Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 23, 1884, Image 4

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TOE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1881. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. I We have lunatics enough of our own with-1 tent drugs are adulterated or imitated, out having those of other nations set loosej no man knows, amongst us. | Let the Georgia Legislature look to this matter. For not only will proper Pally nnd Weekly. TKXTCI.KORAriI AND KSMSMCIH ll publish ed every day except Monday, and weekly ev ery Friday. The Daily Is delivered by carriers In the city or mailed postage free to subscribers at $1 per month, $-2.Co for three months,, IS for six months or $10 a year. The Weekly Is mailed to subscribers, pos tage free, at tl.GO&year and 76c. for six months. e li.ffl To clubs of five $1.25 per year, and to clubs of ten Si per year, and an extra copy to getter up of olub of five or ten. Transient advertisements will be taken for tbe Daily at $1 per square of ten lines, or less, for the first Insertion, and fifty cents for each subsequent insertion; and forthe Weekly at <1 per square for each insertion. Liberal rates to contractors. Rejected communications will not be rc- Correspondence containing Important news, and discussions of liviug topics, Is solicited/ but must be brief and written upon butoue Bide of tbe paper to have attentlor The New York Times takes the occasion j j ftWg u n ^ ga ^; ec ( protect the pub- of the killing of ^"Cuhtodonouno.^ » nlltura , anJ , ,,, our section m unsparing terms, it prefers , , the Dukes-Malley-Bugg type of citizen, to j product* having no longer to compote the Cash type. It doubtless considers the j with the cheap adulterations and lwi- ruin ol glils, followed by their murder, as tations, will command better prices and a small matter compared with the unjusti fiable killing of a town marshal. Tapers are apt to be influenced by the natural bent of those who conduct them, and the Times Is welcome to all the credit it may get from it* preference. Private accounts from Atlanta repre sent that real estate has been considerably affected by the James failure and the un fortunate circumstances surrounding it. recompense honest toil. A million bales, of which 5,785 were to Great Britain, 4,811 to France, and 851 to the rest of the continent. The following, from the Chronicle, show’s the drift of speculation in futures for the week under review : The dhturbtnreH in financial circles caused depression and Irregularity in the speculation in cotton fer future delivery during the week, i A variable market on Saturday lout was fol lowed on Mouday by a smart advance. On FROM ATLANTA. Tbe New England Editors—Of Interest to Contructo-s nnd Mnrerlnl Men— The James Failure—Liberty Hall—Valloy of Death. pounds of oleomargarine sold in Geor- Tuesday tnc r mors from Wall street • „«t,inMl,a nM MtBliv ! disquieting, t^e demand for cotton futures ta lessens to that extent the necessity fcu off , ftni , the advauce of Monday was lost. for the Georgia dairy, on which 60 j On Wednesday the financial storm burst, In many women depend to a large degree 1 the failure of two banks and seven leading for support. Ceorgia Banks. All the banks in this State doing a regular, legitimate banking business, The price of real estate had probably gone | are believed to be in good condition, Remittances should be made by Express, Honey Order or Registered U tter. Agents wanted in every community in the . ------ «DS iS yTOuisted beyond it. true value. Be this as it may. and unaffoeteJ by ,he lute financial ISMo'I’SEf.” „ . the decline ,houl,l.u r pri» nobody under ldlgttttbancetn x York . Thu wi „ All communications should be addressed to the cl re «m.tance.^^woul<Uenainlyto , ^ . ratifvin . intelligence to the people, PREMIUMS TO ACENTS. "We will give a premium of twenty- dollars to the local agent who sends in the largest number of new subscrib ers to the Weekly Telegraph and Messenger up to July 1st; a premium of ten dollars to the one who sends next to the largest list, and a premium of five dollars to the one who sends in the third list in size up to that time. CLUB BATES. Agents may receive subscriptions at the following rates: 5 copies at $1.25 each year. 10 “ 1.00 11 11 “ Karnes can be sent in as secured. Additions may be made to club* at any time. Theso premiums will be given only for new subscribers—not for those whose names are now on our books. Agents should go to work at once. The Weekly Telegraph and Mes senger will contain able discussions of the issues which will come up in the State and national elections this year, and a summary of the important news of the world. It will contain nothing unsuitable for ladies and children to read. Every one who is not lamilliar with it should give it a trial this year. wtf We are sorry to have hurt the feelingsT)f old Brother Jeremiah of the Constitution. We didn’t mean to do it. both unwise and r ——i , • the situation by throwing »ny considerable and especially to persons who deposit amount of city property on the market! with the banks, or who find it necessa- 11»W. It would be better to hold it and | ry to ask occasional assistance from take tbe chances lor returning confidence, j them. The failure ol Mr. James, of Atlanta, Virginia*! , . . Actl0 ”* i is probably one of the most disastrous As the Mrgmia resolutions of -08 h i t cvt . r occurred in Georgia, but his gave to this country the political key-; (aU |he re81llt of spe ' u ,; tion . It note for more than the half of a century, • * Virginia redeemed from the rule of political buccaneers, seems likely to stock-broking firm., and cotton for early de livery decline 1 sharply. The close, however, was .toady, at a slight Improvement on the lowest figures of the day. On Thursday, at tbe opening, the next crop was dearer, but the difficulty of procuring temporary loans de pressed this crop, and May option, unite broke down, closing twenty-five.points below the close oil Tuesday, while the summer months were only nine to fourteen points lower for the forty-eight hours. To-day there wns an early decline, but tire return of coinparativ rates for call loans caused a rally, and the close was slightly dearer, except for May, but os compared with last Friday thirty-two point, lower for May, nine to sixteen points lower for the summer months, and four to eight points for the next crop. T>dny there w further decline of 1-160., middling uplands closing 'inlet at ll?^c. It is a settled fact that the Democracy of South Carolina will not send a delegation to Chicago in favor of Mr. Tilden. Qeohoia should send an uninstructed delegation of her best and wiseat men to the national Democratic convention. It is the poor dejiositor that Is entitled to sympathy, when ill-managed bonking institutions come down with a crash. Thi Northern Methodist conference at its late session refnsed to, license women to preach. There were about sixty thous and spinsters in Massachusetts ready and anxious to embark in tbe business ol see ing souls. Lee and Grant are the types of two op posing civilizations. Impartial history will assign them their respective places In tbe rolls of tame. The prince will not al ways go a-foot while the beggar rides on horsebZrk. TVhex tbe remains of Lient. Grecly's party are found the funeral procession will at once set out on its return to the United btales, should the ice permit. Should it not permit, the question of sending out a mw funeral party wdl be in urgent order. The earnestness with which ‘‘Honest’ John Sherman conrts Interviews on the peeeent financial crisis is not hard to be understood. Poor old man! He la not good looking and he can't come in! Even John Logan stands ahead of him in the matter of chances. Tbe man who speculates with his own money and loses it Is entitled to sympathy, if the speculation in which he engaged was legitimate. The man who speculates with tbe money of other people without their knowledge or consent and loses it, is enti tled to'somethlng that ian't even distantly related to sympathy. lead the way to Democratic triumphs. Whether victory shall follow in the present campaign or not, the action of the late State convention of the old commonwealth is deserving of com mendation and emulation. As the first Southern State to speak, she has spoken in no uncertain voice, and the harmony and unanimity of sentiment which characterized the pro ceedings of the conventiqn were only surpassed bv the wisdom of the plat form of principles. Never in her history did Virginia as semble a braver and truer band of her sons, and theso were still so near the wreck of the political storm from which they had emerged, that all personal prejudices and favoritisms, all ambi tious and jealousies were freely and promptly sacrificed upon the common altar of patriotism. After passing upon matters pertain ing to State policy alone, the conven tion declared its adherence to the Ohio platform, under the inspiration of which that great State of the West won the first victory of tbe campaign. This platform contains a pledge of pro tection to American industries and American labor. This is unmistakable evidence that Virginia is alive to her interests, appreciates the fact that her future prosperity is largely dependent upon the diversification of her indus tries, and is determined not to he di- erted from her purpose to restore honest government by tbe discussion of impracticable political methods. Having selected a delegation to Chi cago, largely composed of the young and brave men who led and fonglit the battle for her redemption, she wisely declined to trammel them by instruc tions to vote for any ono or any set of candidates, leaving them free after con sultation and deliberation to support those most competent and likely to win. Bnt thu most marked feature of the convention was the firm, decided and repeated refusal to indorse Tilden and Hendricks. Though the galleries shouted and tho convention itself applauded the men tion of the names of Tilden and Hen dricks, memorable leaders of the party in a grand but disastrous struggle, yet tho convention firmly refused to in dorse the old ticket for nomination. A substitute to this effect was voted down by a decided vote. A delegate dissat isfied with a vote by sound insisted upon a vote by counties. Tho conven tion yielded, tho vote was had, and the proposition was over whelmingly defeated. Thus Virginia sends to Chicago a delegation of her best men, free to act as the occasion and its surroundings may suggest, and they bear with them no word from tlu jr people, save that they favor a platform was not James the banker who failed, but James the speculator. Mr. James lias the sympathy of his friends in At lanta and elsewhere, whilst they are forced to admit that his bank was not conducted on sound business princi ples. It was in some respects a sav ings bank, and hundreds of poor peo ple—mechanics, tailors, seamstresses, day laborers, railroad employes and others—deposited with him their little savings after paying their rents and butcher bills. Mr. James allowed them a small interest on their depos its, and this was sufficient to attract large numbers to his bank. It was this class of depositors whom he sought to cut off in his attempted assignment We can but hope that the assignment will be set aside, and that all deposi tors will be permitted to share equally in such assets as he may have. It is a notable fact that the New York city savings banks have come well out of the recent excitement. “It is not too much to say,” remarks the Tribune, “that this fortunate result is largely drie to the stringency of the law which governs their operations.” Members of the Legislature might act upon the hint boro given. It might bo well to incorporate into onr banking laws a provision prohibiting the own ers nnd officers of savings banks from all kinds of speculation. It is bad enough to waste the money of the rich, but to squander tho hard-earned sav ings of the poor is n crime. Decoration Oar The people of the North do not yet show signs of weariness with tho pa geant of decoration day. With them it has become a festival in honor of victory, while n similar occasion with us is a day of memory for the dead. Greater preparations than ever for the celebration aro being made in New York city, and what is true of the me tropolis of the North may be said of each town, village and hamlet beyond the Potomac. We take from the New York Hera Id the following items of the Ixteexal revenue taxation is a republi can war device; and yet Democrats who denounce Mr. Kandall for oppoiingthe Morrison bill as an “assistant Bepubli- which will protect the interests, the can," unite with the Republicans in main- investments nnd the labor of Virginia, talnlng their “war tax'” revenue with . aU of which was eminently wise and self-satisfied orthodoxy. People that prate of consistency should try to be consistent. Virginia heads the column, and Geor- Wheeler has l«en acquitted of the da at the proper time should step into killing of Matthews in Copiah county, j line. Mississippi. A judicial inveubeatian es tablished the fact that Matthews had threatened to kill Wheeler and was ad vancing upon him with a drawn pistol when shot. Thi* Is the matter that John Sherman and Senator Hoar investigated at New Orleans. Governor McDaniel* presence at the meeting of Mr. James's creditors is ex plained by tbe fact that he and members of hi* own and his wife’s family were among tbe bearlestdepositors in the bank. * We regret to leans that they will be con siderable losers 'vf the failure. This will depend, however upon tbe amount and disposition of the assets. Tbe Atlanta Constitution ban turned loose a new hamoristupon the Telkcraph because it smiled at the fix in which that journal was placed when Mr. James’s fail ure was announced. The new humorist runs from tbe sublime to tbe ridiculous and from tbe funny to tbe pathetic, as nimbly as Brer Babbit journeys about a well organised spring garden. The election of "Rev.”C. H. Fowler to the episcopacy, by tbe General Conference of the Northern Methodist Cburch, was a genuine triumph for Satan, beyond all question. If Thad Steven* was a bitterer traduce r of the Southern people, or a more unswerving enemy to Christian methods in dealing with them, than the **ReY." C. H. Fowler, It would be difficult to establish the fact from authentic records. Adulteration and Imitation. The New York Legislature ho* found time*amid the multiplicity of interests under consideration to pass laws for the protection of the health and morals of the people. Some of' tho acts are founded upon wise principles and aimed at public and admitted evils. Summed up in brief, the acts referred to forbid the manufacture and sale of oleomar- gerine, butterine or any sham butter; the manufacture or sale of sham milk, or adulterated milk; the adulteration of drugs or food; the selling, giving, offering to sell or the loaning to any minor any book, pamphlet, magazine or printed paper devoted to the publi cation of or principally made up of criminal news, police reports or ac counts of criminal deeds; and also the sale of cigarettes to box* under fourteen years of age. Comment upon these laws is un necessary. For years the press has pictured the evils of adulteration, sham butter, bad literature, and the cigar ette liahit. The legislation is in reali ty the outcome of the war waged and exposures made by the public journals. Geoigia needs such laws simplified and easily applied. Even in this State the Georgia at the New Orleans Exposition. A paragraph in this journal has needlessly excited the apprehension oi gentlemen having in charge the matter of tho representation of Georgia at the New Orleans exposition. Macon is fully alive to her duty in the premises and will not fail in its uttermost performance. She has al ready obligated herself to give $.'1,000 to the State fa : r, in order that such an exhibit of the agricultural resources of the State may bo collected and for warded to tho exposition as will do credit to Georgia. No objection is raised to the manner of levying and collecting a voluntary tax for this purpose. Many counties will not meet it, but there can bo no doubt that a sufficient sura for all nec essary purposes will be raised in this way. The commissioner-Sn-chief we recognize as a most admirable selection, and bis colleagues for tho most part, aro entirely acceptable. Wo do not compute tlmt Georgia has lost any great amount by reason & the fact that the Legislature would not appropriate money forHi little squad of self-appoint ed commissioners to attend tho Boston exposition during the last fall,and if this squad shall foil to get to New Orleans by similar methods Georgia will not bo tho loser. But our people are inter ested in tho success ol tliccoming State fair as a condition precedent to Geor gia's exhibition at the New Orleans Exposition, and tho Telegraph and Messenger will not bo found laggard in supporting all fair and open methods to bring about a result of which we shall be proud, by holding up the hands of the right men engaged in the work. Cotton Statement. From tho Chronicle's cotton article of May 18th we gather the following facts relative to the movement of the crop for the past week: For the week coiling May i6th, the total re ceipts have reached \C0i bales, against 15,657 bales lost week, 120,053 bales the previous week and 30,923 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since the 1st oi September, 1M3, 4,737,670 bales, ogalm-t 5,755,221 bales for the same period of 1832-83, showing a decrease since September 1,1&3, of 1,017,551 bales. The total receipts at all the interior towns for the past week have reached 0,010 bales; since September, 2,812,444 bales, showing a decrease of 10,052 bales, as compared with the receipts of the same week last year, and for the season a falling off of <100,273 bales. Among the Interior towns Macon is credited with 8 bales for the week, and with 50,892 for tho season. For the programme: •All the reports from the different posts are in, nnd, judging from them and from what has been done here at the headquarters, the 30th of May will be one of the greatest days New hits seen for years. There will be fully ten thousand Grand Array men In line, while last year there were only eight thousand, nnd, Including the National Guard nnd the veteran associations, over twenty thousand men will pass President Arthur nt the reviewing stand, which will bo at the Worthmonument. '••President Arthur, will review the pro cession; Secretaries Lincoln and Grcshnm, and other members of the Cabinet; Governor Cleveland and his staff, Mayor Edson, the members of the Stato Senate and Assembly, the New York aldermen and heads of depart ments, General Hancock and General Sheri dan and their respective stnflii, nnd a host of prominent army and navy oflicers and gentle men are invited for the occasion. The Siamese princes nnd the members of their embassy will return to New York expressly to parade, nnd will also be oq the grand stand In the Siamese costume of state. The special escort of tho President will be the Old Guard, and the guard of the grind stand will be com posed of two men from each post, selected with especial reference to their height and •oldiorly bearing. “Another feature of the parade will be a large number of tlic Arc engines nnd the men of the fire department, who for several years past have not participated. The Veteran As sociation of the old volunteer fire department will also bo In line. “In the Academy of Music, General Benja min V. Butler will bo tho orator of the even ing. John McCullough, tho artor, will give a recitation; Miss Kellogg will sing, and a host of other musical aud dramatic notabilities, have offered their services. The mayor will preside." “The cottage In Union Square," said-Mr. B. J. Levy, the chairman of tho tloral committee “will bo open from tho 20th of the month for receiving orders for contributions of flowers and for the flowers themselves on the 2*th 2uth. We are depending, however, principally upon the teachers and scholars of the public schools. Last year there was not a scholar, the poorest, who did not give to their teacher a flower of somo kind thu day before Decoration Day, and many brought their arms fulL The teachers collect them and turn them over to us." Thor© to nothing ol mourning In all ol this, but then the North lost compara tively few people for whom much sor row followed. Tho rank and file of her armies were made up of those whose places were not fixed in homes or society, and with her Decoration Da v promise* to overshadow the 4th of July, the Sth of January and tho 22d of February, which were once wel comed with great pomp. Indications point to the fact that at the coming celebration, there will be less of acrid oratory and political elo quence, and tho day may soon come when the people of the two sections may find nothing harsh to say of each other on Memorial or Decoration Day, and when the return of each will bring proud, If sad memories to all. The people of the South cannot but feel grateful that this part of the pro grumme in New York city will not be neglected: At Cypress Hill ceme tery the graves of four hundred Con federate dead will be decorated just the same as those of the 3,500 Union sol diers buried there. [special correspondence.] Atlanta, May 19.—The delay of the New England editors in reaching Atlanta con siderably curtailed their opportunities for observation in the ‘^Cracker City.” Through tbe efforts of a number of public-spirited business men they have doubtless seen all that is of any special interest to them. Yesterday the Eastern journalists spent a quiet Sunday, visiting the various churches. Last night many of them, curious to see how the wards of the nation conduct tueir religious services, visited some of the negro churches. Your readers will prob ably not need the assurance that their curiosity was abundantly satisfied, and considering it was the Sabbath, the visiting scribes could hardly have been more thor oughly entertained in any other wnv. Tills forenoon the editors were driven in carriages to all points of interest about the city, and about 12 o'clock were deposited at the Dapartment of Agriculture, in the capitol, where Major Barna,the indefatiga ble, bad hurriedly brought together a very fine exhibit of the various manufacturing enterprises of At lanta- Considering the haste with which the display was necessarily arranged, At lanta has every reason to be proud of it, and the visitors expressed themselves both pleased and astonished. The follow ing were the more striking articles con tained in the exhibit, and, indeed, sub stantially comprised it: Of machinery, llaiinan’s plows, from the Southern Agricultural Works; a fine collection of saws from the Atlanta Saw’ Works: a case from the Atlanta cutlery work*; Globe cotton planter. Clarke seed cotton cleaner, Van Winkle gins. There were also specimens of furniture, trunks, terra cot ta, licoks and blank books. A substantial display of the products of the cotton mills of Atlanta attracted attention. At the en- ante was a large and handsome stand led with Taylor s colognes very artisti cally arranged. Considerable space wns occupied by the inevitable patent medi cines, in the manufacture of which Atlan ta is justly celebrated. Without drawing distinctions between any of the exhibitors, as the display was exceedingly creditable to all, one cf the handsomest displays was that made by the J. 1*. Stevens Watch Company, snowing the various steps in the manufacture of the Stevens watch. The visitors left at 2:35 this afternoon via the Western and Atlantic, bound lor the Natural Bridge, Virginia, where the party will disband. They have expressed themselves thoroughly pleased with their visit here. F INTEREST TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. The Capitol Commission has just re ceived from Kdbrookc tfc Burnham, Chi cago, the printed specifications, estimates and schedules of materials and labor required for the new capitol building. These are elaborate, and yet simple, goirife into every detail of the work and the ma terial that will enter into the construction of the building. This printed matter con tains, besides the specifications attd esti mates of material and labor, full instruc tions to bidders, with every information necessary, as well as all the forms they will need in putting in their bids. These will l*e promptly furnished on ap plication to the secretary of tho commis sion to all contractors and material men who desire to put in bids cither for all or any part of the work, or to furnish all or any part of the material required. THE JAMES FAILURE. Interest bus not died out in tho failure of Mr. James, but on tho contrary it is on the increase with the great number of peo ple affected by the failure. A large crowd hung around the bank corner this morn ing nnd vigorously discussed the situation. Under the assignment made by Mr. James, open depositors arc made preferred creditors to be paid in full before other claims. This leaves in a rath er uncertain situation a largo number of creditors, representing large amounts. who«e money Mr. James had, drawing a small interest. These are classed as non preferred creditors. They have decided to carry the matter into the courts. A movement is being strongly agitated to day, mainly by tho non preferred credi tors, to form a joint stock company to lie composed of all the creditors, which shall take chargq of all the assets, is sue to each creditor certificates of stock to tho amount of tho bank’s indebtedness to hint, and to payout pro rata to each, as fast as the funds can bo realized. This proceeding is not generally it should be $3,000. It was not my purpose I to create tbe iuinrebsioa that our "cops” were so bloated with wealth. Besides, it might suggest to the citv fathers that the knight, of the billy are getting too much wages oat of the general nurse, which suggestion would be more than apt to result in a sudden reduction in salaries. Your correspondent would great ly regret to bo the Innocent cause of such rank injustice. heavy UTKUTtorr. The now well-known case of the Barrett Manufacturing Company vs. Col. E. Thornton, late of Pott-Appeal, is expected to come to trial this afternoon, and the equally celebrated case of Conlev vs. Thornton will be called Thursday. If these cases, or either of them, should c BZW EXOLAJD ID1TOBS COXYZBTt„ . 1( atklUf the W I land editors who recently dinned’^ 11 ! Georgia, had ever visited the fore. The South has probably lieen* 1 gfiwjTOWM and tntKutdtratoodH them and the section from whicli hail, and In many respects their visit.?!! 01 good results. They-3 I Dl* C1, enabled to see ua as we are, to mix' tZSM with our people. They were given ,,"* 1 ! facilities to seo the negro as he i,* 1 ** carried to his churches and ta’ Wfri his schools. and "".! h . r °Ug! Usd school*, and no ormnwi.'-.M for observation. Before leaving a,W quite n number of the visiting editor. .“J occasion and very frankly'fo p?o7 ei n rad cal change n tunny of the view, i ’ had entertained of the South and n2.!“ ( cures, or cutler ot mem, Simula come nau entertained of the South an,1 ... to trial as announced, the proceedings will. pie. It is hoped that when these° c»i.i IW rich with ^ntprna^ ntnl krletla isms I, *I>a m«n rnapji »»>«.! .1 .. be rich with interest, and bristle with the fierce tilts of the«e Titan*. Col. Thornton is ready for tho fray and quite sanguine. I very much fear,'how ever, that these cases, rich and Important as thev are, ami upon which, too. the interest of the public is largely centered, are doomed to many continuances and will Unger in the courts until they grow musty on the records. Justice—to the public at least— should decree them n different fate. THE JAMES ASSET?. While the preferred and non-proferred creditors of the late bank are disputing over ikeir rights and drawing the lines for legal conflict, the lawyers are preparing to swoop down upon the remains. From the present outlook the lawyers will eat both ways. If the depositors of the two classes can har monize without litigation, they have a reasonably fair chance to get their money. If tley hazard their rights and the proper ty in the courts, there is nothing surer than that the lawyers will get the money. A wag called attention this morning to one of the numerous signs and legends on the Jame* bank building, which reads: "John H. James, banker and broker.’* DEPOSITORS MEETING. At the court house yesterday there was a large meeting of the depositors who are in trouble over the failure of John II. Janie*. There were about 150 present, but It was ascertained they only represented about $51,000 of the preferred claims. The meeting organized bv calling to the chair Judge Dorsey, of the City Court. Be fore business could be entered into Judge John D. Stewart moved an adjournment till to-day for the reason that he had been informed Mr. James desired to submit n statement to his depositors, and would have it ready for them to-raorroar, and having such statement the depositors would know better how to act The meet ing adopted this view and adjourned till 5 o’clock this afternoon. A committee wai appointed to communicate this Action to Mr. James nnd invite him to be present at the meeting. A further committee, consisting of Messrs. Cunningham, Cox and Anderson, was appointed to examine the assignment made by Mr. James, and also the bill filed by some of the creditors, nnd make a re port upon those documents. Judge Stewart was not a depositor, but represented an official board, of which he is a member, which had a deposit with Mr. James. The preferred and non-preferred credi tors of John II. James held sepa rate meetings nt the court house this afternoon. At the meeting of non preferred creditors Mr. James appeared in person and submitted a statement of the condition of his affairs. Front his statement it appears that his total liabili ties foot up fl'tt.OOO’ Of this, the preferred claims are $180 000, and non-preferred, $315,000. His assets are $480,000 all told. Of this amount he has in cash $45,000. He made a lengthy speech to his creditors, saying that he felt deeply for them, and had no thought of his own losses. Ho ap pealed to them to work with him and he would save them even* dollar. The meeting* appointed conference com mittccs looking to an adjustment of dif ferences. The committee from the pre ferred creditor* consists of Gov. McDaniel, chairman, A. II. Cox. Geo. B Forbes. John T. Hall and I.AV. Avery. The committee men reach the!.' Lmues. as ,oon a, ’ have rIJ themselves of tile .lust andf.ti ^ of travel, they will betake theSSliSfi Ute r respective sanctums and J. ,hdly re.ate tbeir experience t.i thousands of wondering readers T’i.^UL sea es have evidently fallen from tl,eire?2l nnd If they can resist the temptation^! mvestinitmancw set, their vi.it (Ml will not have been without practical fen, I ized. This proceeding is not v „ approved by the preferred cre«.uors. but a l. nau »»»** i.m. cij, «.uiuuihici: representing (no non-preferred creditors consists on Anthony Murphy, chairman, S. L. McBride, Isaac Boyd, A. O. Adam* and James Finley. These committees are! meeting together nt the office of A. H.l Cox to-night, and it is thought some com promise will be effected. UzATER — At midnight tho conference THE CREDITORS IIARMONIOt’S AND EVFpv THING SERENE. EV The preferred and non-preferred I tors of John H. James held sepMat™ meetings at the court house this afforn^ ■ Sit to take action on tho report of the confo. I 5 ence committees. uer ‘ B ** The basis of settlement agreed upon bv the joint conference committees and earn esriv recommended to all creditors was crit, A p .‘ yment ot 10 ^ Cent ‘*a 2. A farther cash payment (or as soon., creditors ° f 8354 '* r cen, ‘ t0 the Preferred 3. A capitalization of the remainine suing to each creditor stock or bind; bearing 4 per cent, interest, to run fir. years. Each creditor taking bonds to the amount of bis claim not liquidated If the Income arising from the rents ol the James property at any time fail to dm this 4 per cent, interest, Mts. Jamn pledges her own income as a gnarsnt. that tho Interest will be paid, and aeon’ sent decree so binding her income will h. taken in the courts. It was explained that the available dis count-, cash and sale of property which could not well he capitalized would make almost Immediately available 1127 which would Insure the proposed settle tuent. Upon motion. In each meeting ol creditors, the settlement proposed was adopted without a dissenting voice. A joint meeting was immediately held in the basement of tbe court house to rati fy this agreement. There were present between two and three hundred creditors This meeting by a unanimous vote ratiheii the action of the separate bodies. A com mittee was then appointed to notify Mr. James of this action and invite him to the meeting. In a tew moments Mr. James wa^ escorted to the stand. He was overcome with emotion at the situation, which was not lessened when tho crowd greeted him with three rousing cheers, lie thanked them for their generous action and assured them, whether he lived or died, they would not regret it. He pledged his honor and his energy to the payment, dollar for dollar, of every claim against him. A further novel nnd Interesting proceed ing was a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. James and his good lady fot the hon orable nnd noble manner in which they had met the adversity which had befallen Ur. James, ana the spirit in which they had met their cred itors. Mr. James was very much affected nt this turn of affairs, and his eyes tilled with tears. All in all, It was a re markable meeting. Atlanta Is to be con- f ratuluted upon the manner in which she ins successfully met what threatened to be a cnlnmity. It Is proposed that the assignees, Messrs. Garrett and Adair, shall retain charge o( all the assets until these cash payments shall be made. When th's is done the as sets will be managed asthe creditors shall direct at a further meeting. The conference committees, published in tho TzLzoKArn this morning, were continued as a permanent committee. Tbe assignees have already had an oflhr of $-10,000 for the Feachtret residence ol Mr. James. DEATH' IX A WILL. committees of James's creditors arc still in session. From tho length of tho mect-l ing ami discussion, there is no probability tho city and was killed by Ore damp, ol an agreement to-night. THE STATE EXU1D1T FOB XEW onLEAXS. Captain D. C. Bacon, Blato commla , A sadden change from pqrertr to wi Isioner; Hon. L. F. Livingston, president Isapttoturn men , lieails.lmt itiizs call ha* teen isxuetl for a meeting to be ihcld by them at 3 o’clock this afternoon ini the court-house, vrhen they wifi agree, if po*ftible, upon some plan of action. I It is reported to-day that iiie claim* of the preferred creditors amount to over ♦300.000. and that tho total liabilities will reach a half million dollars. ■Among the various rumors afloat Is one to the efiect that Mr. Janie* has an nounced that he will resume business at the old stand. When, It is not stated. Tnc members of the Atlanta police force I had on deposit in the broken hank about ♦30,000. This is a hard blow upon a very deserving body of men. | At tlie Whitehall street crossing this morning a great tunny people cast casual and curious glances at the spot where the poor old man was! killed by the cart Saturday night. To morrow the tragedy will be forgot, nnd these same people will go back and forth unconcernedly over this crossing as though] lit were not a veritable valley of death. How many lives are to be sacrificed at this crossing Indore the public will demand of the authorities some provision against the danger? H. K. W* Palmer, of the Executive De partment, is luxuriating for a few days in Burke county. LIBERTY 1IALL* Up to this date the “Steven* Monumental Association” has succeeded in getting alKHit fc>00 wherewith to purchase”Liberty Hall.” which come* to sale the first Tues day in J une. It is likely the sum required Car Building in the South. National Car Builder. There is probably no region in the world that has such a wealth of resources as our Southern State* Jor the building of good and serviceable freight cars at a i<mq>;»ra tively small cost. Nature has provided an abundance of all kinds of material, of a quality most desirable, and which can hardly l>e surpassed anywhere else. Oak timlier has long been considered by most builders as indispensable for certain parts of the structure, and especially for end sill* ami track framing, but the opinion is now gaining ground that Georgia pine makes as strong a sill n* oak, if not more lasting, while it keeps its shape even hotter, and is lighter in weight, go plentiful is this tim ber in the South that in many localities it can be laid down at the shops at the cost of will exceed $3,500, but I understand the association has perfected arrangements to borrow the balance ueeded to effect the purchase. If reports are true, one of the New Eng- land editors must be something of a boss, lie controls fifteen newspapers and has an interest in a score of others. Usually one paper is about all an editor cares to ban die. Atlanta, May 20.—The Kimball House Company is making a very strenuous ap peal to the business men of Atlanta for more money, to insure the completion of the building. They ask a subscription to ♦25.0UO of Kimball House bonds, guaran teed as a safe five per cent, investment, which will enable the company to meet capitalists who will agree to put up all the money required to finish and furnish the hotel. It is be hoped, not only for the sake of Atlanta, 8tate Agricultural Society, and Judge Hen derson, Commissioner of Agriculture, have been in conference here to day in reference to the State exhibit at the New Orleans ex- ttosition. The previous understanding that the Stale exhibit is to be first collected and exhibited at the State fair, to be held at Macon, was confirmed, and I* ziot ?. certMr.ly. This will be a boom for the State fair and the collective exhibit of the State wifi prove an attractive feature. Commissioner Bacon wifi be in Macon to me rrow in tho Intciest of tho State e xhibit. Major William Boss has been in the city U>day looking after certain arrangements for tho tournament. Every arrangement L* now perfected. Captain Millcdge gave an enjoyable re ception at his residence to-night, at which the Horse Guard were present, compli mentary to Major Ross. A large delegation of the C<i-nr de Leon Comttiandcry left to-night for Albany to attend the grand conclave of Knights Tem plar of Georgia. Atlaxta, May 21.—The committees of conference, representing the two classes of creditors of John II. James, were in sion again this morning, perfecting certain details affecting the agreement reached by them'. That agreement was not given to the press last night, for the reason that it lilt In ehnpe for publication, anil for tbe further rea.on tuat some atlvautARe might be taken of it by speculators. At noon the plan of adjustment fixed upon by tbe committees is ready for tbe action of tbe creditors’ meetings this afternoon. It 1s understood that the plan is a sort of compromise, the purpose of which Is to utilize the prop erty to the best advantage to prevent a waste of assets, and to secure an equitable division among tbe creditors. The com mittees think the plan proposed tvill be ac cepted by both preferred and non-preferred creditors. Governor McDaniel, who was appointed chairman of the committee representing the preferred creditors, was present at the conference meetings last night and this morning, lint declined to serve as a mem ber of the committee on account of Ills official position. proved to be so with Mr. Elbert 8. Mont gomery. of Mt. Olivet, Ky., who last week received here, through the First National Bank. 115,000, ai tbe holder of one-flfth of ticket So. DO,SCO, which drew the capital prize in the April drawing of The Louisi ana State Lottery, coating him but one dollar. He Is at homo persuing the even tenor of his way as a farmer, and shows s disposition to use wisely the money Dame Fortune has beatosred upon 1dm, When the public was Inclined to doubt If he wonld receive the money, be was offered by responsible parties, the amount called for, less two per cent, but knowing the In tegrity of The 1/mlsltna State Lottery management, he declined the offer, and has received $15,000 in full. It was the first lottery ticket be ever held in tils life, and he paid for It the sum of one dollar.— ilayirillt (Ay.,) bulletin, April 20, Ez-Spsaker James W. dusted, of the New York Legislature, HAKES A TEW KEHAUS. “You did not go to Florida for yoor cough as you proposed ?“ “No! 1 found the necessary ozone and nine aroma in four of Allcock's Porous Plasters, two on my back and two on my chest. I was quickly cured; they proved n perfect shield a slnit pneumonia. Theee plasters also cured my son of rheumatism in the shoulder, which for months defied medical skill. I have found them very quick to cure and absolutely painless. In bruises no external remedies can be more effective. "Allcock’a” is tbe holy genuine Porrons cheated' t>Uy n0 olber IU " 1 you wU1 n0 ‘ ** The great daily paper of Georgia, the Atlanta QnutUutum, nos scored another , there is gond reason lor the claim, that yel- satne week last year, the receipts were lo * {due, when used lor sidingon boxcars, rutting, sawing and transportation. It but lor its sake o'f jsijplcout.idewiioteek is claimed .be many car-builden. and hotel accommodations here, that the .to 2.000 pounds over what it would lie if son. These figures show a decrease for white pine were used. A- an offset to this, the week of 1.4 hales, as compared with fe^i^S hut year, anu an increase for the sea- ’ for out «Io >r work ami rough usage. It *on of 2 584 bale*. i »»»>’ b® »ai«! that when master me ns . .1 • * g . . .. rhanlcscanchoosetbeirtimberforlocomo- Taking the receipt* from plantations, |j v ,» cabs they generally prefer black ' t e net overland movement to Mav'l, walnut flr?»t an«i white pine last, for the .3;?y%f?ha larestmlnt hi i°T'2* W ! U ... ...... - ♦l.Oaj of the bonds in order ** v aC L 0n ex "* b » tton m Macon early i* beginning to be felt. In many in-. new to the same date, the amount of which grow* in Kentucky ami Tenues*ee to h*lp complete the building. There are- — evila of adulteration and sham in food and also the takings of Southern spin- [“vTn>fl'g'«l l deJX n '.m2itj?' That 3 fake* S m ..an mimm 4 a 1... tnl 0 I - - J . si... mm ..... . I 4 . . 4 I . .. m .., ...... 4 / • I I — L m t l- ... . t... mm CWs . .... “ money will be forthcoming. It is believed, notwithstanding the recent financial epi sode, there is really no scarcity of money in Atlanta, and certainly there are plenty of men here who wonld be ready to take the bonds as a business proposition if they could be satisfied of its safety as an investment. And the outlook to-day is that there will lie no great difficulty in raising the money. One gentleman of prominence stated this morning that if be was con At the establishment of J. P. Stevens A Co. this morning, your correspondent had the pleasure of examining the handsome jeweled neck ornament offered by them to thewinner.of the Horse Guard tournament in Macon, and by him to he presented to the fair lady who shall be chosen queen of the tournament. The ornament is In gold, richly, engraved, the design being two drawn satires, crossed, under a golden framework, which is surmount ed by a beautiful crown, ■tight and left dangle delicate golden tassels, and in the center is a lovely dia mond pendant. Upon tbe ornament will he engraved the name of the winning Knight, the tfueen of the tournament, anc the further inscription, “Macon, Ga., May 29,1KS4." Tlic ornament is delicate, costly and beautiful, anil the lady who is crowned queen of the tournament will have cansa lorcongratulatioii,and will doubtless excite the just envy of her sisters. The entire work was executed in the «- claim to the patronage of Christians and people of grand moral sentiment to Geor gia. It advises every farmer to speculate In futures, which la just as much a game of chance and gambling a* betting at a faro bank. More so than betting at cards when you havo some showing. If you are ... dexterous In the knowledge of and manip ulation of the spots. Yrt preachers wiB, we snppoee, continue to patronize and in troduce it in their families. A Lady’s Lite May depsm- npoo tha Baikal treatment she rmlvee for the removal of those troablea mh liar to her s?z. That these affections cai SEsa* ■hows the a meefinj? of tbe superintendent* * stance* the merchant* are at the marry, cotton substantially in sight becomes ! SST*’ 1 h 1 rec ^ nt,3r * j of the Northern manufacturer. In • '*,575,002 bale*, against 6,747,400 hale? what difficult to say which is the but. but! It would ng a decrease in the to- *U thing*considered, the former Is iikely , * , , . . to be preferred for outside pn—.t-neer car , »Iy, a* compared with work, or other‘lubetantial Atruciure* where svw rwdeoM, who fed the ■ a* now threatened. *- At of insane ^ 1$ was Riven out that one-third of our j near ty a fi tlie department* of life the U-t year, allowing a decrea> ■ POpa ‘*‘ i< ” ^ .fr 1 consumer U In the power ol tl,c mer- • tal visible supply, memorialize Congress to amend the immi-! cl,ant '° u r tables are too frequency de-1 that 1-eriod of 1,172,407 bales. grattonlswi so as to prevent tbe *Bjgr». ! filed with impure flour, coffee, spices, The imports into continental ports;, Thb AVe Pm thinks that tbe erontl i ll11 * ,n ,°™ in s. the printer lias a rery !k» and the exportaUon to our .bora, of sugar, wines, butter, and every other thi. week have been 7,7,000 Mew. The to jure, lby ,h e d£ Sf H,"m.to me the “defective ciasin” of Europe and Asia.; article of food and drink. To wdiat ex-! exports have reached a total of 11,447; weather. | posit j n James's Bank w*o»,Obi,whereat A JEW PETOT. Tlnf Hast Tonne, e >, Virginia ami Geor- i . ""“'d certainly be a great lows to At- gia railroad will complete Tie‘new pas sen JjmtaHtoevrorkhi allowed to fall through l ger depot next Saturday., at fowl'd be open As It appears in my letter In theT’ lasnt tills morning, tbe printer has a v to tire public on Sunday. It Is a very handsome building, creditable to the roml, and will be of vast convenience to Its pa trons. State Treasures Speer Is In New York. to£^»o£bg»a^