Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 07, 1884, Image 6

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fliE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. TIIE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1884. Dully and Weekly. Daily U delivered by carrier* In the Illllllcl l • —Lmj*«- (tv. 1“ --I'" ■! ’ ‘ : •* . $2.50 lor ihrec mouths,, $5 lor six Allen D. Candler. The following paragraph, in regard to the Hon. Allen D. Candler, Represout- ative in Congress from the Ninth dis trict, is taken from the Clarkesrille Advertiser: •'Let it be remembered that the Democ racy of the Ninth district is solid for Allen *1 ii* Weekly is mailed to ■ub«criber», pos tal:- free, at $l. r »0a year and 75c. lor »lx months. To flubs of five $1.» per year, and to cluba of ten $t pi-r year, and an extra copy to getter up cl club of live or ten. ansuiteus ndvertlaeraenU will be taken for the Daily at $i per square of ten lines, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for each • fiuont insertion; and for the Wp.xkly at 1 , ..L lihnnil r-ito< D. Candler. He it was who redeemed those who bad gone astray, and they will never forsake him. All that the carpet- bagger*; and acallawags, and the tail end oftfic defunct independent party, can say against him, only adds to his strength, as P - ■ «l, n frnni vliRnf-P everyone knows the source from whence the unfounded charges come." We had supposod that if there was the war, lias been under a cloud, and Southern representatives do not havo an equal chance in. Congress for ac quiring distinction for themselves, nor for serving their country. Their votes count for as much as so many Northern votes, but beyond this they cannot hope to exercise much Influence in shaping legislation, nor securing fair treatment for their State and section No man in the history of Georgia ever won n more enviable reputation than the late Governor Charles J. Jon kins, and yet he never held a federal iroMmeior*. . ... . . K*-jotted communications will not be re- non<lenre containing ln$p°rtant new*, member of Congress from Georgia J office. He served his people faithfully Correspcnfirnre containing unpoiwui ucw., ami Ci-cuiision, of living topics, is solicited, tmt must be brief tnd written upon but one aide of the paper to have attention. Remittances should be made by Express, Wi.rey Order or Registered totter. Agenta wanted In every community in the Eute.to whom liberal c0 “" psid. (Postmasters are especially requested l °AIl commuisVrat!Oil! should bo addressed to H.C. HANSON, Manager, Macon, Ga. Mabcii comes in more like a Polar bear tbon like a lion. Sixtkzk degrees below the freezing point la pretty ct^or the 3Kli day of February, in the latitude of Macon. who would he safe from the assaults of Republicans and their allies, the “com mercial Democrats,’’ it was Mr. Can dler. He is singularly frank, upright and honest, devoted to the best inter ests of his people, a most useful citi zen, and free from personal and party bitterness. He has been assailed and misrepresented in the most unscrupu lous manner, however, and an effort is being made to prevent his re-elec tion. That this effort will fail, we feel confident. Mr. Candler lias claims upon the favor and support of the people in his district that no other man and successfully in the Legislature and in the executive office. He was re pcatedly elected to the House of Rep resentatives, hut nevgr, we believe, to the Senate, and for many terms was chosen Spcnker—always, indeed, when his party was in power. We look back in vain over the list of ou;' Congressmen for a name more widely known, or more sincerely revered. All his reputation was acquired here at home, in the service of his fellow-citi- preciation is yet as bright as in the days when the eartli was young, and Prometheus had not furnUhfidan’ en during simile. The young god, for Cupid is exempt from Time’s inter ference, shoots as strong and as straight as lie did when the lone hunter trod the Asian plain, and forges fetters as enduring as in the days when our Uncle Tubal Cain set himself up as a physical rival at the foot of the hill. The type is one and the same; Cui i and IiIb fair incognita, brought from the land of Nod—a land the wise men have never located, but which every young ster who lias courted away the midnight hours, through which the old folks nodded, knows only too well—Cain and liis fair incognita, Jacob and Rachel, Boas and Ruth (sly beyond her generation), and, coining down to later days, Leandcr and Hero, Paul and Virginia, Abelard and Heloise, Gabriel and Evangeline, all—are the same. other localities. Without, therefore, withholding the meed of praise duo to other religious’ bodies, we are com pelled to recognise our Baptist fellow- workers as among the most praise worthy and devoted sons of Georgia. Wo are glad to witness the efforts now mnking by this powerful denomi nation to worthily eudow their most noted educational institution—Mercer University. With an able and well trained faculty, it stands in our midst prepared to educate our sons up to the highest standard of excellence. We wigh them every success, and trust that their efforts this centennial year may be crowned with divine favor. The stock Jaw once adopted, every industrious tenant and laborer in tho State, if hedesiredit, might so in become the owner of his own homo and farm. Nothing would so improve tin stability of our agricultural labor, and render it so permanent and contented 4. In tha Chimney Corner. The most interesting, andyetwitlin), the mostpatlietic feature of Southern life to-day, is the aged figure that nestles at tho fireside in faded gown and scant decoration. Few of the old homes remain thnt have not Every age lias learned the pair and | this last link binding them to former loved to smile upon the cause. The j days; and sucli ns have not, we pitv, Here is an example worthy of imita tion by our younger and ambitious Coin winds evidently stand on the plat form of the late “American party,” in that they “know no North, no South, no Fast, in Georgia has. A self-made man, who "ten. We are glad to see that Colonel lias worked his way up from the ground —a brave soldier conspicuous for gal- no West." They have cold shoulders for lantry, an enterprising citizen ever Lamar—a sure enough colonel, by the way—lias taken the right path for use fulness and distinction. Tire Georgia Democrats, as a rule, arc not in favor of bosses or tho boss 'system. If compelled, however, to follow a boss, they would prefer one that has never drawn rations in the camp of the enemy. Tnx farmer* of Alabama have begun to plant com. With the thermometer at 10 degrees below the freezing point, the corn will probably do aa well In the crib as in the ground—at least till the weather mod erates. A LAiuiKR measure of independence of outside industries is one of the conditions to the future prosperity of Georgia. This truth has forced its way to conviction in the minds of the people; and our confi dence in the bright future of the state is based principally on that fact. It appears that we were in error in stat Ing that Col. C. B. Wooten had announced himself os a candidate for Congress in the second district He Informs us that be is “not a candidate for the nomination—cer tainly not in tlic sense of seeking it." If nominated, hc.will serve, but he is not working to secure the nomination. Mike personal like or dislike is not a proper motive for favoring or opposing the election of any man to any office, In the opinion of the writer. Offices arc in tended lor the public good, and they should be filled solely with reference to the public weal. It is impossible that every man’s friend shouid be tile best man lor a given office. ’ striving to promote the welfare of his neighbors and constituents, it would be a shame and a misfortune to thrust him aside at the instance of coalition ist traffickers in public offices. That Mr. Emory Speer and his per sonal friends and followers should de sire the overthrow of the gallant little knight who unhorsed him, is natural; hut that Democrats should lend their countenance to the movement, will 1>e n surprise ami morti fication to their compatriots all over the South. In redeeming the Ninth district, Mr. Candler made a most nota ble triumph, and attracted the atten tion and friendly regard of the party throughout the country. Mr. Speer's course in Congress and at home liad forfeited the confidence and respect of the Democracy, and liis conduct since he gave his adhesion to tlte Republi cans, lias abundantly justified the es timate placed upon him by the white people of Georgia. To Mr. Candler tlui State is indebted for his defeat, and it is the plain duty of the Democrats of the district to return him to Congress at the approaching election. Southern Tariff Advocates. The tariff question is receiving more ittention in the rice-producing sections of Georgia, North and South Carolina, the sugar districts in Louisiana, the hemp-growing counties in Kentucky and Missouri, and in the iron and conlregionsof Alabama agil Tennessee, than any other subject now before Con gress, In Alabama, us we stated some days ago, the feeling in favor of a judicious ... . .. . .2. . ... , . stantly presented to her as the protective tariff has risen so high that|_/ K „ „„„„ it threatens to split the Democratic old story runs now as it did in the beginning; as it will forall time. We contend that the modem type has a charm equal to those aureoled in romance and preserved in poetry. What could have been more modcrnly pas toral, more picturesque, more faithful than that presented upon our streets yesterday? The country maid with hair curled tenderly, large, white hat, such as only a bride may wear, neat frock, a wealth of ribbons and gloves —well, gloves indescribable; the coun try lad in best Sunday suit, wool hat, patent leather slippers and white socks. Hand in hand they ventured along, gazing into the wonderful windows, planning nothing, wanting nothing, buying nothing; simply content. The perfect taste in dress con- The entertainment wa.- roval in a!' OI its anpofotaienta, from the egg to th- ?i PP n' J n a . l,ll ition to liis pic-nrc gallery the finest private one in the country, fie •Iisplaycfi a collection of Chinese and jap- J the 1 eno-.iti.-s „f art that e\rite,l i wonder of the representatives of 111 —, countries who were guests on the occa Vaxioi* papers have already begun to form their pyramidsof “Uiecertaln Demo cratic Slates" aiid "the certain Republican States," with a number of “uncertain States” in the background, to be foraged on at sweet journalistic will. The only certain thing about a political pyramid is Its uncertainty, and tho only use to which it can be put is to fill an editorial void.^H The case of the State of Tennessee against cx-Trcasurer Polk is not yet set tled. This Is hardly a matter of news, and we mention it merely to show how slowly and with what uncertainty and misgivings Justice travels when in pursuit of of fender* of wealth and high *oclal standing. The balance* are not held out to all alike. There i* "respect of perrons" in human tribunals. The New York Timu may heconsldcred the organ of ail those Republicans in the Umpire State for whom honest methods have any charm whatever. In view of this (act it is significant that that paper U outspoken in opposition to the rennaiina- tkm of President Arthur. It may be looked upon as an indication of the fact that the bet|er class of Republican* are convinced that the country needs relief from the bit- feme** of bor-uneriam. party, and to place two sets of candid ates in the field at the approaching election. If we except Louisiana, the discussion in the other States we have named, has been conducted in a tem perate spirit, and the integrity of the party does not seem to he seriously eii* da tigered. T'.ie Louisiana sugar planters, who lately, met in convention in New Or-* leans to discuss the tariff on their fa vorite product, adopted a series of resolutions strongly protesting against any reduction of tho duty on sugar. These resolutions were subsequently T a rax seems to be but little reason tor doubting the conclusion that the cli matic change* now going on in this coun try »re largely due to the wholesale de struction of the forests from the Canada fine to the Gulf. lass and leas impeded, the cold current* from the Polar region* sweep down into the itorni laboratorli-s •like Gulf. Gotten into proper dynamitl.' shape there, they comeawceping and howl ing bock on their return viait—leaving dilatation lu thetr track. The rail splitter is the father of the cyclone. The indications point to the coining of a day when New England statesmen will o- easting about for allies to aid them in defending the doctrine of the sovereignty of tlie States. Political power is drifting out of their hands, and with the loea of that, nationalism will have lost for thorn all its charms. They have taught the peo ple ol the rough and growing West to de. .pise the constitutional guarantees of local rights; and outvoted and overbalanced Si w England will have overt cause (or mourning in that beg earnest teacher* found such apt and unforgetful pupils. I he South has cause to know what nation a.i m mean-when the power of thegor- „„.nt is in hostile and heartless hands. History of Ceorsla. TWO VOLS: nv CHAS. C. JONES, Tlie direction of true criticism is to consider the work to be reviewed as a phenomenon; to enter into it and seek the reasons that gave it form and lining to find what manner of mind presented it, and to discuss the causes that unite in or surround it. This is eminently proper, since we have no arbitra ry rules to guide us, no models for com parisons, nor even a tacit understand ing as to what shall constitute merit and demerit. It cannot be said that a minute his tory of Georgia is of no value, even though we find within it naught but a fleet of battered facts, becalmed upon a level sea of words. Such a book, if accurate in its chronology and truthful in statements, as we believe that under discussion to be, is bound to exist as useful and convenient for reference. We hardly think Mr. Jones's history of Georgia will ever attuin u higher distinction or more exulted use. Its eleven hundred pages bring tlie reader no further than tlie eml of the revolutionary war; and it mny lie ques tioned if, since the birth of tho Mtate was attended with so much of interest os to call for such voluminous treat ment, the record of its youth aud ma turity, aud the stirring events oi its latter days, can be crowded into a space less than ten times as great. For Mr. Jones to have followed Mr. Bancroft's or Mr. Prescott's example was not wise, when the field is us limited os that chosen. One had before him the entire country, whose important events alone are legion; the other, empires and principalities, whose romantic fate and barbaric splendor are alike inspir ing to the writer and entrancing to the reader. We apprehend that compara tively few people will read the “His tory of Georgia’’as a work of iaterest. The work before us as we have said, will seek its level among the books of reference. Ww-know of no person in Georgia better qualified than its author to gutlier up and record the facts con nected with the early days of this State. He has spent years and much patient labor upon the subject, and po*se«tcs a methodical mind well fitted for tlie arrangement of facts. We re gret for his soke that the result of his efforts his been to out of proportio# to tlie importance of Ids facts us to ren der its pecuniary success doubtful. crowd hu-ried by might at some other time have made tlie girl flush over tlffi superabundant colors she car ried ; but on this occasion nothing in- congrous could affect her. Under other circumstances the cold wind creeping in between the top of the lad's beloved slippers and the far margin of his ldgh- water pants, might have made its icy fingers felt. He did not even know the air was chilly. Nothing short of a week’s association with an iceberg could have made him shiver, and the girl did not have the appearance of having traveled out of an arctic circle. Raul and Virginia, Ruth and Boaz— call them what yon will, it matters not. adopted as their own by the conven-1 knew u / em at . glancc . Most tion of colored sugar planter* and plan- j of ug ^ Wn oyer the “ atue gromi(1 . tatiou workers, which met soon after. They ascribed the depression of the sugar trade to the enormous increase of production in Europe by cheap labor, and tlie severe reduction of duties in this country. They lamented the Ha waiian treaty, denounced the proposed treaty with Mexico, and asked of Con-< gress a recognition of the right of the sugar industry to live—declaring “that it should not lie annihilated in order to protect more favored industries, nor to settle political difficulties, as Is threat ened.” Among the resolutions adopted, is the following: “ Rewired, That we urge upon Senators and Representative* in Washington the importance of protecting and guarding our interests, which thould tor held tuperinr and paramount is all party ajfiliatiun. and be based upon principle* of strict justice and The convention that first adopted these resolutions was composed almost exclusively of white planters and Dem ocrat* ; and if the resolution just quoted means anything, it mean* that here after the sugar planters of Ixmislan* intend to stand by their own material interests, even to the disruption o! their party ties. The convention <4 colored sugar growers and workers, in addition to the resolutions of their white neighbors, adopted tho following: Long live the bride und her swain. “Retailed That the present selling price of sugar represents a very small profit on tlie cost of production, and auy material diminution in its value will result in the ruin and destruction of the industry, and in common with our white fellow-eitUei-s we prote-t ngainst any policy of the government which will I feet of destroying or materially injuring un industry built up by the policy and foster ing cate of protection, and in which there are no less than *80.000,000 or SOU,000,000 invested, and on which four hundred thou sand people in Louisiana are dependent for support. On behalf of our people we Mercer University. Tlie article concerning Georgia Bap tist history presented elsewhere in our columns to-day, will attract attention. The limits of a daily journal preclude more titan n brief outline of facts; but sufficient Is given to justify that denom inational pride and intelligent interest in denominational growth which mani fest themselves in appropriate centen nial exercises. For ourselves wo have no hesitation in saying that Georgia has just cause of sclf-gratulation at the part taken by Baptists in her history, and in her advancement and amelioration. A friend who is well versed in the history of theBuptists in Georgia, has supplied us with the following inter esting information; It was mainly through the influence of this denomination that a law, enact ed one hundred year* *go, in 171H, closely uniting Church and State, was repealed by the legislature In 1785. A Baptist—Jesse Mercer—wroto the clause on religious liberty in our State constitution. Henry Holcombe, a Baptist, originated our old penitentiary system, in mitiga tion of a criminal code which allowed u man to be hung for stealing a musket. The same man established the first, or ono of the first, orphan societies in the State, and which still flourishes in Sa vannah. Joeish l'enlield, another Bap tist, originated the l'ort Society in the same city, which lias been in active lespite tlie unchangeable plaintiveness of this one different tone felt, rather than heard in the daily hum of house hold life. To the writer there is something strangely touching in tlie life and man ners of this old lady from tlie other days of Southern society. Rarely seen abroad, she dwells in her own comer of tho chimney, fading away as voice-1 less, ns tenderly, as surely ns the’ pale rose of October, its fragrance still shed on all about it, its beauty grand even in its ruins. In tlie household, her help goes forth through whatever channel there may be opened. Hers is not the mission to venture forth and strive to add to fam ily coffers worldly wealth by merclian- tile or industrial labor. Education, custom, strength forbid. To sit by the chimney corner and ply the old time needles in socks for the children; to gently lend the opening minds about her into paths of knowledge and virtue; to lift the baby from tired “mother’s” arms; to patch and dam tho garments that have succumbed to juvenile ener gy ; to hear of troubles and soften sor rows ; to be at once a refuge and a guide—these nre her works. And care fully, sacredly, tenderly, she meets these hidden issues, and sheds the peace of a divine patience about her little cir cle. Not often do we see her abroad. Her pale face at the door, bent kindly upon some waiting beggar; a silent figure in the quietest comer of the church—this in general is all. But not always is rest and contentment her lot even in tlie inner circle. Was there ever a peifo-t picture? Tlie white hand with its bluo veins distinct amid its transparency, too often brashes slowly hack the wav ing strands of gray that flutter upon her tomplesr-n mute gesture of per plexity with the old; often the faded dress is faded because tho loyal lieftrt behind it will not add ono straw's weight to the load she sees upon tho careworn face of a son or reads in a daughter’s anxious tones. Nor is it likely that memories come not. The old (lays when the South Itnd wealth, and she perhaps, • had pleasures, distinction, knightly courtesy from all who passed her by; when the gown was not faded and the far church comer was not her proper place —but let us not lift the veil too far. Often there swells up within her sensi tive soul the thought, growing heavier at each return, that she, with her small demands, is after all a burden. Tills, of all others, is her cross. Ye who romp and storm in the mirth and strength of youth cunnot know this feeling until, perchance somo day, ut terly defeated, you too come to sit in the chimney comer, with the snow upon your head and the blue veins swelling in your whitening bands. Mothers, grandmothers, kinswomen all; yo who have seen wealth, liopo, husbands und sons fade out in the old South’s desolation; ye who sit in the chimney corners living out the mission of your old age, God’sblesstng be upon £5 Mnoon and Florida Air-Line Rond. Ah will bo seen by referenef to a spe cial from Lako City, the corpf. of engi neers employed upon the Hurley of the Macon and Florida Air-Lino road has completed its labors and aivived at Lake City, Florida, the terminus of the proposed road. The route surveyed ib described as very fine and suitable fora cheap road. The people along tho line arc enthusiastic and promise qssistauce. Tliore is nothing at present to be added to what we have already written concerning this subject. It is evident, however, that tho actual survey 1ms developed a route much more favora ble than was at first anticipated. tVe shall in a few days have important communications to publish in this con nection. The spring seems to be in earnest to-dav A light overcoat Is a burden. The vellow crocuses have come out and tho velvety buds oil the silver poplars are swelling ■ hangs on tlie western horizon amt Wastiington weather any where near tbs fourth of March is uncertain. Abbev w th his singing birds is here, but they will hardly reach you. However, If the Wyndham Comedy Company strikes Ma con, strike in turn for front seats. A. B. L. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Burnett's Coconino, The Best and Cheapest Hair Dressing. It kills dandruff, allays irritation, and promotes a vigorous growth of tho Hair. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are invaria bly acknowledged the purest and best. CLIMBING THE SPIRAL STAIRS. Invisible Architecture in a New New England Parsonage. Congress-Presidential Situation—Rem nants of the Conatution—Chat mera—Emory Sneer and Hie . Victims—Notes. [editorial correspondence.] Washington, February 20.—To-night the President close* the* festivities of "Shrove Tuesday” with a reception. To morrow he will mount a pair of black doe skin pantaloon* and Washington society will go into mourning. But our nationnl law mill will still continue to -un by wind. I dropped in on yesterday. Two hours and one half were taken up with the PRESENTATION OF BILLS, mostly for pension*. These who nre ner vous about the surplus in the treasury need only be patient, the defenders of the union will reduce it in time. Then tlie House buckled to what one of tlie retyling clerks calls the *'pleurio pneumonia” bill. If not strictly correct, the pronunciation Is eminently euphonious, and most Congress men spell it that way and pronounce it as they spell The most notable speech came from our old friend Hatch, once commissioner for the exchange of prisoners under the Con federacy. now a member of Congress from Missouri. Like other debaters, be injected a stump speech into bis argument, and ar-! raigned the national Democratic commit tee for carrying the convention to Chicago in place of St. Louis. It may be remarked that the Presidential campaign cannot be succcsstully fought with lung power, though many of our Congressmen enter tain an opposite opinion. While this de bate was progressing In the House, an at tempt was mhde to get some aid for the sufferers by the recent cyclone, in the Hcn- ate, but there was a disposition, as there always is, to "draw the line” on the South. Strange to say, the movement came from two Southern Senators. Harrfc^of Tennes see. and Morgan, of Alabama. Mr. Harris stands guard over the tattered remnants or a constitution. Our |>coplc will lmvc ample time to make two crops and recuperate before Mr. Mor gan can conclude his argument. Works of relief must be done at once or not at all. The chief officers ol the House are the very best authority as to the’ duration of a Congressional session. They all agree that Congress cannot adjourn before the first of August. This docs away with a short business session, but it is not with out compensating results. Congressmen cannot go to Chicago, and that is a bless ing not to be despised. Wc have cither to turn over these conventions to Congress ional coteries, or permit the people to manage them. Tlie latter programme alone promises success. On yesterday I met GENERAL CIIALMERS, of Mississippi, on the stairway of the House. The mau is nolongcr jaunty and debonair. He used to look as chirpy and defiant as an Knglieh sparrow, with a hat like unto “Rambler’s” and a semi-military cloak. Bail associations have aged him. “Yes,” she said “our children are married and gone, and my husband and I sit by our winter fire much as we did before the little ones came to widen tfxc circle. I.lve Is some thing like a spiral staircase; we arc all the time coming around over the spot wc started remarked her many-windowed atove. “You know wo can not »top the tolling up the hill, though." "Surely we cannot, and for myself I don't find fault with that necessity provided In ad vance iu life is not attended with calamity or suffering, for 1 have had my share of that. Not long since my health utterly broke down. My system was full of malaria. My digest!"** became thoroughly disordered and my nerve* were in a wretched state. I was languid, ate little and that without enjoying it, and had no strength or ambition to perform even my light household duties. Medical treatment failed to reach the seat of the trouble. The disease—which seemed to be weakneiu of all the vital organs—progressed until 1 had sev eral attacks which my phynlclans pronounced to be acute congestion of the stomach. The Inst of theae was a desperate struggle and L was given up to die. A* the eriaU had par- ‘ " if, n 1 w ■* * * ** tially passed, my husband heard of the merits of Tarker'a Tonic aa an iuvlgoran^in just inch eases as mine. I took it and felt ita good ef fect* at once. It appeared to pervade my body ‘ ‘cxalng of new life had come though the bleating of new life had come . me. Taking no other medicine I continued to Improve, and am now lu letter health than 1 have been for a long time.” • [Extract from an interview with the wife of Rev. B. Perry, pastor of Baptist Church, Cold- brook, Mass.] CTTABLISHED IMS. ERR ILL’S INFALLIBLE Cl LU Z 1— «£ o DC “1 LU i-~j r ' m X _j O o <c j— O 7C tea stj m z o m o Is trtrtPurozt, Str Vfoar. Healthful J mods. sdmi Itv ti.i. uiuu v’iis in tho Unltotl States, tho Analytical Repot Uory, ami Jesse Mercer I published the first religious weekly newspaper, and the first temperance paper mrer issued in Gcorght. The usefulness over half a century. Dr. I you, us it is upon the roof that shelters Holcombe, In 1801, published the first[ one of you. religious magazine in the State, if not ~~~———~ -f i. k of Georgia, tlie people of all tfcefKataa, are deeply Interested in the -tion «(elevating political method*, of iiting them above the plane of bar- ■b and **1* and demagoguery, into which they hare sunk. This en,l can be a itained by placing in office the purest and qualified men, and it can be accom plished in no otbrr way. When this rule a* applied to the filling of all offices in the gift of the people a new era oI peace, pto*- i. ntyanil contentment will .lawn upon .he country. rax people of Georgia are more in- re rent on the subject of the character their repracaatattsee and Csir lecxd* in was formerly fit* case. This is due a number of causes impossible of state- ut within th* limits of a paragraph is fact I* itowp in the failure of the peo- i tod, man.I, th,- hands of tbelrpab. m u a.i ae, mint of tin .'stewardship, Iberdnrinx • i .-.r term at office or nt the we of it. Indeed, there are peoplo who Ad th.it tlie making of such a demand (.aldbeeqoirah-nt to an attack on tho IcM, at wbOM hands Ui« showing i*de-| Federal Cong andeiL AOpmgrr.' I - - not iliqdjr im For the Legislature. Tlie Hawkinsvllle Ditpalch contains the following announcement: We learn that Col. L. M. I jtmar is again before the iieople of Pulaski aa a candidate for the legislature. Col. Lamarhaa nerved tie one term in the House and was the Sen ator from this (the fourteenth) district in the hut General Assembly, and no con- stituenee e»»r had a more faithful or effi cient representative. If the Democratic ity convention should sec fit to nomi- him again, no county in Georgia would be better represented than Pulaski." Wc concur fully iu what is here said of Colonel Lamar. During his service in lioth branches of the General As sembly, he showed that he possessed in a high itegrqp, the qualifications for a judicious legislator. But it ia not of Colonel Lamar's qual fiicatiuns that we desire now to speak, since they are widely known and ap preciated, but of tlie opening presented here in Georgia to young men who are ambitious to serve their State. [ We do not think that the offers to South ern men the best field for uae- ! ful public tervic, to earn for ourselves and families a living, not to reduce ua to pauperism end beg gary, aa will be tbe case it the industry upou which we depend for support Is de stroyed." The reader will agree with us, tliat the action of the people of Louisiana is significant. It is said tliat promi nent business men have already served notice on Mr. Morrison and Ids com mittee, "that if the Democrats in Com should ‘reform’ the tariff on sttgar, the State of Louisiana would vote the Republican ticket at the next Presidential election.” The discussion in Alabama, Tennessee and North Carolina, between the advocates of free trade and the advocates of protection, is daily becoming more earnest and in teresting. The Democratic majority in North Carolina at a recent election was only a few hundred, and Ten- neaace is by no means the most certain Democratic State in the South. Florida may be placed in the same unpleasant category. Does it not’behoove these discor dant factions to stop and consider where all this may end? If they do not, then the tariff may furnish the wedge that will rive the “solid 8outh” asunder. Semper Idem. Amid nil the changing relations of governments, tbe abandonments of old systems, the failure of customs and the inauguration of new ideas, it is cheer ful to recollect that there Is one feature of human lif. thnt lias remained nlwaya the same. Tlie gentle yet all consum ing flame of which the poets have sang Tbe South, since j to untiringly aud with such keen ap- flrat tempcranco society in the State was formed by the Uaptists at Eaton- ton, and it was they who organized the first missionary society at Savannah. The same denomination originated the first collegiate institution within our borders, though it proved a (allure, and established at Eatouton under tbe care of Adiel Sherwood, tlie first theological school. Hon Mark A. Cooper, a Bap tist, started the Georgia Agricultural Society, and its first president, Thomas Stocks, was a prominent member of the same chtneh. Tlie first railroad meeting in Georgia wag called at the instance of Mr. Cooper. Tlie guberna torial office bos been filled repeatedly by members of this denomination, and many of our Itepresentativcsand Sena tors in Congresa have entertained tlie same faith. It wasDr.H.lt.Tuckcrwho suggested the Georgia Relief Associa tion, which ministered to the comfort of so many of our sick and wounded sol diers during the war, aud it was he who was instrumental in saving the State from a salt famine. When our revised code was found to contain a provision old statute—prohibiting negroes from preaching the gospel, a petition of Baptists aided largely in ita repeal, a* an usurpation of authority not to be endured. fn the cause of education the denom ination bos done ita full duty In proof of this, the reader baa only to recall the AYER’S Ague Cure Wlrs Fences. The Hamilton Journal says “the wire fence seems to lie growing in public favor, and it the price continues as at present, miles of it will soon greet the eye.” Tlie condition of the lalior now em ployed in agriculture in Georgia is such, tliat land owhers will soon find it necessary to use plank or wire almost entirely for fencing. It is very difficult to keep up rail fences because of the Indisposition of negro laborers to split the rails, and of the growing scarcity of suitable timber. Then the wire fence, all things considered, ia the better and cheaper in every sense. But the best and cheapest thing far mers can do is to abandon all kinda of fences and adopt the stock law. The strongest evidence on this point is the fact, tliat wherever fences have been dispensed with, tlie people after a fair trial have never desired to go back to them. No more conclusive proof cua [ be adduced than this. Tenants desiring homes of their own, whether white or black, Und it impos sible to purchase laud with timber on it. There are thousands of acres of open land which tlie owners would gladly sell, and tenants would a* gladly buy, if tliey had timlier to build the necessary fences. But the osrtter can not spare his timlier, snd the tenant dare not liuy for tlie lack of it. Tlie difficulty can only lie removed by a resort to wire or plank fences, or by abolishing fence* altogether. The land-owner, who has the timber, de sires to dispense with fence*, while the tenant and laborer who have neither He looks hard and defiant and less like a gentleman than Emory 8pcer. A pair of goggles conceal liis eyes and alter his ex- prejsion, and a grizzled head and wrinkled fseo tell something of the price lie has paid for the distinction that allured him to desert his friends and people. He will not be seated now. ft is more than doubt ful if tbe future holds this reward in store for him. Young and ambitious inen at the South will do well to take warning at the fate of one who perils a well-earned reputation at the suggestion of sn unholy desire. thi: rsniDEXTi.u. sm'anox remains practically unchanged. On the Democratic side cverj thing is chaotic. The free traders, pare and simple, declare that their policy alone can win. Many of Uiose who were induced .o set with them have become frightened and ashamed, tnd are now powerless to undo tlie mischief already accomplshed. The more sensible Republicans hold that s ticket composed of Edmunds tnd Un coin is all tliat is needed; but even on this side the condition will not be clear before tbe action of tbe various State committees in April or May. tress—BASKS COCStTY MU SO MILS. When Emory Speer was testifying be fore the fipringer committee to at to im pugn the official conduct of General Longstreet. he was not put upon the reck and forced to prevaricate or own up to his own malfeasance and corruption in office. Judge Crisp was not then s member of tbe committee. To-morrow Gen. Longstreet bss bis day in court, and we shall hear what he knows and thinks of ooe of tlie leading members of tlie At lanta Democratic-Re publico coalition. I have not been able to get s hint ss to the probable decision of the Supreme Court in the Banks county eases. Looking bark at the history of that tribunal, it it too much to hope that full justice will be done. These coses were gotten up to be used as campaign material in the present contest, and a political court will scarcely consider law and justice as superior to party de mands. But Northern Democrats com plain about these cases. They contend ihst they have grievous hardens to bear in the campaign, and cannot understand why cootaios aa antidote forall malarial rtD- ortlara which, so tar aa Xaovm, lasasd la ss other remedy. It contains no Qua. iir, nor sny mineral nordeleterloui aulounce wbal- ever, and consequently produces no injurious eSeet upon tho constitution, but lra\r, Urn system as healthy as It was before the attach. WE WARRANT AYER'S AGUE CURE to eur* every ease of Fever ami Azne, Inter, xnllteat or Qillf Fever, llemltteut Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, aad Meet Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure. after doe trial, dealer! are authorised, by our circular dated July 1st, Ire.’, to refund the money. Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mat*. bold by all DruggUU. Mfltitution* of learning which it hu ’ land nor timber, invariably vote* to re* established at Rome, Dalton, Gainer tain them. The UUer do not seem TJ’LECT UO-VOLT AIC HI MEN ONLY. YO5*0 OH SUSV&KSaSS MONEY LOANED! QK # Improved Farms rul City l’r '-erty. For terms apply to R. F. LAWTON HANKKU, Ma ville, Ctssville, LaGnngc, Madison, j to see that they can never secure RenfieU], Columbus, Gridin, Perry, j homes of their own tinder tills short- dch Democrat* ... I mere case of assault and battery as fearful kuklux outrages. It is impoedtile to; make Northern Democrats understand bow our people, who hare suffered sol much, trill tolerate the knaves and foots I who essay to control and give expression to public opinion. They do not know Use ring and iu capacity for cold and delibef- ate diabolism. MONEY TO LOAN -ON— Lire Insuranace Policies T?XDOWMKNT I’oli- iiM maturing v 111 in five year-* dhrowntM at fair i. Apply toor (address, inrlodn/ “tami . • i . . J. 11. HI 1 uec5 uec5*Ltwly YZmzwzoiaal Americas, Cuthbert, Macon, and I sighted policy. NOTES. A number of StiuUort and other d gviahed guest* went to Beltiioore to to the reception given by W. T. Wa Ur*. *W>_ W. U wiilTU, Utl*gh« k#. .