The independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1873-1874, October 04, 1873, Image 3
THE INDEPENDENT. SATWtDAY, OCTOBEK 4, LOCAL MATTERS, Index to AdvcrlUciiitnt*. Carriage and Buggy Kepotutory—-Salomon Coheu, Savannah, Ga. Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant—J. X. Lightfoot, Savannah. Ga. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants—ln man, Swann & Cos., Susannah, Ga. lire*nan's European House—John lh csnan, Sa vannah, Ga. Groat Bargains for Cash—S. D. EdmonthKni. Quitman. Ga. A Family Sewing Machine for ss—Jerome B. Hud aon A Cos., N. Y. Southern Gem Pianos— Luddeu A Bates, Savan nah, Ga. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc.—W. L. Barnes A Cos., Quitman, Ga. Cotton Facto* and Commission Merchant—Janus H. Sheldon, Savannah, Ga. New Carnage Manufactory—T. Epsom Howell, Quitman, Ga. New Stock of General Merchandise—D. It. Creech, Quimuan. Ga. Clothing—C. M. Bran, of Fla., with Weill or A Bro., Baltimore, Md. Dentist—J. H. N. Snow, oflicc up stairs, Finch’s corner. Bed Rust-Proof Oats for sale—Daniel A. Horn, Boston, Ga. Farm, farming utensils, provisions, etc., for sale —Jae. Wilson. Groceries, Hhip Chandlery, Canned Good*, Ac.— Claghorn A (Junuiitglmm, Savannah, Ga. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods -UcWitt, Mor gan A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Commission Merchant and Pnrchasiug Agent— Dr. D. Cox, Savannah, Ga. Wholesale Grocer, Commission Merchants, Ac.— Wm. H. .Stark, A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Marshall House, Savannah, Ga.—A. B. Luce, Pro prietor. Merchant Tailor—Charles Goasman, Savannah, Gu. Cigar Manufacturer and dealer in tobaccos—R. Dawn, Savannah, Ga. Ten Pin Alley and lhpiors of all kinds—Valentine Busier, Savannah, Ga. Candies, Cordials, Syrups, Fancy Confectionary, etc.—M. Fitzgerakl, Snvauuah, Ga. Clotbiue, Hats, Cape, Furnishing Goods, etc.— Geo. Apple, Savannah, Ga. Organ of the Baptist denomination—The Chria tian lnd*x, Atlanta, Ga. Wholesale Boot and Shoe Store—Currier, Slier wood A Cos., New York. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Window Glass, etc. —MeCafll A Groover, QmtAun. Dry Goods. Hardware, Groceries, etc—John Till man, Quitman, Ga. Mena' Youths’ and Boys' Clothing, at wholesale Henry A John Pan t, Nw York. DnigvM<iM-daH, J)rv Goods, Grocems, Hard ware, etc—Briggs, Jelks A Cos., Quitman, Ga. Wheeler A Wilson Sowing Macliinea—W. 11. Cloves, General Agent, Savannah, Ga. Clothing at wholesale and retail—l. L. Fulk A Cos., Savannah, OR, Cheap Goods of all dosoriptions, Groceries, etc— S. iluaudal. Quitman, Ga. Books and Stationery at wholesale and retail— John M. Cooper A Cos., tfSVswmah, Ga. Sale and Livery Stable —Cecil A Thrasher, Quit man, Ga. Manufactures of Cotton and Wool at the Quit man Factory—Dr. Henry Briggs, President. Dr. K. A. Jelks, Practicing PUybmian, Quit man, Ga. Edward It. Harden, Attorney at Law, Quitman, Ga. Clothing nirule to order—D. W. Price, Merchant Tailor, gait man, Ga. Groceries, Dry Good*, Liquors, etc—Creech A Newsome, Quitman, Da. James H Hunter, Attorney at Law, Quitman. Da. Ik'Jtnett k Kingaherrv, Attorneys at Law. Quit man, Da. CHURCH DIItUrrOKY. n.tpttu Church. Hkv. C. D. C.vafrlSfLL, Pastor. ‘Rervices the Secon-l and Fourth Sund: \s. Church Conference on Satnrday before tire Second Sunday in each month. l*rayer meetiug every Thursday night. Sunday Sellout at 0 o'clock a. m. PiTxbyti-fla ii ('ll itreh. Hbv. It. Q. Wat, Pastor. Service* every Third Sunday, at 11 o'clock, ft. m. Sunday School at 4 o’clock p. 111. Mcthndixt Cliureh. Ritv. S. 8. Swr.rrr, Paator. Service* every Sunday moniing at 10:30 o'clock evening at o’clock. Sunday School at 0 o’clock a. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday night in each Week. Anew stf*ck of first class Ready made Clothing ai Bhioos, Jklkh A Co’s. Everybody knows Kay toil, because he soils cheap.’ Cull and see him at the New York Store. Some very fine Chignons at 8. Shandal’s. o Make Money Fast and honorably, sl2 50 per day, or $75 per Week, by at once applying for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents), to sell the best, strongest, most useful, and rapid selling Sewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only $5. Sent free every where by expretic*. Addles* for particulars: Jerome B. Hudson A Cos., Cor. Greenwich A Cortlandt Sts., N. Y. New styles ladies fall ami winter Hats, just re ceived at Briggs, Jelkk A Cos. The good* being all marked down cheap, if you want to pay high prices for your supplies, don't call at Kayton’s New Yoke Stoke. o Anew supply of Dixie Turnplows at John Tilmbn's. SOUTHERN GEJI PIAXOB, C autlon. This is to give notice that the exclusive right of sale for the original and only Sotuheun Gem piano was given us in September, 1870, by the | manufacturer. 8. F. Hale, of New York, and we, I or our authorized agents, are the only parties who can furnish them. AU pianos sold under this name by other dealers are imitations, sent out from a different factory, and in no way identical . with the “Southern Gem,” which we have sold bo largely for three years past. sep27-lm Ludden & Bates, Sole Agents. Il4‘d Rust Proof Oats. One hundred bushels, more or less, at J. A. McNair's plantation near Cherry Lake, Maiiison county, Fla. Those oats have been planted on the place of Mr. McNair for four or five succes sive years, and no rust lias ever been discovered on them. They are tborouglily winnowed and n good sacks, from two to four bushels in each, and will be sold for cash very cheap. Persons wishing to purchase can call on J. A. McNair, Cherry Lake, or C. 0. Moye, Quitman, Georgia. O 9-4, 10-1, 11-4 Wool Blankets, various qualities at Briggs, Jelkk A Co’s. o Prolific Corn. The undersigned has now on haud twenty bushels of Prolific Corn, vbitfh he offers for sale at SB.OO per busheL This corn will bear from two to twelve ears from one grain. Will sell am # quantity at the same rate, 25 cents per quart. Will deliver the samo at L house near No. 17 A. AG. R. R.; Edmondson’s store, in Quitman; Elijah Wade's store, Brooks county, and Mr. Rivers’ store in Grooverville. Orders left at any of the above uumed pb-ccs will be filled. oct4-4t J. W. Allen. o ReiigtOMM XuCi.-* The Camp Meeting at Mferria Camp Ground will commence on Thursday night, flie 9tfi of October, and continue four flops. S. S. ‘Sw eet. J. R. Sheldon, of Savaansh, Is well known in Southern Ocoftpa and Middle Florida, nod a youllg umu of greater energy and finer Vrtnihesti qualities is uot to be found in the South, and we can nay for him that he {'ossesses the full confidence of the people in his honesty and integrity. See advertisement in an other column. Usual stock of iVxneatic Dry Oouds and Gro ceries, at Buicios, Jei.ks A Co's. O Inutnii, Swimn A Cos. Are active business men, and are possessed of peculiar advantages and facilities for the sale of Gotten. They have a house in New York and another in Savaunah. Planters may ship to either house or through them directly to Liverpool. They are men of means and will make liberal advances. o Great bargain., cheap goods, fall stock at Kavton's New Yoke Stork. Jmt Coming In. W. E. Barnes A Cos. are now receiving their new and extensive supply of jewelry, silver ware, etc., etc. Their stock is new, large and complete, and they cfcn supply the demand for everything in their line. They have a fine lot of pistols and sport ing implements. Any and all of the arti cles of Which their stock is composed will be sold by them on as favorable terms us they can be purchased at any house iu the State 1 . They are both well known men of high moral character, and purchasers may feel assured that no spurious articles will be imposed upon them. Mr. Barites is a practical man, and is fully prepared to repair watches, docks, jewelry of all kinds, guns and pistols. This is the place to buy your jewelry and have all your repairing done. A few fine Ladies Huts at S. Shandnl’s. o Fine French Broad Cloth, English ileaver, and Caaaiiucres at Butrins, Jei.kb A Co*s. Carriage and Buggy Repository. We had the pleasure of ]musing through the large carriage and buggy repository of Mr. Salomon Cohen, in Savaunah, Ga., a few days ago. His assortment of vehicles is large and varied, his carriages are manu factured by the very best workmen, and made of the very best materials, and he is offering the very Irest bargains ever offered in the city. We would suggest to our readers if they wish to purchase any art i cle in Mr. Cohen’s line that they would do well to call and examine his immense stock, and we vouch for their get t ing a good bar gaiti. A beautiful lot of Columbus .Trans, also Dome - tie Plaid*, aoine new and beautiful color* worthy of special notice, at Bilious. ,1 j lks A Go's. Commission Mmhsal. The advertisement of Col. J. N. Ligl.t foot appears in to-day’s paper. The Colo nel is a man of high character and fine business capacity, energetic and perse vering, and he is fully determined, and will doubtless succeed in building up a fine business. Young men of known in tegrity and perseverance ought to receive the patronage and encouragement of the planters and country merchants, for they arc working for a reputation, and will be much more vigilant than the old men who stand upon their hind feet and boast of the reputation of their house. Remem ber, reader, they made their reputation when young, and now hope to live upon it without expense or energy. The young man will not be satisfied w ith an,, offer short of the highest price. Tho old man, with the energy of his youth, gained the confidence of his patrons; they rely fully upon his integrity and uprightness, but seem to have lost sight of his waning en ergies. We would cdvisc our merchants to transact their business through younger and active business men. Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Groceries, Ac.,Ac., at low’priceH, at K.utonh New York Store. Li*t of Letters Remaining in Quitnnm Pont Office un called for t.p to lt September, 1873: Lewis Yerby—(col), Ben William*, Eliza Richerson—2, Miss MaryE. Renfroe,Pom pey O'Neil, Mrs. Caroline Johnson—2, Miss Edy Henderson, Mrs. Lizzie, Hills, Charlie Hodges, Francis Giddins, John Cerce, Henry CoLsim, Miss Emily Brown, Miss Bailie Archer, Mrs Beniperence l>u rence. LIST OP MBTTER6 Held fof postage, remaining in office up to Ist October, 1873: G. W. Selph, Miss Mary Howard, Sam’l. Henderson, Emanuel Brown, Qnitman; W. L. Cur, Richmond, Va.; Miss Georgia Groover, Cherry Lake, Fla.; Lewis Pleasant, Savannah, Ga.; Dr. D. S. Brandon, Thomasviile, Ga., Miss Jinnie‘Williams, Live Oak, Fla. The number of letters sent from this office for the last week in this quarter was 936. Number for the month, 3,500. 8. M. Griffin, P. M. When you want good goods at low prices call at Kayton’s New Yoke Btokk. o Wanted. Every family in the State to try one bot tle of Mansfield A Higbee’s celebrated Magic Arnica Liniment, which is a pene trating fluid made of Extract of Arnica, Extract of Camphor, rare Essential Oils, Chlorodine and Magnetic Fluid chemically combined, and which is warranted to cure pain in than five minutes. It is always ready, pleasant to use, and knows no competitor wherever it has been tried. One Ijottle is equal m medical jrropeiries and strength to a score of other liniments, and it is pronounced by all as the King of all Pain Killers, Reliefs and Embrocations which Irave ever be*-ft offered to the Ameri can public. Price SI.OO. read the testimony. I have been a citizen of Memphis for forty-three years. My grandfather deliv ered up his sword to General George Washington. On the 15th day of Novem ber, 1868, I was struck down with Paraly sis, so that I could not move hand nor foot. My right side continued paralyzed, and I could not uee my hand. I procured one bottle of Mansfield & Higbee’s Magic Arnica Liniment and used it; the result is, it has relieved me entirely. I can now Hew, aisd have the perfect use cf my right arm and right side, which were both be fore lifeless. Rachael Taklton, LauderdUle street. Memphis, Sept. 23, 1869. Kitmnn'a Europran Ilouie. While in Savannuh during the present week we made the above named house our home, and while wo do tot speak iu dis paragement of other houses, we hove no hesitancy in saying that it I.*! hot surpassed in any respect) except ih Outside show, by any house in die city. There is nothing the market affords that is not to be found upon his regular hotel table, and no arti cle better prepared at any house in any country. His restaurant is, wo believe, unequaled in the South; no matter what you call for upon his bill of fare, It will be furnished you at short notice, prepared in the most elegant style by very polito and well disciplined servants. His rooms arc neatly furnished and kept iu nice or der. Mr. Hresnan, though an active nd energetic man, is ever genial and kind, making welcome and at home all of his guests. Mr. Downing, the clerk, is al ways nt his post, ever vigilaut in the in t“rests and comfort of the guests, and at all times courteous and polite. We hope when our friends visit Savannah that they will call on Mr. Breanan, where they w ill receive every needed attention and enjoy all luxuries aud comforts for less than half what it will cost nt other places. We have been there and are anxious to go back. See advertisement in another column. Krulfsof Klorldn. Mrs. W. H. Slmrpc, from her new home on Indian river, visiting her mother near Quitman, brought with her a large trunk filled with delicious fruits. Quite a va riety was sent to our office, of which, in connection with the country where they were grown, we intended to write, but we haven't the time nor space this week, but will write an article oil the subject next week. Fully appreciating the present and the enterprising spirit of Mrs. S. in her laudable effort to bring the country of her adoption into notice, we do not regard it as a personal favor, to us, but one of a much higher consideration, an item for the public good, and in that light we es teem it, and in that light we propose to treat it in our next. Our Al>.*•# iit'i'i We have been absent from home almost the entire week,ami many things we intend ed to refer to iii this issue arc necessarily de ferred until the next. We intended to give Joe, of the Madison Recorder, some little at tention, but ha will forgive us, and would, no doubt, be glad if the slight was contin ued; but hi 1 shall have his portion iu due season. \ SpKmlhl Planlnllon for Sftlr ami a Great littitfiiiit OUV’rnl. A plantation near Quitman, containing twelve hundred acres—three hundred acres in cultivation— of excellent soil, with good, clay bottom. Fencing all good; h’.hidings plain but comfortable, with fine water; plenty of water running through the fields. The entire grain crop, with all the stock of every kind, farming nten sels, etc., will be sold with the plantation if purcltuacr desires. Terms favorable. For further particulars apply at this office. All correspondence addressed to this office, with a view to purchase, will be promptly attended to. Kayton’n New York Store open again in Quit man, with priei-K tower than since the war. Cull and lie satisfied. QIITMAX MARKET. COUIIECTED WEEKLY IJY CUEECH Ai NEWSOM. Bagoinc Gunny >d HI a 20 Ikon Ties 10 a 11 Bacon -Shoulders... . . H -a 12% Clear Ribbed 10 13%a 14 Hants lb —a 20 Bread Soda Biaeuit tt —a 16 Lemon Biscuit lb —a 15 Ginger Knapps ib 15 a 20 Beeswax. lb —a 25 Beef Steak lb H a 10 Butter-Goshen lf 45 a 52 Good "Western lb —a 35 Candles—Adamantine **) n Sperm tt> 45 a 50 Coffee—Rio lb 25 a 30 Java, *rtfl Government, lb 30 a 40 Dry Goods -Prints, fancy, .yd 12% a 15 % Brown Shirtings. yd 12 a 15 % Brown Sheetings... vd —a 15 4-4 “ ...yd —a 15 White OsnnbnfgH yd a 15 Striped “ yd 12% a 15 CheekH yd 12% a 15 Yarns, Ass’t No’s slb 1 00 a 1 75 Flour North’n Huperthie.bbl 800 alO 00 Northern Extra . ..I>l*] 10 50 all 00 North'll Farn’yA Fanev.bbl 12 00 als 00 Frrfu Mackerel No. I.half l*bl 800 alO 00 “ No. 1 - kits 200 a 280 “ No. i bbl 700 a 000 “ No. 2 kits 2 . r ji> a 2 00 Herrings, No. 1. box 40 a 60 “ Scaled box 45 ft 50 Fowls—Chickens*... . ... <b*z --a 300 Turkeys, large size, .each 1 00 a 1 25 Grain—Corn, white, from store bu —a 75 Oats bu 70 a 00 Hides and Skins—Good Flint Cow 12 a 14 Dry Salted Cow Hidurt .11* 10 u 12 Goat Skins ......each 10 a 20 Otter Skins each 100 a 300 Iron Swedes It* H a 10 Laud -NXX in bids lb 12 a 12% Leaf . . 6 lbs —a 120 Refined 3 lbs —a 00 Liquors- Whisky, Common Proof gal 1 35 a 140 Rectified ...gJ 200 a 225 Bourbon, good . . gal 350 a 4 00 Brandy, American.... gal 250 a 300 Rum, St. Croix gal 4 50 a 500 Jamak i, good gal 500 a 7 00 Gin, Imported gal 500 a 550 Gin, Common gal 225 a2 50 Scotch A Eng. Ales, doz 250 a 225 Porter, Genuine do/. 250 a 275 Lumber— Flooring boards. M 12 00 als 00 Dressed Flooring M J 6 00 alB 00 Shingles, pfnc M 300 n 400 Meal—Fine . bid a 100 Hominy.. bid a 1 00 Sybup gal a 50 Nails—l sand fid . keg 760 a 800 Oils—Kerosene ga* 35 a 40 Linseed . gal a 135 Powder--Rifle, fine .keg 725 a7 50 F. F. F 1% It* can a 75 POTATOES—Swoet LU to a 75 Rie’K--Clean Carolina . . tb 9 a 10 Salt—-Liverpool sack 225 a2 30 Shot Drop bag 300 a3 25 Buck bag 2 75 a 300 Soap Family No. 1 tb —a 10 Pale. lb 8 a 10 Common to Fair U/ (*%• 8 Sugars—Crushed A Pow'd.. lb 14 a 15 A White tb 13% ft 14 B White tb 13 a 13% C Extra tb 13 a I*l% Yellow C * ttS T 2 a 13 Florida tb* 8 a 11 Smok’g Tobacco—Durham. lb 70 a 75 Fruits and F’lowcrs 1L 05 a 70 uthey Gratbr m 60 Toha(XX) —Cvtutaon Sound, lb (*0 a 65 Medium It* 60 a 65 Bright 75 a 80 Pocket X4ets ft* 60 a 80 Dark Caddies, 70 a 80 Tallow—Good lb —a fF Vin egait—Whit3 Wine.. . .gal .. ai s*> Olcfer Vihegar gal . . a* 50 Wool—Unwashed lb a 25 Soda ft. OysTEitn Ilb can ..a’ 15 ** .2 lt eari a 25 S.MtDrNLS box a 25 Stakoh . . fb 15 ft 20 Snuff . ft* 76 a 100 The above arc cash prices. mmv ADvicRTiaR.M ravrs, TO THE PUBLIC! SALOMON COHEN Corner Hay anil Jefferson Sts., SA Vi XXAir, GEORGIA, OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC THE LARGEST ami best stock of Two ond Four Heated Buggies, liocka ways, Carriages, lCxproas and Plantation Wagons, AT PRICEB TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO— ALL KINDS HARNESS AND WHIPS. Tenon moderate. Enquiries promptly at tended to. Agent for the Kmtebrflßbf limitation Wagnn. The is me have tak*u tin premium at th' Fair at S;i\ fttniab, Ga. ft f-I-3m INMAN, SWANN & CO., COTON FACTORS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANT S, 96 Bay St., Savannah, oa., and Cotton Exchange. 101 Pearl St., New York, Will make libera! rash advance* on cotton ship ments t either otir Savannah or New York house. Will buv and Hell futures on liberal tenon. oct4-Sm INMAN, SWANN A CO. J.N. LIGHTFOOT. COTTON FACTOR —AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 106 Huy St.,SavnMHilli, On. Agent for the sole of MEIi R T-MA * 'S AMMO XT A TED BONES. Liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to r liable correspondents in Liverpool, Sow York or Phila delphia. oflt4-3m v e 1- *rt V v . -V EUROPEAN HOUSE, Nos. 150, 158, 160 and 162, Bryan St., SAVANNAH, GA. milK PROPRIETOR HAVING COMPLETED 1 tiie necessary additions and improvements, can now offer to his guests ALL Till•: COMFORTS TO liK OK TAJ FED AT OTHER HOTELS AT LESS THAN HALF Till: FXFENSIL ! A Restaurant oil the F.UROPEAN PLAN has j been added, where guests can, At sill Hours, | Order whatever can lie obtained in the market. I toot UK, with Ittiord, $1 50 per day. f Determined to be OUT DONE BY NONE all I can nsk is a TRIAL, confident. tliat complete satisfactinn will be given. oct4 tf ,H )HN BRESNAN, Proprietor. A FAMILY ARTICLE. | Agents make sl2 50 per day, $75 per week. AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE For Domestic I r ae, ONLY FIVE DOLLARS With the New Patent HUTTON HOLE WORKER. Patented June 27th, 1871. AWARDED THE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE AMERIOAN INSTITUTE AND MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIRS, 1871. A most wonderful and elegantly constructed Sewin'* Machine for Family work. Complete in all its Parts, Uses tile Straight, Eye Fainted ,\ee dle, Self Thkeadinu, direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates uy Wheel and on a Table. Light /tan ning. Smooth and noiseless, like all good high- priced machines. Has Valent Cheek to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch, ffinest ami strongest stitch known); firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Camhuic to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uvea all dem ripcions of thread. This Machine is heavily conhtbucted to give it HTKBNivni; all the ports of each Ma chine 1 ing mn*le alike by machinery, and beau tifully finished and ornamented. It is very *Hsy to learn. Rapid, Smooth and Silent in operation, f Reliable at all times, undit Piu th al, Sitentific, j Mechanical Ixrcrmw, aid really Red need Price. A Good, Cheap, Family Sewing Machine at last. The first and only success in producing u valua ble, substantial and reliable low-priced Sowing Machine. It extrtMo low price reaches all con ditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to all capacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever used, and creates a rapid demand. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. I can cheerfully and confidently recommend its use to those who ore wanting a really good Hew ing Machine, at a kiw price. Mas. H. B. JAMESON, Peotone, Will county, 111. Price <*f each Machine. “Class A.” “One," (warranted for five years by special certificate,) with aMtKe Jt/fures and ererGthing complete be longing to it, including ßf.i.f Tu heading Needle, packed in a strong wooden box, and delivered to | any part, of the country, by express, free of fur ther charge*, cm iceept of prices only Five Dol- LAita. Safi- clebvery guaranteed. With each Ma chine we will send, on receipt of $1 extra , the new patent BUTTON HOLE WORKER, One of tk- most important and useful inventions of the age. Hd simple and certain, that a child can work the ftnrvt butbai hole with regularity and ease. Strong and beautiful. Special Terms, and Extra inducements to Mali: and Female Agents, Store Keeper#, te. r who will establish jCgrUicfe# through the country and keep our New Machines on Exhibition and Sale. County Rights given to smart agents free. Agent’s complete oiAjiti famished without any ex tra charge. Samples ot senring, descriptive cir culars containing Terms, Testimonials, Engrav ings, Ac., Ac., sent free. We also supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Patents and Improvements for the Farm and Garden, Mower*, ! sj> en, Cultivators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, Planters, Harvest ers, Threshers and all articles needed for Farm work. Rare K***Ut Lu Urge Variety. Ail Money sent in Post Office Money Orders, Bank Drafts, or by Express, will be at wir risk, and are perfectly secure. Safe delivery of ail our goods guaran teed. “An old and responsible firm that sell the best goods at the lowest price, and can relied upon by onr readers: Fp.rm&r’f Jobrtvqt, jYeur York. Not Responsible for Registered Letters. Address Orders JEROME B. liniKOV Jk C 0., Corner Greenwich uud Cortlaudt Streets, N. Y. sopt97-Gui MVH-r.htiiKV.m n AiivCnTfaFaiPlNTS, ATTENTION ALL! rhHE UNDERSIGNED would respeut- I FULLY inform the public that he has pre pared a lot at the Morven Camp Ground, whore lie will feed and take good euro of all horses en trusted to bin flare, during dump Meeting on reas onable terms. Would no glad to have all who want their horses fed to give him a call. W. J. HENDERSON. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH! riIHE UNDERSIGNED OFFEERH FOR SALE X every description of MEItCII VNDKIK at extremely low prices for CASH. A large lot of choice brand* of GEORGIA FLOUR. A splendid lot of EAGLE and PHCENIX JEANS. AH wool tilling. And would say in all earncstne** to tlioao who are indebted to him that payments must be mode. Cotton will be rpeeived at liberal prices iu pay ment of aeeonnts. oct4-tf S. D. EDMONDSON. L. DeWITT. R. MORGAN. T. S. SANFORD. DeWITT, MORGAN A CO., IHO CongresN 5(.., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, U r II,L, ON Ist OF SfcFTEMBER, COM MENCE opening tluiir Full and Win tor stock, and will offer the same fur CASH on tho must rea sonable terms. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS and CLOAKS, QUILTS aud TOWELS, EMBROIDERIES ami GLOVES, WOOLEN GOODS, tor GENT'S and BOYS, Full stock of PLANTER’S SUPPLIES. nnglti-if DK. D. COX, LIVE STOCK, SLAUGHTERED MEATS, —an— and It OI > I CJ H COMMISSION MERCHANT —AND— PURCHASING AGENT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Stock Lots. WILLIAM AND WEST BROAD STEETS. o:o I’poduce Depot IN BASEMENT OF CITY MARKET. COXSIOKMUm otr BEEF CATTLE, MILCH COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, GAM E , DRESSED MEATS, Ac., Ac., POULTftV, EGGS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MELONS, SUGAR, hywp; HONEY, HIDES, TALLOW, Ac. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. auglG-tf ItIKBUiXXIIDM AirVICKTISKMEIVT*. T. EPSON HOWELL. New Carriage Manufactory. riIHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE I in announcing to the public that he has opened a CARRIAGE, BUGGY and WAGON MAN I1V\( TORY IN QUITMAN, GKQHGIA, (Near the Market) And is now prepared to do all work in that line as neat as it can be done in the South. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK WILL BE DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. Painting anil Trimming CANNOT UK EXCELLED IN GEOR GIA. My principal Wood work trimi is Mr. 11l IIAM FKKTWELL, an old and experienced workman. AH work will be done promptly and on reasona ble terms, and warranted. Please give me u call before you give your work to others. Hcpli-im T. EPSON HOWEI.L. ueo. vriu.K, DEALER IN (' L 0 T II l N Gr , IIATS, CATS, Gent’* Furnishing' Goods, BOY S CLOTHING, TRUNKS, VALISES, llootiS <111(1 Slioos, No. 162 Bryan Street, Market Sqnare, UNDER BUESNAN’S HOTEL, Savanna!. Ga. > _____ _ HENRY & JOHN PARET, Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, 376 & 378 Broadway, Corner Wliite St., New York, Constantly Keep on Hand a Larga and Well Se lected Stock of MENS, YOUTH’S ANI> BOY'S CLOTHING. O Tills House Is represented Ilf JOIIV 11. WHITE, of' Uiillin, On., ulio will visit tlie Wciclimits of Georgia, ami Florida. jn2l**if The Best Low Price Piano Made is THE SOLTHEIIN ii EM, WHICH WE HAVE SOU) IN LA RGE NUMBERS, And with Great Satisfaction! Exlia Large Size: Seven Octaves, Rosewood Cases, Carved Legs, French Action, Agraffe Treble, Overstrung Base. Finished in Elegant Style, and warranted durable! REDUCED PRICES: s£9o, S3OO, $320, $340, S3BO. It is impossible to produce a better piano fur the money They are made for actual service, and will wear well. We well at these low prices, in order to demonstrate that we can compete with New York houses. BUY ONLY FROIYI US Or our authorized agents throughout the South. Spurious Southern Crars are now offered. We have exclusive control of the Southern Gem piam* for the South, and they cannot lie had ex cept from os. lift not he deceived; take none but the genuine, wlii/di have been thoroughly tested. LUDDEN A BATES, Wholesale Southern Agents. J. C. Gwllaher, Agent. si p2"-lm NEW GOODS, YI ( r E HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO AR \Y HIVE, a large stock of goods in our line, consisting of IV I N E GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY INENDLESS VARIETY, j GOLD PENH, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS. WALKING CANES, MJ.VEIt CASTOBB, 8P00NH; FOBKH-, CUPS anrt BUTTER DISHES, MOW I.AIH.FS CALI, IJH.LS, TAMJt KNIVES, POCKET KNIVES, PISTOLS, I'OWTjER CAPfL CAIiTKIDGKH of all aizuH, GAWK BAGS, SHOT BELTS, PUWDEIt FLASKS, etc. etc., We arc al*o Amenta tor the SINGER SOWING MACHINES. CI.OCRS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, ■—AND— GUNS AMD PISTOLS REPAIRED. We respectfully ask that our old friends and the public generally call and SEE UK. No trouble to show goods. W. E. BARNES CO. j sept l'J-tf. 1 >IIsIRI,MM!OrS ADVIOUTIHKMEM'a. (WITH LAtESf IJirOTOjnrtX.) FOR 20 YEARS THE Standard of Excellence' THRO U(J HOF T THE WOR LI). Over 750,000 in Use. If you think of buying a Sewing Machine it will pay you to examine the records of those now in use and profit by espmienee. The Wheeler Wilson sinful* a lorn* us the only l.iglil 11 ii lining; .ITiii-hini*, using fit, ftofury Histk, oinking n lock Stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. All shuttle machines waste power in drawing the shuttle back after tho stitch is formed, bringing double wear and strain upon both machine and operator, ucaou. while other machines rupidlv weal* out, the Wheeler ti; Wilson loists u TdTetime, and proves an eeonomical investment. Do not believe all that is promised by so-called “Cheap” machines, you, should require proof that yeitrs <f use have tested tludr value. Money mice thrown aYrtf cannot bn recovered. Sand for our rh crtlar*. Machine!! sold on easy terms, or monthly payment* taken. Old machines put in Order or received in exchange. WIIEftLER A WILSON MF’G CO.’S OFFICES: SavAnmth, Augusta, Mrteon and Columbus, Ga. W. B. Cf.nVES, Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ga. may.’U-llin MARKET SQUARE HOUSE VALENTINE BASLER, (Successor to his brother Antony Basler) TilR *AVI’.LL KNOWN TEN PIN AT.T.E\< At tke Old Stand, 174 Bryan St., opposi tv. Tin: market. Continues to keep on hand the beat of Brandies, Whiskies, Wines, Ales, A XI) ALL OTHER LIQUORS, My Foreign Liquors firo all of my own Import tstion. nngtMf Deg vr. \ DVKinTsiiui:\ts. Sliei-iir'is Sal>. STATE OF GEORGIA—Brooks County—Will be sold before the Court House door in the i town of Quitman oa the FHWT TUESDAY in I November next, within the legal hours of sale, the i following prop*-rty, viz: one hundred and twenty ! seven (127) Teres of land of lot No. 521 in t,h*J | 'Thirteenth District of Brooks county; and one ! hundred and five (105) acres of lot No. 516 in the I Twelfth District of Brooks county, levied on as j the property of John fh*lk r Uy sxtinty afL fa. is i snea by Brooks Superior Court, Dvronrber Termj i JB67,in favor of P. N. Vickers,for the use of A. M* ! Sloan vs John Polk, pr., and E. Wade, security. , October Ist, 1873. J. H. D. MnliAE. oett-4t Deputy Sheriff B. C. Sheriff’s Safe. VI-ILL BE SOLI) BEFORE THE COURT y\ House door, in the town of Quitman, on the FIRST TUESDAY in November next, within the legal hours of sale, east % of lot of land. No. 522, in the 13th District of Brook# county, levied on as the property of J. .T. Hodges; to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Brooks Superior Court in favor of .Tames Miller vs. Sarah A. and- J. ,J. Hodges, Adminifftmtors. Pointed out by Jy J. Hodges. ALSO, ('WOyfoltr hnnificd ami ninety acres of land* being parts of lots Nos-- 280 and 3151, in Morviu district, levied on as the property of the estate of James Perry, deceasett to satisfy a li. fa. ih i sued from Lowndes Knp(?yij)V Court, November term, J 873, hi fiiVor of Annie Folsom, guardian, Ac., v. Walter T. Joiner, administrator estate of James Perry, deceased. Property pointed out bvß. T. Kingsbenv, Plaintiff’s Attorney. J. H. D. McRAE, scpl3-4t : ft op tV Sheriff’, Brooks Cos. < iTATIOXS. STATE OF GEORGIA—Bkooks County WmiiucAS, David Hiers having applied to thd Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration upon the estate or R. li. RENFROE,deceased, lato of said coniitv, thdse are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the creditors and next? of kin of R. It. BENFROE, to be and appear at the Ordinary's office within the time allowed by law,and show cause, if nn.v they can, why permanent ad ministration should not he granted to David Hiers on R. R. REX FROK'S estate. October Ist, 1873. J. M. SHEARER, octl-4 Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Bmmuch County.— ‘ Whereas, Jas. 0. Morton, Executor of Mat ; rliew Young, represents to the Court in his peti j tion duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered staid Matthew Young’s estate. This i, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, | kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Executor should not be discharged r from his trust, anti receive letters of dianiMHnou lon the FIRST MONDAY ih January, 1874. This October Ist, 1873. J. M. SHEARER,* Ordinary. W. G. Bentley, Dep. Cl’k. oct4-3m STATE OF GEORGIA -Brooks County.—On the FIRST MONDAY in November nextf will ! apply to the Court of Ordinary of said coouty for j leave to sell lot of land number three bundled i and eight. (308) ill the Twelfth District of origi i nally Irwin, now said county of Brooks, for the ! benefit of heirs and creditors, except 70 aries, more or less, specifically bequeathed. October Ist, 1878. W. D. ROUNTREE. ocU-4t Executor of L. G. Arrington, dge’d. STATE OV SfiOjV.IA. ) B&Ookm County. £ Superior Court, May Term, 1873. j Prevent, RU Honor A. H. II an sell, Judge. Georgia M. DcLaransgft r. Lewis N. jDcLara naga—libel for divorce. Rule to perfect service, j It appearing to the Court by the return of the ! Sheriff that the defendant, does not reside in this* I county; and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is, on motion of coun sel, ordered that said defendant appear and am swer at the next term of this Court, else that the case be considered. in tkfarft, and the plaintiff 1 allowed Ur proewedu And it is further ordered that thi.f rule be pub lished in the Independent once a month for four mouths AUG. H. HAN SELL, Judge S. C. S. C. A tnw extra Hi from the minutes of said Court-; j.une2B-dani4irv W. G. Ben tump, Clerk. Administrator’s Side. rp\\o MONTHS Art Ell DATE APPLICATION will 1> mude to the Court of Ordinary of Brooks county, at the first regular term after the expiration of two mouths fiton* this' notice, t< t leave to sefi the laud* belonging to- the estate of William Folsom, late of said county, deceased; for l iur benefit of the kfcinr of sufcV deceased. September ls 4, 1873 v , , 1 W. R. RYALL, C. W. It FALL, sepfi-2t AdnarV estate of Wui. Folsom. Notice. ritHE UNDERSICXET) OFFERS FOR SALE , Jt liia valuable plantation, iu Brooks - county, seven miles- Mouth of Quitman, on the public, roud leading' to‘ MfcQisofi, Fla;, containing 080 acres; 400 acres in Cultivation. Aiso all the stock, farming implements, and the present crop of grain and forage of every description. All offered on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase will lie shown over the premises at ►w augSKMf JAS W. ILSON.