The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, May 28, 1881, Image 4

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    Nursing Wrings.
A man strike i m« with a sword and
irdiictg a wound. Suppose in. read of
binding up tlio wound i am showing
it to cvniybody; and af or it has been
Gourd up, I arn using <-ff tho bandage
C itituiually, and m e niag ’be daplh of
iba wouu 1 and causi ig it to foster, till
my limb becomes grea-ly inliatued and
my genera! health is materially ailected;
is there a person in tii« world that
would not eatl me a loo]? Now such a
fool is ho, who bv dwelling upon little
injuries or provocations, causes them to
agitato and intiame La mind. How
much better would i: ho to put a band¬
age overtho wound and nover look at
it again!
Tho cost of iluin aud Tobacco.
In New Jersey $7,5D0.d-'tO is expen¬
ded for tobacco, aud $22,145,500 is ex
pended for liquors, a total for two worse
than useless, dangerous ; n 1 destructive
articles of $20,7:J5,:>2<). With such an
exhibit, 13 it any wonder that people
are poorly supplied with life’s neenssi
lies. The amount expended in New
Jersey would pay 50 470 men $500
each for a year's work, and if this liquor
and tobacco were not consumed, that
number of men would find employment
in the product on of useful articles that
would benefit instead of befouling hu¬
manity, that would civilize instead of
cursing society. But the people will go
right, on and call us fanatics. —Home
- -----—--
On Mouday a clerk in Daniel At
M trail's drug store on the ground floor
of the Kimball Home, Atlanta, went
into tho basement of the drug store to
draw mtio, and striking a match to
make a light, gas from a carboy of nitre
ignited, causing an explosion, which
created great excitement and brought
out the entire firo department. Lula
Downing, a giilwho wo.ked in tho drug
store, was severely hut not fatally burn¬
ed. Mr. Daniel, a member of the firm,
had his hands considernb'y burned in
extinguishing the (lames from tho girl's
dress, i be damage to the stock was
slight. —A therm Chronicle.
Why is a spendthrift 8 purse like a
tnunder-cloud? Because it is continually
To avoid being cheated in a horse
trade, ho sure that your horse is abso¬
lutely worthless.
When Romo politicians are weighed
they, are found wanting every otijice
In which tlioio is a vacancy.
Jones who goes to the “lodge” quite
ofien, says that Mrs. J. could give
nihilists several poiotson blowing up.
“Does your wife play euchre?" asked
one Xu; replied the other, rubbing
his head, “but she is death or. poker.’
A Young man sent sixty cents to a
firm Lhat advertised a recipe to pre¬
vent baa dreams, lie recieved a slip
of paper on which was written, “Don’t
go to sleep.”
“The yoars may come and the years
may go, but 1 go on for Eva/' sang
young Tompkins, aa he pulled on his
kids and started for his girls house.
He was a fine looking man, and ho
proudly strutted down toe sidewalk
with the air of proprietorship in every
movement. Beg pardon, said a strang¬
er as he stopped up to him, hat in hand
in utmost humility. Do I have your
permission loiemaiu in town over night?
A young lady at an Oshkosh tern
perance meeting said: Brethren and
sisters cider ia a uaccssity to mo and 1
uniat have it. ]f it is decided that wo
are not to drink cider 1 shall ear, apples
and get some young man to squeeze tno
for I can't live without the juice of tho
Mother, roniarked a Duluth girl l
Hunk Harry must he going to propose
to mo. Why so, my daughter? queried
■ he old lady laying down her specta¬
cles, whlstier taco beamed liko the
moon in its fourteenth night. Well
bo asked math's ov< nng if I wasn't
tired of living with such a menagerie
us you and dad.
There is no law in Illinois legalizing
any kind of woman suffrage but a Rock¬
ford separate ballot boxes were pro¬
vided by the City Council for women
to vote, tnoroly as an expression of their
opinion on the question of liquor license
or prohibition. Tbov gave a majority
of three to one for prohibition.
A Man who was to poor to indulge in
any luxuries other thau children was*
presented triplets—three by a loving boys—and unreckoning |
wife with he '
nought for sumo family to adopt thorn. I
Mr. Clark was rather inclined to take i
them but, his good wife thought one |
would perhaps lie enough. They were I
talking it over before their little 8 year
old daughter, who said, “Why don't j
you take one of them, ms, or don't they 1
want to break the eeC !
Upright Pianos Unequalled for
Tone And Design
Sew and Elegant Parlor Organ
Catalogues sent free. AGENTS WANTED
-o- Correspondence Solicited. -- 0 -
foil j' P#% V J?t w U ;i; V is '■ A ) it
met w m R nm 171 E 4 a If
I m m: fen* :j \j h 4 J ksi Ls && i
Ih n mum euro f<-r nil f?i« C-r which U 1» meotnhusr left*
tuiil i.i .h i ' I£K HAl'lu i;i the htUuur
Ol'escu the :no*pericneed persona*
It la ft ftisro iiiivl riMHily for HO 4*15
f THROAT, CillfiliS, u!,il hlmihir lnni!*!e.s; ;n»fuot
relief in the most inn»h;niiiit of hlHl'S’llKKii, hiu!
is tJie best known remo'.y t *r 1: h< uimUTsm and Ncstr u l*t».
Tho Oldest, Boot, end iVJost Widely Krcvati
Family WIcdicino in tho World.
R !•«.* Recti uscql with uucli woiulrrfitl mien »» »i til
fGO parts* )»VHHmKV, of tin) world uu.t t.r c;i:AMrs,T51OI.»0!tA,lRAHKI»tl.. all W) CV Kl. COM PLAINT'S Uuu *,
u w
cousuiui-c-l an uufuiling cine for these disc-uscs.
Has stood the tost of Forty Years’ Constar.ti
Us© In all Countries and Climates*
S* RKnOHIlKMiEl) by Phy»U la»».
flVf’H) •.Jol'i it ’C 1‘htlhahORki \\
%ri*-n, 1 'a :iru«*«* Id. $iw piiitl*t in short by
EuryivUcit, Who bn*! (*.> ! *'iven it it trial.
((s ,,411 !j ip pi',,1 It 1 11 • ; InhiM ! l / 5 ► ! -v;C-1 at\r:i' y h’hl ; j i.*»«*• « I] ”1 Dll’ I ! »l*i i ) • l Hi Xio I'dcf ia a. tlw t. i l !lai CotiL'Ji k Ot afettl ii J 4* Sit?.« islC*
^ S-*%t. •• is run, e:e,
^ 'P - k ; M '■*« '>'/•« “ «I.*t “•. b will*.); billies
Z--7TT-TJ-ra\u H.U.I >' I!: C.-: ti hi ‘.-•el. ma Us jUH'tf J
YN I M11 ticl I’cHcti of j !I II is J.t JiV bOi?., aiul d«j*
\.Jr botlie, IhlU CU 1 I ! Hi oblttilir • I ft'olu till
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. J.
t’l ou.ri.itof «
Etlirnary 2Stli, 1S80.
f - — g - -----
tfAAJL /A*. CZ&AjiSfrh v ^lT'
’SAP- p « p e 1
MfttuKiitw jra*',iMK v
&Lk, ■aAu’V
* PA*~ cC*p+t)
SB . SIR &3S < *5» J , VvCi if U”. 1 < *
~ OF —
Xiigtit ! Otylisli J ” 4 5"C r fi tcz tocdl '&
SAVE your 3I32TST, Trite for Cataloyio and PSICE LIST to
Also SOLK Manuf ac toners The Rost e» Euddioard Po
oi tho cel« hr.vtt‘d hwai'w.N . 9
x;jaaAT 'vim*. NEW HAVEN, COG^y
WEEK in von- own town, r nil no
capital risked. You can give the
business a trial without expense.
The best opportunity ever offered for
willing to work. Yon should try nothing
until you see for yourself what you can
at the business we offer. No room to ex¬
here. You enn devote nil your time or
your spare time to the business, aud make
pay for every hour that you work.
make as much as men. Send for spe
private lorius and particulars which we
free. 85 outfit free. Don’t complain oi
tones while y»u have such a chance. Ad
dress 11. IIALLKTT .1 CO., Portland Maine.
\ GENTS WANTED for the Best and Fast
**-■ cat-Selling Pictorial Books and Billies.
reduced i>., per cent. National Pub¬
Co-, Atlanta Ga.
GOLD.! Great ehansc to make money.
We need a person in every
town to take subscriptions
for the largest, cheapest and
best Illustrated family publication in the world
Any oiio can become ft successful sgent. Six
elegant works of art giveu free to subscribers.
The priee is so low that almost everybody
subscribes. Otic augent reports taking 120
subscribers in a day. A lady agent reports
making over $200 clear prfit in ten days. All
who engage make money fast. You etvn devote
aliyour time tc the business, or only your
j spare night. time. You You need do not it he awny well from others. home
] | over Full directions and ean free. as Elegant ns and
! expensive Outfit free. If you want a pirolita
I ble work pend ns your address at No once. It
costs nothing to try the business. one who
efigago faiils to make great pay. Address
GEORGE STINSON * C0-, Portland, Maine
, $C!CTIONA/ } yfc mm HTP^j
m •' V -
-Hi' — I — -
If you iiit€*it«l Home <lay to ^jot
Contains over 113,000 Words,
1920 Pages, 3000 Engraviaga,
Pour Papes Colored Plates,
4600 MTV WORDS and Meanings,
Bios^a/jIGcrT Dictionary
cl over £ 00 ^Tnmcs.
mt- “!>.«-« 1«-fe:l:f ;! ewii.jil, lo
rft- lisli ]iietioiiaiy.’' j£ m
J3L.J4. !{()00 V.nv'rav!ny«, m urly throe «S. hL
tinies as ihuhv u< miy < ther iticfry.
•pYDry mThh.I an,l hitniiy tihoukl liuve it
lt»r 1 . 1 . t'eiieo. f
ah. cf ;*.< is over P:0 times tho gy
Mile of any other series of biietiounri*'.-.
rjliio ileliDitioD “bi^io .”—(Jhitj -1 iiuthority Justice < f the tttiifr. Courks in n*^
% u nlinost universal authority in deci<i- Jnkm A
/n. ing the metutiug ol w-mtIs.
liT'i other Dictionary !. .'•• been bought by TvIT
Jany stat i to Mtppty Us SeliooU/'
V^ictionaryon Tviiieh !»ii>,e-ti*ntliN of tho J&jJ?
Scliool lioole- oi the eountry are bused.
uthority in Washington. the CJoven’unent I’rintiug A
Jt3» fhheo at Jan. Issl.
c torn me tit lot by Sunt’s Schools in
.■hw 36 Btuten, nn4 &() Pollego i’r-'shs.
JLJ ■y^iction.nrv than 32,000 that has public hoen .vehooi }>laeod in in more IhS. J.J
('ul.lia..-.lby c, &C. ME3RIAV.. Spriniffid.l, M:m*
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary
.nio Pa,-os Octavo. COO Engr:viii;is ^
Tho only Vapor Cool: Stovo that has stood
tho tost of years, and given entire
and perioct satisfaction.
Now in use. ;iml growing in favor wherever
used. Those v ho hnvo them will not
do wllLout them.
Tho Most Simple, 1 ho Most Durable,
The Most Perfect, Tho Most Economical,
No Sweltering I lent, No Fires to Build,
No Ashes to Remove, No Fuel to Carry,
No Smoke, No Odor.
Does every description of cooking or other
work heretofore, done by theordinary cooking
stovo or range, with case and perfect comfort
Washing, ironing, linking, broiling, fruit
ctuituug, heat etc., etc., without the insufferable
ot tho old fashioned cook stove, aud
always Our ready.
‘‘Patent Automatic Safety (‘an ” rend¬
ers tho use of our stoves “perfectly safe ’’ in
tho hands of the most careless or inexperi¬
Send for full descriptive circular and price
occupied list.—Special inducements to agents in un¬
Cleveland, Otilth
April 16th, 1SSI.
The Courier-.!ourunI, (HENRY \yATER
SON, Editor), is by circulation and reputation
the acknowledged Representative Newspaper
ot tlio South. As a reliable and valuable
newspaper, it has no superior in tkis country
or iu tlio world. It makes earnest, vigorous
war on Protective tariff'Robbery and Mormon
Polygamy, two evils that blight the prosperi¬
ty aud morality of the United States. It is
a hie, bright aud newsy, contains the strongest
editorials, the most complete summary of the
news of the world, tlio best tolographie and
general correspondence, full tint and stock
reports,market reports, fashion reports, Till
mage’s sermons, splendid original serial sto¬
ries and novelettes, poetry, department for
children, answers to coraespondents, etc., etc.:
in a word, everything to make it a deiight to
tlio family circle, and invaluable to the Ilian of
business, the farmer, tho mechanic, and the
Specimen copies and full descriptivb premi¬
um circulars will be sent free of charge to any
cue on application. Subscription terms, pos¬
free, are—1«r Daily, $J2; Sunday, $2;
Weekly, with preuium, $2; without premium,
Any mu! ssuding four yearly subscribers
and six dollars, will he entitled to an extra
copy of the Weekly Courier-Journal one }ear,
tree to anj- address. Address
President Courior-Journul Co., Louisville, Ky.
$ 1500 TO $20 No : risk. $0000 aday in A Women yourown YEAR, do locality. or S5 to
as men. Many make more
than tho amount stated above, No one can
fail to make money fast. An v one can do the
work. Yon can make from 50 ets. to $2 an
hour by devoting your evenings and spare
time to the business. It cost# nothing to try
the business. Nothing like it for money nia •
king ever ifferred before. Business pleasant
ai.d strictly honorable. Reader, if you want
to know all about the best paying business
beforethe public, send us your address and we I
will send you full particulars andprivateterms
free; samples worth $5 also free; you cuu theu
make up vour mind for yourself. Address
GEORGE 8T1NS0N AO., Portland, Maine.
Sows Grain, Grass Seed,
Hemp, Rice, Everything,.
Ho man can do it so well by hand.
It docs the work of 5 mem
It’has stood tho test of years. Re¬
ceived First Premium at 21 State
Fairs ia 2 years. Good, Substantial,
Reliable Machine, warranted to do all
that is claimed for it.
Prico only $6,00. j
Send stamp for descriptive circular/
E. Whitman’s Sons, Agents,
II. M. Smith & Baltimore, Md.
Co., Agents,
Richmond, Va.
ANTRIM, N. H., .
Sole Manufacturer
O ate™ Roofing
■ -v
i«r i togL
I •
"With thiii PiTt old shingles can 1>3
made t.> loo!: ! tterimd last l.mgci than
new -liitudi- far eim-third tin) coi t of
1 O-sliiiiglittg-.
Equally good far tin or iron; r.ud far
pori>u> biicK wall; >• uneqiulk-d.
It i-i elastic—will expand or contract
with h -t or e. Id. Th-s i- an indl.six-n
able-quality in a<!>.:■ a,h- Rooting P/nt,
It will not crack, ptvi or scale; being
slate, will not nisi or cwrodo.
It has a lie-ivy V-> ' v—one coat be-in ,-;
equal lo three t f any oilier.
It is sold nt a -.-riPa that, enable-a
everyone to hav • a well punl.ed mot
Four handsome - iin.U-*.....- Boof-Siatc,.
B«own. iled ansi Brigut R«»d.
Price in barrels < f 45 to 50 gallons,
only (10 cunt-, per gall -u.
"/.Her a mo>); thoronrrj pse cf
this paint, M" mo-t. coidiaHy iv
coinnteml if, aro ar.ij-fi' d that
if «»«M-a r.vil it will h - tu-d--**-* ...
second an 1 il/r! tia>e." -[H, '
]»• w. a. In It; ’ c,o‘L S.-;C0-
18^0. j
Send Tor circular :m 1 .‘■-.-im])lcs, and
mention this paper.
K. jF2. PAINT & OIL GO,,
Selling Brass,copper,Composition, Agent- lor Bertram’.- Oil P
ii;-h for Net
It nays Aftcnts t.i Sell tho Standard Ayrlenltursil Boofe
New, Farming Accurate, Comprehensive. for Profit
In If A Complete Faria
ary in 1 1 so A yd snre^guido samjSdmssi to Bucccjsful farm i nr.
Make Money I |J
t *“ve* many ttnu.-* Its cost every Setwun. SC -1 nanej
j. 140 Iliusrr.-ith'ns. Scud for Circular;; and terms t;>
C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Merchants, Manufacturers,
Nurserymen, Florists,
Stationers and
Business People
everywhere are delighted with, and
Make and Save Money
by using the world-renowned Model
It is large ge enough enc to do all the printing printing and required, strong, rapid,
EASY TO I'O WORK, WORK always reliable, any boy can manage it,
And do hundreds of of dollars dollars worth worth of ot work work every every year. year, We make
twelve styles, both hand and loot power, ranging ging in in price price fro Irom
S '-oo upwards. Send 3-cent PRHSShas stamp lor circulars. Over 7,000 in
use. nnth (Jjr* ami “ good Tn* MODEL ahead."—H. a!iea«I. mad -do me over $60.00 last
month ami good prospects prospects Riks. Houston, Tex.
4 ‘ My intingf MODEL UkhsS hav over paid for ;*...or itself -1----i_ already! car( i
alone."—YV, V. YYcxjlakd, Fairfield, Ills. “The
11 and even more than you claim for it."—I. H.
SNYDER, Newto >n, N. J. First Prizes at Paris. ’78. andSydney,
N.S. W., *79. Address all orilers or inquiries to manufacturers;
J. IK. Dauyhaday & Co. 7 21 Chestnut St. Philadelphia
Al.Fl-.ED AVKBY. J.S. Bassktt.
1'M.itor. Cen t Advertiser,
Late oi “ II03IS and F.ULM.”
“SOimTaiTd WEST,"
Pend for sample copies of “SOWTIf anti
WEST.” which is a first-lass agricultural
and family paper, published semi-monthly at
low price or 50 Cents a Yeah. Politics are
ignored. General news, valuable infor¬
mation, and The interesting best of correspondents reading matter are fur¬
nished. contribute
all sectionsof theeountrv. Useful premiums
liberal commissions will be given to club
Samples Fuse.
Address, “ SOUTH & WEST,”
210 Pino Street, St. Louis, Mi*.
A DEN li> W ANTED for the best and f»stesd
.V selling pi it in i;ii U,,oks anil B ihles Iriccs
23 per ceil* Natijxa!. PcrL sa-NO NQ
Philadelphia, l’a. ’ ‘