Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 24, 1884, Image 7

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TIIR WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24. 18* THE oeceitfui. vicar. .t Baron!'** rhurch upon ^Kr'churtb or^w°U*r bill «„ho.,t 1WM ne.t and ■plckand ipan; F*},,Twos span «nd spick, * iraGHjoUW .trie, ^&U«VlJSSSbri<*. . Iv eves a church llko this one »*erpo ual fe**>t; - ... t„ \ t c perfect, lacked tUo K«t. nh id Indeed a window tllere, *lSJ5!WESUd lor tho East VflffliirtZiiDmach the belt. ati-oune. yon ■*?• I* Put ® a , wt.m r window In, * *£Cremation should have found SSXtSarirto- • ... .tint remark. .lew r-ader, I %Xiniiublr in-lorae: J*!££k.Alton AhouU have found *S)fnwdlul fuudi, o! course. And eo. no doubt. It would hATO done nltli free nuljscrlptlon list, Bt'lAe.. tl.o. v.i potion, friend, lucli did not exist. •stfasssaKSs, 1 ? roiNTB ABOUT A TWISTER. “What is a twister?” “A ball that goes to the plate like a cork screw. You’ve got to twist nearly the hide oil a ball before yoa can get it to go in on m , rT™ *At‘“ w vr v a quiver. I used to tear a good many The following dispatch to the New York balls, but the batters were blamed for If. H’orM from this city shows how unscrap- In twisting a bait with my little Anger, I'd ulously, during wnrm political campon,, | te2f3&l&L<Sij£j& nversge newspaper correspondent dis tils amctlinos hc«e worthy men induced olS'rtl.’ioS'lor.’wKb no one thore, . ^Ihe ladles found It slow. ^iter'wcm t Iru'Sh psatm and hymn, glu/ono day Bmayl* would preach .to Antdber?lloodgo to Ulm. sow Vicar Boodge was put the term *0*three-score ye*™ *»d ten. And Ourate smoyle was bald and gray- And both were married men. Intlmstho worthy vicar died. Aiwmetlmes is the cue. The bubop sent a Rood young man To Oil tue vacant place. na IU a tall and handsome youth. His ace was tweuty-slx, • And in a most becoming way all robes be used to fix- Do lun Icc to his many points Idunot thick l can: And now occurred a curious thing, At least 1 thought it rum; Be people to St Baroabu Xn »boxU began to come. Be roMrcgttiou In threo weeks • Tr*mendou«ly had utovn. The Udies took the geullemen And also went alouo. The Reverend Tajrlor Blue, of courae, Wa» very, very pleased; He knew tniw full the church had been In iluiu of Boodge, deceased. On week days he’d two nervlcea, To which the ladl a flecked. Filling the church wl h flow ers and things, Wber at old Smeyle was shocked. And thri e on every Sunday he Failed no’ to pass tho plate. For the l'hmI fe to - could not see “Why Barnabas should wait.” "For pomp*< and vanities.” he crlod, •Mrire not In the least: But this my church doth sorely need A window lu the east.” And soon there came skilled non from town, And soon a n -atTolil rose: Keit Marnah.ii tilmse f appeared In variegated clothes. Surrounded by a halo and A ut of-al lit* select, names. Ju*t for the moment, I Can scarcely rvoull.ct. Then had tho K-verend Taylor Blue Tims Hisfactiou great Of a«kiiig the goo-1 bishop down, Tho work to consecrate. This was the Christian triumph of The Reverend Taylor Blue, But soon reverse* f flowed, as They very often do. torts facts and eagerly seizes upon every bsppehing for the purpose of coloring it with his own particular political tinge: When the Right Rev. Bishop Ryan,who presides over this diocete, called, he was once recognized as the head o! the ^Patbolic Church here, and those about the Governor instinctively fell back, feeling that the distinguished church dignitary meant more than an ordinary call upon bis excellency. But it was not so. He remained for some time in .earnest con versation with the Governor, and in a few minutes was joined by the Rev. Cronin of the Catholic Union and Timet, a clergy man almost as well kuowu as the Bishop himself. Both reverend gentlemen sured tbe Governor of their - hearty dorsetnent of his administration, and re iterated the statement made .before that they (elt sure he had not nsed his Influ ence to aflect the disposition of the free dom of worship bill. It was only when the gathering crowd began to evince a lit tle good-natured jealous impatience of the way their friend was being monopolized that the Bishop withdrew, after cordial congratulations and a warm grasp of the ind.” Now the facts in the case are simply these: Having been assured by warm trsonal friends of Gov. Cleveland that he It keenly aggrieved at the charge brought sgainst him iu certain Catholic quarters regarding the Freedom of Worship bill, and that he was desirous of making a statement relative thereto, Bishop Rysn and the editor of this paper quite cheer fully agreed to call upon the Governor foi the purpose of hearing such statement, and if injustice had been done, to give him an opportunity of personally deny ing tbe charge and setting himself right before tbe Catholic t ublic. The call was made entirely in the inter est of justice and fair play, and it was distinctly understood that no political ‘ ;nificance whatever should be attached Th* Reverend Taylor was encaged, Bat hade ncealed the fact from th» ladies of St Barnabas, wbertln he showed some tact. !V> show her his position an Importance to the town. Bet sometimes thin**’ get noised abroad la most provoking way. Ibeladle* of 8t. Barnabas Boon learned he was engaged, Acd. very justly, hll of Uum Were awfully enraged. *3SSSjEm& nmmam la*. In a body want >nd loved Tbe Reverend Jobuaoa (Jrcea. Keit Sunday our poor Vicar law _, A IWRR.rly array OI">P*y benches'* In bis church * bleb uwd to bo ao (ay. Anil once «euln dl l worthy Hmcylo ludulre Iu , saint and hymn Afoot With Vicar Taylor, who TookluruAboulwith him. —Tbe Cornhlll Mesarlne. A BADE IN THE WOODS. Th, AR.aMurao of n L.ttlo Toddlar A00ah and Rook, Country.ida. Hanford Timex. Tho quiet hamlet of Blandfonl was •cant on Sunday of an exciting episode. Herbert Cme* live, jn tho road between Btandford Centra and "North Blandford, Hla wifa ta vUltlnR out of town and cars ot tbe farm ho i—. with charge of two-nnd-a-half-year.olJ boy, devolves bit mother. The IttU, fellow yard at play on Saturday morning, while his grandmother was busy inside, lfar leg occasion to go to the door, tbe scoman mlasad the child and hunted for him thinking he might be In mtiehM. Fall ing to And Urn, she fes-el he ha t dend down the root. Being unfit t low Idm, the blew the tin horn, sum lig tbe father from the field. Mr. Cross fall lo my racket. All searched the buildings on the premf* ■ ^cher willirstora hlni "HifaBilfr nm I „ When I esu hla neighbor* and the rumor of a child catcher by amotion ji lost >oread till a ps'ty of n*?arly one bun- pitch It next^tinie. N amd assefub ■ ' durti d th- afternoon to j nn the search* Uanyof them took lan- terns and bitches and followed their quest nil midnight. The only trace of tbe child Jaa a play thing or two In a rye Hubble And near toe home. When midnight came end the child had not been found the father g.reuii hope of eeelng him mire. Th* biy ha I tin attack of croup the night hetore and it seemed reasonable toe include that ho could not survive a day and a night of exposure. When the neighbors abandoned the aearch aooo after midnight they took teams and spread (he uew, thr.tugU llecket andChes- When the sun r—! 8-“ '*• Jeers, 150 sturdy hit A MEAN POLITICAL TRICK. ayed Upon the Bishop of Buff.tlo and the Rev. Father Cronin. Catholic Union and Times. they don't cover the, ball* so tight. Twis ters ore the onea to fool ’em out, and the curls are tbe corkscrew balls, go up, in stead of dropping. If the catcher don't drop to yonr signal on a raiser, the ball’ll iwhsck him on the head eveaiH^^^H ignl nt. Beyond the eourteoue greetings which mark the meeting ot gentlemen, B.ehop Ry.n took bnt little part in the conversa tion, preferring to be a silent witness to the statement made to tbe writer, and which he here appends. Tbe Freedom of Worship bill waa tbe chief topio of conversation. On other subjects there was little said. Ou the 4th ulL we said in these col umns: “We bate all innnendo and cowardly indirectness No one should be condemn ed n|ton insinuation; every lover of fair play will demand proofs of guilt before pasting condemnatory judgment. It is asserted tbit Uov. Cleveland used his in fluence againkt the passage of the Free dom of Worship bill in order to escape tbe oflicial embarassment of vetoing it. Now, either this charge ie true or fuse. If false, those Woo mails it are political assassins who should be publicly pilloried. If true, cry American dtlien who believes in llglons freedom and equality before the law should denounce the doer ot such dastard need as one altogether unfit to be President ol the United States. Come, gentlemen, you who have made this charge, let ua have the proof." Now, iu tbe presence of Bishop Kyan and oiuerR.ntlrmeti.Oov. Cleveland nae distinctly dented this charge, and his de ntal le accurately formulated In tbe fol lowing dispatch to the Sun of Saturday: “The Hlgbt llev. llishop Bvan and the Rev. Father Cronin, editor of the Catholic Union and Timet, called on Oov. Cleveland to-day at the Oenesee Hotel. A pleasant chat was had, in tha coarse of which the Governor took occasion to deny in the moat emphatic manner the charge that he bad ever directly or indirectly Influ enced any member of the Legislature re- gardimr the disposition ol the Freedom ol Worship bill.” This. then. Ie a'l there was to the call which Bishop Ityan and tbe writer made upon Oov, Cleveland, which has caused ao much foolish comment, and to which partisan politicians art Iceklog to attach political significance. And we cannot withhold the expression ol our indignation at the attempt to tor ture this solicited interview, intended in behalf of fair play, into a partisan sop- port of any political-candidate. THE BASEBALL WONDIR. A Young Man Who Proposes to Startle the World. Philadelphia New, In ell my baseball experience of fifteen yean," said a leading manager yesterday, I never met a men in all my life who had more gall than a young lellow balling from the Pennsylvania coal regions, who ap plied to me for a position to plsy ball. He was very sincere in all be said, perfectly honest and straightforward, and bad an idea that be knew It all and bad forgotten nothing. Uewai about six feet tall and bad never played in a league or associa tion nine In his lilt. He bad belonged to an ordinary amateur club. I asked him what position he filled, and aa near as can recollect hla answers to my questions wen about aa follows: -I'd rather be pitcher than anything elee, although I can play any position. The reason I’d rather be a pitcher te because I have some new puiuU. Yon seo I have th* In-curve, the heck him on tbe head every time.' “Is there anything but pitching that you in master ?" I ventured. “ ‘0, yes I I was thinking the other day of a dandy design, but I'm left on it up to going to press. You see. I'd like to hurry the world on the re'ooand bulge. I'd like to get a ball on a draw shot. I've seen a ball get bsck on a billiard table. They call 'em d/aw shots. I'd like to draw n ball backward away from the bat. If I could send in a ball, all giddy with twist, to spin out just as it reached three feet from the batsman, why it might give a backward kick just like a top whenlt Alee pff on a tangent when it's done spinning. Of coarse I'd have to be my own catcher, and I could only cm It when the bases are upty.’ “Do you believe much in speed in de liver* r “ ‘Not a bit of It. Yon kill yonr catcher and you make batting all chance work. Science gets way oiT on a swift delivery and players shut their eyes and hit. Why, sir, I can crack in inch board every game it 1 want to pitch swlit, and wear out two catchers every nine innings. That don't pay. Besides it's no satisfaction. I want people to see the floe points of pitching. I donHstuiy the batters: I make tbe bat ters study me. •That's the way I get ’em on a ran and I break 'em up every time.’ “Do yon know bow to build up a man's batting record?” ‘•'Well, I should allow 1 Say I’ve got a good friend on an opposing nine. I give him strsight balls, he gets two or three clean hits every game on me, and the managers think he n the boy to pound tbe very life out of me. Next season he gets a big whsck of a salary and dlvles with me If he 1 ! white. Generally he don't, and then everybody wonders why It is that he can't hit me the next season. He knows, and so do I.' "Do you understand pavilion policy?” ‘"W-ll. if it’s betting you mean, of coarse I do. I don't play policy, though. If I've got a good friend in. the pavilion, wbo’iLstend In with me, o( course I'd know how to work the job. I'd pick out three men on the opposing nine and give tbe names to my friend, telling him to bet they’d make their bases every time. Of course those men would get good, stralsht Let Boreas Go Buss the Widow Ben. Boston Post. It is now whispered that only a few days ago lielva was killed by a morning aepbyr. What Only n Pretty Woman May Wear. Harper's Bexar. Olive g’een and pale lavender is a netr Parisian combination in dresses and bon- nets. Remnrkof n Patriot Who Lost a Hat. Boston Journal. “It's just onr lack,” said a Demo crat. “We always win when there Isu’t over 5 cents In the pot and always lose when there is 15. Where Bslva Falls Short. Bob Burdette. Bciva Lockwood may learn to smoke ci garettes bsijra the campaign is over, bnt ehe can never acquire tbe art of striking a match os tbe other candidates do. BUY Relisble Uncle Sam the Boy Wno Pulls Through. Springfield KepuOilcan (Rep) The disappointed souls in Ohio should reflect upon Artemus Ward's remark about tbe way tbe world would contlaue to revolve on Its axis, “subject to the con stitution of the Uoited States." balls to whsck at. I’d have another set of three names for my man to bet against every time. You Dot I’d get in my work that they'd die every time before reaching first. Why. sir, I had a butty one season that I could talk to from tho ball field while he was In the pavilion end I'd never esy a work. If be bet 12 to 110 that a man would positively make a two-base hit, why, you bet my pitching would give it to him. Of conrto Id emtio to win such bets, and then everybody on the field would think I had lots ol gall to laugh ou being batted out of the holes. My man would never make a bet like that unices the base was empty. You ace, he wouldn’t make me took like a duffer, yon see.’ ” A Promising Partner. Chicago Herald. "Yet, that fellow sitting over there is my pardner,” remarl:. 1 a young man in the (rankingcar. “We'™ following tbe county fairs with a little racket, and makln' money, too That pardner of mine is a hustler. Yon wouldn't think it. he’s so qmet like, and looks so nest and inno cent. But he's a sleek one from Slippery Creek, he ie. One day we was in Lonls- ville busied. We hadn't a cent. We wanted 15.50, but had pawned everything a d hadn't a show to raise a red. “ ‘Wait here a few minutea,’ said my pard, 'and I'll get the money.' ’’ “He went dosrn to tho whotosalo district, went into a big store, and, going up to the ; ‘I want 15 SO.' The man looked What It Meant, “Ms, what is meant by Tittla pitchers have long ears?'" “It is simply an expression, my dear, used by grown people sometimes when children are abouL Where did you hear It?” “I heard pa say it to the nurse.” Naw Yorks Majority. Augusta Evening News. A prominent citixen of Augusta received a letter to-day from a well-pos ed Yankee of New York, saying thst New York would vole for protection by 50,000 majority. The republicans are making their fight on this line, while the DemocrataatiU keep np the cry of “reform.” A Splendid Fireman. Chicago Tribune. Johnny—Ma, may I take the baby csr- rtege? I want to play with it for a “ ’ while. • Mother—Well, Johnny, I should think you might ask to take baby, too; ;oa know that the new nuree has not arrived yet. I am afraid yon don't love yonr little brother very much. Johnny. Johnny—0. yes I do, ma; he shall come too; he’ll make a splendid fireman. Billy Qubbina has bis mother’s clotbea-lloe tbe carriage will be tbe engine, and then'll be about twenty boys to poll. We'll make things hum! Alice E. Cbutis of Brunswick, Mo., writes, she has suffered very much with kldnev disease. Using several bottles of Hunt's Kidney and Liver Remedy Mias C. pronounce* it a real bleating to woman for all kidney diseases. ffWCAPITAL PRIZE. *73.000.' Tlokets ontr ES. Shares In Proportion 5d»P : -S-- They All Oo It, Philadelphia Call. Shrewd Storekeeper—"Jim, take thatbii mat ont to the front pavement nnd bent i well. I noticed yesterday It was filled with dost.” Janitor—“I hive already done that, Mb.” "When?” “Early this morning; as soon as I got here.” “Well, well; will yon never learn sense. Jim? Don’t you know that the clouds of dust from thst rest most have settled around the premises, and with tbe first gust of wind will coma right back Into the store and Injure my goods?” “But, sab, yon told me to shake it in front" “Of course; bat I did not tell yoa to do so early in the morning.” ‘Does It make any ditierrnca, sab T" ‘Certainly. Wait until the etreets are crowded; then tbe passers-by will carry the dost off.” him over in astonishment, and said: ‘What for?’ Then my pard madcap a story about his being a stranger In town, and hie sister being sick, and most have 15 60 for med icine. ‘I don't want to beg,' he said; 'I'm willing to work. Otve me a job, if only at a dollar a day, so I can earn some money.’ Th* man took Mm into the cellar and pat him to work carrying up boxes. My pord worked hard-lo sing boxes and barrels as if be had* dope it ail hla life. In fifteen minute* the boss called him up, gave him f5.50. and told him to get the medicine for bis elstEr, and come to work in the morn ing. In fifteen minute* more we were over In Indians tuskin'for a county fair. That Is the advantage of a min havin' an honest face, like my pard'e there.” The American Race. Cincinnati Inquirer. The American Association champion ship season dosed day befors yesterday and tbe Metropolitans win the pennant, with considerable margin. Tbe Columbus club second, the Loultrille* third, Ctndn- natt fourth and the 8L Louie teem, by forfeiting a game at Brooklyn and being delcatedTWrdneeday at Baltimore, have dropped back from third to fifth place. Tha following is the table; Won Lost. Played. Are. _ M a 107 out-curve, the drop, the strong twist, the curl, the raiser and the cross-cuL Then I bavealotof new signs, a regular signal- code for a catcher thst players won't drop to or catch on to. You see that's tha great trouble with profession it pitchera. They’ve •ot a a lot of old signs they use and all the regular players tumble to their racket, catch on to ft you eee. and the dub nta left. You take an old-time pitcher, follow him up lor a half season, and you'll get him down so fine that jou can tell just when b'es going to pnt a ball oyer the plat*, and and just when be aln t. Now, I ye got a way thit If I was getting 1100 a week I d bet a month's salary that no man would "" “"** «ny n a I my «to no- E£"SSwtf®&&s ^JfUsfttS&'dRBA get Into the box-. . “I then asked him whether be knew how to throw a game, when he at once re plied: ‘Do I know? Why, I've got the finest racket to th# world, ft a manager wants to drop a gam*. A p tcher can do the whole bnilneu. All yoo vegot to do is to give ’em a bunch ot blta In due Inning a , 1 that flIU the bill. Then 4*1. thst I pitch tbe better'* delight Bet Jour Ufe. whenever you eee a bunch of big htU In f })» wood* end fields a. - wnn»d tbamwalvea la a line, tha u free ware, and th«n a ivance Mur nodac e<ery r.»clc and log which theiitU* wondorer might h him down to die. All the lung K. with its frrqaent showers, the worked its way furthi ■tezd. Koo:i after, thinking ti redout u! th*? approachinj out to 94MUr ooks. They but 1, cure- one inning, that bunch baa been to market long before it was made.’ "What do you mean by the croee-etu i h So you . asked. That's tbe saw-oyer style. You get away ©serin the right comer of the tax, hang oaf 7 yonr arm well and pitch catly- . .ruered, aa It were. You’ve got to mo- tion to your catcher to pley to hte right, away oat. A batter can’t get the gauge to a cr.es-cut near as writ as be out to an out-curve. I’m practicing Mt-handed pitch'og. and when T get that to bed-rock M-:eoca .11 swing across-cut pilch that will lay way over any ln-ourye ball. Ix>ox at my Itule ting, r! Feel lt-5U bone! riiat little finger doe* a basketful of fins work; don't you forget It.’ ••Will you describe year other styles of -1 pitching?” 'Well, Use drop is a good (Mam The I I,all g'w* straight as an arrow, ju t as If tt ing over the homo-plate. When it Within three feet from that spot, I however, tbe bsii auddet.ly lores iu torce- slid drone alt from iu line and geu to it,-,rr w11ta no force. The iiettrr t>| nee away, poonda wfnd and strike* just M.- elii-ba-. "■ . 1 been Lad .t L -t Young Men—Rand This, Th* Voltale Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their ceiebraiad Electro Vol taic Belt end other Electrrte appliance* on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, lot* of vitality and m At hood, and all kindred trouble*. Alio toe rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis and many other diseases. Com plete restoration to health, yt^or and man hood guaranteed. No risk la incurred as thirty days’trial Is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated p.moulat free. Decrease of Cold Circulation. Waseieotos, October 17.—Tim director of th* mint bes prepared a statement iu regard to tbe preeenl nsoney ctrculaUpn In thirty-nine of the principal countriea ol the world, as compared with thedrcula- tion reported a y ear aio, which> show* a decrease la gold circulation of about 152.- -- tDOO, eu increase la silver circulation o( ._t.00U000.and an Increase In piper circa- ationoff112.,00000. He attribute* tbe ion in gold circntatiooto reduced produc tion and to tbs increased us* of thst metal In ormentation and art*. Indiana soup. Detroit 1‘o.L T-talk 'boat e-estln' an' d-drinkln 1 a'mucb as y* please." *old a Wabash Val ley Hornier, “yer t-Urreptn in' yer b-beef- •toeka, an' yer ■ toft shell c-crabs, an' yer c-champtgne, end ell them tort ot Usings, but tf yer w-went to see genootne n-nonr- tahment, jeet rang, m-m* k»( aid* o' six teen o-oancea o’ Southern Injenny w-whis- ky, and 'bout twenty-eight g grains o' qul- nine. Toil's what I call soup."' The Result (till Uncertain. Pint Citizen—Well, old man, wbat do yon-think nt Ctavehusd'i chances now? unese you'd toe* thst little 120 beL Bcoond Citixen—“Yoo wait until Novem ber la beard from. I don't cared Ohio ha* gone Republican. Beside*, 1 y* hedged. by the tropic breeze; Soxodont in healthful fragrance Cannot be surpassed by theie. Teeth it whitens, purifies; You wilt ua* it ft you're wise. JT IS BOTH A "SAFE CURE” and a “8PECIFIC.” It L'UltF.N nil Dl.ra.r. oftlie Kldaera. I-lver, llludtlrr nnd I'rlanry Or*an.| Brany, (travel, l,i„l„ t.., Itrlahi’. fluea*C|Nervou*Illicitvrs? *‘ cu,n l« \Vrako(Mc»y Jnum!lrr t lltlloaanraji* IlraiU nclir. Hour HtomncU, Dy«prpBla, C«^U»«lion t MK I'iiin«t In (tie llurkp Lola*, or Hide, l(<-trillion or Non-Uetonclon of Urine* tut at d xrcairn. WTAKE NO OTHER.-W °* «■»* HUNT'S UEJIKDY CO., 8 l'ro.ldr.i-r, B.I. We offer the Trade in unequaled line or Engines and Boilers, Saw MtUe, Orist Mlilr. Our Cut-off Engine has no equal. For special Catalogue and Frices, Address S. PEGRAM, Manager. Louisiana State Lottery Cumpsnr. “We do hereby certify that we supervise tn* arranmmenu of all the Monthly fid semi annual Drawings of ino Louisiana ntaki lu tery Company, and in person manage end coo trol the drawings themselvea, and that Uu same are conducted with boueity.falrnesa end in good faith toward all parties, and w* aa thorhe the company to use thla certlficate.wtu fan similes of our signatures attached. In It* advertisements." JOHNSON & LANE, I 07 and I 09 Third Street, Hardware Dealers, Incorporated In IMS for SS yeera by the Leg islator# lor educational end Charitable pur poem—with a capital of 11,000,OOO-to which a reserve fund of over 1565.000 baa since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote It. fran chtic wa* mado a part of thapresent state con etttatlon adopted December it, A D., U7». The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people ot any list*. , It never acales or postpones jjtl OfieMbgle Number Drawings L. IN TOE ACADEMY OF MUBIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUE8DA/, November II. I88A — 173th Monthlydrawla*. CAPITAL PRIZE, 878,000. 100.000 Tickets at Five Dollar® EnoF Fractions In Fifths In Procortlon* list or rxun. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE J 75,000 1 do do 2'*.000 1 dO do M,HHM.I.NMM.t.NlMe 10.0U) 2 PRIZES OF l/i.000...™.. 12.UB • do 2,0OO. »«**»«* 10.000 U do .V ioo do AmOXnfSTIuM PRIZES. • Approximation prizes of *750 4 1750 Express nary l irrlta clearly. Norco, -—tEXCDEDfO il —_ Currency by kspnaa nt 4 and upward* at oar «xp«ium\ addrc.«*cd M. A. DAUPHIN, . Naw Orlaana. Ln„ or Me A DAUPHIN,: 607 Seventh 8t«. Washington, D. C. Make F. O. Money orders payable end ad dress Hr filtered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, New Orleans. La. mon mmc —The present (third) Duke of Wei- ling ton is not rs well ofx rz his father waa. with the eecond Data. Tbeenglishpen ■ion wu granted for three lives. The Jockefe Archer. Special CebUftaia. Loypov, October 14.—'Tbs toodon Mom* inn V : nm forma ly apologized to Fred Archer for IU charges of unfair riding at the DsMcaiter and Manchester meeting*, and the jockey has withdrawn Lis hoe! suit against the paper. DESIRE TO CALL THE ATT US' HON OF THE PLANTER! TO TKB FOLLOWING POINCd OF EXCELLENCE IN The Thomas Harrow, They will pulverize clay, lumpy and cloddy soil and green sod. They will cut np and bury cornstalks ahd minure. The teeth are slanting, which inalc-s them very easy of draft and le^a liable to clog than any other Harrow made. One man and team can eailly pot in twenty acres of grain a day with them. Send for cnulogne giving pride and what they are guaranteed to do. Dportatuen will find In oar «tock of guns an assortment inch ns no other house in G orgia carries. Wt sell the following cc'.ebrated nnkee: Parker, Colt's. Feij^r, Har- 'Ington A Kiebarda, Ifamm^r'cst, and many English and German Itreech-Losding RhotGona, Winchester, Ballzrdsod Bcmlnftoo Rlllw, Pl8tdi. A'nmunition, Clay Pigeons, and all kinds of iporting gooda, besides the beat assortment of CJENERATt HARDWARE. REM OVAL! After eight years ol successful business in Macon, our quarters have become too small to do the business coming to us, and we found it necessary to have erected the FINEST HARDWARE STORE In the city. We havejjgreatly increased our Stock and are prepared u£ give bottom prices on all goods in our line. We will in future be found at Nos. 56 and 58 Cherry street, mext door to Jaques & Johnson. A. B. FARQUHAR & CO., Jobbers of Hardware and Manufacturers Joi Machinery,' *imRS Konch protective against chills and fcTer and other dis«a«ea of a malarial type exiat* m Iloatcttrr’sStomach Hitters. It ftUfis comtlpslloq. Uvcr dteordtfz. rheumatism, kidney and bladder aiimfH with certainty and i*r.mq.mude.L change, aa gratifying as U 1- complete. I toon takes place In th* appearance, aa well as tb“ aenaatlop, of tbe wan and hag gard InvaUd who »*»#•« this atandard pro- I motir of fcaaldi SMatnwrf^^H For a ala by 1 •rally. : dr J,v • L- .tr.dii Da. K C. WaaraVamva an Brain Tax at* Headache Nervooa Proatratton canard » |of alcohol or tobacco, WataftUncee, Mat Dcprcaiiaa. (oftentne of the brain lnxln Inmiliy aa-1 laaAing to mUetyj prvpaldon receipt o' price. WE CUaaaNTEE SIX BOXES To ear* ear eea*. With each rnlar by tutor III Intti, ar.oiabanleO with 5.00, we will «cnil the purchaacr ear written goer. I sate* to rahind the money If tha toUMa I doe* not effect a cur*. Guarantee* tuned » U ' ‘ . ‘ - MONEY LOANED QN ImprtvKl Karmi and City Prcp»rty« For terms apply to| R. F. LAWTON IIAMtKH MACON, GEORGIA. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, MACON, - GEORGIA. J. S. Schofield & Son, Proprietors f Matimitui Daitnii Unn Varitiy Agricultural Machinery. SCHOFIELD’S PREMIUM COTTON PRESSES,' To Pack by Horse, Hand. Water or 8team Power. Schofield s Empire Engines and Boilers and Circular Saw Mills, i’niit? Mnlrt and Kettles and and Machinery of Kvery Kind. “Shafting.” “Pulleys’* and “Hanger*” a Specialty. Ertikatbs Promptly Viiiiiuu axd <’orkcm‘o?«dk>< a Solicitrd. U/K k*wp in Mnl. Mn •i.::i -n and Railway Iron Pipe and Fitting*, ” Altevian Well Carting and Machinery, Valvei, Whittle*, Lubricators, Packing- Ikltin* Files, Oilz, hawv. \Yrenchca, etc., etc. Call on or write ua. bend for our new Illustrated Catalogue and Price Llat. GRAYS. HAIR. l * k-.-n; ;