Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 31, 1884, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1884. WITHERED ROBES. JF.ANNIF. GARTRELL STOVALL. Along life’s pathway strewn, *—>ft reposes, b the sword to wield, Withered roses. Choose faith, the guiding-star, ’Tis God alone disposes, heaven's truest lessons are Withered roses. THE DAWSON TRACEDY. Particulars of the Killing of Capt. Pickett by Mr. Cheves. From Dr. W. C. Kendrick, of Dawson, we have learned some of the particular* of the unfortunate killing affair that took place in Dawson last Saturday. It seems that during the progress of the pri mary .election held In Dawson last July some bad blood was stirred up between the two men. For a long time Capt T. II. Pickett, well-known lawyer of that place, was the ibnly candidate for the Legislature. In a can vass of the county captain Pickett for some reason failed to see Mr. cheves, the editor and proprietor of the Dawson Journal. Mr. Cheves went to Captain Pickett and voluntarily offer ed to support him in the race, and even offer ed him the u*e of his columns. A short while after Mr. O. B. Stevens came Into the race, and Mr. Chares dropped Captain Pickett and went to the support of Mr. Stevens. It is hero that the first bad feeling was engendered, and which was followed on. ,, _, Mr. Cheves last week was considerably un- A BRILLIANT WE0D1NC. Macon and Fort Valley Happily United Yesterday. The wedding of Mr. Judson Hyatt, of Ma con, to Miss Carrie Greene, of Fort Valley, yesterday afternoon, was one of the most bril liant social events Fort Valley ever enjoyed. The groom is one of the handsomest commer cial tour) its on the road, and sells goods (or Johnson ft Harris, of Macon. The bride is the daughter of Dr. W. 1. Greene, of Fort Valley, and Is known In that section, as well as iu Macon, as a young lady of rare accomplish ments, At 3 o’clock the bridal party formed In the church, with the following attendants: Mr. Z. A. Hudson, of Kufaula. Ala., and Miss Willie Greene, of Fort Valley. Mr. John Ross, of Macon, with Miss Claudia Everett, of Fort Valley. ,. Mr. J. K. lfaycs, of Montezuma, with Miss Lilia F.verett, of Fort Valiev. ** . (iconic P. Greene, of Fort Valley, with Leila Burr. Mr. Cheves last week was considerably der the Influence of whisky, and threatened several persons, among them a gentleman from Macon who was in Dawson, and also a barkeeper. While not considered a danger ous man, be was in the habit, when in liquor, of behaving in snch a manner as to make cn On Wednesday of last week he went into the drug store of Dr. Kendrick, where Captain Pickett was, and told the captain he wanted to talk with him. Pickett refused to talk, and told him never to speak to him again. Cheves then went behind the prescription counter and asked Dr. Kendrick for a knife. On being refused he said he wanted ooper. oi ron vaucy. Mr. Arthur Findlay, of Macon, with Miss Julia Wiggins, of Fort Valley. Mr. Yancey Hill, of Montezuma, with Mist Stella Harris, of Fort Valley. Mr. 0. M. Houser, of Fort Valley, with Miss Mamie Greene. Mr. J. A. McGregor, of Macon, with Miss Eu gene Humph, of Fort Vall-y. Mr. H. C. Harris and Mr. A. D. Skellle were ushers for the occasion. The ceremony was performed in a beauti fully impressive manner by Her. T. B. Rus sell, after which the party weir to the dtpot, accompanied l»y several friends, who threw the proverbial Upper after them, wishing them every pleas- ire ou their bridal trip to Savannah and from thence to Jacksonville and other points of in terest. The happy eouple passed through Macon last night, and at company lug them was Mr. A. B. Greene, brother of the bride and one of Fort Valley's promising young merchants. The bridal remembrauccs were uumerou* and costly, many of them coming from the numerous drummer friends of the groom. A Shooting Affair. Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock a party of five strangers went to the flying Jenny ou the 8awyer lot, on Cherry street, and behaved so badly that officers Chastain and Abridge threatened to arrest them. They promised to behave themselves and also to take home one of their number, a man named W. II. Cham- E ton, from near Cochran, who seemed > bo considerably under the influ ence of whisky. The officers agreed, and the party went off and turned down into the alley between Fourth and Fifth streets. A pistol shot was heard soon after, and officers Hatighn and Abridge hunted it up. They found Champion nourishing his pistol, and a man named Benson Davidson, of Wilkinson county, bleeding from a wound In the Jaw Officer Baugnn disarmed Champion and turned him over to officers Akrldge and Chastain, who took him to the barracks. The wounded man was taken care of by officer Baughn, who went with him to the barrocki. He afterward left, and had the ball extracted by Drs. Mettauer, Soloman and Wimberly. From whst we can learn, the five men wero friends, and Champion, who seemed to be more intoxicated than the others, fired the pistol accidentally, the ball going into the cheek and glancing downward Into The wounded man v house of Mrs. Fletcher. Champion, when he had sobered up, says he remembers nothing of the occurrence, and hud nothing whatever agaiist Davidson. He regrets his action very much. Whisky was the cause of the whole affair, and it is a mira cle that it did not result more seriously. On being refused he said he wanted n pistol. Dr. Kendrick replied that he had neither a knife or a pistol, and cheves said he would klU Pickett before night. Nothing was thought of these threats, as Cheves waa intox- lotted. On Saturday last Capt. Pickett was out of town attending a Justice court. Mr. Ch< ves saw Capt. It. F. Simmons and asked him to see Cant. Pickett au<l Mettle the matter. As Capt. Pickett was out of town, it is presumed tlutt Capt. Simmons did net see him in time to deliver Mr. Cheves’ message. About 4 o’clock Cheves saw Capt. Pickett on the street, nearly o poslto the tele graph office. Ho had bceu in town about fifteen minutes. Cheves was armed with n double-barreled shotgun, and when within about eight feet of Pickett made some remark, which was not caught by the bystanders, and to which lickcit replied: •‘What do you mean?" Instantly the gun was discharged at Pickett, one losd of uucksbot entering the left ann and in the region of the heart The second load entered the abdo men. Pickett fell dead. The marshal, who had been looking for Cheves to disarm him, then came up and In attempting to arrest him was struck over tbo head with the gun. Cheves was then overpowered and taken im mediately to Jail. The femlng was so strong against cheves that there was considerable talk of lynchl''g him. T ne sheriff saw the trouble brew lug and promptly summoned a posse of men who have kept guard over the Jail. Chores, It Is un- deatood, will waive examination. Court meets the first week in November. Capt. Pickett was highly esteemed In the community. He made a brave soldier, and one hand and one footwascrlppleddurlng the war. He leaves a wife and seven children, lie was Insured with the Knights of Honor for JS.000. Hit remains were buried In the city cemetery on Sunday, the funeral aerrfbea be ing conducted by Rev. p. s Twltty, and the procession being ouo of the largest ever seen In Dawson. Mr. Cheves hat a wife aud one child. Mrs. Chevce has been nearly ciazcd by the lad oc currence, and it is feared will lose her mind entirely. Mr. cheves went to Dawson from Albany about three years ago, and is from Crawford county. The affair has cast a gloom over Dawson. The high position Capt. Pickett held with the people, and his murder seems to draw the people nearer to the bereaved family. Grand Lodge of Maeona. The Grand Lodge of Masons met In Masonic llall yesterday morning. Too following Qu eers wero present: M. W. John f». Davidson, grand maat-.r, Au gusta, Ga.; K. W. James M. Ruthin, deputy grand master, Boston, Ga.; R. W. Reuben Jones, grand senior warden, Newton Ga.; R. IV. J. II. Estlll, grand Junior warden. Havau- nah, Ga.; U. W. Joseph K. Wells, grand treas urer, Macon, Ga.; K. W. J. Emmett Black- ■hear, grand secretary, Macon, Ga.: Rev. and M. W. David E. Butler, graud chaplain, Madi son, Ga.; W. It. C. Mclotosh, senior graud deacon, Powder Springs, Ga.; W. R. B. Nlabet, Junior grand deacon, Katonton. Ga.; W. W. F. Parkbtirst. grand marshal. Atlanta. Ga.; W. 1L T. Kendrick, first grand steward, Albany, Ga.: W. J. A. Fowler, second grand steward. Cedar Grove. Ga.; W. K. K. Pound, third gron.i steward, Indian Spring Ga.; lira. Charles If. freeman, g*r * 1 - T * ~ The lodge third dagreo. Moat worshipful Grand Master Davidson /nA hit gWUM address, wljlch was an able '•tod eloquent paper. general routine business followed. There are nearly three hundred lodges in Georgia, and two hundred and forty-two of them are represented in this session. The pertonel of the members is a fine one, and numbers some of the brightest l ghts in ma sonry in Georgia. The following past grand officers are also in attendance: ■ M. W. David E. Butler. P. G. M. J ■ Samuel Lawrence. P. G. M.; M W. 8. D. Ir vin, F.O. M.; M. W. Jas. M. Mobley, P. G. M., W. J. 1. Wrljhtj P. G. M. R. W. Win. The Talbotton Fair. Talbot Is a large and prosperous county, and has more than the usual number of Independ ent farmers which, added to the general inter est and pride in their annual fair, enables them to make a most creditable exhibit. Captain Roderick Leonard, a prosperous planter and influential citizen, aided by the prince of chaperons, Col. J. B. Gorman, wen? the rounds with the representative of this journal, and the displays were very fine, but not so full and complete this year ns usual on account o( the long drouth. Tuc b*uu and bacon entered by Mr Henry Dickson were as fine as soil, climate and skill can produce. Mr. Dickson is a prosperous and Independent man. and the entire country would be so if his cxatnplo were more gener ally imitated. The display of corn, potatoes, peas, sugar cane, maize, etc., were very good. The ladU-s made no exhibit in several of their favorite lines. Miss Annie Dennis, most chtrming young lady of the place. ight entries of bread, pickles, preserves, jel lies, domestic wines, canned goods, etc. This exhibit is not only a compliment to the ta side t produt A Card. To all who are suffering from errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, earlv decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, free o! charge. This great remedy was discov ered by a missionary in South America. Send self-addressed envelope to Rev, Jo seph T. Inman, Station D, New York. October | November... December... January ...„ February.... March./ April..,. May., Hi : ■ i" i! 10.44-45 Great Britain 9355. to continent 63>4^H Qalvxston, Oct 29.—cotton firm: mid- dllng 9%: net receipts 2978; gross 2978; sales 2571; stock 70,258. Norfolk. Oct. 29.—Cotton firm: mid dling 9?<; net receipts 4494. gross 4m- sales 2097; stock 41,714; exports, to Orest Britain 6028, coastwise 2908. Savannah, Oct 29.—Cotton Ann* mid dling 9 7-18; Net reoelDts7945 grow 7945 Mist 8000: stock 108,386; exports, to continent 4853, vernc cotton 3-16al344d. wheat 4}{d, New Orleans, Oct. 29.-Flour unchanged: family S4.S0a4.75, hlgn grades 95,'ma*>.<&. Corn firm arjd quiet: mixed 64; yellow o, white 72. Oats quiet; prime Western 41. Hay scarce snd steady: prime |16.00al7.00, choice 918.50. Fork steady and unchanged at 117.75. Lard quiet: tierces (refined) 19.00, keg 99.50. Bulk meats quiet and unchanged: shoul- oars, nackod. $7.87}*, long clear $9.70, clear rib $9.70. Bacon quiet and unchanged-, •boulders 88.00, long clear $10.25. clear rib sides $10.25. Hams—choice sugar-cured quiet: Choice canvassed $13.50al3.75. Whisky steadv and unchanged: Western rectified $1.13 toll. 14 Coffee dull: Rio (cargoes) common to prime 7>*sll. tsvigar steady and quiet tairto foils fair 3X. yellow clarified 4%ad}£. Moiaaae* dull and unchanged: common 20, refining 20a4Q, prime to choice 50«53 Rice steady Louisian* ordinary to prime 4Ua5%. Bran steady and unchanged at95a$1.00. Cotton seed oil dull prime crude 81. MOBILB. Oct. 29.—Cotton quiet; middling 9 5-16; net receipts 616 gross 858: sale* 1000; stock 8982; exports coastwise 1520. Memphis. Oct 29 -Cotton steady: middling 9\i: net recftfnts 3101; shipments 2606: sales •Seth Cook, of Bathboneville, N. Y.. wilt be 103 years old on the 10th of next January. He is so well preserved »hat ne walked seventeen miles the other dav, nor was he fatigued much at his journey’s end. DR. W. C. CloSON, Practice limited to the treatment of dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 85U Cotton Avenue, Yacon, Ga. Jy29w3m FINANCIAL. 8TOCi^J AND BONDS IN MACON. Corrected sr J. W. LOCKETT. Broke*. MACON. October 28 1884. Investment securities steady. Central stock strong and in good demand. Money easier. VTATB BONDS, Bid. 4s. 6s, 1889. Jam and July ooupona.108 toft is. 6s, 1886, Feb. and Aur. coupons.IUj *— * ad K. R. — talyctupoas7.itt CITY BONDS. 4scon es, quarterly coupons... MMM lC8}* H4>* pons, mortgage tt.AA.l Is. 7s, gold, quarterly con | Is. 7s, 1396, Jan. and July c< did advertisement of the section that the materials. I Col. Gorman, in his rambles over the globe, has gathered a magnificent collection of curi osities and specimens of the arts and handi work of many countries, that Dwell worths visit to see. It is hoped that ft will be received for the fair nest week. After doing the fair the writer mingled among the people and was shown many courtesies. Falling Into the hands of the sheriff, unof ficially, that intelligent and efficient officer showed the oerfeet system with which hli office Is conducted. As an ornament to his office snd as a feature worthy of imitation, he is getting up photographs of all his predeces sors. HU Is conceded that no county his a more The monotony of the trip over was pleasant ly relieved by the entrance of a party of very handsome ladles at Butler. An old New Yorker was so overwhelmed that he lost his balance. When last heard from he was speed ing across country In a buggy. Frattsbire. a beautiful and flourishing vil lage, was taken In, between which point and Howard a complete breakdown occurred. The trip was so pleasant accidents are forgot- ten. An Irtoendlary Caught. Yesterday a negro named Ned Rcddlny, llv-l ling in Monroe county, near Bollngbroke, re-1 ported to officer Bailey that there was a negro Ut Campbell ft Jones's warehouse that he wanted arrested. The officer accompanied |Ncd to the warehouse, who pointed out Gas Goodman, who had just got in with a load of cotton. Gns was taken to the barracks, and |Ned fgave the following reasons his action. About two weeks I I ago Ned diicovcren gam In the act of setting fire to his gin-house, but succeeded In putting It out before U reached any size blaze gam. on finding himself discovered, offered Ned 25 cents not to mention tho matter, and at an other time one dollar. Ned to >k the money, and, while he said nothing about It, ho kept Wllnk llruih All U..VT.** mnw.n.nt. * m *08 xailroad Bonne, Atlantic and Gulf 1st mortgage, 1897, January and July coupons. ...109 111 Qentral R. R. consol, morf., 7s, 18M, Jan. and Jnly coupons 109 110U leorria R. R. 6s, maturity 1B97 to 1922, January and July coupons. ...102 106 ffoblle and Girard endorsed 8 per ct nt 2d mortgage, due lifll -1(7}* 10U* lont ft Eu. end. 6s,. 1st mort duo 1909, January and Jnly oon pons ...101}* 102), Wcat. Ala. 8s, 1st mort., dne 1888, April and October coupons ....-.-3(6 li 7 AT. st. Ala. 8s. 3d mort., due 189U, April and October coupons ...—K6 107}* flortheastern end. :a, 1st mort., dne 1896, May snd Nov. coupons....—.110 U2 BAii.no ad rrooiu. Augusta and Bar. 7s, guaranteed...118 lia Central stock-..—.... —... 77 78 Qentral certificates...— „... 97 *9 4oGthw«wtaro 7s, guaranteed. „lli lift aeorgla Railroad ex-dlvldend...—)45 147 Miron Gas Light and Water Hock. 60 Lanier Houso stock...—.. 18 26 BABB 8TOCX, Exchange Bank.—...—. 410 — Capital Bank — MJ1* mj Central Georgia Bank 92 95 •Bid. Markets brlTalearnoh. ■ *bw Yoax, Oct 29.—Noon—Stock* steady, money MBS. Exchange, long $4.1'"’* **"' short 4.83}£684.84. State bondi dull. 8000; stock 40,068. Acousta. Oct 29-Cotton closed Ann; mid dling 9; receipts 1848; shipments —; sales 13(0. Chablbbtob, Oct. 29-Cotton Arm: mid. dllng 9J*; net receipt* 6162 gro«s 6162: *«!** 4000: stockt-8,511; exports, to continent 1353, coastwise 3077. CITY MARKETS. . M bats.—Market quiet and easier, fitocka light We quote: Bacon—aides 11U; shoul ders 8. Bulk meats—sides 10)*al0)<; shoul der* 7. Hams 15, as to also ana uuaiuy Labd.—Market quoted higher; stock am- S le. We quote: In uercce and tuns gurgio*. 10 > palls 10;*: 5 lb palls 1(9*; ft lb palli l^. Buttbb.—Market steady and well stocked; oleomargarine 22a25c;newMay gilt edge 26a28c; creamery 99al0c; country 20aJyj; Teunesseo » a*», Candy.—Assorted, In boxes 103»10}<c, barrela 9Ual0c. Coen Bbbv.—Cooked, lib *2.25:2 Ibe nt.25. Cheese.— Market higher; stocks ample. We quote: Full cream 14c; lower grades 12al3o Coyfes.—The market Is quiet aud sieady; choice 14o: good 13c; medium 12W*.'3c; common llall)*c. Floum.—Lower but n nod deoued. We .note: Common Ml; family *4.25; extra famliT 14.50; fannr <5.00: patent |£.50ae.:5. Da, Ooona.—Tb.mattmn qniet; uamaod moderate; .tock. ample. Wcqnote: Print. 4'., tSlxe; % Oeorjrla brown .hlrtlnf He: % do 5Uc twown .heetlng tt{o: white oanabnm * H abdwabb.—Market firm. Horse ihoee ts.uu per keg. Mule shoes 86.uo. Iron bound homes $4.50*5.00. Trace chains 45*50c per pair. Ames •hovels $11.00 »er do*. Plow hoes 4>*a4l*o per !b. Halmsn’s plow stocks $1.23. Axes $7.50a 8.00 per dos. Cotton cards $1.00. Well backets $4.25. Cotton rope I6a20e per lb. Swede Iron 5a5)*c per lb, refined 8%3}*cper lb. Flow steel Sc pax !b. Nall* $2.75—basis ef 10-d. Powder IS.OOper keg. Blasting powder 93.00. Lcsd 80 per Tb. Drop tho $1.55*1.W per bag. Barbed wtro 7a7}*c Rots.—Terragona almond* 22c per tb; Prfn oess paper shell 24c: French wainnt* 15h18o* Naples —; pecanaibe; Brasil 15c: filbens—: cocoannts 8*5 per 1000. Oranuu.—ecarceand In good demand. Flor ida selling at $3.50a4.nu per crate. Raisins.—Fair demaua; marxot steady; new layers $2.50 per box; new Tendon layers l?.50 p«r box; loose muscatels I3.0J GSAIN.-Com—market firm; stock Is llgli good milling com 80a85c by car lots.7te9Uo small lots: mlxe<1 corn 76a7*c. Oats -good de mand and higher; we quote: Western Ltqroaa—Rye $1.60*5.50. Bourbon $L80a5.00 redistilled rye and corn $1*1.30, gin and rum '1.05aL73, N C com $1.60, peach and app e brandy $2.00*2.75. catawba winell 25, port and sherry wine $1.25*8.86, cherry ana gingei brandy 90ca$lAO, French brandy t2.2Sa5.75, do mestic brandy n.C5a2.00. Ugg,CAJ/nNXD Flasybk andCbhsmt.—Ala Naval Stores* Savannah. October 29.—Rosin ipa**^> quiet, strained to good strained at $L03al.07l*; “lies, — barrels. «ntrits tnrpentlnt- firm >gular 27 bid; sales 100 barrels. Charleston OcL 29.—Spirt s of turpeiitlnc nominal at 27 bid. Rosin nominal strained $1.00, good strained $L02}* Wilmington. OcL 29 —.-mint* oi turpentine firm at 27}*. Roam nominal: strained 92U, rood strained 97)*. Tar arm at $1.40. Crude urpentin* steady: hard ILOO. yellow dip and virgin $1.60 w York. October 29.—Rosin—refined steady at >L25&1.30, Spirits of turpentine dull Wool. Rrw Yoke, Oct. 29.—Wool dull: unwashed 18 to $4, domestic Hec.ro 82 to 40. Texans 14 M EDICAL DEPARTMENT* rsasaas' UniversI ty Of Georgia. UM wUl aad traUmest of Ksoch Ualtowm I - count, of Mid executor with Mid e.Uie farther eppc,rln R to the court tbet said Ellen blatter, when last heard of, Raided In the state of Texaa, Ordered; IhatierTlce be perfected b, pub lication nf thl. order oneo a month lor lour month. In tbe Teletr.ph .nd Mcnenger, a paper n which Mid county advertUemenU aro publl.bed, and in the (Jalvciton News, a •eipir publl.bed In Galve.ton, said State d •exai. By the Court. July?, ulT V1ROIL B. aoLTON, Ordinary. True extract from minute., jyll-w-lam-tm FACULTY. X» A. DUGAS. M. I)., LL r> Ein,ntu« Professor of the PrineduVe. ..a Practice of Sunrerv F«aacd „ , JOSEPH A. EYE, M^D Professor of Obstetrics and idi'cases nt , 2® en »H , l Children es oI GEO. W. RAINS, LL D M n Professor of Medlca^Chcnil.t'^ and'i.h^. HENHYF.CAMPBELL M D Professor of Principle, and Practiced So. p f lut. kd/ar,. gIddixo" Professor of Physiology and PmtuZil Th.ttractSrpa'rcel'ofiand'.ltnaled In tho , ROBERT C. EVE. MD™*®’ city of JI.cou, In Mid county, a d beloeac- Professor of tUe Inttltutes ami p’r.„„ cordlux to plan of Mid city, parti of lot. No,. Medlelrw of Bibb County Sheriff Sales. Will be cold before the Court Homo door In the city of Mucon during the leyal hour, of Mle,on the drat Tuesday In November next the following property, to-wk: Th*t tract or * * ‘ * ** * • • ty of Macon, _ 0 eo. c m S' m „ •}*•£ F ln» rtwet between loU one (1) aud Jurisprudence. cw ^U») etul renntag afty-ntae feet and tlx thl » InstltuUcr oSS mi 8 0 ,hu flr “ Mond »y'» -Norea inches on Elm itreet until ltinterweta .... line of lot No. 6 In Mid block, tbence .long • atcady. iOB4AO!j; GOT.ru- meutbonda itrong. Krenlng.—Rxenant-. Sub-treasury balance.: Coin 1130,SM,L.. feney (10,1*4,000. Gmernmeut seeurttiM are itronicr. 1 per cent* * por eontt -100)J. ■tot# bonds steady. The following were thectoslngquoU - 4 Ohio4. *>enrer ft &Io G.. watch upon all “am’s movements. Ou Monday aIgfct, fearing that Bam might make another effort to fire the gin house, he re moved the cotton to his dwelling. Sometime during the night Ned went out and found the «rie...— 18V* house on fire ltd saw 8am running away. Hr <C*s« Teuu. R. R.. 4H was so busy trying to extinguish the names ' ’ * and saving hi* property that he allowed Sam to escape. The dwelling was entirely cou- eumed with all its content*, nothlug being saved. Nothing was seen of 8am until yesterday, Class B. 5*. 98 WmTrSrf If. Carolina *29 N. Carolina, new *18 Funding............ *io 4. G. Brown cob., lufij* Tennessee 6s Virginia Ca though a warrant for him had been sworn out Ned says Ham is a!so wanted for break ing Into a store at Jackson In Butts count, about two years ago. He is In the barracks Abram Love. 1 R. W. J. E. Red- ADrsu um', r. u.u. a.; u. n. j. i;co- wine. P. P. G. M.; R. W. J. W. Taylor. P. D. G. M-; if. W. C. r. Uwle P.». O. W.: It. \V. David SUysr, V. 2.0. tV.; E. W. A. !. Leet. P. G. W.; B. W. Joh.t O. Ibritx, V. ). O. W.; R. W. Steven A B orders, P. J. O. W. The lodge meets again to-day. After His Ho*ae. Yesterday morning Mr. J. II. Wool lord, of Gainesville, Informed officers McCafferty and Murphy that there was a man in a saloon on Poplar street wanted for horse stooling, and that the horse was then on the street When the nun came out be gave hlsuame as W. R. Pag e, and when asked where he procured the horse, he said he bought him from fl. U. Ogletrte, in Atlanta, about a week ago. Mr. WooUord said the horse was stolen from him on the4th of last September, and that he had been tracec all over booth and North Carolina. He came dow n to the fair and saw tbi*horse. Page was token with the homo to tho bar racks, and a possessory warrant token out for the horse, *bd a warrant foi borao .steal ing token «ut for Page, a telegram was sent by Chief lie/ ito Oclitroe it* Atlanta. The case came up before Justice cherry aud Wool- ford was glvvu his bor*c. Iu the afternoon • telegram was received from Oglvtreo saying that he sold the horse to Page, and that he • (Owletree) had purcha>cd him of airnm uamed Tnbble. On recelfd of tb was released from custody. Ukvdhore 651* f jjulsv. A Nash.... 24?’ 'femphLsftChar. 2ii •Bid. 1 Asked. JExdiv. M. o. Pac., 1st*....^5^ S. Y. Central 8t<* Norflt.ftW.praf. 20 * Nor. Pac. com.18 Ifecfflc M to KIch. A Uin ■ Rich. <i w. r.ram lM?Rock l.I.nd )10l Texu Peclflo mien JVrlfle W.bMlt l’.tlCc... do. pref....—m. U. Telegraph COMMERCIAl. Too Many Warrants. The other day a negro named Jim Woolfolk sued out a warrant for another negro name l Ticknor for simple larceny. Tlcknor then sued out one for larceny after trust for Woolfolk. All this happened in the Howard district. Judge Tucker bekl court and dismUstd the warrant against Ticknor because Woolfolk was net there. Jus* Tncl'*? • omta bai liff and sent him out after Woolfolk. Be and — Ticknor came In town together and found the The receipt* wero (93, sales 559, shipments object of his search on Cotton Avenue. Off. bales. OOTTOR MARKET REPORT BY T slew turn abo Maaaaxogx. M acob. October 29-Nfeniue. Liverpool reported the market firm with a good demand at 57-16 for middling uplands. Sales, 12,0.0 bales. Future* closed barely steady. la New York October contracts osened firm at 9.80 and closed dull at V 78 78. sales, 87,000 bales ’•fimrs in New York opened steady at 99* tor mlddllnc uplands and closed quiet at 9M. «*!•«. 073 bale*. Tbo local market waa quia and unchanged. Ject of hi* search on Cotton Avenue. Off. ; r Martin assisted In making the arre*t. aud } i^y went to the barracks. Here office. I * chapman dlscovereil the warrant agaiu-c I 5JSJ iJrUMiTiSjr* Woolfolk, and also the one against TicW. which bad been dismissed but which the bal- *-ow mldaUn#. llff itill held, and both men were locknl up The bailiff was in trouble, but later in the evening the negroes ba 1 a trial before Juvtlco Cherry and the cases dismissed. Absolutely Pure. ThU powder never varies. A marvel of parity, st.cngth and wholesomeness. More economical then the ordlnnry kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with tbe maltitndeof lowteet, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cant. Rovat. Baking Eownsa Co., 108 Wall etraet New York. Oils.—Market Orm and Intooddcmubl: elf naUOeSOc: West Vlrtlnla black '.7o: Uni oil 70c; cotton teed M; beedllfht JOo&c: keraeeoe 17c: neouloot 78c; mschtnery Ko40o; llm.cd Wane; mineral seel SSc; eotton eeed ref Hmx«, Woou KTC.—Hides—receipts lum: ufy flint 8si2i salted ftsto. Wool nominal: 11 u washed 18sXc; WMhed jlsjso; burry tksltc “’—txaMe. TsUow SdMa -,jKtie.—Plnte ItAO: quarts (2 5S. half osr nls, plain and mlKsd, (7.00, Onions.—YeUow and nd OS.OOaS.75 net bbl. l2.0oSJo” Ban “ l “' ” <1 ' n t0,aM P»'bunco. far mw potatoes at t2.0Cs2.7S per bb<. Rice,—l+ood «c: prime «'<c; fancy 7o. b BTAtcs.-Kellntd pearl boxes to; do. 1 O SASDINXA.-Qnuter boxes American (0.73a SO; imported llSAO. Balt.—The demand la moderate and the market steady; Urnetoik; Vlutula tlal.2S; Uvcrpool (1; by car load these prices can b> nrnor.—Market bare of Florida and Oeorfla •yrnpei New York sutar 30.10c. Fun.—New crop, No. 1. bbl.., 117.00, half bbls. 10.00, quarter bbls. CUB; UUTOc; No. mackerel, blit. MOD, hail bW tt.CO, quar ter bbla 12.75, Idle 00, Mens.—About mice cor loads ta tne rair- ket, which lr active; trade medium; HOOslSB. lloMix.—One cor losd Tennessee In markut: PROVISION AND CRAIN MARKETS BY TELtORAPH. BauihOM. Oct. 75.—Flour steady, quiet; .toward street snd Weatam sqperenc u.2M 2.73, extra I2.2IM.5IL family *75*4.73. city THUS lunerdne 12.60*173, extra HOOsJUio, rto brands tL<2st.73, Psuprco family M.N, laperlatlTS potent 16.75. Wheat—Ronthem ukt snd carter; Wasura steady and flrmer ■ - l — do saber Mold; Mo Maryland Mt.sDO; Mo 2 Western winter red ■pot Until*. Corn—Southern white lower; Western dull: Southern while 5ts36: yellow MsSl, Oats quiet snd unchanf ad. Rye Arm alCadV St. Louts. October 20.—Floor nnchsnced family UAOOIOt eholeai Wjs A00. fancy •8.70*4.73. Whwu lower: Mo. 2 red rrtnter 77« »77ficMh,-7»7"!( November. Com mow end lower: SO cash, 17K Norembcr. Oau very •low: No. 2mired»tVtAWi c*«h, *>A for November. Provisions dull snd quiet Pori dull: jobbing 818.00T' “ tons clear 17.70. she rlU B^JJlOw'shOrt el lower snd nominal at le.sift, wntuv steady atn.ll. Loouvtui, October 2).-Flonr steady and unchanpd: exua tamuy IE2M1IU. A No I 83.ais3.73. WUst dull; mo. 2 rsd n. com dull, lower. Mo.2 wblu 85, do mixed 48. 0*U dull end lower: Mo. 2 white »; mixed 21 ProTislone steady. Mms pork nominal. Bulk tne lino oflnt 6, tllty-ntne feet «lx Inches to •old to Mowers si ihown by book V, pax. (14), Clerk’s olllce. Bibb Superior Court, lerled on m the property of Jesio Jordan, to .stl.fy a mortttsito fl, fa. lnueil from hibb super lor Court In favor of H. s. Unler and W. B. If 111, receivers, etc.,v s. Jesse Jonlsn. Proper ty pointed out in Mid morbpm fl. fa. <1. 8. WKStCOTT, Sheriff.- fJEOlttil'ATBlBB CODilTY.-By virtue of‘sn " order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be .old boloro tbe Court House door In the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuc«iav in Novem ber next, all the real estate of Eliza 8. John- *<> n -.l*to of said county, deceased, to-wlt: Light v-three acres, more or less, being the land in said couuty on which aald Eliza 8. Johnson realded at the timo of her death. Also fifty acres of land, more or less, lying In the south west corner of lot of land number 201, origi nally Houston, now Bibb county, bounded by the lands ot Eliza Johnson on tne cast, south bv the lands of Ryder and Grace, west by the land! of Jore Willis and north by the lands of Mr*. Tankersley. bold as tho property of fillza 8. Johnson to pay debts and division amoug the heirs of said estate. Roberta. Johnson, lawiw* Administrator. TTFoltrilA, BIBB COUNTY.—M. W. WaU.- U worth liar npnllctl for exemption of per. sonalty and scttlne opart and valuation of bomcatcad and 1 will pass upon tho same at to o'clock s. m. on Tuesday, October 28, 1881, at my olfloo. J. A. McMANCd, law8t* ordinary. ber. ““ in -Norem. ^KPWAKDflM.DKQg.l..^ THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ~0NLY^T Bv Mail Postpaid. NOTICE. 1 \M» S«»| W» ' K S flTiD *7 WatetoinsJssrt. If wall *»•. OUJjUr.M. J.B.BUCBACa.MbV MbSTSZ..B.Y SILVERWARE! For Bousebolil Use. BIRTH DAY J WEDDING PRESENTS I Large stock and Low Prices. £ftrvk-nd for Catalogue. WILLIAMS & STEVENS labS wly Macon. Os, (3 EOROIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-WIU be va lul l belore tbe court houM door. In Knox ville, da., on the first Tuesday In December next, witbin tbs legal hours of isle, fifty-two acres of land, mere or less. In southeast corner of lot No. 181 in Tnlnl District of said ooanty. Also, fifteen acres In nnnbwcil comer of lot No. U In sixth District ol said county; sold as the proparty of Ibe estate ol Young Jciiutij lately deceased, for benefit of belra and cred itors. Terms cash. W. B ARNOLD, October 27, imt. Administrator, octsu lawtt ,_ t lor make* eppllcetlon to me for letters ol administration on estate ot John P. Taylor, late of said couuty, deceased. This w.11 cite >11 person, concarosd to .how cause. If any tb.y bar*, bv the Orel Monday In December next why aald application ihould not be (ranted Witness my hand omclallv. | Oct. 27, test. VlKua. 8. HOLTON, occu lawtt Ordinary. On receipt of thl. leQfrsm, Page The Hatcher Combination—Tb* Orest Labor-Saving Machine. It will open, ill tribute guano, cotton sued i nod cover all at one coin.; or It will open, dti- Marv Cunnlff’s Faith Rewarded. Mary CannifT, an Irish rirl, with Mr. Edward Hopper, No. 1200 Bpruce street, has enviable fortune A hard working domts’.ic—she baa (15 000. She communi cated to n reporter that months ago, she heard of The Louisiana State Lotterr, and decided on an investment. Her belief In it* strictly honest principles were not shsken when she drew • blank for (our time* lubstqucnt, nor did ahe fall to In vest monthly, by mail, (1 with M. A, Dauphin, Washington, D. C. She has just been notified that tbe ticket, one-fifth of which she holds. No. 70,408. has drawn tbe (75,000 prize.—Ihilodtlphia (Pa.).Ycrr, September m. Week on hand September l, 11*4 Total •lint EXT*. Shipped by ran. tupped prenouslj.. W. H. Holtenbeck Declines. NY Fsikxp* axis tux Pc*uc; Ilavlnx tribute tbe guauo an 1 bed on the sam'. it will I L.cn earnestly solicited by numeroua friend, do the Mine in pl.uting corn snd other crops, to he coma a candidate for county treasurer of end no change, be necessary, only to t ska off 1 -hi. county, and hxvlnt conMntcd at on* tb* board and put on tb. plows, and in add! lIm - «*ellnw my name to be used eaacandl- turn you have either e .Itigleordouhle spick- date, but now, after considering the matter and all the change ncr cary from double to more hilly, and in view of my personal busi- tlnxle is to paton th* i Ingle plow lot*. nes. engatementa end for the pesc* and bar- ~Tne afnflestock tliua obtained l> superior niony .td Uc.t Inumtolouccountr.ItM- lo ell others.u 1 I.ilmpler,.lnmfer ami more |*ct/all> deeilae to become a candirtaM foe durable and mu easier, Tbe (conversion or the office In the approaching election. Tbank- d*ruble dock answers man ■ purpnM. 11 li a lot iny in.ny frlcuds for their manibatatlons anperlor cnlUr aloe, m any kind of a plow of confidence In me and ptedglng myearnetl works .well on IL The plow feH arc arranged ] support In every Inlertat Involving the wel tic In advance, l fare ol our county, I am. respectfully, your osnblnatlon is | fellow elttreo, \v. H. lioi-i.ssixa. CllnUm, Jones t o., (la., October >, 1ml to work opposite each other, o. Acy penoo can see that this i simple and a great labur-Mvlng machine U> th rlanter. It will mv* the work of from two t Disease, Fropenolty and Feetioa brings mankindnamberlen ailments; foremost •moos them are nrrvoueneee, nervous de- Willy, and unnatural wexknee* of gener ative organ*; Alien's Drain Food aucceee- (nlly craercomee these t roubles and restores tb* sufferer to his former vigor. 11.—At drogglou, or by mail from J. H. .Allen, m Fi.it Avr., Now York city, ,S15 Young Men—Rond This. The Voltaic Belt (Jo.,of Marshall. Mich., ofier to send their celebrated Electro Vol* talc Belt end other Electric appliance* on trial for thirty days, to men (voang or old) afflicted with nervoaa debili-y. lossof vitality and manhood, and all kindred tr .able*. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis and many other diseases. Com' plot* restoration to health, vigor aud manhood guaranteed. No risk la Incurred, a* thirty days’ trial la allowed. Write them at oacc lx illustrated pamphlet free. Ameren 12,ltd. Futures very firm. October.. meets—ebonlders M 6i* olaar rtb aides 181\ clear aid** «to.to. Baron-abouMen I7.UJ, clear riba (10.73, abort clear 111.23 Hams— sssjsjssar ■ cracnofATt. OctoberTA-FMrdull: family ftronicr: No2 mixed 41*46. OaU firmer: Stock on hand 4,073 steady; prime eteein 17.00. Bulk meats dull COTTON MARKET* BY TELEGRAPH. «-d lower: ehoolden.jiM. abort rlb_|s.25. UvsarooL, OcL 20—Noon.—Cotton, business firm with a good demand; mlddtlns uplonda 5 7-16: middling Orleans 3)4: Mies 12,000 bales, for speculation and export 1000; receipt* 18,100, ft EOROIA, CRAWFORD COUKTY.-Ther* U ha. been an application filed in my offlee for J. W. Jm-k, clerk of tho Buperlor Court ol Mid connty, to be appointed .dralcli'rstoron th* eauto of Jackson Hancock, deceased, lata Th's will clt* all persons concerned to show COOM. If anv they have, by th* first Monday In Novamber next why .aid application anonia not be granted. OtORGU. BIBB COUNTY—Where**, A. B Lou sdmlnUtrator of the eatete olMra.yir- fi^oi B d.:«ti^.^s«‘ ra,orl * t - This Is to cito ana admonish all persons con cerned to ba and appear at Ibe eofirt of ordi nary of said count/ on the first Monday In ^&rY. h ^^ d “ ^# ?. c i?M■SKS01s. u,,, sep5-law3m*Orulnary. - - -5 27-64 October and November......^..^w52644(927-8l November and December h December and Jsnusry... M M MM . mM .5 2944^30 64 January and February..044 February and March —.....—....5 37-OV^.X-Ci 2r.M.—Sales Included 9190 bale* American. Futnree steady. October* sellers — — 2>-64 October and November sellers 5 iv64 November and December, sellers..5 2V64 December and January, btiyers-.A January and February, sellers 5 31^4 February and March, sellers6 March and April, sellers6 4-V>4 April snd May*buyen ^*.^..-54Cc04 May and June, buyers-...-.. —J> 5044 9 r.«.—Futures closed barely stssdy. October, tellers —. —— —627-64 October and November, seller* —62744 November and December, tellers 3 7744 December and January, buyer*-..-5 » 64 January and February, *eilera..-..5 3l4i February and March, sellers ..—.6 3»44 arch and April, sellers-.—.—.8 4244 April and May, fellsrs—.——.3 46 <-\ May and June, sellers, J1504* NttvYozx, October 29.—The Post’s cotton article says: Future deliveries after an ad vance of 4 to 3 points lost 3 to 4, and sold at tbe third call: January 9J7, March 10.lt, June UlS6; October, November and December uere offered at t.T9. February 10.01, April 10.24, May 1&42, July 10.68. Futures closed quiet; No vember 1, December 2 and tbe balance 3 points lover than yesterday. New Yoax. OcL ‘ new uuwM w. •»«*» x^iisrsfsfir ia5Sun«C»lmme < 'l0 1 ' t ' Seln* qoewSon? 1 * akavt wli, W—i SJ ,w—— the muning ud closed !;c. lower: October 74)4*75, November 74)4*7 Af, No2 ChcAgo ipring 7i'4a74. Corn opeuci lirnngand clotedk*me Mjestenlay: cash 41);«l'-’’4, November 42‘iat3M. Oatillru: e—h 2af>2S. November Li.'iAXti. Pork ttlilo higher early but declined 6*10.: c*.h tli ; a ISA). October (15.25*15.30,. lord iteadr: cavh ic. 'i' ,u7.co, November p;.«a«Je!i. Bnlkrac.u quiet: .boulder. M.2See.«. .bort rthe(7.23*7 :d, clear .Idea la ioaASA Whliky steady *( 11J J. Bu*»ii»ttw3^:_ Standard A i'/i. cut laal 7a7!i ftxw Yoax, October 2).-FVmr-aoulb*;n heavy: common to fair extra (XjMeL'A); goed to choice extra 5L23a5.75. WheaL apot about steady and quiet: ungraded redJOAOl, un- cral,..| white M, No 2 red 85K*3* OctoVr, E^i^^T'.'Efco.VSS; hell firm: new 77*22, fair to choke 22 Coffee, spot fair Rto dull at t'i.73. Mo. 7 SiEia-ftS'SS* sLfin“ i «na rn ^ bn s&" ■ Porto Rico 13-18. raelAM— sugar r S I refining 31-;*a5 3-lc, refined crutheif 0) M,w v>tlcAri. ie*5L Cuba :30-teel __ r?|.- r cri7r.v a ’-”- fiawyrr,luaolMldcounly, ■dnll, ruberwaak:newmWepot 41*43. fcrtdnll, rather weak: new aaaoapM Executor's Sale of Real Estate. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY - Under and by virtue of *n order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, Georgia, will bo aotd before th* court house door In Macon, .aid county, between the tegri Mle boxra. on the Brat Tuewlsy In December next, 18M, to the hlxb- cit bidder and tor CAAh, on* vacant lot In the city of Macon, mM county, fronting on Jones ■trMt one hundred end five feet and running back ninety feet Bold M th# property of • •- late of John T. Coley, lore of Illbb county, de- ceeaed, for the benefit of tbe helni and credit- on of Mid deceased- October 23. Iam. g Recognisance. Th» day mm John L. Hardeman, aollctor general of tbe Macon circuit, who proiecntei forth* 8t*tc of Georgia and ihowa tfiat hereto- fore, to-wlt, on the sth day of 8cptember.lS83. James O. June, as principal, and F. Bchltnien a. recurllr, entered Into an obligation com monly called a recognlrance, belore Lout. Nelson, • constable in and for said county, signed with their hands anl sealed with their seal, by which they acknowledge themselves to owe and be Justly indebted to A. D. McDan iel, governor of said State, and his successors In offlee in the sum of three hundred dollars, for the true payment of which th-y bind them- •elves, their heirs and legal representatives Jointly and severally, which said recognizance vas subject to and have tbereuuto a certain condition in subsUnce and effect as follows, to-wlt: That If the said James G. Jones, ptln- pal, make bis personal appearance before the riuiHirlor Court to be held for said county of Hibb on the fourth Monday of Oetobcr, 1H&3, from day to day and from term to .term to an- swerfortho offense of receiving stolen cat tle. knowing them to be stolen, and to such other indictment as the grand Jury may find In the premises (and the grand Jury having found au ludlctmcut for simple larceny a true bill In the premises) and not to depart tnence without leave of said court, then said obliga tion to be void,else to remain In lull force and effect. Now on this day the Holicitor-Gencral having announced ready and the case being called in its order, tho »ald James G. Jones being solemnly called three times to come Into court to answer said charge of simple lsr- eny.and the said F. Schlinzcu, blshall, hav ing been three times warneo to present the body ol bis principal whom he engaged to be present this day to answer said cnarge. and thssald parties respectively haying wholly made default; U Is therefore considered, or dered. and adjudged by the court that the said James G, Jones, principal, and F. Bchllnxen, surety, forfeit their recognizance and that the ■aid Henry D. McDaniel, governor, recover against tho said James G. Jones,principal, aud 1-. Schllnzen, surety,the sum of three hundred dollars, the amount of their obligation, so lor frited as aforesaid unless at the nest term of tula court they show sufficient cause why this order should not bo made final and scire fa cias U ordered to Issue. JOHN L. HARDEMAN, Holicitor-Gencral. J. B. FATES, Judge Superior Court North eastern Circuit, presiding. GEORGIA. Bia» County—To all and slogu- at tho Hbenffsof said Mate—Greeting: Where as James G. Jones, principal, and F. 8chUn- sen, security, did, on the ftth day of Juno, one thousand eight hnndred and eighty-three, before Louis Nelson, a constable In and for said county, make aud enter into their certain ‘ledarec- d scaled 1 Nelson. constable as aforesaid, and which Is now here in court ready to be shown, whereby the said James G. Joues, principal, and F. Hchllnzen, security, acknowledged themselves to owe and bo Justly Indebted to H. D. McDaniel, Governor of said State, ■nd his successors In office In the sum of three hundred dollars, for the true payment of which they bound themselves, their heirs and legal representatives Jointly and severally, which said recognisance was subject to, and had thereunto a certain condition In sub stance. and to. the effect following, that la to *ar: That If the said James O. Jones, princi pal, do make his personal appearance before the Superior Court to be held for said county of Bibb.sra the 4th Monday of October, 1883* from dav to day. and from term to term, to answer for tbe offen«e of receiving stolen cat* tie, knowing them to be stolen, and to snch other Indictment as the grand Jurv may find In the premises, and the grand Jury having found an indictment for simple larceny a in bill In the premises, and not depart them., without leave of said court, then said obliga tion to be void, else to remain In full force and effect. And whereas, at the October torn, 1583, of the Superior Court of the county aforeaald, to- ait: On the 5th day of December, one thou sand eight hundred and eigbtr-three, tbe said James O. Jones, principal, being thrice duly called In open court, and falling to appear, and the said F. Schllnzen, security, being duly called and required to produce the body of the said James G. Jones In court, and failing ao to do. It was thereupon ordered, considered and adjudged tor the court, that their said recognizance be forfeited to the State and that scire faelas should lt«uc thereon. In terms of the law. All of which, by the records ot said couit, reference being thereunto had, will more fully and at large appear. These are therefore to command you, and each of you, that you make known to the said James G. Jones, principal, and F Schllnzen. security. If to be found in your bailiwick, that they, and each of them, be and appear in terms of the law, at the next Superior Court, to be held in and for the county of Bibb, on the 4th Monday In October next, then and there to show cause why final Judgment should not be entered up against them, or either or anv of them, on their said recognisance so forfeited KNOW THYSELF, Great Medical Work on Manhood I SwfiSSsffAfftfS workln every jenaa-m«h.nlcal, Uteri, Md l ESSss«,'sr*?sa5r®5 a.&'&irs.pWi Sunrluow. Gold Medal aw*rde<IUeMth<»bT The Science of Lllu ihould bt read bv the young to. Instruction and by the afi!c[t«l ' - roller Ilwlll benefit all -London oSS “* There Is no member ol society to whom this book will not bensefal, whethtryouth, pai«? guardian. Instructor or cleiwym.n.-.traVL.i Address I'KABOllY MKDIL'AL INSTITUTE or Dr. W H. PARKER. Mo. 4 Bolfincb itaS Braton. Mam., who may be cou.ulW oVS U1mu<« rcquirinx.kill aud experience. Chronic anil ohetl-au dlseart* ihi th.ve baffled the skill of all other 11 |.' • i •:.j. clans a specialty. Such UEi Sli tmS. jdroro-J^iout.u | H Y.SH L p Mention this paper. deeTwlv C0OKSIOVES ALW fl YS.SATISFftCTORT EIOHTEEnTiMD KINDS luraicgisiRs ci» be suitld IsaacA.Sheppard iCo^Baltftrore.Hd. ANII tout SAM; BY GRO. s. OBFAR, -i an2 - Vl CARDS Ain t . .. ( \I1IM O.', 1 i:> 1 !.![ Ultouk , I * FREE TO ANY EADY 4 H .MM., UspbW It. A.'tlAlU m K ,u CO.; C cnlrrlriMili, I HABIT JStya BEST IS CHEAPfiST." r'HRESHERS r AWi L f!-.r:e Poneri • Clot r Hi i hr. CHEtVLV.'i S 1 Ut. CHEtVLr,j v jdUmm Jr«(rte r-iu n. »«3%V«-J.*r ji n 4t!^i'lunJ«JtL 20 DOLLARS WILL 111 V Till I AVOW’2 s'mR NOTICE. C.e. t«Meai. executor o lio* Mtaieo nu.xn. nah Leraeur, v*. Ewell Webb, principal, and . Johu II. Bandera, security.—Complalot, In BibbhuperiarCourt. . ... _ _ IT eppearing to th* eonrt that John H. Ban- I (lorr, one of tho defeodanta In the above- named cauM, la dead, end Wm.IL Handers ta admlnlitr.tor on hi. ratal*. It Is ordered by Uw court that Mid Wm. R. Handers be mad* a party defendant to Mid nilt, and that h* bclnc a non-realdent a aopy of tbta order b* lervad by publication M pta- ’"signed ih’hriS*d*y of Hovembax 13*3. T. J- blMHOlfe. J. B. C. A true extract from th* minute, of Bibb Hm- perior Court, April td, Uh3. A. B. BOM. aprt-Iawtf Clerk. Aghita Fm UitiuifflGiiA GEORGIA, BIBBJCOrFTY.—Notlcvlihereby vX givi ttonthe first MomUy la Novem- be* next I wUl make uppUcstlim tc the C<#urt of Ordinary of Mid county for leave to sell tbe lends belonging to the estate of guaeanah jm, on their *al«I recognlzanci ... the State, In favor of said - amount thereof, with Interest and eoata. Witness the Honorable T. J. Simmons, of said court, this 23d day of June, ISM. Jun2i-lamlm. STYLE SEWING MACHINE Equal t CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE CO., AGENTS^'. 1 ; t'" STS Bg-ifeggaw Oueen FOR SALt. T>Y VtRTUK OP POWER OF fiAUt < ON talned In a deed made to the undersigned by F. F. Farris, dated April 14, Ifeftlq we will sell st public outcry to the highest bidder foi rash, on Monday, November 17,1881, before tbe courthouse door. In Butler, Ge., bctwcei tbe hours ol 10 o'clock in the morning and i o’clock In the afternoon, tbe following prop erty, towtt: All that tract or parcel r* ■ituate«l. lying ac<l being lr**—* notds, Taylor county, Ga., k ot said town as lots numU in block number twcntr-l age on Winston street of If atvl running bark 311 fe Macon street, and hsvinr four-room framc-l dwel will be sold t# satisfy a n Parris for $l,918Ad due ? . secure the payment of whk_ .—. b sputa : I'.; S fv AGENTS (\ j; 'i Reflecting Safety lai'J j -*', reoffVn Vlamp- Ui'<icS0 FURSEE A A VAF C utThis Oui l HMianaV111 cr-gj Ww ! 1 *Asv*jfcS'it-'* Atntwe OsusifM «l sa4 Ol^v ffesmM *fLa i lr.51 Ifaf fUtotT#rt, Ppf M** * A GOt * r « IH • •