The Athens evening chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 1888-1889, October 12, 1889, Image 3

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'« un jist nonn , t A. LARGE SHIPMENT OF CHOICE t White and Red Onion Sets. I NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT i | ALSO 500 DOZEN ! i '———FINE | Toilet Soap. |at auction prices. JNO. CRAWFORD & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Seedsmen, 12 College Avenue, Athens, Ga. What it Mean To the man or woman who baa never been ill, the word ,•health” is meaningless. But to the one who has suff- red and de spaired, health appears as a priceless boon. To the thousands of unfortunate women who are suffering from some of the many forms of weaknesses or irregularities pe culiar to their sex, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription bolds forth the promise ot a speedy restoration of this “priceless boon. “ Professor Gauthier, of Paris, states that certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in the tissues, which if not speedily eliminated, produce disease. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla effects the removal ol these substances, and thereby preserves health. STORMED THE SALOON. Lima, Oct. 10—Several weeks ago the neighboring town of Lafayette passed a prohibition ordinance and all of the saloons were closed. A few days ago a saloon-keeper of this city went to Lafayette and opened a place. He was waited upon by a committee who informed him that his business was not wanted there, He continued and the town officials got an injunction to stop him. The judge decided in his favor and he resumed business with more open ness than ever. Early yesterday morning his saloon was bombarded by a crowd of several hundred persons. They came supplied with stones and sledge hammers and, surrounding the place, commenced to storm it. The windows and doors were broken and the crowd rushed in. The bar was battered down, mirror broken, heads of barrels knocked in and contents wasted. The place was almost tom down and everything ruined. Robby Barna Understood It. “Many and sharp the numerous ilia Inwoven in our Lame, More pointed still we make ourselves U<*grei, remorse and shame.” Among the most dangerous, aa well as vexing of ills “inwoven with our frame,” are Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, colds and lung troubles generally. How ever, the timely use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery takes away their fear ful consequences, but which neglected, leaves “regret, remorse and shame.” But you need not be ashamed to ask for lhe “Discovery,” as it has become a standard r< medy, found at al! the drugstores, where thousands call for it every day, and where it is recogn zed as the leading medicine for all lung and throat affections. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Soies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi lively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale. by John Crawford & Co. THE KILLING OF GAY. Ty Ty, Oct. 10. —A fatal difficulty took place at Moultrie in Colquitt county Monday evening, in which James Gay lost his life at the hands of James Eady. The particulars are about as follows as related to your correspondent by an eye-wit ness. Eady was about mounting his horse with the purpose of going home when Gay approached him, charging him with circulating some remarks that were going the rounds in the neighborhood. Hot words passed between them and Gay struck Eady. Eady then plunged his knife into Gay’s left breast just above the nipple severing, as the attending physician said, the main artery leading from the heart to the brain and producing death almost instantly. J. H. Huggins has two good second band two horse wagons for sale cheap. Th" minv r markable cures Hood’s Sar sapanl a acc»i'ipii>he». are snfiicn nt proof that it does possess pec iliar cu.alive p >w ers. The spooks and nob! ins ibai delight To fill wnb terror ab the night, That stalk abroad in hideous dreams With which dyspepsia’s fancy teems, Will nevi r trouble with their ills The-man who trusts in Pierce’s Pills. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets— vegetable, harmless, painless, sure 1 TERRIBLEJ DYNAMITE GUNS. Philadelphia, Oct. 9—The official test of the dynamite guns of the cruiser Vesuvius took place to day, and was entirely satisfactory In distance firing projectiles were thrown from 100 to 150 yards beyond the required mile. In the test for rapidity of firing the contract required that the load ing and working machinery, pumps and reservoir, should enable fifteen shots to be taken in thirty minutes five shots from each gun. In the test fifteen iron plugs weighing about 525 pounds each were fired, and from the moment the loading of the first gun was commenced until the last shot had been fired 17 min utes and a fraction elapsed. The air compressors were not working during the time although it would hav« been allowable, and yet at the end of the firing the reservoir contained enough air to fire eight more shots at the mile range. Each of the fifteen shots was fired with a volume of air which had sufficed to carry service shells one mile. IDyapepNia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to seif-destruction. We know oi no remedy for dyspepsia more successful than Hood’s Sarsaparilla, li acs gently, yet surely and efficiently,tones the stomach and other organs, removes the taint, feeling, creates a good appetite, cures headache, and refreshes the burdened mind. Give Hood’s Sarsparilla a fair trial It will do you good. SHOOTING AFFRAY. Momtgomery, Ala., October 10.— From Hayneville, Lowndes county, news comes of a desperate duel to day between Eton Haynes, sheriff of the county, and Watt Austill, a prominent citizen. Both men are noted for courage, and Austill has fought one successful duel. In the duel fought at Hayneville, Haynes was shot and wounded in the shouls der, and Austill was shot in the lef arm. The arm was broken and th bullet lodged in the left breast. Deafness Cau’l be Cured by local application, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is ■ only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is ' caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflaination can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not by taking Haii’s Catarrh Cure. Send for ciiculars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ESF’Sold by Druggists, 75c. When you need a good, safe laxative, ask your druggist for a box of Ayer’s Pilis, and you will find that they give perfect satisfaction. For indigesticu, topid liver, and sick headache there is nothing supe rior. Leading physicians recommend them. Congress will be asked at the next session to pass a bill to increase the pay of corporals and orderly ser geants in the army, They now re ceive at first from sls to $34 a month. Their yay is increased as their term of service grows longer and at the end of ten years they re ceive $36 and $39 a month. The proposed bill will provide that they shall receive S3O, S4O and SSO a month respectively. The main reason given for this increase is that it would serve to decrease the num ber of desertions and inspire enlisted men with a better spirit. Our sol diers are already better paid than those of any other nation. Ger many boasts of the finest army in the world and a sergeant in this countiy receives as much pay as a first lieutenant in the German army. Our Candidate for President. He will be nominated by the convention and will be elected by the people, because he will come the nearest to filling their ideal of a Chief Maigstrate* Electric Bit ters has been given the highest place, be cause no other medicine has so well filled the ideal of a perfect tonic and alterative. The people have indorsed Electric Bitter and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys, For all Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cam not be too highly recommended. Also cures Headache und Constipation. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 at John Crawford & Co’s. Drug Store. npPRICEk X CREAM PW Dnl ™ S NATURAL FRUIT FLAVDRS Used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities and Public Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price’s Delicious Flavoring Ex tracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., do notcontain Poisonous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York. Chicago. St. Louis. ms irrni ufiiwiwa OF NEW YORK, LARGEST, SAFEST OLDEST MOST RELIABLE Assets $126,082,153 Surplus, 7,940,063 New Insurance, 103,214,261 Insurance in Force, 482,126,184 Paid Policy Holders in 1888, 14,727,550 Increase in Assets, 7,275,301 Increase in Surplus, 1,645,622 Increase in Insurance written, 54,496,251 NO RESTIUCTIONS. If you pay your Premium, the Company will pay your Claim. GIIANT & WILLCOX A.gts. 213, EAST CLAYTON STREET. PARR BROS, House and Sign Painters DECORATORS and Dealers in Wall Paper, Paints Oils, Varnish es, Brushes,Etc. NO. 1?, NORTH JACKSON STREET, NEXT DOOR TO OFFICE ■ . '■ A Sonpa, Soups, Noaps We have received a large shipment ot Toilet Soaps, which we offer at figures never before equalled. We have 4 Cakes in box 10 cents box 6 “ “ 25 “ “ 12 “ “ 50 “ “ 3 “ transparent, in b0x.20 “ “ and many others equally as cheap. This is absolutely the cheapest lot of goods ever sold in Athens. Call and examine. L D Sledgk & Co. Witherspoon & Hamilton, Heise ami Sign Painters* Wholesale and Retail Dealers in White Lead, Oil, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes colors and Painters supplies. Don’t foret the place, 122 CLAYTON STREET ATHENS, GEORGIA. We will do your Painting promptly and give satisfaction every particular. Witherspoon & Hamilton. For Rale One beautiful, vacant lot—situated on Baxter street, directly opposite the old E. L. Newton house. A bargain, at S2OO. Five room house and lot on Jackson street, well situated for business. Water works and well on yard. Price $1,200. One vacant lot, running through from Clayton to Washington streets, known as Morton plan' 1 , next to Marks’s property, about 80 to 100 feet front. Titles good.— This is desir tble property. Call on Bhackelford & Hattaw ay, Real Estate Agents. MRS. T. A. ADAMS Is now receiving NEW PATTERN Bonnets and Hats, AND NEW FLOWERS. Hopes to get a share of the public vtrnaxa. For Male. One vacant lot on East Broad street,' East Athens. One house and lot on Bridge street. Can be bought cheap. Five acre lot, fronting on Waddell street One house and lot on Foundry street. BHACLEFORD & HATTAWAY RICHMOND & DANVILLE RR. N ortheastem Division, Condensed schedule, in effect June 16t 188 V. Trams run by 75th Meridian tim< Between Athens and atlant? * 53—DAILY. NO 51—EX Su Lv. Atneus, 7 40a m Lv. Ath ns, 5 50f n Ar. Atlantal2 00 n’n Ar. At a »» ° 4Cr n NO. 41—EX. SUN. | N, . T~ Lv. Atlanta, 5 30pm i — ?_tL. u, c:x-a.u Ar. Athens, 10:25 “ |Ar. A’h a. 1?:.2 C l* between aihen? /nd r. am NO. 53—DAi o? oUIT Lv. Athens. 7.40a m ILv. Athens 5 50a.ii Ar.Wash’tn. 6.53 “ Ar. Wash’tu. 7 13p.m Ar.NewY’rk 1.20 p m |Ar.N wY’rk Pullman Palace Buffet sl .t carsfrom Lula to Washington and New Y >rk. Solid trains Lula to Washington. BETWEEN LULA AND ATHENS SOUTHBOUND. NORTHBOUND. c? o 3 i- p p r Passengei. Pass’ng’r N. E. R. R. 22 52 50 51 53 19 ® gt U Stations Is W OD-OD?’ SO on* QD * s c c s= B B 3 3 A.M P.M A. MLV AR PM A - M P M 5 30 8 35 10 30 Lula 7 50 9 30 9 30 600855 10 50 Gillsville 730910 855 630 9 11 11 05 Maysville 715855 820 7 09 9 31 11 25 Har. Grove 6 50 8 35 7 40 7 30 9 51 11 45 Nicholson 6 30 8 15|7 05 8 00 1004 12 00 Center 6 10 8 00 6 35 8 35 1025 12 20 Athens 5 50 7 40 6 00 A.M P.M P. M AR LV P.M A M P M Trains No. 50 and 53 will run daily. No. 51, 52,19 and 22 will run daily, except Sunday. Trains run by 75th Meridian tftne—ore hour faster tharvOOth Meridian time. L. L. McLesk jy, Jas. L. Taylor. Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt. SOLTUERX MUTUAL nSIRAMJE COMPA. ? T. L. G. Harris, Pres. S. Thomas, Ser DIRECTORS: Y. L. G. Harns, L. 11. Charboaniei John H. Newton, Robt. I. Hampton Stevens Thomas, Edward S. Lyndon Ferdinand Pui iizy, Marcjllai Staule y John A. Hunnicutt, Rufus K. Reaves A. L. MITCHELL. C. C. CHANDLER MITCHELL & CHANDLER. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT , We represent a Georgia company and ; will loan money on farm lands at 6 per cent. Supply unlimited. Time, 5 years, payable at your pleasure. If you have Real Estate in city or coun try you desire to Sell or Rent call on us and we will be glad to serve you. MITCHELL & CHANDLER, 1«S, BROAD STREET, sep~s Iw6 n. Athens,G«. Railroad News! tbe Cen tral Point. morFroads And a IMew Passenger Depot Is What the People Demand. They also want their houses and signs fixed up by a first-class paint er, and Jno. L. Arnold is tbe man to give them just tbe work you want. Write him or leave your orders at Lyndon’s Drug Store, and he will give immediate attention to your order. /£ 8 MAIM UMi ViAiLjE Phe Old Reliable, Established 1849. Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY GOLD. SILVER and PLATED WARE. Prompt attention given io all Repair Work gSfd&w-ly r I will receive a limited number of eve ing pupils in Phonography. The general use of shorthand in the larger business houses throughout the lan makes a knowledge of the aai r valuab djunct o a business education. I For to L. Scheveneli ♦’hcnsGa, A Postal Card Six Free! Jr WRITE YOUR NAME and the names of 5 of Your Neighbors ON A POSTAL CARD AND AD DRESS IT TO r ATLANTA, GA., And all six of you will g« t a free sample copy of the GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY ! You thus give your neighbor a week’s reading free of the b< st printed paper iu America. X “Bill Arp,’’ “Uncle Remus,” “Betsy Ham ilton,” write for it. Talmage aud S«m Jones preach for it. Dr. Jones writes the “Farmer’s Page,” aud Mrs. King writes the “Woman’s Kingdom. “War Stories,” “Pictures of Strange Lands. “Travel and Adventure,” in every issue. A PERFECT MAGAZINE •of good Hungs, you get free free for your self and five ot your neighbors by writing your name and theirs on a POSTAL CARD and sending it to THE CONSTITUTION, Don’t delay. Write quick. Atlanta, Ga, Newspapers Free. Send your own name and address and those of five to ten of your friends or neighbors, on a uostal card, or otherwise, aud a copy of the SAVANNAH WEEK, LY NEWS will be sent to each address free. The WEEKLY NEWS Is a Business and Family Newspaper for Country Readers. It is the largest weekly published in tbe South—l 6 large pages. It is splendidly gotten up and carefully edited. If you have never seen a copy of it send for one and you will pronounce it to be the biggest and best newspaper you ever read Address, THE WESKL Y NEW Savannah, Ga. W.G. Lowry (fc Co, / —rAT CRAWFORD’S OLD STAND, Clayton Street, Athens, Ga., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN DRUGS, IMtEIDIdINES, CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES JAND COMBS. Fancy Articles —IN— GREAT VARIETY PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FQR MEDICAL USE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS caretully dispensed, anra TO LEND IN OLARKE AND AIK JOINING COUNTIES I Inteest payable semi-annually at SIX PER 40ENT. Commissions light. W. D. Giiffetn. Office with O’Farrell <fc Ash. BANJO AoD GUITB EESSONS . HARRY H. SMITH. IBffi niVATE, TEUKS RKASONABLB. Commencing MONDAY, June 3d. BNQUIRKAT HASELTON & DOZIERS