The Athens evening chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 1888-1889, October 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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I! illi Jffl Dili! A .LARGE SHIPMENT OF CHOICE White and Red Onion Sets. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT ALSO 500 DOZEN ToUet Seap. AT AUCTION PRICES. JNd. CRAWFORD & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Seedsmen, 12 College Avenue, Athens, Ga. Queen Victoria has a remarkably fine head of hair, for a lady of her age; but her son, the Prince of Wales, is quite bald. Had be used Ayer’s Hair Vigor earlier in life, his head might, to-day, have been as ■well covered as that of his royal mother. It’s not too late yer. A Woman’s Discovery. “Another wonderful discovery has been made, and that, too, by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her, and for seven years, she withstood its severest tests, but her vitai organs were undermined, and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and wag so much relieved On taking first dose, that she slept all night, and with one bottle, has been mi raculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. ’ Thus writes W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at John Crawford & Co.’s, wholesale and re tialagents, Athens, Ga Thousands of cures follow the use of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. 50 cents. Letter From Mr. Clip. Dear Chronicle :—Some year or two since, I wrote an article in which I dissented from my holiness friends. Later on, I admitted the pos sibility of such a gracious state, but stated that I had not got there. I yet admit the possibility, and a rea sonable probability, but I have still not got there. I have been using every power which I possess, and I think I am something nearer it than I was three years ago; but if I should say that lam living sinless, I think I should utter a falsehood, which would be a sin of itself. No, sir, lam a sinner right now, and I think I have been born of the spirit, but this “old mortal coil,” in its abstract character, has no goodness in it. “In me, (i.Je. in my flesh) dwells no good thing.” “1 worship God in the spirit, and believe in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh.” See 5 chapter of Gal- Jatians, and you will see how holy the flesh is. Paul says elsewhere that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.” Says some one, is this body of flesh not going to Heaven? Not till God prepares it for that abode- Read Paul’s let ter in first Corinthians, 15th chapter, and there you will see the process of preparation. “We shall all be changed, this corruptable shall put on incorrup tion, and this mortal shall put on immortality.” then it will be fit for Heaven, then it will be holy, as I un derstand holiness, and not ’till then. “The inner man” is holy. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit, is spirit,” but remember “the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these two are contrary one to the other, so ye cannot do the thing ye would.” That is Paul’s testimony, and that is the best sort of reason, that we, are not holy, soul and body. The internal man says do right, the ternal man says do wrong, so I feel that I have a very serious conflict in me all the time, between the “outer man sad inner man.” Were I holy soul and body, I don’t know what salvation lam told to work out. Why Christ himself did not claim goodness. “Why callestthou Me good, there is none good but one, and that is God,’’that is the language of the immaculate Lamb of God. I suppose he was drawing the contrast between him and God in the abstract. He had reference to himself as incarnate. That flesh ‘'was tempted in all points like as we are, but without sin.” God is the only holy being, but when we have been fully fitted for Heaven then we shall see and be like Christ. Then we will be holy. We should strive with all power to reach the highest plane of life attainable on earth, but I am a believer in eternal progress, both here and “in the be» yond,” for if we don’t progrees we will retrograde, but the whole ad vancement in which we participate is gradual, that which God does for us (regeneration) is instantaneous, and that is a new birth, a spiritual being is born of God and is infused into us by God, and partakes of God’s spirit, is part of God himself, and that is the “whosoever that is born of God doth not commit sin,” that John has reference to, and he says, for “His (God’s) seed remain eth in him and he cannot sin, be cause he is born of God. I believe that regenerate internal man never does sin, but that all the sin we commit after regeneration is by the flesh, “the old man.” In fact I believe all the sin we ever commit is the work of our carnal bodies, the flesh. The carnal mind is enmity against God. To be carnally mind ed is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” So we see the old man, the flesh, does all the meanness, and he it is that “we must keep under, lest we become a caat-away,” (lose our influence for good.) I gave on Sunday at prayer meeting, most of those views to the audience, but brother Bernard gave similar ideas on Sunday night, but in better style. He also said Christ is our copy, and we should imitate the copy as nearly as possible, but will never, in the flesh, reach His perfection. In Heaven we shall see Him as He is and be like Him. We are partly holy, and it is our priv ilege to grow in grace, and our duty as well, and I shall do all I can, but lam a sinner, I am. God help us all approximate holiness. Yours Ever, Peter Culp. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by John Crawford & Co. Yen Were Once Beautiful; Madam, but your glass tells you that you are so no longer. Why is this? It is because you are suffering from functional derangement. You may “paint an inch thick,” as Hamlet says, but you cannot conceal the ravages of disease. No wonder you are low-spir ited. But why suffer any longer? Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will restore the bloom to your cheek, the sparkle to your eyes, the old-time lightness to ycur step. It will make a happy woman of you again. It cures all those weaknesses, backaching, bearing-down pains peculiar to your sex. The only medicine sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satis faction in every case or money refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. One of the meanest men of the age lives at Dexter, Me. He took a piece of land of a poor widow this year to planton halves. The land was planted in potatoes and the crop was a good one. This mean man came by night, dug into the sides of the hills, and removed from each all of the tubers with the ex ception of a few straggling ones. This left the tops flourishing aps parantly as vigorously as ever. At the “official digging” a few days ago, the widow was sadly disap pointed at the paucity of the crop, and when the potatoes were divided her portion was a “mite” indeed. It is surely to be hoped that this man will long continue to hold the cham pionship uncontested, on this record. Deafness Cash be Cured by local application, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound cr imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. Vigor and Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the body by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. That tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood is purified, enriched and vitalized, and car ries health instead of disease to every or gan. The stomach is toned and strength ened, the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are reused and invigorated. The brain is refreshed, the mind made clear and ready for work. Try it. E. E. Jones’ force of tinners will put the roof on the new Michael Bros, building. I ahbk chroicle. DAILY AND WEEKLY, Daily, $5.00, Weekly SI.OO per Year. The Athens Chronicle Job-Office Will print any kind or style of work from A visit!ug card to a book ;neatly at low prices >- HIE nil IIEE IHM OF NEW YORK, LARGEST, SAFEST OLDEST MOST RELIABLE Assets $126,082,153 Surplus, 7,940,063 New Insurance, 103,214,261 Insurance in Force, ' ♦ 482,125,184 Paid Policy Holders in 1888, 14,727,550 Increase in Assets, 7,275,301 Increase in Surplus, 1,645,622 Increase in Insurance written, 54,496.251 . TSTO RESTRICTIONS. If you pay your Premium, the Company will pay your Claim. GIIA.NT & WILLCOX Agts. 213, EAST CLAYTON STREET. PARR BB.OS, He«se and Sign Painters DECORATOBS and Dealers in Wall Paper, Paints Oils, Varnish es, Brushes,Etc. NO. 17, NORTH JACKSON STREET, NEXT DOOR TO BJTNEE*W«rCHKAN OFFICE Reaps, Soaps, Soaps We have received a large shipment nf Toilet Soaps, which we otter at figures never before equalled. We have 4 Cakes in box 10 cents box 6 “ “ 25 “ “ 12 “ “ *. .50 “ “ 3 “ transparent, in b0x.20 “ “ and many others equally as cheap. Thia is absolutely the cheapest lot of goods ever sold in Athens. Call and examine. L D Sledge & Co. I Is. ■. • ’ ; . ’-I ' ■ a . ■.. ■■ ’ . 4. i Witherspoon Hamilton, and Sign Painters. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in White Lead, Oil, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes c tors and Painters suppliei. Don’t foret the place, 122 CLAYTON STREET ATHENS, GEORGIA, We will do your Painting promptly and give satisfaction every particular. Witherspoon & Hamilton. i - U it*. _ k J I For Hale I One beautiful, vacant lot—situated on I; Baxter street, directly opposite the old E. L. Newton house. A bargain, at S2OO. Five room house and lot on Jackson street, well situated for business. Water ’ works and well on yard. Price $1,200. > One vacant lot, running through from ; Clayton to Washington streets, known as Morton place, next to Marks’s property, about 80 to 100 feet from. Titles good.— This is desirable property. Call on 5 SjAACKELFORD <fc II AIT AW AY, Real Estate Agents. MRS. T. A. ADAMS Is now receiving NEW PATTERN Bonnets and Hats, AND NEW FLOWERS. 53jT Hopes to get a share of the public etronasje. T* Rent. Two very nice rooms 'in the old Cultivator Building; at reasonable rates. Come soon. Shackelford & Hattaw ay, RICHMOND & DANVILLE RR. N orthea,stern Division, i Condensed schedule, in eliect June 16ti' 1889. Trains run by 75tb Meridian tim< Between Athens and atlant?. NO. 53—DAILY~N0 51—EX. BUi Lv. Athens, 7 40a m Lv. Athens, 5 50p u Ar. At)antal2 00 n’n Ar. At.anta, 9 40p n NO 41—EX. SUN.II NO 53-DAILY ‘ Lv. Atlanta, 5 30p m AtUiota, 8:lGa o Ar. Athens, 10:25 “ Ai. Ath s, v' BETWEEN A CHENS AND Ti..< EAST NO. 53—DAl.jx . NO. 5? -r.A. DUH Lv. Athens. 7.40a in Lv. Athens. 5 50a.n Ar.Wash’tn. 6.53 “ Ar.Wash’tn. 713 pm Ar.NewY’rk 1.20 p m Ar.LL'wY’rk 6.2 n a.m Pullman Palace Buffet ak-epuja cars from 1 Lula to Washington and New Yjrk. Solid trains Lula to Washington. BETWEEN LULA AND ATHENS. SOUTHBOUND. NORTHBOUND. c 5 e 3 Y fa p p- i Passenger Pass’ng’r < N. E. R. R. 22 52 50 51 jo 19 3 is O Stations W M OD “ QQ I* OD H SB G P B B P P A.M P.M A. MLV AR P.M ' PM 5 30j8 35 10 30 Lula 7 50 9 30 600855 10 50 Gillsville 780 855 630911 11 05 Maysville 715855 820 7 09 9 31 11 25 Har. Grove 6 50 8 85 7 40 7 30 9 51 11 45 Nicholson 5 80] 8 157 05 8 00 1004 12 00 Center 6 10 8 00 6 35 8 35 1025 12 20 Athens. 5 50 7 40 6 00 A.M P.M P. M AR LV P.M A.M P.M Trains No. 50 and 53 will run daily. No. 51, 52,19 and 22 will run daily, except Sunday> Trains run by 75th Meridian time—ore hour faster than 90th Meridian time. L. L. McLeskey, Jas. L. Taylob. t Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt. MCI COBB~ INSTITm, I ATHENS, GA. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS— LADY TEACHERS. UlMMffllH BOARD $15.00 A MONTH. No Secret Societies. HEALTH RECORD UNSURPASSED. FALL TERM COMMENCES SEPT. 25, 1889. MISS M. RUTHERFORD, Priucipal. SOUTHERN MUTUAL UMMURANCB COMP A T. L. <2. Harris, Pres. 8. Thomas, Set DIRECTORS: Y. L. G. Harris, L. 11. Charboanier | John H. Newton, Robt. I. Hampton, : Stevens Thomas, Edward S. Lyndon Ferdinand Pbiaisy, Marcellus Stanley John A. Hunnicutt, Rufus K. Reaves , j HOME SCHOOL : -FOR— , YOliNfi LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, ATHEITS> G-A_. Exercises Resumed September 18th, 1889. For information, etc., apply to Miss C. aug24. Principal. _ SHACKLEFORD. GEORGIA CENTRAL DETECTIVE AIG-EJSTOT. 441-2 South Pryor St., Opposite Police Headquarters, ATLANTA, : : : : GEORGIA. We have removed our Detective Agency from Macon, Ga., to this place. It you need the services of a good detective write or call onus. References furnished if required. All business is upon a basis of mutual honor and the strictest confidence. We have agents all over the United Stales. Address, G. W. SHACKLEFORD, Supt., 14aug. P. O. Box 142, Atlanta, Ga. A. S MANDEVILLE Tue Old Reliable, Established 1849. ’ ' jSi 1 Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY GOLD, SILVER and PLATED WARE. Prompt attention given to all Repair Work gSf .lk r-Lyr i I will receive a limited ndTibgr of ev , ing pupils in Phonography. The general use of shorthand in the larger business houses throughout the Jan makes, a’knowledg eof the aa;r valuab djunct o a business education. For terms apply to L. Schbvisnell * tbcasGa, A Postal Card Gets Six Free I WRITE YOUR NAME AND THE NAMES OF 5 of Your Neighbors ON A POSTAL CARD AND AD DRESS IT TO The CJonsti tut ion. ATLANTA, GA., And all six of you will get a free sample copy of the GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY I You thus give your neighbor a week’s reading free of the b< st printed paper in America. “Bill Arp,” “Uncle Remus,” “Betsy Ham ilton,” write tor it. Talmage and Sato Jones preach tor it. Dr. Jones writes the “Farmer’s Page," and Mrs. King writes the “Woman’s Kingdom. “War Stories,” “Pictures of Strange Lands, “Travel and Adventure," in every issue. A PERFECT MAGAZINE of good things, you get free free tor your» self and five of your neighbors by writing your name and theirs on a POSTAL CARD and sending it to THE CONSTITUTION, Don’t delay. Write quick. Atlanta, Ga. Newspapers Free. Send your owu name and address and those of five to ten of your friends or neighbors, on a postal card, or otherwise, and a copy of the SAVANNAH WEEK LY NEWS will be sent to each address free. The WEEKLY NEWS Isa Business and Family Newspaper for Country Readers. It is the largest weekly published in the South—l 6 large pages. It is splendidly gotten up and carefully edited. If you have never seen a copy of It send for one and you will pronounce it to be the biggest and best newspaper you ever read Address, Me THE W 2 2XLY NEW Savannah, Ga. W.G. Lowry (fc Co, at mWFORD’S OLD STANB, Clayton Street, Athens, Ga., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN—r- DRUGS, M EDI4DIIN ES, FINE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES JAND COMBS. Fancy Articles —IS— GREAT VARIETY. PURE WES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL USE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully dispensed, ,I’o IN CLARKE AND AD- * JOINING COUNTIES I 1 ' x \ Inteest payable semi-annually at SIX 4 PER CENT. Commissions light. W. D.Grtffetn. Office with O’Farrell te Ash. DETECTIVE AGENCY. Having opened a sub-agency In Athens tor the transaction of this line of business, I am prepared to give perfect satisfaction to any one wishing inv services. C«>rrc. spondence strictly confidential. Charges reasonable. Call On or address v l u B. O. W. ROSE, scptUOdlm. Athens, Ga. 3