Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 30, 1884, Image 8

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8 THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER FRIDAY. MAY 30, 1884. AM IliTEIt-CITY WALKING MATCH. Enthusiastic Meeting of Our Library Di rectors Yesterday Afternoon. Y csterday afternoon the directors of the Public Library met to take into considera tion the proposed walking match between It aeon and Atlanta, to be conducted un. der the auspices of the libraries of the two cities. The following gentlemen were present, and took enthusiastic part in the proceedings: H. T. Powell, K. F. Lawton, "W. P. Baldwin, F. C. Camp, T. O. Chest- ney, A. E. Boardman, T. 8. Jones, W. M. Bearden. A. Mack, and C. E. Damour. Mr. H. T. Powell, tbe president of the 3—ating. stated that Colonel Finch, of At lanta. mas in the city yesterday, and had consult*! with him with the view of arra-ngtac an inter city walk- PRESENTMENTS Of the Crand Jury of the United States Courts at Macon. We. the grand Jury at tbe May terra, 1884, of the United States District Court of the western division of the southern district of Georgia, beg as a conclusion of our duties to submit t K e following, to-wit: 1. Judging from the small number of violations of the laws of the United States that we have been called upon to in vestigate, we think that a law-abiding spirit is prevalent among our citizens, which attests a good state of public moral ity and a vi gilant prosecution of offenders by the United States courts. 2. While uttering tha above, we never theless are compelled to say that our at tention has been colled to the lart that many of the witnesses who appear before the United States courts manliest a shock ing disregard of the truth, atul rcadilv THE SPARTA VISIT. Schedule and Rates for the Round Trip. Our friends in Hancook arc preparing (o give the Second Georgia Battalion one of the grandest barbecues the county ever had on the occasion of their trip on June 5th. log snawih. m hr .vmdwtcd under the testify to what they must know is utterly manyrmrnt^of the f A i se . We cannot employ language - vigorous enough to express arx*. It was pro- j ome 7th. ai ^ kwurSaturday 1 eontenipt for* ami condeiunai’ioii of false ir.a! an excursion swearing. In every case where our atten ano ins: an excursion .wearing. In every case where our atten- ■ar. Atiaata to Macon, in tiun has been called to the crime, and the On that day the drill and impectlon ol the battalion by Col. Wiley and .tefl will take place. The battalion i. composed of the Macon Volunteer.. Floyd Rifle, and Southern Cadets,of Macon: the Raldwin Blues, of Milledgevllle; the IhitnnmlRiflcs, of Eatonton, and the Hancock Van Guard., of Sparta. The College Cadets, of Milledgeville, and the College Cadet., of Sparta Academy, wlllbe assigned places in tile battalion, and will take part in the ex- ercisea of the day. In addition to the vis iting companies there will lie large delega tions of citizena from each of the ciliea named present on the occasion. Major Knatip, of the Central railroad, lias furnished us witli the following sched ule and rates: Tha special train will leave passenger depot at :>::J0 a. m.; leave ilgeville at 7 :23 a. m.; arri M lilt ih r So give vmirars the opportunity of "mg at as little cost ss possible—the ■ns. as he rvoduvtrd at the park, and tetitnc.ro be allowed from each place; amiable pm* to be offered by the two Hbislii i who were to share all theex- jjsncs. and enjoy -mutually all the profits. The prizes wouilbe valuable and tempting, In order to indace the fittest competition and tl%rery beat entries. It was proposed that the excursion should leave Atlanta as early aa possible on the day appointed, and that the match should be a six-boar, go-as- you-please, commencing at 12 oclock and ending at S o'clock. The object of the meeting, then, was to take the proposition in band and come to some definite action upon it. He was ready to hear from any one present who desired to say anything tin the subject. The idea was taken up and enthusiastic ally- discussed by every member present. All thought It a splendid one and were in favor of accepting it immediately. In fact, tt. acceptance was so unanimous that everyone almost unconsciously began to enter into glowing preparations for tbe oc casion. deeming It an accomplished fact from tbe beginning. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Jones, lAwton and Cbestney, was appointed to raise $300 for the necessary prizes. Mr. W. A. Haris, as a committee of one, was appointed to secure the park and to make all preparations in that direction needed. On motion, a special committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Powell, Mack, Davis, Damour and Camp, were appointed to take general charge of the matter, and do all that waa necessary to be done in the premises. Major Cliestney suggested a bicycle race piso, bnt lor various reasons it was not ilecmcd proper to adopt tho suggestion. It was withdrawn. On motion, the meeting then ad journed. That the match will be successnlly ar ranged seems already to lie an assured fact That it will bo equally successful is likewise evident Tbe committee ap pointed to arrange matters will enter Into their work promptly and heartily. They in vite everybody to make a test ol tlielr speed nnd endurance, and, beginning Wednesday afternoon at tbe park, will begin the con duction of a aeriea of practice matches in srdcr that they may decide on six persons to represent Macon In the big match on the 7th. Hundreds, ot course, will enter, and the Internal will be unbounded. The final decision or selectlo n of the six to •snter for Maoon will be made about three days before tbe day of the cohtest. In or der that nothing may be misapprehended, tt may be well to state that the committee, in their (election, will consider only those who enter the practice matches. Those srbo will enter will chose their trainers immediately and begin to prepare for the # great contest. All AMATttm WALK. The proposition to rtt sir ot Macon's walkers with six of the participants In the decent walking matches In Atlanta was 'received moat favorably by our boys yes terday. It was suggested daring the morning that a few of tbe boys go down to Uie park and take a spin around the mile track for au hour to see what could be done, and straightway thirteen of them hail their names down on the lisL quite a large crowd ol citizena went down to see tbe sport, and at a law min utes to four o'clock, all was announced ready. Messrs. W. A. Davis, C. K. Da mour, L. M. Jones and J. A. McGregor consented to act as judges, with Mr. A. W. Batts as timekeeper. The walker, were to stand under tbe win at the judges stand and start at the tap ot the bell. The number* for positions were placed in a bat and drawn, and the line was formed as follows: Mr. \V. N. McPherson, of tha Empim 8 tore. Mr. Ed Reid, of W. A. Julian &Co.'s •tore. Mr. James Tankersly.of Bernd Brothers' smtebtishiuent. Mr. Joe Callaway, of A. I. Butt’s coal yard. Mr. Harry McKay, of tbe Empire Btorr. Mr. John Delta,of J. \V. Burke A t’o.'s ^fifrTiobert Lumpkin, of 8. T. Coleman A t'o.’a wholesale house. Mr. Joe Sprint, retail grocer, and form- crlr letter carrier. Mr. J. E. Chastain, carpenter, and form- crlr of Savannah. -Mr. W. J. Julian, of Juhan A Co.'a store. Mr. Charles J. Juhan, of the same place. M r. Oscar Redllch.td F. A. Bchoneman’s ■tore. Mr. Ed. Freeman, of J. M. Hertz# store. At the Up of the bell, all bounded off in an easy run, with Tsnkereley in the lead, keeping it throughout the entire time. He ran the lint two miles, and then kept up a steady lick. Harry McKay proved himself a good walker, making his first mile in 0:40. The Juhan dots kept a sort of Weston gait, and were steady walkers. Willie famed In on the sixth mile, but Charlie kepi on and seemed as fresh ss when he started. evidence before us sustained the cfiargc.wc found true bi) • agaiast the accused. And we esnecially invoke the attention of future grand juries of this court to this subject, with the hope that they will show no mer cy to oflenders of this class. | 3. We consider a government building at Macon, Georgia, absolutely indispensa ble to the proper accommodation of tbe United 8Utes courts, tbe United States IKMit-oflice, and such other United are informed that the genersl government States officials as are located here. We pay for their present inadequate accom modations an annual rental which amounts to the govermental rate of inter est upon that sum of money which is nec essary to construct and equip an edifice proportioned to the importance and digni ty of the interests involved, and we ur gently recommend the construction of the needed building as quickly as possible. 4. We take pleasure in saying that our experience and observation enable us to congratulate the )>eople of this district upon the fact that we have in His Honor Judge James W. Locke, presiding under assignment, and District Attorney 8. A. Darnell and United btates Marshal H. D. Ixx'ke and Marion Erwin, clerk of the court, four officers who in tueir respective spheres are able.faithful and conscientious, I and we feci that fhey are entitled to the 4 confidence of the government and the peo ple. and we hereby thank them for the assistance they have given ua in the dis charge of our duties. 5. We recommend that these present ments be published in one newspaper in each of tbe counties of this djstnct^H which a newspaper it published. ■ ... . . tV 31 p. m.; arrive at Miiiegeviile at 4:54 pj Ini.: arrive at Macon at 6:45 p. xu. I The Centra! railroad will run a special train between Eatonton and Milledgcville [to connect with this train, dilates for the round trip as follows: iFrom Macon to Hparta to sohbers in uni form, 91.60; visitors, $2.15. From Mil- [ledgeviile to Sparta, soldiers, 65 cents; vis itors, HO cents. From Eatonton to Mil ledgeville, soldiers, 65 cents; visitors, 85 cents. The Popular Judgment. It has been Justly remarked tbe popular . idgment, deliberately made up, is cor rect and reliable. It stamps with its own peculiar seal whatever it approves. The .-c • its reputation which survives its searching and critical tests is established on a firm feundation. The really meritorious art!- cal finds favor at first, but slowly and with many rebuff*: its inherent virtue contin ually asserts itself; its elasticity rebounds higher with every check, until it reaches the height of favor to which it is entitled. Burnett's Cocoaine for the hair and Burnett's Standard Flavoring Extracts for cooking purposes are articles in point. They have been before the public many years: one by one they acquired friend? William W. Collins, Foreman. THE SCHOOL QUESTION. Something More About .the Country Schools and Teachers, Pro bono publico should be the object aimed at by everyone who touches upon a public question. It is not to make warfare upon Prof. Zettler, or anyone ehc, that I am prompted to the indictment of this A- tide, but simply to make whatieemsfo me a practical suggestion. Repeated trials have convinced some o fus in tbe country that schools in certain localities will not thrive well under the care of a female teacher. I have in my mind’s eye now a school of an average attendance of sixty five scholars. In this school female teach ers have several times been employed, and the invariable rule has been that the school has been short-lived and of but little prac tical good. On the contrary, the school has always done well under a good male teacher. An accomplished male teacher—one who has spent considerable time and money in classical preparation—cannot afford, as Prof. Zettler says, to teach for what the public school fund pays. Here comes in the di lemma.-. Here is a fine school under a male teacher that would almost be worthless under almost any female teacher. What is to be done? Prof. Zetler answers: "Let tbe patrons pay the deficit.” Very well. Let those who dance pay the fiddler. If there is In this schoof of sixty-five or seventy scholars a dozen Latin or Greek scholars whose advance ment makes it necessary for them to have a classic teacher, then in common justice let them pay for these extra accomplish' menu of the teacher, and not imr ; arrive at Sparta PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. We will send the Weekly Tele graph and Messenger for one year, free, to any one who will get up a club of five subscribers for it at one dollar and twenty-five cents each per year; or to any one who will get up a club of ten subscribers to it at one dollar each per year. This is an easy way to se cure without cost the best weekly pa per published in Georgia. Give it a trial. THAT 818.000 PRIZE. Drawn by Engineer Isaac Haines. The lucky holder of one fifth of ticket 18.842, which drew the capital prize of $75,000 in The Louisiana State Lottery last Tuesday, is Mr. Isaac Haines, the en gineer of passenger engine No. 51, on the Memphiinind Charleston Railroad. The gentlemen was interviewed at Chattanoo ga last Wednesday, by an attache of the Times, ami the journal on yesterday had the following on the subject: “I'll tell you how it happened,’ said Mr. Haines. ‘I happened to find au old dollar bill in my porkrtbook when in Memphis last week, and while sauntering along the street, con cluded to buy a lottery ticket. 1 put it away and thought no moriof it until this morning, when a gentleman showed me a telegram from New Orleans, stating that ticket No. 18,842 had drawn the ca^iUl rize $75,000 in The Louisiana State J then (hey counted their hundreds; then their thousands. Success created rivals; competition assailed them, but their ster ling merits withstood all opposition, and the popular verdict was largely rendered in their favor. These together with Burnett's other Toilet Articles, are now "household words,” and in household use through out the States aud in many foreign coun tries. They are of such admirable make as to combine substance witli elegance—the supply of a genuine want with nn appeal to tne imagination in the poetry of their composition. And for these reasons Bur nett s Preparations will enjoy an ever-in- creaeing sale, and an every-brightening lie reputation. Tha United States Circuit and Dlstrlcr Courts. The case of the United States vs. John I. Washington, Butts county, charged with counterfeiting, was i celled and con< tinued on account of unavoidable absence of Judge W. D. Stone, counsel for de fense. Orders of nolle prosequi were taken in the coses of United States vs. Joseph Haley, Warren county, charged with obstructini the passage of the United States mails, am of United States vs. J. F. Uinr. Glascock county, charged with obstructing deputy marshal in executing process. The John 1. Washington counterfeiting case Is set for trial this morning. After transacting some minor routine business the courts adjoined until 0:30 o'clock this morning. Judge James W.,Locke, presiding. In the case of United States vs. W. H. Dixon. Randolph county, charged with retail ing spirits without having paid the special tax required by law, the defendant ap peared in court and filed his plea ot guilty. Sentence was suspended and the defendant ' ance answer required to enter into personal recognize in the sum of $100 to appear and ansi the further order of the court. of whom could and would submit to _ teacher ofless classic or costly qualifica tions. If tbe teachers of higher attainments cannot afford to take such a school lor the compensation which the county pays, then give us a faithful and trustworthy roan, capable of teaching what we usually call an English education, and who will teach for what the county pays, or else ITM.il IUI nilttl Ul« lUMIIi; VI TI3C 1.1 thoee farther advanced, anti who want tli. daisies taught, pay the premium on that sort of teaching. I do not wl.h to be understood as bid ding for a cheap or Incompetent man. Nor do I a'Ucb blame to the accomplished man for declining the >alary offend, i or do 1 make any war npon the county school commissioners; but I do oppose the muses haring to pay the premium for teachers io teach a few advanced schol ar.. Good men can be found, thoroughly capable of Imparting a good Engliah edu cation, who might consider the salary paid by tbe county amply sufficient com pensation, and woold do their wholedul for such salary. Very respectfully. C. W. V. The trial ol the case of the United State* ts. John I. Washington, of Butts county, charged with making and passing counter feit coins, consumed the greater part of Tuesday and alt of yesterday. At 12 o'clock noon tne css. wu given to the jury, and at 4 o'clock p. m„ they came into court and announced that they had failed to agrac. They were thereupon discharged and mistrial ordered. Judge W. D. Stone, of Forsyth, repre- uitcd the defendant. It ia improbable that the case will be reassigned tbe present term, ss the courts are expwted to adjourn on Baturday next. Remarkable Restoration In the Case of • Clergyman. Rev. A. W. Moore, of Darlington, a C. sends ua for publication the following re sults in his com: “Dakusoto*, a C., Jan. 16th, 1883. Messrs. Storig^ A ruUn:—Though Chastain weighs 100 pounds, but the table shows that h. cut get over ground. • con get over ground. Ed Freeman made a good atari, bnt •bowed a want ol prutice. Joe Callaway was the steadiest walker ia the lot, bnt be wBa McPherson put in some fine work, but, laUng off his ahoee, tbe sand rut his tret and cansed them to bleed, lie kept a flea athlete and has ou have not solicited, t (eel it to be my uly to give the following testimonial in (avor ol Compound Oxygen.' 1 Inherited lie pulmonary taint from my mother; Hie gait is steady and he ia {distance. ‘ 1 his friends. He » walked and frolicked, but managed to n with the best. " John Deitx, with plenty of flesh, went along at eesy gait, and made excellent letters, is out of practice now, nl on the lint mile, traveled with the Juhan boys , hot finally lost. He pranked Ed loret toe much to hold out. It must be remembered that the inn waa my hot and tbe track heavy with sand. Tim bon never bad an liour's training, and yet, with all the disadvantages, the walking was excellent. In the recent clerks' walking match in Atlanta, the first hour's record was aa follows: Bed. a miles Brotberton, 4 miles 11 Dp* ' ’ laps: Mihhell, lies Jit ” the pulmonary taint from my mother; and have raftered with Bronchitis from my youth. For the last three or four years, in the early fall. 1 have .the last three or four yean, in the early fall, 1 have been prostrated with on acute attack of severe Broncbical Asthma. Last fall this attack was unusually perilous, being com plicated with a general derangement of the liver, kinneys, etc. My medical ad visers could not give much hope of any further work in the ministry. "In December I commenced the use ' your Home Treatment Bhortiy after . began its use, nearly all the symptoms were greatly aggravated, hut for the last three weeks l nave been Improving. The constant expectoration has to a great ex tent ceased. 1 have a fine appetite; my digestion is good. I sleep well. 1 im now preaching twice on 8unday without lassi tude. I feel more vijjor—more life than for State and county tuxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Francis Dean. Also, at the same time and place two acres of Una lying lu thr '*-*-*“ -- of land lying In the East Macon dlslrlct ad joining the lands of \V. K. Phillips. Elder L**ry and Ned Butler. Levied on as the prop erty of Wesley Blount to satisfy a tax fi fa for State and county taxes rfue on said land for the yvar 1883 against Wesley Blount. Also at the same time and place one-half acre of land lying in East Macon district, ad joining the lands of Wesley Blount,VV... . lips and Ned Butler. Levied on as the proper ty of Dennis Green to satisfy a tax a fa for State andeeunty taxes due on said laud for tho tote andeeunty taxes dueoa said land for the ?ar 1883 against Dennis Green. Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth ■ere of land, moreor less, lying In the Godfrey District, adjoluing the lands of Dave King. James King' and 34 8. Thompson.~l>evied the property of Wm. Brown, to satisfy a Ux fl. fa. for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Wm. Brown. Also, at the same lime and place, one acre of •and, more or less, lying in the <iodfrc\ Dis trict,adjoin ing the lands of Jere Finnic 1 in Thomai Charles Thomas and II. T. Johuson. Levied is the property of P. Mumforc* to satisfy a — n. fa for state and county taxes duo on said land for the year 1883 against P. Mum- lord. Also, at the same time and place, one an land, more less, lying in the Godfrey District adjoining the lauds of W. P. Goixlall and Moses Pollock. Levied on as the property of Abram Wilder to satisfy a tnx 11. fa. for State and county Uxcy due on said laud tor the year CENTRAL FURNITURE HOUSE: Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, £N the front for the patronage of the people, with aa complete and well sorted .took Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades* Rugs, LOOk. A **• (®) K° od Chair, for $2.7*",. "Little Beaut/” Bed Room 1,arlor «»*«•. isran&ft* Central Furniture Hons© ! SoU^Md^I goarantMaaUafaotionf* 111 * ° halr “ * US0 b * d,te '“ 1 ' 10 » **»•<» Bedroom BENJAMINSKATiOWRin UHL against Abram wilder. Abo. at tho Mime time nnd place, acres of land, more or less, lying in the Warrior District, adjoining the property of Vunnucki, John t-toke.*', Waldren and llai dy. Levied ou Mthc property of the estate of A. B. Sharpe to due estate of A. B Uharpe. Also, at the some time and place 3S4 acres, of -i up t •ndetl with the number telegraphed.’ _ r. Haines is undecided what ho will do with the money, but it will bo put to good use. He has been running an engine on the Memphis road 14 years, and is held in high esteem by his employers. He has supported two sisters and nn aged father for years on his farm near Stevenson, Ala. A few months ngo he was in a pool for a ticket In the same lottery and drew a large prize, receiving $600 for his share.—Jfem- phis (7Vnn.) Ledger, May 10. land.moreorless.lyiug In Rutland District,nnd known as land lot No. 234 nnd as the residence of George F. Cherry. Levied on as the THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD. k LOWELL* , tisfy Stale nnd county taxes on said laud for the year 1883 against Geo. F. Cherry. Also, at the same time ami plat land, moreor less, on Andeisou street In God' on ns t he pfOMfty of .Robert Moody to satisfy a tax n fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Robert Moody. May 8,1884-law4w NOTICE. C. R. Lcsaeur, executor of the estate of Susan' nah Lcsaeur, vs. Ewell Webb, principal, and John II. Sanders, security.—Complaint, in UPWARDS OF SIX THOUSAND IN OPERATION OVER 8EVEN HUNDRED IN CEORCIA MILLS 0y Reference, J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb Manafacturlng'.Compsny,'Macon, Oa Bibb Superior Court. 1 HT appearing to the court that John H. San- ■ ders, one of tho defendants in the above- nsmed cause, is dead, and Wm. It. Banders is administrator on his estate. i It is ordered by the court that said Wm. R. Sanders be made a party defendant to said I suit, and that he being a non-resident a copy of this order be served by publication as pro- scrttHMl by statute. ■ ■ /Signed this 8th day of November^ 1883. t. j. simmon's. j. b. c. A trio extract from the minute, of Btbb Su perior Court, April 3d. 18SI. A. D. ROSS, sprllawtl Clerk. GEORoiATTiTfin COUNTY—Whereas, Geo. Absolutely Pure. This powder neve 7anea. A marvel ol purity, strength, and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with Ranks, administrator of the c.tato of Maiv Ann llmifttou, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. This It to cite and admonish all concerned 1 to be and appear at the court of ordinary of isald county on the first Monday In June next to show cause, if any they cau. why said ap plication should not be granted. Witness my hand and official Mgnatnrc, this March 4,1881. J. A. McMANt’S, mart law3m* Ordinary. ■GEORGIA. BIBR mUNYT.-Whereas, W. R. Roger*, executor of Mrs. B. L. Rodger*, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission, i This Is, therefore, to cite and admonish all person* concerned to bo anl appear at the court of ordinary of said countv on the first Monday In June next to show cause. If any they can, why said of application should not beg t anted. i Witness my hand and official signature, tb March ,1881. J. A. Mel t ANUS. marVlanSn* Ordinary. ■UEOlitflA, Ill'll) COl'STY. Whereas, John the multitude of low test, alum or phosphate powders. Sold coni. Rotal Bakiko Fownai Co. .Whole sale by Jaqnes A Johnson, w Xh P. Fort, administrator of tho cetato of E. D FOR SALE. T3NGINES, Hollers, Saw Mills,Corn Mills, 114 (Cotton Presses, Mill Spindles. Pulleys, Shaftings, Hangers, etc. AU kinds cast- ^Viito for prices on any kind of machine ry. K. D. COLE A CO.. marUwly Nownan, Ga. llugucnln, has made application for letters of dlamlsdon from saidetuto. | This ii to cite and admonish all persons con ccnied to be and appear at tho court of ordi nary of said county on the first Monday in August next to show canse, if any they con, said dismission should not bo gri applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this May 2,1881. J. A. McM ANl'S, my3-law3m Ordinary« a mil, Send six cents for postage, and receive fresa costly box of goods whif.h will bcfpali. of either sex, tc more money right away than anything n this world. Forinue* await the workers r csolutcly sure. At once address True A 0Augusta, Maine febrtwly Libci t r invoice, m oibu superior Court. _ „»t h:s whercatmuts arc totally unknown, . Is tli .tcfore ordered by the court that scivice irfi rtn on the defendant by publ cation Massachusetts ■vmp ijp Myuir** I rooamuj. smut sues HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Rocheiter, N.Y. Chicago. Ill- -THE- THOM AS,. ■■ ; THE BEST It rmctdly and cheaply niltlratca growitur crota,' gsEBifflBlHBE jmlktiioa' WV llave Agents : THOMAS HARROW CO.^'* nearly cirry tmpi -* trt town. ENG! NESTCIWS,SAW MILLS^ET^. PERKINS flKORGlA, BIBB COUNTY-Whcrcas. Mark AW I^nsburg has made application for let ter s of administration on the estate of William Lsnsherv. late of said county- deecascd. This Is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at the court of ordlna- iryof said countyon the first Monday in June |nexL to show cause, if any they can, why said application should not !>c granted. witness ray hand and official signature, this iMayAimi. J. A. Mc.MANUH, my3-law4w Ordinary. COMMISSIONER’S SALE GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-rnder and by vlttuu ol a ileerr* remlertil by the Superior court of,aid county, In the case ol M. H.lyand T. C. Burke, mloitniitrstors, vs. Mary MrJtur- ray, ct «l. will ho sola before tbe court house Bibb Superior Court. In thD court yesterday the flraml jury waa organised with ; Ca|>taln Frank John- •on^as foreman. The following arc tlii jurj: F. 8. Johnson, W. H. Fletcher, John In galls, R. J. Reddy, \V. L. Huncy, R..M. L. Henry, Cbas. B. Mastenhurg, 8. A. C. Everett, Julian Ransome, Rulit. II llnian. John R. Giles. Wiley A. ArooM. J. J Am- ■son, Vi’. C. Timherlake, K. H. Link, C. Balkcora, Jo*. K. Johnson, Matt It. Fnt- man. II. C. Johnson, A. K. Roardman, It, W. Bonner. In tbe casaol John Doe, ex dcra., vs. Moore and wlfa, the Jory brought In a ver dict (or Doe. . Tha eaee of Mrs. M. J. McGvoy v>. W. P. Good all waa dismissed. The remainder ol the day wu taken up with the case ol Mrs, 8. II. Turpin vs, Mrs. Delta Brown. In tha case of Rachel Woodva. Wilson Sawing Machine Company, the jury brought In a verdict for the plaintiff with out damages. In the case ol Cubbedge, agent, vs. Mrs- 8. D. Lowe, the jury brought in a verdict for the defendant. In the divorce suit of Mrs. Oracle Griffin vs. Irvin Griffin, the plaintiff obtained lint verdict. The ctee of Allen Starr vs. East Tennes see, Virginia and Georgia railroad was not 'ided ’ he l-crft ctril on tbe defendant by . -f this order onre a month Inr four month., Indore the next terui of this court, lu the MaconTrlt-Krsjihsn-I Me.M-uxcr, anew,paper - ubllshmt ia Macon, (la Granted. T. J. SIMMONS, ». 8. C. r. J. M. HAI.Y, Petitioner's -Horney. A true extract lieu the minutes of Blbh Su perior <'ouri. A. B, I’.OriH, Clerk, mayjs-lanttm f uue next, during tho legal hours of sale, the iiliowlng deserlbed property to wlt: Tho lorthwest part of Wharf hit No. 30 In the city street and running hack about 230 feet to the | river. Term cash. W. DESSAU, F. J, M._PAI,Y,^m NOTICE. A. J. DnnlcUy, Atliu nUinnur, vs. James Cl lloml etui, trill, etc , In Crawfords uperior Court. March Term, 1 «. crawfoM Huperb r court. March Term. iwri. It a| twanng to the court that John D. Whit- tlnirtou, U'llium W. W Mttinxton. Mlnncmtal Whittington Miri Walter II. Whittington, four o> ilit) •lefciuUnta lu tha above atateri bill, arvi not rcsl'ivutsof thuHtateof Georgia, but arc roMcntv ol the Htntc of Alabama. It la therefore onfereri on complalnant’MB tlon, that service of said bill be perfected upon said defendants by publishing this order In the Te egraph and Messenger (the public ga zette in which the legal advertisements are published for raid county), once a month for four mouths before the uext term of said court, and that said defendants have until and an- aahl next term to appear and swer to sold bill. • T. J. 81MMON8, J. 0. C. A true extract from the minutes J. W. JACK. Clerk. Marrh 21«L l»t concluded yesterday. Iff tho soldiers on Mulberry street, the hone at tached to Dr. Holmes’s buggy became un manageable nnd would have ran nway an 1 caused great Injury to the crowd but for the prompt ana timely interference of Al fred Bowman and R. II. Hart, who caught and held him firmly. have for years. 6 lope; M«dy. v iiiucs i ww. bikucii, miles; Wliltakev,6miles 2laps: UoroaJy, l hi cs 1 lap; Glam, 4 miles Ulaps. Tb* match ol June 7th will take place cm the ball roil* track at tbe park, and it will kwr J the waned end put in goad condition for ealkers. They will atari at 12 o'clock abundance of shade on this t-e kept in full view of the be provi-htl with scats on track. Those of oar boys who desire to walk in he match f- U ■ OS Mi and will who will of the tha 'Compound —Bailiff Jones la beginning to be to well Hgdera that the guilty ■ e great W. Moose." Oar ‘'Treatise on Compound Oxygen,” containing a history of tbe discovery and mode of action ol tills remarkable cura tive agent, anal a large record of surpris ing cures In Consumption, Catarrh, Neu ralgia, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide rang, of chronic diseases, will lie sent free. Address, Dr*. Starkey A Palen, 1100 and UllGlnrdHL, Philadelphia. knoam to tbe offenders that the guilty run at his approach. On Tuesday afternoon he had n mile race alter an escaped con vict, a negro woman named Ann Bligh. Yesterday afternoon he had another race alter a negro named Bob Holley. Bob gave him n chase down into the swamp. tm.T77-iswlm mS-lawtw O. tV. UCHTIN, Commlsatoners. GEOKG1 A, BIBBCOC1CTY.—Whereas. Kish, t Wlnattelil, .limltllltr.lor of the estate ot Lou isa A. Wingfield, deceased, has made applica tion tor teava to .ell four share, ot the Macou Gas Light and Water Company stock. Tbtali to rite and admonish all person, concerned to he and appear at the June tenn, 1MM. ot the rnurt ot ordinary of said county, to show cause. If any they can, why said applica tion should uot be granted. Witness ny hand aud ulttclal signature, this BROS., DIALKKS in all kinds of machinery. The Largest Dealers in the South. SS fl’Sines. Boilera. Saw Mills, Saws, Shingle, Lath, Pianino and wJnnn, a 'r*‘.V '% eel,, D Gri, ‘ and Flouri "0 Mills. Cane Mills, Wagona, Separators, Cotton Gina, Presses, Sulky Plows, Rakes, Reapers and MfjWWWlShafting and Pulleys Steam Pumps. Boiler- Fcedcri, Whi,tles. P Gauge>, Lubricators, Saw Gummcri, Tanite Emery Wheals. Rubber Hose ■- „ /summers, unite tmery Wheel., Rubber Hose and u.|bna. Brass Goods, Piping and Englno Fittings of all kinds. Machinery Oil. Etc. 8 ■WSacond-haod Machinery at low price*. Look to youriaUmt and fat our pc asa l. borlM PERKINS BROTHERS, 39 and 41 West Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, CA. IgSEED^ Mr TtMtokh ami Flower Herd Cat«1o r we>.fHr * H i • t Itilrty yraiV , - a r-. -i t.rwsrwa wUIUMtlfSMWkiaUMrt AImImMw —UtItaEiaat wamaiad *a Labidi tewOS owsxartA r aofar. Ihai aht'-sld UpwrioOi -i. -. I a. I rrt las*. '"Vn 1854-1884 JAMES J. H. GREGORY, Seed Grower. Marblehead. Mass. May 6th. mVy7iaV4W Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE Of Wesleyan Female College Bond. GKoanu, Biaa County.—Will be sold at tha usual place of holding sheriffs sale In said county, on the first Tuesday In June, lafit, ba»| mmiuy. uu iuv tins *u«»i twean legal s*lo hours, at public outcry, and for cash, one Wesleyan Female bond for flvo SILVERWARE! lUiigail, imr nvaicjau rvaaaaau uoiks hundred dollars—number SI—as the property of the estate of JohnT. Coley, late of said coun- S r, deceased. Hold to pay debts, aud for bane- tof legatees of said J. T. “ For Household Use, BIRTHDAY ! Gkoaou, Bibb Coumty.—Whereas, Morris Peyser hae made a appUcatlou Jot exemption WEDDING PRESENTS 1 of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pas* upon the same at to o'clock a. m. on the 14th day of May.UM, at my office. J. A. McMANus, sprit lawlw Ordinary. Large stock and Low Prices. £W.S ih1 for Catalogue. J. P. STEVEXS A CO.. feb8 wly Macon. G.a BibL County Delinquent Tax List. Uibb County Sheriff Gales The following described property remalnlBi deHn-ij^MoMh^M-owmeo^^^^^MU —Yesterday morning, after Mr. Frank as through Scheldeman waa through delivering b.ead to hi# -.uatomers, be drove up before Mrs. King’s store on First street. V.'h'Jj he waa inside hie bone took a notion to go to the stable, and In turning around tbe wagon was turned completely over. This frightened the horse slid he started to run, but we* caught in time. Serious Accident. Dr. Cheatham, of Lamar, Rankin A La mar's, happened toqulte .serious accide ,t yesterday afternoon. While filling a pre scription of ammonia, hartshorn and <-un- pher the phial exploded, hia eyes reeetvii.g the foU contents. It was at first thought they were destroyed, as tbe action of im mixture la both |iowerful and painful; but later it was discovered that they were only •evenly Mistered. Tbe seek lent was un fortunate. ns the Itijnries an necessarily serious. Apt rations of enld water wen made Immedtat. .y and everything done to alleviate the pain. It la to be hoped that the consequence* trill not prove aa bed ns are at present an- wtu not prove i fWrettif Opium Habit Cured. Why will yon use the poison when von can be so easily cured? It will rot coet you hut Uttle more to be treated than to buy the drugs. Read tbe fol lowing: I used opium forty years and waa cured by Dr. W. II. Jones. G. If. SltfVT, Manhullville, Ga. Write to meand I will give you the names of parties In Macon and other place, whom I have cured. All correspondence confidential. W. L. Joxxa, M, D. 187 Fourth street, Macon, Ga. •eplSwly county taxes for the year IH3, or so much of ■aid property a. may be necessary lo dlsrharso the taxes ami charge, doe thereon, or due from tbe owner thereon, at U>4 time ol sale, will be sold during the legal hours ot sale by the sheriff at the court house In the city of Macon on the erst Tuesday fa June. ISM, to-wtt: Also, at tho .ame time and place, one and three^piarter acres ot tend, mere or less, lying In the Vlncville district, adjoining the prop erty of It. C. Lanier, Berry c:lay aud Bailey. Levied on aa the pn>|>erty of Stephen Burnett P> satisfy a tax n fa lor Stats and county lax.* due on said land tor the year IMS against Ste phen Burnt tt. Also, at tbe same time and place, one-foarth of acre, of land lying in tbe vtnevtlle district and krtown as part of lot No. to, adjoining tbe property of Isaac Jackson and Mary Howard. Levied on the property of fiarab llolmes to satisfy a tax fi fa for fttate and county taxes due on sold lot for tbe year 1813 against 0arah Holmes. * \ st the same time and place, ten arret f . , .r. « r ’ «*. lying In tbe Vlnevill** I dU mJutffii. - - property of TUoma- Jorlaaand J*i.» ULeefer. Levied on as th*- no • ty of Robrrt Robluoa to eatiafy a tax h t for rule an ')unty taxes doe on sold lot l . the year 1?M» *'n*t Robert Robfnsoa. Alto. thr . ie and place.lOO acres of land, ljIn :n K it -d district, ndjolnln? tba propert) of J. C. Flynn. Mrs. John <>eo. F. Cbmy- LevUdonastb- .r J. B. LATIMER, lecu * aeon, Go., April 23, lwri. GEORGIA, RIBB CQUNTY.-Wberea^ 0- 0- Sweet, administrator of tbe estate of Jorepb H. HbluhoUer, late of ecld county, deceased, has moilc application for letters of dismission from said estate. Thla U to cite and admooUb all persons con- cerued to be and appear at the court of onll- nary of said county on the first Momlay In July next to show canse, If any they can,wby said application should not be granted, “’’tnrss my band rad official signature, this :b 31.18M. J. A. McMANUi, mar3l-law3m Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of O dinary of Hibb county, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in June, 1AM, at the court house door EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES tbe following property, to-wlt: The house ami lot situate on tbe corner of Oglethorpe and Hparks streets, In the city of Macon, and at present occupied by Dr. J. J. Brantly. fiald lot fronts on Hparxs street seventy (70) feet and runs bark the same width one hundred rad seventy (170) feet to a ten feet alley Also, part of lot No. 5,on the corner of Chest nut street and the right of way of the Atlanta division of the Central fallntod, in said city ol Macon, running one hundred and nine rad one quarter (l«Mi) f«ct along Chestnut street, thence north one hundred and eighty-two (182) feet to the right of way of sold railroad, theuce along said right of way to Chestnut street. Terms of sale, one-half cash; balance at twelve months, with interest from date of sale. W1M.1AM HAZLEIIURMT, administrator, with will annexed of Mrs. Carrlo B. Cold- and county laKt against T< Also, at tho mere oi Joining property of ■ dot on sold land for that and t-U-v ' la East Xaron -list a t- A. k. Small, Nr l Ituaa- •llng D-indv. Lrvtad ou a, ike ' neats to satisfjaux t(a :aj4-lawtw Crnwl'ortl Court' V. . CRAWFORD II. J. ■ts GEORGIA. CKAWF ■ufiwjmgleemae as estate ol Mar, t, I -..-tlr. coantv. deceased. This will cUasUMnoM roncaved to'Show A^UT, U4I. lawlw Ordinary. ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND RINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAR BE SUITED vaMtrracrrxKo sr Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,BaItimore,Md. AND FOR HAIaB DY joniVwl OKO. 8. OBEAR, 110 Cherry Street, Macon On. RCEHOUSES "'ClVfi AWAY.lr. Pfomi- " HOST 5 Uiu.li. -t - • >- consumption, mmmmm s *ao‘— -?■ otf liymtMr.q Htnu. M ’ I • 11 • t» T. A SLOCIM. l». >sw TwvS. I THE BEST It CHIAMtT. ,f " (Ui»r Bilbri o^**»