Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 30, 1884, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1884 A T THE PARK, _ celebration of the Jewleh Sunday-school. wM a merry crowd ot people at Ibl "? ....terday. The occasion was the celebration ot the Sunday-school Jrecatlon Beth Israel, In which * 1 HW0 hundred young people engaged. CXol assembled at the synagogue ^ morning and then proceeded on JSin vehicles to the park, where * ”«themselves up to the day. The H people lost sight of trade and bust- « " the^park ®with music and* happy ii “ e y7i!» dares began. Atl2o clock ^Session 'format i»nd beaded by Mr. •t"* Rinswanger and Miss Josephine JU< \f r Ike Flatau nud Miss **fS b Fn“nd marched Into Floral HaU 0 f |ce cream and other re- S&Smts Tbev then returned to the w l hra t»n anil danced fintll dinner, ^finish friends know exactly wlmt JS'eathig 8 *. and whether at picnic oral table will cl ways contain that 5?t.'u mod Fortune threw us at this S ai’h X.' family of , Mr. M. Peyser, ffit has been a long time since we en- Sml such a line dinner, children, made hungry by the exer- i of romp and dance, bad most excellent ind there was every indication KfSully appreciated their dinner. I. a nVIock the boys gave an entertam- aro, in dinhig hall, of which the follow. ^MriSgmldre"s, e b.y Kobert Gillespie, tone by Sunday-school. ‘Come, May.” ^Little Girl's View of Life,” by Bertha Clock ” bv Julian Saenger. “Keening Hi* Word,” by Ilcrtba Kahn, ••ifnhod/s Child.” by Nettie Gillespie. “Beltv and the Bear?'by Julian Glbian. ■locrates Snooks,” by Bertha Nuss- Dsnce," by Hines Greenwood, ^hhnnifsnmk Ay Aleck Marcus. :«.”byHen«G« Song liy Mother-In-Law," by Hines %7vrtrington,” Yetta Greenberg. “Little Jane.” Celia Goldsmith. Speech of Vindication, Nathan J. Gilles- 'Sine. "Shabonth," by Sanday-school. ■•Sspoleon’a Farewell,” Sigmod Gilles- P 'in the debate the following were in the affirmative: Nathan Gillespie, Robert Xassbsnm, Isaac Lowenthal and Alex “KX negative: Max Harris, Sam Mar- «, Kobert Gillespie and Jacob Londs- ^tVashington came oil victorious. Late in the aitemoon the children went home and left the young people, who dsneed until about 11 o'clock, fully enjoy ing themselves. , . The editor’s home was appropriated by one of the merriest parties on tbo ground, and the dinner was superb. Among the happy people present was Mr. Ch. Kefeld With bis accomplished ilsnghter. Etta. Mr. Refcld was on the committee to make the day a pleasant one, and he succeeded. Stewart's band wagon carried down a large number of little children. A Delightful Evening. (Juliescrowd of ladies and gentlemen sad young people assembled in the parlors o! Rev. J. R Winchester's residence last sight, in a kind of social way. These meetings are frequent and always inter- ■ting. rhe evening was made more pleasant by s programme which embraced music, sing ing, recitations, etc. Among those who assisted was little Julie Armstrong, a little prodigy. Scarcely loll enough to stand and reach the key- The United States Circuit and District Courts. Judge Jaa. W. Locke, preaiding. In the case of the Citizens’ Bank of Baltimore t«. H. A. Tarver, action on note, the jury returned a verdict for plain tiff for $1,000 principal, $907.61 interest, and costa of court. R. N. Ely and Hill <fc Harris, attorney* for plaintiff; R. K. Hines for defense. In the case of John Wood, Jr., and Drury Wood vs. H. A. Tarver, action on not®, the jury returned a verdict for plain- till for $3,000 principal, $1,791 interest and costs of court. R. N. Ely and HU1 A Harris, attorneys for plaintiff; R. K. Hines for defense. United States vs. Peter G. Warring, of Randolph county, charged with retailing Mdrits without having paid the special tax. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to one month’s Imprisonment in Bibb county jail, and to fion * i 116 °* ftn< * COIt * °* P rosecu * Upon application of counsel, Judge Locke granted an order for a writ of habeas corpus directed to the sheriff and jailer of this county, requiring them to produce the body of Thomas T. Cheatham, now con fined in jail, and show cause for his de tention. The case is set for hearing at 10 ?r c «? k .. thls “pnttog. Messrs. William II. Wylly and 8. A. Darnell, United States attorney, represented the petitioner. The courts adjourned until 9:30 o’clock this morning. The United States grand jury under the efficient and practical direction of W. W. Collins, Esq., the foreman, is dispatching business with unusuul facility and vigor, and may complete their labors by the close of the week. In obedience to the writ of habeas corpus granted on Thursday, Sheriff Westcott pro duced In court Thos. T. Cheatham. Solici tor Hardeman appeared and made answer on the part of the State, and R. W. Patter son on the part of the parties at whose irt- stance the petitioner is in custody. Hon. 8- A. Darnell, United States attorney, Wm. H. ANvlIy and HughV. Washington ap peared for petitioner. The answer set out that the petitioner was not held alone upon the warrant of the Governor of Georgia, pursuant to a requisition from the Governor of South Carolina, but in addition thereto, a war rant issued * ** SOME CANAL TALK. Revival of an Important Question for Macon. Mr. George S. Obear yesterday received long letter in reference to the canal. Our reporter found Mr. Obear and from him obtained the following, which may or may not look to the consummation of the long-cherisbed plan: Some time ago be received a letter from Mr. B. W. Frobel, of Atlanta, in which Mr. Frobel wanted in formation as to the aurreyi, etc., of the canal and what Maccn would do in such a matter. Correspondence revealed the fact that the canal, uccoid- ing to the survey, will cost from $200,000 to $250,000; that a party of Northern capltallm were ready and wil ling, if Macon would subscribe one-fourth of that amount, to issue bonds for the other three-fourths and proceed with the work. While in Atlanta recently Mr. Obear held a long conversation witli Mr. Frobel. In which the details were talked over and fully discussed. The-Northern men who desire to make the Investment want at least $50,0(U subscribed in Macon. They propose to sell the use of the water to factories of all kinds, and it is said that some of the investors are heavy manufacturers. They were willing that the owners of the land above the cemetery through which the canal would be cut to place a fair valuation on their land and (dace the umount as their subscription to toe stock. On Mr. Obear'a return he consulted with Col. Whittle and others owning the land, and he is satisfied that they will all agree to such a proposition, and hence there is considerable hope (or the canal to be cut. Tlie survey of the canal can be seen at Mr. Obear'a office. The gentlemen who have it in contemplation do not propose to cut It through the city, if we understand it. Mr. Obear believes that it should pass right through the heart of the city ana thus af ford a full, complete and free outlet for the sewers of the city and adding so much to our health. with being a common cheat and swindler. Mr. Darnell moved to strike out from the answer all matters not relating directly to the warrant of the Governor of Georgia, by which petitioner was and is deprived of his liberty. He argued that the paper re ferred to did not comply with the law in voked in support of it.’The act ot March 12,179$, provides that a warrant of extra- dl ion issued by the executive authority of one State for the apprehension of a fugitive from justice in another State, shall he ac companied by a certified copy of the war rant or indictment upon which the war rant is predicated, Thia condition of tilings, counsel argued, did not exist, and the petitioner was therefore unlawfully restrained tffhis liberty. I The court held that it was not called Inpon in this investigation to deter mine the validity of the papers under which the peti'oncr was held. The main question being the existence of the necessary legal showing for his custodv, and that showing being conclusively made in the answer, it was ordered that the pe titioner be remanded to the custody of the State officers, and that the writ of habeas corpus be dismissed. la the case of United States vs. I.. C. Perry and W. H. Tillery, sureties on bond of W. A. Herndon, late postmaster at Dublin, Ga., action to recover balance due the government on the money order oc tet ibe sing and play well, butahe re- dtts sweetly, and one feels like departing tram the customary method of applauding by clapping of bauds and evidence their dd:ght by taking the wee thing up and Mr.lee Ellis sang a selection from the open otCriepino, that called forth much ippUtue, and Mr. Emil Braid won honors iasirgioK well "Sleep Bweet Angel.” The two votcee of Mrs. Hopson and Mlsa Conner blended finely in a vocal selection. Mrs. IV. C. Singleton delighted the audi- ne by reciting a "Scotchwoman's La- ncnt._ in the Hootch dialect. It was ad mirably done. Mr. Arthur Board man read ‘‘How a Woman Keeps Her Accounts" In a man- hot,Hist pleased and brought forth loud •Mbrase. The evening's entertainment was per- h»» made more interesting by Inter- fieriing some comic songs and recitals In retinae by Mr. Harry Harman He sang I m not so old as 1 used to be," a Chi- lone, tnd "The Dude.” In addition he recited "The Rooster” In an Inimitable **Mnd was rapturously encored at every jjovoral others assisted In making the johlng a pleasant one, giving much 'leisure to all who were so fortunate os to «e present. Uttar from Senator H. C. Nelson. . Cluuirs. .Rust, N. Y.. April 4.1*83.-00 the 27th of February, laS3, I 5“ t »ken with a violent paiu In the region rjj*e Udneys, I antlered such agony that iP?®" hardly stand up. As inon as pos- "bit I applied two Allcock’s Porous Pits- *n, one over each kidney, and laid down, lorn hour, to my surprise and delight, psin hsd vanquished and I was w ell. 1 wore the plasters for a day or two as a PP“*P«on, and then remand them. I have been using Adcock’s 1’orous Plasters r 1 [study for the last ten years, and bare always found them the qulckea and best external remedy for colds, strains, sml rheumatic affections. From b'Jvvpertence I believe they they are the bat platter In the world. IUmiitC. Nzuox. Honors nt Mercer. Yestetdsy aitemoon at Mercer Onlver- “IMhe honors and Senior places for the ensuing commencement were awarded, “bch Interest was manifested by the stu- S^jp.'he awards, and the public will be !'* m B 1 * 1 the chosen ones will "I'^ynt the college and thenuelrea with aiwr?*ti 0 ?, 0r ~ , l- *■ Jones, Burke county, **£*■■,H-,«»ovg». Madison. second benor-J. I). Chspmsn, Frank 'V'*" »nd A. It. Wright, Davbbora. J£"5jJ t'tacea-U. C. Jordan, Haw kin v Y. Pickard, TalbotUm; J, E. Powtll, Quitman. i^burad.y afternoon the dose was band. SEJufnrt by the president and hU S™* bl * l»dy. Tbo Senior close will U** tuaal class-tree ceremonies A stone will bo erected in tbe “®pus on the Saturday afternoon before 3^'™*““';°° which will be inacrib- foli!l'»iS* m ** S* ***• clOM-members. The win nS srly always shew itsel share Hit docs not come in til itcin-l.I 11*. eruptions, etc. S'.‘to®?* ^^‘^e rei£ld^ h ' ?u ‘' [Ute of -thr»* of the feeding aggaBpj&.'a* hMagmm^j‘ l Jf5 c |!f WUm ‘ li «« _ Tks8wj„ pe: date of demand, and costs of suit. The grand jury returned into court twentv-tive true bills as the result the week’s deliberations. Of these four are for perjury, two for with holding pension money amt forgery in con nection! therewith, two for making and passing counterfeit coins and eighteen for sundry violations of the internal revenue and postal laws. Tbe grand jury did not complete its labors as was expected. It will continue iu sittings probably half of next week. Tbe courts will also continue in session all of tlie coming week. Adjournment was ordered until 0:30 o'clock Monday morning. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Celebrated Wins Product of New Jertey. The best wine in the country, that re ceived the premium at the centennial, is Speer’s Port Grape Wine, which has be come a celebrated product of New Jersey. This wine and bis P. J. Brandy are used by physicians everywhere, who rely upon them as the purest to be bad. It isunaur- t nssed for weakly femalea and old people, 'or sale by Earaar, Rankin & Lamar, Druggists, Macon, Ga. a Fastened Foot. Last night Air. L. Ripley accompanied his daughter to the entertainment at Dr. Winchester’s, and then went to his office to look after some pai>ers. Desirous of get. tingback as soon as possible, he took the shortest route, which was through the Lanier House alley, and when at the inter section of the cross alley his foot was caught bceween some iron bars placed over a sewer, and he was unable to extri cate himself. For several minutes ho tugged away, bat his efforts were fruitless. lie then saw that be must either cry out for help or re main there until some one passed by, which was not likely to be the case. He con cluded to calf for help, which ho did, and Messrs. Charlie Eintnell, Will Woodson and FloydMtoss promptly responded, .and after considerable work managed to get him out bis very unpleasant predicament. Durkee's Salad Dressing.—A ready made, rich and delicious dressing for till salad* of meat, fish or vegetables. Cheap er and infinitely better than home-made. Unrivalled as a sauce. The Work to Co On—How It la Progreaa Ing, Eto. Fearing that the refusal of some of the stockholders to pay their (ubscriptloni to the Academy of Music would delay the progress ot the work, we sought out Mr. H. Horne, the president of the company and obtainep the following facts: lle its ted that while such refusal on the part of some o( the subscribers bad some what Inconvenienced the board ot direct ors in money matters, yet an arrangement bad just been completed by which a suffi cient amount ot money bad been obtained to complete the work. All parties that bad subscribed and failed to settle (or their subscriptions ore now being sued, tnd a trial of such cases will be called during the coming week. By the arrange ment referred to, a sufficient amount hat been provided, and an Increased force will be employed at once to complete the building according to original plan. Noth ing but a cyclone of sufficient force to de molish the building, or destruction by fire, will now prevent Its completion by Sep tember 1st from tbe dey the first apgde of dirt was turned until the last brash Is giren to the work not a stoppage has oc curred. The scenic artist and tbe stage carpen ter* will arrive in a few days from Chicago, and will 1 miuol lately go to work upon stage fixtures, etc. The scenery will be equal to the finest South, while tbe drop curtain will be o( beautiful design and ele gant In even' particular. The stage height Is tlfty-aix feet, equal to any theatre in the country, and every precaution bos been taken t< make it so complete that plays con be mounted equal to tbe finest stage settings North. The house, excepting the upper gallery, will be furnished with elegant chairs, nicely upholstered; oak wood highty polished frames be used In place of Iron; the interi or will be papered with the latrat and nicest designs, and no part of the building will be alighted. We propose to operate and maintain the finest theatre building South, and upon a broad and liberal basis —giving to tlie nubile a progressiva man. agement that will not fail to meet with praise and encouragement. As to bookings for next season, the lead ing sensations und attractions have secured dates. Ruin Wrought In tho Forest. How depressing is it to see acres of trees cut down in the midst of a noble forest. How saddening ills also to see that tbln S ot in the midst of your otherwise abun- nt hair. Stop it at once by the use ol Parker's Hair Balsam. For actual effi ciency this famous srtiale stands at the bead of its class. Elegant for tbe toilet, delicious fa odor and restores tbe original color to gray or faded hair. Economical, os a slight, occasional application keeps tbe hair and scalp iu perfect order. A Bad Accident. Yesterday morning Miss loa Prtdgeon, an operative in cotton mill No. 2 met with a bad accident. She was working at a piece of machinery called the twister, and in some way her right band was caught in the gear. In an instant tht second finger was almost tom from the bond. Dr. I ita- gerald cut tbe mangled finger from the Or tbe mane remedies before the public i debility end weakness of nerve .....— there Is nothing equal Food, which prumptly restores all lout vigor; It C for $3. At dr r '“ ! ’’rm»7l3n?'j. THE NEWS IN GEORGIA. Bbcnswick will seek artesian water at once. The dog cart is doing a good business in Atlanta. Shall chickens nro bringing big prices all over tlie State. Complaints are still made of the de struction of grain by flocks of birds. Tiie piping in tbe Americus artesian well hais ‘‘the bulge” on the contrac tor. Glynn county is making strong ef forts for a fine display at her coming fair. TnE Evening Xeut reports a revival of interest in the Augusta Merchants Exchange. The -Ync South is strongly opposed to the primary method of nominating candidates. Olitman has a fall supply of measles and encumbers. Heaven be merciful to tbe natives! Tiie Camming Clarion wants an ef fort made to “harmonize Mr. Tilden with himself.” The West Point marshal carries a shotgun and kills all the stray dogs that come within range. The Crawfordville Democrat announ ces that “this is a free country,” and is more or less right about it. Calhoun county is in a prosperous financial condition. A good paper and good people are guarantees ol county prosperity. In North Georgia the farmers aro just finishing corn-planting. In Soutli Georgia some of the corn is ready to silk and tassle. The $25,000 called for by Captain Howell for the Kimball House been fully furnished, and work on the build ing will proceed. LaGuanoe Reporter: A lady in La- Grange has sold as much as five dol lars’ worth of strawberries from her garden in one day. “Perhaps people will learn, alter awhile not to entrust their money with speculators,” wisely remarks the Mon roe Adrertieer. A Death In Rutland. Mr. Rigdrn Thomas, an old citizen of the Rutland district, died at his home there Thursday and was buried yesterday. Mr. Thomas was 82 years of ass and bore tlie reputation of being an honest man and a good citizen. New Life. The extraordinary cures made by Hunt’a Fever and Ague Tonic la sufficient "reason for the guarantee we give iL It will erad icate most effectually any malarial poison, restore debilitated conditions of tbe system —producing appetite and giving new blood, etc. Only 50 centa a bottle. Try it Mullein va, cod-Llvar OIL Dr. Quillan, the leading authority . Great Britain on lung diseases, says, while oue of his patients gained only seven pounds by the use of cod-liver oil and lime, she gained over thirteen pounds by tbe use of mullein. Tbe old field mullein made Into a tea and comMoed with Taweet gum presenta In Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein a pleasant aud effective cure for cioud. whooping cough, colds and consul Price: 25c. and $1. This, with Dr. Blggcra' Southern Remedy, an equally efficacious remedy for cramp colic, dlarrhwa, dysen tery and children suffering from teeth ing presents a little Medicine Chest no household should be without, for the speedy relief of sudden and dangerous at tacks ot the lungs and bowels. Aak druggist for them. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, At lanta, Ga., proprietor Taylor's Premium Cologne. L. W. Hunt! A Gx, wholesale agents, Macon, Ga. NOW ,s ™ | I1U 11 SKIN HUMORS, j S i at thia seacon. when the blood and per* Iration are loaded with imparities, that taring humori, humiliating eruption*. Itching tortures, salt rheum or eczema, paoria* aii, tetter, ringworm, baby humora, scrofulous sorea, abaceiaea and dUcharglng and every apeciea of itching, acalv and pimply diseases of the ikin and scalp are most speedily and economically cured by the Cuticura Reme dies. It Is a Fact. Hundred of letters in our possession (copies f which may had by return mail) are our au- Jjoritr for the aiiertion that skin, scalp and blood humors, whether scrofulous, inherited or contagious, may tow be permanently cured by Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood puri fier, diuretic and aperient, internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, the great skin cures and beautlfiers. externally, in one half the time and at one half the expense of any Greatest on Earth. Cuticura Remedies are the greatest medi cines on earth. Had the worst caie of salt rheum in thia country. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it. I be lieve Cuticura would have saved my life. My arms, breast and head were covered for three yean, which nothing relieved or cured until I uied the Cuticura Resolvent, internally, aud Cuticura and Cuticura Soap externally. J. W. ADAMS, Newark, O. Great lilood Medicines. have paid hundreds of dollars for medicines to cure di"eases of the blood and tkin, and never found anything yet to equal the Cut!- CIIA8. A.WILUAMS.B (Jure in livery Case. Your Cuticura Remedies outsell all other medicines 1 keep for skin diseiuics. My cus tomers and patients say that they have effected a cure in every instance, where other reme dies have failed. II. W. B ROCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N. H. Sold by all druggists. Price: Cutli cents; Reiolvent, |1; Soap, 25 cents. Drug aud Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Cuticura 50 ?nts. Potter Dston, Mass. Send for “IIow to Cure Skin Diseases. 1 A REDUCTION IN PRICES! 200 pieces of Checked and Plaid Nainsooks at io, and 15 cents—as good or better value than can be had in Macon at 15, 20 or 25 cents. We are the acknowledged headquarters for White Goods, Embroideries and Laces. Don’t fail to see our yard wide soft finished bleaching at 8 cents. No other house will sell you as good for less than 9 cents. 42-inch all Wool Nun’s Veiling in the leading shade* t 40 CENTS. Sold at a Bargain—elsewhere at 50 cents. '/ Those immense drives in HOSIERY Continue to elicit the wonder and admiration of the crowds who daily throng the elegant salesrooms of J, W. RICE & CO. BEAUTY praiTftin,' 1 pimples, sklniBlemfshes and iufat «trjTYi] T--XJ ol i t your engine house ol the electric light works on Friday night caused the damage ol some of the machinery. The broken pieces will have to be replaced by othera from New York, and fur (oar or five nights we will have nolight. A Pur. and EfT.etlt. Hair Dressing; Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoanut Oil, beautifies tbe hair and ia sure to allay all itching and irritation ol the scalp, The superiority ol Barnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and strength. —A frail creature In the lower part of the city attempted suicide yesterday after noon by taking laudanum. She wrote a letter bidding good-bye to her sweetheart, but as the dose failed to do its work ahe tore up the letter, the fragments of which were afterward gathered up and read, re vealing her purpose. PALMER'S Perfumes. EXQUISITE. PALMER'S ToUetSoaps. LOVELY. PALMER'S Lotion, the great skill cure. PALMER'S Invisible, the ladies delight. PALMER'S Manual of Cage Birds, free. —A negro named Mark Thomas lodged complaint at the police barracks late yes terday evening against Mr. Dave Sullivan, tlie contractor, lie said ho went to Air. Sullivan for Ida wage, and wav badly beaten, Mr. Sullivan using a heavy piece of scantling. We failed to get Mr. Sulli van's tide ol tbe story. —One of tbe largest, If not the largest, bream ever brought to Macon wm rent to tin. office last night by Mr. J. It. Williams. It measured fourteen inebea from bead to tail, eight inches acroee and weighed a fraction over three pounds. Mr. Williams, who bas bandied as much fiah as any man in Macon, says it is the largest bream he ever taw. It wm caught at Lumber City, where the bream la unusually fine tbli Editor Lee, in tho Cnthbert Appeal, drives the cross: “Reading extract, may bo interesting on some occasions, but they are insipid and destitute of pathos at a picnic.” The Smithville Enlerprite gives the mental process that leads to the per formance of a difficult feat: “He who anticipates misfortune falls on his back and breaks bis nose.” Mr. A. G. Crombe lias been appoint ed superintendent of tlie Summerville Mills. Tlie factory is to lie overhaul ed, filled with new machinery aud worked to its full capacity. The Louisville Xeica and Farmer has this encouraging item: “Quite a stir since court. Many who have not worked since “freedom broke out,” arc hunting {a job. Let the grand jury wake up the vagrants again in July.” As a rale, we take no stock in “tlie national game." It is tho dreariest sort of hard work, and never yet yield ed an honest penny. Still, we should have enjoyed witnessing the game be tween tlie lawyers and doctors of 1’errj-. It must have boon a funny nf- Tna Oglethorpe Echo reports the S folks at a loss how to spend the tgs.” It is strange that they should be, when there is so much for |hem to learn and so many books in which to leant it—so much work to be done and so many tools with which to do it. A woBTnv sentiment from the Alba ny Medium: “The Medium, like its predecessor, the HorlA Star, would rather be right than rich. When it de parts from the principle embodied in this expression, we nope it will cease to exist.” Every flock of sheep will have its black one, bat in the following case, reported by tho Savannah Times, the black sheep had the flock: “A stran ger from Bullock oounty named Bird brought a drove of sheep to the city and then got drank. He was arrested and to-day fined $5.”i Tiie "yearling” for which Mr. Da vis, of Newnan, would “not take a million dollars” was a “baby girl,” and so we were “sold.” We £1 not wonder at the high estimate placed by him on the little woman. Blessings on tbo bright eyes, dimpled cheeks and tiny hands of all tlie baby girls and boys! The world would be a dreary world without them. Every man certainly has a right to his own opinions, and different tastes must characterize different people. There is no absolute standard of cor rectness in tbe matter, and 10 differ ences in tastes and opinions do not justify hot disputes. Occasionally, some newspaper refers to a man’s wife ashis "lady.” We could not bo tempted to treat a man and his wife in that way; but it is a matter of innocent taste, and so does not call for bloodshed. It is a queer argument that declares that railroads in Georgia are outlawed, when the State lias established a tribu nal to right their wrongs as well as those of tlie people. The property of tlie railroads stands on a footing ofab- solutc equality before the commission with that of the people. The law- un der which tlie commission acta requires them to deni out exact justice to tlie railroads and the people.—Albany Me dium . How can our contemporary say that “the property of railroads stands on a footing of absolute equality before the commission witli that of the peo ple,” when the commission has no (lower to regulate tho profits of any other business but railroad business ? It decides that railroads shall pay oniy a certain profit—say 0 per cent., while other business enterprises—not a whit more legitimate—are unrestricted in their profits. If this isn’t discrimina tion against railroad property, we con fess oar inability to understand tlie meaning of the plainest of facta, “'UBSAiSi.’iSXKBDrZXEmiXj _ torpio bowels. DISORDERED LIVEK, and malaria. e-dSass ggfl&ftgygEg 5S£«S*‘¥. aic “? Itietrexistence:Loiiai Aiipstite, Itourlf costive. Sick ?-ertof 5s*,wi aeP en V U *» “W»lon to exertlou of body or mind, lUucta oT to oil, Irritability or tcmper« Lun spirits, \ frclhjf- of having nrirlrctril some dnty, I’tecfTacsf, jriutUrin£«t t\c Dext t, Dots before the eyes, hlshly coa- crcd Cr/.f, Coamp/SSf «wU di! 2*S£yp of* remedy that acU directly f r r i\ vor * aLI T cr inedlcino Tl’TT H HTheir action on the 111 add Sklc. la also prompts nnoviuc al liinparttlea through tfeso tJirco •*scav- *.“*•** ***• ■ystera,” producing oppe- digestion, rrgnlr.r stools, a clear *v!z or °usbody. Tumrois SMVSKWr.'i? 5&SS ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA HE FEtrjI LlKE A SEW SIA-. n„i . taTe k*' 1 l>»»P*psta, wits Constlpn. “"MwOTWm.A’.U hnv.-trwi tcn Of ptts, tnd TUTT’S ora tho first itat havo dono mo any good. They have W-’-WHBRUateX'S' ijQljcTCTTwhete.aac. Oac-.mfgrrsrSL.N.l. S—The warm weather so tsr this season 1 wm on Friday and yesterday. On Friday a heavy rain fell in V inerilw and below the city, while the dart was not laid on oar streets. Yesterday afternoon a i U Ishower fell. Accompanied by hall. InXM land, and the places of Jets HoUi* and Lonls BedinyfieM, the hall cams down in abundance. Lost night the city hod an. other refreshing shower, which will give I vegetation a new lease on life. -The bone that drawe Wlppler's deliv ery wagon io exceedingly proud of a frolic, owl every now tnd then has a runaway ■crape, which Is very expensive to Mr.l Wippler. H* ran away on Friday tnd brace up things, and yesterday morning itarted down Cinnamon alley, bat the wheel locked itaeif tgalnet t lamp poet, I censing a general demotttion of tbe wagon and a scattering of tba content*. 11* wm H&eSTfiddn ““ m •Left* ■!(K Vim TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Halt OB tvmswras changed in- stontty to a ulosst Black by a “!iigle an. Plication of thia Dte. Sold by DniggIstL, « »<-r.tl>y express on reoetpt ol» u n ^ Office, M if array Street, New York. JUTT'S MAHHALtlF USEFUL RECEIPTS FRIL (jOSTETTEtlS apr27d<fcwly BTJY THE BEST. The Champion Reapers 1 Mowers and ootid binders. A un versally acknowledged to be the most EFFECTIVE Machines in the market. They hav^ been indorsed by the most progressive and successful farmers of this section, after several years’ service. We have in store a large lot of all sizes and styles, which we will sell at low prices and on such terms as will no doubt suit any one who contem plates buying a machine. Correspond with us. A. B. FARQUH4R & CO. MACON, GEORGIA. ^ _ STOMACH j. A BlTTEft s Regeneration for Enfeebled 'Syeteme, Suffering from a general want of tone, tnd ita usual concomitants, dyspepsia and nervousness, is seldom derivable from tbs tue of nourishing diet and stimuli of ap petite unaided. A medicine that will ef fect a removal of the specific obstacle to renewed health and vigor, that is a genu ine corrective, is tbe real need. It is tba possession of this grind requirement which mokes Hostetler's Stomach Bitten, so effective as an invigorent. For sol* by all druggists and dealers generally. CRYING FOR AID. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Depres sion, Indigestion and Constipation. BII- toosoess, a (-allow face, Doll Eye*, sod a Itlotchrd bUn, are among tho symptoms Which tedkata that the Liver la cry lag for eld. Ayer’s Pills wm i > the Liter to proper action. houae, having only the of these i health le fully. tify to their great merit. No family can afford to be wtthoot ATKOfe nut rtxraors or Dr.J.C.AyeriCo.. Lowell, Mass. ±.A\, ... tv..-. ]%Jdye$L UuKKa-OLTAIC BELT sad c Y^YDUI?0*0R ouf*w&Tar* mffrr* *2# from Xiuvi.ua Dkssutt. Lost Vitality, wiiTOti Wiuexemcs, ami All ibOM dSM— ot A ft oration to RmnL Vaoo» GcABAvmn. load At one* PiiBDhlrt free. Iiiiirosa itOVTA IO BELT CO* Biislsll, BUI, JOHNSON & LANE, 107 Third St„ Macon, Ga. GRAIN CRADLES, And a Full Line of BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, OPPOSITE TMCTpASSINCER DEPOT, MACON, CEOROIA WILBOH’S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER l OIL AND LIME. To the Consuptlvt—Wilbor's Compound of Cod-Liver Oil and Lime,without possessing the very nausraUng Aatot of the Article u heretofore used. U endowed by the Pbo*- phete of Lime with a heeling property which readers tbe otl doobly tlcsekwi. Bemsrfe Me L »tlnonUl* of iu eflcAcy out he shown. KoW by A. B. WUbor, Chemist, Boston, end All drugguUu. :o^r •imtHUiAl JCLi :Lt, ’ A First-class Business School PROCTOR.