Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 07, 1884, Image 4

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ThE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, MARCH 7,1884. Political indorsement. I In the sixth district public opinion For many years there prevailed in I appears to be settling down to the con- administration circles at Washington, eln.lnn <W _ *« TheTelegraph ant> Mi^penoer is publish ed every ‘lay except Monday, and weekly ct- *The Daily is delivered by carriers In the city or mailed pottage free to subscribers at $1 >r month, $‘2.ri0 for three month*,, $5 for six «.onth« or $10 a year. The Weekly is mailed to aubacribera, pos tage free, at $1.50 a year and 75c. for six months. To clubs of five $1.25 per year, and to club* of ten $1 per yeAr, and an extra copy to getter up >f club of five or ten. Transient advertisement* will be taken for the Daily at $1 per square of ten lines, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for each subsequent Insertion; and for the Weekly at $1 per square for each Insertion. Liberal rates to contractors. Rejected communications will not be re- Correspondence containing important news, and discussions of living topics, is solicited, but must be brief and written upon but one aide of the paper to have attention. Remittances should be made by Express, Money Order or Registered Letter. Agents wanted in every community in the State, to whom liberal commissions will be paid. ^Postmasters are especially requested to write for terms. . .. .. All communications should be addressed to H.C. HANSON, Manager, Macon, Ga. PREMIUMS TO AGENTS. Wo BUI give a premium of twenty- five dollars to the local agent who sends in the largest number of new subscrib ers to the Weekly TELKOiurn and Mkbsenoeb up to July 1st; n premium of ten dollars to the one who sends next to the largest list, and a premium of fivo dollars to the one who sends in the third list in size up to that time. CLUB BATES. Agents may receive subscriptions at the following rates: 5 copies at $1.25 each year. 10 “ . 1.00 *' “ “ Koines can bo sent in as secured Additions may be made to clubs at any time. These premiums will bo given •only for new subscribers—not for those whoso names are nowon our books Agents should go to work at once, The Weekly Telegraph and Mbs' senoer will contain able discussions of the issues which will come up in the State and nationnl elections this year, and a summary of the important news of tho world. It will contain nothing unsuitable for ladies and children to scad.. Every one who is not familliar with it should give It a trial this year, wtf Notice. M. A. Westmoreland, a one-legged man who has been traveling over the country claiming sometimes to be an agent and at others to be an editor of the Teleobaph a*d Messenger, is in no way connected with the paper. Any representations to that effect are false and fraudulent H. C. Hanson, Manager. irrespective of the party that might bo in power, a practice by which importunate office-seekers, without other qualifica tions, were quietly and satisfactorily disposed of. Upon the coming of each administration into power, it is known that many men aspire to and seek posi tions for which they are not at all qual ified. They urge in their own behalf long and faithful party service, and sometimes become embarrassing to those who dispense the official pap, Some clever genius invented a plan to dispose of many of these people, at once simple and safe. The rural statesman in question generally desires a foreign appointment of high degree, in which the outfit and annual compensation arc liberal, and the duties correspondingly light. In place of the appointment de sired, this rural statesman is given a political indorsement. The Secretary of State tenders him the mission to England, France, Russia, Spain, Aus tria or some lesser power, having first received his declination of the post in writing. Then the administration jour- clusion that we are to have a rattling r.ice between Mr. Blount, the present incumbent, and Mr. Hardeman, the present Congressman at large. They arc both adroit campaigners. Harde man is the older and heavier of the two, but it is believed he has lost none of his speed and bottom. It is not yet known whether Mr. Ockington will be brought into the field. A Favorable Sian Among the most noteworthy converts The only strange thing in connection with the projected Macon and Florida Air-Line railroad is that it was not built years ago. The efforta of the TiLEORAm and Mes- senoeu in the interest of industrial enter prises in Georgia meet with earnest and enthusiastic rcsponsca on the part of tho people. The views of Bishop Fierce on tho Mor mon question arc vastly more worthy of support by Georgia Democrats than those of denator Brown. The Bisiiop lr- evi dently a wiser atatcsmnn than tho Sena tor. Tns renegade son of Henry A. Wise has again essayed to explain his explanation before the Sherman investigation com. mittce. Even a Virginia Readjustcr ought not to require two trials to enable him to swear to the truth. It is possible to presume too strongly on the necessary solidity of tho Sooth as a factor in Presidential contests. The Dem ocratic margin in some of the Southern States is very small. It would be well not to aubjert party faithfulness to too great strain by incorporating wild theories into the party platform, or by placing upon it, at standard bearers, even the most respec table relics of antiquity. Papers that hold up the Republican par ty to icomfut censure because of the pre valence of ring methods and boas rule in all its deliberations, ought to be very cha ry about defending just such methods and just such rule in their own party conven tions. The Democratic party in Georgia is as sadly afflicted with bouiira and ring rule as is thy Republican party in the lit tle rotten-borough of Rhode Island. It it impossible, as a matter ol course, for a man to manufacture all that he con sumes. Itlsn’tpossiblefortbistobedone within the limits ot any one State. Still, the truth remain's ttat it is better for every man that all be needs should be produced as near as possible to bis home. The dwellers In s given city arc benefitted by every industrial enterprise that eprings up In its midst, in a aense in which they are not benefitted by a similar enterprise in distant State. So plain a point doesn' need to be argued. There are many droves ot Kentucky and Tennessee horses and mules In Georgia, and the people are buying these animals at good round prices. It wUl take many bsles ft cotton to pay for them. This will cut dowu the profits of the next cotton crop, an J convince some people of the -imi-oAsibility of making money by raising cotton." Some people want a thirty mil- lion-dollar-cotlon crop to pay for forty million dollars’ worth of supplies, and leave the farmers independently rich be side-.-- and it isn’t going to do it. nals are permitted to publish the fact that the Honorable so and so, has been tendered this or that mission, and on account of business, family or political reasons, has been compelled to decline the honor and service. The rural statesman has received his reward, and returns to his constituency, a notable man, having had the nerve and patriot ism to decline honors thrust upon him, The administration has regarded its friends and the party has been vindi cated. Mr. Dana has undertaken to sug gest a rather difficult role to the national Democratic convention, to as semble in Chicago, in July next. The proposition is without precedent and is therefore novel and startling. It is proposed that the convention shall or ganize fully, construct a platform and and nominate Mr. Tilden for the Presi dency. All further business is then to be suspended, until the regularly ap pointed committee shall wait upon Mr, Tilden, inform him of the action of the convention and receive* his response, The scheme is not wanting in ennning diplomacy. The idea is suggested that Mr. Tilden having been fully vindicat ed by the action of the convention, will decline on account of bad health and that the convention will then pro ceed to make another nomination. We have characterized the proposed role as difficult. It wilt cur to the most thoughtless that a Democratic convention, which has many of the ■ characteristics oi a mob, cannot be held together after its main duty is discharged. During the inter val that must elapse for the necessary negotiations, tho machinery which Mr. Tilden commands may be put in mo tion to raise such a popular clamor for his acceptance that he might be over persuaded. As the New York World suggests, this thing has the air of a dress parade, bnt dress parades are least harmless when they aro most in earnest. If Mr. Tilden desires to go through this grand transformation scene, to end his political career amid red lights and the crash of brass bands, tho party might yield to the fancy of a faithful servant. But in order that there shall bo no un pleasant catch in the proceedings, would it net be safo and prudent to havo tho resignation of Mr. Tilden in writing beforo the performance begins. The Democratic party as a unit is quite willing to accord Mr. Tilden a political indorsement even in this shape. It is honestly divided as to the wisdom and policy of selecting as a leader in a des perate and doubtful fight one whoso physical and mental health gives no assurance of success. to the doctrine of protection, as against free trade, must be included the Atlanta Constitution and tho New York World. U p to a recent period both of these able journals were classed with the advocates of free trade, or tariff reform. Xo reason is assigned for their unex pected but gratifying change, and we do not care to inquire into the cause of It is enough to know that both these journals have aligned themselves with the Telegbai'H and Messenger and other friends of a well-digested and judicious protective tariff system, and that they are strenuously opposed to the supreme folly that would hold out the idea of gaining votes from the Republican party on a free trade record.” We were wont to regard the argu ments with which the Constitution and the B'orld formerly maintained the other side of the question as able and ingenious; but now that the scales have been struck from their eyes, they are enabled to apprehend the truth more clearly, and to present an array of facts and reasons against their old position that are conclusive, if not irresistible. We are glad that our esteemed contemporaries did not permit the pride of opinion to stand in the way, and we sincerely trust that other Democratic journals in Georgia, in imitation of the Constitution, will take position in favor of home indus tries and American labor. Of all the cities in Georgia, if not in the South, Atlanta should be foremost in support of reasonable protection. It has a greater number and variety of industrial enterprises and manufactur ing establishments than any city in the State. These enterprises are small at present, but they can only multiply and attain their full proportions under the fostering care of the government. Tho old,and wealthy establishments at the North do not stand so much in need of protection as the younger and weaker enterprises in the South. That the Constitution now fully appreciates this fact, and sees the folly of inaugu rating a free trade crusade upon the eve of a presidential election, which must end in disaster to the Democratic party, is a canse of sincere congratula tion to thoughtful men in all parts of the country. We aro rejoiced to infer that the reported differences upon the tariff question in the editorial staff of that journal, havo been composed, and that its able support will hereafter bo given to home interests and home la bor. Left-Handed Eloquence. A Washington correspondent of the Hartford, Conn. Times writes to that journal that‘‘Cannon,of Illinois, is tho only Representative who always gesti culates with his left hand.” This is perhaps correct, for Cannon invariably uses his left hand and may be a left- handed man. But it has been consid ered for several years past among the members of the lower house not to be in “good form’.’ if the left hand did not play a prominent part in Congressional oratory. It is an imitation of some body who set the pace and is becom ing a general affectation. Cannon lets his left arm fly like a flail on all occa sion i lie is a plain and earnest sort of a man and the gesture is natural with him. Garfield affected it and was always awkward in the effort. Joe Blackburn took it up with more nerve and grace and even Congressman Blount indulges himself in the diver sion in a shy and bungling style occa sionally. No man in the House who is not a born orator can gain any reputation as one without “letting his left fly” in the vernacular of the prize ring. Tho narrow aisles which furnish limited lo comotion to speakers make the left- handed pumping ungainly and danger ous, for the sharp edges of the desks on either' side continually threaten the knuckles. But the other day we no ticed that Hatch, of - Missouri, who is a podgy person with great beam and short arms, had whipped his cuff to the finger points on his left hand, as he threw off eloquent periods as to cow pneumonia. It requires natural gifts, patience, study, patriotism and experience to make a statesman, but, even with all of these qualities combined, a man will fail in tiie House of Representatives if, likSthe Hon. Joint Longfellow Sullivan, of Boston, he is not dexterous with his left hand. The day is coming when the ambi-dexterous man will rash to the front. FROM WASHINGTON. Programme of the Free Traders and the Dominant Whisky Ring* Special correspondence*! Washington, March 3.—In my last let ter I failed to reach the situation in Con gress on the tariff question, as involving the prospects of tue Democratic party in the coming Presidential election. Tho dominant faction of the party, as repre sented by Speaker Carlislo and Messrs. Morrison, Hurd, Mills, Blount and other free traders on the committee of ways and means, purpose to reduce the duties on foreign products as much and often ns they dare to do, it is very probable that they would cut the list half in two now, if they felt assured the House would sus tain them, and that the country would sustain the House. While we accord to these men honesty of judg ment in their direct war upon the ' PRODUCTIVE INDUSTRIES of the country, yet the fact is apparent to every man who has given a thought to the industrial condition upen which our pros perity depends, that they could not pro ceed in a more direct line in this work, if their real and avowed purpose was to transfer to the other side of the Atlantic our factories and workshops, and deprive revenue system owes each succeeding day of its existence. In its interest the pro ductive industries of the country are threatened with competition from foreign labor, and the labor of the country to reduction of wages at first, and, ultimately, enforced idleness. The ring dominates the party in the House, ana the dominant faction in the House is seeking to commit the party to the perpetuation of the internal rev enue svstem and the destruction of our manufacturing industries in tho inter est of the whisky ring. Present indications point to the com mittal of the Democratic party, first to low tariff and second to continuation of tho internal revenue system. Upon such a record made by its majority in the House, its defeat cannot be doubted. J. F. II. MACON AND FLORIDA AIR-LINE. How Tilden Talks, A Texas delegation has been to Washington recently. One of them went over to New York to see Mr. Til den, and makes the following report of his visit: Another Presidential Po.ilbUhr. Among the probable candidates for the Presidency, Mr. Roswell P. Flower, ot New York, has been mentioned. He is a banker of large means, of irreproachable character and a good record in the forty seventh Congress, of which he was a meru it Ls claimed for him that he will get support of the New York delegation at and that being entirely acceptable ancial interests of the North, be can - arry the State In the Presidential election. A New fork journal says: ‘•Democratic town caucuses were recently held in mint of the towns of Jefferson I- n.ity, at:h of width, after the regular town nominations sere made, resolutions were unanimously adopted favoring the r. nation < t ]to*wr!l P. Flower for the Pr«, .. > Mr Flowcrcame from Jef- |«r- -only and the sappottof M* OWH I ... I . .. . . •! letract any t!..r.,- I pr- ipe-.l* m Atlanta Political Ooselp. The newspapers and correspondents of Atlanta who undertake to enlighten the country os to the political outlook, are very busy just now. A few days ago, it was confidently stated that the candidates for Congress in the fifth district, were Messrs. Hammond, Jackson, Boynton, Stewart, and Livingston. It is now given out with quite as much confidence, that Boynton will not enter the race, hut may become a candidate for Governor—that Stewart will not be a candidate, and that Livingston will not, but the latter will seek the position of Railroad Comrnis- siencr now held by ex-Govtrnor Smith. This would reduce the race to Ham mond and Jackson, and the result of the contest lias already been settled by the journals and correspondents aforesaid. There is much gossip also with re gard to the gubernatorial succession. Governor McDaniel, we arc assured, will be a candidate for re-election. Judge Simmons it mentioned as a probable contestant, and now Colonel Boynton ia suggested as a possi ble aspirant for the nomination. The name of Hon. Wm. E. Smith, of Alba ny, the only Democratic Congressman from Georgia who voted against the electoral commission, has also been mentioned as a suitable man for the office. . Savannah, Augusta, Athens, Rome, Atlanta, Crlumbus—all the rest of the State, Indeed—seem to have no “favor ite son” whose flag they, care to throw to the breeze. It la not impossible, however, that other names will be pre sented in due season, but of this we have no certain information. The gossips do not confine them selves to the fifth Congressional district and the gubernatorial nomina tion. Some attention is vouchsafed to the ninth district, and now and then a psraprapbic shot is aimed at Mr. Cawller, the present incumbent. There are some people, unfortunately,who will never forgive Candler for beating Em ory Speer. Bosov Butter. A committee of the New York Legis lature is now making an inquiry into the bogus butter trade, and some fear ful discoveries have already been made, as witness tho following evidence: tieorge llildobrand, a commission dealer In produce in the city, wu the ftret wiiucai. Ho teatlflcd that he sells about lit tub* ol coun terfeit butter a day, on commlulon. When he receive* the stuff it 1* branded only with the shipper's mark. It !* branded oleomargarine In the witness 1 * store. The butterine as well u the other I* branded oleomargarine. He brand* the butterine oleomargarine because he thinks tt beat to do *o. The witness favored the committee with the current priceaof oleo margarine and butterine, which be said were from 19 to It cents and from 90 to 91 ccntato the rctaUera. J. B. Quinlan, grocer, testified that he sells from five to seven tubs of the queer a week at retail. When a child or anybody else comes In and aaka for Ihlrty-ccnt butter, he sella them bogus butter. Ills clerks have no In structiona except to sell the stuff as oleomar garine to persons who call for that compound. He pays about MX cents a pound fur olcnmar- garlne and baa sold It for butter for twenty- eight cents a pound. He sella the spurious ar ticle because he can make more money on It than on butter. If. Lanterty testified that he makes about 9,500,000 pounds of oleomargarine a year at hla creamery. In ft be uses from fifty to seventy- gallons of bonne off a day. This oil, be said, la produced from the bonne plant, and la highly prized by the natives of Africa, who use it Internally and externally. Mr. Lanferty ex plained his method of producing neutral lard oil, such as la used In making butterine. He said that in the Ice water into which tho otl waa drawn to be cooled be put nitric acid— about half an ounce to 900 gallons of water, •phis, the witness said, waa the part of the process which Mr. Robison, the swine-cream ery man from Chicago, had refused to explain to the committee on the preceding day. lie guessed that there were twelve factories In New York and Brooklyn, which make alto gether about eighteen ml llloo pounds of oleo margarine a year. The witness gave bis recipe for making butter: 1,000 pounds of oleomarga rine, 500 pounds neutralized lard, 10 gallons of bcone oil, drawn into a churn with 500 or 000 pounds of milk and M ounces of coloring mat ter, ehnmed and worked. Other witnesses testified to the same effect. It ia evident, from the testimo ny, that very little real Northern bat ter now finds its wav to consumers. At the last session of our Legisla ture an act was passed which requires hotel and restaurant keepers to pnt up a sign if oleomargarine, butterine and other substitutes for butter are used in their establishments. Dealers in such commodities are also required to put up a notice to the same effect. The object of the act is to protect consum ers against counterfeit butter. We have never seen ono of these signs or notice* about hotels and eating-houses, though there is no doubt that spurious articles are given to guests all over the country. Will not grand juries and other ministers of the law look into the matter? Good batter is a luxury, Adulterated butter la the wont article ol food that finds its way to our table*. Mr. Tilden received me very courteously. He la very feeble, and ho impressed me with the belief that his health was failing. Weak as he appeared to be, however, he insisted showing me all through the house, even to his bed chamber. He told me, or rather he gave distinctly understand that was disappointed in not getting a nomi nation again four years ago. He feels he was unjustly dealt with iu 1676, but that for tho peace of the country he did not in sist upon his rights. I believe, from the rersatton I hod with him, that he would like to get the nomination again. He feels that it is due him. His mind is strong, but be is very hard of hearing, and he only whispers in con versation. He holds your hand while he ls talking to you, apparently to steady himself. He docs not like Hendricks, and, from what he told me, I do not think that he wants to have Hendricks placed on the ticket again with him. He told roe that he had been pretty well all the post year, and up to about three weeks ago. He complained of not feeling so strong, but he felt that a Presidential nomina tion was due him; he wants to be the candi- natc again. There is no doubt inmymlud about that. Ho gavo mo that impression in one-half hour’s conversation. As 1 said before, while Mr. Tilden appeared physically weak, he is mentally very strong, and ho dis played a wonderful knowledge of public af fairs. We had no exchange of views on the tariff, nor upon a party platform generally. Whenever any subject enmo up be would re vert to the fraud that was practiced upon him In 1876, and every time he spoke of that he seemed to feel very sore and as a sadly disap pointed man. 80 far as I could learn, New York State is solid for Mr. Flower if Mr. Tilden does not se cure the nomination. The second place ls ex< pouted to goto the Wc«t. which is expected to make its’own choice The feeling ls roost gen erally favorable to Mr. Hendricks for the see ond place.’* Interview With Colonel Lane-The Nar row Cause Road Surveycd-AM About the Great Macon Enterprise. Areporterof the Telegraph on yester day met Cbi. A. J. Lane, who has just re turned from Lake City, Florida, the ter minus of the proposed narrow gauge road from Macon. In answer to an inquiry the Colonel faid: ‘•The engineer corps, Mr. W. H. Wells in charge, arrived at Lake City on Satur day, all hands well and in high spirits. They had accomplished what was proba- I My the quickest survey of similar length rer made in this country.” “What is the length of line surveyed “Just two hundred and twelve miles, nd a remarkable result is shown. One undred and sixty iulk>s of the line is al- lost a dead level. To build on it, the ex- ense of clearing and grubbing will be renter than the expense of grading. I stimate that the entire cost of clearing, robbing and grading on tliewhole line nil not exceed more than $1,000 per mile, t would not amount to this even, but that he timber is very heavy after passing 1 iennn. Complete and equipped, lae road :annot cost over $8,000 i>er mile.” “Is the presentlirte tobeadopted?” “I cannot say. as yet. The engineers lavo gono over to Quitman and vil A, a Jlp* back this way intil it intersects that already run. If the :ost is not excessive we may have to go hat way. The corps will also have work ;o do along the line nearer home, to find It towns'near tSSS,"they pm""” f “ TOr ’’When will you begin an active canvass for subscriptions?” “Just as soon as we get our charter, rexatious delay has been occasioned by n mistake in the wording of certificates of publication, and we found it necessary to obtain duplicates. It is likely now that ^dWtS^nS, nnd'we will &nt* ready to go ahead.” “How do the people along the line of t i ie A» ent ? rP * r : iSe?, ‘, 111 i. 1 II They arc enthusiastic and will help all in their power. They have already shown great interest, by gifts of the right of way and courtesies to our engineers. x If tlfc jCtdpi guimtfittucntg. GEORGIA HimmUNYr. -Wh-rcas W v Ropers, executor of Mrs. K. L. Rodgers, lata of said county, deceased, ha* mode application for letters of dismission. application J*» therefore, to cite and admonish all person* concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary °f Reid county , on the first Monday in June next to show cause, If any bo C gianted ?hy fcaId of a W* 1,cal,on *houId not witness my hand and official signature, this arch 4. 1884. J. a. McMaNUS. marMam3m» Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUKTY.-Whereu. Jas Boon* has male application for letters of ad- ministration on the estate of Matilda Goel* late of said county, deceased. * This is. thereto'**, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at tho court of ordinary of paid county on the first Monday in April next to show cause, if anv they nan.why sold of application should not bo Witness my hand and official signature, this March 4.1884. J. A. McMaNUS, mar5-law4w* Ordinary. con, in said county. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to b-* and appear nt the court of ordi nary of said county ou the first Monday in April next to show cause, If any they can.why said application shhuld bo granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this March 4,1884. J. A. McMANUB, mar51aw4w* * Ordinary. GEORGIA, mim COUNTY.—Bibb Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1884.—Mrs. Laura C Flanders, iis administratrix on the estate of David M. Fl under*, lute of said county, de ceased. having applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday In April next, else leave will be grunted said applicant as ap plied tor. Wmit-Mtny band and official signature, this March 4 1884 J A. Meld AN US, GEORGIA. BIBB CUUNTY-Whereas, Geo. Banks, administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Houston, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all concerned _j be and appear at the court of ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June next to show cause, if any they can. why said ap plication should not be granted. • Witness my hand and official signature, this March 4.18W. J. A. McMANUH, v marG Uw8m* Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Whercas, A. B. Ross, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Vir- S nia B. Wade, deceased, has made applica- m for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said estate. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to bo and appear at tho court of ordi nary of said county on the first Monday la April next to show cause, if any they can,why said application should not be granted. Wituess my hand and official signature, this March 5,18M. J. A. McMANUS, msrG-lsw4w Ordinary. Whereas. Henry L. Jewett, executor of the last will and tcstainont of Catherine Williams, late of said county, deceased, represent* to the court.in hi * petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Catherine Williams’s estate, and fully cxccut; wing of the Democratic party in the House, people uloligTheTine! therein ^Thls therefore to cite all persons con- and this doctrine, coming from such a be no trouble in putting the road through.” ‘ ----- - man, may reasonably be supposed to in- “I suppose the Florida boom contin* ,„* FT'- «»»•° ( P»Pto an J of business to If this is true, we may readily account Florida is almost beyond belief. I came for the wild and impractical purposes that down the St. Johns and found every steam- animate them in their blind and unreason- er crowded. At Palatka the hotels were ins opposition to the Urauutacluriog SS2SS2«SS!ioSS wK interests of the country. Wo can also limited to a cot in the billiard room. The understand their low estimate of the intel-1 crowd extends all over the State the same ligcnce of our mechanical and laboring * a >'- } c ? n M ve Y ou no c< ? rr , ect ' °* * . , v I the extent of business carried on there, classes, which has led them, in shaping so q-|, c boats and railroads have all they can an unprecedented increase of travel and December s ~1S88. | bnsiness all oyer tho State. Everything decr-iawSm Administrator’s Sale, when Congress assembled, Bearing this indication of tho judgment I Joints to the fuiffllmeiirof'"myprophccy® and positions of these men in mind, the 1 that Florida will be the richest section— rauntrv will the more readllv understand I cities excluded - ~in tllO United btntcs country wu tne more readily understand „ whlt obout the town9 a , your pro- BY virtue of an order from tho ( the favorable report of the committee on poaej n ne 0 f road ?’• hji binary of Bibb eountr, will be sold on tho first ways and means, already sent to tho Well Lake City is a thriving little place i?SidcoSnt5'beS5»i5 l & toUS House, on the bill extending the time for and dccnly interested in the success of our t ho following property, to-w it: The hou navment of the internal revenue tar unon romJ ‘ Twelve miles north of it on the lot situate on the corner of Oclothorpo i * revenue tax upon 1 8uwanee rivel . i, Ul0 white Bulpher Sparks streets. In the city of tue 00,000,000 gallons of I Springs, one of the most remarkable of present occupied by Dr. J. J. Urautly_. whisky IN bond, I Florida curiosities and already famous for ™,"“ a J* on This was a grave mistake of the com- »ud seveuty (170) feMtoa rvsltinfi and la nnm.nnt ♦<-» sMamkasw I *OUCll ftt Jliptf* tu6 COUtlty M#t Ol HllDil* AlPO, part Of lot NO. 5, Ol mittce, and is appirent to its members ton coun ty, and from thence tho lino runs - - - now—so much so that reports arc current to Valdosta, through Echols and Lowndes in every direction that but a small minority I county. a stirring town of ^he committee favored 15““^}” ‘?!!l along Piiifl right of way to Chestnut street. Turin* of hale, one-half c ash: balance ut twelve month*, with interest from flute of rale. WILLIAM IlA/.I.r.liritST, administrator, with will annexed of Mrs. Faerie B. Cald well. marJ-law4w relieve the Democratic party from respon- f)iate coum^eonto^ nihility, as a majority of the committee are ?JlmiJjHanS an?th«finMH Gmher in tlfiS .Democrats, and had the power to kill the If! F rnnlv i nn n at hi? ni n / ti? 1 measure, lam told that of the eighty Sf* ] millions of revenue due upon this whisk/. I SSl.Su P aMin K ne#r » but Kentucky owes the government nnn half “.TO? 11 cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, 1 any they can why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dismission on tho first Monday in May. 1881. Witness my hand and official signature, this J. A. McMANUS, Ordiuary. my li February 1,188 felO-lawSm* mission from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to bo and appear at the coutt of otdl- nary of said county, on the first Monday in Mlacsgenntlon. In a lute number of the Northern Methodist Quarterly Review, Dr. Abel Steven* publishe* an elaborate article on the negro problem, in which ho pro pone* and urge* amalgamation cf the white and block race* as its scientific and historical solution. Kentucky owes the government one ]3i ot this enormous sum. The bill is a Ken "When do you propose to go among the oplo along the line?” inate the committee and the Democratic .^“Vmlo^bSok "re^lv TJuf''iddr'era majority of the House. It Is to h. moss ’ .- 1 ■whether or not She Is powerful enough to ennvenmnt^nolnt'lrivlni!^•‘•vnnn *is < nf II onr force thismeasure thfoughCongms. and a\f t«UThVe ifnSrm ' Wffl At the risk of tiring Urn reader. I want I g»“» “g to explain the scope of this splendid specu- mi^na'sonn'as I can determine on them' nation of the wt.lskv ring, 'this whisky Vh ?fVnei has been in bond three year* already. I *P. l g l ”- t ? l *.. ,0 “’“g?l Congress is now asked to extend the time trv tn hidld’lt in twelve morrths nfter^H two years more, and the ring graciously g&SJgffLidRs ir£l*.*ira£iSiigLJSa proposes to pay four per cent, interest on 1 llr,t brt ’ ,k 0[ ,llrt i3 madL - the amount of suspended tax. In other _ words, they ask the goverment to becomeT ,, ,, cl, » 01 ,h * their banker, and, further, to furnish I ? tr - U- (?• lt «» lial . 1 .» P°P u . lar frayriiog Crawford Coun v, GEOItU14,CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Thoms. Dickson *nd L. D. Moore, admlnUtraters tie I "i!' idin on the < -'dti’ of M try 1'roum, late of said county, deceased, make- application for letters of <11*mlh<tinu from said triut. Thiiwill rile all co"cerned tu show ratine, if any they have, by the tint Monday In April 1884, why said application should not be grant* »d a-w prraje.l for. Witness my hand officially, this January 7th, UM VIRGIL 8, HOLTON, janl! I*w3m Ordinary. that can confront the white people ot the South, and indeed ot the whole country, for the next one huddred years, we shall print in our issue of Sunday next a Bcltolarly and unanswer able reply to the monstrous proposition of Dr. Stevens. We invite the serious attention of the reader to the article, which will be found alike able, temper ate and exhaustive. It is such propositions as this,in mor- are maintained in the South and West »*omach affections with the hest results, upon a rate of interest averaging fully 7 •* *• an , medicine. No traveler per cent. This whisky will mellow with I 'hould be without it. age, and will increase yearlv in value from 5U to too percent, upon the amount of the Crlttanden’a Crandson Sentenced, tax, and at the end of three years will sell N. Y. Sun. for three dollars profit upon its cost. It Lortsvou, February 2!).—Thomas Crib will atoncc be seen that this is by far the temlen. son of ex-Unltcd States Marshal heaviest jod Crittenden, and grandson of John J. Crib ever attempted upon the country. It will tenden, a n Med Kentucky statesman, was pay enqugh in all conscience ($240,000,000) to-day sentenced to three years in the pen- to warrant the Ting in carrying it at Its 1 itentfary for killing a negro boy, Hose own expense. \ Mosby, at Anchorage, Ky. Further danger is Involved to the party Crittenden was a wild, reckless youth, from this whisky interest. Tcnqiorary continually Retting into trouble. He bad Crawford Sheriff Sale. | EORC1IA, CRAWFORD COl’STY.—Will Vo solfl before the court home «l«w>r in tho town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the hours of sale, the north half of lot No. 70 iu the second district of originally Houston now Crawford county. I-cried on to satiafy a ft fa issued from the jus tice court of the C30th district G. M. of caid county in favor of J. A. Avcru mrainut Kinrhcn Jefferson os the pmperty of defendant. I*evy mode and returned to me >•> Y. ('.Taylor, con stable. M. I’. UKVIKHK, Sheriff. March 1st, 1884. Sdaulw GEORGIA. CRAWFORD COUNI'Y.-C. W Van Valkeobnrg. executor ot U*t will and testament of Elizabeth Newsom late <f said county, deceased, aprllciito ine for ,’ettcrsof dismission from Mid truK. 1 his will cite all ton.earned to »how cause, if sny lhe» have, by the rtr»t Moodaj in April. VM. why raid applies lion should ‘ * bIb, religion anil politics, that make a control seems to have turned the head, of I been arrested for shipping a negro boy, “solid South ” its advocate*, and they are anrttaive and and in the court room young Mushy’a tes- iklUnt They propose not only to suspend tiraony against him secured his convic- the collection of this tax, but to perpetuate tion. After the trial Crittenden approach- Agexts (horrid not faii to see our offer ol premiums elsewhere in this is sue. If granted Janll liwjm Free Trade vs. Protection. An election has just been held in the State of Kansas for a sucessor to Con gressman Haskell, recently deceased. The issue made in the contest was free trade vs. protection. The protectionist won by a majority of five thousand. It has been contended that the great West was for free trade pure and simple. Kansas is one of the great States of the West—* State noted for her agricultural progress, and yet she repudiates the nonsensical doctrine. Sir. Morrison and Mr. Hurd may affect to disregard this verdict, but it is to be hoped that it* effect will not be lost on the Southern Representatives who, by following them, have endangered the success of the Democratic party, if, in deed, they have not destroyed it. A WEATHER prophet claims that the earth has three motions—two vibratory and one actual. And we bare been think ing all the time it waa champagne! How unjust. Modistes predict that the Easierco*- turoca will bare a bustle attachment larger than any heretofore seen. The slippery winter has had some effect on styles, we the internal revenue system. This accounts I for their persistent wer upon manufac tures. In reducing the dutlea on imports, tbev intend to create the necessity for a continuation of this system. Many Dem ocrats. 1 am told, are opposed to the inter* nal revenue system, but do not intend to abolish it until the tariff has been reduced. iThey do not intend, in fact, to abol ish it at ail. The purpose ot re ducing the duties is to check the accu mulation of money in the treasury, so they say. If the surplus revenues arc curtailed by tariff reductions, the Internal revenue The Court of Claims rendered a de cision to-day granting three months extra pay to (iervenu W. II. Emory.of the army, and to James If. North, of the nary, lor service in the Mexican war. The, decision is of great importance to both the army and navy, ae ii affect, all the survivor* of the Mexican war. ed the boy and said: “t will see you later.” He then went to his house, got a shot-gun, and, coming back, shot Mosby dead. The verdict of theiury was “voluntary man slaughter.” The case attracted neat at tention, because it was doubted whether a jury would convict a Crittenden for killing a negro. Agents should not toil to see our offer of premiums elsewhere in this is sue. tf UJ MS* I ** IcuuLiKilin, site lUWIUM IVtCilUC system will be required to raise money to meet the necessities of the government The whisky ring asks for suspension of payment on account ot taxes, upon the plea of neceralty. 8uppo» future discus sion of this question should develop a proposition to repeal the whole internal revenue laws and abolish the system en tirely—what will be the result? Can these people, who are asking of the government relief from payment of Inter nal revenue taxes because it is a hardship to pay them, also ask thegovernment to continue to tax them? They say, now, "Tax ns,” and are begging at the same time suspension of payment on taxes al ready due. To this Inconsistent and fool ish policy the dominant faction of the party in the House ia com mitted. More than this, Democrata favor in many Instances a continuation of the internal revenue system in the interest of title ring. It la the greatest monopoly in the country. It now controls the whole whisky product. It asks fur a continua tion of the interna] system of taxation, (n order to exclude small distUlen from the business. They an excluded under the law as at present They most pay the tax in each. While the government is asked to enforce this condition upon them, the use muioxsnas Leaf year theatrepartie* aro now the height of atyle. The ladies buy the tickets and provide the carriages, and be tween the acta rush out leaving the gen tlemen in their seats. Just before the cur tain goes up again the ladies return, smell ing like spice factories. Homebow, though, the gentlemen don’t seem to enjoy it For Sale. P URE 1IERLONQ Cotton seed at 71 cents a bushel on cars, ami six thnr oughbred Berkshire boar pigs three month old, beet pedigree, flOeach. on cars. First money gets them. It E. PARK. Man Oe.. or J. T. DOZIEB. febfflwft Holton, Oe, A FBIWmm rtffct away than anythin* el* InthitvorbL Fortunes air alt the workers absolutely sore. At once address True A Co., Au*u»u, Maine VIRGIL8. HOLTON, Muuou County, GP.ORG* A. MACON IL H. Ruthin admlnUti the estate of William i: applied for letters of dis ainistratlon. This is. therefore, to t persons concerned to b court of ordinarT of »al Monday in April next, a why ba il letter* Khutil.-i i Given tmder my haud Ihia 1st day of J COUNTY.—’When m. id ailineniiih all Jana-law$m l ard official signature, JOHNM« GREER, Jo'ieM County, OFFICE jo: Ft bruary 1*M.—\N h* aapplii * non * tlh . If. John- ImlnUtratlon «le bonis x. .! S.n e.title *.f Will. jn Johnson, late deceased, of Jones county. These are, therefor •. to cite ami admnnUh nil !•* r-<ill's e.,fi< ernc«i t«. si„, w eaiiM* at thira office on or by the first Monday in April nest, if any they linkr, why the bam« ahall not be Kraut. «i WUneaa ray hand offi< lallr. febOTbl K T. KO>*s, Ordinary. are taking Concrete to tax them upon a credit ot nve year* To tb« jower of Ibis ring the internal Pure Blooded Hogs. JERSEY RED^alUe Berkshire,Imported Poland China, Imported Eesex Pigs for sale—Sta.00 per pair. OEO. M, PRESTO)TT, febSStrdlUfcw?*. Vijlly, O CONSUMPTION. I bean * psmltlvn raoarady far ihn abu*n flastM. fcy IU a ** ot ram, of tha wofa* b<n4 and ef Umm la l« raV-aey, (bnt I will ila!TtwVsOT^IXaVSSX, tcc*lLnr with * TALCASI.X tSSATISSon U.ta 41MBM, hrar. Otra lipreetaao p O addrma .. j>a. T- a. icocvX. Ml >WI ec. x«« r#»*. LYON&HEALYj :• & Moproe Sis.,Chicago.^ BAND CATALOOt?*, pi3DiiiiTY ;• V- -j j \ £ ',>■ fFZl'UZZtt feji