Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 24, 1884, Image 8

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THE WEEK LA TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1884. THE DROUTH AND THE DUST. Traces of February's Cyclone at Davls- boro—Personnl. Xo one can remain stationary and form a correct Idea of tlio extent and withering effects of the dry wttlbcr that baa prevailed In Geor gia former than two months. The commercial men know all about It, and 1 tales occasion to affirm that it is a wonder that all this class of men, Including the crews in the passenger ►crvice of the railroads, have not been dado sick by constantly breathing the clouds of Impalpable dust which are set in motion by trains of cars and vehicles. And stranger still, that they have been able to pro tect the eyesight from the effects of dust upon that delicate organ. Ihavo recently passed through more than a dozen counties in the middle and eastern portion of the Ftate, and all vcaetatlon la as withered and blasted as after a killing frost of It is true rain fell week before lost on a part of the line of the Georgia railroad, but the earth was so dry and parched as to leave no trace of it in a tew hours. The only flourishing looking field or patch seen on the trip is an acre of cotton at llavis boro, belonging to Mr. T. L. Brown, a leading merchant oi the place. The ground Is an old lot, and no lerUliscrs have been used on It. Tho stalks ranee from four to eight feet hign, •oTcrod with blooms, forms and bolls. U Isa genuine oa*ls. While at this place I saw evidences of the dreadful cyclone that swept this devoted vil- lapwut of existence last i ebrnary, and talked wriii^he cltisens concerning It. 1 have heard sailors and soldiers in graphic descriptions of their cxpcrieucea by flood and field, but the most appalling ordeal incident A BURGLAR CAUGHT. A Negro Preac*ar « wn« up to Burglariz ing a Ho •***. On 8unday morning M*. William Cochran and his wife, living In the Howard district, left their home and went visiting. In the evening, then they returned home, Mr. Coch ran fouud thatoueof the wlndoasof the house had been forced open and the bou e robbed of a lot of bci clothing, a suit of Mr. Cochran's clothes and a number of kuimIIarticles. Ashe had quite a large sum of money in ouc of the bureau drawers, Mr. Cochrau'a first (noughts were ou thut money, but the thief had fortu nately overlooked IL Mr. Coclinn at once suspected a nezro preacher named So) Ilunb — *— THE COMING FAIR. to human life must be t* encounter one of those storms, which are becoming a part of the history of every year In portions of the ta history J ■•oath. The suddenness with which it comes, added to its force, dethrones reason and paralyses courage. Tom Melville, an Englishman, now apopu lev commercial traveler, was altting on the piazza of the hotel. He heard the roar of the storm and it was ao much like the noise of the “Plying Scotchman," tho fastest train In ih< worm, that he lost bis identity and went imaror the track to tee It pass. In a moment afmr reaching the gmuud he was struck by it carried off several hundred feet and was found under a large pile of bouse timbers and fallen trees. Portions of the hotel were swept away—much of Its furniture has never been heard of. The devoted proprietress and .. ... who had just aerv d a ruttenoe of eight year*, in the peni tentiary for row^enilug, and had been home about two months. Stine his return Sol Ingf professed religion inure limn ever und the negroes in the neighborhood r. gar led him as a kt.nl of martyr, wno had suffered by the persecutions of cuuuiles. Know lug that Sol mad. his headquarters at >o house of a relative, a negro named Alex liolmea, Mr. Cochran derided upon going to that place titer aupper. He weut to Professor C. W. Howard's place and secured the aid of the Professor and his brother. Mr. John I) llowaid. The three then went to Aleck's house, but there was no one at home but A eck. There they fouud a bundle of articles, which Mr. Cochrau Instantly ecognixe t as nls property. They then asked Aleck who brought tho»e articles there and he told them thti Sol brought them sometime during the afternoon, and that Sol w -■ then at a negro church kuown as Gr en ville church. Taking Aleck with them, the three gentle men provide with a rope, proceeded to the cntirch, arranging on the way that Aleok should go Inside, sit down by Sol, and when the meeting boke up to accompany him out. Mr. Cochran and tho other two rent.emeu were stationed a short dUt .nee up the mad. The meeting finally broke upand Aleck car ried out tho programme. Win* i a proper dis lance from the crowd tho three gentlemen nabbed him. He seemed Inclined to resist and when Mr. John Howard attempted to do him U was noticed th it he held something iu his hand. instantly Prof. Howard's cocked pbtol was at Ills face and Mr. Cfchnm's shot gun held in readiness msed for a second, then dr »p, Exhibitors at Work—The Shooting Match, Walking Match, Ero. Now that the ram—the long felt rain—las fallen, the Indications are bright for a tremen dous crowd at the State fair. Many of our farming friends were very anxious to come, but said they would not unless a rain fell. Capt. S. S. 1’egram is getting his engiiio In position to furnish the power in Machinery Hall, and yesjerday several gin-makers were i selecting positions in the building for their ‘ gins. Floral 1UU will have some elegant displays. In the music lino Ed Ir.incl* getting up a novel exhibition of pianos, organs and musi cal Instruments and J. W. Burke & Co. have •he centre of the first floor which will coutain a big display of the same line. her little ones crouched in a corner and were unhurt. The bowl and pitcher in one room from which every piece of furniture was taken. •were fonnd on tho floor unbroken. The greatest evideuce of the frightful force and tbo shifting currents of the storm is to be ■I g red clay hill where tnesoil is as the earth that It can be gotten out only by diggln ?. It will be a Undinark for years. The weather bureaus should Interview Dr. Chg" am and other cltisens about this storm. . i d fill a paper with Incredible iucldents of its fury. NOURISHING FIRMS. Drifting over to Athens last week, I encoun tered Mr. Billups Phinlzy. a young friend of I. BIUUI* , lllllli*, ■ JUUIfg IIIUUU III Inc. Tho l'hltilxy family is considered to be very level headed on business, mod eet and reticent, with no desire to appeal in print. I was ao struck with the evidence of perity to be seen on every hand tha; 1 asked for Information about several firms. Ills bouso (Sannford, Nicholson Sc Co.) Is trio of young men employing about twenty the valise, alerts and doing a business of about I* ,00 a year, almost exclusively retail. These young Land h« vo no time to put nlng Brae, and Childs. Nickerson ACoJ io4r stocks of hardware and a trade In that line that any town In Georgia would boast it any town In Georgia ■ . i* Burnett, two old veterans iff the mm! who for years ntd tho shoe trade of several States in their vest pockets, have *et- tied down there and are making money. Thei Thlmatlgn Bros.. In groceries, have goue from ihe emu -t stand to tho head of an immense cone, -u Brains and energy did IL This la also iMe history of Reeves, Nlckolson A Co. Athens , f s fn her Infancy, ee ycL The men In control u U) 2**d her on a line of development and prof r.crlty tfijJ w»U surprise everybody. tbo Macm Sportsman's Association FIRST DAY—TUESDAY, OCTOI5F.lt 23. Challenge Match No. 1—Team match for 8'ate championship and I.lgowsky gold tncdal (I.SfM). Teams of 5 men, 10 xlog'e clay pigeons; 18 > ards rise; 5 doubles, 15 yards rise. Match No. 2-Team sweepstakes. Entrance fee |5. Seven single clay pigeons; 4 doubles; ■Team Match—Open to all clubs. Three ..ten Prize, $100. First money, $50; second $30; third, $20. Entrance fee. $4. Ten single clay plgeous at 18, and 5 doubles at 18 yards handaud a long dirk fell to th ground, lie w»a then securi ty tied and owned up to 1he| burglary, g dug win the par y D» a place in the wood* where ho had concealed a large ib indie of the stolen good*. He wa* carried to Prof. Howard's ho**so and a gua d placed on Itim during during the night (Yesterday morning lie was hr-light to Macon and had his preliminary eiamb ntiou before [Jiutl c t.'hcrry. who committed him to jail. Individual Match—First prise five one-pomul cans Laflln Ac Hand's powder; second prize, lorn-fourth keg of duck; third prize, 20 per sent, of entrance fees Powder offered by H. Jewett Sc Son, agents. Kntranco fee, 50 [cents. ^Blackbird Sweepstakes—Open to all. Ten I where ho i r lies. community ofa ve.y dangerous character. Lost His Vttliaw. While a portion of I.icntcnant Wylie's squad wero going on duty Sunday night at midnight, they heard cries of police as they turned In galls's ooruer on Fourth street. Officer* Mc« Cafferty and Kimbrow ran over to the depot from which the cries proceeded, and found a man who gave his natno ss O. B. Jarox. con tractor, o( Atlanta, w o told them that while he wss dozing in ids seat, some one had taken his valise, iu which wer $ t in money and Col M P. Stovall, o* .uiguzU» .* h-s been a in Jasper county, r section tua. •wmrtMne sort of nursery for big men, as well ax. social episodes. His first move wss to Mac«.. where his father kept - hotel. Oen. LaFmyctte wa« the guest of the bou«eou hie visit In l»2*. Mr. RtoTail, then a lad, had a boy's idea 7UUMB greatness, and upon the arrival of (he Marquis he expected to find a giant In ev ery way. To.hie greet surprise. LaFayettc wa* tho plainest-looking man tutne crowd ex ept Governor Troop. , '. .1 . 11 .. l Ll,....1| I - fouud Lieutenant Wytle, to *hora and officer 1 Cuapman he repeated the offer of a reward f»r the valise. lieutenant Wylie accompaniedi him to the Lanier House here the valise wa* ■oeo tu the office. Inquiry led to the fact that Mr. Joe Hall, of tho law firm of Gustin Si Hall, had brought it there Mr. Hall was aroused and on examine* ion said that he bad taken the v.ll-e for his own, both .cntlemcn having come down on the train together. Aftcreecurina the valise. J«cox turned to LlcuL Wylie and luforraed him that thc» fc-l ward was no go, and went away. Yo-terdsy morning white at the union depot he said hel wee on his way to Sara >nah, and that while he tnoQgbtlt waa a mistake on th-part of Mr.l Hall, it Was a very careless ouo Hu abu*ed t ie Macon police roundly, and add h • would publish th.-m when he got back home, Mr. Hall s vail e went ou to savanuah. Colonel Stovall has resided In Augusta for ■early half a century, amassing a handsome loriuiici in nu remit 1 pursuits. He has al ways enjoyed the fullest confidence and re- sped of that people—has of en been honored with |H>>iiions of trusL and now at more than Dir< • •» rore be is as straight »a au IndUn. ■ as briskly ass lad returning from »ctio6l rise same ss In match No. r. Match No. .I.—Sweepstake., once to *11. Un true. fee It. Five a ngle “blackbirds," ‘21 April ud October coupon, AU. H. 86 non., an. use, April ,nd October coupon, '.i C Bortbea stern ud. T«, lit non., doe 1214, May and Nov. eouDoar ™UU aalLao.n stock*. tugntuud 8aT.lt, auarutood.„U« vnx 70c; cotton seed GO; heailllxhtaCaJ-.V; kero.en. , 17e: iicathtw. Vv ; machinery i5a me; lln«w-l i wa.lo; mineral seal 33o; cotton and waned (lEORUIA, crawlonl County.-craWford | Hide., wool, rro.—Bldoa-rwulpu light h?.rtnli rt ? , i 0r<11 'i' a Tl Ja 'if Tl ' rra ’ li11 Upon i'?:? 1 " 1 tailed Halo. Wocd^Uai *?'. 1 f “^, u . lU ^ r WA« ,bOT « *°rv«o- Central stock...... 1 Oentral certificates. *7 southwestern Ts, f isn*- *ced li Georgia Railroad ex-dividend *45 'fac«m Gas Light and Water "took. 60 washed l£u6cTwaah^ hu^T^ia!'/ “ipoUliouofGe 0 . D. Mathews executorof tW WuSwBfc-hSSyftu 0 ' bttrrrLi * Uo fci*."'■•o nd «t 5 00< S Matbewaf PlCKLKS.—Pints tLfiU; quarts $2 2S half nar. whereupon U re is, plain and mixed, frllo. Lanier House stock BAKE STOCK. ffxobange Bank. 110 'spitalBsnk..... — -H i Georgia Bank •Bid. Markets brlTotoaruc Nsw York, Oct 22.—Noon—mooes weak . Starch.- Lose* Su ' K)X0> Amsrloan 46,2V. Roney 1SL Exchauge. loop $4.»0^fa4.^I; • V.rti Wrfllll ttt.to .lull ibort 4>-P|'«H84. Kute bonds dull, novern* ment bonus strong. Evening.—Kxrnsngo, $4.^0^. Mono 11 ■/$$. 4ub-treasury balances: Colh 1128,917,000: cur 1 rencT UO.OSO.COO. Gorcmmcm securities are strong; 4 per rente. V2S%: f per rente *100. State boudfc quieL i shadode Svaur -Market bare ol Florid* and Georgia iniDh! Vi., III.,. 4t.tr. COMMERCIAL. ayrup.; New York **<*“« Mules.—About three car loads In the msr OOTTON MARKET REPORT Purse Six Match No. 4—Individual sweepstakes, double rises; clay pigtons, 15 yards rise. Kn trance fee $1. SECOND DAY—WEDNESDAY, OCTOBBRSP. Team Match—Open to all clubs. Five tries required. Ten sing o cla; . —M „ J clay pigeons, 19 'yards rise; five doubles, 15 yards rise. First prize, Parker Improved brecch-loadln^shot- TELKGBAPn AND MKSBXHOSa. Macon. October 22-Kvoulng. Liverpool reported business quiet and rather easier at b'/i for middling uplands. Sales, 10,0.0 bales. Futures closed quiet but steady. In New York October contracts opened dull at 9.77 and closed quiet at 9.75 76. Sales, 74,000 bales Spots in New York openod dull at 9T£ and closed weak at 9ft for middling uplands. Sales. 672 bales. The local market was qufot and unchanged. The receipts were 746, sales 791, shipments 616 bslcs. mediums 6100ai:v>. th ® city °f Macon during the legal hours of M floam.-Oneoar load Tennessee in maxkot- th « ftr *t Tuesday In Novcmi* r next, Ili5s200 I the following p oporty, to-\vlt: » nd situatod in the city of Miii-nti, in said comity, n d hoi. g ac- J )U ? of .‘ ,l ‘ < ? clt 7 parts of lots No*. | (7) and (H) fn block No (17; except tho part rise. ingle birds, 25 yards rise; tics miss and out at 25 yards, i urse divides 50,30 20 per cent. THIRD DAY—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. Consolation sweepstakes—Open to all who navo not won or divided first, second or third prizn In at previous match. Entrance $2.00. ^ o, 30 and - * per sent ‘‘Blackbird" at 18 yards rise. Butts • assoeiai' . . at 16 ami . yards rise. Fourth and nfih days. Friday and Saturday, As au additional prize, Johnson Jc Lane offer >rize to the shooter making the best score Iu ;un matches. OT iKK AMUSEMENTS AND NOTES. T ie walking match will be one of the grand _ _ inf attractions, visitors will nee the finest walk ing-track in the United States. It will scat I0.0<0 people, who can seo every step made by the walkeis. Tho managers of this enterprise nave gone to an expense of $i,5ij0 to make the walking match a big feature. They will have iag i „ the only brass band on the ground and the walk will continue three days. The best walkers in Georgia sre In the match A large skating rink la on the grounds and two professional skaters have been engage * for fane skating. Floral hail win be the main hall of exhibits, though the machinery depaitmcnt will be full 'id interest! ..g. Tne cattle snow promises to bo the finest everjriven in Georgia. There will be fully one hundred head of thoroughbred Jerseys aud horses will arrive to-day. The hotels will accommodate all who visit the city during the week. The restiurant -fill “ ** “ * * the grounds will supply all the meals waited. ^he United ftatea Courts. There Is U ' U * *®*l*tW for tho courts this week. A few* ^mlnal and civil rfWps are receiving attention Jtu H *° c1ca *' the docket*. The following business h-.* tronsac'^d ti u« far this week: Isaac Walker, Jasper county, Cal. Season, Muscogee county. Aaron Hodge, Butts county and James Barnes. Jasper county. • •' pleaded guilty to violet on* of the* nave as. R*n off the TraoK. A north bound freight train ran off the track at 8 o'clock yester fay morning about one mile from Johusonvllle ou the Macon and Bruns wick railr sd. Six care were derailed and Engineer Sheridan slightly scalded. The cause of the run off was a bad Joint In the rails. The arcfclent caused a delay In the arrival of tho north bound passenger from Brunswick, due here at 7 o'clock. The track was cleared by dark and the pa»senper train was to have „„ ....poperty, ^BBThnt tnut »rp ‘ PROVISION AND GRAIN rHAWKttTO TELEGRAPH. 1 M and [ )J WMIPDPWP|jM| CHWi# 0 , October 21-ttour nncb*n(od »» conreyci to 8. J, Keilt amt Johnl P?* 1 *f wl 2!* r W-75«<.:o, Mmuriou Flowcn, couiraencln* at tho come, of tho! IMker. 13.50*4/0. Wheat itronicarlT, doted *'ey on >lm atreet, between lot. Olio Miami er i 9j*» b « r ’®la74J< l |iOTem- f*«M («) and tunning Blty-nlnn feet and Mi her 7tJia,% ,\o 2 Uhcafo ■prina 7«ia7t|j llnehca on him itrect until It InteraccU the lower: caah <)d,t lino of lot No. 6 In Mid block, tbenro alona her 43aMU. Oat, oponed atrunit andcloaed *[■« Hue of lot«. flfty-nine feet Mz Inchea to unchan fM: caab 2 iJia25. October 2iJia25, No- •*•• »Uejr and In a parallel line with the alley to Tomber W&M. Pork quiet, decimal UaiOc., Kin atreet from lof(»'; then alone the ili'y to cloaeil atemly. cub (IM% October tl\75. ham tho Martlnz point, being all the ’and purohawd 0cto, 5 Br *722«a7.2J!J. by Kent from SchoHeld, except tho portion Hulk menu In fair demand and cu:cr: I *>M to Howera u ihown by book V. page '•“Mm w ahort rth. <890, cleat aide, l(>4), ' letk-ioljlre. Bibb8upcrhir Court,{cried ■ atei.n I on u the property of Jeuo Jordan, to a.ti.fy a 10.25. Whlaky itead; and unchanged i . ....... Bngar qulet: Standard A 6J4, cut loaf 7a7X. mortgaeo n. fa. luued from lilbb Hiimir * I lfli-l iillrt In fav.ii. nf tt U t I r.r i. Good middling.., Middling.....^.. Striet low middling.. Low middling.....* aacairrv. Received by rail .103 i < previously.... M M. t band September 1.1 .SHIPMENTS, Shipped by ralL.......u...^..u...., Shipped proTiously......^ COTTON MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH, Mvbrpool. OrL 22-Noon.—Cotton, business quiet: prices rather easier; middling uplatiGS middllug Orleans 61M6: oales lO.OOu bale*, ffir speculation aud export 1000: reoeint* 22.000 | Araorcau 20,200. Futures quiet but steady. H October aud November....* November and December. December and January...^* January and February...^ February and March March and April AprilandMay.. . 2!PV| ........U532-04.A32-64I m .5 35*1 -JS39A4 r 643*4 ay and June.~ 47*1 2 p. m.—Sales of American 7900. Quotation* of American cotton have all declined M6; middlings uplands 5 7-16; middling Orleans Futures flat, >er, buyers ^...5 26*4 October and November, bnvere 5 Mi November and December, buyers A 26*4 December aud January, buyers..... A 28 64 January and February, buyers 6 31*1 February and March, sellers 5 85*4 March and April, sellers — - rmTl ... a 39-,4 Map, eellera _ ...5 , ay and June, i.llers- ^..........,5 4744 5 r.Pnturea cloud qnlet but ,te«dy. O tober, ralue 5 k-H October and Norember, value A 2644 November and DMcmber. buyer, .5 2V6I Oecember and January, >eUen_.A 2M4 April and Hay, aeller, 44J64 M.y and June, lellerx j 4744 New Yoag, Octobsr 22 -The Poat'acottou Niw Yoxx, Oct. 22—Noon.—Cotton dull. ntlddUm upland. »’<: middling Drieane 10% Futuna doted quiet and .teady; nlea 74,000- Ihe following table thowa the Ofienlug aan cloying quotatloni: arrived In Macou at u o'clock thli morning. 0ITV ifC4J. room any uvuglug dancing n -- the htnaunnl married lady of the p- . wltn tin gt.iMandagtUly of •muton*' xt)witb 7 b,- Southern Mutual ln.ur ^rfnr.tlcgi. Ini, a aplcndl-i bualn - Co-, pan) m„ti . encnl ofauch y m. and under the I. 0 llarrla and 8te» .xrtlemen an Judge W. oncolthn0ne.tr- .ewt Thomna haa b- come II, ,-Mgentteir ^e«rraof pr*ertyauywhere, chert, to * .enhavr been nullring In their •eycatedr' 1 up the builnesa aiul never revenue [in. They were oath {"■“ *u<lath"» In !■ ,r ^t hud to P«y J)U»eculto7, -The wood, above theremetery were on Ore ycaierday, but nothtng more than the under growth and grata war burned. -Thel II wall* ere going up J»Pld1r. »» > 10 building la b, ginning To lake ahaM. A _ ^itii thev accumulated a vast sum—a- I. *<\V. they didn't know what to do with It. ** an unguarded moment, however, they /*. nt to law where they will Boon leant what -rao be done with it 1 spent two days at Pparte, where I found e v*ny o! prominent young Georgians, who were enjoying the splendid hospitality of the "'on. 3eab Ree*e. Scab Itevse l* a Mg hearted, rave and brainy man. and la rapidly mating reputation os a statesman. |* (lay Ibb TA*c of Unite* fit tes vs. V», charged with mallln en ob- seeue circular, was trierl and the Jury re turned a verdict of not gu ilty. I I This case grew out ol the distribution through tho malls of a sen dalows circular ref pon (ho character of a mo*t estll inglaly. The young man who*a* dtli the crime an I whoa*- tutne wa* 11 the circular, yaa a relative of th. a Imuriionment ftitcncfU to the building le b* ginning to taxe snape. a a fine of ' • Bibb county glance at the manner In which the Iren la bn- , pay * nut) u noo >n(l c0 ,„ J, u ..,l will cunvlnce nny ouo that eacape — from It by breaking out 1* almost an Impossi bility. L I -A female bueball club now playing In the North Will aurt South on It- waj- to New Or- b ana ti u few «U) *. and alter playing n game i Savannah will protiably „ game l< a • Ine of men t an be organized to play agtluat them. -While examlnlnf a ^jlstolTuejlay night. rat the offlee of mailing, and tea* I- he prepare i the circulsi in the In ■iMiiiwmiMaaMriijimi his nephew end We* responsible for ig of his nephew's name *o It and Its id distribution. This testimony con- egro women nsmed l.lz/le Ray, the weapon was discharged, tho ball narrowly missing the nose ol Patsy IUchsrdson. Llxzle was latfore the Rectwder yesterday mo nlng for shoo Ing In the city, but wss discharged. —Messrs. Nlsbet Sc Plant have received their thoroughbred lbdsteln Mill Nederland their cattle.fann^ltioomficld. They have u tneir csui« wnn t also »«>ld to Mr. R. II. Garswell. of Irwlntonl th*-lr Jersey bull Kb» Hlgnal. Both of these enimals are fully registered and are from the I best records known, North Osorio Vwrnaoolar. In the picturesque counties of Northeastern Georgia the inhabitant* are mostly unlettered, and not the least amusing feature of a season si*ent among the mountains there Is the odd expressions beard In the conversations of the natives. A countryman was describing to several go- Us of a hotel at C the past summer bcaetlful waterfall, recently discovered by a hunter la the mountains, when some one a*k>d. “What did he name it?" "Ob," re plied the man, "he give a foolish name! I heard him call It cascade." At a late term of the Superior Court for one at these counties a country candidate for Leg islative honors mounted the bench during a rect i-* of the court and addressed the people. After having disposed of the claims of his op ponent*. he concluded as followst "Fxixow-cmxRJta: I'm forty years old; I've moved eighteen timra; built lift sea rock ehim- aejs r.nd raised twelve honest children! Aud, r« tlcmen. If you will Jus' send me to the Lrg- He Had the Recalpt A well known lawyer of Macon took a css*- up to the Supreme Court nearly two years ago. and, as the costs must be pall when or before the case is called in tb«t court, he In st ru ted h!« cllen to send the ten dolla>s, the amount of the ro«ta, to Clerk Harriott In At- uia. Some time afterward Clerk lUrrlsot duuued the lawyer for t' t- ten dollars. Th* lawyer saw h • uti-nt, who swore t-e sent It a* instructed. The lawyer was sg-tlu duuned, ■ " as be was reopoueible for the«wtn, h E.iii'bi uu‘uii”f«uow *t-a v,))* n he got out spUcs a storm come Up and all tbe folks went to prayin', so he got 44>w-i on his knees and said: *Oh Lord! I ot\« r did ask a favor of you tefore. and if MrajM*laodme on Urra firms this time i'll never bother you again.’ And I won’t either." The people are wont to regerd fans, parasol*, etc., as superfluous except on Hunday*. A woman ou one occasion was selling some fruit to an Augusta lady who had a p*etty fan. The WUsmb cased at it wistful.) and si Un*th said: "Wen't you please 'urn le: me handle y*r t!abbalh-dsj-cooler?" Her wish r Usd. was grst ■ Uv liu l"[ *L - . _ p«id th.-m. A short while ago he m Vhls *11- cut, and usbral «l hl.w L* so yyitei th: mouey. The client persisted that he hod sei It, aud said he hal the receipt at home to snow for it Ihe lawyer told him to about * bring the receipt, and about four day* after- warn he appeared before the lawyer with an air of miugled injured iuno* enre aud self- vindication and exclaltneu "1 u»ld you I had a r coipt for IL and here it la." Imagine bow the lawyer’s gravity was upset when he was shown Postmaster Brown’s money order ad vice which the dlent had not sent to clerk Ha risou. b it kept as he would an express re eel L Tbe poor fellow thought the money hod gone off properly^ ae hie esperienge with no off properly, as his cspcrlenvc —ouey orders was limited to that one transac tion. The lawyer made every *l"d<>gy end Fire at the Compress, The alarm of Are 8und ay evening came from the watchman at the compress. While going his rounds be discovered smoke issuing from tbapltlnwhl h tbe compress sits, and mined on the hose, which U kept In r adt- ne*s. Ife then gave the alarm and tho fire department tu* aed out promptly, stretching * A Small Thhf, YTe mentioned In Sunday's Issue how the till ef Mr F. W. Wippler's grocery on Fourth street, was Upped by a little negro who man aged to outrun hie pursuers. On Monday night officer Yeager found the boy. who i d to be Anderson Durham and locked h'm op. Anderson acknowledged taking the mouey and said be was injured to take it by another negro, whose name he gave to the poliee. Ye»vrd *v afternoon a warrant was mmm —thy MEWippter, aud he wee sent to Aoderson Is eleven yean old. and is tbe son Mg hswdworking negro who runs on one of to. railroads. The boy starts ou his career rather early. Arrested ai d Rstsased. Ir M. M. Kosabstam.of Barnesville.wss ar- t4 d in that place on Monday night by l» n and brought to Macon ou the same tit. The warrant was sworn out by Mr. J. Fih l.cf M. Kus»baum ACo.. of Macon. It n - :-.at nr. M. Nu*I'auu was recently ap- nu d r* reiver, and among the asset* was a i< y on Mr. M. M. Nizsahaum’s life which he to tarn over. Yesterd y the arrestrd .. i. in %tn Uni h. altb. wee at the tmom A Co., sll dsy arranging 1 left at night for home. An Unfortunate You- g Man. !hlef WUey yesterday received a letter from kn O. Otter, ebfef of police at Greenville, 0. i Mating that be bad arrested a young man Medncorie A, Thy lor for stealing, and do* < A lot of waste cotton and bagging had drop ped tut* the pit by Ihe worlting «*f the press, and this stuff In some unaccountable way caught fire. Tlut only damage done was the buruiug*.f thlalot of cotton aud s nglog ~ *•*' -that wa* left In the press. Tapping a TUI- About! o'clock yetterday a negro boy eaw Mr. Jonea, clerk for F. W. Wippler, the grocer, go Into the rear portion of the store and tak lag advantage of the tact slipped behind the counter and tapped the til of what money there wa - in tt^abnet two dolUrs. Mr. Jc saw dm little rascal Just ss be emerged fi behind the counter and . an oat after him. Wlppler'eaou happened to feme up at — timeandheran the boy up Murray’s alley, where be lost sttbl of him. A Hornbtw Deatn. On Saturday mwnlng Mr. James Marshall, iged 18, and son of Mr. John Mara hall, living on the edge of Bibb, beyood the Warrior dis* trict, had bis arm caught In a tin while gtn- nlng some * ottoo, a if was so badly mangled that bis death easued la a few hours. He was buried ou Sunday. Stole a Coat. Yesterday morning n blind negro man led by a boy went Into tbe olce of the East Tennessee, Vlrgfnlasad Ornls railroad at the foot « f foar h street, to tirg. After they bad gone. Mr Beemgertaer. th* t- legranh op mtor missed sis emt, which, wee hanging oo a rail near a window. Tbe thrft w*s rep*.red to the poliee. bat I blind asa sad boy were an more to be sees on tne steeets. Tbe boy evidently took Ihe lost n vslnab e collar Imtton, and had every reason to twllevc that It was stolen. Yesterday lef Wiley received an anonymous letter ...ntslnlng tho button and a request to have be butlou returned to officer Musely. The ritcr rtsted that he would not tell In what manner tbs button w«* obulntil. tut camp by It himself bourn ly. Ills conscience evidoutly hurt him. I —On Sunday the managers of the telephone offices In Macon and Montgomery connected itiFtruRienta with tho telegraph wires and made an experiment of convening between this city and nulle a » "TCRCd with citiz. a number of c citizens t rnwl'ord C oun v. medical department „ . OK T I 1 University i»f Georgia and red tl 0T-o8 % kki I R in life, and her heirs at »sw if she - «-• syss* A HA KSSF^iLSiK Ai-g II—.I ll. * .K, FACULTY. -trvlce lw perfected by pub _ llc.tlonol Ihlaonlcr once .month for four '.—The ,lew and l> mo<loi»te »n4 tha SnS.V’i'n'ihn.n T .' TP *’ h Kcr.ermer, , * *»ntoitoik: Virginia H.U6; 'S 10 !/ l *- ,,ertl, « ,n enu r‘ *‘ ! '‘ 7 °* r 104,1 ,htw *"l KP? publUhc*" luo jr.” SU'Sd IZSZol 'exas. By the Court. July 7,188*. Trna „ t VIROILS. HOLTON, Ordinary. True extract from minutes. Jyll-w-Um-im Bibb County Sher ff Sa*es. Will be sold before tho Court Uouae door in of Obtt. trie, ,„,1 I),;..,,., »n l Obll.tr* ri. 01 0K0. W HAINS. LI. D.. il |> Profcsorof Mi dic.l Oliemiatry an,t Vbar p. f. HENR ,Y. F OAsfifflLU M II Pr.fe.sor of I riooluta, p.-ar tm. of h,,, gerv ami (|\t-to*'*i1n|Pt> .. # D,SA .'^ 8UHE M. 1) J rofetn.r of Dr-crlnlivcanrl Sural, „i oii.v and Oi-ratir. 8ur ■err 1 KDwAK ' (IKI)I.INg . m V) Profra or. f Phy.lology Hn <l l> ,t'|, ,i KOPEKr0. Ki'K li i).** 1 ' Prole.tor Of th, Jd-iKmo, ,oj e OEO.O. IIL0*8.M I) Profeasor of Malr-,1, Me,| lo , , nt j Mm) , Jurispriiclence. -Hie flf’y-thlrd »c«,i..n of thl. Iiwitutior. «1K begin on the fint Monday In N„". n , EDWARD GEDDIN08, M D Dein. granulated t%. —I loruTiartinfavor of R. 8. Lanier" aud"w!~B St. Loota. October 22.—Flour nnchanged* I. *• t re relT er a clc.,va. Jc-ae Jonlan. Proper famUy t2.50a2.IW, eboleo »1.25a 4.00l fScy *P pointed out in aald mortgiw II. fa. tJ.70a4.25. Wheal Irregular: No. 2 red wlntei s - 'VkStcOTT. I - 'Vi caih, 78aa7J!4 October, 7SJ: November J1E0RUIA, BIBBCOU.STY.-By virtue of an u lower and alow: 46ca.h.tij October, ay, 11 order from the Court of Ordinarr of ulil November, (lataiteady but alow: No. 2 mix** I county, will be aold belore tbe Court Iloute caab. J6U all Ihe year.- Iron,Ion, dull, doorln the city of llacon, between the legal Pori dull: Jobbing 116.00. Bulk meat, weak: I houraof aale,on theflrat tue-day In Noeem- on* elear 18.65. anort riba <8.75, ahort elaar I her neat, all tbe real cute of Kllia H. John- rib. 0 - IatO ssm. dcecited, _to-_wlt: ^•ill and nominalat $7.12ft. Whiskv steady at 11> * •f-l*- 4 - I resided at the time of her death. Also fifty Louisville, October 22.—Flour steady and acw* of land, more or lets, lying In the south- unchanged: extra tamtiv $3.25a3.. r o), A N« I west corner of let of land number 20 , orlgi- I5.45s5.75. Wheat steady: No. 2 red 75 ML* 11 / Houston, now Blbbcouuty. boundwl by Corn dull: No. 2 white £9. do mixed 64 IwJohnson on the east, south OsU quiet: No. 2 whito 31; mixed 28 I [>« the laade of Ryder and Grace, west by the Provisions steady. • Mess pork $17.00. Bull Mandaof Jere Willis and north by the lands of meats—shoulders ffi.Cift. clear rib sides $1000. I '* r ?‘ Tankcrelcv. Sold as the property of allza clear sides $1050. Baoou—shoulder* f7» I f* J «*», n »on b, pay debts and dlvMon among cle«r rib, <11.00. ihort ol«u <1187M»im the h 01 ™ »«<* Hams—Sugar-cured steady at I14.00al4.50 I , . * ROBERT A. JOHN’tO.a, Lard-itesm leaf *9.50. prime steam $7.50. | Uw4w Admlulstistor. ^KOROUVmBB COUNi V.-M. W. Wats- Nnaul Sio/re. “ .... SAVANNAH, October 22.—Rosin THE SCICNCE OF LIFE. 0NLY$i Bv Mail •» 07tpai<i KNOW THYSELF- lirw.t Hndieal \Vo»l od Manli , Vltalltv. Nervous and PhyM<«. lability, ftemsture Decline In Ms»», Krn<n.«t Youth and the untold ati-ert*. leMAtSgfST^ Indlacn tlona or rxre**ea \ b<wik tor ,.*..** rasn. younx, mtdd !<• age 1 and oM, ft 125 ureac lpll(>n» for an scute an- chronic ti round by the l or 2S G 1 B8 r x worth has applied for exemption of per- 2 3K l JSffi a s^msassmaw \ SrSMSSSSS? OHtiuno,. Oct. 22 -spirit, of torp«ntm. I nMy ~ •teiuly at Z7% Ho.in firm uruned <1.00 I NOTICE. go«l itrmlnoa llJB^jr | ( ^ nORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-October Term 0“P«{JotCourt of Blbbcouuty, Dcc-mb.r FlDngtTOg.Ook 22.—spirit, of turpentine . ______ isisf y., 27 '^'~. Roll 2, duU: •treinei *214.15,18-3.—The 8Ut« v>. J»mc> (1 Joiiu. prine:- -ooJ itrxlneu 97% T-r Orm xt 11.40. Crml, I pal, P, Hchliuxcu, security—Porfeiture of tnrpoatlo. rto.dy: hxnl <1.00. yellow dip mu' | Kero,nlmnee. Virgin <1.00. ' I Thfi day come. John L. Hardeman, lollctor New Toe*. Oetobor 2t-RoEln-relln.e H en , e . r 4l pf th. Maoon circuit, who prowcut., da rt<1,25^.80. eplrtuol tnrpontla. .tcEdy I;*/*"8^o<u»niUEnd jbow.tt.t New York. OcL 22.—Cotton closed weak; •alee 472; middling uplands 9ft; middling Orleans 1W<. (rousolldatcd net receipts 99,027; exports, to Great Britain 17,9 A lo continent Ut.686. UaiVKOToa. OcL 22.—«:• ttou easy: mid- Ming 9 7-16; net **«wlpta 5878: gross 5*7.H: sale* 20U; sto.k 49,010; exports, to Great Britain i«,»i. NoaroLk, Oct 52 -Cotton closed quiet: told ullng 9ft: not receipts 6621 gross t*23 sales 2399. stock 0,109: exports, coastwUe 17.2). Wilhinoth^ OcL 22 —Oottoi dosed steady; middling 9 5-16; net recclpu 812 grots 812$ - t ies —; stock 25,456. tuvartwAR, OcL 22 —Cotton dull: mifi* di'ng 9 6-16: receipt* 8540 grnt» 1510 safes 4600; stock 64,762; exports to continent 10,000, Unit hereto fore, to-wit. on the 8th dsy of Scptember.1883. June. O. Jonci u principal, «n.f P. 8chliu.cn u Mcurlty, entered Into an obllgatloncnml mnnlycrtled a recagnlunce, before LoulJ iNelaon, e conttEble In and for uld count,! •Igned with their hand, an I M.lod with their leal, by which they acknowledge themwlr,, to owe and be Juitly Indebted to A. D. <1 Van- el, gorernor of aald 8ute. and hi. tucceuon In omre In tbe aum of three bimdretl dollar,, for the true payment of which th -y bind Ihem- IwIvm, their heir, and Irgrt reprewnutire. Jointly and Mierally, which laid r cognizance iwaa iubjectloand bare thereunto a certain condition In aubaUncn and effect u follow, to-wlt: That U the Mid Juiim (I. Jonea, prln- IP»l. taaka hU pereonal appaarance before tha ■HHOrttert to be held for ■ al^HiHH tore fell to .ha lot of any pEy.”uS bound In beaut fnl, rreiifh mu-lln cmat, full gilt, gnaimnleed to be ■ now •eorkln everyaena*-mechanlral. llieran and profeartnnal—than any other wer. ,1.1 t, thi> country for 2.50, or the ramie, wll 1* A funded In ererr Inatanoa Price only it on by mall, peMta-ld- l!lu,tr«tl,r laaip] Areno. Send now (fold Metlal awarded the miK tbe National Medical Aweiatlon to th. oS cars of which he reft-rs The Science of Life sh'wtM be rr*«1 by the swWBMaywy&a.*' booh will nm uftnratal? wTei'b?r you7h"|i7rnu •WKr.W H P\RKKR No 4 Bnlflarb atrej BmUm, Mam, who may be rnmali. on »!l dlwawa reqnlrlns aUll and experience. nirnn'c and oUtl'av dbeama ton h.,e baffled tbe skM of all other 11 1/ • pbyol- clan, a .penalty. 8nch >• *'. I Vat. • 1 ancemafully whhont an 'r II V*2 i I f failnrr I II X > * I. Mention this paper. Superior Court to be held for said county of Bibb on the fourth Monday of October, 1883. from dsy today end from term to term to an I ■wer for the offense of receiving stolen call tie, knowing them to be stolen, end to suchl other Indlctmeut as the grand Jury may find iln tha premises (and tbe grand Jury having found au indictment for simple larceny a true bill In the premise*) and not to depart Itence without leave of said court then arid oblige- tlon to be void,el>e to remain In full fbree and effect. Now ou this day tho Solicitor Geueral having announced ready and the case being 1 called in Us order, tho said James 41. Jonea being solemnly called three times to come into court to answer said charge of simple Ur$ coy. end tke said F. Scbllnxeu, hi bell, hav ing been three times warned to prevent tbe COOK STOVES ALWAYS satisfactory ALL PURCHASERS CAR BE SUITED ,1 body ol hl> princlprt whom be engaged to be I preM'.t thl. d.y to anaw.r Mid cbnrge. xml the Mid partln reipectlTety hating wholly aiaDFzcman av . ropectltely havina who Imade default;, it la therefore con>ldertd, o. I dcred, and adjudged by tbe court that the ,atd Isaac A.Steppard & Co.,Eallimore,Hi AND FOIl HAI.lt BY _ _ ■ , ■ m I said Henry I). McDaniel, governor, recovet Absolutely Pure. | Jnn2B-wl OEO.&OKBAR, 110 Clicrrv tri rt ThU powder neve. varle.. A m«Td of VSSEt*RSKI parity, >t>ength ana wholeeomenwg I this court they show sufficient cause why thU kora economical than the ordinary kinds, i orcer»bould not be made final and scire fa and cannot be sold in competition with tbe claa ts ordered to tssne. .' -w, * MB. * • I* ntwise SAM. LB ' Haw Oai.aaita, Oct 21-cmtno euy; mid. ini.a 2 2-14. net rer.lt*. 6'44 »roa* »*7; 4500: Mock 131,021; export,, to continent 22.6, cosat wl*e UKL Monti. Oct 22 —Cotton c.ty: mlddlln, »K; i 1000: _ 7221; exuorta ooartwU, 2770. Mx.ruiN Oct 32—•'oUtiu quiet, mlddlln, net reccin', JIM ahlpm.uu 1170; mire .8 0; .lock 26.558. Auover. Oct 22 -creton cloied dull; mu Kin. »1-16; receipt. 1738; thipatanu —; aalcr cazacamir, Oct. H-f'Man eui.r| mi'i Hin. 9* 2 err wrelot. (MO an,-* 4100: Ml.'» ■2700: w<wk 00,860; export., to continent 4*M, coaxlwbo 2908. here could al w hear the eonvereatlon between I Macon and Montgomery with equal dlrtlnct- iuim.—Colombo, Koqulrvr -uu A Romnronbto Caonpo- Mr>. Mir, A. Dxiler. of Tunkbannock, Pa. waa .filleted for an year, wilhaaihiua and bmnru.ti, daring wbl h lime the bet pbv.tcianr could give no relief. Her life wa, de.plred of, until in I art October ihe procureif a bntle of Dr. King, King'. New Discovery, when immediate relief waa felt, and continuing Iu oeo for • ahort tiniH aba waa completely cured, gaining In fleah tilty pound,, in afaw nyonlba. Free trial bottles of thia certain core ol all throat and lung diaeaaee at Lamar, Hankln A Lamar’a drug store. Large bot tle, <1.00. enf Vacdorbllt’a Llberallt, Again. New Yoag October 18.—At tbe meeting of the tru.ieee ot Ibee'ollege of Pb)aician> and Snrgton. thle evening, tbe announce- nent waa officially made that William H Vanderbilt b*d given tbe innilnilon <500, 000 aa a bnlldlng fond; tbe eite. Including i wenty-nlne city loie. at Sixty-eight and Hixty-nlnlb atreefa and Tenth avenue ba, been pure bared, and It la unde mood that bnlldlng operation, will be bepnii at an early day. FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MACON. CoaasrrsDST J. W. LOCKETT. Bsoars. MACON. October M UM. Inreitment eeeorttlM rtcady. Central rtoek rtrong and In good daman' man saw: M«. eased KM cl. , k, . thou!* ■SHSmaAmnl, aa to om and oualltv multitude of low feet, ehort welehr, alum or [ibavpbate powders. Bold only in cam. j JOHN I.. IIARDRMAN, sold ;v, ksiacna ca.sso Solicitor-Gun*-ritl. Royal Baring PowdkrOo., 106 Wall street New York. J. B. KSTCB. Judge Superior Court North- eastern Circuit, presiding. FREE TO ANY. LADY GEORGIA. Bibb Countv—To all aud slngn lsr the Shu rill* of said Htate— Greeting: tv tierc es James fi. Jones, principal, and P. BcUIn Stt4.LAB.te OOMAMIM mfCwMsIhBilBi !•* -* C«!a’. .■ catUacaaiM > rl«a U-t •nuturu«-.ti0ib.!r D'-’Mea* arwt Iry to In* dMmstimnMj —- - . on ij’iai, ami w .'v.i..i.i i sen, security, did,ou the nth day ol June.! oue thousand eight hundred and ulkhty-thrcc, g, j-,W wwi before Louis Notion, a constable In aud for SmAmmmmVcSo .m <ii -A Frt l 4Nti«r..iiUM hpt; and enter into Ibelr oertalii! )**«««,y«t!»*.**<-. ^ •• a* late, commonly csllcd n rec- li. A. UAUCOCK A tO„ irotrrtir tiald couuty, make obligation of that date, commonly ogu;zsucc, signed with their haud».an<! sealed with their seals, sn*l attested by l^>uls Nelson .. lilt‘ * coustahle n<ft:<ir« euld, and which U now here in court ready to be shown, whereby the said James G. Joue*, principal, and F. n.-hll:; n Send sit ceuta for postage | aecurliy, acknowledged themselves •riht away than and receive freest :ostly box owe and bo Justly indebted to II ofgiMwls which wlllhelpall, I D. McDardct. Governor of said State, * ot either sex, t« more money and hi* successors in office in the sum bgHrommd|||r ~t»rld. of ‘ el *4 In this wor) f three hundred dollars, for the true payment CITY MARKETS. Meats.—Market steady, llghL Wa quote: I “* SrsMXft’ Balk rrsi-v hems tssidH.» Lari*.—Market quoted pie. Wa quota: in ueroar •bnalUifiJi: sib patia 10ft:3 tb nails . Cirrrta.—Market steady at»d wall steakad oteomargarine TJaJSamawMaytllt edge MaMc creamery 29o30o; country 20s3fe; Tanasmaa 29 At once address True A Co., Augusta, Maine, an*l leipti r< pn.seiitsilves Jolutly and suversily. fehlwly which satd recognizance wa* subject to, aud .,■■■— . . ■ ^ J had thereunto a ceriain condition la sub- FOR SALE. I before 4 -4 X tivtuu * II-3BOI, .'till •J|r»8i.tl«:rv, a ahaflliiBv, Hanger,, etr. All kind., ca.-t- M til* for prices on any kind of machine-1 ® knowing them to 8< i stolen, and to s CanoT.—Auoried. la boxoalQJfLOKc, barrel. *4'oa» Baar.-Cooxed. Ilk <21,: 2 Ma < H«z*r - Market blgber; atock, ample. We quote: Full cream li'te: lower grade, I2al3c Corn,.—i n. uarz.z 1, quie, auo awn cbolc. 14"! enrnl Uc; ne-llum Wta-’Jc: CO Ro«al-lLowerdnt u good demand. W. •note: Common M2,; fatally <14); extra farallr 15.00- fan nr 15.85: patent <6.'0*6.75 Dir uouov.—Th. marEM la qai«; a*mane und.rate: Muck, ample. Weqnou: Prints 4V Baanwaam—Market firm, llcno thoaa pee keg. MnlaaSotilUOi Iron bound tu KSOat OO. Trace chain. 45a50c par pair. Aau, .hov.U 111.00 a*r doa. Plow hoaa V4M%e pti Ik. Hainan’, plow Mock, tlJA Asm <7A0> a.oo per doa. Cotton rarda HAA Well backet. <4.76. Canon rop* '4*J- pee Ik. qwede Iron ST <5.00not keg. Blaoungpowdor t Laadle por A Drop tho tl.lbal.i0 per beg. B, wlr#7.7V4e Arrtr».-fM good demand and aoaios. Fancy otork Mon. Hr : to PEicnis—Strictly No. 1 peeled <0 per STANDARD BIOGRAPHIES. ^ - ■■■ 'KtAUT. tion to be void, else to remain In full force Wax—22 to 24c. Hat.—The market steady; good demand ;wa quota at wholesale: Western timothy $L10e Clift: small louit tial.m Lawowa.—Hlgkar; good 462 06 £6. bruts*. The market Is qolst: crushed gfte; licT*.—Terrazo-ja aimood. XJc per Ik: Prtn aoeh wamata UalJc Brazil 15c: fllbrtta — ».7a. B Jan. and Joly cmna 106 Fob. ami Asa. oonpooa-MI let Janaarr and July eon- city mMnm M'^qej^rlT^eoaFO , —UJ% V4% kdaataK, qaarSrir'fm^nv*.!—n? Oalf let morigaga. SwsSssjfiria* Jaa.oad Julyeoa —- k. k. (a, i Uflft S&:dS M « ** JiCT,.—Terrazo-ja aim ccm paper ,bell2«e; Fri Naplea —; pecaaa ire; ■ e- 1-. wr lore ■ Oa.mw, fcareeand 1st lae«IMagat<MtMMif < In fowl demand. Floy ■da adltac at <Utet.no por crato. Bam,..-Fairdemand: ra.rketitea.ly: new UI ‘" i.«*!*.-<'aru-m«rk. t f: Crut: tu, k !, 11,h If ear lore,:-...: •BBWWWHIMPWWS.7V. Oats good da aund aad bUher; wa qooUt Weatern*' " .1-00.1.50. B.,r.rbon <!.< redl.ulled rye and corn llalJO, gin at «1J>V1 % C eon <U«, pea. h an l brandy txflOaZTB rewawbo wUe tl B. non _... •berry wine lUMU, ebony ana ginger iSSre'wSdVSJES? 1 ibucuana Piaens utcnrn.-Ala Lam lamp 11— le to tot deroaod. end le acre dale rewant ji'iEt’ners^'ai E KuiKEri. Holler., How Mill,,Com Mills, pal. do make hi, pereonrtinpn Cotton Dreuea, Mill Bpindlea. Pulleys, tbe H-wrtorCourfto be bet. for Mid county Bhaftbm. Hanwera. etc. All kind, cart- "< Blb >."» *be 4th Monday of th M<m4ay of Uctober, ism, from dev to dar, and from term to term, to answer for tbe offense of receiving stolen cat* R. D. COLE A ( O., | other Indictment as tho gtand Jars may find Netroan, (la. in the premises, and the gron<t Jury having . flrt|n(1 ^ todictiaeut for simple larceny a true Center brook. Conn. JEDIT M-Rkun. n/ibM y.XTri 1 *? kii>.- ir re bmw ..Mir .3 £Mint i'UQFCUFR9 u,,n ^ lirnMm I niiP^nullO ClorrrSl'I-rg kTuldrtb. •ssanex ana I iTkaAsitasanU Tsyk in-w w£i.r mr wrstn- tor M tuodtry tipnoir far Urrmnt SlIWiWI t r tbe »«i.. f..u»w tyrmma hrrs U no tnwUke atest thu tiMtismeoL the row and effect. ■ ■And whereas, at the October term, 1M3, of county aforesaid, to- tions. TILOfN. CLEVELAND nntf HIND- the Hupertor t’ourt of the county af . ■ RICKS., 774 RoyaToctav * pages; 16 foil page A U: Ou tho 5th day of December, one tbou- Ulurtratlon. rzn.l elgl.t hundred aaMMaMgl Address II. 8. GOODdPKKD A CO., ocllvrly New York and Chicago. duly called In open court, and falling to appear, and the said V. flcbUnsen, sc*urity, being duly 1 called and required to produce tbe body of tbe SILVERWARE! Por Hoazehold Dm. BIRTHDAY do. It was thereapa n ordered, ■ and adjudged bv the court, that their said rc< ornizance be Rtrfelted to the fitete and that! scire facias should issue ibereon. In terms of the lew. All of which, by the record* of said con t, reference being thereunto hod, will more fully and at Urge appear. , b These sre therefore to command yon, and sch f you, that you make known to tha sold | James G. Jones, principal, and F Hchllnseni found In H security. If to be found In your bailiwick, that WEDDING PRESENTS Large stock an«l I»w I'ricee. £j#*Hend for Catalogue. WILLIAMS & STEVENS them,outholr saidroeanixancaao forfeited >v iLLinmo OC JiLYi-ivo I to the State. In favoro) said State, for tbe show cause why final judgment should not be entere«tup against them, or either pr any of them, ou thc4r said recognisance so forfeited Macon. Qq. I amount th< reof. with Interevt and costs. , FOR SALL. TTY VIRTUE OF POWER OF SALE CON- D toined in a deed made to the vnderslgaed by F. F. Parris, dated April »4, Uti w* r * •tH at public outcry to tbe highest bidder on Monday. November 17.IM*, b< Mirthoure door, in Bailor, Go., bet' i Witness the rionocable T. J, Himmons. Judg I of sold court, this 23d day of Jane, ISM. A, B. BOM, Clerk, J a nit-lam tm. Ihroaih ife |4kit« wm a AJJi <m Al' . n*t. .r tl •» t' f'lithy ""ft'"** 20 DOLLARS W1 LL BUY Til B FA VO HI l K &mR SEWING MACHINE MbyC CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE C0.Pt. aCz.Pa . ARENTS^."-. ..■j,., PfeMtol (MM • *(MMi*bv ETj&M 1NVJ 1 1L.L. C. a izwqi, riKiitornna. «ww o raw. Mb Lwur, re. Ewell W*bb,prlnrlp.l, and John M. Sander,, recurtty.—Complaint, la K X r t'" 8 Joliti II. -an.l.re. .... ovrezk S mi alreSJii u£. r3 Bibb 8«p.rMr coort^™ M re .n .??^. Ti nnLv ^ admlautretoron bl. ig", o vrin.ton itrevt of - aril ronniDg 1... k 3H ( £s, f ,SlSJmfJISsKi JJW Signed ibis Mh day of November. 16ML T-J.8IMMOl/«.f..!l 1 C.| Ooci ihf South “re 72,EiS FAR. i MIL S I a r Ua*i toe • . “ir tt: Sj^-aSS jftawjaA'giigati'g 8. T. TOiJEMAN A CO. ‘AGENTSSsES Reflecting Safety Lamp nl& FOR.FE tU FZ4IN. Clr agOAril A. BIBB COUNTY—WBaroas. A B «BOB01A. CRAWFORD COtTNTY.-T Raw mlmlnbtrrtoro(lb. MUU of Mrs. Viz- '* baabrea aa .ppllroOra BM la rave mate B. Wart,, bu ra.l, .ppiir.Uon lot M- for J. W. Jark. rUik of tba .RnptrMv Conrtc bnofdl.ml4.Ma from mIImMM. mM roo.ty toby .ppotoud.Amt, Imre tor o Thl.I. torlre .n<l alia mbk^1 pvreotmvon IMnutcof Jolwllu oek, fltloH.lot _jtm4 lob. sad appear it tko court ofonii- ofroMremal-. Mry of nM re.-inty on tho «M Mowtay la Th ■ will rlre all pvreoM toorerwad to ibm Pocwailior Mat to ihn. nuns. If any Urey I van re. if any Urey Ear., by IBs Bret Mosria raa. why Ml< tppfltalloo ihonlg aot ba I MN^rCTiwr nasi why Mil appflaatliw ikmL ^iZSTl’iS? .“‘TIl I ' , "*'* < moa*. HOTJOB, DON’T r- ; ■ YOU WANT October 1,1X64. VO»LO ■" ANl MV, Now Yu«Ow