Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 23, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. ^isHED1826 MACON, FRIDAY. MAY 28, 1884. VOLUME LVIII—NO. 24. from WASHINGTON. tejislativo Bill—Covernmant Ex- ,U8 at the New Orleane Eipoeltlon—Notoe. • antoros, May 19.-Senator Came- ' ^Wisconsin, presided over the Sea. • i,v having been designated for that "J, mder the rule by the president of ELate. Among the lotions present- "'■j appropriately referred were the fol- By Mr. Harris, from the Mer- S Exchange, of Nashville, Tenn., toting against the consolidation of the CSU port of Nashville with that of Ctls, and praying that an appraiser «as<ssa«ass! “ „ as the Atlantic, Guff and West E RailroadCompany), it being twen- S rears since the grant was made EJS road not being yet built. “T U was introduced and referred by Ur Butler to authorial the Secretary of \Tsr to lend tifty Springfield rifles to the Palmetto Guards, of Loarjeston, 8. C. Thechair laid before the Senate a reso- tedon offered on Thursday by Mr. Mor- Krdirecting the committee on finance to Sandne the causes of tlio recent failures of national hanks, and whether such fttil- St, are due to violations and eras- SS -S the law on the part S,, niticers or directors of the bank. After considerable debate the resolution "“referred to the finance committee, : .1- „{r„r„a ;i nrennihle orNew Orleans itailroad Company, winch laid over till to-morrow. The preotu- blew* forth that It is alleged that the railroad bad for ten years constructed no portion of its road, but issued bonds which I had sought to negotiate and held as a Saint afunst the franchise of the road, ft j that the company or other persons had with a view to favorable action by Con-rcss. given money or promises or pledged bonds for political campaign or other purposes. The resolution directs the committee on public lands to make an inquiry as to th« truth of the statements; also to ascertain tiic terms and conditions under which the company, transferred its claimed land grant, anil any subsequent consideration connected therewith. The Senate agreed to insist upon its amendments to the Indian appropriation bill and to appoint aconfcrer.ee commit- ''filter a contention for prei bills, the Senate took up the bill for the creation of a bureau of labor statistics. Mr. Morgan spoke In support of the Gar land amendment, which placet the collec tion of labor statistics in charge of the sta- bill, tiitical bureau of the Treasury Depart ment. Pending the debate on the bill, the Senate went into executive session, and when the doors were reopened adjourned. Before adjournment Mr.' Halo gave notice that to-morrow he would call up the agri cultural appropriation bill. nocsx. Mr. Turner, of Georgia, chairman of the committee on elections, said that owing to the fact that the report in the contested election case of Wallace vs. McKinley had not been properly distributed, he would not call up that case for consider ation today, but would postpone doing so until to-morrow. Hr. McKinley, of Ohio, hoped that the casewould be disposed or to-day,or that its consideration would be postponed for one week. He had important business to at tend during the remainder of tho week, and it would be very inconvenient for him to be present. Mr, Turner expressed bis willingness to tceommodate Mr. McKinley by proceed, tag with the case to-day. but yielded to Mr. Kandall, of Pennsylvania, who wisheo to secure the passage of the three appro priation bills which were agreed to in com mittee of the whole Friday last. To tills, however, Mr. Collins, of Massachusetts, objected. This was probably the last com mittee suspension day there would be dur ing the session, end there were several im portant measures to be coneidered. The Speaker proceeded to call the States lor bills when the following were intro duced and referred: lty Mr. Weller, of Iowa, authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to use aa soon as may be all sur plus money in the treasury for the redemp tion of bonds outstanding at a price not above par. By Mr. Lewis, of Louisiana, prohibiting tlie c-milrniation. certification and patent- tag of unearned land grants. By Mr. King, o( Loulsiaua, directing the eecretsry ol the Treasury to allow a rebate of 10 [ter cent, on ail goods imported in vcmeli of American register. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, from the com- ntlttee on appropriations, reported tho leg- hiatire. judicial and executive appropria te bill, and it was referred to the com- Hjjtjg of the whole. It appropriates J3J,1*1,570, being an increase of $”•‘90 over tbe current appro priation. Of this amount 33,0s2,5U3 {•(orthe expenses of Congress, $131,1.10 for the State Department $:>.re>J-'2l9 for the Treasury department, titMS.lU for the war Department,3117,820for the 8tate.War sad Navy Department! building, $285,910 for the N »vy Department, $4,249, < ID for the Interior Department, 3015,120 for the Post- office Department, 317.329 for the Depart- WetttofJusUee. 3410,100 for the salaries of the United State. Judges, attornsys and marshals, $33,840 for tbe Court of Claims “dttUOOfor the Civil Service Comntis- Jdoners. The bill provides tor a second “•istant secretary of the Interior at s sal ary of 33,100. fordo additional prl i examiners in tbe pension (Slice at *«b, for ISO special examiners in the' pen- ' 1 ?" "fir* at 31,000 each, for .thirty-seven additional clerks in tbe sixth auditor’s and ten additional clerks In the sec- °°d auditor a office. The total number of employes estimated for in the legislative ami eiequtive departments sra«s i«7. Th. appropriated for di rent fiscal year was 8.131. a Vance and Bansom and Representatives Evans and Bennett have gone to Char lotte, Mecklenburg county. S'. C„ where Senator Pendleton will deliver an oration to-morrow, the lPJrh anniversary of the Declaration of Independence signed ny the residents ol that neighborhood May 20. 1375. Speaker Carlisle expected to attend the anniversary, but found the trip would take several days and concluded not to go. Washington, May 20.—In the Senate, after the transaction of routine morning business, the chair laid before the Senate the resolution offered yesterday by Mr. VanWyck, relating to the land grant of the New Orleans, Batoh Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad Company, and on motion of Mr. Allison, without. objection by Mr. Van Wyck, the resolution was referred to the committee on public lands for Us opinion and report as to the propriety of the pro- posed inquiry. The agricultural appropriation bill was taken up and proceeded with lty sections. One of the amendments added by the Sen ate committee appropriated 320.000 for continuing the locating and sinking of ar tesian wells on the plains, with a view to reclaiming arid and waste public lands. A good deal of objection was raised to tills provision. The discussion was participated by Messrs. Wilson, Conger, Hale. McMillan. Miller, Plumb and Jones, of Nevada. Finally this appropri ition was limited to the construction of two wells and the amendment was agreed |to— yeas 25. nays 22. Another addition made to the bill by the Senate committee was $15,. 000 for the encouragement of silk culture. Mr. Qeorge moved to amend by making the amount read 130,000. The amendment was supported by Messrs. Morgan, Miller of California. Mitchell and Call and opposed by Messrs. Ingalls and Allison. It was defeated lty a vote of yeas 22. nays 20. and the amount allowed to stand at 315,000. At the close ol the debate the bill passed without a division. The only changes of importance by the Senate are an increase of tile amount of the appropri ation for the laboratory from 310,000 to $50,0)0. tbe addition of the item of $20,000 for sinking artesian wells on arid lands and the item of $10,000 for the’encourage ment and development of silk culture. The Senate then adjourned. house. Mr. Ellis, of Louisiana, from the com mittee on appropriations, asked leave to report a joint resolution making an addi tional appropriation of $100,000 tor the re lief of sutlcrcrs from the overflow of the Mississippi river and its tributaries, lie briefly described the destitute condition of thousands of persons ill the lower Mi sis- sippi valley, and Mr. Dunn reinforced his statements by reading telegrams and letters asking for aid. Mr. Connelly, of Pennsylvania, objected to the consideration of the resolution. The Speaker announced the appoint ment of Messrs. Ellis, Holman and Ryan as conferees on tbe;Indian appropriation The choir laid before tho Senate the res olution offered yesterday by Mr. Slater, re questing the President to inform the Sen ate by what authority commissioners hail been appointed to examine and report upon sections of the Northern Pacific Rail road Company constructed after the lapse uf time within which under the law tit said road was required to be completed. Mr. Allison moved to refer tho resolu tion to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Slater saw no reason for any refer c nee. The resolution merely called for in formation. Mr. Allison's motion was agreed to— yes 27, nays 23. So tho resolution tvas re ferred to the committee on the judiciary; The Senate proceeded to the considera tion of bills on the calendar providing for the erection of public building-. Such tills were read the third time and gtassed os follows: For a public building at Jacksonville, Fla., $175,000; one at Vicksburg, Miss., $100,000; one at Chatta nooga. Tenn., $100,000; one at Opelousas, La., $100,000; one at Asheville, N. C..3100,- 000 and a number in the Northern States. The foregoing sums include the lull cost of sites and buildings, • Bills were also passed appropriating $50. 000 for tbe erection of a public building on government property at Fortress Monroe; $37,500 for the erection of necessary build ings, including a gymnasium on tin eminent reservation at West Point, York. Without further legislative business of general interest, the Senate, at 3:30, went into executive session, and when, at 5:25, the doors were reopened, adjourned. UOU8E. go- , Ne On motion of Mr. Slocum, of New York, the amendments to the Dingley shipping bill were noa-concurred in. A number ol reports were submitted br various committees and placed upon ap propriate calendars, and then, at 12:30, the House proceeded to tbe consideration ol the Indiana contested election case of English vs. Peeie. Tlte majority resolution declares William E. English was duly elected a member ol the forty-eighth Congress. Mr. Converse, of Ohio, made the opening speech in sup- port ol the claims of the contestant lie asserted that the constitution of Indians bad been violated by the Republican man agers by the printing of tickets whlcb could not lie easily distinguished, that a counterfeit Democratic ticket was circu lated, that fraud and coercion were prac ticed upon the paupere from the poor- house, and that tbe votes of naturalised citizens and others were fraudulently re jected. air. Hart,of Ohio, presented the (rounds on which the contcstee, Peeie, bases his claim to the seat, and controverted die as. aertions made by the majority, contending that they had no foundation on which to irest. | In advocating the claims of the contest ant, Mr. Lowery, of Indiena, alluded to certain language used by J. 8. Wise, of Virginia, when the O'Ferrall-Paul ease was under consideration, to tho f fleet that [Virginia Bourbon was riding into Con gress on the back of one of Bsrnum’s In diana mules. He euiqioeed that that re mark was founded upon the fact that Chairman Bamura bad once telegraphed to Indiana concerning some mules. In view of the spectacle which the gentleman from Virginia presented oil this floor, be apprehended that if Barnum had been telegraphing to Virginia for an animal of lower order he would have te'egraphed for ono still more brutal in its instincts than die mule. Mr. Wise, who hail been in one of the cloak rooms, came into tbe House and In quired what case was under consideration —his case or that ol English vs. Peeie. Mr. Lowenr replied that he was now dis- dussing the Engush-Peele case. When ho came to the consideration of the geutlc- man's case be would consider and deter mine it according to tits conscience, not- wiUistimling he understood that the gen- deman plumed himself upon libs courage and the practice of the rules of honor ac cording to the code. Mr. Wise asked that the worde be taken] down, and the clerk read Mr. Lowery's) last worde. Tbe Speaker ruled that they were not unparliamentary. Mr. Wise sai-l that that was not tbe lan guage to which bo referred. While in the lobby lie had heard the speaker make an allusion to Barnuiu's mule from Indians, which he appeared to have accepted as a descripdon of himself. Tho gentleman bail spoken ol a member as having Instincts lower than a mule. It was that language which be desired to be taken down. I The Speaker said that the proper time for that request had passed. Mr. Wise—"1 waive all points and re serve the privilege ol personal explanation its was 8,497. The . . r during the cur- .... ,, .-year was 8,131, and the number provided for the next year is 8.091. The tafi provides that the aaeay office at 8f ,I L* U be - abolished and reduces thenumber of Internal revenue districts ™n 83 to 83. It [» further provided that “.ij 1 * ^atlngent fund for either House no RflpeKenUUfe or delegate in Con- object of the provision is tc ggS&WSglf!* t.VouMMSr.U^'iKeK.lJtay C Tb Un .l U *°~laj n«L > »o tbe commute* on appro- V?» blit carrying to those for tbe ^The bill was then passe!—yeas VS), nays District of Columbia ap poslthii' 100 ***** wer ® P«*«d without op- 1 d Ir 'of Massachusetts, from the committee on the judiciarv. r WKae Uei’ate a journal the llou*e resume 1 consideration of the KnfdUh'Peele contested election <*ase. and Mr. ttrowne, ot Indiana submitted an argument in support of the right of the contestee to retain his seat. Mr. Peeie, of Indiana, addressed the House in his own behalf, and English’s claims were further advocated bv Messrs. Hurd of Ohio, Springer of Illinois, Henlv c forniu and Converse of Ohio. Mr. Hart, of Ohio, then ottered us a substitute for the majority resolution the resolutions of the minority contirming the right of Peelo to the seat. During the progress ofiKhe vote there was a great deal of interest mani fested. English sat at n desk In the last row and kept a tally. Looking over his shoulder stood his father and a number of members, watching each vote intently. At the conclusion of the call, when it was evident the substitute wa< agreed to. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, who had voted in the negative, changed his vote to the atlirmative fo.* the purpose of moving a reconsideration. The vote was then announced—yeas 121, navs 117. The following Democrats voted with the Re publicans in the atlirmative: Aiken, Reach, Doyle. Dudd. Connolly, Dargan, Findlay, Grecaleof, Hardeman, Herbert, Hewitttof Alabama, Hunt, Jones of Wis consin, Lore, Mills, Logan, Neece, "Peel of Ariansas. Potter, Stevens. Sumner of California, Throckmorton, Tillman, Tur ner of Georgia. Woodward, Worthington and Y&ple. Mr. Springer immediately moved a reconsideration and Mr. Hart, of Ohio, moved to lay that motion on the table, 'pending which Mr. Converso mov ed to adjourn, The motion was carried at 5:30 by a vote of vea» 110, nava 113, amid applause on the Democratic side. KOTM. Senator Kenna to-day* reported favora bly to the 8enate from the claims commit tee tbe claim’of the MarincfDock Company, of Mobile, Ala., for $101,038, in full com pensation for the use and occupation of tbe GENERAL NEWS. Turbulent Negro Beaten and the Gov ernor Called on For Troops - Rip- lea of the New York Panic - General Notes, Ete. Sank* Go Under. | NEW HAMPSHIRE DEMOCRATS. Pittshuro, May 21.—Tho Pennsylvania Dank, of this city, closed its doors to-day } The * Declare for Tllden and a Reduction and posted the following: “Owing to nl of the Tariff, continued run for several Jays, we have | l TKLK,;R VP|IED TO TIIE associated press.] decided it is wLe.for our depositors ami nil j Coscord, May 21.—The Democratic Stale concerned, to eus>pend payment (or the convention met here this morning. There Richmond, Va., May 19.—The foltovring has just been received at the State Kxecu- e Department: ‘Danville, JJoy 10.—‘Governor ll’/n. E. Cameron: Four white men attacked Geo. Adams, colored, to-day and beat him so he will probably die. This I believe to he the beginning of trouble here which may cause much bloodshed unless troops, at least a regiment, be sent here at oucc to preserve the peace. Please answer by tel egraph. ISignedj. “J. H. Johsstox, Mayor.” Governor Cameron is absent from the city, but is expected home to-night. Noth ing will be done until he returns. Dahvilli, Va., May 19.—George Adams, _ colored man from the country, who was the ring-leader in bringing about the riot on the 3d of November, appeared on the streets here Saturday. He was discovered to be armed and was reported to have made threats. He came again this morn ing, armed, and a difficulty hav ing arisen between him and four citizens in the office of n factor. Adams was knocked down and se verely injured. The citizens appeared be fore the mayor and were admitted to hail on their own bond In $25. to appear in court on the 20th. A 33 calibre Smith A Wesson revolver and a belt of cartridges were found on Adams’s person. Adkins was one of the witnesses before Senator Sherman’s investigating committee. Danville, May 10—There has been no disturbance of any kind since the allair with Adams, and everything is quiet. It was discovered this evening that Mayor Johnston, who is a candidate for re-elec- present. There is great excitement and a large atowd surrounds the henk. Officers have been placed at the doors. Mr. T. Riddle, president of the Pennsyl vania Dank, which was doing the largest business of any bank in Pittskur», got up from a sick bed this morning, having been prostrated from a hemorrhage, and is now at the bank. The following statement was made by him total Associated Press representative: “I have nothing to say In detail, but am he re j to face and do my duty. Owing to unfounded re ports made current by interested and malicious persons, there has been a run on ua lor several days, and our deposits have been withdrawn from $500,- 000 to $700,000 in live days. We therefore deemed it wise to take action now. I have nothing further to say. I am individually the largest loser, having the largest • de posit and the largest amount of stock in the bank.” It is suid that rumors were 6et afloat by interested parties that the Pennsylvania Dank and two other banks had l>een allow* ing oil brokers to overdraw their account^ and the result was a run. One of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Bank| tys the suspended institution is entirely ►Irent and will pay every dollar of debt oron deposit. The capital stock is $200,- 000. A full statement is promised to night. New York, Wall Street, May 21.11 a. m.—The failure has Just been aunounccil of 8. L. Brownell & Co. Russell Sage is receiving noti^s of stock to be put to uira to-morrow. He lias had a quantity of Northwestern put to him to day. The privilege on the stock was issued four mouths tince at 143 and 113, expiring this week. The firm of J. L. Brownell & Co. consists of J. L. Brownell, II. W. Walker and L. W. Murray. The llrni was formerly known as Brownell A Walker. The shrinkage in values caused the failure. The liabilities are l ght. New York, May 21.—Mr. Walker of the a large attendance of delegates and spectators. The convention was organized and Hon. Hoeea W. Parker chosen eliair- After the appointment of the usual committees, Mr. Parker mado aii address, in' which he denounced the protection policy of the Republican party. He de voted his speech to exposing its fallacies. A tariff for revenue only was demanded,and this was to be the Issue in the coming cam paign. The resolutions declare against all laws tending toward the centralization of power, wealth or political influence; that taxution is an incident not an object of government, and should only be levied to provide the means for an economical maintenance of the government and a timely discharge of its obligations, bearing lightlv on articles in common use. and de mand a reduction in tbe war tariff in ac cordance with these principles; commend the action of the Democratic majority in the national House and their recent ear nest efforts for tariff reform: regret the re sult of their efforts and insist on per sistent efforts ontil the revenue system is re-established on a just and hon est basis, and call for thorough reform ■in the tariff, financial and administrative flairs, arraign the Republican party as fal»e to the interests of the people and again assert utter condemnation of the great ‘‘crime and wrong that we propose to right and make it impossible of perform ance hereafter.” The resolutions were adopted. The Czar Rides Among the People With out an Eeoort—Preparations for Gordon's Relief—The Ap proaching Conference. tion. made application to Gov. Cameron „ m „ day or two since ftir the pres- Jfi r ‘ m of Brownell ii Co., said to day that “ ” * -~™ tbeir suspension was not due to the course once ol State troops here^H libc 22nd. the date of the mnnicipal elec tion, and renewed the call to-day. Town Sergeant James Wood has just written to the Governor tint ho mingles with all classes of citizens daily and believes the election will pass offqiifetly and peacefully, and that the civil authorities will lie fully THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. property of the company by the United State! from April 18th to November 15tb, THE GREAT COTTON SHOW. hereafter. Mr. Lowenr then proceeded with his argument. In the course ot his remarks he referred to Thomas A. Hendricks. Per haps some of his Republican friends had heard of that gentleman as having been the successful candidate for Vice-President in 1878. Mr. Bead, of Maine, disclaimed any knowledge ol the gentleman in that con nection. Mr. Lowery retorted by intimating that Hendricks might be heard ol as elected to the same office in 1851, in connection with the great leader ol the Democratic party, Samuel J. Tilden. Mr. Hiscock, of New York, ragxeited that this discussion should be carried on in cipher, which suggestion was received by sundry ejaculations of "too-too” from the Democratic aide. Mr. Pettibone, of Tennessee, spoke in support of.the claims of the sitting mem bers. Pending further debate the House, at 4 50, adjourned. Washinoton, May 21.—In tbe Senate the chair appointed Messrs. Sherman, Morrill, Allison, Bayard and Lamar aa member* on the pert of the Senate of tbe commission to supervise the dedication ceremonies in connection with the Wash ington monument The chair also ap pointed Mr. Platt to be oneot tbe visitors to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, in place of Mr. Miller, of Celitornla, who bee been obliged to decline. A number of petitions arm presented and appropriately referred, protesting egainat any govern mental assumption ;of the telegraph ser vice or any increase in the number of gov- eminent employe* end the ilesiruction of private interests which such assumption ouid involve. Tbe petitioners eey that The Part the Government Will Take In the Exposition, [TSLKOAvrnsjt TO THE ASSOCIATED rams.: Washington, May 18.—In conformity with the President's order, the board of representatives of the departments, created to prepare exhibits and represent the Uni- ted States government at the World's Kx position in New Orleans, met at the State Department Saturday and organised, with Colonel C. S. Lyford as chairman and W. A. Decalndry aa secretary. The following Is an outUna of the most important ex hibits to be made by the government de partment exhibit; Samples of cotton, wool and other fibres and of tlie fabrics made from them in all parts ol the world with statistics of tho markets, styles, ruling [trices and demand. The War Department will exhibit mod els illustrating tho various works of tlie engineer bureau, such as torpedoes for protecting channels and harbors, models of methods ot submarine mining and all outfits and appurtenances of the military engineer. The field service ordinance bu reau exhibit will include every variety of artillery and lntall arms, of fuses and pro jectiles, from thoso in use before the revo lution to the latest Improvement ot the present day. The manufacture ot guns and metallic cartridges will be illustrated by machinery in operation. The siitnal service work in war and peace will be Il lustrated by ail tlie apparatus of the field service and by eahiblts ol the methods of the weather burcan. The Navy Department will exhibit every variety of ordnance and small arm used In the service and those that have been super seded. Its display ol artillery and machine guns will illustrate tlie successive stages of progress mode during the century. torpedoes used in naval warfare with ery klmt of projectile, will be shown; also Farmer’s dynamo-electric machine for firing. The models of war vessels, ancient a modern, and all things belonging to the supply department will lie exhibited. Tlie l’ost-office Department will place a handsomely equipped office in practical operation in the exposition, ami will ex hibit tlie postal railway appliances of the mail service. It will hare also machinery in motion making envelopes and stamps. The Department of the Interior will ex liibit a great variety of objects collected by agents of tlie Indian bureau, illustrative ot aborlgnal life and customs and of tlie gradual progress of the red men from bar barism toward civilization. The Patent Office display will consist of groups of models from its cases showing chronologically the advances in steam en gineering. in cotton spinning and other in dustries due to the ingenuity of American inventori. The exhibit ol the geolofricnl survey will .comprise mineral ores and rocks from ev cry State and Territory and gigantic anil interestinr fossils of extinct animals and plants discovered in many sections ol the United States. The Bureau of Ethnology will exhibit models of ancient puehioa and cliff dwell lugs still existing in tbe eoutbwest, with l large collection of relics illustrating the life and conduct ot the Indians and pre historic inhabitants of that section. Tlie Smithsonian Institution will have exhibits from several divisions of the Na tional Museum. In the tint will be rep resented every species of American food fish by life size casts and by specimens preserved In alcohol. The processes em ployed by the United States Fish Commis sion (or securing and hatching eggs and transporting young fish to various parts ot the countty, with all tbe implements, ap paratus and transport appliances of their department, will be shown in detail. Every variety of ffshlng tackle used throughout the world, from the crudest •avage devices to the latest inventions of civilization, will be exhibited, and photo graphs of fidiemien pursuing their calling, of Uielr homes, ot thdir manifold methods of preparing tliclr catch foe tba market, of their boats and fiiblng craft, ted of every thing connected with their lives and sur- " £* wifi lie displayed, together with fit* competition is best' for that' as tor [ li!e*ize li*ure« of fishermen of *11 nations, other bttslness. . | clad In their |»-culiarco*tnro*s. Ship* from primitive antiquity to the present perfec- ucn will be illustrated br a collection of handsome models, to wnieb all nations to a I have contributed. Tbe Albatn _ 1 such 1 the largest and best equipped * not in the interest of the the Fish Commission, will be : outer DOMness. • clad in their[ Mr. Harrison presented a roan ter petl- primitive ant don .-setting forth that tha Western l'aisn mm wU! be Company employes are engaged in getting handsome n Measures Proposed by the Methodists to Break It Up, [TSLsaaArnsD to the associated Philadelphia, May 20.—In the Metho dist Episcopal General Conference the re port ol the committee on intemperance was presented to-day. It urges the people to tue their influence to banish the social glass from society. It recommends the formation ol juvenile temperance societies in Sunday schools^ that there shall be one temperance lesson each quarter in the Sunday-school series. It also recom mends that our State legislators be re. quested to Introduce instructions as to the use ot alcohol Into State unirersities and yublic schools. It says It la ths liquor raffle which is the chief source of wide spread intemperance, which is the most gigantic aril ol the day. The committee recommended the formation of a temper ance conference In all annual conferences. Complete legsl prohibition of the liquor traffic is held to be the duty of the civil government; that the people ought not to allow themselves to be controlled by party organization, managed in the interest ol the liquor traffic. Several motions were made postponing action on the above re port but they were all defeated and the port was adopted. Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley was elected edi tor ol the Christian Aa locate, Rev. J. H. Beyliss, ol the U'etlem Christian Atlcocitte, Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwards (the present in cumbent), of the Aurfkmtrra Christian Aihocat,, Rev. Benjamin St. James Frye, of the Central Christsan All ocate and Rev. 0.11. Warren. D.D., (the present incum bent), of the Snrthrrn Christian Advocate. Report No. 9 of the committee on the episcopacy, which was represented by Rev. Dr. Curry, stated that by a unanimoui vote Utey had recommended the election of of the market,-but to other causes. The liabilities were small, and they could not yet make a statement. They were engaged in trying to secure securities fraudulently obtained from them by a customer in whom they had tlie most implicit confl- dence, He had since failed, neglecting to return tbe securities v> the Brin, and it was this loss which had caused their sus pension. Laporte, Ind., May 19.—The City Ex change Bank made an assign mint on Sat urday owing to the failure of Donnell, Lawson A Simpson. Liabilities $U!,Q00; assets $21,000. Petersburg, 1*a., May 19.—In conse quence ol heary runt made on it, as well as on the othet banks here, the Planters’ and Mechanics' Bank this morning temporarily atupended oper ations. Tbe following notice, signed by the board of directors and president of the hank, was posted on the door. "Owing to the stringency in tbe market Frank Jones of Portsmouth, Henry O. Kent of Lanrastei, Frank A. McKcalof Nashua and Alvin Sulloway of Franklin, were then nominated delegates at targe, and alternates were elected. No instruc tions were given delegates, hut as the unanimous sentiment of tlie convention is in favor of the old ticket, they will un douttedly support it at tbe national con vention. The convention then adjourned The district delegates elected are as fol lows : First district. Patrick Fahey, of Manchester, and John F. Caullman, of Farmington; second district, Harry Bing ham, of Littleton, Hon. Hosea W,. Parker, of Claremount. All of the delegates favor the nomination of the old ticket but arc uiunstructed. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. llsilonary bishop for Africa. J. M. Phillips was elected treasurer and Rev. Dr. Karl Cranston assistant treasurer of the Missionary Society. A report on nrup.o education. Tlie committee on Freedman's Aid So ciety this afternoon adopted a report, to be presented to tbe General Conference to- doors: "The circumstances surrounding morrow, upon the. entire question of tdo- the bank are eucli that it la thought best cational work in tho South among the whites and blacks. Tbe report will doubtless be the subject of n long and lireiy debate. The committee voted to recommend that the name of tbs society be not changed, and that an appeal be made to the church to raise 3500, IJOOduring the centennial yearfor this purpose. Tbe committee say in the report that mixed schools and mixed con gregation may in many places be most de sirable and best for all concerned, while in other places either or both may prefer a separate school and a separate con gregation. If so, such is their right, ana we heartily concur. The report further states: “It Is the judg ment ol the committee that the entire ed ucational work of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Southern States should be under tbe direction of one society, and that in view ol tbe great success of the Frcedmen's Aid Society during tho past year in carrying forward the educational work in the South, we believe this society ought to have full charge of the work in the South." _____ Railroad Collision.' Pirrsarto, Pa., May It.—A mixed train on the Pan Handle railroad collided with a freight train at Wheeling Junction, forty miles from this city, this morning, killing one man and injuring five others. The mixed train, consisting ot eight freight cars and a passenger caboose, was backing to a side track, and a flagman had been sent hack to notify tbe freight, but owing to a fog the engiueer did not see him in time to prevent tbe accident, and the freight crashed into the caboose. A trav eling salesman named Bartholomew, of a incinnati firm, was killed Instantly. The five injured were employes of the road. Sergeant Bates's Rltal. .Elmira, May 2L—Ralph Ueanmont. of Elmira, president of the Knigbta of La bor, will make a tour of the continent on foot from Maine to California. He swill •tart from Bangor, July 3, and expects to make upward of twenty miles tday, deliv ering a lecture event night at some town on the route on th* labor and antt-monop- oly questions. He will advocate the claims of Benjamin F. Butler to the support of independent voters aa n Presidential can- dinate. Beaumont expects to reach Cali fornia before the doe* of tbe campaign. Atlanta Items. Atlant a, May 2L—Tbe creditors of S. H. James, tbe banker, met this evening end unanimously voted to accept th* com promise offered, which leaves the property In trust. Mr. James made a speech with much emotion, which was received with appUos* by the creditors. The dtizens' subscription to tbe Kimiwll Hons* Hosed to day. ebowine a surplus above whet eras called for. The dosing contract was signed today, and the work will be poshed ahead. caused in great part by the present finan cial crisis, this bank Is forced temporarily to suspend operations. A statement of the condition of the hank ia now being prepared and will be made public as soon as possible. We fed assured it will prove satisfactory to the most scrutinizing." Tbe bank is believed to be perfectly sol vent and able to pay tvtry cent It owes. Parxasactto. Va., May 19.-Thoa.Whit*. cashier of the Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank, says the suspension is dfte, among other causes, to the fact that daring his absence in New York last week a large number of certificates ot deposit, on which the bank requtrea from ten to thirty dart’ notice, were paid without the requisite notice being given, and that within the past few days 301.000 of the State'a funds which bad been delimited in the bank had been checked out. He thought tbe bank would resume In a few days. After tbe doora of tbe suspended bank had been closed a heavy run for sev eral hours was made on tr,« Petersburg Savings and Insurance Bank, widen promptly met demands. FxraasBuao, Va., May 19.—Henry Strat ton A Co., wholesale liquor dealers, made an nsslgnment Ibis evening for the benefit of their creditors. Liabilities 330,000; as sets 325,000. Eats, Pa.. May 10.—The Erie County Savings Bank, of this city, suspended tills morning. Its capital is $15).<K*1 and its liabilities 3300.000. It is said tbe president has been dabbling in olL He has left the city. CiiABLOTTEsviaLB, V*., May 10.—The banking house of Brennan A Co. closed to-day with tbe following notice on the to suspend for a few days. m (Signed | "BsexsanACo. | it is thought that-depositors are safe. Election of a Bishop to Africa and of Church Paper Editors. [tilkoraphed to the associated miss.] Philadelphia, May 21.—Upon reas sembling this morning the Methodist Episcopal Conference beard the announce ment that yesterday'! ballot had elected Rev. C. W. Smith to be editor ot the Pitts burg Christian Advocate. The order of tbe day, being the question of sending a mis- slonaiy bishop to Africa, was then taken up. After some discussion it was agreed to tend a bishop to Africa and nominations * the place were then declared order. The greatest contusion prcrailed. Everybody wanted to speak, and oil wanted to speak at tbe same time, and names of nominees were proposed with great rapidity. To add to the confu- •ion, each nominee was seconded about a score ol times, and finally, when tlie time allowed (or naming cmdidatea bad ex pired, the secretary announced the follow ing to be voted for: Rev. Joshua E. Wil son, of South Carolina; Rev.T. M. Vernon, Rev. C. O. Fisher, of Savannah, Ga.; Rev. E. W. 8. Peck, of Washington; Rev. Wm. Taylor, ot India, anil Mr. Marshall W. Taylor, of Lexlngtoti. Tho latter withdrew his name, aa did alto Rev. Mr. Peck, end the conference adjourned until tbe after noon. Upon the reassembling ot the conference Rev. Joshua E. Wilson announced his withdrawal from the candidady (or the Af rican bishopric. A ballot was taken, whlcb resulted in the election of Missionary Wm. Taylor, of tbe 8outh India conference. Dr. B. F. Carey waa elected editor ol th* California Christian Adcocate, and the conference adjourned. Mr. Taylor, the new African bishop, or, as be is more popularly known in the chnrcb, “Father Taylor,” is one of the conspicuous numbers of American Meth odism. He Is in bis sixty-fourth year, having been born In Rockbridge county, , Mar 2,1821. He united himself with Baltimore conference in March, 1813. Two years later he was ordained a deacon and In 1817 waa or dained an elder of tbe church. Before and after bis ordination he labored ieven yean in the Baltimore conference, and in 519 was sent aa a missionary to California. He continued hti missionary work for ■even yeara on the Pecific coast and sub sequently changed to evangelical work in tbe United States, Canada and all English- speaking countries of tbe world. He also labored assiduously in 8onth America, and dut Ing the last twelve yean has founded aelf-aupportlng missions la Burnish, India and Sooth America. [telioraphed to tue associated press] St. Petersburq, May 18.—The majority of the Czarevitch was celebrated to-day by A-nrious court and state ceremonies and a fete to the people in the Field of Mars. Tbe streets of the city were thronged by enthu siastic masses. The Czar and Czarevitch drove through the crowd at midday in an open carriage and without escort. Tne populace loudly cheered as the royal per sonages passed. Tbe windows along the route were especially ordered to be kept closed. The Czsrina was driven later in the day to the Winter Palace, where m^yi- ben of the imperial family, the officials of tbe various embassies ami high state and church dignitaries were assembled. At tlie palace Prince William of Germany, in the name of his father, the Emperor, con ferred upon theCzarevitch the decoration of tho order of the Black Eagle. A pro cession then formed and proceeded to the palace church, tho Csar and Czarina leading. They were followed by Queen Olga of Greece, the Czarevitch,the Duchess ■jjjpffi Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prince William and the Russian grand dukes and duchesses. After prayers hod been offered, the Czarevitch took the oatli of allegiance to tbe Czar and loyalty to tlie . fatherland and swore to maintain the legal order of succession to the throne. A sa- 1 utc of 301 guns in honor of the day was then tired. Returning to the palace, the Czar evitch took the oath of military allegiance on the etandnrd of hie bodvguard of his Cossack regiment Another saints was fired and then their Imperial Majesties re tired from the ceremonies. The Czarevitch in tlie afternoon received deputations front all classes of tlie civil, military aud pro vincial imputation. The shipping in tho Neva was resplendent with display of flags of all nations. The streets were all gayly decorated with flags and banners, and tlie entire city to-night U brilllantlv illuminated. Special services of thsnks'- glving were held to-day in all the churches. Prince William placed a wreath of immor telles upon the tomb of Alexander II. Sr. Pstsrsbcbo, May 19.—Tne Czar has buttestitiee to the good relations existing between Russia and Germany. It is a guarantee of many years of secure friend ship between the two states." All employes of the Baku railway hare been arrested, on the charge of being im- lieatcd srith the Nihllfits. Tho weU- -nown female Socialist, Werra, is among tlie accused. In tbe pending trial l'W Ni- ibUUU will be arraigned. A rigorous censorship of the dispatche i concerning the Russian policy in Centra Alla and Merv has been ordered. ■New Yoax, Wall Stbkkt, May 19.—Mr. Fisk, of Fisk A Hatch, saya negotiations are progressing for a settlement of all dif ferences between his firm and tbe Newark Savings Bank, and that such negotiations give every promise of success, and that If they are compied none of the Chesapeake land Ohio securities held by his firm will be put upon the marhet. ■CniRLorreaviLL, May 10.—The llabilil Ities ol Brennan A Co. are about 3100,009.1 The depositors hare a lien on valuable real lestate as security. The People’s National Bank and the Bank of Albemarle are un affected and their deposits hare lieen in creased. Tbe firm will not returns bosl- isa. Newark, N. J.. May 10.—An application was made to Vice-Chancellor Van Fleet this morning, in the absence ol the chancellor, by counsel of German depositors of the Newark Saving Institution tor an order to require President Dodd to show I cause why he should not be punished for disobeying tbe order of the Coart of Chancery in removing the bank's assets onto! the State. At the sug gestion at tbe vice-chancellor the matter was laid aside temporarily, pending fur ther developments. Receiver Wilkinson again went to New York today, and rumors that the bank will receive the full amount of its claim against Fisk A Match A Wild Engine. Taov, N. Y„ May 20.—An unknown perl son started a switch engine standing on a sidetrack of the Delaware and Hudson Company's railroad at Mechanicsvill* laat night, switched it on the main track and then jutuped off, sending the eneinn up tbe track. The engine collided with the Mon treal sleeper train, bound sooth, and both engines were totally wrecked. The bag-1 gage man, namedTickman, seventy veers old, was dangerously Injured, Engineer Myers bad his leg broken and several other [persons were bruised. A Heavy Sentence. Wiuiinotob, May 20.—Charles Blake,I ol Philsdelpbta. wss arrested here for bur-1 gtary last November, bat convicted only for larceny. He has been sentenced (or I stealing an umbrella to pay the costs of prosecution, six dollars fine, on* boar in the pillory, twenty lashes and three in the Newcastle jaU. CRANT AND VANDERBILT. Ixindon, May 20.—The extension of the franchise bill was considered by the House of Commons today in committee of tho whole. Lord Randolph Churchi.l, in a speech, strongly deprecated the amend ment of Mr. Broderick, Conservative, to exolude Ireland from the operations of t!.> blU. This announcement was greeted with cheers by ttte Liberals, Lord Randolph -5 Objected to the bill strongly on B- coant of tome of Ite provisions. He thought the position taken by the govern, ment was not statesmanlike. lie had no fear of tbe result of entranthiring the lri-h agricultural laborer, and expressed the ho[» that the Conservative* would not alienate the good opinion of the Irish by supporting Mr. Broderick's amendment. Lord George Hamilton asked Lord Ran dolph Churchill whit be was really driving at. II, lie said, this was a statement of Un democratic terrorism ol tho tatare, then he declined to follow under such leader ship. lie eontended that th* bill waa in troduced to suit the exigencies ot the Libe rals. Its application to Ireland would re sult In a reopening of the flood-gates of jilr. Broderick's amendment was reject ed by a vote of 182 to 137. Lord Randolph Churchill, Mr. Goechen and several other Conservatives and all tha Pamellites voted for the government. 8lr Stafford North- cote and many of his Conservative f..llow- en quitted the House before the division wss taken. Lord Georg* Hamilton'- .it- tack on Laid itandolph Churchill cause.1 considerable excitement in the House. Thu matter is the subject o( general convena tion and give* rise to a renewal ot the rc|iortthat Lord Randolph CharchlU Is at variance with the Conservative leader*. Mortgage Filed In Waihlngton»A Broker Disappears iTSLiasArusp to rax associates raxes.) Washington, May 21,—A mortgage was today recorded upon General Grant's Washington real estate, to secure Wm. H. Vanderbilt for 3150,000 loaned by Vander bilt to Grant the day pravlooi to the fail ure of Grant A Ward. G. H. Lewis, a broker of this city, who ia understood to been doing an extensive spec-, ulallye business In petroleum and to have bad among hit customers a large number of government clerks, disappeared from his plac* of buiiruee last Monday morn ing, and has not since been seen there. The Kroiiiu; Star tonight, in an article entitled “Alarm Among Oil Speculators," says that bis prolonged absence. In con nection srith the nature and extant of tbe boalnesa lone by him, have given rise to many ugly reports, lie began business here last Jane, and baa conducted what to known aa a "syndicate business." Custom ers left margins srith him. but be bought and aold at his own discretion, accounting to customer* for profits when i counts were asked; The success are circulated. Tlie run on the other sav- •>!» , apeeulatlona have been so Ingi banks ceased today, and a better feel- wondernil that it has given tog prevail*. JJ '—* " Th* Wool Growers. Chk-aoo, May 21.—The Wool I the exposition wharf as an exblbiL •3 anchored at i show, hat Aetata ■ 800 Borrows* Babies. FredKyto!*r‘" n! rise to talk since his departure from the city. He has paid profits on' depoeiu left with him amounting to many cases to more than 50 per cenL per month. At tracted by report* of these phenomenal profits, many persons bar* corns forward with their money, and it is estimated that he has In his bands from 3100,000 to 3300,-1 000 belonging to customers, including not only business men of ths city bat deport-1 ment clerks of every grad*. It apprers that the broker left on a train for New York Monday morning, bat got off at Philadelphia. Soma of those moat deeply interested express faith to the absent broker. A gentleman who to con nected to business with him has, it to stated, made settlement* out of hi* per sonal funds srith unfortunate creditors, so far as his means have enabled him to do, and expresses th* almost confidence in the Integrity of the absent broker, who has. it to said, on former occasions indulged in spree* at inopportune times. A Creat Villain Arrest**. Scuixsctadv, X. Y„ May 2L—Thomas •KUdsy. of Met hankiville, a discharged salesman, was arrested to this city last night, charged with running away srith i the Delaware and Hudson Com pony's loco- |motive,from the Mcchaniraville aids track ■■■^■and send ng It against tbe Mon. lie practically admitted his i a locomotive. The arrest THE BIO SIX. The Entertainment on tho Creen Last Night. The entertainment given by tha ladies ol Eiit Macon last night for the benefit of No. a proved to be a large affair, and drew a great crowd from this side of the river. No.4'a band quietly slipped over and surprised No. 0 by lending their music to the occasion. No, 5, always ready for a fir* or a frolic, aaeemMed at Oulmbacfa Hall and from there, marched thirty-live strong, to M»con, giving three lnsty cheers as they filed past the new engine bouse of ^O. •). There were delegations from all tbe other companies, and not a few ladies went over to help out tbe boys. The rreen was brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and a large awnin,- had been Improvised to which many tables were eet. The ton of the evening was tbe novel method of raising ton, originated hyPoreman Sabers andhls helping wife. Lach lady carried a basket to which were all softs of good things and eatable*. Each tody was numbered, and the boy* drew the numbers. The lady named on th* number drawn was the partner of tbe young man, and able srith her basket was weighed oo large scales, and the partner paid one cent per pound; end riant here the fan cam* In. Ranah Butte drew a lady sreightog 245 pounds, which cost him 32.45. Thera were n good many light weights, however, but the weights of some of tbe young ladle* were awfully decep- tlYfr About 3400 srere raised, we learn, and this will aid tha boys very materially to furnishing their engine bouse. The ladle* of East Macon are second to none in getting up an entertainment Annihilating Time an* Space. New York Commercial Bulletin. A* an Instance of th* rapidity with which words and rarefy— fea which words and messages C transmitted to the various centres of Uw world, we may mention the fact recorded to the London EUetrCciaa, that conversation bad been carried oo be- tween an operator to London and anotbtr to Calcutta, at tbe rat* of twelve or four teen words to the mtonta, over a srire ex tending some 7,000 miles, by way of Con stantinople to Teheran, in Persia, thence to Bombay, end finally to Calcutta, tba in tervening space between Leadou and the r'uitai of British India may be coosUerud now practically annihilated. As a farther illustration of tbe rapid way communica tions now pee* between merchants, * mea- il r an-1 the same afternoon an ■