teacher. She was considerable on morals, and I sus pect Sam had intimated thut this branch of their training should not be neglected. It was a barren soil to sow seed on, but the teacher wns as cute as they make ’em and she was bound to please and perhaps as tonish the committeemen. So she goes to work and stands them up like a lot of J eticks and practices moral instruction upon them. She always arranged them in exact ly the same order, and like colts, ti e youngsters soon learned to know which was their particular stall or standing post. “For boy No. 1 she always had one ques tion, "Who made you ?” Os course, there was but one answer tnd that was, God. This was the alph . id omega of that boy's moral requirements so to speak. “Well, boy No. 2 wasn’t any brighter, and so bad bis question and answer drilled into him. “Who was the strongest man ?” was the question, and Sampson was the answer. Boy No. 3 was the son of a Piute squaw and a white man. He was dull, and and bis idees were terribly difficult to cul tivate. So I suppose for that reason tl e school marm assigned him to say that Job was the most patient man. Sam came down one day Io see how things were pro gressing at school. “ The teacher stood her three particular pupils up in a row on the side of the log cabin, and intimating that the committee 1 - men could pull out slowly on the catechism and moral instruction, was invited to steam ahead. Boy No. 1, in the meantime, had complained of faintness, a sudden feeling no doubt inspired by Sam’s awful presence, and the teacher excused him with the re-> commendation that he go out in the adjoin ing ten acre lot and lie down in the grass till he recovered. To boy No 2 Sam now addressed himself with the leading ques tion, “ Sonny, who made you ?” “ Samson, sir,” was the lad’s reply. The teacher blushed, and even Sam was taken aback.— “ Well, my boy, can you tell me who made you?” said Sam to boy No. 3. “Yes, sir, Job." "Why, there must be some mistake here,” ejaculated Sam in an undertone.— Then back to No. 2 lie went with, “Are yousure, my little man, that Sampson made you “ Oh, yes, sir, because be was a very strong man.” Then to boy No. 3he put the question, “ Are you quite certain Job made you ?” “ Oh, yes,” pined the Piute cherub, “because Job was a patient man.” “ Why, you young rascal, don’t you know God made you ?” “ No, sir,” replied the young Piute, greatly alarmed, “ the boy God made is out in the ten acre lot kicking up his heels and having a bully time.” lAcking u.n Elder. One summer in the years agone, while a camp-meeting was in progress in Eaton county, there arrived on the grounds a bully named Miller, who had made a vow to lick Elder Johnson and break up the whole business. The Elder heard the news with calm composure, and as soon as at liberty, he hunted up a worthy friend of bis own and asked: “ Friend Smith, didn't you use to fight in your young days ?” “Ah! Elder, I have had many a turn with the boys.” “ And what is tie effect of a sudden blow between the eyes ?” “ It astonishes and humbles.” “ Is there any danger of killing a man by such .- blow ?” “ Never knew a case of it.” The Elder went his way with a serene smile on his face. Miller bad his coat off and was hunting for him, and they met face to face as they turned a wagon. Milk r started to crack his heels and crow, but he never finished. The Elder took him one lick between the lookers without stopping his pace, and it took twelve rowdies, three dippers of water and two quarts of whisky to revive the patient and get him off the grounds. One day, a year afterwards, he met the Elder, and seriously asked : “ Elder, some of the boys say I was kicked by a horse, and others stick to it that I was struck by' lightning, but I’ve al ways had a suspicion that you bit me with a provision stand. How was it anyhow ?” —Detroit Free Press. Hlegranee and Purity. Ladies who appreciate elegance and pu rity are using Parker’s Hair Balsam. It is the best article used for restoriug gray hair to its original color, beautyfand lustre. GRAINS OF SPICE. “If I had a million dollars,” said young Brown, “ I would—” *• No, you wouldn’t,” interrupted Jeems; “ you’d be a bigger fool than you are now.” Jeems was rather rude, but he told the truth. Mr. Harper, one day in bis office, was accosted by a grave-looking clergyman, who began to ask for aid for some charita ble fund in this wise: “My friend, I come on business of the Lord—” “ Yes, yes,” interrupted Mr. Harper. “ There’s several brothers of us, and the one who at tends to the business of the Lord ain't in.” “ I never pretend to know a thing that I do not,” remarked Biown. “ When I don’t know a thing, I say at once *1 don’t know.’ ” “ A very proper course," said Fogg ; “ but how monotonous your conversation must be, Brown 1” A gentleman who had been giving a de scription of a friend’s wife, but omitted all mention of her hair, was asked as to the color of it. His delicacy cf f, eling over came him to such an extent that it was several moments before he ventured to give any answer, and then said in a very reluc tant way: “ it was that—that indescribable shade which suggests the thought that it would explode powder.” “Don’t you believe in future life, in which we shall renew the ties that bind us together here?” “I do,” said the hen pecked husband sadly, “but I don’t want to.” Recent boarding house statistics leads to the conclusion that butter was invented by Mr. Strong, of Ancient Greece. An Austin family was recently blessed with a baby boy,the first one in the family. Next door was a family in which there were half a dozen children. When the ar rival of the boy next door was announced little Johnny, aged six years, asked : “Have they got a boy, sure enough ?” “Yes, there is a boy over there at last.” “Then they will have a whole lot more. That’s the way we did I”—Texas Siftings. An exchange says while an Idaho girl was silting under a tree waiting for her lo ver, a grizzly bear came along, and, ap proaching from behind, began to hug her. But she was Bill and leaned back and enjoyed it heartily, and murmured, “tighter.” It broke the bear all up and he went and hid in the forest for three days to get over bis shame. * When the dry goods clerk arrives in the country, in a straw bat and a blue ribbon, and swell clothes, and a capital of S2O, he will put on lots of style, and the girls will fancy he is either a railroad president or a defaulting bank official. McDERMOTT’S . NEW MILLINERY FANCY STORE, On College Avenue, J THENS, 'GA. 4 FULL line of Millinery and Trimming!, xY in Silks, Satins, Fringe's, Gimps, Edgings, aces, Gloves, Hosiery, Ruttons, Ac., &c, AT PRICES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS AUGUSTA OR ATLANTA. m. m. McDermott, College Avenue, (under the Newton Rouse,) July 30 ly ATHENS. GA. Lumber. LUMBER? THE undersigned has in successful onera tion, two first-class Saw Mills near Har mony Grove, Ga., and is prepared to furnish bills of Lumber in any quantity desired. Orders may be left with Mr. ""hos. Bailey, or address the undersigned at Harmonv Grove, Ga. p. J. SHORE. March 11—3 m—pd DAVIS’ Premium Gallery. ATHENS, GA 11 i ji’hes« OF THE Ti itei’i i:i I i< >i ml EXPOSITION Jan 14 ly. If you want Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, Call and Examine the Stock of Chas. A. Scudder, Brum by ’ s Drug Store, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired, prices very low. april 8 Tailoring. OUR TAILOR, J. F SCHAUB is sure on a snug lit and good work, without trying on before completed. Has a full variety of sam ples from Nev* York and St. Louis, and latest fashions always on hand. Shop corner of Broad ami Wall streets, Athens, Ga. april 8 J. F. SCHAUB. SSOO Reward! FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward to any one who will get up a better Liniment for Rheumatism, Neura Igi a, Burns, Cuts, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Stings of Poisonous Insects, Toothache, etc. The money will be returned to any one not satisfied after using one bottle of the Turkish Liniment. For Sweeny, Wind galls, Sore Back, Stiff Joints, Scratches, Fistula and in all cases where Liniments are used on horses, it is unsurpassed. Every bottle is stopped with an India rubber stop per, to prevent loss of strength. For sale by Druggists generally. Prepar cd by DR. E. 8. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 50 cents per bottle. april 1 ly ' Store to r<ent. THE large and elegant Store in Reaves’ new Block on Thomas Street, between Patman & Bird and O’Farrell Bros. Apply to Feb 11 REAVES, NICHOLSON & CO. 300 IMile Tickets, GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY, ] Office Gen’l Passenger Ag’t, > Augusta, March 2, 1880. ) C'fommenctng this date, this Company will sell J FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, good over main line and branches at THIRTEEN 75-100 DOLLARS each. These Tickets will be issued to individuals, firms, or families, but not to firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, General Passenge- Agent. NEW GOODS. I Have just received my new stock of Spring Millinery Goods from New Y<rk. Thev are the prettiest ever brought to At hens. The ladies are all invited to call and examine them. Respectfully; AIRS. T. A. ADAMS, april i—2m. £ TO per day at home. Sam- pies worth $5 free.— Address Stinson A Co , Portland, Maine. a week. sl2 a day at home easily 4 -J made. Costly outfit free. Address Thue A Co., Augusta, Maine. Ci 4 tit ft week in y° ur °‘ vn town - Terms j > and |5 outfit free. Address 11. Hal lett &. Co., Portland, Maine. Worth Sending For. Dr. J. 11. SCHENCK, of Philadelphia, has just published a book on “Diseases of the Lungs and how they can be Cured,” which is offered Free, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains valuable information for all who suppose them selves afflicted with, or liable to, any diseases of the throat or lungs. Address Dr. J H. Schenck & Son, 60<? Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Box 2833. may 18 4t. PARKEK’S Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, and many of the best medicines known are here combined into a medicine o' such varied powers us make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Beet Health and Strength Restorer Used. Cures complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach, Boweis, Lungs, Liver and Kid neys, and is entiraly different from Bitters, Ginger Essences and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates. 50c. and $1 sizes Large Saving buying $1 size. Iliacox A Co., New York. CDA Per week can be made in auy locali- TjpOv ty. Something entirely new for agents. $5 outfit free. G. W. Ingraham A Co. Boston, Mass, may 13 It. CLAYTOX STREET MEAT MARKET. JOHN F. FINCH, Proprietor. fllllE FINEST BEEF, PORK and MUTTON J constantly on hand. My solicitors will evil to receive orders, and deliver meats to any part of the city. A trial will convince that I keep nothing but what I advertise.— THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID for FIRST CLASS CATTLE, SHEEP & HOGS. Sept 10 ly. Fresh Garden SEED. Grown by Robert Buist, Jr. See that every pa ' per is dated 1882. ’A LOT OF FRESH ONION SETTS of the Red and Silver Skin varieties, just rec’d. i TEAS, TEAS. He No Tea cannot be excelled. BEAKER HILL HARNESS OIL. The best in use. St. Louis Lead, LINSEED OIL, and a full line of PAINTS. Patent Medicines, I)LI7G S. &c. We will make it to your interest to call,when wanting anything in our line, either retail or wholesale. Big lot of Grass Seed and Clover Seed, will be in by March Ist. E. Ci LONG & CO., DRUGGISTS. Jun 17 Richmond A Danville riilvorixl. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and alter Sunday, Feb 12th, 1882, Pas senger Train Service on the Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line Division of this Road, will be as follows : Eastward. Mail and Express. Mail. No 51 No 53 Leave Atlanta, 2;lf> p m 6:00 a in Arr Gainesville. 4;54 “ 8;45 “ “ Lula 5;26 “ 9;19 “ “ Toccoa, 7;0(> “ 10;46 “ “ Seneca, 8;24 “ 12;04 p m “ Greenville, 10:08 “ 2;10 “ “ Spartanburg, ll;40 “ 3!50 “ “ Gastonia, 2;06 ain 6:21 “ “ Charlotte, 3;15 “ 7;20 “ . Westward. Mail and Express. Mail. No 50 No 52 Leave Charlotte, 12;40 a m 11:05 am Arr Gastonia, 1;35 “ 12;02 p m “ Spartanburg, 4;04 “ 2:35 “ “ Greenville, 5:32 “ 4;09 “ “ Seneca, 7;15 “ 5;51 “ “ Toccoa, 8;28 “ 7;05 “ “ Lula, 10:18 “ 8;43 “ Gainesville, 10;51 “ 9;16 “ “ Atlanta, 1:40 pm 12;05 a m T.M R. TALCOTT, General Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Sup’t. A. POPE, Gen’l P. Ag’t. Georgia Railroad Co. OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER, ) Augusta, Ga.. March 9,1882 [ ON and after Sunday, March 9th,1882, trains will run over the Athens Branch,as follows: Leave Alliens 9 30, a. in. “ Winters, 10.01, “ “ Lexington, 10.45, “ “ Antioch 11.14, “ “ Maxey’s, 11.29 “ “ Woodville ........ 12.05 p. m. Arrive at Union Point.... 12.30 “ “ Atlanta ... 5.45 “ “ Milledgeville, .... 4.49 ‘, Macon 6.45 “ “ Augusta, 4.06 “ Leave Augusta 10.30 a. m. “ Macon 7.10 “ “ Milledgeville 9.05 “ “ Atlanta 8.30 “ “ Union Point .... 1.50 p. m. Arrive Woodville 2.10 “ “ Maxey’s 2.46 “ “ Antioch 303 “ “ Lexington 3.30 “ “ Winter’s 4.14 “ “ Athens, >4.50 “ Trains run daily. Close connection tojund from Washington on Sundays, JNO. W. GREEN, G. M. E. R. DORSEY. Gen. Pass. Apent. J. FRIEISTD, Merchant Tailor, AND LEADER OF FASHION Having all the leading gentlemen in this sec tion of the country for patrons, has made many suits for them, and never fails to give perfect fit. Clothing made in the most stylish and du rable manner. Gentlemen are invited io call and examine the finest assortment of the most stylish spring goods that have ever been ofler ered in this city. Respectfully, J. FRIEND, mar 25 College Avenue, near Broad St. WYNN & GRANT, Insurance Agents, Represent the GERMAN AMERICAN, GEORGIA HOME, ROYAL INSURANCE, LONDON & LANCASHIRE, QUEEN INSURANCE, And other first class Fire Insurance companies. Rates reasonable. Farm property aid dwellings a specialty. april 8 Offi • 1 Corner Broad and Thomas Sts., and mes. np.gtairs corner Thomas and Clay ton Streets, ATHENS, GA. Watches & Jewelry. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEADQUARTERS AT THE OL D RELIABLE JEWELRY STORE OF A. S. Mandeville. SPECTACLES & EV E-G LASSES, CL< SILVER WARE, AT BOTTOM PRICES Repairing and engraving warranted . togive satisfaction. May 7—ts. HIRES Improved Root Beer; 25c. package makes 5 gallons of a delicious, wholesome sparkling temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mail for 23c. CE HIRES 48 N Del. Ave. Pbilada. may 13 4t k»1 \ REWARD I for any case of O Lv/V/ V J Blind. Bleeding, Itching, U1 cerated, or Protruding PILES, that DeBING’S PILE REMEDY fails to cure. Prepared bv J. P. MILLER, M. p., 915 Arch St., Phila , Pa.— None genuine without his signature. Send for circalar. Sold by druggists and country stores sl. may 13 It SOL. SOLOMON, u T THE HEW STDBI, IN<>. it liroiul Street, Athens, < ■ ai. (Formerly Baldwin A Burnett’s boot and shoe s + oro,) Now offers to the public full lines of the most desirable goods, and in the latest styles,ns follows, Prints of the Best Brands, Bleachings, of all widths and prices; Whit i Goods, such as Lnwns, Pique, Lace. Checks; Tabl • Linen, Sheeting, etc., Dress Goods in plain and bordered Lawn; Lace Hemani, Pongee, etc., Black Dress Goods, the very best, in the citv. Drap De Te, Cashmere, Bunting, Alpaca, Brilliantiue. In other Departments a Full Line of Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Mitts, Kid Gloves, Bordered, Colored, White and Silk Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, Lace, Ties, Lace Collars, Veiling, Tucking, Combs, Fancy Soap, The Well Known Globe Corset, Ladies Underwear of ail kinds, at all prices in addition to the above, we propose to exhibit as soon as the season opens, the finest and best selected stock of BONNETS AND FIATS. In Straw. Milan, Braid and Chip. Also a fine stock of Trimmings. Such as Ribbons ers and Sa ius. Every bo iy asked to c-Dl March 25 cmar -2m Carithers, Betts & Smith, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, Beer,elc WHISKIES, TOBACCOS and CIGARS A SPECIALTY. Also, a Full Link of Provisions’and Staple Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES. Etc. Clayton Street, ATHENS, GA. ATHENS FfH XDKY & ATHENS, G-.A.S . Jk W/ NEW & SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. THRESHERS. HOUSE-POWERS, FAN MILLS, COTTON PRESSES, SORGHUM'MILLS, SAW 7 Mills, With Screw on Ratchet Head Blcckb. A viN' - tWA 6 Horse Power Monarch Portable Engine, mounted. 8 Horse Power Monarch Portable Engine, mounted. VtT 2 Cylinder Boilers, 36 inches x 30 feet. Z-.iXWy 3 1411 P Rook’valtcr Portable Engine in good order. -■ g 1 and 4 H P Stationary Engine in good order. x “ - ' -•* 1 30 inch Georgia Water Wheel in good order. 2 17% inch James Loffel Wheel in good order . 1 15 inch Eclipse Wheel, as good as new. 1 10 inch Thomas Leffei Wheel. A 1 4 Spindle Drill. mfii 2 16 inch iron Lathes 6 ft. Shears. 1 40 inch Fan Blower. pUSi Shafting, Gearing, Pnllevs, etc, Also, Manufacturers Agents for Standard make Porta- Z ble Steam Engines, Traction or Road Engines. Turbine tLS, ' -j T '-'kn. Water Wheels. Cook’s Evaporators. Victor Cane Mills, ‘ Combined Threshers and Separators, Lit !e Giant Hy- jYfr draulic Cotton Presses, Hancock Inspirators, Steam Jet Pumps, &c. e 1 R. Nickerson, Agt. f Thos. Bailey, Supt- y For *< ■ \ BRONChItIs, ISTHN MEU MOaiA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST L;j?4GS. BS R 4ft S P 5= 38 Has always been one of the nm- . i n • >, ;«nt pl a S 3 EIL I 818 I weapons wielded bv the M EDI(. Al FACIA TY . ftlu Mil th i uIJ CONSI MPITON in its incipient and advanced stages, and all diseases of the 'l 11 it< • VIJ HEST and LUNGS, but it has never been so advantageously compounded as in the TO!.C. ROCK and R\ E. Its soothing Balsamic properties allord a diflnsive‘stimulant and tonic to build up the system after the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles. Price SI.OO. K ? Do not be deceived by dealers who trv to palm off Rock and Rye W/Mk b ■ in place of our TOLU, ROCK ANli RY;., ■•vli:'’ii is tin ONLY MEDICATED article—the genuine has a Private Die I'roprit iary Stamp on each bottle, winch permits it to be Sold by Grocers and Dealers Every where, WITHOUT SPECIE. TAX CK I.ICENSS. The TOLU, ROCK AfiiO RYE LG., Proprietors, 41 River St, Chicago, ill. Jan 21—6 m We have now on hand a large stock ol Mabie, Todd & Co.’s Gold Pens —the most popular pen on the market—a varied assortment of Pen cils, a splendid stock of Stationery, Envelopes and Lawyer’s Parchment— the best goods in this line ever offered in the city. Photograph Albums, Pictures and Picture Frames, Elegant Chromos. The latest and MOS r l 5 ever issued, containing much information not usually found on Maps. The usual stock of Standard, Miscellaneous and School Books, and in fact eve rything usually found in a First Class Book Store. ' Sept 25 ’ BURKE & ANDERSON. SEWING MACIHNE OEPARTMEHT. LYNCH & FLANIGEN, Have added to their stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE and HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, a line of New Home Sewing Machines. The New Home is the lightest running, best constructed, most durable machine in the market, having many advantages not pos sessed by the old fashioned machines. All kinds of needles in stock. Machines of any make repaired promptly and satisfac torily. Feb 25 k /V I J li ■■■ ■ ’ : , ■ ■ I MAGNOLIA HAMSSfe Perfect in Cut, Cure,«Flavor. Every ham guaranteed. Ask your Grocer for Magnolias. McFF.HTi.AN, SHALLCROSS & CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. mckimmow, BLACKSMITHING AND REPAIRING SHOP JACKSON STREET, NEXT TO R. 11. ALLEN. All kinds of Smithing and Repairs done at short notice. Only the best workmen are employed here. ft-?”' Satisfaction guaranteed In every instance. GUNSAUTHTNCr. GUNS AND PISTOLS of all kinds repaired in the best manner. (mar 6 PR ICES DOWN to tlio IZ’ig’iire, BY IT. C. HURLEY’S Complete Carriage and Wagon Stock. System of work and Shop arrangements. ’FINE WOOD'WORK.' i <• BottOlll > ; ut,KAIILE “'ACKsarnnxa. : |]' r j ces | -SUPERB PAINTING. ! :ELEGANT TRIMMING. '■ § OCONEE STREET, ID. C- ZHZTJZRI_jZE Y ATHENS, GEORGI 4 HAMPTON & CO., Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. Is the place to secure BARGAINS. A full line of new goods, in the way of Fancy and Family Groceries, CHEAP! .HAY! HAY! HAY! Always on hand. Try our MAGNOLIA HAM, Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Queen Flour, King of Day Cigars and Pioneer Cigars. We keep the i Purest Herd, Best of Sugars, and our Coffees are the Best in the City. 1 CMYK TJS A CALL! March 18 ly IN THE VAST TALMADGE, HODGSON A CO., THE LEADERS IN Groceries and Dry Goods, AV ho esale and Retail. yIZso, Cotton Dealers.— A splendid Ware house, capacity 15,000 bales. Immense stock of Groceries now on hand, AND AT PRICES AS LOW AS CAN BE FOUND IN GEORGIA. The Best Groceries! The Finest Flour! Tiie handsomest Dry Goods! Andthe lowest Prices Ever known in this section. gMT’Remember the old stand, corner Clayton St. and College Avenue MARBLE ANS GRANITE. - 0 A. L. FOBFFTSON, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN aioNLUHiXT*’ I ain r Plain and Elaborate Head and Foot Stones. Large and Small Cradle Tombs, A LARGE lot of finished work on hand, ready for lettering. I have a large book of new designs of Elaborate Imported Italian Marble Monuments—the monuments imported direct from Carrara, Italy. Also, a large lot of Scotch granite Monument designs —gio ss - nisbed -importetl from the best manufacturers in Scotland. I will say there is no face of the earth that will stand the tooth of time belter than the Scotch granite. ” Cali at the Marble Yard and see my new designs of Italian and Scotch Granite Monuments.—. In buying from me, you will save the Travelling Agent’s expenses. yV. U. obertson, April I—ly MONUMENT BUILDER, ATHENS, GA. ~ ,N MONTGO-VIKHY’S depo.t; YOU WILL FIND LOUIS CO’YK DUCGIKS, CAlill/AGKS A.V/> I/AIIAFSS. I gnarrutee equal to any sold in market at same prices. THE OLD HICKORY WAGON; Took premium at Exposition. 77//! .1 7’7.18, ECLIPSK, FARQUHAIi a«d BOOK W.ILTER ENGINE'. THE FARQVLIAIi SEPARATOR. THE HOOSIER GRAIN DR\LL; The BROWN, the Celebrated HALL. ai,d GARVER COTTON G/K.S; The CHICAGO SCRE WDUI. VERIZER; EMERSON & TALLCOTT'S WALKING and RIDING CULTIVATOR, combmrd with cotion seed planter and grain seeder attach ment. THE A VERY WALKING AND RIDING CULTIVATOR; lhe MEIKLE WALKING CULTIVATOR; The GREGG PLOWSULKEY, for break ing land, Ike GREGG REAPER AND MEADOW KING MO WER; J. 2SF. MONTGOMERY, Feb 11-12 m Broad Street, next door to S. C. Dobbs, Athens, Ga B. T. BRUMBY X' CO., —RETAIL— DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES ATHENS, GEORGIA. April I—ly r Tli.e Will mid Coppex* —OE— M &DDBS? & DALE At the old stand of WESTMORELAND & MAUDREY, is now moving ahead All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work made to order. i £ oof? u«r and Guttering a Sftpooialty. Thanking all for their past patronage, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. COR. CLAYTON AND JACKSON STUEEI S, NEXT DOOR TO M. JI. ALLEN. Jan.l7—ly The G REG G LA IF A MG WE RS and SELF I) UM JUNG HORS E li.\ } ’ R.\ KES; EMERSON & TALGOTT'S combined stan dard Reaper and Mower. EMERSON cb TALLCOTT'S Standard Mower. The. CHAMPION Reaper and Mower. The 27/<7J/zliSsmoothing and revolving har rows. The ACME HA RRO H F , harrows, plows, pul verizes and covers grain a proper depth -no thing better in market. THE ©Z/FVf A’Chilled Turn Plow, the light est draft and best turner, tried with a Dynome ter at our State Fairs. The PIXIE and SYR A CUSE PLO W. The 2z17j726'//.l A Cotton Seed Planter, sin gle and double foot plow stocks. TheSPA/A’G TOOTHSULKEY HXRRO W and Cultivator remove the two centre teeth and cultivate your crops. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Evaporators, Coltou Presses, Stump Pullera, Ac., Ac.