Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, February 15, 1884, Image 1

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EEKLY MACON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1884. VOLUME LVIII—NO. 10. 'ATLANTA. I — |Of tJ*.a Prize—Full Descrlp- Successful Design— onu the Dade Convicts— The Tournament. ^SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE J v.k,February II.—The Capitol Com* inet[to-day with Mr. Gqp. B. Post, < York architect who submitted an o report of his examination of all ipetitive designs. After a full dis- ^ of the results of this report, the 'loi4 at G o'clock this evening, and nanimous vote, selected and ac he design of Messrs Edbrookp & ni, of Chicago. The building is to ed exactly in accordance with thU • except as to size, reducing it some- id perhaps some other sliglft modi* which the commission may make rLiter consideration. fJj. Edbrooke, the successful archj- v in person with his design about I<‘ ot January, aud has been on id since. He is a pleasant, Intel- jtleman. and duriug all his walt- liWiecision of the commission, I n patient, courteous, and nppar- f. l m til.; conviction that lie had a R .n. lie has personally made a Jvqrable Impression in Atlanta, and ^ «4vt*d many congratulations to* • I correspondent called upon him at ]teL after the adjournment of the issfluif, and had an interesting inter- kith hhu, during which I gathered flowing: Bftlbrooke is about forty years old. Chicago, and has been efigfigeit ^professional work in that city about t years, during which time lie has ry successful, and engaged in the Ctlonof many public works. 'lave me a general description of his I \\ hieh will be of interest to your .irn-ny. 11 lie coat of an styl« adopted for the building is id combines beauty, strength The historic adornments .by figures of Justice, .aw and Liberty, together arms of the State, rails of the building will be • with Georgia granite and marble and 1111. w i 111 brick work. The cornices, et walls, lase and sunerstruction of will al>o be of mafule, There are ntrances with broad granite steps, g to the grand; corridors of the main The principal entrance is from ?ington street, the steps beingfifty-five width leadingHo the grand portico, edimr.t of this portico fs supported • x polished marble columns with 1 capitals, the tympanum richly or ated with the state eoat-of-anus. dome is a distinguished feature, and • constructed in accordance with tlic .van lples of architecture, and entirely nod from all other walls of tue build- • Afccoss to tho gallery of tfoe dome and ii is |.\* easy stairways. bsstenor cf the b* 1 •Mi "vindicates the y o' tlie various departments, such l ot Representatives, Senate cham- I tate library, .Supreme Court, etc. • legislative hails and all rooms are d directly from the outside. • architects have carefully introduced the interior arrangements all the . •rnents in nearing and ven- \'\, plumbing, elevators for*passcn- nd freight, grates in every room and t Cent, and every other known con- e i uitulr.g will be fire proof through- :!1 ihnirs, ceilings and roofs boinfeon- : <1 with iron beams and girders, and ■« t. no wood being used except for i, frames task, blinds, floorsof offices, ig of halls and galleries and shelving •rary. e entire building, in addition to the s will 14; warmed by radiation, and ystem of ventilation perfect, tho basement will be the steam boil- pumps, fans and engines; fuel and ,ge rooms all entirely above ground.* tho first will bo located tho executive s and other State departments, the second floor the legislative halls, ry, Supreme Court and the various [M required in connection with the the third floor the committee rooms, -*i* s and janitor rooms. . .e following are dimensions: East 111 Hanoi Mvpnavuuuivva. *- ,_ht Senate chamber, 42 feet: 'ii reni • Court room, Dp feet; bright *e library. UU feet. - .,» Hie building can beerected WithUT] [appropriation. Mr, Kdbrook® will go _ P tho amunisalcn to dlsou* c all the detail.. Ho.lUUM'JW* ■FfolWiHntaailon of tho grouud >e.ect- l make * test of the soil ti.dlotnf Into * ad will then leave for Chicago and put F kiiiisl force at work on a careful and proogh draught of tho dee.gii, to the [ d nunutc detail. He f» of opinion that , will roqulto sixty duyu for Um wort.' : i« likely that Id. ecnrlcca will be largc- eneaged by the ccmmlssion in tlio con- ctinnofthenew caplto . Thia, I he re, la cuitoinary and would aeem em- ! tn justice to the dcaigna and to the ' work in which he hat been 1 j: obably return to »t,rk to-iuo, coat of Ilia eorviccs, fcee and ■ la about $1,100. THE FARMERS. In the gubernatorial contest pnbllcsenti- | mentin decidedly mixed. You will doubt- ——• ■ . ■ ■; MEETING of the agricultural so tic following Came from Clark. I CI1TY IN savannah. 1 probability be will lark this dement of | • strength In the next convention. Tire Governor has e stranged old friend-1 Co, » Hardeman not Present, but Send* ami tric<l, In his eagerm'Si, «'>n Addret»s---N. E. Harris Makes to make new ones, and thus further his political ends. Of the entire delegation wno so earnestly and success fully urged his nomination before, only one, so far as I can learn, is in favor of lifs re-nomination. Should your distinguished townsman again enter the list, he would have a strong following in this county. Qfat. C. G. Talmadge is frequently spoken of in connection with Senatorial honors, from this district, and will doubt less get the nomination, should he desire it. RAILROAD COMMISSION. ■ • Our iicople here are almost univer sally in favor of tho abolition of the Railroad Commission, and our next representative will doubtless voice this sentiment in tho Legislature. If the State appoints a commission to regu late and govern the railroads, why not ap point one to regulate and govern the banks and manufacturing interests of the country; fixing the hours of labor and price of wages in the one. and the rate and amount of discounts in the other? Or. if general laws may he enacted to regulate the business of banks and manufactories why not enact a general railroad law? Are the vested rights of one corporation more sacred and inviolate than another? Else why is it necessary to ap point a* triumvirate with absolute power and from whose decisions, however arbitrary and unjust, there Is no appeal, to govern the railroads, while other public institutions may be and are governed by general laws? The country wants and needs more railroads to develop its latent resources and extend and enlarge its com merce ; but who can be asked or expected to invest money in enterprises the man agement and control of which Is placed in hands other than those most interested. THE TELF.ORAPII AND MESSENGER. I am not given to compliments or flat tery, an<) I am simply “rendering unto Ctesar the things that areCcesarV when I say the Telegraph and Messenger is wonderfully improved under the new management and is rapidly growing in fa vor with all classes of our people. Un trammeled by political alliances and wear ing no man’s collar, it is an able and fear less champion of the rights and interests of the people, and is rapidly winning that high favor and esteem which it so richly merits. E*lo ;perpetual Tom Burney 6 in town. You are fortunate in crnntnend ing lily services, as he has a wonderful in fluence with the people. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. London, February 12.—The news of the fall of Sinkat reached Suakim this mern ing. It was brought by a friendly Arab chief. ‘ The cir-ison made a sortie and was for a long time successful in repulsing the rebel attacks, but at last the attacking forces gained the upper hand and the gar rison was completely destroyed, except a few who were made prisoners. The fate of the women and children is unknown. The streets of Suakim present a heart rending appearance. They are thronged with women, whose weeping and wailing giro unmistakable evidence of their dis tress and forebodings. London, February 12.—A correspondent at Suakim telegraphs as follows: At last the heroic garrison at Sinkat havo been butchered. For a fortmight they had been eating roots and tree leaves. It was an enfeebled hand indeed which sallied out to die amidst the rebel hordes. Towilk Bey had harangued his men, saying that by lighting they might save themselves, hut that 1 >y remaining thsr mgst.dk from hunger In a few days. Flight was Impos sible. Tho men, thus animated with Tewflk Bey’s speech, destroyed the military stores, exploded the mngaxine, filled their pouches to their utmost with cartridges and issued forth, six hundred strong, against the rebels. Osman Diana's hordes rushed to tho attack. Tcwlik Bey and his men fought nobly. For a long timo they repulsed every attempt to break their ranks. Finally superior numbers prevailed, and with a tremendous rush the rebels burst through one of the sides of the Egyptian square. A general massacre ensued, and not a Rsotil escaped. According to tho latest reports only four sick men, unable to take part in the sortie, the Cadi of Sinknt and thirty women were snared by the rebels. London, February 13.—Lord Wolseley, vve- t fmnts, M0f*et7nortli and sotitln Ltdjutant-g-nerol of the BiitUh army, tel- :: height of dome, 210 feet i diameter egraplied Inst evening to Lieu er.o.-.:-<lcr.- Bonn at bast, 73 foot: of { ot 1 ul ; J ?; eral Stephenson, coftmiandlng tha forces I bVtoo^n'^tlteof'second <« Kgypt, to collect a (tree for tho relief of r. Is feet*; height of third Jjtorjr, 1G Tokar, if this is possible, and if not for the height hallo? Representatives, 42 defense of the Red Sea ports, etc. Gen. L AmM rhiuSli Graham is to take supreme command of . S Hnnvtmom.sj feet, ni lutii ^ forc0t ^|th Col. Buller in command of thalnfnntrv, and Col. Stewart of the caval ry. There is tobo a brigade of live solid battalions In line within a few days. If necessary the garrison at Alexandria ran be brought to Cairo, the former living left under the charge of the tleet. The Tenth Ilussars, now in the Suez canal homeward bound, arc ordered to Suakim. General ish troops. London, February 11—It Is reported that a majority of the cabinet arc urging more vigorous action In Egppton Mr. Gladstone. Earl Granville and some other members of tho cabinet are opposed to increasing Eng- ....... , . land’s responsibility. General Gordon has . Post, hsvingiatisfactorfly COtupli ted >( n t ivordto Col. Coettogon, directing him, rn yngmgeu, jf un ahle to hold Khartoum, to blowup ' tho forts In order to facilitate tho rccap- EROM ATHENS. .n. I Trade nod Political Centre— . tune, latorlal Speculation.—Rail* roud Commission - The Toie- I ,jraph and M6*** n uer. r j iiKN-, February l'-.— 1 Tho writer ha.“ *'md with surprise th»: mark«*«l absence of in y .nr columns from this part of the .^rc the social, commercial ami po- gUcaJ alto of Nortliea-t concern to your numerous why are we Ignored and ATHENS A* A C0MMKIMA CENTRE. Athens Is flow a full fledged city, full of „ , -my and eo. and the centre of ■ ■». “7-d mnlHit: ; LrtCgo»|^ a,. & - m i ■ I, mt.igfs. W, are »brea«t with tiie tide, and Atlanta Else verlooked? LtTICAl. | turo of tire clKl B I.ondon, Feliruary 13.—In the House of Commons to-day, Mr. Gladstane said that dispatches had been received from Gen. Gordon, 11011113 that tlie reported massa cre of women and children was Improba ble. The efforts of the rebels were confined to exciting their neighbors to revolt. In no instance Had the rebels In one district In vaded the soil oi their neighbors. The events in the vicinity of Hoaklm Inal not endangered the safety of the garrisons at Khartoum nnd Berber. Cslto. February IS.—Dispatches from Baker Paslia report that Suakim is quiet, and that there is no tiring at oumosta. No news had been received from Tokar. Of ficial letters had been sent to Tokar urg- ing tlie garrison to hold out until troops arrived. Gordon, with several powerful chiefs left Berber to-day for Khartoum, lie will proceed slowly, os ho dealrea to see tlie people along the river. London , February 13,-Colonel Burna by has hern appointed correspondent oi - - i Soudan. id lb and on „ shall "rei • fad , ,• ant and f, irttho their to recognize .rmidable conn best inland cu Burnaby la the n.>r«nn wim mad.' the fane,a- journey to Khiva in 1373. He served as military mark* t in U>" correspondent of the vritu tho army of Don Carlos in Spain. t . kTiie Khedive U Bald to be deeply affected r- i by tbtniMaacrE atWnkat in Cano, February n.-Acouncil oi war is t, now sitting. The departure of the British oral for Asslout has been S . . , , i mmmlaaary general for Aeetoni Las wen f y '„ 1 other nmorta it 1 deferred. The Black Watch, the Gordon lt | V lie Siv’e,nt!. K.de- tin ' ml r imeon- Igi.ieetitli Husmrs (mounted mfantiy), " 'n a d iS“tint he- a battalion ot 1, | tian tTOOja with ^“SSl.. ofll-amli-h o.li, . rs :ructed on the Holly 1 1 *“ ii battery cn. h: I manned by British artillery- teen ordered to Suakim, and 1 to reach there within a week. r forgot-1 i'V 1 ' r t are txpe«‘t«‘u ui reacu un *» tuu t» •• . I Tha British garrison at Alexandria will be : transferred to Cairo, its place being taken . by English marines. ., I. vno», February 13.—The IVswspnb- “■ morning a dispatch froni Berlin I expressions of scorn and indlg- Uioa are heard on e7cry side with refer- ice to Impotent and pusillanimous British London.’ February 11—Brndlangh lias sneil aa address to the elector. o North- uiiton for re-dection. Mr. Richards, i.‘‘, o' e before gave BAdlaugh a close m. will Ik; thcc.mdidatvof the Oott-ona- n Brilliant Speech on Tech nology—Notes, Etc. {ftPECIAL TELEOILVM.J Savann.su, February 12.—The conren tion met at 9 o'clock. The attendance was very largo from all sections of the State. Colonel Hardeman being absent, Mr. Livingston was made chairman. In his address of welcome, Mayor Rufus E. Lester complimented the agriculturists oftlic8tate,andin welcoming the members of the convention to Savannah, alluded to the treatment of the city in politics, say ing: "We claim to be a part of Georgia, although the claim is denied by some, and do not believe the sun rises in Tybce end sets tn tlie canal. We rejoice jn whatever advances the interests of tlie entire State.' Hamilton Young responded. H appropriately eulogized the people of Savannah—the culture nnd beauty of the city and her wholesome influence upon the politics and legislation of the State. He congratulated her upon the progress of her commerce. Agriculture, shipping, transportation and manufactures were not antagonistic, but mutually essential and helpful. M< re progress has been made in scicntlflc agriculture than in any other field of science, and that progress would goon until the State achieved a uestiny of happiness, and peace and plenty reign. Col. Hardeman's letter expressed regret that His duties at the national capital would not permit Him to come. He, How ever, sent an address, which was read by George W. Adams. Ho said that the Interests of merchants, producers and shippers wore so interwoven that there should be a atrtjng community of feeling—each struggling for the common prosperity. Success should be measured by the profits of labor and not by the quan tity of products. Thcjcost of traesporta- tion was a tax upon toil, and the interests of the shipper, carrier and consumer were all Identical. Were there no producers, no necessity would exist for carriers. Were there nowarrlers, labor would toil in vain for tho mere rude necessaries of life, in dustry be paralyzed and commerce die. Hence the necessity for sympathetic co-op eration. If the transporter should grow ex acting in his demands or distinctive in his methods, nothing was left to labof but to demand that the strong arm of the law belaid upon corporations and assert with equal emphasis that the law should be aliko the Impartial guardian and protector of corporate right*, Three eleraenta, viz., production, cheap transportation and manufactures, aro essential to a'State’s prosperity. These elements we possess, and sbonld intensify, regulate and utilize them. There is neither business sense, sound judgment nor ordinary patriotism in antsgonlzing,eitber. One death was announced ond glowing tributes were paid to Furman, who up- sealed anew book for agriculturists which will not be closed until a higher civiliza tion discloses theories, plans and teach ings better adapted to Intelligent advance ment. HARRIS'S spxxeir. The event of the day was Mr. N. E. Har ris’s address on "Technical Education.” Though delivered at tho heel of the session, wlitn oil fatigued, it was listened to with greater interest and attention than any thing else. Several passages were greeted with rounds of applause, particularly a tribute to the women of tho South. Col. Livingston, of Newton, and Col. Felton, of Marshaltville, pronounced the speech the finest piece of rhetoric ever dc- uvmoJ before tho society. The subjoct discussed was Illustrated In many ways. In concluding, ho appealed to the people to establish a great central technological college, where our young men can acqi^re a calling that they can follow In any com munity with tho certainty of success In any contingency. Not lawyers, doctors, preachers, but learned civil and mechani cal engineers, machinists, superintendents of factories, builders of railroads, assayers of metals, geologists, miners, practical butlden, scientific discoverers—men of re source, practical knowledge and mechani cal ingenuity; men fitted to lead in the grand march of human thought and to conquer dominion over nature and apace; men to multiply the means' of enjoyment commensurate with the demands of an enlightened and polished race. Ho re ceived a rising vote of thanks. Colonel Mobley, of Hamilton, delivered an address on "System in Farming," which waa a strong plea for common sense busi ness methods in agriculture. Superintendent Haines tendered a spe cial train to the convention to visit tlie 8tato fair at Jacksonville. His kind offer was accepted, and many delegates leave Thursday morning. Tho citizens also ten dered an excursion by steamer to Tybee, Wednesday morning, which was alao ac cepted. AfTXBNOON SESSION. The afternoon session was principally devoted to routine business. Mr. Morgan Rawls, of Etlingham, moved a petition to Congress, to take such steps as may ho necessary to placo tho pursuit of agriculture on an equality, civil and po litical, with other callings, and placo tlie Department of Agriculture on an equal footing with tlie other executive depart ments. Adopted. Mr. Simon Whatley, of Coweta, of fered a preamble and , resolution declaring tho guano notes which farmers are signing wrong in mends, death to the honest debtor and a reflection on those who sign them; pledging the mem bers to sign no more, end asking a repeal of the inspection law if it justifies guano dealers in requiring such notes.’’ Tabled, without giving Simon a chance to speak. Prof. White, In Ills address on "Com posting,” furnished many facta and fig ures. He said the price of no ammoniated guano should bo over 330.00 per ton. Any one could make it for himself at that price. The convention la delighted with Saran nail's hospitality. Nioirr asasioN- The night session opened with an ad dress by Professor C. V. Riley, on "Insects Destructive to Southe rn Agriculture.” lh gavedisoripti.in" w - a and ' 1 various plans h-r dc-t: lying them. Mr. Tillman N. Pool, of Warren, fol- | lowed, claiming that the destruction of birds by hunters was the great cause of tlie prevalence of lnjurioua insects. He con eluded with a pathetic appeal for farmers to go homo in the morning, and thereby | escape tlie demoralization which would re sult from the use of artillery punch on the steamboat excursion to Tybee to-morrow, A Fair to be Held In Maeon—Tho Excur sion, etc. FROM WASHINGTON, [SPECIAL TELEGRAM.1 Savannah, Qa., February 13,—The exe cutive committee of the Agricultural So ciety yesterday decided to hold a fair at Macon next fall, provided the city will raise three thousand dollars. The follow- ingcommitteo was appointed to make ar rangements at once: H. H. Cary, George W. Adams, M. J. Hatcher, R. J. Powell, W. B. Jones and the president and secre tary of tho society. SAVANNAn, February 13.—Th7 conven tion met this morning, and adopted tlie memorial resolution on General Home. Dr. A. J. Battle read an interesting es say on: “Intelligence as a Factor in Suc cessful Farming.” It was listened to with the closest attention and was pronounced to be very fine. As was reported yesterday, Col. Harde man lias resigned the presidency of tlie Agricultural 8oclety. Tlie society decided to accept the invita tion. extended through Secretary Grier, to hold a State fair in Macon this year. L. F. Livingstone, of Newton, was unanimously chosen president of the so ciety, to succeed Col. Hardeman, More than four hundred ladies, dele gates aud citiiens left for Tybee at 11 o’clock this morning and had a Ilf ely time. Speeches were made there by Morgan Bawls, of Effingham; T. W. Fleming, of Baker; A. M. Allen, of Columbus; A. J. Winn, of Gwinnett, and H. H. Jones, of Bibb. A large number of delegates leave for Jacksonville to-morrow morning. Delayed Telegrams. A soil J-OB LIBEL. New York, February 12.—The suit of Rev. Edwaid B. M. Browne iwainstGeorge Jones.publisher of tlie New York Times,for $25,000 damages for alleged libel, was brought to truu to-day before Judge Beach, in the Court of Common Pleas. The arti cle complained of as libellous was publish ed on January IS, 1881, when ths plaintiff, who Is a Jewish rabbi, was lecturing on re ligions subjects in Atlanta, Ga., and was headed “A Rabbi in Trouble,” The de fense is in the nature of a general denial, andTliat the matter was published witli tlie consent and approval of the plaintiff. The trial will be resumed to-morrow. IlIOH WATER IN ARKANSAS. Fort Smith, February 12.—Heavy rains that have been falling have swollen all streams in this section. The Arkunsas river has risen eleven feet and to-night is rising nine inches per hour. Little Rock, February 12.—The Lillie Rock and Fort Smith railroad bridge bayou, this side of Ozark, was washed away by the flood to-day, and onc-fourtli of a milo of track is covered with water. Owing to a ledge of rock giving way a por tion of the track was carried into tlie riv er. A steady rain fell all night and this morning. The Arkansas is riling rapidly this afternoon, and it is beginning to be believed that by to-night ths witor will he higher that for seyeral yenrifi HOMICIDE AT COLUMBUS. Columbus, Ga.. February 13.—This af ternoon Dr. J. W. Drake shot and in stantly killed Jno A. Scarbrough, nt the Colnriibus Factory, four miles north of this city, The difficulty arose about an account which 8carbrough owed Drake. Drake surrendered himself to the officers. AN lARTtlqUAU. London, February 12.—A violent earth quake lias occurred at Bitlls, in Asia. A number of buildings were destroyed. Measures have been started for tlie relief of the sufferer.!. Sunk by on tcebarg. New York, February 10.—The steamer State of Nebraska, from Glasgow, which arrived here to-day, has on board the crew of the steamer Norangbtll, from London for New York, which foundered at sea. New Yobk, February 10.—'The captain of tlie stcanisldp Notunghlll reports that on February 2 lie ran into a field of lee, and at midnight the same night, when the ship was going dead slow, she was struck on the side near the bridge by an Iceberg, which rebounded and struck again near tlie engine room and knocked in the ves sel’s side, and the water soon put out ths fires. At 3 p. in. the next day a large steamer passed close by and natd no at tention; to the signals of distress. On tlie tilth the steamship State of Nebnuka took off all on board. Thd Nottingldll had eighteen feet of water in her hold when abandoned. . Tornado In Texas. Waco, February 13.- A tornado occurred here yesterdav. The residence* ot Dr. Burelson and M r . Horn were blown down. The music room at Waco UnWenlty waa blown oil its brick foundation. A large amount of fencing waa ruined. The atorm waa quite severe at Bartlett and Ranger, blowing down houses st both places. At Longview the heaviest rain of tlie winter occurred, oml much damage waa done to stock in the bottom lands. AU trains are ordered abandoned at thla place. There are heavy washoula In the International railway near Mlnneola. The Texas Pacific is washed away about two miles west of Sherman and all communication is cat off except by wire. Ths Wrecked Columbus. Boston, February It—It has been con cluded to abandon all further efforts to re cover any property from the wreck of the CUy of Columbus. Tho tide runs with such velocity where the wreck lies that the vessel Is rapidly going to pieces. Nothing of value has been recovered. There Is no hope of tlie recovery of any bodies, as it is supposed the decks have been washed away and that ths hull is open to the ac tion of the waves. The next storm of any severity will probably obliterate any traeca of the steamer. Maaaachuastts Mills. Fall Rivxb, February 13.—At a meeting of tlie spinne-s'union fast night commit tees acre selected to visit New York, Brooklyn. Troy. Newark, Boston and other cities which have large labor unions to ask assistance. It was decided to strike In more mills if tlie improvement in the print cloth market continued, but no deculre action was taken. Ilenyy Sentence*. Liteotool. February 13.—The trial of the com merchant* John Komi. Jr., and William J. Muffins, charged with obtain ing by fraudulant pretenses the ram of £ 10,ifrom the Northwestern hank, war concluded today. Both were condemn® to Imprisonment, the first for eighteen an; the last for three month*. Murder and Suicide. Milwaukkk, February 11.—Jerry Star- nold. n telegraph operator, shot Bridget Began laat night because she refused to marry him and then ahot himself. Both MN-tSI IT i. JI"., Ill ardials left hut night . _r Hunts ~ ’■ of till- Ml: !PROCEEDINGS OF BOTH HOUSES OF C0N0RES3 YESTERDAY. The Chnlmers-MnnnJng; Case Di'scusbqc In tho House—Speeches by Messrs. Turner nnd Crisp—Nomina- ft tlons to Office, Etc. TEUCORAPI!KD TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) Washington, February 13.—In the Sen ate the chair announced the affixing of his signature to the House joint resolution re lating to the Greely relief expedition. Mr. Hale, from the committee on naval affairs, reported unfavorably and moved the indefinite postponement of the joint resolution introduced by Mr. McPherson, limiting the amount of money to be ex pended by the President on the Greely re lief expedition to $500,000. Indefinitely postponed by a vote of 2* to 20. Mr. Voorbees offered a resolution, which went over until to-morrow, directing the Secretary of the Interior to withhold for the present his approval of patents or cor- tifleu'es for lands selected by tlie Northern Pacific railroad in lieu of others said to have been lost to said company under the act of July, 1801. Tile preamble to tlie resolution sets forth that tlie rights of set tlers might be injuriously affected by sucli approval. After consideration of some prirste bills, the Senate, at 2 o'clock, laid aside the un finished business of yesterday In order to take up the special order for the day, be ing McPherson's bill, reported by Mr. Bay ard from the committee on finance, to provide for tlie issue of circulating notes to national banking associations. Tho bill provides that upon tlie deposit of any United States bonds bearing inter est in tho manner required by law, the national banking association making tlie same- shall be entitled to receive front the comptroller of tlie currency circulating notes of different denominations in blank, registered and countersigned, as provided by law, not exceeding in amount the par value of the bonds deposited, provided at no time shall the total amount of such notes Issued to such association exceed the amount at such time actually paid in of its capital stock. The bill repeals all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with ita pro visions. Mr. Sherman offered an r.mer.dment pro viding thatit any of tlie bonds deposited bear a rate of annual interest higher than 3 per cent., additional circulating notes should be issued equal In amount to one- half the interest accruing on such bonds before their maturity in excess of .3 per cent, per annum, such amount to be as certained and stated by the comptroller of the currency on the first day of July of each year hereafter. Mr. Bayard spoke at some length in favor of the bill. He was followed by Mr. Sherman in support of the hill, with his amendment. The debate was also partici pated in oy Messrs. McPherson and Aldrich. After an executive session, the Senate adjourned. HOCSE. The Honse proceeded to the considera tion of tlie Mississippi contested election case of Chalmers rs. Manning. Mr. Tur ner, of Georgia, chairman of tho commit tee on elections, spoke in support of the majority report, which declares that on tho prime facie case neither ot tlie con testants is entitled to tlie seat Neither the majority nor minority report is signed, but Mr. Turner stated that ten of the members of the elections committee were In favor of the former, while only five sup- ported tho latter. Ho went Into argument to show that under the resolution refer ring tho decision of tlie prima facie case to the committee, the committee was not >nlv to make an examination of the .'redentials presented by Mr. Manning, under which sione Mr. Manning was un doubtedly entitled to the seat, hut it was Its duty to notice the allegations made by Mr. Chalmers, denying Mr. Manning s prima facie right. Mr. Elliott, of Pennsylvania, spoke In fa- voroftbe minority report, which declares Manning entitled to the scat on the vrima facie right. In determining the right tlie committee on elections had not tho [tower to go behind the Governor’s certificate. The Governor of Mississippi was the only witness authorized to speak. Ho had spoken, aud had said in due form that Manning hod received a majority of tlie votes cast. This cos* should he decided like other cases, where it had always been held that no evidence could be introduced to Impeach the certificate of the Gover- Mr. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, offered a resolution recommitting to the committee on elections tlie question of the peima fa cie right to the scat, with Instructions to ascertain and report whether a certificate of election was Issued by the Governor of Mississippi to any one, and if so to whom. He contendcd.that the elections committee had made a mistake in going behind the returns of the Governor and making an ln- vcstlgntion of the facts, which tended to prove the final merits of the case. Mr. Herbert presented ail argument in favor of the Immcdiale seating oi Manning on the prima faeje case, even though in three hours afterwards the House should decide that ou the merits Chalmers was entitled to the seat. Mr. Crisp, of Ceorgia, spoke In support of the resolution. _ , „... Ifr. Oates, of Alabama, supported Mr. Curtin's resolution, asserting that the com mittee on elections, in investigating the facta of the case anil not confining Its ex amination to tlie credentials, had placed nn erroneous construction on the action of tho House. Mr. Cobb, of Indiana, spoke briefly in favor of the minority report Mr. Cox, of New York, said Manning certainly thought there were some bail features In hts certificate when ho declined to present it. He waa anxious the House should assume the responsibility of accept ing tlie certificate and seating nim. The Honse refused to take tlie responsibility and referred the matter to the elections committee. The committee in return re fused the responsibility and the question, like BanqUo's ghost, again came hack to the House. Mr. Warner, of Ohio, riling to a ques tion of privilege, said he understood that the joint resolution passed by the House and Senate Monday, for the relief of suf ferers by the Ohio Hoods, was not tent to the Senate for the signature of the presid ing officer until late yesterday evening. He wished to know tha cause of the delay, and therefore offered a resolution direct ing the committee on enrolled bills to in quire into tlie cause of the delay. Mr. Davis, of Missouri, argued that nei ther Chalmers nor Manning wa'|entitled, prima facie, to the seat, and favored a speedy decision of the case upon its mcr- Itf. After farther discussion the matter went over until to-morrow. BeUe Isle, or other Confederate prisons. Referred. The House then,at 5:15,adjourned. [telxobavhid to tub AsaociATZD vans.] Washington, February W.—More than 4,500 bills, most of them of a private na ture, have been introduced in the House of Representative* daring the present lint* of Congress. Of this numberless than 200 have been acted upon by com mittees and reported to the House for ac tion. To-morrow another opportunity will lie offered to increase the number of pen: ing legislative measure*, under the usual Monday call of State* and Territories for bill* and joint resolutions. 31 dfse: lx; brought before the House ‘for further discitsslon In the latter part of tho week, and It Is barely possible the shipping lull may also be reached in committee of tlie whole by Thursday. In view of tho for midable ojiposition already manifested against the former measure, members in terested In it* passsge are apprehensive it will not com and a majority vote. The retirement of Alfred Pleasanton as major- general will be a question to be considered next Friday, private bill day. Tho committees of the House havo a number of important measures on their docket for consideration' this week. The ways and means commit tee will hear arguments of business men on various phases of the proposed tariff legislation. It is believed by members of the committee that Mr. Morrison’s bill will not be reported to the Houso for three or four weeks. The public lands commit tee expects to take action tills week on bills which provide for forfeiting alleged un earned land grants of of the Northern Pa cific and Atlantic and Pacific railroads. The coinage, weights and measures committee will probably report a bill providing for tlie withdrawal of tlie trade dollar from circulation. The foreign affairs committee has resolved to insist that the House should refer to it the correspondence re ceived from the State Department last week, relative to the-prohibition of Ameri can pirk in foreign countries, on tlie ground that the question is one of treaty obligations. The commerce nnd agri culture committees, however, both claim jurisdiction of the same subject, nnd tlie question of reference will probably give rise to a spirited discussion. Tho Senate having adjourned immedi ately after the passage of the Mexican laud f ;rant hill last Friday, there is no unfin- slied business to he laid before that body to-morrow, and the day will probably be devoted to the consideration of miscella neous business on the general calendar, witaout reaching in tlie regular |ordcr any measure of great national importance- The bill to provide for the erection of a Conzressiona library building lias been made the special been so great order for next Tuesdsy, and the McPlicr- flooded liou-. THE WESTERN TLOODS, The River at Cincinnati Reaches .«ri ompled Height—-Difficulties in f Contributions--Notes. of real service th equipped with life savin It can be readily seen hi r ial order on Wednesday, The discus- tho work of carrying of the last named measure, and of quantity of fuel t son banking bill, now on tlie calendar with favorable report from the finance commit tee, la act down for consideration as the -hi Hew York an having represe scriptSons havi citizens, anion^ various important, amendments ready proposed os substitutes for it, will doubtless run through the remainder of the legislative ‘ week. A meeting of Congressmen from Ohio, entucky and West Virginia Iras held to day at the Ebbltt House to take steps to secure an immediate appropriation for the relief of sufferers by the floods in tho Ohio Valley. Senator Sherman presided, nnd among the Representatives present were Messrs. Follett, Jordan, Taylor, Warner nnd McCormick, of Ohio; Goff, of West Virgtoia, and Culberson; of Ken- ti- ky. T. !*■.'r;it11- a-km.- f..r g*.v» rnm« nt aid were received from the Governor of by Maj< West Virginia, the mayor of Wheeling, Grand A citizens of Martin’s Ferry, New Martins ville, West Virginia, and Marietta, Ohio. It was decided to ask Congress to strike out the words one hundred thousand dol lars in the resolution which passed the House Friday last and insert $250,000. For thepurjxMe of securing immediate aid, a meeting of the appropriation com mittee of the House will be caljed to-mor row. The Senate, after passing some private hills, went into executive session, and on the doors being reopened a message was received from the House c! Representa tives announcing the passage by that body of a joint resolution authorizing the Sec retary of War to issue rations for the re lief of destitute persons in the district Over flowed by the Ohio river and iu tributaries, and making an appropriation of $900,000 to relieve sufferers by such overflow. The joint resolution was read three times ami passed. The Senate then adjourned. |TELEORAPHED TO TUB ASSOCIATED PRF>*.j Ci.vci5.vati. February river rose an Inch between 12 and 1 o’clock this morning. Ciwcivxati, February 13.—A dispatch from Lawrenceburg suys: The wind last night was very destructive. Many h »u-«*i were upset and great damage done. Full reports are not received. A special tothe Timr ->/</,• from Aurora, Ind„ says: Up to 10o*el0t k tl.i morning no news had been n < ived here from Lawreuceburg. Many houses were seen floating down tho river this morning, and the anxiety is great The water h< ^ rising an inch an hour ami m ; dwellings are toppling over. CurcimrAT!, February 13.—At 1:30 p. u, the river marks sixty-nine feet eleven inches. The rise varied during the fore noon from one-quarter to one-half inch per hour. The weather is misty and rain falling, with the wind from the North west. The signal service flag denoting the coming of cold weather, floats to-dav for third time n •• the 'flood Hitherto its presence was welcomed. Now it bring- the worst apprehensions. Cold weather now could have no substantial effect on the flood. That has about done Its worst, but with cold weather the imprison* d peo ple In all towns and dtfr- along the < diio would suffer terribly Tor In- k of fuel. Few realize tho difficulty of getting supplies de livered. There are no landings for steam ers, and the damage done to buildings by waves caused by passing steamers has been so great as to cause tlie occupants of flooded houses to fire on -teamers, Tobo II have to he rows and boats, slow would he nsiderablc Ind.. iwrenceburg, mond, 0„ that are entirely s surrounded with water. Nothing was done on ’Change except to receive sub scriptions. To-day a dispatch was re- ( eived announcing’ contributions from va rious sources, among them being an ap propriation oi $900 from the town council of Lebanon, Ohio, $600 fro i.i 1 Philadelphia, die firms ntatlvcs here. Large sul>- also been received from Lloyd. ) from It. n issued Of the v of the Republic,for contribu turns irom various posts throughout tho State. The heavy current from Licking river this morning washed away twenty warehouses in Newport, Ky. They were huddled together anu thrown into all sorts of shapes. Three streets are completely blocked by houses which have been re moved from their foundations. i *iN"i inn \ ii 1 ’ bruar> !•!. The X> n <- Journal has received a special from Ports mouth, dated yesterday, and forwarded from SclotoviJle, the nearest telegraph Na tion, saying there is not an acre of dry land remaining in the city, and not a Inquired houses that aro not under water. In * fire on Sunday Spry’s block. Green’s feed stor*- and the Arcade were burned. One hundred sacks of mail mat ter were also burned. T he telephone ex change waa destroyed. Many houses have floated off and tli banks are dosed. The tlu cioto , Febr vail. Virginia Loniflatu e Richmond, February 13.—The Demo cratic caucus thla evening decided to ex tend the session of tlie Legislature thirty days, or to adjourned sooner if all imi>or- taut measures ore disposed of. Tho exten sion involves no expense to the State, as the members receive no pay for an extra session, unless called by the Governor. This action indicates that the Democrat* intend to perfect every measure which will give them control of all the election machinery of the State, management of all State institutions, etc. An Old Couple Murdered. Chicago, February 13.—J. IL Wilson, an aged and wealthy resident of Win- netka, and his invalid wife were found dead In their cottage to-day. They bod evidently been murdered for the purpose of robbery. The weapon used seems to have been a sword, which had belonged to a son of the dead couple, and which had been kept in the honse since the war. Suspicion is directed to a man who lias been visiting the aged couple, but who has disappeared. yesterday at tin ■orn and hay y are ruined. .o rise, and e will con- •vious records er rose nil day forty-two feet four inebe-*. The Kentucky river is rising at Frankfort and above. The weather is warm and there have been num bers of showers. There is little suffering here but considerable at Jeffersonville and w \l’iany. At Jell, rs mville all the ■ , . re i In-, d and ninny pers< ns w • it iT”’. i-i’-M'. having' tailed to lay a supply. Business is entirely - The Cincinnati Shore Line track through and trains Soli: East Louisville U only come as far i the’clty. Low'viii.i. K\ m.—The river is r inch per boor. Ii feet ten inches i within eight inc I MS. A 1 for the pa: to do cniisnierum There is little Miff from Jeffcrrionvi able character.. Of at that place. ab< compelled to leav higher ground i tlu Its h< ul ha stern limits of arv 13, 12:30 p. tlie rate of an ark> forty-three nnal. this being liehe-t water of ring FRANCE. TO FLOOD THE SAHARA. Paris, February 10.—At a banquet given here to leading members of the scientific, t n-ess, De Lesseps stated that the scheme or creating a sea in the desert of Sahara would shortly be realized. M. Rouduire, the French hydrographer who conceived the project of cutting ^through the dunes which separated the Mediterranean sea sea from the desert, in order to transform the arid sands into a fertile country, is about to start lrom Tunis, armed with the necessary firman from the Sultan to begin operations. BAD 5EW8 KROM T05QCI5. Paris, February ll.—LeNonile publishes » dispatch from the French bishop of Ton- quin, to the effect that one priest, twenty- two catechista and 215 Christians had been massacred, and that 101 mission houses have been destroyed. The bishop appeals for help. A GOVXRXMXrr LOAM. Paris, February 18.—It b officially a nnounced that the subscriptions received for the new French Joan are three and a quarter times in excess of the amount , asked for, and that subscriptions one aad two-tifths in excess of that —tear |*- already been paid in. IRELAND. A JURY DUAORIES. Dublin, February 13.—It is announced tiALnrm.i.*, I ubn that the Limerick board of law guardians h ;w i-dbrn miu’inche i' bankrupt, fh..nd trial <*f Robert Elliott .Swords, McGrath and LeStronge charged with consplracv to murder Wm Smythe, terminated to-day in a disagree ment of the jury. to property, ir here, but tin* news is of most deplor- population of 1I,<«h) one-half have been eir hum. ' and seek -fifths of the city aro under water, are begging contributions of food. Tho Kentucky river i< falling at its head waters, but Is still rising un inch an hour at Frankfort. Chattanooga, Fcbru fund for the Ohio mifle amount have Deserving of Confidence. There is no article which so richly de serves tho entire confidence of the com munity as Brown’s Bronchial Troches. Tho*'! suffering from asthmatic and Bron chial Diseases, Coughs and Colds should try them. Price 25 cents, Mercer's New Bell. Mercer University received yesterday an elegant new bell from Troy, N. Y. It will be put in position in a few days, and will prove a valuable addition to the college. The bell was presented to the college by Mr. Charles A. Davis, son-in-law of Prof. Joseph K. WUlct, and his thoughtful gen erosity is kindly appreciated by both faculty and trustees. The bell is pos*e*-*«d of a very sweet, sonorous tone, and its need has b n long felt by students of tlie institution. We congratulate Men er, and • • •• - i*u< t; u d: :• .i • • ;rt. -\ to Mr. Davis. jbleasA; Pc : rul for c->! coughs, and all range men ts of the respiratory on toward consumption. Maysvili.k, February 13.—The river is quarter of an inch per hour. It ylll’-TH. SfS feared. ch i»er hour. Nothing Bo 13.- The following urttmouth, Ohif). ebruary di-pat. h inis been received: "Otfirr of the Mayor of i'ort February 12.—To ths Mayoroj . ity of 12.000 souls is entirely under water. Our |>oonle have been ferrying livestock to the hill” for the past twenty hours. Over one-ha’( of Our city will lie washed away. The water ^tar.ua tv.tl 9)'. and in phi* < - four fee* deep on the second floors. Already over ion houses have floated away and over 100 others have turned and twi-ted, an.l I should say that 200 frame hom.’S are anchored with heavy ropes tied to trees an.l telegraph pole*.' When 1 ^ say ^ the ^ ends of tele* -ome parts of the city, y an idea of what a volume can then form