Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, November 28, 1884, Image 8

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fe^tiojetV A 5 16-14, J powdered A f.’i'sdj*. ‘..'"1 ;SiMwt OFF FOR NEW YORK! VALUABLE LAND Jones County SOU, touts cc o court Bpiim JCaday In ]•-- lefitu hours of sail- FOR SALE. Sheriffs Sale. ill boASd he- The affair having tikB So ulcers were if no use and toe led on lta way to Jacksonville. h Struck with a Bed Blot. A telephone reached the poliee barracks spoilt7 o (io< v- -might from Tracy's store Kbit a man had been killed In that vicinity. BjTeral officers hurried to the scene and ionnd quite a crowd collected on tha street In fi’ie rear of mill No. 2. The report proved to be a false one, Jhough Mr. T T. tulllranwai badly hurt. It seems that he had been drinking and went to the Jnwae Of a negro nam*d Ernctt Williams, who lives at a house In r. that locality. | fcetwtM.. wicktng up a bed slat and dealing Sullivan a learfu l blow cm the right aide of his face. The blow filled Sullivan to the earth, and Uwaa his falling that led to the rumorthat he had been killed. After striking Sullivan the negro fled. The h|Mm|hh|S|||| to bis wuhMM nded man was taken to his wagon, which standing In the street loaded with lumber, and t;i t1 •: Ernest is the negro who was cut In the fight that took pla^e on McIntosh street Saturday night 1 a that encounter he received two ••-1 vert* stabs, one In the shoulder and the other ID the side. lie says his assailant was 8ol Matthews. A Missing Organ. On September 16th of the present year a painter named J. A. Barry/mho was then a I work on some painting at me Lanier Honsc bought an organ from the Georgia Mosicl House on the Installment plan, paying ten [ dollars down. He ordered the orgsn sent to his room, which he said was on Fourth street, opposite the National Hotel. Willie Irvine went with iheorean, and it was taken upstairs and left in the hallway. Barry was present, and said that the room was not quite ready, and as there was a lot of furniture In the hallway, young Irvine did wot suspect anything. The second installment on the organ was dne on October 15th, and a notification to that affect was sent through the mall to Barry. 11 happened that on the same floor livedaMrl SiTry, who received the notification. Here- turned it to Mr Irvine, saying he was not the m-an. Efforts were made W find Barry, but they proved fruitless. On November 16, another Installment was due and another notification was sent to him through the mail. This one fell Into the hands of Mrs. Deny and ahe told Mr. Irvine that there wes no such man living in the building. Mr. in Inc then instituted a thorough Investi gation On m e iking to Dr. Bubers, who has an ofl.To in the building, the doctor said that he remtmlx red the day on which the organ was carried there. He saw in the hallway about 4 oV i r *' ! K was gone as well as the furni ture v. heii he returned to his office at 6 o’clock. Mr. Irvine soon saw that no such man a* Baity rented one of the rooms, and I that lie w as not in the city. A call at tbe rail road depots convincedhUBFM the Clan hau not been shipped out of town. His tntory I* Shat Barry had the furniture and rrgan car ried to the pine c, end ihen, after selling them to eome one in Macon, left on a convenient train for olher fields About two or Ihree weeks ago Chief Wiloy receivi d .< postal card, making Inquiries ss to Barry. The only information the chief could gather war that when last heard from he was in Opelika. family fy.lflal.tO. choice IlSKstQO. fancy fS.70a4.2S. h-'tifa* in fair demand, lower: Nr red rash 7*Vta76 December. Ot _ S aetVye demend, higher: 36If cash, >Sfta33V I tho year. >>au firmer: No. S nixed Vw rash, 20* November Fro visions weak. Pork weak: lobbing til 00*11.35. Bulk meau firmer: tonv clear *5 70. abort riba 96.80, abort clear KlO Bacon steady: lone clear 17.26, ahon rtbe *7 60. short dear 17.75. Hams steady at 911.00al2.00. lAtd firmer at I6.67H Whisky steady at 11.12. MUi • IM1KKATI, Nov. 21—flour quiet SS.20aS.05. high grade* ft.lSafl.60. good 68.80*4. i0. wheat steady: No2 rad1 3?,962—33,606 Stock on hand. COTTON MARKET A BY TKLlOftAPH. Ngw Yoxx, Nov. 36-No©*.—Ootton firmer; middling uplands 107-16; middling Orieau Futures closed barely Isteady; tales 78,700; The following Uble shows the opening end doting quotations: ■■inw «M, iui.iuuj4 uplands 107-16; aldililor Orleans 1011-16. Conbolldated net receipts 41,016: exports, to Great Britain lf,60t, to France 8115, to couti- 786^1 dllnglOsTl;net’fecei pta~7367 fttm 7367 2170; stock 80,783: exports, to Great Britain 7617. coastwise 2076. Wiunvaron, Nov. 26-Cotton closed firm; middling 10; net receipts 867 giw* 857: sales 0; stock 26,00; exports, te Great Britain davamvAH, Nov. 26.-Ootton firm, mid- lling • 16-16; net reoeipu 680 gw* 6311 saw* 4600; stock 186,610; experts, to continent 1700, coastwise 457V NxwOxixairs, Nov. 26.-Or.tton firm;' mid dling 20JJ; net receipts 12,024 gmaa 12.998; sales 6000: stock 286,*18: exports, to Greet Brit ain 42S0, to France 8116, coastwise 2466. Mobil*, Nov. 2»—ootton dull, mtddllos 10; net receipts 3190 gross 3190 isles 60); stock 18,180; exports, coastwise 1213. Mucrnxs, Nov. SI—Cotton quiet middling *“ — 6656; shipments 2037; sales nr, Bulk meau den 6& Hams 11)4. as to tire anfro unlily Laxn.—Market quoted easier, stock m- We quote: iu tierces and tub*. 90ift: if " 5tt pails 10X:Mb palish# Some Back Money. Treasurer Jolly Thomas, of the Union Bap tist Association, colored, informs ns that suit will probably be Instituted against M. B. Pol lock, a former treasurer, for the recovery of 64i<: >. From Jolly’s statement it teems that FoUock was tho treasurer In 1882 and at the meeting of that year, which was held at Bul lards, Pollock was elected moderator and Jolly Thomas treasurer. The funds were not turned over as Is usual la •uch cases, Pollock saying he would pay it after ward. The next meeting of the associa tion whs held In Perry in 18*3, and Pollock was elected moderator, bn the money was not turn'd over. The 1881 meeting was held InUninnville, and Bandy Cornelius waa elected moderator. When asked what reason Pollock gave for not paying over the money. Jelly sa d, 'hedo.snlgive any reason.” As Pollock bears a reputation for being a a niet, honest citizen, we tried to see him yes- srday that he might give his side of the story, but he WRf not at his shop. The mutter will probably go the court. Death of Mr. Lundy. A very promising yonng man died in Macon yesterday. Mr. Lucius R. Lundy, son of Judge William Lundy, who lives near Ma con, came into tho city about three week sago. He was taken sick and went to the residence of hie aunt, Mrs. Stubbs. On the night of the Cleveland and Hendricks demonstration Mr. Lundy w« nt over to the residence of Colonel Pulaski Holt to obtain a better view. Ho was a ^iln taken sick and remained at Colonel olt'ri, where he died yesterday evening. He w an 20 years old, and was In every way an exemplary young man. 6000; Modi 90,4 Auousta, Nov28.—Cotton closed firm; mid- dijug $2; receipts 1687; shipments —; sale* charleston, Nov. 26-Cottoc quiet; mid dling 10; net receipts 5217. gro * 5217: m'm 1400; stock 91,233; exports, to Great Britain 1400, coastwise S69& CITY MARKETS. Mxats.—Market quiet and easier. Btockr light. We quote: Bacon—sides 9J4; sboit’- ders 7U. Bulkmenu-kldea 7$£ shoul ders 61%. Hr “* * 1 *“ ‘ * LardT—Ms pie. Weqoc lb pails lCtf: « *» t* Aon**.—.Market steady and well stocked blcomargarino 2?a2£c inewMaygilt edge Mfa26e crccmciy 29aS0c; country 20a28c:Tennefic. A 22. Caxdt.—Assorted, in boxes 9X@lCc, la ztl* Cork Birr.-Cooked. 1B> 12.25: 2 tt* 88jr,. Cheese.— Market higher; stocks ample. We a note: Fall cream 14c; lower gradaa I2al3c * COffRR—The market la quit* ana choice Ho: 18c; medium i2'A*:s common t . Flour.—Lower but n good demand. tT quote: Common fi 00, family 64.26; extra family 94A0: fancy 15.00: patent 96A0O.75. Dry Goods.—The market la quiet; aeman- uicdcrate; stock* ample. We quote: Prints 4k *5Uc; X Georgia brown shirting 5c; H do b'it 4-fbrown sheeting 6J%c; white dsnaimrgs 6 ^ Ktt " Hardwar*.—Market firm. Horse shoes 65.U per keg. Mule shoes S6.00. Iron bound harm * 64A0a6.00. Traoe chains 45efi0o per pair. Ami s shovels 61L00 »er doa. Plow hoes 4He4#c pn Tb. Hal man’s plowstocka IL25. Axes 97.^8 8.00 per doa. Cotton cards f 4.00. Well bucket* 64.25. Cotton rope I6a20c per lb. Swede iron . _ lPDrop sho HA5aL90.por bag. Bsrc^i* ^r^emarket steady; good demand; w« quote at wholoaale: Western timothy f: 0b 1.32*4: small lou fl. 0Al.20. Lstfoirs.—Higher; good demand; Messina f62Sa6A0. Arruts.—In good demand and scarce. Fancy stock H/DstW Buoabs. Tne market la quiet; crusho:> fc; K 3Bi A Nuts.—'Tarragona almonds xtu vet A; Pi '.l oeas paper shell 24c: French wainnta 15a!‘r Naples —: pecans 15c: Rrasl) 15o; filbert* cocoanuts tC a50 per 1000. Obahges.- Market well supplied. selling at 12.76a3J5 per orate. Fair demand,— 'isss^Kw avBSSrT? 8 faU <7am Fork quiet at 81160 Lap active: | prime steam 96-90l . ulk meats easier but unchanged: shoulders H01 sboit rib 98.01 Bacon easier: shoulders UJt, short rib f300, clear IS 85. Hams—«agarpare> steady i Mfliw SugMittcady: hard(reflued)6Ms7H. New Orleans IH+M- Hogs firm: common end light fs.'fiat.40. packing and butchers' 642i I steady: »*o2r d 74. Corn steady: No.9mtxed 42. Oats steady: No 9 white 2^. Prov.sions steady, unchanged. Mess pork nominal, hoik meau shoulder *5.00, clear rib aides 37 00. elaar sides 37.10. Bacon -shoulders *7.00, clear ribs »8A0, clear sides 99.00. Hama— Sugaroured nominal at fl2.00alft.UQ. Lard- prius leaf 99 00, prime steam 47.00. N*w OBLBAPS. Nov. 26.—Floor unchanged .jmtly 8440S4.75, big* grades ffijfiab.?;. Corn firm and quiet; mixed 64; yellow 6t, white 71 Oats quiet: prime Western 44. Bay scarce ar«1 steady: prime HC.0Oal7.0O, ebolo* *is.W. r< rk steady and unchanged at $17.76 Lard qnvi: Heroes (refined) 19.00, keg 69.60 Balk c cats quiet and unchanged: shoal derViPeukcd. 67.87^; long clear $9.70,clea> rib MlTOl Bacon quiet and unchanged choice canvassedJUA0alS.7& Whisky at and nnohansed: Western rectified tLlitotl.li Coffee steady; Rio (cargo**' common to prlmi 7^«11. Muo! in good demand: fair to fully far 8Wa*^. prime 4^. yellow clarified m4%. MclasKr dull: common 13a20, fair X a 27. prlnie to choice 30a40. Bice in fair de mand Lout ana ordinary to jirlno 4^afi>^ Brat- at* aily sod unchanged at95S9L00. cotton seed or quiet ordinary to prime erode 82, summer yellow 39440. Naval Btor: a. Savabbah, November 26.—Botin (pales, firm: strained to good strained at fl.05al.10 sale*. 000 barrels. Spirits turpentine quiet -eeufat sxleV barrels. Charlxston. Nov. 26.—Spirits ol turpentine quiet at 29. Rosin more active’ strained 61.00, good strained 6102& WtLMinsWn'. Nov. 26.—eplrits of turpentine firm at 2S& Rosin firm: strained 95, good strainti fl.00. Tsr firm at 31.40. Crude turpentine steady: hard 61.00, yellow dip tod virgin tL£0. New York, November 26.—Korin—refined dpll at si 20aL27H. Spirits of torpentint firm at 82& WOOL Nbp Yorx. Nov. 26.—Wool dull: unwashed 18 to 34, domestic fleece S4 to 40, Texans 14 Arresting a Bad Nssro. Yesterday-morning Bailiff Balter went out to the Macon and Brunswick railroad freight depot with a warrant to arrest a negro named Arnold Davis, charged with laroeny. The warrant was sworn out in October by Dimbro Burdin. The bailiff could not find Davis, though he was about the depot nearly all the morulng. In the afternoon officers Golden and Draw * ‘ ‘ f the depot, and they It Dav* ' had ^ be vicinity of t ipon to ar lolling tho -avis, who hands that he d not bo taken alive. Officer Golden lly irot near enough to him to grab him. !■» quickly put one hand in tho officer’s cosiar mid encircled his waist with theother. There w n - a Kcuffle for half a minuto over the poihosion of the officer’s pistol.' The officer saw that he had a bad man to contend with, and commenced the use of hl» club One good lick on tho head brought Davis to hla knet-g, and by this time officer Drew ernne up. Davis made a feint as if to fall but immediately took to his legs, going in the ho officers started direction of the swamp. Tho officers started after him, Drew going In one direction *o as herd hla off, and Golden right behind him. Jt was now evident that Davis would In the chase, and *te character of the I his plsto\ after him, atlng to Inflict any fatal .’Aiming low, wounds. Two balls entered the fleshy part of the negro’s legs near the knee, and these Caused him tohAlt. He Hill resisted, but tho two oTeers took him to the depot, where ho i pnt on a dray and carried to tho bar racks. Thoutn Mr. T. W. Atkin r hesitate to r era to my rust action and at apid * HHm« KiJ and will positive*v (i;r* Dplfliiits. .l’ttrifv the the bowel . No iuu » without them. The «dfc of dollars in do« to.- ‘ - Po!d at fifty cvn««a laittle " i A Lamar. «v.t box: loose muEcatels 33.0J Dried piAcaxa-Btrictiy No. 1 peeled Cc pe» pound. x Wax-22 to Sio. Grain.—Corn—market firm: stock isivi good milling corn 67c by oar lots. ffiiSk, small lots; mixed corn 70a76e. Oats—go;> mand and higher; w# quote: Western * mand and higher; we quote: Western Georgia rust-proof r 6; Texas rtut-pi. cl 75s SO. Bran IL16eL20. ing at Il.f6al.2& per bbl; Geolcla Calcined plaster 62.7SaS.00 per bbl; hair < / a Georgia cement 12.00; Loolsvll:* and V dale cement HJOakOO; Portland oament ’ •* ong.—Market firm and In good demand: sl> nal 60a60c; West Vlrsluia black 17c; lard ol iTOo; ootton seed 60; headlight 20a22c; kerosou* 17c; noetsfoot 78o; machinery 86a40c; llnseei’ <8a71o; mineral seal Mo; ootton seed refiner; Hidks, Wool, etc.—Hides—receipts light. I dry flint 8al2: salted 8al0. Wool nominal: nr Ws^&Sj?TaUow6a 2U28 ° : bQn 7 )teUk ' iS^S« rt * n “ Osions.—Yellow and red 68.OOaS.26 per bbl. PFwrryBgaanM, rod, IUOrWO per bunch Potato*#,—Good demand for new potato™ St 82.66a3.00 per bbl. Ricr.—Good 6c; Prime 6>{c; lancy 70. Starch.—Refined pearl boxes 6c; do. 1 tt boxes to. Hcbdinrs.—tpiaiter boxes American 96.254 6.W; imported IliLfiii. Balt.—The demand la moderate and th» ■Miket aBn kiMitaJu Tt^als hsUl; Liverpool 61; by car load these prices can be ■haded. dracr.—Market bare of Florida and Georgia syrups; New York sugar 30ator. Fish.—New crop, no. 1, bbls., 812.00, half ter bblsT&a, kits CO. . Mules.—About three car loads In the MP keL whloh 1* soil vs; VMABenuaiGMn Hoksks.—One car load Tcnnecseo In market: |126a200 PROVISION AND GRAIN MARKETS BV 1ELCQRAPH. New York, November26.—Flour—Southern dull: common to fair extra ».20a4.25: go. d to choice extra 64 .T0.i5 M. Wheat, spot Wale. I lower: uugraded red 67a89, ungraded white I M- No 2 red Novomber nominal, December biM S81M. Oorn.spot Hale, lower: m gj^.i.d r. <i 2 22H. Hops rather weak, unchanged: news a '. 1 frlr to - i.vii tf 16s22. Coffee, spot fald K ... dull st >9.75. No. 7 Km. ftpot 18.40, Noveml b. r ls.j)aS.25. hiignr steady: Barbadoea 4 <vntrifc; at &*4, Han Domingo 6 jur^.su Krer.rh D'A. da 4\. Martinique <%. return * 'Vl*x, Off A . ! IGH PR IG E SI LYONS & CLIME An muter, of th. tlUutlon. We bmr* been prooUtmed b, the people the LEADERS AND CONTROLLER^ OF 1HB Dry Goods and Carpet Market OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. to increase our force, which speaks louder than words of what we are doing, We alt11 bate our grand success to Low Prices, Good Goods and Honest Dealings. We boy for tho cash and sell for the otsb, Our fame has plo thank ns for recklessly hurling tbe prices of Dr 4 Goods at NOTICE. ' It being made to appear to tha court OeoTKo '\. Holland, nrsaldentof Florida, Mrv . , Alexander and daughter, resldenu , , llm of Alabama. Charles F. Clarke, a resident of Texas, the children of John t. Weait,. ,,bv v?, ' , Jr.»of Arkansas, tlie children of Ann Upf,. r .1. of Florida, are parties defendants interested GEORMict to «ahl bllh and th«t the said .parties, reside * liuiniatrutor of -in, iuutu>i»uc ram s reEluu flil or-I( r Iron IhntVniH outoftheBteUofueorfl.. It ft ihtrefore up- .old before Iho court hoi No. 86 In the 8a ^ Acres, more or less, knowi Ion place. Sold as the Ordinary, will bo perform .uch decree, order anil Judimcot u be rendered b, the eonrt. iittK ortS be publlelied la the TxLxaura and Musbn* • newepeper publUbed In tbe clt, of M, con.once, month for four month, befort ^ n «^S5. 00Urt Mpro?Idedfor ^ TH08. O. LAW80N, _ _ . _ _ _ Judge 8. C. 0.0. G. T. & C. L. Bartlett, Com pi’s sol's. Couit 1 ’lKraiU" Joan s “ p • rl<, ' R. T. Boo, Clerk. ■numlne expectetloni dared hope foe. Tbte week we will nuke . epecteltr of - tone forth end eeoh day the peo> endCerpetiter below their moet Carpets, Bugs and Oil Cloths ! nr Carnet Stock has been reinforced during the past week with the third assortment th is All new, fresh go ids of the latest patterns and designs, and bought direct from the CocoSt umtlnn® **** WMk * ,bU Iln ® °> 011 c totl “ Ubf Linoleum, end M and M Ntpler end _ Os Nottinpiitm Lacci and Scrim by tha yard. Wo qnoto beauUful pattern, at 1% U. 1«. SrSSr* ^ P<r T * rt ’ “* C “ rt * ta, ‘ “ ^ ,7 >W.B, 11.11,iLtO, II.SS, |AtS, f2.5lto li^o Wainarantee abore M par cent cheaper than erer before eold In title market » pfecee of 22lnrh a'alt'Carpet at Xl'A 15,18 and SOc. per yard. » Meoea double Cotton Chain Carpet! at f5, end 40a per yard. J5 plecea of two-ply Ingrain Carpete at 60. worth Bo. W plecea of eitra Soper Carpete, made lined and laid 69c. worth «0o. 10 plecea of Broaacla raa,la lined and laid at 75a 96 plecea of Body Bruiiela with beauUlol bordera to match at 11.25, made, lined and laid. Velnt Carpete In thelatoit patterns, with bordera, (1,15, »1,2;>4 and 11.40. made, lined and Another large line of Art Equarea expected In early this week. LiitentjIM; Drirera Dry Goods for this feel! no plecea of Double Width English Cashmeres (86 laches wide) at 160—AU shades—per rd, cold same last at 35c. ■ 60 pieces of flvinch Turkey Bed Table Damask at 49 and 4’c. per yard, worth 60 and 75o. Another lnt of Jersoys opened the pa,t week, Including Braided, Fan-Tailed aid plain at |1 25. |I.6l>, 52.0) and |2 60. We opened the past weed a newline ol Newmarkets, all sites. We continue tbe oomlng week Ouf Saleof tatifnl Cata at 3 f-2e pr Yard! Our rules are polite attention given to all, whether purchasers or not LYONS & CLINE, MACON, GRIFFIN AND M1LLE DGEYILLE. jo to Headquarters For Seed! POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, st ength and wholeaomeneas wore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in ^competition with the uiultltudu of low test, ehort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in can$. Jones Coun y Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of two mortgage fl. fas. issuod from Jon**s Superior Court, will bo to:d before the court bout*; door, in tbe town of Clinton. Jones county. Ga., between tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Doeembor next the following described property, belonging to R. T. Christian, to*wit: One honsc and lot In tho town of Clin ton and bounded on three hides by tho public streets and on the fourth aide by the klethodUt parsonage aud whereon H J Stewart now resides; also ouo lot In raid town of Clin ton, with tho store houno thereon, known as the old Morgan lot, opposite the court house, with seventy five feet front and sixty feet deep, and recently occupied by Christian A Kingman as a bar-room, together with three acre* of land known a* the old Academy ir.t. In front of tho Mi thodht church, and bounded on the north by the public roadi and east and south bjr the Down residence ami Nuncy Chris tian. Bald mentioned property le lcd npnn — »ka property of R. T. Christian tos tisfy two go fl. fas iMued from Jones 8uperlor Court m favor of D. J. B<ter vs R.T. Chi tlao. Property pointed out in said mm lor^ago beriff. NOTICE. above case ts not to be found in th| county of Bibb: --id it further appearing that bo Is •resident the State of connectlruL It u therefore or dered that service of said libel for divorce be perfected by publication of the same in the Macon Txlxobaph and Mkssbnckb, a pnblto gazette,published intbo city of Macon, once a month fur four months. T.J. K1MMON9, J. 8. C. M. O. A. PRrtDDFIT, Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. A.B.R088 Clerk. November 28,1861 nov2l lam4m GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, W. C. Sheftall bas applied for exemption of person alty and setting apart and valuation of home stead. and I win pass upon the same at 16 o’clock a. m. on Thursday, December 4th, 1384, at my office. J. A. McM AN Urf, novll law4w* NOTICE. , executor o fine estate o btuan- Lesscur, vs. Ewell Webb, nrinclpal, and S£b%"aV»«S curilx -- &mplffii - u court that John H. Ban- fondants in the abovo* , sud Wo. R. Bandera Is 8andorv be nude s _ party defendant to said suit, and that he being a non-realdent a cop of this order bo served by publication as nr scribed by statute. Signed this 8th day of November, 1383. A ' . T. J.8IMM0N8.J.8.0. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb 8t perior Court, April 8d, 1883. A. B. ROS8. apr4-lawtf Clerk. CLOVER, ORCHARD CRASS, BLUE GRASS, LUCERNE, MILO MAIZE, GRASSES, Etc. GEORGIA RYE, TRUE, AMBER BARLEY, SEED WHEAT. SPRING OATS, IRISH POTATOES, English Rape, Kale, Mustard, Turnips, Cabbage and every known variety of fresh acclimated Garden Seed. Agents for the Cele brated Planet, Jr„ Cultiva Land for Sale. On the 10th (lay ol Much, 1884. J. 1. Kltehei Twlitrs ccuntjr, Ga., by written contract, r seal, empowered the undersigned John &)H.rrlfl. to Bell upon tbit to be given In Telegraph ind Messenger once . week for l«tr weeks that tract or percel of ■ paanfts&srtjaftaa! aown a« the north halt of lot No. ment road running from R eynold Pleasant Hill and bounded on nort-.. of Herbert Brown, south by lands of a mill to » m ■ well tlmtwred, well watered, well located, con- renlent to church and school, .old forbene- <14 of heirs. Terms made known on-day of •ale. H. F. BANDKRB, gnoxrlUe. Oct K), itM.-octa-ualw’*’”* GEOBQla, cuwfoiio Con.NTT-By Tlrtae of tbe court °( ordinary of .aid county, will be eol^ before the court houee door In the town loxvtllo, on the Brit Tueaday In Decern- to the highest bidder for sold b ber {or cnshl following property to wit: Two hundred i ol land, morc or lose. In the Third dletrlct of land. i originally Houston n ..... ^ lngnorthhalfoflotNo.il, aud south half of lot No. twelve (12), sold as the property of tho estate of Watson Sawyer deceased, for distri bution awong the heirs. GEO. L. SAWYER, Adm'r de bonis non, „ . 4 of Watson Sawyer, do.eased. November 1,1834. ‘ GiORGlA, CRAWrORD^OOXTY—Will bcloIH . before the court hou^e door In tbe town of upon which Knoxville, on the first Tuesday In December next, one undivided one-third interest in tho following property, to-wit: Lotof land No 75 of No. 76, In the 2d district of orig- or Herbert Brown, south by lands of ssld J J. Kitchens, earthy lands of E. F. PettU and west by lands of W. H. Kitchens; said power to so sell said lands was made to secure tne payment of a certain promissory note, dated March 10, 1881, and due October 15,1884, for one hundred and fifty dollars. We,- tho said Johnson A Harris will, at pubelo outcry, on Saturday, the of administration on 6th day of December next, between the usual * hours of sheriff’s sales, sell before the court honsa door In Twiggs county, Ga.. to the high- est bidder for cash, the above described lands or 'a sufficiency thereof to satisfy said note and costs of this proceeding and wll make good titles to purchaser thereof. Thb deed above described empowering this sale will be exhibited to the publio at the time and place of this sale, and is made a party ol this notice. November 3.1884. nov4-law4w JOHNgON A HABRI8, and 50 a lnally Honston. now Crawford, oounty, con taining 250 acres more <r*— — 3 t ? Whittington place. ^ tosailsfy orior Court of said the Whlttinjrton place. Levied on as*] erty of W. W. Whittington Jleceasod. t a fl. fa. issued from the Superior Court county in favor of Newmau A Schwarz va. W. W. Whittington. M. P. RIVIkRE. November 1,1884 Sheriff. nEOROIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-Jamas IT Taylor makes application to me for letters- of administration on estate of John F. Taylor, late of said oounty, deceased. This w.ll cite all persons concerned to show cause, if anvthey have, bv the fir*t Monday In Decembenext why said application should not be granted Witness my hand officially. Oct. 27, 1884. VIRGIL 8. HOLTON. Executor’s Sale of Real Estate. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Under end by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in Macon, said county, between the legri sale hoars, on the first Tuesday In December next, 1884, to the high est bidder and for cash, one vacant lot iu the city of Macon, said county, fronting on Jones street one hundred and five feet and running back ninety feet Sold as theproperty of i g- tateof John T. Coley, Ire of Bibb county, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. October 23,1884, J.B LATIMER. QCtI4-w6t Executor John T. Coley. /YEOROIA, Dibb County.—Whereas. Leon- VX ard W. Hunt, executor of Dr. C. B. Not tingham, has mado application for letters of dismission from tho estate ot Dr, C. B. Not tingham. This is to cite and admonish nil persons concerned to bo and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday In February. 1885, to show cause, if any theycan, why said application should not *fltne£my band officially this October 31, 1881. J.A. McMANU-4, novl-law3m ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA, Crawford County,—Notice la hereby given that application bus been filed in my office by H. F. Sanders, administrator,for leave to sell all the real estate of Margaret L. Sanders, deceased, and the aumo will be passed upon In my office on the first Monday In December. V. S. HOLTON, Ordinary. octSl-law4w A* EOHGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-Will b© ** iold before the court house door. In Knox ville, Gar. on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, fifty-two acres of land, more or less, In southeast corner of lot No. 191 in Third District of said county. Also, flftecu seres in northwest corner of lot No. 13 in Sixth District of said county; sold as the property of the estate of Yonng Jessup, lately deceased, for benefit of heirs and cred itors. Terms cash. W. B ARNOLD, October 27,1884. Administrator, oct80 lawlt . J1EORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-There has been an application filed in my office for J. W. Jack, clerk of the Superior Court of 'nttBfiBtil “ adtoiDU GEORGIA, Birr County.—Whereas, James M. Whittle, administrator of Abner P Whittle, represents to the court jo his petition duly filed, tfcat ho has fully admin istered Abner ,P. Wbitle’s estate. ' rKI - is therefore to cite all persons __ cerned. heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator •hould not be discharged* from his. adminis tration andvecelvo letters of dismission on the first Monday In February, 1885. Witness my hand officially, this October 81, VIRGIL S. HOLTON, Oo toberl, 1884. FREE! FREE! Hunting C'a*cd I. " ' In* more lanu ou* c .-J Kllveis Htcm V. I 625.00, th« thir l »1 r±E tV 1 1 r-M ( EORGIA, Birr County.—Wheroas, John Urqurhart, administrator of Mrs. M. -. raurhart, has made application for leave to .Blithe real estate belonging to the estate ot Mrs. M. E. Urqurhart. This is to cite and ad monish sll persons concerned to be and ap pear at tho Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they can, why said applica- iimpUMmu. tlon should not be granted. b»dn*ror* J ki Jtbogi Witness my band 1884, novl-lsw4w* iMKSKiaaa ♦25.00, ttlril k k*y witilW bllvcr V. at.h! matt xml with t!wr «r**wfr I*, la ttaawa, far wataea, Ur mhUk mm acd food lira '.ln/, Riving t'.o r:!t« of wolrra n' turtle for aU oreadoao. t.Tka StautUrd Lotltr Writor, for I*.Ilea aad r«ntiri.-.ea. A ct mpIcU ftilda t» o.rr**pon.lrnff, riving pltla dlnrtlona for th« compooitUa of Idtera of rvory kind with liaromoraMo foouiaatlez- arnpl.-i. B, Wiator Erraing IU r.wiLtt«, a largo rollortlon of AclLg CharadM, TahWanr, 1'tuzl. % Ac., for aoekl fatberlnp,|>rP :U thaatrlrala aad ermtag* at turn*; Ultixtratrd. 4. DkToguwL -. iiatloru and Koadins*. a la*ga and ch«V-o cvilorUoa f irr-Tiooi . JJMUom u l pahUc aid prirato entrrUiummlt. B, l’arirr Magie aad Cheiukal Rxptri'nenu, a hook a LL h trill how l« prrfona hun- dredhof annular trirkt la m»:;lc aad liutractlra e»;-r1:neat»wlth ilmplaamu. \ Sinara Con.j.lrUStorl^hy popalaraaihorr.«m- braetnf lovr, hamorotw aad iWlsvilvr (tortra, otorlco tf aorkty!«' advMtara, of railway Ilfr, rtc., all TtTylolrmLag.^l, laaey M Chtilogue free. SOUTHERN ©3EEJO OO. Seed Growers, Macon, Ga. JOHN P. FORT, I JOHN R. ELLIS, President Business Manager. nov26wodAsnnlt&wtf REMOVAL After eight vatra of racMtsfnl business in M«cod, our quarters have become too small to d j the businas* coming to us, and we found if necessarj to have erected the FINEST HARDWARE STORE in tho city. We lure greatly Increased our stock and are prepared to'glve bottom prices .AS all goods In oiT !inc._ We will in fntare bo found at Nos. M and M Cherry street, next door to Jaqnes dt Johnson. A. B. FABQUHAR & CO. Jobbers of Hardware and Wanufactnrers of Machinery, MACON, Bibb County Sheriff’s Sales. Will he sold before tho Court House door in the city of Mscon during tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tucidsy In December next the following property, to-w It: Part of lot No. 6 in square No. 62 in the city of Macon, in said county fronting on Cotton Avenue, in said city, adjoining the proDerty of J. E. J. Franks and rroperty of the estate of A Kruetx. Upon said part of lot 0 !■ the brick buildlnz known Court of Bibb county in favor of a L. Bartlett vs. 8atnt Mitchell’s Lodge No. 1.632 Grand United Order of Odd Fellows’. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Al o, at tbe same time time and place, three ahow cases and contcnta, ono lot segars and pipes, one lot flour, one lot gUasware, one crockery ware, one lot pickles, uuo lot tint three part barrels whisky part barrel i] one lot mackerel, one lot lard, partb corned beef, one lot well buekets. lot of ropea, lotof tobacco, one lot of candy, lot potash, lot yeast powders, lot of soap, lot of baskets, two pair scales. l »t of canned goods, one kerosene oil can, onelot snuff, etc., and a lot o! sundry other goods usually kept In a retail grocory ■tore. Levied on aa the property of R. H. Nor man to satisfy a mortgage tt. t%. issued from Bibb Superior Court In favor of Jacques ‘ Johnson vs. R. H. Norman. • Also, at tbe saino time and place, that paroel of land lying in tho third district of originally Houston now Bibb comity, be'ng the soith yrost corner of Jot No. 39, bounded on the north b r.»" d *° w * Johnson, on the oast by landi of J. T. Kn'ght, on the south by lands of D. W. Crawford and on the wc»t by lam’s of Willough by Jones, contanlng twenty-seven acres, more or less, being tho land convcyod by d- ed of D. M. Crawfora to J. W. Johnson, March 8,1869, and by Johnson and wife to David Clay, on March 98,1872. and by Clay to Valentine Kahn by deed datod November 2 >, 1873, and In said deed describing. Levied ou as tho prop- • ) v - powwat to and to^ia* ! ' i in Bibb Superior Court in favu. je Kahn against said J. W. Johnson. Property pointed out in said decreo. ^ a.» O|W.WE8TC0TT, Sheriff. iberSd, 1881 law4w* Ula1nf«U]rM4prac(lr»llMtm'(kKui for BMkli«ruK7bMk(ta, wail |-vk#tt. brarkcU, RMtlte work, *inLw! Ury, *V., tlr., pr fMt'.jr u4 •lywuy IM«4Kr»>»d.^ CM ikimj w< 4 ”—- . BABCOCK tt CO., C palnkwly. Fwindl cm I Brut nuslleal nc*. a atUrr»ILII.K 1XL CONN*! DR. H. R. BAN*. oT Dm DvOaioocT o* offer* a Kt—Sy hinorir mthtm* nmullj?iS2 nts kotara fkoaa ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. GEORGIA. “Wguardianship; Thlslatoclteandadmon- }ah all person* concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county within the time proscribed by law to ahow cause why said M. II. Cutter should not be discharged from kla guardianship. Witness my hand officially, thla October 81, 1684. • J. A. MCMANUS, novl-law4w- Ordinary, GKOROIA, BIBB COUSTY-Whcrras, A B n«s, AdmlnUtrator ol tho c.Utc o<Jtrs.Vlr^ «Jt- h»» msdo sppllcstlon lor let- ol dismission from sold estate. This Is to cite and admonish all potions con. trned to bo and appear at tho court o( ordi nary of said county on the first Monday In December next to ahow cauee,lt any tlu-y can. why laid application ahonld not be granted. Wltneaa my hand and offlclal algnatara, thla — J.A.M0MANU8, Tin- or Peceo.ra- tor ia mado oxpmrly for t hr run -if drrangrmrnts of the acnrrativr orinma. There l» no nuatakr about thla inatrumrnt, th© con- tlnuoua atreaui ot KLEO TUI CITY pormeating through tho purts man rcatore them w h©*lthy action. j)u not . '11 round jdvfrjiw'd to^me ainiS >■ -, , PRM .{a^gjac^vag 20 DOLLARS WILL BUY THE FAVORITE S^R SEWING MACHINE Bq*al to U10 ones sold l>y Can. Taascra for 8IO *nd upwards. TTA fair trial im yo«r Iona befort paymtnt it a&tcLry Buy direct from thoManufae- tiin-raa:..! - t\i tl t CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE CO.PhHatUPa AGENTS S5S as. rs ■Saldcdl'creat dKcortSaa. 1 £iVe*t r» Lme SOUtA ■zrr^jxdlzs FARM MIL S r StAek^Fccl^or Mori To* . 10,000 T2.7 TH3EL Writ* for TamphUt, t Gimpscn & Gault M’fg Co.- non to Straub MiliOia. CINCINNATI. O. make over Ultg hundred per cent. AGENTSpofitwttMth. Reflectfng Safely Lamp olcftarrtry family, GIrci , 1:k I ll; tfi I inia 1 PDAQ Witness my ham DltUOii September6,1884. « 7 sepfrlawSm* The A c Write to <iaj\ Empire < «>.,. *1 DIALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Largest Dealers in the South. In Stoam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Saws, Shingle, Lath, Planing ant! Matching Machines, Water Wheels, Grist and Flouring Mills, Cane Mills. Wagons, Separators, Cotton Gins, Presses, Sulky Plows, Rakes, Reapers and Mowers, Shafting and Pulleys, Steam Pomps, Boiler Feeders, Whistles. Gauges, Lubricators, Saw Gummers, Tanito Emory Wheels, Rubber Hose and Belting, Brass Goods, Piping and Engine Fittings of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Etc. •atf'^ocond-haod Marliin^rv allow prices. Look to your interest an<! gat OUT prices before buying PERKINS BROTHERS, i9 and 41 West Alabama Street, - * ATLANTA, CA. » llll l Ordinary. C ut This Out*®® 58 m imauMincoLtoi 101 or 00008 j •u'inJJdftf MONEY, tnOne^onth, Nood no 1 caiauL M. Young^ua U nntnw fch bt JLYort Crtiwlbrd Coun»r. ,.1S25« 1 r ftO. GEORGIA, C*AWFO*D County—Will bo sold boforo the court house door In tho town of Knoxvido on tho fl rat Tuesday in December next, within tho legal hours of sale. 10 the highest bidder tor cash, ono undivided half interest in two hundred and fifty (280) acre* of land more or less in the 2nd district of said county, bc.ng lotlNo. 75 and and fifty acres of No. <6, known uth-Nancy K. Whit tington place. Bold aa the property of tho t of John W. Whittington, «* ,«S8 0m Hwksk: <’<> ut ] WORLD MANUFACTURING 09., I I 1^2 Nnaauu Btrt ot. New V orkl ‘''"'AC BEST 18 CHEAPEST I^iHRESHERSTS ■: r ** ». p: 1 ; ■ l -•11 PU4.tniWTucA-s.taan A Tajlor l^. S-wfe-U