Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 24, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. ESTABLISHED 1826 MACON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24, • 4. VOLUME LVIII—NO. 47. GOVlRnOR CLEVELAND .c.ULfEO BY A DISAPPOINTED PAR- DON SEFKER. •Jiiards off »"• Blow# and Is Not lr.- w,.d.*Hlt Ae.allant On# Boone, ot Elmlra—AII the Ctrcum- .tance# Recounted. / ftttiOSAnaO TO TH* ASSOCIATED IBM#.] ' , lt 1!iYi jj. Y., October 20.—As Govern- Clevelsnd vrte going from the Execu. tire Man'ion tothe capitol, about 9 o'clock this morning, be was assaulted In f.ont of medical college, on Esglo street, by gamuel Boons, of Elmira, who struck at him with bis right band. The blow was warded off ami the man repeated the at- trmnt several times, without hitting the Governor's face, llo then backed to a t>ile of rabble stones, but was Interrupted L Dr , Ceorge H. Hough on. before he could obtain a missile. 1 ' Boone returned to attack the Governor, «hrn Dr Houghton seized and held him, JK*T(Svarnor Hd.nr.ly reamed hi. * l,ir n r Houghton then released Boone, ■ho neat quietly to hie boarding house, nn Lancaster street, where lie was arrested J titer. Dr. koughton overtook the Ooveruor, *nd converted wltii him brully SgSTS* assaolfc The Governor pro- to the eapitol and went to work, Snudingonly carnally to themattrr to th- attaches of the office. In the police court Boone plftded * not guilty," andI asked for S* 0,1, lo prepare nis ca«e, as he wanted t, tekgrsphh Jcdge Iioardman Smith, of the Supreme Court, to defend him. f h- ooe was put down for Wednesday afternoon, fetne hss been seeking a par don f«his brother-in-law, Byron D. Eair- bsnke. sentence! to two year, at Auburn for shooting Into a cro«daeeemble,l near his bouse on Halloween and'seriously in- iaring a boy. Boone and his wife culled on the Governor at Elmna, daring hi. rt- cent visit to the State fair, and asked for the pardon of Fairb.nka, The Governor salhhewonld look the matter over. When he r- turned -to Albany be communicated with District Attorney Bunchtirld, of Che mung county, who expressed himself ea strongly opposed to granting it, as he did not think there were any grounds of clem- enco. About a week or ten days after the Governor's return hither Boone turned up. The Governor told him he bad not jet reached the css*. Boone made some tbreatenios remarks and retired. He fol lowed ihe G -vernor back and forth to the executive mansion that day, and declared that be would not leave nntil he got the pardou. Finally he disappeared. DEATH OF DR. DUCAS. Hia Life and Services—Large Crowds Attend His Funeral. [special telegram.] Augusta, Ga., October 20.-The distin guished physician and surgeon, Dr. L. A Du gas, expired at 8:15 Sunday morning In his seventy-ninth yew, after an illness of two weeks. lie was bom In Washing on, Go., in 1800, and, after completing his education In America, spent three years In Europe In the prosecution of his medical studies, paying particular attention to the branch of surgery. For a number of years he edited the Southern Medical and Surgical Journal and tributed a large number of valuable and original papers, among which tbo differential diagnosis of the fracture of the shoulder and the heroic treatment of wounds In the abdomen. He la the only physician in America who baa accomplished the ligature of the irchiatlc artery for aneurism. He was of the founders of the Medical College of Georgia and its dean for 20 years. The funeral was from hia residence on Broad street at 11 o'clock this morning,and was largely attended by the citizens, faculties and students of the medical college and Richmond Academy. DESPERADO ARRESTED. FROM WASHINGTON. Th»y are Denied by the Man Acting in His Place—Wormloy'8 Funeral—The Drouth and the Crops—An Armory for 8ale, Etc. ACCIDENT OR INTENTION. A Candidate for Elector on the Democrat ic Ticket Shotln New York by Some One Unknown. New York, October 28.—Wm. B. Fitch, of Kings on, a candidate for Presidential elector on the Cleveland and Hendricks ticket, was shot in the head in this dty on Friday in some manner not yet explained. He is one of the leading citizens of King ston, and is the largest dealer in blue-stone in the State. He has an office at 237 Broad way, southwest corner of Park Place. As the story conus from Kingston, Mr. Fitch' was on the tide «mlk on the block between Park Place and Murray street on Tuesday nfteri.oon ah*»nt hn’f-pn«t three o'clock, when a ballet strack him ,in the right temple and he fell. He either walked or was carried into No. 245 Broad way. where be formerly had an office, and Dr. Farrington, of the Astor Hou r, was sent for. Dr. Farrington examined his wound, and advised him to return to Kingston at once, and postpone the search for the bullet until he got home. At King ston late in the morning ihe family doctor was sent for, and extracted a 22 caliber bullet, considerably flattened. It had struck Mr. Fitch iu front of the right temporal artery, traveled several Inches upward, and imbedded itself in the bone of the skull. The wound is not likely to prove fatal, and Mr. Fitch was doing nicely to night. Dr. Farrington would not speak of the case to-night, saying that all he knew of it C’me to him in bis professional capacity. The police say they made no arrest, and have heard nothing about Mr. Fitch’s Crent.d at Port wo„h to-night that Mr. Fitch bad been seen in his office on the third floor front at 2 o’clock on Friday afternoon, and had left the office not long after to go. *s it was presumed, to Kit gston. Nothing was heard about him after tbaL Yes’erda/ morning the janitor found two blood-stained towels on the washstand. [TELEGRAPHED TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.] Washington, October 21.—Under date of Now York, October 11,1881, Mr. Everett| IP. Wheeler sent the following coinmnnica- Jtion to President A^hur, which was re ferred to the Secretary of the Interior for investigation and report: Sir: Tho business of the Pension Bureau Is very much iu arrears. Colonel W. W. Dudley, commissioner of pensions, lc now ab cut from his post, engaged in conducting the canvass of the Republican party in Ohio, to tho entire neglect of his official duties. We see It pub licly stated and notdenledthathe had given orders that applications for pensions filed by soldiers residing In Ohio and Indiana shall be [taken up out or the order of filing and have S ■reference in their examination over those ■led by persons residing in any of the other [States. As counsel for the Civil Service Reform Association, I respectfully a»k that au immedi ate examination of tho- c charges be made. The theory of tbo laws granting pensions is that these gifts from the treasury of-the whole country are made to those veterans who need them. To use the fears or hopes of faithful soldiers of the United States for the purpose of elsewhere, would be the worst form of brib ery. I respectfully ask you to direct that If any such orders have been given they be re voked, and that applications for pensions be considered Iu their order without partiality or discrimination. Your obedient servant, Everett P. Wiieeler. Th© communication was referred by Act Ing Secretary Joelyn to U. P. G Clark, act ing commissioner of pensions, - ho to-day made a report, in which, after recapitula ting the subject matter of the charges, he says: Upon these points I will state briefly that romralssloner Dudley left this city on or about Heptcmber cd last, when tho duties of the office devolved upon me. Ou or about September 30th, ultimo, CoL Dudley returned toPIhe city, and while here handed you his resignation as commissioner ol pensions, to tike effect November 1st next, lie again left the city on September 10th and returned on the icth of October, Instant. During tho ab sence of the Commissioner of Pensions no pre cedence of action has been given In p nalon cases to those residing either in Ohio or Ibdi- ana. or, in fact, for any purpose within the scope ol Mr. Wheeler's statement: nor have I received from Col. Dudley, either before bis depart ure from the city or during his absence, any orders or instructions relating to this subject, lam not aware, nor have 1 an; reason to be lieve, that any specific instructions to any sub ordinates of the office have been given by t* Commissioner of Pensions w ith a\i»wtn,_ cure such partiality or discrimination in the settlement of pension claims for the purposes Creat Excite —Censure of Governor Ireland. (miGRAPHED TO THE ASSOCIATED PE Galveston, Oct. 19.—A dispatch to the Now from Fort Worth says; After years of watchiog and plotting, some officers from New Mexico last night succeeded iu arresting T. J. (better known as Jim) Ooortright, who is charged with killing leveral Mexicans two years ago near Silver City, New Mexico. Courtright was well knova here, having -«rvod as a. State na««r, detective aud marshal, and was regard'd as or.<- of th - quicker t men on ^triggers” in Texas, ills arrest was effected by strategy. Borne New Mexico rasgers, under the guile of friemtihip, fond him to a room, \\h*re they t . ..n : him with thrir pistols before he was aware of their duplicity, a man named Mein tvre, who assisted, Courtright in killing the Mexicans, was captured in the •smt wey last night at Wichita Fails. The arrests were made under wv Mexican warrants and a requisition from Governor Ireland of Texas. When tbs fact of the Courtright’s arrest was dis covered. great excitement and indignation prevailed, and fllteen hundred persons as- •eirblHl st the hotel where Courtright was soofir.ed and prevented the officers from hiking the night train. It was with great ■nncuJty that the crowd were prevented from r*»cuing Courtright.but he whs finally carried t-i the county jail. A writ of ha was corona ha* been sworn out, and the will take place Monday. Governor ueiann it severely censured for his ncllon, havingonor promised a citizens* con mit- •w tint he wuld never alga a requisition warr.nL OUCITSiaHT ESCAPES. Oalterto.». October 20.—A special dia p«eb m tbs AVirs from Fort worth say a: J»« tour:right, the famous detective, ar- *2 ,« 0 night by State rargprs aid ulHcer* from New Mexico on n war- £J 1 for WM«f, escaped from his captors JJri *y«mig. fhe offiwrs, against th«- Jberiffa nrotest. too* Courtright to a res- :* 0f * n ) w brt^kfaet and dinner. A large •JJ® Wlowed the prisoner to hia meals, in th»evening the guards --*«n breusbt SjKjfffl* .for hopner. Home , of the Pjjoow • friends bad bung two Urge pis- hia the table where the prisoner UJ H*ht the Other meals. One of the SX^rtood vaguely on the outside where* seiz'd the weapons, jgvvred the two remaining guards to the goor. jumped on a horpe it. waiting and «Jfdown the street in the prtsaaew of a bad witnessed every Prisoner’# friends h an per- dBter# In Immediate pursuit by £2*“»Rin. The escape created treinen- J*j»«*citemeot. Jim McIntyre, accused g.Pwgrtct*. «>• UTMti Lt ir.lajr StthiiS** 1 * F “ IN ’ "' , ' 1 *•» brought itm.«.t J »-,,r,»,l.„ ol uL? w,r * Dot -*»'•-'> for ti>. nmrdtr Bilrtr City, bat for tho two Aaurianx nunod (iroo.- S 1 . mu Alhaq .cma* whom Dior rc SJBfji'lt h»»inii tint arre,icl offl- l«W xml thou ttellb trote'y mar- IntntUdony; Thi ’ ch ‘ rg * ^«ttt iri S Ul'» DEATH OF JAMES WORMLEY. A Colored Men Who Made the Fame of One of Washington's Hotels. Washington, October 18.—All Ute hotels iu the r'ty are display leg flags at half mast in honor ot a colored man, James Worm ley.proprietor of Womley’a Hotel, who died to-day In Boston at the age of sixty-five. Mr. Wormley was one of the richest, most enterprising, intelligent and respectable colored men In the district His parents were free negroes who came to Washington from Virginia early in the centurv, and here James was horn. His father kept a livery stable, and the lad bepan hia career on the box. He then catered for the clnb known as the Metropolitan Club, and sub sequently ran a boarding home, which grew eo large that in 1871 it blossomed out as • hotel. Wormley’# Hotel, on the corner of Fif teenth srri H streets, has for many years been regarded as the finest In the city. It haa been patronised by the Kus»Un. Aus trian. Turkish. English, Mexican, Chilian, Spanish and Japanese Legations, and by very many diatinguiahed Americans. Charles Sumner took great interest in the enterprise. And in gratitude for this assist ance Wormley bau a fine oil portrait of Sumner painted and hang in bis chief par lor. which is known as theHumner parlor. In this room the remains of the late pro prietor are to lie in state on their a* rival to-morrow. Gen. Hancock, Rose )e Conk- ling, August Belmont, and hundreds of other promlneut persons always stop at Worm ley’s when in Washington. WEST VIRGINIA ELECTION.* The Democratic Majority Reduced to About j.OOo—Krpjoiican Cams. WiiBBLivo, October 11—The Democratic majority in Wrat Virginia will not be far from 3,tiGO, A total of 130,000 votes were cast. The Democratic vote exceeds that of the last election by 16,000 aud tha Re publican by 33.000. a Republican net gain of 10000. Deducting the Greenback vote ot the laat election (9,000) l be Republican gain is 8 000 over the combined Greenbtck and Democratic votes. The Democrats are having a jollification to-night over this victory. The following dispatch was y»| ceivea here at 1 this morning; Charleston, W. Va.. October 17.—L men! has dooe the business Wilson's major ity will not exceed 2^00 and wtll likely go un derit I>. (\ Gall&oiirr, Secretary Democratic State Committee. Th* retu* ns of the several counties In this ('be First or Pan-handle) Congrrs- sional district show a majority for Wilson (Democrat) for Governor of 780. In tha same counties at the last Gubernatorial election there was a majority against the Democrats of 714. An o»her Unlucky Ship for Uncle October 17.—The Hr,I *u to to.2V r ,‘ 1,, P** c * 1 . ""•» «■« A:l LIiIreminently ch&rac- ?“:, b ■ ~ti— ••• >•» tSSSSyStohlz*. On the Btllp'. trial. ™7**Twt »h. bruin th. ,5 Vet ,,[ 1 factory, which ha. been that down far iix ^ i,i«h.p , e,.ur. i ™ worn wutt failure. •»m«de tfc.,tipo| a ,.,i 15 Vnoti A Trtpl. Ira..#,. Ka*., Ostnher 20 , •• «'| iron moul kr, y.- ,nq t , r 1 ",""' 1 » M| -> #t, th,., , I*". then,hot dyini; in.t.nUy ,(/ Mr., l|*d l-'. n ■ om.r, »,n Jni.H jnHSiMjUnsb, bat left b, ™ - tl. .t her In THE AUCUSTA COTTON MILLS. Work Resumed at a Creat Reduction of tne Employes' Wages, RAPE TO TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.]| , j .u'jMu, October 19.—The Enterprise eeks, wifi commence running on full time morrow. The AagusU and King Mills i running on full time. Wages have *n reduced 25 per cent. The three mills ploy 1.800 hands. The Sibley mill, ich employ 000 bands, is undergoing re- ira from the recent fire, and is having (a<i licional machinery put In. The Alger ! non mills, which have been shutdown for [scwrnl weeks, will sooir commence run- ning at r. tin.v.i wages. All the mills can -Rirh-J run >m fall timi*. m.-* t t.i»* «.f terdav | trad* ami come oat even in the depresie«l board- conditiou of the cotton goods trade. All im*e f ill*- mill men h< \ * t * k* . , . ... : .• • f i! Both i t'me at the r*«lu .-,1 w.t;. Waddy ; ■aother wif- bmbMMi. ■ ' «»mt«i« inMdtv. ^1. l,Ut referred to by Mr. wteeler. 8nehdl,ciliuln> lion, tothe drtrlrecnt of other. t q.Uyde- terylnt, would b. loerlmln.hy unju.t th,, I may be pardoned In empbarizlng my d> nlni, ,0 far .. mj n tlon. or inowledee even, etn SO thet any luch fnvoritl.m hit, Ucn shown, eyen.Im.ywdd, by Lndtreetton. I un, very respectfully, O. P. O. Clark, s Acting Commissioner, Mr. Clark’* letter is accompanied by a number of tahnl&tcd exhibits, showing the work of the petition office in detail. TttX CREAT DROtiTH. An officer of Ute signal service said to day, relative to tbelongcontinacd dro'ith, thet during September it existed in ell «e;. tlone reel of the Missis.I,,pi velley end in TegM. Generel rein, here-fetten daring Oetober in Tennessee, the Ohio reiley end Ihe l ike region, but the drouth continued in the Middle Atlantic, Boulb Atlantic eud Gulf Statu. The little rain that be- (alien baa pot been Mjfflclent to do any good to crops hi this section. At Atlanta Ga. rain baa not fallen for over two months, and it is estimated that the cotton crop in that vicinity will fall abort' 40 per cent. Nc.»r Shreveport. La.. It la estimated that tbe Colton crop alii bennfy two-thirds of an average. In the vicinity of reterabnrg. Va., It has be come necestary to eloae tbe cotton facto ries, on accouul of tbe ec-rclty of water. Tbe t-IBcer renorta Indication! of a light rain in tble vicinity aoon, and aaya there is a heavy rain atorm in tbe like region. There bee been no rain r.f conet qnenre in or about Washington for nearly three months. The .bade treea along thsstrrels and in the park, ere showing tbe effects ol tbe long continued drouth. Thegret- In many pieces ie dead and In several In stances it bts burn.il, when acciien,ally IIred, lika the dry gran of the prairies, SALS or oovbs.smext raortBTT. The government property at Harper’s Ferry will be sold at public auction to morrow afternoon. The etle will be con ducted by Mr. Rubin,on, acting solicitor uf the treasury. The Indications are that several manufacturers of Philadelphia will bid on tha property. Congress fixed the minimum price of the property tl 120,0.0. A MSB DESERTS HU VOST. Solicitor General Phillips left Washing ton this evening Tor KorUi Carolina, where be will enter Ihe campaign in tbe Interest —' uiv Kttpuoiiueo pariy. WORMLEY*# rCNERAL. The funeral of James Wormley, late pro prtetorof Wormley’a Hotel, in this city, took plica tbta afternoon. It was largely attended, many prominent persons Iwing present at the hotel, where tbe burial aervieeu wen held. Among them wen- members ot ell the foreign legations in the city, army aud navy officers, ntetuh-rt of Cougress and other well-known people. Allbough tbe dreea-ed was a colored man. the parlor of the hotel, In which tbe tervi ces were held, was thronged principally with white people, moat of them ladies, end prominent white sad colored people accompanied the remain! as paU-beartrs The tervlcea al tbe hotel were conducted S Rev. Win. Waring of IbeBerean Baptist urch. and Rev. Samuel Jamer, of Bethel. There was a profusion of floral tributes, from friends of tbe deceased, in and about tha casket, tha moat striving of which wae starve pillow of white ratal, bearing the Inscription “KoOrdinary Man." in violets. Tbe active pallbearers were John P Cook, John T. Givin, Isaac Lardie. M. W Galt, ex-Mayor James 0. Berret, Hon, Blanche K. Bruce, Henry Burch. R. H. Cleave-, Chiaf Justice Carter and Carter A. Stew art. The Interment of the remains was made in Harmony Grow,. H TAMMANY'S RATIFICATION. Immense C»owdo and Crvnt Enthusiasm —Bayard and Thurman Speak. [TELEGRAPHED TO THE ASSOCIATED PBESf.l New York, October , 21.—Imm?n*e crowds, of people assembled to-night in and about Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets and Irving place, to attend tbe great Tammany ratification meeting There was speaking from six or seven di*. ferent stands in that part of the city, but the principal meeting was in Tammany Hall, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. Mayor Edson, who presided, read letter* from a number of prominent Democrat*, ard. after bri**f remarks, introduc' d to the audience aa the first speaker Senator Bay ard, of Delaware, who received enthusia* tic greeting*. Rarely haa any sp»-ak»t met with such a welcome in tbit city. At almost every sentence he was inter rupted by applause, which at the close of his addret* swelled into a great outburst of exci craenL ID was followed by ex-Governor John B. Car- roll,of Mary land,and ex-Sen a tor Thurman both of whom were cheered. Resolution* were unanimously adoplflfl hdutijsy Cleveland and Hendricks and the Tamma ny nominations for city officers and judge* ot the Court of Appea s, aud commending them to all who desire good govern ment and who are interested in bav ing offices filled by m*n of m r*»l courage, unwavering honesty and faith fulness to tbe trusts oomuiited to .bcir care. During the speaking a mon ster procession, consisting ■ more tba • 20,000 torch bearers, marched pait Tam many Hall and the several on'xidt* Hand and filled ail that part of the dty with the glare of torches and fire w<<rks and the roar of continuous cbeerirgEf ■ - . A DRUNKEN LESPERADO Takes Possession of a Ralh, nd Train A Passenger Murdered. [lELEGRAIDED TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.| Chicago, October 22.—A dispatch to tbe Daily News from Cairo, III., says: passenger jost in reports a frightful oc currence on a Paducah and Memphis train Sunday pigbL Herman Marshall, of Dyeribargh, Tenn., wa.*« on tbe train, drunk, and went up and down the aisl*- with a knife in his band, threatening tv- erybedy and indulging in frightful obtcei - ity. Finally be insulted u man named Boone Hulifethies, of Mayaville, Ky., who struck him. Marshall cut and slashed HuMethles's brad, face and shoulders tn a sickening manner, and tb<* latter at last turned and ran out upon tbe platform, wbers Marshal! followed huu. plunged his knife into his bowelt and threw the bleeding man from the train it passed over a bridge, the victim falling fifteen feet. The train backed up. and the wounded man wss taken up barely alive Marshal continued bis promenade through tbe car, daring anyone to touch him, and no one daren. He wa« not arrested. MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. Churches, Schools, R* s'aercesnr a Man ufactories Bur* • o—Th* Los* Falls on Tn,.». Who C *ul» Least Afford it—• he loss. Money Collected and Wo*k Done During th* Ln»t Year. [telegraphed to toe associated PRE1S.] Boston. October 22.—'The American v U sionary Aasocia ion began its annual aion ai Salem yesterday. The uaociation immblcd at the Tahernu ’echurch, where the first foreign mfaskm sties wcrec<mse- crat*Hl in 1812. Ex-Governor u ashburm- presided. The treasurer's report showed receipts during the year of 8287.591 and expenditures of $301 831, showing a defli lc of over $14.0 0. Th- omnditee a>kcd lor $100 a day during the coming year, Six new churches have been established in the south the piAt year. 8t. Louis, October 22 —Reports present ed at the session of tbe Christian mission hoard showed favorable pregrese of mis sionary work in all thefiiates represented R. N. Chamberlain, colored, a teacher from Jamaica, addressed the convention on tbe work on that island. H* said there was now eight churches on tbe island, with a membership of 1,500. Hera«>m- mended that measures be taken for train ingvoung colored men ns pastors and teachers, and for the education of yonng THECAKTHAUE Fi-E the 15 —'Th* future - u .‘“•u have bran obtai**d for aw •712?“ Tb * »«-ck» «»w In .ViV^wfwKaenra. Itfeeorai -laroatMi. Th« mill, It •ffeauBN? ' m -* o*PWl. L.rwl t, .Jt 1 **«•••»'. It At..t al.:. *t ul A Mob FoliaH, M km ruts, Tenn., October 29.-A. mob cf . m i-krti men yesterday, at Benatobia. Mi -., alter, |,t*il to tak* Samuel and irhak—peare Frauklin, two negroes, /fpm I the j*il ami lynch them, bat Wem ore* , vrr,!*,| by fcheriil Jeff Williams, aldr.r by I l:M ,i*|Kiiy. Jell Veaey. Tbe negroes had , r* t puy been sentenced to long terms Id tii** peuifentur* for poiioning flvs mem- ’•era of tbe family of C. Smith, lif ing near S*r:at**bia. The mob broke down tba outer ]%il *l«(or, bat wetm fired npi*n by tbe sheriff and finally retreated. salt of the ns. O.. against toe Cincinnati 8 .uihern Railway Company, to recover a sum of money which the hank had loaned the f ormer secretary of the railwav company, Gen. Doughty, who is now dead, for which he dept sited as ‘'.oliateral certitt cates of sto k ol tbe Cincinnati 8out< eru railway, which since his detlh have bm-ii shown to be an overissue of stock, without the approval and cousent of the direc tors of the roaa, made clandestinely by Dough ty. The verdict gives tbe pia ntiff. the principal loaned on these col at*ral ceitlfl- cates aud Interest thereon to date. A for mer rate wm brought ii: the Superior Court, and resulted ton disagreement of the jury. Tuts is one of nunicr<)u« suits involving claim* aggregating $300000. and is tbe first iu which a dMsion has been rendered. The* case will be taken to a higher court. An Express Office Robbad. Boston, October 22.-A Woou«ocket, R. I.. dispatch says: Tbe Ideal office of thr Adams Exon as Company was enti re*! some time during last nteht by burglars, who rifled tbe safe of $11,000 in coupons and bonds and $1,000 In bank notes, both packages belonging to tbe Woonsocket In stiturion for caving*. The coupons and bonds were left with tbe express com pany’s agents to be forwarded to the Fr»t Natioral Bank of New York, and tbe bill* to be forwarded tothe NsvockBank of Boston. Tbe packages were torn open nnd the wrappers which contained the' bonds and bills were found lying on* the floor b« fore tbe safe. Tbe duors of the office were all found locked Ibis morning and the door of the safe, which is an old- fashioned one, was found closed but not locked. _ An Insane Murderer Suicides. Chicago, October 21.—A special tothe Journal from Viroqua, Wie., says: John Anechka, a German farmer, who murder ed hia aged wife on Sunday, was found iu tbe wo ds yesterday, nearly froxen to death and a raving maniac. He was placed in jail, and later, on becoming more rational, was told of his crime. During the night ha committed suicide by hanging. Fatal Boiler Explosion, New Orleans. October 21.—A special to the Tim*$-Democrat from Columbus, Miss., eajs: The boiler of tbe Coiambus fl wir ing mills exploded this morning, killing tbe engineer and mortally wounding the fireman both of whom were colored. The explosion was beard all over tha dty. It was erased by the fireman attempting to pump water in tbe red hot boUsr [TELEGRAPHED TO TIIR ASSOCIATED PRESS.] Watertown. N. Y October 21 —The Carthage fir** wax ill* n«»M du-MMroua that hnt ever visited fids part of the State. It began in a ro*of uiam facturing building* the west sid** of Black riv*-r, and a heavy wind blew sparks for half a mile across the river end two islatifls, which were filled with mat ufacturiog i< st it u Hons. Kvorything on the Mauds was burned and he Pre s rack into the resi dence part of the town and *wept the hui’dings from ahou* xeventy-five acre*. This was the o!d**»i part of U e town «nd contained beautiful rh-deri etreeis with fine buildings, hui ueday thin territory mass of Miiouldenog ruins. One hundred and xevonty dwe ling* were burned, besidea iiianufaciuiltig institu tions. tbe Kpiitcooai, P e-hyt*-ri**i», Bip- list and Dixoip e>* «' urch** . The 'own h-II.the acsdeut> and M'lxioi builduiKt were boned. Tbe fiiexort-Md so rapnlly that very Mtle hnu-ebo d gtHHin count he saved. The fire depNr(in**n s from W-.lertowti Lowvilie. Out ervHleat-d ITiica ***xp ndc*i t * tbe call for help, *>ut as 'be li ** would break out in a dozen different ulaos it once, the aire>«mi«fr<Mii txeenai e- were o' little avail. The y«r*»a wer»* filled *ith dry leave*, which, fight*d by flyii g rindere and fanne<l by a stiff breeze, were coon in a blaZ-*. There were • *oe liUndreddwellingM fire at t e ean-e time. The people worked h. rd f* *r s*-v* ral hour** to save i heir pr«. p*$t.V.' Then Iliev became i anij- *t icken. end all last night hundre la ot them w*re roaiidi g ih* street* or *yn g in spots whhh the tire bad not r. uched. every pi tee of rheher in (tie vdlage being filled with women and children A large number of i>e* pie were brought Pi tld» ci'y, whert* *bey t ad friends to care lor hem It in in p gMble t* pictuie the scenes of ye-terdny ufierno<<n and »dgh». Strong men we e wet-ping n» d women and children cryii g a- «he\ re» izeii 'hatevery thirtg they po***s*ed wax ceing awept away. Moat *»f th**se *h<* lost *t aelhnes o»ncd them, bsvii g aecored th m by ti*c savings of many year*. Not one of tho burned out wax able to stand the La Tbe manufacturer* wh • suffered were d'dng busines*, and bid orders ahead to keep them gidng all winter., They caun* t resume without outside help. I he p opig a r e thus thrown out of employment wiih tbe lo*s of a 1 th*-y had. and *id bav-- to snfler unless aid la r»nder«-d. a commit, tee has been f.irnu-d iu thin city >o sdiniu irter It mporary rel *f. and « v»*r $1 (00 whs rahei in an hour. Work on ihi- m e will be continued until ehelter i» provided for Ibe hoiu»l**s, i-eople. Money will he sent to Allen K Kafiey ai.d C. P Riiher. of Carthage, who can be safe y tru-ted to l*Mik oiler the wa"b of the people. No one was burned *o death, but a score of people were badly burmd. including firemen. The Ins* will fo«>t op over $500 000 The insurance cannot be mated, hut tne sg* nt« say it will not re*cb one-thud of that amonnL Utica. N. Y., Oct*>ber 22 -The to'al loss by the Garbage fire ta $5fO, 00 Tbe in •urance is $143 60'. divid.u among the to'* lowing cnni[iaid*ni: Lo »di*n and La»ca shire. $0 075; Harifi»r->. of Ha*tford $12 487; FrsUkHn. of 1'biUcelohI*. $3 637; II mover, of New Y*»rk- $42.50H: Fire Amu Clarion of Phi aitelibi". $-*>30O; Conti nental, of New Y**rk. $18 140; Live-poo! and L/mdon anl Globe. $20uO; Royal, of IJverpool. $10050; Wes'Chester of Ne« York. $16525; Niagara. **f N*-«* Yo*k $14. 825; Pine ix of riartmrd.$2,400;lf* tubing- Bremen. $1 1141; Manufsciurers. of Boston. $2,000; New York B*.wery. $1 700 Tberr were 202 building* t urned, of wh<cb 108 were dwellings, four churches, two schools, one opera bouse, one sP*re. one village hall, one wagon shoo, one hotel, and tbe remainder tuamifsctoriea and barnr. Tbe iirin* Ipal losers are Me>era. Ko*s A Co . $5 000, no Insurance; F«rrer A Son, $5 0 0, “ insurance; Fred Guy on, $7000' Guyot, $8500 no in-urance; Charier Rutter. $1.0 0. no insurance; Itvibnr A Pringle, $75.0(0. lusura c* $I7,* 109;Cartilage Iron C**iuiMuy, $0)000. iu suranre $10(00; L. If. Mills. $17 200 In. ■urance $2,700. Tire P e-bv teriaii, Bap tist. Kpi-copal and D.octplet' churohe* were burned, ’t ge'h-r with the opera tmuse. town haU aud sch*ad b'*u«e. Car thage has subscribed $1 009 and Wa'er- town $2,000. Many (ami lea are burnt 1*as. Minister 8ad>y Murt»»The Hcliness Meetings Continue/ [SrECI AL TELEGRAM. | Augusta, Ga., October 22.—This morning, as the Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, accompanied by Dr. E lward Barry, waa proceeding from his residence, In Bummcrsville, to Mr. Henry P. Moore’s plantation to officiate at tbe burial fcervlc© of Mr. Jamta Coley, who died on th^ place, ibe hone became frightened at some object opposite the United Btateaanen land darted oft'down the road at a prodigious rate. Both gentlemen were hurled violently from the baggy, and It Is feared Mr. Pinkerton was dangerously injured, three of hia *lbs having been broken. Dr. Barry escaped with slight bruises. Po liceman Jepktni happened to be near the fcccuo of the accident and rendered timely aaalstanco. In front of the R v. Mr. Lamar’s bouse tho runaway collided with the delivery wagon of Heins Bros., causing their horse also to take flight. The cocsequcnce was a general smash-up of the vehicles and the death of Heins Bros', horse. The interest In the holiness meetings seems unabated Tbe street demonstrations have been discontinued, bnt Ft. John’s Methodist church is thronged nightly. Many converts have been made and a number sanctifled. COTTON FUTURES. An Augusta Decision of Importance to Dealers In Them. [TELEGRAPHED TO THE ASSOCIATED FRE88 ] Acgusta, October 22.—In the case of the National Bank of Augusta against Robert Cunningham, in the tiuperior Court, being a suit for tbe payment of a note of $3 500 given by the defendant to Warren, Wallace & Co. and discounted by tbe Na. tional Bank, based, it is alleged, upon iutures in cotton, the note being given by Cunningham to a commission merchant to cover margins, the court charged that if the tr«n«action was a speculation in futures the note was void in the hands of a:l parties, whether innocent holders or otherwise, and the jury found for - he defendant. Judge Roney, In charg ing the jury, held that if part of the con ■ideration was legal and part illegal, that .•art should stand. This case has excited mu h «'iriiiii.ri, Imvii i: lift'd 1- for.- tin- courts for some time. The Supreme Court hus also decided that future contracts are ' illegal and void In deliv ering his opinion, Justice Bland ford speaks of faro, brag and poker lam**, ip-ntle, MjhmiM-iv** nninmN cour iered to this monster, future speculation, which be characterized as a ferocioos beaat allowed to stalk about iu open mid day, with gilded signs and flaming advrr twn cnH, tn lure uiiIih: pv \icimi to i’.s embrace of death and dettrucUon. Mr. CeorgVa Speed. London, October 18 —Mr. W. G. George, the amateur runner, continues his at tempts to beat previous records. Today be foiled to lower •*De«rf'<jit’a M famous t>a*f..nuance of 11 miles 050 yards in one hour. Mr. Geor«e showed a great im provement in hia appearance since fiis last attempt, when be was said to be fine drawn, and looked fit, strong and well trained There was little wind and the weather was warm and pleasant. number of wellknown runners selected to set the pace for George, one of whom was always near him forcing him forward and encour aging nim to his utmost speed. For the first two or three miles be did well, but when be had accomplished nine miles be was so distress**] that he left tha track. His time for the nine miles was 40 minuUs 48 2 5 seconds. When Mr George had sufficiently recovered be was presented by the Lady Mayoress with a gold medal aa an acknowledgment by tbe citizens of London of his abilities and hontaty in all his attempts si an amateur rnnner. Mr George sails shortly for Australis. These are Solid Facts. The beat bUhid purifier and system r.-gu- 1 lator ever place*! within tbe retch of suf- [ ——** ferine humanity, truly is Electric Bittarj. nm" 1 ** «•****• H- Dsfie, were InacueitrolUM Mr, bUiitoeneee, lean-1 fret j.i' »' IK.. b»d. d ; ee, rortitipetioi, weak kidneys, or any ——— diseases of the urinary organs or wh*aver —Carlyle's opinion of tbo literary reqairtc an appeUsar^tooic or mild atimu-1 ealUwt M wed • »— •—t lent,willelwajefln*l Kectrie U tters the' * and oaly certain cure isoti, f.»«y A Magnificent Bequest. Watieburt, Conn., October 18.—Miss Carrie Welt* n, who was recently frozen to death wbBe as rending Long’s Feak, Col. leaves a two hundred thousand dollar le " ■ an A Tiniedy In Cftattccsa Count.. llLtXTi Os.. October 21 —In Centraifa Met eTening Mbs Jane Ward and J. R. Dorsey, • wealthy merchant of Cbattocg onunty, accusedo< enaplicity in tb. i*cent Prospectir. Brtn.atoom Shot. Riciimoxd. Va . OctoL.r aL—Kdward O. Fitaarrakl. Jr, atclnttn ly .h it hintarlf in tne lira t ui day. and n ay • te front thr .ffreta of ih. wiittittl. -■ e waa to iiavr been married this rrenlntr to Mit* Lilie t.arrininiin, Oeuynirr ol M.y.tr O'.rrlne- ton. Ki'uicr.M had been engayed in puking bi. trunk, pr.peral.try bt, wediling trip, whan, la ruppoied, tn leaning orer th« trunk tn put his pl-'nl In it the weapon w», dleoliarr-.l. Hie mother ami nrniuer tied Itt.t left h ui, amt be wit in . joyous lift ,1 oyer bts approaching in.tr* riag*. Tbe bell lodg'd So or about tbe root ot hi, tongue. Demcoratlo Gains In Baltimore. Baltihou. October 22. The regular an nual .lection uf member, ol tbe first branch of tbe city o-uncil took place to- dee, the branch con.ieting of one member from rub of th. twenty ward, nt the dty. Ttte Democr*u elected eigh teen member* and tb# RcpnUicana two, the Democratic m»j rite on the total sole in tba rity being 0607. The prreent •.ranch, tbe term ul winch expire, with the <11.rent month. otnUte of ten Drtno- crate and tab Fu*i .not., co.t.poeed of ,ix K. publ cans aud lour Inriei.ei d.nt Demo- crate. Tbe Democratic m j irity then we. 3.470. which thow* a Democratic gain of otter 6,CM). A Ratlrcnd Prlnow Dethroned, Hi, career wee short and wonderful Ho rote from alm-wt nothing and breams thr president of tererel great railroad*. 8od- denly hia doctor* command hint to retire from burineta. if be would >*ve b a life. Orerwork did ih Be wiee before over work gets tbe belter t f you. Take Brown’, Iron Bitters and keep up your itrcogth end your n. rre tone. K Meyer, 231 11a- ronn. street, New Orlean,. aaye, "Noth ing helps me like Brown'a Iron Bittere. It act* like a charm.” POLITICAL EVENTS, Hs is Heartily Denounced by the New York Lnbor Party—-Mr. Hendricks at Chicago—-Nomi*'atiors for Con mro as—Notes. [lELEG RA PII ED TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. { New Yoke, October 22.—General Butler arrived in bis special car in Jerfey City bis morning. He was driven over to the Fifth Avenue Hotel in this city, where be remained during the forenoon. At 1 o’clock this evening he started for Boston. He will retnrn the latter part of this wh»1c and re time his tour of the State. 1 A committee from the National Labor party this morning called at the Demo cratic national headquarters and presented to tho natiooal committee the following resolutions, adopted by th«-m at a meeting held in Clarendon Ifa.'i last n'ght: Yt* alette a Benjamin F. Butler Is traveling through this State, masquetndlug as a Protec tionist and a friend of the workingmen, bo it Resolved, That wo coll the attention of workingmen and anti-monopolists to tho fol lowing facts that prove him to be a monopolist and an enemy of labor: 1. His whole career in Congress was that of a greedy, unscrupulous tool of monopolies, a ia ary crabber and rallrood, bonk and corpor ation advocate. 2. He only left the old parties and accepted the nomination of the Greenback and Anti- Monopoly paitlcs when he bad outlived all holies of reward from tho Democrats and Re publicans, and coming into the labor move ment at the eleventh hour to reap the reward of other men’s labors. 3. Ue Is not a protectionist, and he ran for Governor of Ma sachusetta and was elected as a revenue reformor on a free trade platform. All his letters end speeches In that campaign were In favor of free trade, and his manager. Colonel Plympton, and hl« co-reformer Grady aro zealous free traders. 4. When Governor of Massachusetts ho signed a bill to employ convicts at shoo making, in the face of earnest protests from the voters of that State, and ve ined a bill to limit the hours of lat*or of chil dren In mines and factories. He a’so employ ed the pauper labor of Italians In cleaning tho streets of Boston and otl»- r public works of that ttate, to tho Injury of the laboring cla‘ses, end in other ways injured tho work- in men of Massachusetts when lie had p olit ical power, instead of recommending meas ures la their interest, w hich he now claims should be passed for the beuciit of working men. 6. Gen. Butler attended tho Democratic na tional convention as a delegate and a I) Min eral, and pledged hts delegation to support th< uy Congressional Minorities In Ohio. Columbus, October 22.—The following are the majorities in tbe several Coogrrs -ional > 1 -1rit• t» : First district, B* n But- terworth (Repub’ican) 1.GG5; Second dis trict. Charles E. Brown (Republican). 2.098; Third district. James E. Campbell (Democrat). 4,012; Fourth dls'rict. C. SJ. Anderson (Democrat). 319; Fifth district, Bvn Lefevre (Democrat), 5 122; Sixth dis trict, W. D. Hill (Democrat). 3,531; &-venth district, George E. 8ency (Demo crat). 4 OOC; Eighth district, John Tuttle (Republican), 7548; Ninth district, W. C Cooper (Republican), 1830; Tenth dh- trici, Jacob Ilouteis (Republican). 229; Eleventh district, W. W. Klshury (Demo cr-t) 410; Twelfth district W. C. Thomp son (Republican), 2,8^: Thirteenth dis trict, J II. Outhwalte (Democrat). 4 829; Fourteenth district. C. 11. Grosvenor (Rc- puhUcan), 5614; Fifteenth district, B. Wilkins (Democrat). 3,018; Sixteenth dis trict. Georwe W. Gtdries (Democrat),734; S**ven'e**nthdistrict. O. J. Warner (Demo crat) 2 7; Eighteenth district, J. H. Tay lor (Republican), 6,153; Nineteenth (ifa- trict. E. D. Taylor (Republican), 13 097; Twcnti- th district, W. McKinley (Repub lican), 1 231; Twenty-first district, W. A. For an (Democrat). 1,270. Boone Declnrsd Sons. Albany, N. Y.. October 22.-Three phy sicians examined Boone, Gov. Cleveland's asaallsnt, this morning aa to bis sanity, they declare he la sane, but'is laboring under severe nervous excitement and is liable to do violent ants, Albany, October 22.—Boone, tbo assail ant of Gov. Cleveland, waa arraigned be fore Justice Guttmsn at tbe police court at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The court mom was thronged by an anxious crowd. Boon**, who looked careworn, asked and O brain I'd permission to make a statement. He said ba bad been greatly worried over his brother’s case, and hadi scarcely slept for several nights. He admitted bis con duct bad been hasty, and said he was sor ry for wbat he bad done. He also insisted that be never Intended doing the Governor any harm. Justice Guttmau said he had received a letter from Gov. »lev* Und, stating that he bad no desire to prosecute tbe prisoner, and recommend ing lenieucy. Boone was then discharged. He. with bis wife and falber-in-law. left thtk evening for home. An Alleged Faith Cure. Chicago. October 19.—rhe inhabitants of Watertown, Wis , are just at present areally interested over tbe alleged faith cure* of W. H. Bulkney, a harnest maker, of No 17 Q iincjr street, In tbl* dty. Mr. Bunkteybaa been mentioned frequently in the city papers as having performed miraculous cures by tbe laying on of hanJs and prsysr. On Friday evening he began bolding meetings In the Bsptist Church at Watertown, and his first meeting created tucb sorpn-e that it was made the subject of epeciat dispatches to tbe Chicago pa pyri. Tbe most noticeable instance was the rare of Miss Ellen Buehle, of Water loo, Wis. Consumption bad io reduced h*-r strength that she bad to be carried to ihe altar. The harness maker placed hi* bands oo her bead, prayed for and with her for a few minutes, and at the conclu sion she rocs aud walked witu a firm and steady step to her seat. Miss Buefa e da- dares she is entirely cared. ,— The Mother Hubbards In Chlongo. Chicago, October 20.-An order baa been issued from tbe Harrison street station to all females In that district oot to wear Mother Hubbard dresses on tbe atreer. All females found violet ng 'he order will be si retted in future. Mamie Allen, tbe first v ctim. was fined $10 to-day by Justice Foote for weering ols oMbe tabooed gar rnenta. Mamie is a cream and cuffte col ored damsel, and her dress was white flan nel trimmed frith black lace. candidates nominated there, and pe stated that he would support Bayard or Thurman, both free traders, If cither was nominated. 11c hotted tho convention whet he could not dictate, on tho lying pretext that the Democratic party refused to adopt a labor j.l.tnk in i;- |i!itti,irm. m thr face * f thr hot that tha commitUeon resolutions placed in the platform every plank asked for by the ti i party. Resolved, That we denounce Benjamin F. But!, r it- a frii'.d ,n.<l imp- ‘•ter. nnd nd\ i-<- all _ s. Car Drivers’ Union, Chairman. JN". .1. i'w vn.v< ii. Pres. Engineer*’ Union, Ftctclary. HENDRICKS AT CHICAGO. Chicago October 22.—Hon. Thos. Hen dricks spoke here to-night i-n invitation of tin* trade iifiii labor m II•• arrive.1 at I' i m m this ii nrni At tuum aliMit 3,000 workmen and rv.-identa of that Mib- urt» ni.il tin* loans of K**n- Singtoa und Rotciai.d a-M rubied in front -•t his bo cl, ai .1 <■ \<M or Hendrii ks midrrs-ed them brirfly from the bn! • >:iy I. a::. r'.o,,:i » m rui*t* ♦ s from tbe labor unions went to I'uMmau and es corted him to tbia city, arriving at 5:15 p. rn. Tbe time cf bis arrival w as not gener ally known, and consfquenily there was no deinon-trali u at tho depot. H t.-rei a carriage with tbe coma And was driven to a hotel. . . - . H.-.1 Hi nij-jn. r*-.uii !* d - a- ftinr i pec Led Xu»»d*jr next. . Ijtu.ar, Rankin A I-a n*r >, act surety an l quickly, evary bjette y zr .1 I** • > "» • ><■! '■ 1 O' twill be in ten Lit- Almahouae Officars Arrastsd. Reading. Pa.. October 22.—This more- log detective William G. Lyon swore out warrant# for tbe arrest of Martin Luther Fritch, a well known Rtf or mod Church minuter and chaplain at the county alm«bouie, and Samuel J. NVtnricb. a wealthy cattle drover, who hs been fiir- nUbing the aimsboutewi h large consign menu of critle. Tuey are charg dwith ortbffP »nd conspiracy iu connection with tbe almshouse frauds now bring investiga l *d by a coramittee of citizens. The ac cused furnished boil for trial Other ar rest# will follow. After m* Play* Philadelphia Coll. Mjta B.—So you went'to the theatre last ^•Al-Ye*. tod had inch a lovely "Are any n tad actresses tn the com pravr* •Really, 1 lia Won Hia Bat. Pittsburg Ttlsfraph. Managing editor—Where’s the funny man 7 J Local editor—He's sick? ^^AOAfiog editor—Woi’a the matter with Local editor—He won an election bet on Obto. Managing editor—Wbat bet Local editor—Drinks. The F«a 1 »**«!.d rrne I r. »*»t dbl cot notice.” »t %r. Whit u as tbe | i |.Uv was—1st me a* dtoU.k at the u- CREAT BRITAIN. THE SITUATION AT tlVERPOOt. Livekpool. October il—The Uorninj l\ ‘t. referring to the statements concern ing Liverpool financial pr« sptseta in the financial column of vest- .day’s Iondon Standard, ndvl*( -i the Lond« n ’journals to ascer'ain tbe truth b.f.ire j ublfshingsuch Uf founded reports. It adds that tho troobies in the su« ir market c» ased three ks ago, and there is not tho slightest ground for apprehending the Impending bankruptcy of any one of the- American steamship lines. None of tbo Liverpool pvpers have heard anything about ir large failure in that city.Yogne r. porta of which have been circulated iu sums quarters. ' NEW GUINEA ANNfXKP. London, October 22.—A dispatch from Sidney. N. 8 W., states that the British man-of-war Nelson has arrived in Orangcri bay and proclaimed a British protectorate gy* r the southeast coast of New Guinea. COMING to axbeica. London, Oct. 22 —Prince Albert Victor of Wales will visit tho Doited States next summer. FRANCK. VRtVAiiAff!* rivntn Paaie. October 22.—A nnjoritr ol the committee oa tbe Tottqaio credit era In feror ol decided action. Tht-y are will- leg to YOle eren larger crrdln, so as to enable tbe Korrrnmint to brio* tbe diffi culty to a .peed* condation. Tbe Tempt and Airir urge the ^trernn.ent to block- adc the port of I’sk-lt .i. tbrODgh which tbaCbuir-e «bn inrude Tcnqu. obt tin their tupplies. The Telegraph« affirms the report that at tbe council yesterday the cabinet di elded to semi to Tocquin the re inforcements which Gen. Briere de Lisle requires. FRANCE AND T1IB POPE. Mgr. de Rend**, the Papal nuncio to France, Is of tho opinion that the Pope will uot persist in refusing to appoint French cardinals at tha approaching con sistory. _ GERMANY. TBE CONGO CONFERENCE. Berlin Oeober 22. - Re i resent sti res from Austria. Ra*-ia and Italy Rill attend the approaching Congo conference upon the strut footing a* tie repr* t enuulTes of the other powers. Belgium will prjbably adrocate the interests of ths African In ternational Association, of which King Leopold is the prrsideuL Prince Bismarck Is bm at the capital, making preparations for tbe conference. ful Th r* that Ait Laatfa To Few York 6Ur. It is the fashion now for dftndy actors to keep 1 jouae in couples and white away thou time In making crazy quilts. The following were tbe amounts won by tbe stables at the foil meeting of tbe Maryland Jockey Gab, which ci**ed Fri day. 1*. Lorillard’s woo tba moat nu nay. He captured two big stakes, and h s win nings amounted to over ffl.WO; George L. Lonllard can *- nxt with ov*r $ I («•> tobisl credit; divchill *k Jol»n*.*n third, with) over $.1,000: Mr. K. !*o$l (m»; Nolan, over li.O 0; Med*...» * * « II McMa-| lion, }•, >>. At i . .J I.’*-* . |0GB; rwer/l ICE CRZAM AS A PEACE-MAKER. How Sitting Bull Keeps In Check the Bravo® of His Party. Philadelphia Times. “Here 1 ! a telegram forMr. Silting Bull,” •aid a Western Union meaten?er boy. as be rushed iota tbeCbatiutntal Hotel e!!: . yesterday afternoon “He left early this morning," replied chief clerk Magnet. “But let me see; per haps U is something I can attend to. The envelope waa quickly torn open. It read: Everything O. K. Will have five quarts ia freexer at station. J. Bullwikklr. Collect. mD. Clerk Hughes laughed as be handed the oj:rn telegram to hia friend to read, with the query; *\;an yon make it out?” ‘•No. Wbat does it n.etn?" n-t.ly that there is rebellion in the Either Lon* Dow or GrAj Hag e i-i tb, sT-.l tti** « rsftych:.f hai •• I?*’ ii* i!**■ i%> iTA* Brottiers. J.* *llh a Ihcalre , (Men ik;«i»-, . b. tiewtt, Bn i A II . . ii.uujc A to., II- rts of ice cream. I w»l. lebitnf un wrttea history, aavags kms lea ersaai ihClpirfil »*Utl 1 i»..I iitiiu< it.iii *nti- ::.*• *trsU-^y >a Muiikc, hot uiffgrapbed ahe^U