Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, November 07, 1884, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AN1> MESSENGER, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4,188'. THE LOUISIANA RIOT. FURTHER DETAILS O 1 THE BLOODY FIOHT AT LAREAUVILLE. The Attnck Begun by Negroes, who Stamoedo When the Bullets Begin ta Fly—About Twonty Killed —The Particulars. [TKLEORArllEU TO TH* ASSOCIATED PRESS.] New Orleans, November 2.—Informa tion front Bepublican sources gives a dif ferent coloring to the affair which occurred at Lsreauville yesterday. A Blaine, Logan ana Kellogg meeting was being held there, which it is said was broken up by armed Democrats, who fired at speakers. Of the BepubUcans eight were killed and wound ed. All the Republicin speakers were ar rested by the local military and commit ted to jail without authority of law. Intense excitement prevails in the parish. New Orlikakb. November 2.—A New Iberia special to the Times-Dcmocrat saya: Everything is quiet since the Fansse Point trouble yesterday. The prisoners ere still in jail and will probably htTetbeir preliminary hearing to-morrow. A great many reports come from Fansse Point to-day, nearly alt different as to the fcumber of killed and wounded, uoroner Mtnville. who came in late this evening, says sixteen negroes and two white men were killed. He has ordered a jury and ta Maai . All THE NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION. The Date or the Opening Poatponed— An Address from the Management. [telegraphed to the associated press.] New OrlkaK8, November 2.—The tol- lowing address has been issued: World’s Indcstbial and Cotton centen nial KxrosiTioN, Director General's Of fice, New Orleans, November 1.—The com mittee appointed by the management to con fer with the President of the United States and the beads of the executive departments in respect to the opening ceremonies of the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Ex position having reported that Inasmuch as Congress assembles on the dsy heretofore ate nounccd lor cue openlngof the exposition, the opening ceremonies cannot be attendtd by the President, executive omcera aud members of both houses of Congress on that dato, as contemplated by the act of Congress and earnestly desired by tho man- afiem nt, It ta hereby announced that the formal opening of the World's Exposition will occur at 12 noon of Thursday, December IS. 1881. Applications (or space will bo received until November 25th, and exhibits will bo re ceived until December 10th, with the under standing that they must be arranged In place by the opening day. The demands upon the W orld’s Exposition lot space have exceeded anything in the history of former exhibitions. We have added too.coo square feet exhibiting space to the bulldlugs originally design.',1, and advantage will he taken oi the time now showed to provide additional apace for ex hibitors, who may rely upon every possible client to accord reasonable space to all who may api' FOREIGN AFFAIRS. REPORT THAT CENTRAL CORDON HAS BEEN CAPTURED. The Garrison of Khartoum Mutinies and Coes Over to tho Mahdi—The Re port not Credited—Items of Oanerai Interest, Etc. [eigne!?]' E. A. Bubkk, Director-General Exposition. General Burke reoorte d tbnt tbe prepa rations for ’be exposition are in an excel will hold an inquest to-morrow. All who lentstateof forwardness ami the exposition were in the fight when it bcean say the will be opened In tne presence of the pro* 22k .hot-Safe from » negro, who tired Went, of the. United State., Mexico, the from hit cQtt pocket at Jee Gilfoux. Bell and Gilfoux were killed instantly, and from the tint volley. The pistols taken from their bodies show that they had not fired a shot when killed* They were two of Fansse Point’s most respected and beloved cititxens. Their friends pres ent, consisting of six or eight men, were so infuriated that they went into the battle regardless of every thing and fought brave ly. A grest many negroea stood and fought until they emptied their pistols. A majority, however, stampeded. Hundreds of them jumped into the bayou and some, being wounded, did not get out Others ran and ^pme fell down on the wav and died. One negro waa found near by m his cabin, dead, without a bruise on him. It is still unknown how msny were killed, bnt it is certain that sixteen and probably twenty lives were lost. Nearly all cf those killed received their wounds from stray shots. It is reported that tbe white Re publicans present were armed with breast plates, secured for the occasion. Judge FonUlieu’s clothing was full of ballet holes, but his skin was untouched. Capt. Bell was buried to-day at St. Martinsville, Central American republics, tuu head* of departments and of foreign representa tives. The action of the board of manage ment in deferring the opening until Presi dent Arthur can inaugurate the exposition is warmly approved. His warm support of the exposition it app'eciated all over the South, and the management declare that it would be a source of intense disap pointment to the people of the South if it opened without him. The delay will en v ble delinquents to get into position and avoid much of the confusion incident to the opening of the exposition. Director- General Burke has reported to the manage ment that if they would roof the park in (226 acres) and give him sixty days tbe applicants for space wonld fill it. Up the Nile. Cablegram. The tion to Khartoum, as finally ishes him a total force of 8 500 English troops. He takes 5.000 of these troops to Dongola, leaving a reserve corps of 3,500 he plan for General Wolseley’s expec i to Khartoum, as finally settled, ftirn- Bell was buried to-day at St. Martinsville, and Joe Gilfoux at Lnreauville. No fur ther trouble is expected. Nxw Orleakh, November 3.—A special to tbePicnjntne from New Iberia says: About 2CO Republicans, principally ne groes. entered Lareauville a little after 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, cheering in tbe wildest manner and using profane and obscene language in the greatest profusion Tbe crowd was headed by ex-Sheriff Vitaor, and they abused the Democratic candidate in the vilest terms. Tbe most reliable and impartial witnesses agree that a lew of the citizens of Lareauville, not over fifteen in number, headed by Joe Gilfoux, met this crowd of Kelloggites and remonstrated with them, when some unknown party fired on Gilfoux. The assault was unex pected on the part of tbe Democrats, and before they could really Gilfaux and Capt. Bell had fallen. The latter’s revolver was taken from bis body. It bod not begn dis charged. As soon as the shooting com menced there was the greatest confusion mid the negroes scattered in every direc tion. It is very probable that many of the balls of the Kellopgites found victims in their own ranks. When tbenegroes stam peded they left their wounded to care for themselves. The firing was quite general and many were wounded and some killed who were not aimed at. Eight horses were killed at the scene of tbe fight and one was found dead a mite away. Borne of the wounded negroes started to run, deserting their horses, and ran until they fail from exhaustion. It is reported that some of them ran into tho bayou, where they were drowned. Other reached the opposite shore and con tinued their tllght. The panic among the negroes was terrible. They had been told so many wild stories about tbe Demo crats, that they verily believed the day of doom had come. The finding of negroes at some distance from the battlefield caused a rumor that tbe negroes had been followed and shot down wherever found, it Is positive!? listed by w.® 'pants that this Is (else. No l " oti were fired off the field nor were any ol the negroes punned by anyone. Several parties bad balls extract ed here, but they say their wounds were received in the engsgement. It is stated that one man died five miles below here from wounds received in the fight. The Democrats surrounded the Republican leaders and took them prisoners. Coroner If avllle went to Lareauville to view the re mains of Gilfoux and Beil, but took no testimony. He will complete his task to day. He says that as far as he can fearn there m«st have been fourteen or sixteen negroes killed. Many were wounded. The Radicals had been waving the bloody shirt here for a long time, and at Dongola, leaving a reserve corps oi «>,ow at Wady Haifa. The Mudlr of Dongola has promised to furnish a contingent of 3,000 men, to be armed with Remington ritlei. The Canadian boatmen have sue ceeded in getting 120boats over the second cataract—at Wady Haifa. The third cat aract is at Hannek. about forty miles be low New Doncoia ; tbe fourth Is on that part of the Nile which runs southwest, nearly half way between Abu Hamed and Debbeb; the fifth is thirty-five miles north of Berber, and tbe sixth cat aract is near a village called El Hajar, about fifty miles north of Khartoum. Tbfc smaller cataracts are aU between Wady Haifa and Dongola. They are as follows: Bamneb, Wady Attireh. Ambikol, Tangoor,_Uckina, Akasbeh and Ambikol, Tangoor, Uckina, AKasnen ana Dahl, or Ambikol. The 8anineh and Wady Attireh cataracts are not difficult, but the Ambikol cataract, which extends four or five miles, is impassable at low Nile and a severe trial at high Nile. A short distance farther the cataract of Tangoor also bars the way and is as diffleu’t of passage as that of Ambikol. From Tangoor to Don gola, and for some distance beyond, there are lew cataracts offering serious impedi ments. From Hannek, the third cataract to the fourth cataract the river is navigable by sailing boats, a dis tance of 224 miles; thence to Abu Hamed, for 140 miles, ft is only pais [TELEGRAPHED TO TH* ASSOCIATSD PBESS.l Paris, November 2.—A dispatch from Cairo to the Morning Scut says: The Mahdi in the beginning of September, hearing of tho advance of the British forces, made a supreme effort to reduce Khartoum, which place at the end of Sep tember was surrounded by 150,000 rebels. Supplies failing, the garrison be gan to waver. A deputation of officers complained bitterly General Gordan that they hid been de ceived by the promise of British assistance, and they accused him of aiding in the de ception. Tbe deputation also demanded that a retreat be made to Dongola. and threatened if this action were not taken they would join the Mahdi. Gen. Gor don thereupon consented to the plan pro posed. Meanwhile n panic arose and 8,000 soldiers and civilians deseited in a body. Two thousand men remained faithful and embarked with Gen. Gordon. The rebels were advised of wbat bad occurred and harassed the retreat to Bhendy, where maves of rebels provided with artillery disabled tbe flotilla. Unly Colonel Stewart's vessel succeeded in pausing Berber, and shortly at ter ward it was wrecked. The reminder of the flotilla was obliged to return southward, and on reaching Sberay the entire force was ca - taxed, about the 5th of October. General Gordon was suit under a strong escort to the Mahdi’* camp, where he is uow a close prisoner. TH* REPORT DISCREDITED. London, Nov. 2.—The foreign office dis credits the dispatch to the Paris Morning New* announcing the capture of General Gordon. A dispatch to tbe Daily News from D» >beh says the powerful Takam tribes, v uich are inimical to tbe Mahdi. have raptured El Obeid. It is said the Mahdi’-. prestige is waning among the tribes between Dehbeh and El Obeid. Tbe Time* considers the news reported from Cairo to the Paris Morning New* to the effect that Khartoum has fallen into the bands of tbe rebels, and that General Gordon baa been taken prisoner, extreme ly doubtful. This view, it thinks is espec ially reasonable in tbe ataenee of aovi#?s or tbe subject from.Gen. Wolseley. The 77me* tracesdbe report to the Bosphnrc Kgyptien, a French organ, which may have given a Europeanized version of Arab ru mors which have recently gained some currency in Cairo. Earl Granvdle, secreta ry of state for foreign affairs, assured the Press Association to-day 'hat the gov ernment had received no confirmation of the news. Up to noon to-day nothing had been received at the government offices iu regard thereto. A dispatch to-day from Dongola to Reu ter’s Telegram Company makes no mention of the reported fall of Khartoum: Itssys, however, that the Mahdi at last accounts waa collecting his forces around Khar toum, and had summoned General Gordon to surrender. The troops of tbe Mahdi bad intsicepted two messengers dispatched by the British to Khartoum The same dispatch declares tbit at last accounts a large force of the rebels was at Berber, and that the rebels have posses sion of the wells on tbe caravan route be tween Debbeh and Khartoum. After the crops are harvested the Mahdi’s torces will be largely increased. There is new way of keeping tho boys straight in politic o. An Illinois fa ther has mutilated tbe family Bible to make bis son appear less than 21 and pre vent his voting (or the other party. The latest novelty in English wed dings is to have the bride met at the church dcor by a surpliced choir, who pre cede her singing up tbe aisle, and then range themselves about the wedding party. A practical constitutional amend ment will be voted on in Missouri next week. It provides for levying a tax of 15 cents on $100 to be devoted exlusively to improving roads in the country and streets in the cities. Braw n above brain seems to be tho motto of Harvard college. The salary paid her new tra'ner of athletics is $2,000 per year, while the annual pay of her tu tors ranges from $800 to $1,200. As a gym nasium, Harvard must soou take place in the front ranks. The Tribune reports that “a consid erable number of tbe members of Ply mouth have concluded to withdraw to loin the Central Congregational church, of which the her. Dr. A. J. K Beh rends, an ardent supporter cf Mr. Blaine, is pastor.” Why he persisted: Doctor—“Tell me exactly what your condition Is. Do you have night sweats.'’ Patient—•'Yes; every night.” Doctor—“My dear tir, this begins to look serious. About how long do ihey last?” Fatient-‘*Aboutas long us I have to tote the baby up and down. Bondholders of the Bankers’ and Merchant*’ Telegraph Company have ap pointed u committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Horton, DeHaven, Ball, Fettrp ge and Scott, to confer with similar commit tees of the Rspid and Southern Telegraph companies with reference to framing & plan of reorganization. Youno wife—"Why, Charlie, wbat have yon gone ana bought a dog tor Young husband—"Ah—urn, my dear, you know wc can’t eat everything that cornea on the table; no family can." "O, Char lie ! (cry ing) I knew you wouldu’t like my cooktog. Ob dear, dear!” Young hus band—“There, there I don't cry. I'll se.l the dog." Intimidation : A man armed with a clarionet stopped before a shop door. "Sir," said the beggar, "would you mind glvh" me a trifle? Then 1 won't deafen you wii i jy music, but go off at once " "Not at '. toV good man. Flay on; it makes no -1 ittatfeBtataMaMS aitference to me and it will amuse the chil dren." • Will,you -ce,sir," replied the creit- tfallen musician, "the fact is 1 don't snow how to play." "Then, what’s the use of rour clarionet?’’ "It's merely to frighten oiks with.”—Journo! de Dieppe. In St. Louis u new boulevard pave- POPULAR PHOTOCRAPH8. Picture, of Humanity und How Th.y Sell to the Public- New York Herald. Clearly tbe moat-Interesting develop ment in life is tbe human features. Hence daguerreotypes and photographs. Twen ty-live years ago, when carte, it vi'.ife were all the rage, every man, woman and child, no matter how humble their means, owned an album, in which tiny pictures were preserved. At that time tbe three chief picture takers of this country were Brady, Fredericks and Qurney. Mr. Brady, as the flies of the Herald abund antly disclose, began a collection of local, national and universal celebrities, which, shortly after the breaking out of tbe civil war, he removed to Washington, whence, as a base of operations, he cent with every great army corps bia representatives to preserve in pictorial form records of tbe great battles of the day, with portraits of tho men who participated In them. That vast collection is somewhere stored, but at present makes no figure in tbe public eye. Some years ago a new style of picture, called the Imperial, was introduced. At first it found but little favor, as there were no albums large enough to contain pic tures of that else. Other artists followed, and as art and science kept psce with capital new galleries were formed, until to-day the entire city is sprinkled with frames containing portraits, pictures of various kiuds, and of all sorts and sizes, done for miraculously small earns of money. Instantaneous photographs are a specialty with some, babies’ pictures oc cupy tbe time of others, groupings utilize tin- eye of this expert and fancy portrait ure eulists the talent of that. WBAT AN OLD TIMIR SAYS. In an Interview with a well known pho tographer y 'sterday, he said: “The first popular demand, in my .experience, oc curred along about the time when Beecher, Wendell Phillips, Garrhon and their friends were prominent In the public eye, but the eale of photographs to any extent, eo far aa my experience goes, did not begin nntll (bout 1RGG. Tbe first wo men for whose pictures there was any noted demand were Fanny Davenport, Clara Morris and AdelaideNeilson. very few pictures were sold of Rlstori, but thousands were sold of Miss Davenport and other thousands of Miss Monts, al though the greatest favorite of early times was Adelaide Neilson. I never shall for get the first time she sat for me. She was dressed in her magnificent costume, and, aa she turned quickly, the breadth oi her exquisite dress ciugbt the charccalon. bframe behind and by it was absolutely ruined. Throwing up her hands aud her eyes at the same time she said. ‘Ob, dear, what shall I do? My dress is ruined I' 1 I suggested, after examination, that all tbe would need was a single breadth, whereupon she became quieted and set lor pictures, thousands and tens of thou sands of which were sold." Do you still tell pictures of Neilson?” Yes, many thousands aud thousands £ merit of prepared gum wood is being tried on Chestnut street. After tne roadbed is dug out and rolled, a layer of concrete is put down and coated with sand. This is glazed with coal tar, 011 which five-inch xumwood blt.cks are set upright with an ordinary lath between the rows at the bot tom to separate them. This spa' e is filled part way up with coal tar, and the balance of the way with sand and gravel, which is rammed in compactly. This pavement is 0 f them. 1 firm, elastic and comparatively noiseless. .‘Did yon pay her anything for that CREAT BRITAIN. THE OLASOOW PANIC. Glasgow. November 2.—The inan whose cry of “fire” caused the panic in the btar theatre lad evening has been arrested. He •bT*for’.mjdlboat.»th?gli NU.rana there g-*™**** Umj'describe the scene on the staircase m terrible. The. steps were strewn with rib- Abu Hauted to Berber, for 133 miles, the river la navigable by tailing boats, and from Berber to Khartoum, which It s dis tance of 2R0 miles, navigation is possible, though difUcuU, by boats end steamers at low Mle. If it should be decided that the expedition shall leave the Nile at Ambikol and cross tbe desert to HhenJy, there will be a distance of 103 miles to traverse by land. Looking at tbe difficulties to be overcome, it must be several weeks y cl be fore the expedition retches Khartoum, end Zeber Pasha believes that tbe English troops will themselves encounter serious trouble and much fighting before they er r.ve there. A Graceless Man, N. Y. Star. In 1880, when ha became the Democratic nominee for mayor, conscience made him e toward, and he confessed tho invalidity of hla first naturalisation by stealthily re peating the proceas behind barred door* But tbe second effort wet necessarily vlii eteil by the seme cauiee that operated against the first. His residence here as a minor la abaolutelv excluded from tbe case, aa the Hawley decialon ahowa Therefore the only courae open to Grace * * * *T»f —* OVIS IWI “ sum, ewu -■ hut they have got It atained. United States Deputy Marshal Steel is very ener getic in bis efforts to get the prisoners out of tall, bat to far he bee failed. Judge Funtellan held a meeting here lest Wednev day, when the Gay party were at Lareau- ville, and thou who were present say the apeechea were nothlag but a eerhe ot vile slanders and a?use. Tbe meeting, which waa aecret, lasted noth very late at night. Very few whites were present. New Oulxams, Nov. 3. -A special to the Statu rives tbe number of cltixeneof Le- reauville who want out to meet tbe BepubUcans and ask them to desist as aiventern. Louis Brown and Louis Fretot, colored, EcnabUcass, were auavng the killed. Additional wounded are 8L Clair Dagu and A. F. Dogas, Democrats. The engagement lasted onto four minutes, but in that time over 1,000 abota were fired. Aa toon tbe negroes realized that there wu really a fight and that the Democrats were making a atand they fled In all dirac- was to declare bla intention regularly anil afterward procure bia second papers alter a new continuous residence ot i V* years. He never went through the legal larm ol declaring bis intention at all. Consequent ly bis certificate wet fraudulently ob tained. and is not worth aa much as an edict of one of the Ptolemies 1 Strike of Car Drlssre. Niw Orl«ans, November 3.—TheBtmt Rail way Benevolent Association, compos ed mainly oi car drivers, to-day um ■ committee to wait on tbs railroad presl dent and obtain a final answer on tbrtr new tariff of wages. The committee re ported having received no satisfaction and the aasciatton wu therefore ordered by tho trades assembly to strike Immedi ately. The order wu obeyed, and to night there are bnt l»w street care tun ning. Tbe car drivers now receive forty- five dollars per month and claim they work eighteen hours They demand slz’v dollars per month, and fifteen boors work per day. with a guarantee to perfotm all duties faithfully. The community general ly sy mpathisa with tha driven. bons, hals and shawls. Tbe victims were first suflocsted and then trampled to- ileatb. The panic luted fifteen minutes. It Is a notewo-thy fact tbai the authorities had disapproved the means of exit, sod it wu contemplated to construct an addi tional exit from tbe gallery. Tbe scenes witnessed when relations identifh'd the plead,-were most affctlng. Among the victims were eight femslev. TUX "TIMU" ON AMERICAS POLITICS. Losoon, November 3.—The Tima thle morning devote* a leader to the political contest in America, iu the course ol which It says: Although the num ber! polled to-morrow will probably ex ceed those polled at any previous contest, nevertheless it would not be ruh to say that the vut tuajotlty of Americans re gard the issue with Indifference. Foreign ers have still less rt-uon to feel a keen in terrsL The campaign hu been almost exclusively matisg-d by experienced and adroit professional politicians. For thrm alone the resu t will bring exultation or disappointment. The most satisfactory feature of the whole campa'gn is the failure of all attempts tit revive lor party purpo*o the section,I Jesl. ..._ 1 — — # kT..,,t. •>.1 Cl..aval, Aim 111ui onsies of North and South. Mr Ulatne'a recent inflammatory *peeches in the West will nut really benefit bla cause. In one of the English public schools, a difficulty arose between a teacher aud a scholar concerning certain prescribed les sons which were to be learned at home. The case was taken before tbe Appellate Court, where It vat decided that "home icasot a set by teachers cannot be en forced.” The New York Medical Jiec-ird thinks tbe practical result of the declaim, will be largely modified by tbo fact that teachers will continue to give lessons of such , length as to compel Home study or result in a lowering of tbe scholar's Hand ing. Tbe Record asks if tbe requirements of home study are not, in geueral, ' too exacting lor the proper development of the health of children.” The emancipation of slaves in some ot the Brazilian provinces is going on rap idly. According lo tbe Anglo-Braeilian , ima of the 28;h ultimo, the city of hio Uraude de Hot freed all He slaves on the 16th of September, and dec ared its inten tion to liberate all witbin the municipality on tbe 2nd ol December. Tbe cities of Ht Boris Villa da Conecical da Arr o aud Vistula Botja have also taken tbe same courae. At Felotas, tho oenter of the jerked-beet trade. 2,500 slaves wero eman cipated between tbe 7th and the 19th ul timo, and the remaludrr were eoon to be given Iheir llt-erty. The movement ie gen eral and aclive throughout this provioce. and It ia probable that it can be declared on tbo 1st of January entirely freed of slaves. A large proportion of these slaves are being liberated ou condition of a term of service uiua ly not exceeding five yearr, Tug (allowing figures are published regarding the prevalence of incendiary fire, in the venous Htates of tbe Union vcventv-four per cent, of the fires in Ten nsssee are of Incendiary origin, while south Caroline and North, Caroline have 70 per cent, each; Mhsisifpp: 03 per cent.: Arkansas. 00 iter cent. -, West VIrginls, M R r rent ; Indiana, 53 per cent; Alabama, percent ; Geotgis end K-nlucky, 61 per cenL, end Virginia, 60 per cent I n all tbe other State, tbe number of incendiary fires is below 60 percent of the total. Oregon bet but 7 per cent; New Hamp shire, 9 percent; Maryland. 12 pet cent.; It Inula. 15 per cent., and Kansas, 10 per cent, while the following State, are above 20 per cent, but under the averttge of 23: California. Pennsylvania, Vermont Mle sonri, Maine, New York, Rhode Island privilege?" “Certainly not The first person I ever paid was Sarah Bernhardt.” "How much did you give her?" "Fifteen hundred dollars at first, and I sold thousands and tens of thou,sods of her pictures on European orders as well as local orders. It is a singular fact in con nection with this sale ol photographs that in Europe as soon as a celebrity dies the orders for hla or her pictures increases marvelously, while here It is exactly the reverse.” OKATit THE LEVELLER. For instance?" 'Well, Uke tbe case of Horace Greeley. h few months prior to his death his pic ture sold very rapidly and the presses were kept going all the time, but at soon aa he died the demand fell off, and now we don’t sell one picture of bis to where in other days we sold a thousand. The same Is 'rue of Farrsgut, who at one time was very popular, but now we rarely, if ever indeed, are asked for one ot hit pictures." ’How about Patti?” Ob, Patti telle enormously, and will until the dies. She poses easily end grace- lully, and makes a very fair portrait as 11 a, a pretty picture.” •Did you bare to pay her anything for privilege ?" "Oh, yea: $1.000. But one of the great est cards of recent yeere Is Mrs. Langtry. We have sold so many pictures of her t should really be afraid to make en esti mate, hut ecores of thouseods of her pho tographs ere told every year.” "Did you pay her anything (or the prlvt- * l ^Ye», $1800, of which $1,000 were paid In cash aud »6U0ln works of arL” “But these ere ell women. Don t you ever tell pictures of men?" "Yes; but men as a role don l sell aa well aa women, It they are great popular favorites. 11 seems more difficult to work tbem off. A popular actress, a successful singer, attracts admiration as well as homage, and everybody appears to want to have her picture, whereat amao.aaa rule, nobody cares anything about. The two great exceptions were Montague, for merly of Wallack’e, and George Klgnold, who, vou remember, plated here ae Henry The Kimball House, , Cincinnati, Ouio, October 27.— I Editore Telegraph and Meuenger: An | enforced stoppage of eeveral hours, owing I to missed railroad connections, gave me ' an opportunity to look at tho new Kimball House In Atlanta, and I think possibly your readers may feel interested in some description of the famous building. If It falls to be s really Imposing etructure, It will not bo for want of variety in the large amount of elaborate detail covering a great part of the exterior. I do not at this moment recall an American building ot large elze so laboriously ornamonted In sucu variety or etylo. It wonld almost appear aa if the architect had tried here to tell “all he knew.” As to the fitness and propriety of much of the work, there tuny be great doubts; especially In view of the faci that tbe interior exhibits construction that may almost be called flimsy. Mon ,-v e .ough might easily have been saved in Ihu exterior wort to liaye made much more substantial if not fireproof construc tion in the interior. But. doubtless, tho architect worked under instructions, and was at fin same time probably hampered by limitations, making It Impossible to do much otherwise than he has done. Anil it requires a good deal oi courage as well as fidelity to the interests of hit employer to prevent an architect from “making a splurge" when he has the chance, audit will always be so whilst tbe public eye i* so easily caught and so much taken with profuse surface ornamentation, skillfully worked out iu accordance with tbe pm- vailing fashion. In this building there is abundant evi dence of good taste and skill in adaptation, though auy one who chooses to look over the architectural publications of the dsy will find every part and portion of the de tail repeatedly illustrated in the work cf what may be ca led the fashionable archi tect. There is not the slighest originality in the detail or tbe grouping or the mass, and the work is open to criticism In the manner of using iron and stone. Almost the entire frontage is supported or. irot columns, with fatal Injury to the unity of effect by cutting off the lower and sup porting story from the immense mass ot brick and atone above, the iron appearing altogether disproportionate ana fragile for the duty imposed upon it Masses of rough stone work such as used here would look well supporting Iron columns, but to make the iron columns support the rough blocks of stone Is almost as bad as making a man carry bia horse instead of riding on it. I think it also a mistake to construct tbe balcony over the front entrance, with yched opening* through which people are •apposed to look, of rough stone like that used in other portions of the building; in eucb a position the etoae ebould at feast have been dressed smooth. But I have no doubt the popular verdict on the building will be favorable by a large majority, and tho enthusiastic Atlanta man will pro nounce it magnificent. There may this be said about it, that it is an improvement on the best work that has heretofore been done in Atlanta, though this is not saying much, Atlanta architecture not being at all of a high class. Such buildings as the new Kimball House will serve a* a much needed educating impulse, and the result will be beneficUIjnst so far as the public is able to "refuse the evil end choose the good.” p. iiorsfbria sr^SELF-RAISING (iyBread rrepamUoti, THE HEALTHFUL AND NUTRITIOUS BAKING POWDER restores to the flour the etrengtb-gi,i„. • phosphates that are removed wiS .S* Xi'“" «“SS HOME TESTIMONY FROM J. Emmett Blackshear.IVl.D. Macon, Ga„ July 14,1884.-I take pits,, ure in adding my testimonial to the supe rior excellence of your Horsford’s Bread Preparation (Baking Powder) as an arU- de healthful and umritiona,8o long as en perflne wheaten flour is made use of for bread-making, so long will there be a ne- cessity for restoring to such flour the tut. tritlve elements of which It Is deprived bj the refining proceas; and so far as I ant aware, this is the only baking powder in the market that poeseeaea that quality; while in giving lightness and porosity to’ the bread, whether made of superfine, or unbolted (Graham) flour, there is none better. Youre respectfully, (Signed) 0. EMMETT BLACKBHEAK, M. D. FOE SALE BY AlTgBOCERR TK^IT aep3wed.fri.eun&w6L. Hope on, Hope Ever What Sufferer Need Despair Prolapsus and Neuralgia of the Womb Cured. A lady from Americas writes: "Ihavede fective mooses, suffer great pain, tod have prolapsus. Have used many remedies, bnt have never — ulator.” For Mile. Moth And Mme. Butterfly. New York Letter In the Troy Timet. A new perfume, called “A Lily's Sigh,' Is now in use among our ladies whose pureee permit the purchase of the seme, the price being 16 per tiny phial. It pro duces an exqmsite odor, very much llki the heliotrope. SUNDRIES. 10,000 bushels selected Texas rust-proof Oats, bright and heavy. 2 can 0. R. Sides. 80 boxes Boston Fat Backs. 25 boxes Boston Clear Sides. Bellies, Butts, Pork Stripe and Broad-out Shoulders, For prompt attention and close prices, send orders to BODGEBS. ADAMS & CO. e never found anything equal to yourKc, A gentleman of White Pond, *la., Wittes: "M j wife, during four confinements,suffered . ,-rcatly with Neuralgia ot the) womb, leucor- rhira or whites anil prol»piu«, and always no In lulior, audio,t too child. esshetcok r the whole . ... — — -i quick and solo delivery both time* and both children were healthy, living children, ltpromptly cured the whltci.lh* Neuralgia and lalllng of the womb." For aale by all druggist*. Write for our pamphlets, free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Qa. COFFEE. 800 bags Rio Coffee. 25 mats fancy Java CofTee. • : i-it-4 Lotiff. Above fresh arrivals, very desirable, and at bottom prices. Sara plea sent by mail on application. RODGERS. ADAMS & CO. Ha Adopt* a wrofaaalon. PitUbor* Telegraph. Your son leaves college this month, do*« he not!” naked cue lady of another. ••Ye*, his college day* are abjut over,” wa* the reply. “Will he enter mercantile I'.re or ono of the profesGona?' “He has adopted a professional career. The recent erfeutifle research** ot l*rofe»- •ora McCaffrey. Builivan, Mitchell atd ll mrke have diverted hU mind into chau- urli of pugilism, and hi* father aay* a* it wan never po»ib'e to knock anvthlu* into uim, it is probable that something can be knocked out of him.” tion., leering their hals. shoe*, horses and everything. Many of them who re ceived fatal shot* on the field ran a great distance and died inoubof-the-way placet. Their bodice are being found now in tbe fields and woods. Between fifty and eixty of them rushed into Bayou Tecbe, where aome tank from their wounds and ex haustion and were drowned in tha confu sion aud straggle, bat many reached tbe other aide atil continued their wild flight ^ffi*. re .K e |b."h!s 0 v t I J d o£ mide seventeen hour, aa at present. IttraVerse, . hto wa%v* Si>Vb!k)w here and died™'?!!* » country rich In faro, product.,, ytd wlj ...» a -a t ......11.. Railroad Completed. Philadelphia, November 3.—The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad waa opened it* entire length from Dilman I to Cape Charles today. The road afford* a new and abort connection for through Southern business, being 120 mile* ahorter than the preaent one to New York, and I making tne trip in ten hotir* aa against develop a large territory. Tranafir boat* will connect with train* at Norfolk about the middle of this month, when a through V^taFPaiat lvine drad nnon the Held line Pullman car* will be put on. The When’th, leaders ^ST^nSSSSmi scrota Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk. excitement at Lareanvilte was terrible. When the smoke cleared away and the citizens saw two of the noblest men of af'the^HcnubUcani bad exhausted their n munition and retreated into houses near by they asked lor quarter. Cooriers had been dispatched to New Iberia and a detachment the Iberia Guards were lent to revolve the prieooeta. New Obi-sans, November 3.—Governor Kelktgc dosed bla canvaae la,t night and left for Iberia parish, tbe scene ot the late trouble. A dhpatch from New Iberia lay* it is wonderful bow the leading Bepubli- eant managed to escape, many of tbem having several bullet holes through their clothing. The following are the names of tha prisoner! in tbe parish prison as participants in tbe Lananvill* riot. Jodge Fontelien, Al phonse Fontelien. J. Fontelleu, Albert Fontelien, Alphonse Mfgaz. Abe Psillect (colored), Doacv Gibson and Eugene Con way, Tontsnt Bledvenee, of fit. Martin- JU1 Goozalin, Dick Wal- (colored) and T. B. La- of St. Mary. The preliminary i of the prisoner, was not con- iy, as ws, expected, owing to of the district attorney. Con- ly the prisoners will-ha,e to re- prison until after the election. They an the leading white and cotortd BapabUeane of tbe parish. The coroner’s iaqtust baa been ‘ neelay. A Doubl* Lynching. cislto ana. Ark., aay*: Charles MiU-tudl, tbe negro who assaulted Mrs. Waddell, a white woman hi Little Bock county, wet arretted Bunday night in that county. He confessed the crime alter a mob of 200 persona bad put a rope around hit neck, and declared that the woman's bn,band hired him to commit tbe deed. Waddell waa alto arrested. The negro and W addetl were both lynched. Teenier and caudaur* St. Loi-u, November 2.—The race be tween Teenier and Uacdaur, which was declared a tie last Sunday, was rowed over at Crave Co er lake tbii afternoon, and elided in a misfortune for Tremer, who wa-rlelt a qnarterof a mile behind, in con sequence of bia boat becoming water logged. Tbe teferee gave tb. race to Uan- daur and declared all beta oti. postponed until Wed- A campaign outfit dealer thinks 41,- 000,000 at least has been ,pent this fall in the pemtpbernalia witb-whtch voter, are inspired with enthniiaim anil the judg ment with which to vote right. The Worla'e" Outlook. K. Y. World. It is ol vasti mportance to the Democra- cy lo main control ot tbe House of Bep- reaentativea. Tbe election ol Grover Cleve land ia now assured. No doubt i* felt of hla success in this State by GO 000 major! ty, and it will not be possible, wc believe, even with tbe money ot tbe monopolist, to keep from him the other twelve votes needed for a majority of the electoral vote. New Jersey and Connecticut are surely Democratic on a fair vote. They are enough to elect. Indispa tv sure lor De mocracy by the honest vote of the people That one State, with New York, is suffi c ent. New Jersey, with any one State in ibe Union, even little Nevada, givi Jority. Besides these, Wisconsin, Michigan mo Ohio, are doubtful. California Is ai likely to go Democratic as Bepublican. Cleveland's election is therefore ceitain. For two years at least of hts term the ten et, will bare a Republican majority. It ia essential to the encceee of Cleve land', Kefnrm adminiitration that the Home should be Democratic. It is tbe duty of the party to struggle for their Congressmen. No local divliions should be allowed to risk the loss of sain- gU district In this city Barney Biglin rant agali Mr. IlewitL Tbe statement ia sufficient to prove that Mr. Hrwltt is as good elected. A sort oi candidate, alleged to be Democrat, is in the field against Mr. S. 8. Cox, representing an opposition of epHe. Mr. Cox, who iv one of the ablest, oldest and most useful members of the House, should be returned without opposition. Mr. Belmont is very objectionable to Mr. Blaine. This is in bia iavor. As an efficient and diligent yodng member, be ought to be returned by an increased ma- ^°Lt^‘Democrats be vigilant over their Congressional districts, and not risk the lose of the House. Wisconsin, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Tre Wrong Man. Boston Globe. Jones wts a practical Joker. He ie simple, ordinary joker now. He was in well known aalo .n the other day with Ids friend Smithere, end bill looked eeveral times upon tbe wise when ft wasted; that to say, had taken eeveral beer*. ■'ll'* awful good fun,” be whispered Smithere, "to go up to * stranger and hit him a terrible paste In the back, salt you knew him reel well, end say, ‘How de do. Brown V or something of that kind. Then of course you say, ‘Very lorry; mistaken Identity,' etc, H is fuu to see em wince, though. See mo Uke tint little fellow stanuin'over there.” Jonee had spoken rather louder than ba intended, and the •Tittle fellow” hid overheard him. He was no other than . the celebrated light weight rparrer. He kept perfectly quiet, however, until Jones struck him, when he turned end let him have one belwieii the eyes. He then proceeded to wipe tbe floor with him, and when he got Innas'i AWfl Hlnthfir Wfltllll flflt through Jonee's own mother would not have known him. He ia arouad town again now, but wear* a patch over one of hie eyes, and stye that practical jokea are rather senaelesa, after all. The Mashers Mashed. New York Let'er to Buffalo Express. There Is on* good thing in the ’ Elen Musee. On lh. railing of a balcony leans a girl. 8b* it handsomely dressed, and her figure, as seen by those who pasi back of her, presents those out lines ol con trasted slenderneei and distension which are oftener attempted then realiz-d In ttetb an I blood. Bus holds a catalogue in one hand and an eye-glass to her face with the other. 8he seems to be intent on something on the maiii floor flirtation. Tbe amount of fun to be gained by taking a seat at a viewing distance and watching the mashers try to attract her attention, reconciles the visitor to the atrocities oi the show In general. They pass and re nal ■ her in the fond hope that she will finish her scrutiny aud tarn to nearer oh jects; they ahem at her and cast ogling glances; aud, on finally discovering that tbe ia * dummy getaway with astonishing celerity. It is an unmarried lady of Boston who proposes that fisdi ladies hereafter be called “bacbelettee." Metlean Newapaper English. W Concede 1st Doee. A child has escaped death from the ef fect! of a bottle of leodtnnm, tbe contents of which not knowing, of count, what he did. thanks to the energetic efforts of bis folk*. A string round the neck and upon a b*ap of ashes, the corpse of an infant was found bv tbe police at Guadalajara. Drs. Leopoldo, Ortegp and Augustin Aguirre are in way of France, where to the government has sent them to finish tbilr career. It is truly worth praising the admirable pre:iaion that exhibit* »t me stage the Ut il* girl* Maria Arnefat now playing at lb* Teatro Principal. enry V. Why, it was with difficulty we could keep pace with our orders. Bchool girls (rom all over the country, young women everywhere, wanted their pictures. The craze—I can hardly call it anything else— of admiration for those people reminded me of the admiration that in olden times followed Lerter Wallack and George Jor dan, the two handsomest men iu the city. TO* DIAS OSCAR CATCHES ON. “Did you ever pay percentage to any man?” "Yes, I paid Oscar Wilde a percentage, and for a time his pictures sold with mar- vellous rapidity ; in fact, it would be sur prising to know how many photographs of thut nun were taken from oue end of the country to th. other. Perhaps the great est favorite we have ever known, however, was Mary Anderson. Her picture* In ev«ry style, in every position, meet with instant popular favor on both rides of the Atlantis. In Europe she sell* fast, and here it would be impossible to exaggerate tbe demand." "How about the opera boufie singers ?" "Well, opera boufie eingere aa a rule are not pretty women. While they are here and tbtlr name* are in tbe papers every day w* have a eteady aale, but noth ing of consequence, nothing at all to com pare with tbe salee ot Adelaide Neilson or Mary And*raon.” "lfowl.lt with the local actresses, the member* of stock companies?” ‘There it a regular, constant trade in them, but nothing of any conso uence. In fact, a pretty faced chorus girl or a pretty faced anything sells better than anybody, unless there la aome special rea- san for their temporary or prominent popularity. Take th* cave of Maud tlranacomb, for irstance Why. vtcore* •ml scores, thousands end thousands of her pictures have been taken in every conceivable attitude—praying, supplicat ing, crying, hanging to the crocs, looking this way, looking that war. doing this thing, doing that thing-nolhing come* aml» to that face, and to no other war Is Miss Brtnscomb known to the world?" "Do Presidential candidates aa a rale sell well? ’ "On* ot tbe greatest teles we ever bed wts the Gtrfield series. Daring tte Presi dential straggle, subsequently when he wts 111 end for s short time after hie death we sold hit pictures as fist aswscoold R rfnt them. Now, however, there la only ie ordinary demand for him that there woohl be for tny national figure. How It mey be alter e men cesses to be a candi date, h* not being elected, depends some what upon bis previous popularity. I think that with such facilities at the dls potal ot tbe government as art and science now present there ought to be some eys- tcmalic way of preserving portraits of men REM O VALi After tight years oi successful business in Macon, cur quarters have become too small to do the business coming to us, and we found it necessary to have erected the F EST HARDWARE STORE In thejcity.'J We have greatly increased our Stock and|are prepared to |givc bottom prices on all goods in our line. We will . in future be found at*Nos. 56 and 58 Chtrry street, next door to Jaques & Johnson. A.B. FAMQUHaR aV 1.X Jobbers ol HardwareJand L Manufacturers'[ol Machinery, : : : GEORGIA MACON, TIIOUS*4ND8 TjOST. ; • ■ Don't waste yoar money on cheap Ma chinery. Thousand* lost every year by buying thinl-clats p >da. Como nn<! ec« or write and get prices. Five Leading Engines and Saw Milln. Three Beat Gins. Two Beit Grist Mills. 8aperior 3-Roller Cane Mill. Best Mowers, Davis’s Water Wheel. These g<x>lA took premiums at Atlan ta and Louinvillo over tho lar^edt <li -| lay of Engines acl Machinery ever mnde in the United States. Buggies and Wagons from the la-pling markets bought by tha hundred. Bubher Belting—largest line of any house in Georgia. Terms easy. Longtime. M. J. HATCHER 4 CO., General Agent-, Corner Fourth ni l Poplar Streets, Macon, Ua. iGRAND OPlNING way of preserving portraits of and women of distinction. Take thatgal- lery of old Mr. Brady, for Instance. Whet could be more Interesting a hundred yean from now than the absolute portraiture of the battle* -.ought daring the war for th* Union? The red man is rapidly pass ing away from th* face of tbe earth. W* hare nothing absolutely except the Catlln collection which can tell to onrdeecend- ante the manner of man who formerly ocvupied and dominated tide territory.” OF THE LABGEB1 CLOTHING AND HATS IN THE STATE, AT WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, 126 StCOND STREET, MACON, GA.