The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, October 08, 1881, Image 1

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    in : A......CHUECH
VOL. 11
SI? Aulmfea,
’ubiislied Every Saturday 'doming.
(r.iioe—la ths Court House, room,
Eastjdown Stairs, Cleveland, (la.
6 D It AG EX rs !
The following named gentlemen
legally authorized to act as Agents for
the Cleveland Aadvehtiser.
you have not paid your
and it is convenont to band it to
of theso gentlemen, you will much
oblige Yours Truly,
Alex. Ciiuech, Publisher.
Rev. W. H. McAfee, Dahlonega, Ga.
J W. Meeks, Blairsville, Ga.
C. H. Kvxle. Mossy Creek, White Co.
Kev. J. U, Bell, Tegenteo Dist.,
Gus.s Lvox, Burton, Rabun
E«ocai Items
We hope our subscribers will uot for¬
get to call and pay their subscriptions
while they are here. We need it, and
mauy of you have promised to pay us
this timo.
Up to the present timo we have
tho most quiet court that has been held
in Cleveland for many years. In truth,
if tbero has ever seen a more
and quiet timo during court, wo do
now recollect it.
-------------- ------
Long excuses are not necessary. We
.arc serving our county iu the
jury room, which of course accounts for
this half sheet. After emirt is over
calculate to make up for all lost’ time.
■ Vye call the epTcfST Tr
public to tlfe advertisement of C.
Asbury, in anothcrcolmnn of this
Mr. Asbury has a splendid stock
goods, such ns tho people want
need, and when you staff to
with your produeo wo adviso you
turn in tho direction of Lula, and when
you get there don’t forget to call and
see C. W. Asbury first.
----- ------- -
Air. Albert Meadors of Mossy Creek
presented to us this week ono of the
largest, best filled, and largest grained
ears of corn that wo have had the
pleasure of seeing for a long timo. Mr.
Meaders has a small crop of this corn,
and the ear above mentioned is of aver¬
age size throughout tbo field. It is ten
inches in length, aud'measures ten and
a half inches around the center.
..........— -♦-■—<*-—
White county Superior Court convene
ed on Monday, 3rd instant, his Hon. C.
J. Wellborn presiding. After empan
neling the juries tho Court proceeded
to business in tho usual way. Ilia Hon
or's charge to tho Grand Jury was
thy, and delivered iu a solemn and im
pressive manner.
Tbo traverse Jury for the
week was drawn ou Tuesday.
Grand Jurors first chosen will
during the present term.
The bar is ably represeated by Col.
H. II. Perry and Col. Dorsey,
Gainesville; Cols. Wier Boyd, W. P.
Price and M. G. Boyd from Dahlonega;
Judge C- II. Sutton, and W. T. Crane,
and Solicitor W. S. Erwin, from Clarks¬
ville. Tho local bar is composed
Hon. J. J. Kimsey, VV, K. Williams, A.
F. Und.rwood and J. W. Ii. Under¬
For tbo Advertiser.
Autumn like mornings.
Another new store at Burton.
Early sowed ryo is in some dauger
the worm.
Syrup making time; look out for a
candy palling
Miss Sallie, (?) of Clayton is visiting
friends at Tallulah this week She's a
lively one, aoa don t you forget it.
Miss Maqv and John are kind r uniting
their affections.
More display of the temper at Rogues
Ford, Sol Rainey's brains were shot
cut iu self defence- True statemeuts
. Wh^WW, /^Sl
i p 101*1 P \^s'
^3 'v^e*h7 AbA <
of the case are unknown at present.
Too much liquor.
Who got an umbrella broke on bis
head iu Clay ion last week;
This is a beutiful morning and tiio
little birds sing like spring of tbo year.
F ir the Advertiser.
The Annual Celebration of the White
county Sunday School Association was
hold at Mossy Creels Campground, on
Friday, 30th September The morning
was ono of unusual lovelinee; nither too
cool, nor too warm: neither too wot nor
too dry. The bracing atmosphere and
clear blue sky seemed to brighten tho
countenance and increase the sniiles on
the face of bappy childhood. At an
early hour in the forenoon could bo
seen groups of people of all ages and
sizes with all sorts of conveyances,
emerging from their quiet homes and
turning in tho direction of Mossy Creek
Camp ground.
Quite a largo congregation of people
had arrived before your correspondent
reached the grounds, aud a little to his
surprise the Rev. G, G. Smith, of Gaines¬
ville Ga., was delivering an address.
He occupied the time of ttie forenoon
exorcises, for tho reason that he was ;
compelled to return to Gainesville the j
samo afternoon. The address was a i
•‘unique’' one—grave, didactic and com- j
ic, alternately, throughout. It is hoped
that those who heard it will receive
large Alter benefit from it. referred the j j
the address just to, |
audience repaired to wagons, carriages
&e., or to tents and feasted from their con-1 *
j baskets, From tbo expression >f j
tenement upoa tbo faces of the people,
I suppose there was ‘‘broad enough and
to spare," ..... .
About one n'ch ek, p. m„ Rev. W. B.
Bell, President of the Association, took
Wn the chair and announced
stand and gave us an elegant speech,
teaching us ‘‘bow to use this world."
Next came Mr. Wm. II, Dean with a
line speech, telling us what drunkenness
is. and pointing out many of its bad
eff c's. After this wo heard several
little Ooys, viz; Daniel Brnwnlow, Ley
Warwick, O-cur Konimer, Albert Hen¬
derson, Robert Ledford and Mai ian
Quillian. These pieces were all deliver¬
ed in a creditable manner. We also
heard some good pieces r ad and do
1 vered by a fow of the jouug ladies,
wh s > winning smiles and bright faces
added additional charm; to the occa¬
sion. These pieces were interspersed
with a few well selected songs, which
were sung by tho schools in concert.
At tho close of the exercises, the
President made a brief talk, and de¬
clined to serve tho Association tbo ens
suing year, as its chief officer. Whores
upon the pasrer of Cleveland circuit
was elected president and Rev. it. M.
Anson vice president. Too association
resolved to hold another celebration at
Mossy Creek Campground on tho 4th
Saturday in July 1882
Taking it all together, Mr. Editor,
your correspondent pronounces the cel¬
ebration an enjoyable affair, aud thinks
you missed it by staying away.
Dull Plains, Ga.. Oct. 2nd, 1881.
A Wedding in Wyoming.
Oil City Derrick.
Camping near tbo town, wo secured
our stock and then went iu. Entering
the leading store, I introduced myself
to Air. Stiffs, one of the proprietors aud
the post-master.
‘It is now half past 2, and at three
there’s to be a wedding dowu the street
at Jonas Burton’s. Old Jonas is a
rough old coon that we elected Justice i
of the Peace about a month ago, and,
as this will bo his first attempt at a 1
marriage, I think we will see some fun. j
Como and go down with me.’ | j
We went to the old ‘Squire’s cabin,
We found him pouring over a large vol- j
time of the statutes of Wyoming, sweat- j
ing liko a horse and looking anxious. !
After greeting us bo said;
'Stiles, the durnod galoots that got.
these -yer laws harju't gumption enough
to last’em over night. 1 ve run tbroreff •
au’ the can't blamed find book dad a half blasted a dozen word times, about! |
metermony is proceeded ,.or with how t!ie I’ve bitebin' just process j
got ter i
put the clanip 8 on th s couple hit or
miss, an' ef I don't yoke 'em legal I ,
I can't help it '
‘Ob! sa d stiles, ‘just do the best vtu
can. Auy kind of ceremony will do in ,
this country for the people'll never
question the legality of the thing. I 1 ! i
j j post Su you then as well explained as l caD.’ to him about ;
how he should proceed, and the old
man finally thought fl pMp fm could
through in tolerableftpvpe. Ere long ;
tiio couple appeared, followed by a
crowd of citizens of the camp. The
candidates stood up bojuro the ’Squire,
wlio began:
‘Feller citizens, this War man an’ this :
yar woman have appeared the before the
court . to be hitched in legal bands
of wedlock. If any that' galoot in the mob
of anything tpout block the
(•{ tuk to a higher court, let him
now toot bis bazoo, or'* else keep his
jaw to himself now and forever more,
All in favor o’ mo pereoediu’ as author -
ized by the law, say ‘I.’
Everybody said, T.’
‘Contrary, ‘no,’
‘The motion's carried unanimously,
an' the Court rules that thar bain’t
nutbiu’ to prevent the tryiu’of the ease
Grip y. r tius.‘
Tho candidate’s joined hands, ‘ Vmos
Peabody, do you solemnly swa’ar thet
vejl freeze to ‘Mandy furever an' ever?
Thet ye’ll lovo ’er, and pervide fur 'cr,
and treat ’er equar an’ white. occordin’
to the rules au’ regulations sot down to
govern such cases in the laws ’o the
United States, so help yer God?’
’Yaas. sir, I do Hr.’
’That fixes your emj T*f the bargain.
Mandy Thomas, do you solemnly
swa'ar that you'll hang on to \tnos for
all cornin’ time, that ye’ll nuss in sick
ness an’ be squar to him in wellness,
that ye’ll always h* to him a good, true,
honest, up-an’-up wife under the penal
ties prescribed by the laws for the pun
ushment of sich^ffoitae.*; do you swa’ar
this, so help yer God?'
‘I swa’ar I will.*
‘Then by the power in mo vested as
Justice o’ tho Peace, ju an* fur this pro
ciuct. I pronounce you, Amos Peabody,
husband, an’ you, 1 Mandy Thomas,
wife, and legalize ye tt p remain as sieli
now an' furevenue-" an’ ye’ll stand
committed till costs in the
ease ha.f iv God have
Ms union
Tfe fees arid eosu were adjusted,
and, after receiving thl fucnsrai illations
of the Assembly, the lowly made bus.
band and wife departei for their cabin
up the creek.
Very Vicious.
The Bulletin says: "Wo believed
the principle underlying prohibitory
liquor laws to bo vicious.’ Perhaps so:
but let us see if the belief which inspires
the Bulletin editor is founded on facts
I'he principle underlying prohibition
is the protection of the lives property
and happiness of tho masses front the
ravages of the liquor traffic. The re¬
sult of prohibition ia to drive the dram
shop keeper out of the degrading business
of making drunkards, into honest calling.
Of course this seems \ery vicious to the
liquor seller. Prohibit: 11 destroys the
plana of politicians who retake rum holes
ther recruiting places, w here they or¬
ganize the ward bummers to carry an
eleetiou. This uo doubt seems vicious
to tbo politeian. Prohibition destroys
tho business of the police magistrate and
tho criminal lawyers, which may im¬
press them as being vicious in its tet -
deucy. It cuts oil' the sale of beer and
whisky, which makes the brewer and
distiller howl as though kicked by a
vicious mule. Oh, Yes! prohibition is
decidely vicious!
Further on in his editorial Oberiy says;
"Our opinion is that temperance work
must be none by Murphy movements.
which do uot degenerate into political
movements.' This is just the opinion
of the "Beer Brewers' Congress'’ and
distillers’ organizations all through the
country. As long as temperance people
sing., "Dare to be a Murphy,' and
liceuso the rum course all is serene
with the drunkard maker. As long
ius they sing,‘‘Rescue tho Perishing.’’
* ud f’° 10 lbo box » ud vot « ?< r
beer tubs to make tiio laws everything
ia lonely. Just as soon however as tho
ballot is turned against this o\ il wh cli
threatens borne State and nation the
organs of the ruturneries howl aud forth
piteous wail for the Murphy
Well let ’em bowl. It.
svv eef music lor the drunkard s wife and
ttb o broken-hearted mother, whoso first
u, rn sleeps under tbo sod in a
il[ d g ruve -
---»•*—— -
So ‘‘Second” About It.
Tho _______________ Gainesville Eigle publishes a
In which it is
ipat “efforts are being made to organize
second Baptist church hero.’—The
who are interested in this trove
tnent desire us to say that if a
is organized here it wili nor, be a
oue, but oao of a
"■*> I ) <
s rt. And is proper u* exp aia r
time tLero ate *-me Bapti.-t- m i 11 ,.n
who believe that .Jesus’Chi 1 st b. tho
griumof G<vl ta.-.:nd death lor ever;
that salvation is oilered to al. . . \ \\r,,t
!non are lost it is not because of
‘ d. crocs" hairing them out of h uvea,
but because they chons* the cours- th >t
leads to bell.— Abo th Geoi\ i i:i
- «-»->«♦ ------- - -
Is II Right?
Is it right for men who profess and
call themselves Clnistivnsto pi..« ‘Lend
us not into temptation,’ and men heed¬
lessly expose themselves to the inline ■,;■>■
of d.inks which have tempted aud nre
iued thousands ?
Is it right for men to ask God to "Give
us this day our daily bread,’ aud then
support a system which licenses men to
destroy the good grain by converting it
iuto body and soul destroying drink f
Is it right to build churches, chapels
and schools to help to save tho people,
aud at tho samo time license men and
women to open shops in which liquors
are sold which will destroy the people?
Ifc it right to license a man to sell
drink which will make people
aud then fine mou aud women for get¬
ting drunk
Is it tight to license men to malic
paupers and criminals, and tax sooei
aud virtuous people to pay rates to keep
Is it right to derive a revenue out, of
a system which demoralizes aud de¬
grades tho people?
Is it right for people to wish tho tem
perauco cause succeis, and at the same
time coutitiuo to drink aud support the
liquor traffic? .
is’t light for any man or woman who
wishes well to their couutry J to stand
aloof ... from the . only , certain cure for , our
liUtiutKli iatdaipbranct^
U^it right for scholars a Sunday-school beware teach
er to teach to ot the
1 dangers of the publieslibu e with bre ad
i-iOtiilM,;. “del: jygx ‘ 1 > g M- 1 '- dmt fftia* Will'* '
(lore places?
Is it right for a minister of religion
to preach against drunkenness, while
be continues to use tuodiuik
alone produces it?
Is it right to admit into Christian
churches, as members, liquor boilers or
persons any way interested in tbo trafs
lie, who, by their business, are constant
ly hindering the spread of the Go-pel,
and leading proleasora of religion as
tray ? *
Is it rigl t to expect God to help
Christian efforts vvheu these efforts aie
tainted with the money which comes
from the ruin of souls?
Is it right to do wrong to produce
right? and
Js it right to ask these questions,
if so, what answer can cacti reader give
to there ■ — John IF, tiirton.
' 1
| j
A sure anti speedy enre for Sore
Throat, Coughs, Colds, l^lphfheria,
Cli i Us, Diarrhea, Dysent ery,Cramps,
Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick
Headache, Neuralgia T Rheun»atisin,
j Bruises, lYrfceOtf Cuts, Sprains, etc.
' eertiin «/,' to use inUrnalii/ or crtcrnaHv.arul
to affurd relief. N'o family can afford to
be without it. Sold by all druggists at »3c.,
50c., and §1 a bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors,
Providence, R, I.
I OX tii'S SA Hi.
' n nd
Superui v Vi.u, i of the
by his ! inner 0. .!. \V
sidin'; tbeveu., at tIto
bl? SHiid be tore ib v C?
la mi, i said county
i t * r ^ b v. 1 0 saln-s,
a luViar 1 SS ( , two M>TS
si).TUI ». mv Whim ci,
a^ruu off. run httl
The.-U 1 u is arc sold n
pur'if tv; IU ailUMi /
: said on ler ot Court l
i tor inirtiuuH in mho < -.
! These has woo twin . Mu;! t i.t i
which is so locate I that water -v.o he hrmi.
spoil it, s.n<1 costly ti. veloj.c.t. 1' is well -hi
atcil also, with regard to reads ami i-aikus
To ic? ca.-li mid ti:i < p rfcct.
CALVIN it. KA PAVaN’eJ rLB, • Commission!
Oct. 8th, IS-H . tds.
belters of Dismission.
(j F OIK j Li, While County:
’HKUEAS Lurk, Ixeeulor of tho
» • last will anil I , trie out of It. U . ILheoml.
hit ol saul funnily Ueeoiisod, represents to
the Lour in his petition liul.v lilt'll ami etitir*
e<i on record, that he h.ifulir discharged uH
the, uutie? required oi U?:*i ns Uxccut'.. I the
estate ol It. C. Uo eoniiie deev'Seal i'tiis is
the re loro to cite all ptr.-oti-'. eoucertied, Loirs
and crciiitnvs to show ea use if any they can,
why said Executor should ui.t he tiHch.irgen
from Lxcutorship and receive Leu-i < t uis
missioH on the first .Monday uj Janu.iri iSS-,
T'ais October .'Ird, 1SSI.
ISAAC O.VKKS, 0uliunry.
Oc. sth, nun'.-.
CLOKUJA, —■; ( 7 - 11 —— kite --------------- County.
Appucaeion . will , , to , ths , Court
l ,; »>e iiuiao u(
Urili arv u{ , ai(t coun(y w hi „. ;iaJ Mlili ,, l „ .
ot Cuor^ia, uttbe tirst r a I r terui altur
expiration of four » ei s nor- this m. -c , »•
iuHv-j y> tho lauds belonging to the estate
ot Jephtha Jituuina D iate ot said county dt
j jES sI-, HUNT, Adinr. With (he will unrt xeA
j „f jejitha Jfretman, deceaneii.
Out. tnli ifisi. :au..
......— --------
j aCOUGlA, White County;
| " jrvj V Virtue of an oruer from tho Honorable*
j -v (7^urt ot thtiinuiy of F.iid county, will
; be sold on the iii. t Tl. "day in iSoveiiiber m xt,
! at the court house ioor iu the town of Cievo
hmd 111 said 1 ‘ouniy, vviihin I he lav* Ini hours
t»i sale, (lah) op - hundred aid tiily nen > of
iund 111 < r»- r it beiiifC all the interest •.!
j .1 esse Tun * >' • • easeil io nnd to lot ol« i
No. ( 1 i: i ty our in the l th l>i;*driet ot bri
gim.llv itaVoM;-hum hut new \\ bile county; it
; being all that j»art el snul lot lying north ot
a hi^h ridge luuning; throught tho same Irom
iu»si to west, ou whi<*!i Mv t ease 1 noided beioi«
j his deatii. Sold lor the bent lit of the heirs
, aud creditors of saul beeoasuu. Terms tu.-h.
Tuis September atb, !T ; e> 1.
A lit’UKD X. lih^T’KK, Adm'.ni^ratur,
• t. 10 .
c c -
tMS * -« )»t
*> £ Ai
c Md*-’ _
M is/ j it. ’j”
rff V- ■ 'V V' ft
■>•' '
■ •
’^1 \ Jir-J • M V H
t> ?■
-X ■;
"t ‘Mij; m t**tzaua - fj, 1
riz xvxrizzz t>: ivi-r/rcrrr-.
The whitest, nicest and Post good:; made.
Guaranteed pure, saoe.i- r in (,’iality and
style of package ‘ > any brand in tho
world. Takes less quantity to do the
same work. Ask your grocer for it, aud
tifcve no other.
il il r Lu.
An ! Jim Ejuti-lui uabnet.
Aii elm; out Ohro:i» t» Liti v»;T:if ft if our : a i •
I ! • ■ i O-iideli t u.iu ku»v; s LlU t«T r.tli j* v »a;^* {'nil -
red in ID (Vi It. is on l.e.TV.v i t .::**r with a vU u
A'dd o.>rd *r. 8!Kf‘ 1 *• V Vfi ii tc* • j bu 'h ie cf
I hi: 1) ‘Til* iful work o l art l t:i s hecit r»?IJ |» L U * -
pTect don { ed .! '■ v l far y. In opHu
<*' ery )u: tidy in n v bo a! _ • • S • ( ? ' ‘ ‘ • ■ s
bcT nl iful ;i nl touch, i ?i »ST £«>*» venior of Oft:* UiUi
President rtnd i U <’« hi net we will in ‘in it i-r
uty ftft nil u per C*»j; y. W tj can furtiisb Him
, ine sum net. printed in $ et 1 *i s. rediieed i*>
UxlZ inene-. fir on y 15 rents.
AG NTS Vo-’taso sot ai ?; t ikon. WAX I’Ll.*
■ 'vt is the t.iue f- r ag-ots 'n reap < v*e!i !•■
ve t wi'b fkeautiiul porliaitr. ?.',>•! n:
Bill-l ko them. Monti t r s. int'ks »tn in
t ON A XT .t “O . VO 1 shi-ig,
7 Dry St., .Nr , York.
J. J. KIaIMA',
v \^ rron.YEY At t,\ . • ur t
£ Oft -t\ lifisoiiici:r M»* u»*ix -si
J au 10 iii l Mvjl, Mi}. \y.