Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 02, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. 1826 WASHINGTON. »,.uro-P"«>>n’® nl “ BIM A “ n ' n Tnk,n * in the Senats—Ths Talk About sale ot Cuba-Juduo Reagan—Note*. Etc. Jttported UPUID TO THB ASSOCIATED ««**.] Lwrox. April 2»-- In 8en,t ?' Kon. from the committee on rail- reported an original biU to establish Vusion to regulate inter-State com- A synopsis ot this bill has recently [Wished. Mr. Cullom said he in- t as a substitute for several bills to the same subject that have L been Introduced. The other indefinitely postponed and the ed was placed on the calendar, rattle diseases bill was taken up .lie,! business, the question being on ion to recommit the bill to the com- on agriculture. The motion was Coke moved to except the disease in a* "Texas fever" from the diseases ded to he included, within the alng of the act, so far as it concerned r transportation to market. Nobody ,ver called on Congress, ho said, to late against Texas fever. Thirty per If the cattle coming to Chicago last “aheenTexas cattle, and thetesti- ,V from the Chicago stockyards was there had been no disease found in- them. The amendment was agreed alter another debate upon the const!- Itionality ot the bill. * [. lilumb moved to amend by striking ih reference to the slaughter ef anf- U was then agreed that with this ■e Stricken from the hill a smaller nriation was required to carry it into * Jtr. lTumb accordingly moved to , the amount$150,000. Agreed to. motion of Mr. Harris, an amend- Lwas agreed to confining the opera- Jll the bill to cattle from which there is danger of disease spreading from one > to another. r Plumb wanted to secure unanimous ^t'nt that debate on the bill should close i J o'clock to-morrow and a vote be reach' I but this was not agreed to. The Sen i adjourned at 8:10 p. m. hocse. I On motion of Mr. Singleton, of Minis- i .senate joint resolution was passed ngfor the attendance of the two at the ceremonies at the unveiling itatue of Chief-Justice Marahall, cfoiiowin'g'billi introduced and ro- breed: By Mr. Curtin,ot Pennsylvania. haliTting jurisdiction on the Federal and ute courts to take testimony in ease* Ending in the sun* on the request of the jommisstoner of Pensions. Ily Mr. Tar- part of the Spanish government as that with which this report credited it. Senor ltomero, the Mexican minister thought the report highly improbable, He aaid lie did not think the national pride would permit Spain to sell Cuba, and be had no intimation from his government that they wanted to buy it. He aaid be had never heard anything about selling Cuba, except that at one time, some years ago, it was said that negotiations were trending (or Its sale to the United States. XOTBS, Judge Reagan’s condition continues to improve and his (rieads are more hope, fulof uls recovery. When inquiry was made at bis rooms late this, (Sunday) afternoon, us to his condition, he was resting qul- etlj MACON, FJ [DAY. MAY 2, 1884. ; OHIO CYCLONF VOLUME LiYIII—NO. 21. have Ireen Introduced in the House of Hep. resentatives. In the last Congress (lur ing the name period the number of bills ir. troduced was 6,021. Wabuu^otoe, April 29.—In the Senate, bills and resolutions were favorably re ported from committees as follows: By Mr. Oarland, from the committee on the judiciary, an original bill constituting an amendment to the Thurman act, relating to the Pacific railroads. Placed on the cal endar. By Mr. Cockrell, from the committee on military afiaira, a House joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to loan 200 flags or as many as can be conveniently spared to the city of Charlotte, N. C„ for the celebration of the Mecklenburg decla ration of independence. Read three times and passed. Also, from the same com mittee, a similar resolution to loan flags and bunting for use at the fair to be held in Richmond in May next, under the auspices ot the First Regiment of Vir ginia Volunteers, to aid in the erection of a home fur maimed and disabled Confed erate soldiers. This was alto read three times and passed. Mr. Cockrell, while re porting these measures favorably, re marked that the committee hod con cluded that legislation ot this character was not judicious, and would not in future be recommended. TbeSenate took up the nia bill. In the course ot the debate Mr. Plumb remarked that somebody must execute the law. He had confidence in the Secretary ot the Treasury and had no idea that that officer would abuse any power given him by the bill. Mr. Morgan said the dulcet tones o( as surance given by the Senator from Kan- sas (Plumb) in the officers of the govern, ment were not warranted by recent histo ry. He (Morgan) had himself within a short time shown to the Senate that a man who bad been indicted in the UnitedStates Courts tor the crime of perjury had ac tually been appointed UnitedStates Mar shall of Middle and Southern districts of Alabama. The department! of this gov ernment, as Senators could not but know, were so conducted as to subserve personal products of the citizens of different coun tries. Every hindrance to the importation ot foreign goods was an embarrassment to commerce, for to the same extent it pre vented tlie exportation ot American goods. The country could not have a large expor tation without having a large Importation. Every tariff duty was a burden on foreign commerce, and it was doubly so because it gave foreign nations an excuse for keep ing out American goods. More injurious still was this system on the carrying trade, and it was a question of only a little time when under ibis policy the American flag would entirely disappear from the high seas. The tariff prohibited the importation of foreign vessels, and American capital, when it desired to en gage in the carrying trade, must do so un der a foreign flag. On the shlp-bulldlng interest protection had been most disas trous. Nothing was clearer to Ids mind than that the destruction of the foreign carrying trade was the result of the prohi bition of an American registry to foreign built vessels and the htghjoricc of raw ma terial to ship-builders. The oceans were t ee to all. Any person might sail whither soever lie pleased, but in this free-for-all race where was America. The skill of sail ors of every nation was there, asserting it self, except ours. Fortunes werebeingbailt up for people ot all nations except ours, and yet this was an ocean bound republic. Every ripple of the wn.ers on tlie sea shore was an invitation to enjoy the wealth of foreign nations, and every stormy wave that beat upon tlie crags s|K>ke in thunder ing denunciation of the policy that would lock America out of the markets of the world. (Loud applause.] God speed the day when the divine thought of man's brotherhood to man would succeed the de grading and humiliating oqe of national isolation and foreign exclusion. What was tho effect of this ruinous system on the farmer? It increased the price of all articles which entered into his dai'y con sumption, and this increase amounted to an annual sum of $460,000,000. For this there was absolutely no compensation In the protective systom. The system op erated to Increase the price of transporta tion of grain from the West to the sea board and to E, .ope. When the grain of the American farmer reached Liverpool, it came in competition with the grain of every other farmer of the world. The pro tective tariff of America was unable to help him there. Every dollar of increase of price which the transportation occa sioned to him diminished the profits of bis HM ■ tariff m An Immense Amount of Property De stroyed and Several Lives Lost— Telsgraph Communicator! Interruptsd —Details. rTELaoBAraao to the associated razes.] IJaytox, Ohio, April 28.—Shortly before 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the most de structive cyclone ever known in this pert of the country passed over the southern part of Montgomery and Green counties, devastating everything in its course. It appears to have originated near Woodburn, a small town ten miles south of here, and eye witnesses describe it as appalling in its fury. An authentic statement is that the cyclone was formed by tlie union of two light storm-clouds from the south and northwest, which immediately assumed the form of a water-spout, rising and doicending like waves of the and - destroying everything in its way. E. Beit, of this city, who was near enough to observe accurately, says Us path was fully one-eighth of a mile wide, the storm moving over the country like an immense cloud of smoke, while ev erywhere in Its course the air was filled with trees and the ruins of heuses. Forests were blown down like weeds, fences de stroyed for miles, and it is estimated that in this county alone at least twenty resi dences are in ruins, to say nothing-o( tlie loss on other buildings, live stock and furm property. At Alexanderaville, six miles south ot here, several persons are known to have been injured, and one lady is reported killed, while a saw mill, barns and other buildings are de stroyed. At Carrollton Friend's paper mill and other public buildings were badly dam ,ged, and is reported that a number of residences were destroyed. The telegraph lines are down in all directions and the roads are impassible. Near Wodobum the residence and other bniidings belong- TVnm-Vo-e for the enlargement of were so conducted as to subserve personal i$g=t%g3igr“ - e counuuusr, »4RLMUii, Atuii. Mr. EUis, ot Louisiana, from the com- lute on appropriations, reported a bill to redde tor the World's industrial and otton Centennial Exposition. Referred i the committee ot the whole. Mr. Hewitt, ot New York, in the coarse J a personal explanation as to a ipeecli |ade by him on Friday hut on the naval pproprittion bill, reiterated his charge Jit the Secretary ot the Navy had violated I t law in not covering into the Treasury le proceeds ot the sale of condemned ves- Bk He did not charge that the Secretary LdscteJdijhonestly.but thatheliod not ■readied with the provisions of the act Fhlcb authorized the sale. I The House then went into committee ot I t whole to consider business relating to Ire District ot Columbia, and soon lost a bonrtu without having made any progress ■ business. A recess was taken until (There was a very small attendance of ■ tellers at the evening session of the loose. Watford, of Ky., made no earn- fttappealln favor of the tariff bill, ami I tore-1 the beneficial results which wonld | i.---. The Morrison bill wa- ■ -.'ti<- eh-rnai swir-.eiple r; l» il-l I--1,hil--1 by future gem Intharbinger ot freedom in 11s purest ns. I Storm, of Pennsylvania, said that tbo perse ot tbs discussion might lead to the fi-ei that there were two parties in this xree. one maintaining protection for the ksof protection, the other arguing for a ml for revenue only. He believed in r theory; neither truly represented Ion which the pending bill was based, [hat trade one. Itwas the unconcealed ppresof the Morrison bill that gave rise kdUctixsions. It authors and friends bad Pdand that It was only the first step in r* l-wniey for revenue only snd ultimate- hoc free trsds; that this particular bill R* SmT earnest of what waa to coma— [halt lost which was better than no bread, pwss not what was In the bill, but what [*» net in it which should make the Itrere pause. it was this menace K^hiTM.fflS % F* sga nst the consideration sf the bill, P® would induce him to vote against Ha pssge. He favored encouraging the fopieto enter upon the pursuit of manu- Fmnng interests, and con tended! hat no |“> cisild ho read om w- mo- c party who held views similar to k.• host of Democratic psemeat intha pe t. The wisest ami conn* which Congress could to, repeal aU the internal rev- PSJa 1 *- He deprecated the policy of tho2mi r a**f»Hog the tariff question, retaining that a bad tariff with few F>K« was preferable to a good tariff with He admitted that there inequities in the tariff and l h»t wete too bScb. and a gen- C£’“’on at tbs proper time was a u-hratnin; but the MU under considers- secondary considei the marshal referred to was bringing to the admlnistraUon waa that he traveled from county to county in his district for the purpose ot influencing colored Repub licans to vole for Arthur for PresidenL Several speeches were made for and against tlie bill, and effort! to amend and adopt substitutes failed. The biU was then read the third time and passed. The chair laid before the Senate the next special order, being the shipping bill re ported by Mr. Frye, from the commerce committee. The Senate then adjourned. BOOS. On motion of Mr. Wellborn, of Texas, Saturday, May 3, was set apart for the con sideration ot business reported from the committee on Indian affairs. Mr. Lamb, of Indiana,called up the joint resolution directina the President to bring to the attention of the government of Ven- eauelathe claim of J. E, Wlieelock, a citi zen ot the United States, for Indemnity for grots outrages and tortures inflicted upon him by an officer ot that government and to demand ad cob-re io such ooimu-r *- be' may deem best the Immediate settle ment of the claim. Mr. Lamb gars a brief description of the outrages committed on Wheelock by the officer/In order to extort from him a confession ot a crime of which he was not guilty, and the joint resolution vii then passed. Mr. Washburns, of Minnesota, asked leave to report from the committee on ap propriations a joint resolution appropriat- infllOjOUO Lidefrajrthe expenses attending to the JecUd. The morning hoar having been dispensed writb, the House, at t -JO. went Into com mittee of the whoietMr.t'ox.of New York, In the rhair) on the tariff MIL Mr. Hiscock, of New York, insUtuted a comparison between the condiUon of buslnesapriortothe tariff ot 1861 and its condition at the present time, and from the com)>arisoh deduced the conclusion that a protective system was ths better one (or the people. He asserted that t organized manufacturer* and labor. It incited the inventive genius of the people •h-in-tremedy a-ingle evil. Indiscriminate reduction, lJS ,0 ' ln d principle. it _ . ■ measure of agitation ?! •Ritation— agitation be- j!2r‘S, n “i 0 ritjr of the Democratic side Ireagtaois.- Boris fatly and madness a Presidential election were (“JPrehentiM*- Its* bill was a com- ^ronfewfioo of incompetency or indif- g-saS&K’ " £ »«** oMgwkocc 1 commit the dsnsj^r* **** *°°' e tl,at l»U the fcJJJLJipejJ Mr. Lawrence, of via 10 “RPoeWon to. and by hm I 32?V I Muaiisinpi, in favor of the House, at l-i o'clock, ad TUX TAUT ABOUT CIS*. '^“Wished ta New York this £g th? wspsttiUns by C1 th°’ l ookln K to the ttans- ■'[,1 .„ ,0 [mcr to the latter Lem < i2 b4 ',? > ? tin lt* nt upon the a .jlt ft* Cul*™, expressed n to tisa transfer I'niEt'si .obtaining from LewtbvuS&.&i* guarantee of Is -liicrLioifk?.'? purchase mon- ** theflpmush and Max- r if SAttons in this city, lienor VaSS, said to-night to ' reporter that Able an<l abaunl. never consent to part ^ unie« thatUloc ««wtestod JKSf. “2! permit .* n HP otherwise. Even should sales. But the protectiveMMMMMHM injury to the farmer in the injury it occa sioned to hi* foreign markets. Mr. Geddes followed with an argument 1 in favor of a tariff for revenue, judiciously adjusted for the protection of straggling land infant industries. Mr. Turner, of Kentuckjr, advocated the Morrison bill and spoko in favor of placing trace chains on the free list. Mr. Dingier, ot Maine, answered what he characterized as the follies of the free trade idea and carefully discussed the [bearing of the tariff question upon the E Brice of labor and of merchandise. I'end- ijt the completion of bis speech, the com- [mittee row. L Mr. Forney, of Alabama, from the com- mittee on appropriations, reported the army appropriation Mil, and it was re ferred to the committee of the whole. ■The House then, at 6 o'clock, took a ■cess until 8 o’clock, the evening session I [to bs for debate only on the tariff bill. MM ■ Tbcre were very few members present it the night session. After a quarter of an hoar's speech by Mr. Winans the House [adjourned. Hons, I Secretary Chandler received last night a I telegram from Commodore Luce, stating that the Portsmouth bad arrived at New port with yellow fever on board; that the disease waa not serious, however, and that all the patient* were convalescing. The army appropriation bill, as reported to the House UHl - :q-l.nq.i - fJ I . 150, being $423,800 lees than last year's propriation. The estimates for the i: year amounted to S-V-.-U-rs. I’ost-offiee InipOl 0-r Myler yesterday ar- rived cz-Assistant L'ostmaet. r Wiu. A in-...: I ui -11,8.0., for st eulm/ registered yards. Thellarrla* house and bam were destroyed. A child was caught in the cyclone, carried 200 yards and dropped to the earth slightly injured. Mitchell's house and barn were partly rained. The IUdenona property was badly damaged, and Abner Harris • bam and other build ings destroyed. The name* of other losers connot be as certained. Considering the large number of houses destroyed the loss of life must have been heavy. In the neighborhood ot Mlamlsburg the damage la heavy. In this city there was a heavy rain, accompanied by hail, but there waa little wind. One freak ot the cjrclone was that in Dayton and five miles south of the city there was rain and hail, while still further south there was rain and no hail, and still farther south was hall and no rain, and from some sections ot the country it is stated that there was neither rain nor hail. At Bell Hrooke, Greene county, at least fifteen farm houses were more or tees damaged, but the occupants generally es caped by'taking refuge in the cellars. From Carrollton the cycleue took a direct easterly course, and its force was not in the 1- a-t spent,when it reached Jamestown, a thriving village of 800 Inhabitants, which it is reported was entirely destroyed, only a few -building* being left standing. I be meagre telegraph reports received herestatetb.it six i~ r-ons are known to have le-t-n killed, while twenty are more or -ngothers, the residence AN IOWA SEN8ATI0N. A Man Murdsied by Son and Sons-ln Law. (TELgOESrilXD TO TUI ASSOCIATED PBXiS.j Acst-ax, Iowa, April 29.—Cicero Jeffer son has confessed that be, with bis two brothers-in-law, murdered his father last Friday night by hanging him. Justice Rogers held Jefferson to await the action of the grand jury, and he and Wilson, his brother-in-law, will be examined to morrow. It appears that Wilson had been told that his wife had not always been vir tuous. He accused her, and she admitted having been intimate with her father, through compulsion, and she had been once in trouble by him. Tilts angered Wilson, and he said that be would either leave her or kill the old man. She wanted him to do neither. He consulted with Smytlic, and tho tragedy of Friday was the result ot the consultation. Many believe that Smythe was the real party who S at the girl in trouble, and caused er to charge it to the eld man. The prisoners are in no danger from the citi zens at present. Rumors that their friends in Carroll county would raise a mob and come down and liberate them caused a ripple ot excitement, anil has resulted In increased vigilance to the part of Sheri H' Herbert, who has them behind three-inch Iron doors. Tho people here will stand by him and assist him in the discharge of Ills duties. He has the jail strongly guarded. NEGROES IN CONFERENCE. Meeting of Repreeentatlve Colored Men ■t Pittsburg. [TELxaaArnaD to tux associated raxss.j Pittsiu-ro, Pa., April 2-L—The Inter State conference of colored men assembled in Municipal Hall this morning, seventy- five delegates being present from Connecti cut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Dis trict ot Columbia, Illinois, Kansas and Louisiana. Among them were Fred Douglass and Bishop uree n of Ohio. Tlie convention is composed of a fine body of men and a determination is expressed to prenent it being used for political purposes. At 10 o'clock the convention was called to order by Rev. 0. L. Smith, of Bloomfield, III., who made a stirring address, stating the objects of the confer ence. IL|U. Jackson, of Pittsburg, was POLITICAL CONVENTIONS : ?S^^:T£ T BuStck 0 kS^S county; Warren Mil: REPUBLICANS IN COUNSEL IN MANY STATES. Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Iowa.Kansas,and Michigan Dsclare their Preferences— Butler's Democrats. like a whirlwind. The Democratic party Is still unlit, in the judg ment ot the country, to assume its gov- ernmenL He referred to the administra tion of President Arthur as wise and judi cious Massachusetts, he said, would have a vast influence in the coming na tional convention. There had already In this State been a pronounced sentiment in favor ot the nomination ot the diatin- AULC. r, --1I, UI lllUUUI|j. elected temporary chairman. The address ot welcome was made by William Banks, of Pittsburg, whicli was responded to bv Robert Pelnara, Jr., of Detroit. The com mittee on permanent organization was ap- -vlnted and will report this evening. -ed Douglass was nominated for tempor ary chairman, but the convention approv ed the nomination ot Jackson. less mmri-il. of I.. Wicker xt , loltc CHEAT FIRE IN NEW YORK. I*!®!? 00 to dafrav Us i visit of a special embassy from Siam the United States, but Mr. Weller ob- Loss Nearly Half n Million—A Reporter Killed. iTKLtotAniSD TO TUK AStOCIATED rxxssj New Yoek, April 30.—The total losses at the fire in Van Valkenburg A Leavitt's stores, at No*. 31 and 33 Thomas street and 62 and 64 Worth street, foot np about $3tn.u>A tti which $360,OuO, in a round sum, fails upon Van Valkenburg A Leavitt. Their insurance amounts, it is said, to $730,000, distributed among a large list of companies. The other losses areas fol lows; No*. 62 and 61 Worth street, B. H. Smith A Co., dry goods commission mer chants, $lo,OAI; Lewis S. Cox A Co., agents ot the Brighton Mill, $10,000; the building, property of the Manhattan Real K Com;-.my, $12,000. Water damaged 27,29,35 and 37 Thomas street, occt bj Vpbaru, Tucket A, iisston was lilted from its foundation and cnrrii-l quite a distance. Owing to tlie country being only partially settled ami the fil l kodsd condition of the roads, accurate details annot be bad, but with such dvstnietinn of property the loss ot life must he terrible. Near Xenia there was considerable des-mctlon. Tho Sol diers’ and Bailors’ Orphans' Hum badly damaged, and the barn, laundry and other buildings destroyed. The hos ts] and other structures were unroofed! iss Harvey, th* matron. andMB merchants. .. Nos. . occupied . dry goods com- The lost there izi end rave capital an opportunity tor sale —, - lavestment, and he dented it bod the effect $50,000; Pratt A Fanler, fancy goods, of of building up monopolies. $7,C“ “ Mr. Morse, of Massachusetts, wished that be could sup|>ort a hill which would reduce tho revenue one hundred million dollars, and he would vote (or the Morri son bill, because iu author had informed him it would result in a reduction ot $30,- 000,000. Mr. Hurd, ot Ohio, took the floor in advocacy ot tlie bill. While the tariff, he said, was first paid by the importer, it waa ultimately pald by the consumer. When it was levied for the purposes ot government, itwas called a revenue tariff: when it was levied (or the purpose of aiding Individuals in business enterprises, it was called a protec tive tariff. To the first, when laiu fairly and without discrimination, he bad no ob jection, but to the Utter he was unalterably opposed. On what ground should the gov ernment interpose to help the business ot one citizen at the expense of another $ If a man's business were a profitable one. it did not need the protection of the govern- . Richardson of the children were hum Between Jasper and Cedar creek, on the Narrow Gang* road, the damage U great to (arm property, but was shot and seriously wounded. His and at tbU point aoms trains aro unable to son, Albert Wood, beard th* shooting and move, on account of th* winds, while ' ” ' ‘ others did not dare pass over the Cedar creek trestle during the cyclone. In all directions south and east of here the scene of dc.itructlon defies description. CisciasATi, April 28k—A Cummerrial On• wife Jamestown, Green county, Ohio, spe- otal says: A terrible cyclone struck James town about 5 p. m. Sunday- Two-thirds of tlie town waa completely ruined. Six persons were killed, as follows: Miss HteUs Jones, of KaeaU Springs, Ky.; Mrs. Anna Lettie Jenkins, daughter of G. K. Jenkins; Miss Kate Boliver and a colored woman and her son, James Saul. Several persons are badly wounded. Hundreds of people are turned out of their homes. No esti mate of the damage U possible now. piy two priori. article be mad* In order to make good bis If be (Hurd) were compelled by on to pay $150 (or what would r is* coat $100, then the seller would have been armed with the taxing power of th* government to take from him $50. He denied the right of lb* government to sur- . ,000;’ Brown, Wood A Klngmond, wooll cm and domestic!, $6,000. T. F. Donnelly, reporter ot the New York Nim, who was Injured at this fire, died to day in the hospital from (lie effects ot his injuries. Donnelly was proprietor of a Western newspaper at one time and was a Western correspondent of the New Yotk f/rni/if. Latterly be bad been doing piece work on the Sim. Paupers Burned to Death. Kalamazoo, Mich., April 30.—The c bouse of Van Boren county, near If art- ford, Michigan, was burned lost night. Fifteen or sizieen of the inmates fast their Urea in (he flames. The lots on the inkling is $10,000; Insured. The building was a frame structure and burned rapidly. Tb* patients who perished i all in one wing, and, most of them r smothered in their beds, but several I found together Only one body found recognizable. All that could be found of tb* other thirteen bodies was put Into oo* box, in* size ot an ordinary coffin box. Tb* first known of the Ore was through the cries of the paupers, and the wing in which they were waa at that time all In fiamss. The building contained forty-five The lacs on the building it nakes they were bis own. and be had the rlidit to expend them where be pleased. IfM could make a belter contract with a Frenchman, a Canadian or an English man (ban with an American be had the right to do it, and the government bad no right to interpose, except into tar as the needs of its revenue were concerned. He rested bis whole ease on this proposi tion, that, subject to the needs ot tlie gov ernment, every man bad the right to sell where be could get th* beat price (or what be bad produced and buy where he could buy the most cheaply. This waa an ap- K nred doctrine of political economy and iptainaat spirit ot justice. It individu alised men; It garo them th* spirit of in dependence ; it turned their eyes from the Judgment Against th* Ceorgla Railroad. New Yob*. Aprill 30k—'The Supreme Court to-day »»*n*«d an attach mint '.isoi-.ha H an on. and night watch- i Injured, but non; Steamship Burned, Ipostlaxd.Mb., April 20.—The steamer Falmouth, of the International Steamship Company's line, caught fire at her wharf at 1 o’clock this morning, and at 2 a.m. is Iburaing. She will probably be totally de-l stroyed. She was valued at $100,000 andl Insured for $80,000. At 2-30*. m. three men were thought to bare been burned to death. They were sleeping on board [anil have not been teen since the fire. ■The Falmouth has boon ljring above the railroad wharf lorAome time, undergoing extensive repairs, which were nearly com. pleteil. About a dozen ot the officers and crew slept on board. The fire waa discov ered haU an hour after midnight In the alter part of the vessel and spread so rapidly that th* memberel of the crew who escaped did to with greatl difficulty. Three ot them perished, wil liam Merrison, a fireman, was taken out alive, but too died. John Gillls, fireman, ot [fit Johns, perished. His body, badly burned, was found this morning. James Murphy, fireman, of SL Johns, is mlsaing and was doubtless burned to death. These men were sleeping In the firemen's room below. Two other firemen escaped from tbit room, badly burned. The lots is esti-d mated at $175,000. Bold and Bloody Robbery, Chaxlestowe, W. Va., April 29^L*»tl night three unknown persons entered Uie rv-t-lenco st Jack Woods, a farmer, In this I county, for the purpose of robbory. Woods made an effort to drive the roLLcr* outs ventlon favored the nomination of Oeo. B. Edmunds for l’re-idcnt and the son of the illustrious Abraham Lincoln for Vice- President, it would go there with no factious disposition, A letter was read from Got. Robinson declining a candidacy as delegate. The convention resolved to ballot for delegates at large upon one ballot The ballot resulted in the choice of George F. Hoar, W.W. Crapo, John D. Long and Henry Cabot Lodge. saw UAMrsHtax. Coscoao, N.H., April 30.—The Repub lican State convention was organized with B. F. Pechcott as president, who adilros- ed the convention, saying that no candid ate bad been united upon, but that the business Interests must be respected. He said the vote of the solid South has got to be met at the next election, and the unity ot the North was requisite, though with out hostility to the 8outb. The resolutions of the convention congratulate the Repub licans ot other 8tates upon the flattering prospects for another triumph for Repub lican principles, commend Arthur's A Big Failure, St. Lodis, April 28.—It was announced this afternoon that Moses Fraley, a prom inent grain and stock speculator of this city, had (ailed for a large amount. It is stated that Fraley was short about seven million boshcla ot wheat and corn in Chi cago, and that bis losses on this will b* upwards ot $400,000. He Is also said to be short of a large amount of wheat In New York, and it is reported that he lost $190,000 in Union and Texas Pacific stock. Fraley, is president of Ute Fraley-Carter Commission Com- -, bat tlist concern is In no wise inter- I in tills affair. Fraley’s speculations being conducted solely on his individual account. Fraley was formerly a junior member of the brokerage firm of Donalds A Fraley, and was known as a successful bull ness man and was something ot a figure in local politics at on* time. It la said by his friends that be mad* some $3,i>k),OCO on wheat and corn daring the hut break in prices in Chicago, and that since then there has been a combination formed against him which waa too strong for him. The Filibuster* at Key West. Kit West, Fla., April 27.—The seboon- ran into Ih* room and was shot dead by the robbers. Miss Mary Woods, a daughter, ran in with a pistol and •hot at the robbers, who ran off. It Ump ired on* ot the robbers was shot by Miss oods, as blood was seen In the yard tbU morning. The robbers an supposed to be th* same who •ho’, and robbed ex-Sbertff Adkins in Boone county two nights ago. There U much excitement, and a posse U In pursuit ot the robbers, who, if caught, will be lynched. Closing Mills, Feaxeux, Mass., April 29.—Tha Ray casslmere mill b to abut down aa soon aa the work on hand is completed, and part ot th* force has already been discharged. It U understood that tlie mill of A. D, Thayer will also close. Tboy, N. Y„ April 2D.—The Clinton stove foundry, the Urgest in the city, shut down this morning, ths moulders refusing to work with non-union men. The mould ers were sent home by tlie proprietors. Similar action i* expected in other foun dries, PxTsaxicxo V’A., April 29,-Tbe hands In the t*vs*iugdepartment ot the Kttuck Cotton Manufacturing Company have •track, In consequence oi a reduction ot - . — , Jackson county. The convention Instructed the delegates to vote for lllainu aa long as there was a reasonable chance of his nomination. Thb resolution was fought bitterly, but was passed after a warm de bate on both sides by a good majority. MAIXI. Baxuor, Mx., April 3a—The Republican State convention met to-day. Orville I). Baker presided. Gov. Frederick Robie was renominated by acclamation. It was carried by a rUlng vote. The following delegates at large to Chicago were clioeen: J. B. Bodwcll, GeorgeC. Wing. Josephs. Wlieehiglit and J. II. Drummond. The resolutions adopted favor a protective policy, demand that our civil service lie >r strictly business princi- that it be placed boyor [TKI.COUArilCD TO THE ASSOCIATXD rKXSS.J Bostob, April SO.—The Republican Slate convention waa organized with H. C. Lodge aa temporary chairman. Lodge made an address, referring to tho redemp tion of tho State from the rule ot Buffer by the election of Gov. Robinson. After the usual formal preliminaries, Hon. J. D. lying was mailo permanent president. He addressed tlie convention for about an hour. After referring to the past history of Kepublicanism in Massa chusetts, ho turned to the present Con gress, saying the country is disgusted with the branch o( Congress which sits for months, doing nothing, afraid of its own shadow, and devoid of a policy. Such has been the reaction from last year’s possi bility of Democratic supremacy, and now tlie tide of that reaction is setting in strongly that it needs but the naming of the biggest, cleanest and best two names for the head ot the Republican ticket, and we will sweep the smith. lledtleW Froctpr, Fred Biliingi ami field like a whirlwind. The controlled pies and that it be placed party strife; urge a prudent though firm foreign policy; present the nnmo of Jama G. Blaine as their choice for tlie Presiden cy; approve tlie present administration; express revere disapproval of tho action of the Democratic majority in Congress upon tlie Morrison tariff bill and on toe shipping bill; commend the fidelity of the Republi can Congressmen; indorse Governor Ito J bie's administration and reaffirm tbeir ap proval of the policy of prohibition. After appointing a State committee, the conven tion adjourned with cheere for Illalne. VIBMOKT. MoXTrxuxs, Vt.. April 30.—Tlie Repub lican State convention was organized here to-day, with James M, Tyler as president, who made a speech favoring the nomina tion of Edmunds and Lincoln, anil asked the convention to indorse the administra tion of President Arthur. J. Gregory Smith. Redfleld Proctor, Fred Billings and to Chicago. The resolutions reaffirm alio- fiance to Republican principles, approve lie system of protection, demand tlie re vision ot the duties on wool and woolens, ami a reduction of taxation, present the name of Edmunds for President and in struct the delegates to vote for him as long as his name it before the convention. i»$jii»iui.iw, iuxAi April ou.—IJIC nwiic republican convention met at Footer's a House, In this city, at 11 o'clock, and ailed by selecting Ex-Governor M. M. Wz'den, of Monroe, as temporary chair man. After tlie appointment of commit tees, the convention adjourned until2p. m. The district conventions were held this morning. The entire delegation is for Blaine. The Entire Block on East Side of Jackson Street In Ashes—Total Loss $12,* OOO: Insurance About S7,- OOO—Particulars. administration. demand such erdre of power by the national government aa will insure the enjoyment of his constitutional rights to every dth in the 8onth; condemning a horizontal., duction ot the dnUes and maintaining the doctrine of protection; favoring a reduc tion of the duties or. the necessaries of life and increasing those upon luxuries; urge the eradication of polygamy and re form in the civil service; demand a suspen sion of ths coinsae of sliver dollars snd approve Die national educational bill passed by the Senate. Charles H. Sawyer waa elected for dele gate at large on the first ballot. He la for Edmunds, witli Arthur second choice. Hon. Geo. H. Stewall was the second del egate chosen. Blaine is his first choice and Arthur his second. On the fourth bal lot E. H. ltollins was elected the third delegate. He la for Arthur. James B. Clark was elected the fourth delegate at Urge, lie i- for Edmunds nud apposed to vreotxiA. Richmobd, Va.. April 30.—The out Republican State convention tort HaU at straight- m met in abont 120 IIawkixsvillb, Ga., April 29.—This morning, at about 3 o'clock, the fire alarm waa given. The flames were leaping up on |tbe rear ot the building occupied by S. J. Shepherd. This building was of wood, surrounded by wooden buildings, RhMk ]- burned like tinder. The Pulaski* were early on the ground and did admirable work. Putting on two line* of how, they continuously played two streams—one on the northern limit and the other on tlie southern limit of tbo fire, a' -1 1 - - I a- hri.-i-l- r -k .'■turuw-ki’-i hriek building on tbc south, and Watson ,t Lewia’a brick building on tho north, al though the wooden buildings were jammel up to these. The entire block on tho cost side of Juck- •on street from Schneider ABtarowikl'-i brick store, on the south, to Watson -t Lewis's brick store, on the north, was swept away. As near as I can learn the ' nos and insurance aro ns follows: Schneider A Slarowskt's building, very little damaged or injured; Oeo. V. Mar- ken, baker, Io- »2uu,Insurance $500; Mrs. R. L. l'artin. two -itore-hon-c*. loss $70i, In-urance $ >0. * 'has. Fitzgerald, liquors and groceries, ] >s-s $.'•>). -n-tiraoee $37d; Itagan, Bozeman A-to., -..-corral merchan dise, storehouse $l,.'s») insurance, loss in I stock $1,001. Insurance $3.*s»); 8. J. Shop- . , _ present. John J. Dozen- dorf, chairman ot the State committee, called the convention to order. He ex plained that the convention had assembled In response to the call of the national Kc- C bhcan committee and the State comn-it- v A so-called Republican convention had met here a few days ago, and had placed In tb* field an electoral ticket with bat a single man on it who bad ever voted the Republican ticket lie likened Mahone • RepubUcaniim to that ot John Kelly, in New York. How many Republi can votre wonld he get in New York lor a eo called Republican ticket composed of twelve Democrats and oo* Hal The contention mint atlont 1 which would declare to Uie world Out the? stock $1,000, Inetlratios $32)00: Il J, ■ herd, liquors and groceries, loss S—i surance $500; William KulVerman, liquors and groceries, loss $2,500, insurance $2,0 <); Watson A Lewis, two wisxlrn stores, $1,- 600. insurance $500, damage to brick ah >re $500. Both large plate gl.ni windows ot McDuffie’s store and olio of Laidlcr’s Real Bar were cracked by tlie Intense boat. The fire waa the work of an incendiary, and when first seen it was on tlie ont.-ide ot th* store occupied by shepherd, and burned as If kerosene had been poured upoo the building. (tori I. . B vemment to tbemi*tfes;'it fixed undary line between governmental power and personal right; it limited the au thority ot the public administra tion; it taught men there was to strong for their jnpport as guaranteed the payment of ■■■■■ bonds, representing $500,000 ot tb* Port | Royal Railroad Company. Tbs interest upon tbs bonds was not paid by tht other company. Fuller, at a purchaser of inter est coupons that became due In 1873, brought suit against the Georgia Railroad and Hanking Company as guarantor of hnich interest, the amount being$17A00. Murderers Captured. Chaelutox, W. Va., April 30 —Scott Hill, Brownlow Hill and Charts* Spurlock, the robbers who shot and killed AUkti Woods snd fatally wounded A. J. Woods I on Monday night, near SL Albans, this county, were captured this afternoon In tb* mountains and taken to St. Albans lata to-night. About 3A) citizens had been In pursuit of the murderer*. Tht Lam is about 100 miles distant up the reef snd about thirty miles from where tb* sgainst the propen- U -tv '.ivorina fed- (»**»* ?•*»}* h Wat- Such thefts are road and Banking Company Io in*, irott I uausnal, and ..is ..Knight . ...u!j1j brought by Wilihuu J. A. Fuller. Th* I «»toer email party ot revoludoniu may Georgia Railroad ami Banking Company b » Te . Ai,b '2p!’ ,! i c 1 - - - -* -*- ——rosed leader of the nest expedition is here, it is rumored that some men are missing. That another expedition lias started or will start is unquestioned and it Is generally beltereil that only funds are wauling. Tlie apparent watchfulness of the present Federal forces would arail nothing on this chain of islands of '3» miles extent, if the filibuster* were ready. A Rleer Running Up Stream. Galvxstox, April 29.—A dispatch from Dallas to the .Viari aays: One of the heaviest rain storms ever known in this section occurred Sunday night, submerg ing the country for miles around, between Dallas and Hutchinson. On the Houston ami Texas Central railroad, ail miles south of here, a washout occurred, into which a south-bound L-ain was precipitated. Tb* tor* would name Uie next President of the UnitedStates. He concluded by naming Major E. O. Hines, of Fairfax, as temporary chairman. A committee on credentiahi was appointed, and during it* deliberations General WilliamC.Wickham addressed the convention. He said It had been areertad that the Republican party ot \ irglnia was dead, but it was not Those who wanted to kill it would be buried long before its death occurred. Power bad been brought to bear to crash and oppress Vir- ginia Republicans, but they had stood It manfully, and .they were now propose to representalChlcago th*real Republicans of the country. They would carry forward such a column that there would be no more a solid South, and wonld put in the field a ticket wlthasolidman on It, If a Judicious selection were made, that would bring a fallowing that could only besttrredbythe memory of Lincoln, and aa the first man James (i.'Blalne. of Maine, and then, In (pile of all the Mahone* of tb* remarks.) A nomber^ other tpeechee were made, after which the credentials committee re ported that all counties and cUies were represented except nine. A committee on permanent organization wa» appointed, and subsequently reported' retainliig Mr.Uines as permanent chairman and “»mlng a number of secretaries and vfafpraridsBta, a committee on resolutions and a committee to n«m. delegate* to the Chicago convention, and electors were then, appointed About S o’clock tha reading,of the platform was begun. The platform embrace* eerentaen planks eery largely derotad to formulating the Ufoo** of Virginia Republican* 3 ths band* of Arthur’* adminutration. It de clares in faror of Blaine and Uncoln. EAXSAS, Tonga, Kax., A] can State concern E r cent In tbeir wage*. The strike row* out ot empiopment between 150 and 20Ohands.Thetactoryhas been closed for the prcsenL Yellow Fetcr on the Portsmouth. PaovtDxxcx, R. L. April ii.—Ilr. Turner, city physician of Newport Oil* morning boarded the United States ,:team*r Ports mouth. just arrived from SL Thoms', and obtained details of th* sickness on the vessel. Captain Wise and two others,* boy and a bugler, bare yellow fever un mistakably. There is no other serious case and all are doing well. There it no danger of contagion. MEXICO. a aavoLcnox no sable. Galtestox, April 30.—A special to the AY** from Laredo says: Authentic adricat from Mexico are to th* effect that Gen. Trerino a tew days ago received a polite intimation to report toheadquarter* fn th* Ctv ---) M-xir;. to which he failed to re spond. A second sad official summons was met with an excuse, whereupon, yes terday, be was given warning that unless he romtdied witn the summons within 24 hour* he would be taken under guard, lien. Trerino will not obey, aa U mean* certain imprisonment, and will precipitate a revolution. It i* further asserted aa a (act that a British steamer loaded with good* tor Vera Crux ha* been ordered by tfsss toh£ rasaswatt t sszssrws ftk—The Republi- night elected last : Senator Plumb. Joseph 8. Merritt J A. Wood and a. W. Mim dri*££?.t SOUTH AMERICA. A naa at taxama. ■ (via Oalyrrox), April 28.-A terrible On raged here from 11 o'clock last night to 4 this morning. Thera was no water available with which to extinguish tha flam**, and the market and two l.l.x-ks pt houses were totally destroyed. The lota la estimated at $150,0*). llow the tiro started la not known. During Its progress a large mob of men, a portion of them armed with revolver* and matches, did became Intoxicated. The" soldiers VenT called out, but quarreled among them selves, when tho owners of the burning property fired upon the plunderers, killing several of them. Latbe.—The ruins were still burning at The damage is now estimated at Soma bouses were demolished to th* progress of ths flams*. During rt of the fire there was a per- -, ofChineso crackers and occa sionally heavy explosion'. Most of the buildings burned were wooden structures, and nearly all contained stores ot petrole um and spirits and gunpowder in consul- cmhla quantities. It l> said that one soldier was -hot dead by an officer for disobeying or-lers. An Italian felt into the flames ami was con sumed. Hamburg Insurance offices an- th* chlsf losers. The native* are busily searching for treasure among the Tb* Chinese residents antlered heavily. PORTUGAL. IEB1TATI0X TOWARD TUB EXITED STATES. Loxdox, April 29.—A dispatch from Madrid to the Haws tars the American reeognitfon of th* flag of the African In ternational Association, with th* evident intention ot ignoring Fortagoee* rights, lias caused great irritation in Port ig*L Such recognition looks ilka a piece of very sharp practice, novel in international re lations, and hxrilly contemplated by inter national law. If sovereign rights should be ignored because slavery has been curried on and high protective duties been forced, America would stand badly, as she wav Portugal's beat customer In the halcyon days of th* African stave trade, and her protective duties are four times higher than those stipulated by England In the Anglo- Portuguese treaty. Mexican porta. a saxk ctoexD. City or Mexico, via Galveston, April». ■The NatU/cul Bank ot Monte de Piedad, I thladty, theoMe.4 financial institution in Mexico, etoeedlta doors this morning. There had been a run on the bank for the administration of Chester A. Arthur, unde; circumstances of great i!L to th *.» p P ro T» 1 of thewhota people. Theresojuttou* also favor inch legislation at will afford to labor just remuneration CHEAT BRITAIN, a LETT** raoa aw sabeel sake*. Lobdob, April$0k—Sir8amu*l Baker bat written a letter to th* Timm, in which be refers to General Oonlou’a appeal to the millionaire* of England and America, lie