Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 23, 1884, Image 8

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*8 TIIE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FBI DAY, MAY 23. THAT WILLOW FARM. People Surprised at 8ueh an Enterprise Situated Hear Macon. Considerable surprise was occasioned on 8unday by our slicrt description of Mr. I. C. Plant's willow farm. Very few imagined COURT NEWS. | In the case of Academy of Music Com- ! pany vs. J. 8. Rogers, the jury brought in The Bibb 9 U perlor Court nnd the United ft verd|ct for the plaintiffs. TAYLOR IN TROUBLE. States Circuit and District Courts. The following business was transacted on yesterday: The first business was the organization The following is the calendar: Thursday—Sullivan vs. Granntss; 'ininn I ha , for”some V'. Derains; Hunter vs. City of Macon and ! . . . U. Plant's willow farm. Very few imagined Tno™rst ousiness was me organization Central Railroad Company; Mrs. R. Mor* I . , , * ' . . . , . , . . . ... . i ,i,. estiva. 8. II. 8fpgl*ton f Sharper Howard the Fourth street grocers, receiving a part that any rich industry was beins carriedi of the ftrand Jurj. The foltowln, arc the . E1|ft Huw „ d . , <ulu fe. H.Ucrs vs. H. C. | thc profits of each sale for ids work, on in Geornia and especially «o near Me-j grand jurors sworn in for the term: Sailers. if. .os i„„n i , con. Fifteen minutes behind a three -year- Lewis E C'ulrer, foreman, J. W. CofT.-e, Frids)-Caiar Bradley rs. Mary Brad-1 He " M I"*. 1 .™*” 1 to »«» only for cash and A Young Man Wanted Very Badly In Ma con. George Taylor, who lives on Fifth street. time been selling goods to for Messrs. W. C. Turpin A Co., u« jiuriflwagainst minds Dean. AIm. at the eane time and plaro two acres of land lying in the Knst Macon district ad- the ** **' ** - — joining Leary and Ned Butler. Levied . erty of \\ esley Blount to satisfy a tax fl fa f«r State and county taxes due on said laud for the year IMS against Wesley Blount. Also at the wme time and place one-half b behind old cousin of CoL Bill Anderson’s famou # . -v--- nud place one-half ... r of land lying in East Macon district, nd- ioiuing the lands of Wesley IPount.W. It Mill- dScd Butler. Levied on n* thy j,*roi*er- Charles Cr< rereipted bills were sent by the drayman* ... T. Allinx, Isaac J. Kicks, Simon F.llis, ; ley; Virginia Crooms... .. . . . . .. . . , , , . ( H. X.Brilh, Henry Williams, Win. Yanti, 1 K. B. Nelson vs. J. A. Nelson; William i who delivered the goods he had sold, fur Hosa \\ ilkes takes one from the court J ganford Btroud, IMward Hill, W. P. Hart-j Whidhy vs. T. (i. Ilolt; Academy of Music | co!|ection 0n Mfty lQ Taylor 8old M . ... , «. Moore and wife: Mrs. M. J.McEvoy vs. I of l/idwell Bailey and Osgood P. Willing-1 W. 1\ Goodall; Mrs. Kate 8. Turpin to satisfy a tnxW aid laud for the house to this bonanza farm. You leave I man. Henry I. the city at the old Macon and Brunswick J!*Mcy Butler. Charles Tlioinp . . * . , . . . 4 11, Conner, Win. \\. Collins, Wm. Nesbit, is, Rohr. M. Ward,, vs. T. Guernsey. pson, Tbos. I Monday—I)oo ex. dem,_ Moore and t depot and drive deep into the swamp c good road, passing by Blake's brick yard.! hum. Between this yard nnd >fr. Plant's place stands solitary a‘nd alone on the roadside | the house where Swamp Moliie and her partner were murdered one night 'in 1STC. No one could ever be induced to live in the house since. Mr. Piant's place is surrounded 1 cost so much, but it looks more like the wall around China. At the entrance Mr. Plant has a number of neat houses, one for “Old Daddy,” a negro man wliokecjHa look-out over the place and tends the chickens and guineas. Another house is for the machinery, nnotlier one for hay presses, etc., and yet another is for the storage of corn. This is built upon idles wMh the piles covered with ziuc, which keeps the rats out. To get at the windows you pass through a patch of oats that have just headed up and cause the mouth of your three-year- old Wilkes to water as lie trots by. And from this point you have a pretty view of the entire place. To the left h Tracy Lake with its thick tanglewood. To the right are several acres of timber from which Mr. Plant gets his fuel. In front of you is the liver bank with its waste of back-water marshy land. To your rear is the city with an ambitious chutch spire peeping over the trees. Mrs. li. Ii i r.mwn: .1. K. t'oopervs. O..• i The charge of Judge Locke contained .Sparks ami Willis Sparks. no special features. It was a plain, con cise presentation ot the business before them, ami the Intv and rules to wnfch they were expected to conform in thc discharge of their important duties. In thc ease of the United States, vs. Jo seph Mainer, Randolph county, charged with retailing spirits without having paid the special tax. the jury returned diet of not guilty. The civil docket wr.s then taken up In the ease of the Chesapeake Guano compa ny vs. W. B. Sparks, assumpsit, defen dant's attorneys tiled a plea for the Ad mission of parol evidence to set out certain conditions of the agreement, not stipulated in the writing. Messrs. Washington Dessau and G. W. Cu.-tin spoke to thc motion, and Messrs. Walter B. Hill and Nat West upon the de murrer. The court sustained the demurrer and the trial proceeded. Thc case will proba bly bo concluded today. rending the trial of the al>ovc case, the court adjourned until 0:30 o’clock this morning. THE UNITED STATES GRAND JURY. Two true hills were returned on yester day against V. S. Holton, of Crawlord n.kMtttt* Tl.a f,.. irttliliAlilIni, *0711 1ST TIIE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Judge James W. Locke presiding. The argument in the case of thc Chesapeake Guano Company vs. W. B. Sparks wus re sumed, and consumed the forenoon sea* Upon the reconvening of thc courts in the afternoon, it was announced that an amicable settlement had been reached, and by consent of parties the case was with drawn from the jury and thc suit nol prosed. The terms of settlement between parties were not stated. The Attorneys engaged in the case were J. N. West, of Savannah, and Walter B. Hill for, plaintitrs.and Messrs. Rutherford, Dessau nnd Guatin for de fendant. In the case of United States vs. Alexan der Hodges. Jasper county, charged with illicit distilling, etc., the defendant tiled Ids plea of guilty. Sentence was suspend ed and the defendant required to enter into recognizunce in the sum of $100 to ap pear and answer the further order of the court. * The courts adjourued until 9:30 o’clock this morning. THE UNITED STATES GRAND JURY. Minty. The first for withholding $478.0* of pension money collected by him for vvWromr th* mvrind nf rlre birds that Mrs - Elizabeth Shtirley. now deceased, find tt?M?t hMd J . of d th 0 , il.il!1 *»«■ « "Won:of a .oldtorot .he war most succulent moreda. ^ -mg* tat I dre" U‘nd admire the willow farm, n-vei SI» BWIWW i... ■■ table, with alternate patches of green and n f ♦».„ rhnrnlntf Wi* vtrtirL it till* ctifil of till* Owing to tllC SeriOUS illness Of tllC chocolate. We struck it m tut cool ot. uie cuscd n barely |K>SK ib]e that a trial will be had at the present term. The final evening when the roods were full of Inn- driving the cows into town, ami numbers , of men, women nnd children goinjjr home I !‘ ,na > also after a day's fishing in the lake. With the n . .. exception of the occasional tinkle of a cow j , 11 J bell. there was a sweet silence which a ided | b^hcUry. no little to the beauty of the pastoral scene which one can see so near the busy town. Much could Ik? written about the willows intluenced by negotiations , ig looking to the payment of tlie money to the lawful heirs of the In Bibb Superior Court yesterday*in the e of Lathrop A; Co. vs. McBumey & There were not many readers of the Tele- Collingsworth, the jury brought in a ver min- from willows alone .nr. naia n»mu vu-i I terwnrdmnttlixl make ns much as $*JOO per acre, and yet one a 1 ~ has only to imptirc the market price and I In the case of M. L. Napier vs. Clarke take one glimpse of the farm to be con- Grier, judgment for $3-5 for defendant vinced. We said he could make a ton of willow s to the aero the first year, anil that he gets $*J00 per ton. This is not all bark and leaves that are stripped from the In the case of W. H. Jones, constable, The I vs * O. M. Davis, non-suit. In the case of W, H. Camming ct al. vs. willow switches sell readily to manufac- & c . Wright, rule against sheriff and or- taring chemists as a substitute for quinine. . , # ____ #f , 0 » This need* no preparation and is ready for ler *° 0V , e 5j ie t J n0 ^ e ^'I haling when stiipi>ed from the switches, i In the case of W. H. Bailey vs. W. F. The article has set many to thinking, nml Cannon, administrator, judgment for one gentleman who owns nearly n thou- t> i a i n t:«r ■ sand acres of swamp land, said yesterday * . * if he could procure thc cuttuigs he would 1 pr • set out all of it in willows. ^ . The willow farm is certainly a big thing, plaintiff, and may result in a willow-ware manufac- tory being established in Macon. Mr. Charles H. Freeman has had charge In the case of A. G. Bailey vs. W. F. Cannon, administrator, judgment for eral important true bn?,’ Sev- LYING IN AMBUSH on Fourth street, a box tobacco. It was sent to him with a receipted bill as usual by thc drayman and paid for. On the 11th Taylor sold Mr. Daly a tierce of hams, the hill amounting to fid.si. u was sent to him—the drayman again car rying a receipted bill, but this time Mr. Daly did not pay it. Mr. Turpin knew Mr. Daly was all right and supposed he would pay the hill in a few days. The matter was allowed to rest until Monday morning, the 19th. when the bill was again sent to Mr. Daly by one of Messrs. Turpin A Cos. clerks. Mr. Daly told the clerk the bill had been paid and showed him the hill of May 10th. for the box of tobacco, on which Taylor had entered the tierce of hams sold him a four days later,on the line below the tobacco item, bill above the words “re ceived payment” and the signature. As I soon as Mr. Turpin found out how thc matter stood, he began to look for Taylor and in a short time learned that he had left the city, going in thc direction of At- year 1SS3 nipdnst Jk-nnls (ireen. at the tame time uud place*, one-fourth noroof land, more or loss, lying In f •v. — lying in the Godfrey District, adjoining the lands of Dave King, Jnnie* King, and M S. Thompson, levied on ns tbo property of »Vm. Brown, to oattsfr n tax 11. fa. for Stuii* nnd county taxes due on said land for the year lssa against Win. Brown. Abo, at the same time and place, one aero of less. ljdng ln the Godftvy !>!s- land, ... trlct, adjoining the lands ot Jcre Flanklln C harles Thomas and II. T. Johnson. Levied ou **th e property of I*. Muufonl totatMyu tax fl. fa for State and county taxes dueou ;»h} land for the year l&h3 against 1*. Mum- Q place, one acre of land, more less, lying in the Godfrey District adjoining the lauds of W. p. Goodall and Motes l’ollock. Levied on ns the property of Abram Wilder to satisfy a tax 11. fa. for State *-*- - ■* said laud tor the year CENTRAL FURNITURE HOUSE Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, £N to# front for the ratronsfio of the poopl,. with e> oomplete nod well nworttd Uock I Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, Rugs LOOk. 4 Bet <•>) Kooil Oh»(r» for "L ; ltla Bout," lj"d Uoom Hn., Pd,lor buit ” Central F rix-iiitixi-e House ! 1 0hMrt ° * $1M btdtU ^ t0 “ BMroo ‘ lanta, on Saturday night. Mr. Turpin went to Atlanta yesterday morning for the purpose of having Taylor arrested and brought back to Macon, if he could not get his money from him. Taylor told hia friends in Macon that he was going to Texas. He is the young man who attempted tulcide in Macon a short while ago. To Murder Capt. Simpson on Tueeday Afternoon. But for a plunge of his horse, Capt. James A. Simpson, superintendent of Strattoh'a brick yard, would in all proba bility been killed on Tuesday arternoon. And it happened in this way: In the morning ef that day one of UiaI negro hands, Jim King, was sent after ice and other tilings. Gn returning he placed the ice iii the sun near the office at the brickyard. On finding it melting, Copt. Simpson remonstrated with him for allow ing the ice to waste in any such manner. His manner was insolent in thc extreme and caused some hot w.ords to pass be tween them. Jim finally raised a scoop to strike the Captain and us Jie did so the Captain knocked him off a wagon with a Our Railroad Dining Rooms. Gapt Tom Henderson is determined giving the traveling public one of tiie neat- east lunch parlors to be found in the coun try. The dining hall at the union passen ger dei>ot now presents a showy and tempting place for the hungry, and the table hill of fare is in strict keeping with the appearance, being strictly first class. In addition to the neatness of the hall. Dr. Wright’s incomparable fly fans have been put in. and one can now enjoy a meal free from (lies and at the same time being nicely fanned. Jack Mobley, one of the best business boys to be found, is in charge of the saloon, and his courtesy anl urban ity is appreciated by the traveling public. At the new depot, Capt. Frank llervcy lias made wonderful changes in the dining saloon and the traveling public will always find not only a roost excellent hill of fare but the roost courteous treatment from Captain Hervey. Macon is glad that the strangers passing through the city ore so well provided for in the matter of luncheon. nml county taxon duo Ids:*, ngulnst Abram Wilder. Also, at the same time nml place, acres of land, more or less, lying in the Warrior District, adjoining the* property ot Vauaucki, John Htokes, Waldron and lluniy. Levied on ns the property of the estate of A. B. Hhnrne to satisfy n tax fl. fa. for State nnd county taxes due on said laud for the year 1WJ against the estate of A. B Sharpe. Also, nt the same time nnd place 234 acres, of BENJAMIN SIC AlOWStirr THE FOSS & PEVEYJB OTTO MG A RD. • ••• •oiuv i*mill I'liiru acres, «*» laud,more or less,lying In Rutland District,nnd known ns lnnd lot No. 231 and ns the residence of George F. c herry. Levied ou ns the prou dly of Geo. F. Cherry to satisfy a tax A fa for stiue nml county taxes on said lnnd for the year 1883 against Geo. F. cherry. Also, nt the same time nud place one acre of land, more or less, on Andcison street in God frey district.adjoining the lands of Wm. Good year, G. T. Ilurnctt and C. It. Freeman. Levied on as the property of Robert Moody to satisfy a 'LOWELL tax fl fa for .state nnd county taxes due on sold I luud for the year lttod against Robert Moody. O 8. WKSTCOTT. Sheriff Bibb County. VfA*H Ijl'.s,. tb« tS I 1 Mr- 1 (wra _m)C !,«■=" eJaci'i ] SO* 10 ' Sen“ | ftM" 1 ■l Itlb I ikkIuc in ftM Unitei •dee fbea itsnct “Ai May A, 18St-law4w NOTICE. C. S. Lcsscur, executor of the estate of Susan nah Lesseur, vs. Ewell Webb, principal, and I UPWARDS OF SIX THOUSAND IN OPERATION OVER SEVEN HUNDRED IN GEORGIA MILLS 07* Re'crencc, J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb H.nnf.cturlng Comp«n,,;Mteon, u, John If. Sanders, security.-Complaint, iu I Bibb Superior Court. IT appearing to the court that John II. San-1 * dors, one of the defendants in the above- II named cause, is dead, and Wm. R. Sanders Is I administrator ou his estate. It is ordered by tho court that said Wm. It. Sanders In.* made a party defendant to said suit, and that he being a non-resident n copy I |of this order be served by publication as pro-1 l«vei | Stain presi< I oflk* Presi the N of Pr sonic Mi conn the! m CUi Sen WirriffiBf "*» <* nrn» timr*wm HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. RocheHer,N.Y. Chicago.Ill T. J. SIMMONS. J.ft.C. A true extract from the minute* of Bibb Su- ! perlor Court, April 3d, ltstKi. A. B. ROSS, aprl-lawif Clerk. the court house to have counsel assigned them. Kmeline Guerrv and her olthe farm for the past three veers, nnd ,o»~Cliarlie Guerrv, implicated in tiie takes as much prido in keeping it up and robbery of Fannie Brooks's house, were re in order as Mr. Plant. leased, the grand jury having failed by some oversight to find bills against tliom. Willie Clay nnd Willie Holloman, burgla- ■ ry, were assigned to Prof. Daly. No bill And the Onlr One ot the Kind Ever In | was found ngnlns^j^^^^^^^^b^ A CURIOUS CASE. Ceorgln. charged with stealing a grindstone, , wns settledyesterdny the. ha, ab ^ nV’-fi trocied much attention from the lawyers | furnished tho prisoners at the of the city because of lte novelty nnd com- jail with an auger some time ago, employed ml.Mr. Washington Dessau. Jordan Kdy, plications. Tbc following are the facts near ns we can get them: charged with arson ami assault and bat tery, alio employed Mr. Deesau. Edmond About seven years ago, Mr. R. L, Henry I Key, concerned in the robbery of Ifapp's took from Mr. E. Isaacs, In payment for a "tore, was assigned to Messrs. Guerrv and H*ht. fivit note* for f.Y) each and one for Ro *?- 8ld andWcs Hunter, charged with debt, five note, for|50each and one for .baling, w.re'^ed t?Mc»m. $13, making an aggregate of 1303. Moore and Wimberly. Antonr Jackson, These notes were about to go out nf date charged with assault with Intent to murder, •bout eight or nine months ago when Mr. employed Mr. 11. \V. Patterson. Willie them, but this for some reason he declined to Messrs. NVIlllngham and Btrohecker. to do, whereupon Sir. Henry brought ae- Mitchell Woolfolk. charged with burglary tlon In the County Court and put tne notes and arson, wa, assigned to Camp and An- t for principal and Interest, demon was ohtslned Mr. Isaacs Thc criminal docket will be taken nt Capta brick. He then went off and aa was afterward learned, told several negToea he intended killing Captain Simpaon. Nothing was seen ot hint, however, until about 6:34 that afternoon. While riding on hia horse on his way home, and while going up the narrow road near Gunn'a place, his horse shied. On looking around to see the cause, he saw Jim's head through the oak brush taking aim with a double-barreled shotgun. Jim fired at that moment, and at the same time the horse plunged, thc load of squirrel shot taking cflect in the horse's neck. Captain Bimpson immediately threw his hand behind him for his pistol. Like a Hash he remembered that ne had left it at home in the morning. At the report of the gun the horse in plunging forward broke the girth and cansed the Captain to fall heavily to the earth. He aprang to his feet and ran after the negro, who took to lib heels, carrying the gun at a trail arms. Tiie Captain had no weapon but threw his milk bottle, which he carried with ids dinner, at the negro, who managed to «l away. A sharp lookout was kept for hint oil night, but he could not be found. Yesterday Captain Simpson came In town to have ids horse attended to, and to ■ecure a warrant for tho assaisin. Jim Kingia noted for bb insolence. On one occasion when before Judge Holt in the County Conrt, thc Judge fined him It r contempt. For this he threatened the life tiie Judge, —Yesterday while Mr. Henry O'l’ry was sitting in a chair in the door of Flanders' store, a hoe fell down and struck hint on the head, cutting a deep and painful gaali. GEORGIA. BIBB GL'LNTY—Whereas, Geo. Bank., udmluistrntor of the estate ot Mary Ann Houston, late ot said conuty, deceased, has made application tor letters ot distal I from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all concerned to boaud appear at the court ot ordinary of -THE- THOMAS JuM fatm Flirt Frrfuiom and M«<!al a Hi** Hou'bcru Kx|**ltit)U *tLnui«Yilff a Bet . 1* I «>. asstejaw maisii ■Down It la made of bent %tilto oak aud MrG.j i * ‘ -v A>v It rai’UUyand cheaply cnltlvataa growlnir cropa.* i n *. -^ plloatlou rlioulri not bpffrantc^. Wit ne** my haml uud ofllclal alfroaturc, thla ' March 4. ISKi. J. A. McMANTS. inatti law3m* Ordluary. it raj ltiiy nutij hcauly cnltl\aU’i» uTowiuir crowi, ffiriyC0TT0N.C0RK & VJKEAt.-^-. • ^ It wiU roriUrely HAVE one horlna and t%*o - aHiHuLtrJL . - tigyj"** n.Hiv.tiiy (you a*) C at^aa L and iu Toraa gMSMAS I waited upon to see if somepropoaitlon about Monday week. Judge Simmons or settlement could be made. In the endeavoring to procure help as there ai _ | >try yet left a legacy by a relative in England. Markham cose will probably consume sev- HearingoSTlhb', Mr. Henry oflereil to take I era! days. He has written'to J udgea Fort an order on the legacy, but Mr. Isaacs still and Clarke to aaabt him. The docket for the present term Is unusually large, but Acting under adviee ot tils mend judge there has been no delay. M. K. Freeman. Mr. Henry filed a bill in tbi ratriD states ctaccrr asd oiantcr equity in Bibb Superior Court through Hill A Harris, restraining Mr. Isaacs from re ceiving the legacy or tranefetrlng It to nnv I ano Company v». W. B. 8parka,"conUnu*d other person,_untU the execution was paid, ( rom t j le |, re¥ loua day, was resumed. J r *: I Mr. Dcseau, of counsel for thc defense. m cot ars. Tim trial of tiie cate of Chesapeake Gu am! praying tor the ap|»iutment of a re ceiver to take charge of it. On the final Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice having liad placed in liU hands 1>y an East India missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and ]>ermnticnt cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a poaitive and radical cure for Ner vous Complaints, after having tested it« wonderful curative power* in thou sands of coses, has felt it his duty to make it known ro his suffering fellows. Actuated by his motive and a desire to relieve hitman suffering, ^ will send free of charge to ail who desire ft this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149, Poxctrt Block, Itochntcr, New York. sepUweowlOt GEORGIA. BIBSOOUNYT.—Whereas, W. K. Boxer*, executor of Mr*. E. L. Rodger*. Into of I *altl county. deccn*e«l, has made application I for letter* of di*missk>n. This Is. therefore, to ctle and admonlfh all I persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary of a«td county ou ihe first Monday in June next to show cans*. If anv they can. why said of application should cot 4 -0 wanted. ■ witness my hand and official signature, this ftjarch 4.1884. J. A. McMaNUd. nmri-Umr.m* Ordinary. | GEORGUTbiBB COUNTY. Whereas, John dismission from said estate. I ■ This is to cite and admonish all persona con cerned to be and appear at tho eourt of ordl uary of said county on the first Monday in August next to show cause, if any they can. why said dismission should not bo gn ‘ ild applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this May 2.1»*4. J. A. McMANL’H, my3-law3m Ordinary. moved tho court to admit certain equita- hearing of the case, the order wax made bie grounds of defense to show the inten- t and Mr. James \ an \ alken- n on 0 ( parties to the contract After liear- waa tppolntefl receiver. This went j n g t b e argument pro and cun upon the tht SuDretne Court and was motion, the court held that the practice in mow) being mm* fuse on I * I— LV.1.—..1 At.t r» it... . -----w the only case on | the Federal Court* did not permit the reeord in this State where an effort was blending in a single action of equity and made to roake a legacy in a foreign coun- common law proceedings, and the motion try subject to a roan’s debts in Georgia. was accordingly overruled. The receiver started on his mission to The trial of tiie cause waa then allowed England and wai telegraphed when he to proceed to thc extent of concluding the reached Savannah to return because of a testimony adduced bv the plaintiff, aud at wa.~~~.tof settlement. He proceeded on I this juncture counsel for defense moved Th, Battalion Review. The parade and review of the 8econd Georgia Battalion at Sparta, on JuneStb, promises to be a big occasion. The good people ol that place arc nrncst in inviting the military and their friends to be there on that day. They promise an "open-arm welcome” to all, and as Sparta does not afiurd any extensive hotel accommoda tion. tiie people will set a dinner in the open air and provide regular old-fuhloncd •avoty barbecue. It it thought that the Volunteers, Rlfies and Codeia will take at least thirty men each. The Baldwin Bluet and Putnam llifita will take about forty each. The Cadets of Mllladgerille will alsoetccompany the battalion. Betides the military many others (rom Macon. Mille.lg.vUle and Eatonton will go over. Our Sparta (rlendi will, we know, make the day a pleasant one. prospect of settlement. He proceeded on thla juncture counsel for defense moved bis way, however, and yesterday the case for A continuance of the case for the term, reached an amicable and ■atisfactory #d- t0 enable the defendant to file a bill in justment. it is to the Ingenuity of Judge Freeman that this method of collecting the debt was resorted to and carried out successfully. equity right! A BOLD ROBBERY. for tho protection ol his In the action. After argument the court also overruled I this motion and the trial proceeded, it is xpccted the case srill be concluded to-dav. An order of nolle yroeet/ul was taken In ’ the case of United 8tries vs. Wm. O’Danl Lanier’s Looseness, Several months ago District Attorney Darnell, acting under instructions from thc alxth auditor of the treasury, brought suit on the bond of W. A. Hnrndan < I.in postmaster at Dublin, Ga., to recover (70 due from him on general postal accounts. On yesterday the attorney called the eaae with a view to toklng Judgment against age in detaining in involuntary servitude , a colored farm lalwrer, thc defendant hav- The robbery of Rev. J. 0. A. Clark a ret- j [ n g paid ail coats, idencc on Monday afternoon waa com- In the case ol the United States v». L. C. milted by Addle Kendrick, th. eook. uJS,S’ into the bouse and took a gold watch, gold to’dismlss 111. action upon the allowing of bracelets and a number of other articles, defendants that the principal sum sued On the return oi the family they were forbad been paid to a representative of the the auretles for the amount, and to hi* surprise found himself confronted with a receipt in full for that amount signed by "11. If. Lanier, post-otfice inspector,", now| absent. ■■■■ govemmem Another sultonthcsamebondhowererl to recover a deficit in the money order funds of the same postmaster, still remains astounded at the toes, and very promptly Fost-offlce Department, whose receipt they ■ -* — • I produced in conrt. reported the matter to oftlcer Mun>hy. produced in court- acting lieutenant, who detailed ollicer I An order of r.M< prate., u. was also taken Henderson to work up the case. in tiie cate of L nited Mates vs. John Coch- A gianee ihowed the ofllcers that the ran,of Jaipercounty,chargedwlta -ctsil work was done by some on the premlsee; ing eplriu srltbont haring paid the special bat so good a bouse tenant was Addie | Us: required by law. that the family were reluctant to believe | Fending argument in the ease of Cliesa- thaiahe was concerned in the stealing. Peake Guano Company vstW. B. Sparks They decided wisely to let the officers pro-1 the court* adjourned until 9:30 o dock cees as they wished, and late at night they I thla morning, went to Addie's house near Qak IUdge I tiicunii Oak Uidge I as .... ...renw. on yrecenrey no I osring to the en- NITED STATES O&AND JURY. At the forenoon session on yesterday no o « eaaeolilno I sJU*I»lv*“ WM irBlIslLlCll, UWIIIg Ul Hi" “II- trouble aearchlng for f orPe j ebeence of the foreman. Lewis K. . ,., o Culver, Escp, by reason of sickness in his tamily. At tiie beginning of tiie afternoon Implicated agirinamed Annie Brown I o( the grand jury was ,,e * r brought before tiie judge and William Col- them. The watch morning hidden Bbe i the StubbletieM House. Officer Headcrson found several stolen articles at Amile'a bouse, among washstand and bowl stolen fr Clark's residence several weeks While searchli of sheets and Henry, and stolen from hia house w hen lire wes in bis employ several months ago, were found. It aeema that Addie and An nie were partners in their stealings. Both ere locked up, warrants having been sued out. All the stolen property Ins been recovered except some gold bangles, and it is believed chat these will he found. This powder nerer ranee. A marvel of mrity, strength, and wholesomeneea. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be told in competition with themulutndenf low teat, abort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in eons. Royal Bakixo Pownsa Co. Whole sale by Jaques A Johnson. [jenler, poet-offlee inspoetor," now Upon this showing, by which the tent wes bound, thla suit was dis- lUllU* UI tire IUIIIC |">sni-ttani, null iviu-Mi- on the docket. It haxaigneti for hearing I on Saturday, tbc 26th in»L, and may ter minate in the tame way. uglit before the judge Uni. 1><i" apitolnted foreman. The jury I • ill>st m vu then rea^iorn and the order apttoint- rJlrDr 1 !^^ ing Mr. Culver vacated. following true bills were returned Death of a Policeman. Officer James C. James died yesterdey morning at the home of his mother in Jonee county, near Roberto's Station. He; wes tick ouly a few day>. Macon did not have a more efficient po-l liceman than cfficer James. He waa vigi lant at all times, and though quiet in ids manner, was uniformly courteous, and no I one attended to his dutiee more atrictly. The chief eeteeraed him highly and in the ahaence or aiekneas ot the lieutenant placed him in charge of the squad. | The news reached Macon yesterday that I Mrs. James had a congestive chill daring the wonting and was unconscious of Iter husband'a death. Chief Wiley detailed officers Yager and Henderson togo^re oddneTor the'Ioodr's nunXr 0n *. ,or 'rtoUHloa of internal revenue lawej Roltiru’e' Htoiion ind'render every poeel It WUI Coat You Nothing. “Forwhatf” For a medical opinion in pen»i The attention of tbi* body will be direct ed, during it* present fitting, to »ome very important matters. UNITED STATES OJMMI<J»IOX£X'« CO CUT. Augustus King, of Warren connty, and Thomas Tbompaon. of Butts county, were before Commissioner Haskins on yester day for preliminary c lamination on war rants charging them with retailing spirits without having paid tiie special tax ie- Tho Tournament. Quite an excursion party will come down from Atlanta on the ‘JOth to be in Macon during the tournament exercises of the Horse Guard* on that day. The Guards will reach Macon on tiie evening of tbeftth, but the excursionist* wiU not come until the next morning. ti The Tbalians give the Guards a ball Masonic Hail at night. A great many people from the towns around Macon are for bis appearam c* at the present, (expected, the Circuit Court to answer. t Absolutely Pure. mate amount in Cf Atr.Dtie in nearly e\rrr onportanl ton HARROW CO.^lE ————I ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. | VF.ORG! A. t* Ijtn*bum PERKINS BROS., DIALERS IX , ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. .rentedjThe Largest Dealers in the South. m 0,n 'u I B . Ol,er .!,V S, . w MilU ' ® a,v, - Shingle, Lath. Planing and K . 8 uA C il!r. e ’’ »nd Flouring Mills, Cane Mills. ' — I u/oriAre. o-V- i rt .v '2, BW L u,,u riounnn mills, Gane Mills, IA,BIBB COUNTY—Whereas. Mark eparators,^ Ciotton Gins, Presses, Sulky Plov^s, Rake*. Reapers and Unsburg ha* made appllcailou for letter* cowers,.Shafting and Pulley3. Steam Pumps, Boiler Feeders. Whistles. Gauaci of Aflmiaiotratlon Lantbenr. late of said county- This 1* to cite and admonish all person* eon- R.nse r»■ • w,in x.is, nuuucr nose ana dpiii M. HR I Jj™ M Q ® od »> P*plng and Engine Fittings of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Eto. ccrned to bo and appear at the court of ordlua- •^occond-hand Machinery «»low prices. Look to yourlaterrat and act our i r cm»-hnwtnv i,,j,:, : , ; i PERKINS BROTHERS, A > ATLANTA, CA. next, to show cause. If any they can, why *ald application should not be granted. , _ til'r UaJ “** °fjL mSaxcI* hl ' 39 and 41 West Alabama Street, ■W-Aof- — applicat Mjjtnci MMf’J. 1: my3-lt COMMISSIONER’S SALE GEORGIA, BIBB COUSTY.-Undcr and by virtue of a decree rendered by tho Sui»crlor eourt of anld county. In the case of M. Daly and T. C. Burke, administrators, vs. Mary McMur- rny. ct at/wlllbc sold before the eourt house I In the said county, on the first Tuesday In I 1 CatRUrtore.rtsffi June next, during the legal hour* of sale, the I following described projierty to-Wtt: The I northwest part of Wharf lot No. 20 In the city | :S£m ■■■■■ !>art of \\ liarf lot No. 20 In the city I of Macon, fronting about Aft feet on Wharf l 1 Istrect «ii<l running back nlmut 230 feet to the I river. Term cash. W. DKHMAU, 1 V. f. M. DALY, ^7;aloC l '^ amends. MvMttMMMWfreMUa smO Wow US r>"%i cttwn»lv* lots fa—4 la »•» A—k»au-n ■ U>rw pre»t red k fa mt mj mm tnmm&TAajfa«<ri| nullRlro.lufrr of l . llp.. It.. I. I nrl* Ohio. ItiirlmnL 1‘olnto—, 31 arltli hr»sl l url/iorn, < r If uM>nr*l Hrenauh, iUXu h«—1» . 1<rw VcnubM, I llaiHHl tent «»n lit* (arm* fl*nu BtwljM^tKre^Un— UUkAohuj .gici, ► v; *■.. b* 1 u «| IS J. H. GREGORY, Seed Grower, Marblehead. MatL mC-lawlw GEORGIA. Bl BR COUNTY.-Whereaa. N i«bet Wingli'-ld, administrator of the estate of Lou- 1 A. Win - ■ * * to cite and admouish all |>enons I !•« n»ed to l*c and appear at the June term, I . of the court of ordluary of aaid county, to I fv cause, if any they ran, w hy aaid apptlca-1 ■■ sliouid not be granted. Willies* my hand and olficlal slg- Collection of Sealants ■ • * * — I tare for UM Is, I thetr Catalogue, am $5.00 inaml Farm' aa well as all standard kind*. A special fea I- * *cc«U t I* I ii it t to tit! it \ tl .. f: ■ ■laded,wtMwt ckarpa.a copy at nkMB rork of 320 pa EXECUTOR'S SALE deraon*aKew Book, ••4-arUrn anil 1 arm Topic**,') a work of 3-*-o pagl*-*, 1 ..m-l ...m. iv I bound in cloth, and containing a steel portrait of the author. Thc prim of ti eh>*.k nl ir.«U| fUA CaUtogueof*'i:Tcr]rtlilnff fortkeUard£^'givln*dt:t.i:! ,frcconappli at.-1..| PETER HENDERSON &CG • 35 & 37 CortlanJt St., New Y rk I Of Wesleyan Female College! Bond. ■ gkoroia, Ribs County.—Will be sold at the usual place of holding sheriff's sale in aaid county, on the first Tuesday In June, 1*81, be tween legal sale hours, at public outcry. and I for cash, one Wesleyan Female bond for five SILVERWARE! For Household Use, BIRTHDAY ! hundred dollars—number SI—aa the property ! of the estate of John T. Coley, late of said coun* del debts, and for b«ue- WEDDING PRESENTS I Lanre stock and Low Prices. £jp-.S.:nl for Catalogue. J.P. STEVENS* CO.. lebS wly Macon. G.u Bibb County Delinquent Tax List. Bibb County Sheriff Bales. ty, deeea»e«l. Hold to par debta, a tit of legatees of aaid J. f. Coley. J. H. LATIMER. Executor J, T. Coley. JttwSt aeon, Ga., April 23, lw». GaoantA, Bibb County.—Whereas, Morris Peyser has ma-ie application for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of home-stead, and I will l at 10 o'clock l at i.ty DML aprJt lawSw HMpsu upon the same on the 14th day of May .laid, J. A. JlcMANW, ordinary, m •nUn ot a new I In this court yesterday morning the rase j Kotwithstanding much has been said vRa^lng tnrannent, whSTfo now attract j of J. E. Russell vs. Central railroad was fibogl lh« log wld^attontion and bjr which met re-1 up . Thl , „ tht ,b.re Mr. '"rL^vcT^TcWm^ yonr it- SSSSrfTwrfto AfflLSa on. #-*’» run into by a train at It nU-.If. l.yW J JfinIou.ln.J:«r core, but to I th. Third street cn—1» Tire i°ry 1» to lire an opinion in jour nu., Iwi famish you with rnch information In re- I brought in a verdict for tire plaintiff, gstd to Ureir rrew Treatmcnt as will ,n»- InlU , dlTonx . , mt , A M.tiids Smith rs. t you nothing!. Smith, the plaintiff obtained first j cunaoltatixin. 1 earalict • gardf tie yon to get an InU! tore and action. Its a% they mak« no charg* (or cJosultatumT | vtrdicL a healthy constitution to your offspring, flunk ua for the suggestion. GiTe roar boy Smith’* Worm Oil. The following described property remaining delinquent for the non- >aym*nt of flute and county Uxes for the year 1M3, or so much of said property as may be neca—ary to discharge the taxes and charges doe thereon, or due from the owner thereon, at th* time ot sile, will be sold daring the legal hour* of sale by the sheriff at the court bouse In the city of Macon ou the first Tuesday <n June. UN. to-wlt: Also, at the same time and place, one and three-quarter acres of land, mere or lesa, lytug In the Vinevllledlstrict, adjoining the prop erty of II. v. I-»nlor. Berry clay and Bailey. Levied on as the property of htephen Burnett to satisfy a tax fi fa for (Rate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1M3 against fltc- phen Burnett. Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth of acre, of land lying In Ihe YinevMIe district and known a* part of lot No. 30, adjoining the property of Isaac Jackson and Mary Howard. Levied on th»* property of flareh Holmes to satisfy a tax ll fa for Mute and county taxes due on said lot for the year Iwd against Harsh Holmes. Also, at the same time and place, ten acres >f land more or less, lying In the Vineville llatrict, adjoinin'*' the property of Thomas Jordan and Jim Wheeler. Levied oti as the property of Robert Robinson to satisfy a tax fl fa for hlate and county taxes due on »al(* * ‘ for the year l^M against Robert K >hln»on. .Also, at the same flute and place. 100 acres of land, lying In Kntland district, adjoining the property of J. V, Flynn, Mrs. Johnson and Geo. F. rherry. LevRd on as the property of Tom Dean.agmt, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Mate and connty uxes doson—id Und for the year 1*£ against Tom Dean, agent. AUu. at the same time ami place one-half acreoflnud. lying in Ka-t Mm «m district, ad- i join lag the land of A. K. Small, Ne*l Hum- phreya and Dundy. I> sled oaas tlu property of Fraadfl Deaa to satlafy a tax fi fo GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereaa, H. 8. fiweet. administrator of the esUte of Joseph 11." HhlnhoUcr. late of *al«l county, deceased, has ma<le application for letters of diamiaslon from *ald estate. This la to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at the court of ordi nary of said county on the first Monday In July next to show cause. If any they can,why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand and ofllclal signature, thla * fll.DMl. J. A. McMANl’8, March a mar3l-law3m Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the CoOrt of Or dinary of Bibb county, will be sold on the flr»t Tuesday In June, l**t, at the court house door In said connty, between the legal sale hour*, the following property, to-wlt: The house and lot situate on thc corner of Oglethorpe ami Aparks streets. In the city of Macon, aud at prc»eut occupied by Dr. J. J. Brantly. flaid lot fronts ou sumrk * street seventy (70) feet and runs bark tne >ame width one hundred and seventy G7U} feet to a ten feet alley >1 AGENTS: Hi S:iciy Lamp COOK STOVES •i ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ity ( . . ... Also, part of lot No. ft.on the corner of Chest-. __ PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED J ViAKIN. Clr.c.nnati.O. Qixc-n the South ^RWI MIL S *. Gizs Cl Macon, running one hundred and nine and one quarter (.lo.* 1 j f.-«H along Uheatnut street, ithcm-e north «me tiundretl ami eighty-two (|S2) feet to the right of wav of said railroad, thence along said right of way to Cbotnut street. I Termsof sale, one-half cash; balance at twelve months, with Interest from dale of tale. WILLIAM HAZI.KIIURST. a>lmlal*trator with will annexed ol Mrs. Carrie It. raid tiujvll* tw ■AMcracrrasD ar Isaac JLSbeppard & Co-.Baltimore.Md. AND 1*011 HAl.i: 11V jan25-wl GKO. 8. OBEAR, Hi) Cherrv 'treri. Vlrt.-oD t l 2. CTawIbrd Couirv, OKoRGlA. CRAWFORD COUNTY- II. J-1 Sanders applies to me for letters of dfsmiaaloo I On estate of Mary K. Danie(ly, late of aaid | coonty. d»ceased Thla will du all peraoaa concerned to show | cauM. if any they hare, by flu first Monday July. 1*44, why aaid application should not l BtXt'4 PU» unit cu.V5 ii■ In5 , * T Witaea» my band offWallr. VIRGIL 8.: April 2,139ft. law tw ISfcgti irucripflm ‘THE BEST IS CHEAPEST.'* ■V! threshers: • Q» W8PD 8 CD agrnrnttlWAan