Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 25, 1885, Image 1

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Weekly Established 1826. AND m agon, ga Friday, skitkm her ^5, i885. the general assembly. rflUR DAYS’ PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE AND bENATE. M m#r0 UB Local BMP Paired—abaa«t 0 e- iim |M0rf#rl*ffi vvlih Business In the House—A Brief S-sslon of the Bennie—Note*. Atlaata, September 21—The Senate met at 3 p Mr. Hugh gave notice dur- log the reeding of the journal that at the proper time be would move to reconilder {be action of the 8*nate on the passage of the House bill to provide for ther*gi»tra- Uon of voter* In tbe conntiea of F;oyd* UcDoffl*. Burke, Randolph, Elbert, Ogle thorpe, Wilkinson, Greene, Washington, Walton, Morgan, Lowndes, Emannel and Pulatki. Mr. Day gave notice that he would re- consider the passage of the bid to provide meanat-tboild the new enpito. Tbe consolidated Titration bill was reconsidered and Ub ed. Mr. McBride chairman of tbe committee on enrollments mane a report. A message was received from tbeGw- irn r approving a bill for local option Iu any c only of tb'a H ate by submitting tbe question lo ihe qualified voters. Also to incorpoiaie the Darien Short Line Railroad company. The action of the 8 n&te to change the time of bolding th« bni crior courts of tbe 0,'onro circuit was reconsidered. On tbe motion to reconsider the 6ena*e action on tbo special capitoi tax bill there w*se lively spat between Senators Day and D vMron, b .t on a vote the motioa to reconst ie* was Intel on the table. A message was received from tbe Home announcing the passage of certain bills. A. number of Hotiae bills were reud tbe first time, atter which the Senate adjourned t%}0 o'clock to-morrow morning. HOUSE. Called to order by the Speaker and opened with prayer by the Coapfain. IIS ATE BILLS 021 FIRST READING. Providing I or a correct assessment of property for taxation. Amending tbe act providing for regu latirg railroad freight and passenger tariffs. A number of bills and resolutions were read tbe ttoood time. LOCAL BIL1A PASSED. Incorporating the Augu«ta Co operative Insurance Company, yets 92. Incorporating the Rome Mutual Inin- ranee C mpany, yeas ft). Inc* rporatii g tbe Savannah and T; bee Railroad Company, yeas 9o. Amending tbe coarttr of the KomeStreet Railroad Company, yeas 83. IVqjirirg tbe ordinary of Rockdale county to turn over to tne treasurer all mom y from Ii-.rni.r of c .nvir’i—yeas "J Incorporating Spring Place, Murray county—\ eas 83. Prohibuing the sale of liquor within three udifs of Pr spect Church, in Mart wether c I'.itity—}fil. Ame:iaing mo charter of McDonough— yeas 93. Incorporating the Lou'sville and Wad- ley Teirgraph Company—yeas 90. AmetiUing tbe charter of Vernonburg.in Chatham o nnty—yeas 93. Enlarging the powers of tbe board of lealthiu Macon to abate nuisances—yeas health iu 1 90. Repea'ing tbe charter of Cummlng and relncorporatlngtbe same—yeas92. Incurporat i>g Gordon, In Wilkinson county. Yeas R»p«%fii g an net repealing all acts an- thonziug tbeUsu* of head right warm*.is iilOamoea county. Yea* 83 Repealing un act for propagation of fleb, etc., in tli*- Oc -nee river, so far as rtbt'.e* toButtacnumy. Yea*90 Atuei drag the charter of th» M scon Gas light and Water Company. Yeas 89 Enlarging the powers of the mayor and council of Macon as to levying and collect, tog basinets taxes. Yeas 68. Providing fur t wo w*eka session of Tay lor Supt-rl -r Court. Yeas 90. Providing a court htuse in each militia district in ltartuw comity. Yeas 89. Amendit g the charter of Gainesville. Yeas 91. Ali-KNTKklfcM IMPEDI Several votra were taken on a bill, rrauli- log in a u ecov-rv that no qnoram waf prts-nt A call of the roll was had, and ninety three members answered to tbeir names, iiad five more been ab*ent tht would r.ot have be»-o a quorum present The fnllowu g are these wi.o responded to their nanus: Present—Abbot, Alexander, Arr Avaiy, Baiiatd, UaitUtt. Seek, Kernor, Bji II. H yd. H.aiitley, Bru am Hun o' Bail, Celvui, C.naday Cash, Cason, Ch dler, Ct ai pe l, C «y,C vgbom, Corn, Dav- enport. D»nnU, Oormloy. Duggar, K sou Kins, Everett, Felton, ilte, Fitzgerald, Framr. Got .loo. li eer. Ouetio, Hill.Huiml- ton, liar bi,o, Hardeman. llarrel. of Decatur, Harrell, of Lo»ndo#, Hawkins, Hawes, Heard. Herndon, Hightower, Hu!l.r / i»**rih, Hopson, Johns** 1 . of Clinch, Jont-". of Fayei e, Kyttlf, I.smar, of Baldwin, l/-wU, of Hancodt, L tl *y, I.n.cti, MiCtnts, McCo*dc, McLendon, Maple*, Martox, Mifers, Milner, Mont gomery, Morgan, Paimonr, Parker, Fee- pits, Pool, hay, Reuy. Reynolds, Bcott, Smith, of Braynn. Smith, of Doaglaae, Sneed.Spfnka B*ephene btewart, Taiver, Tara. T,rr» I, Tnnwr. cf Coweta, Turner, of Plcvd, U#ry. V^faiker, Watkins, cf 0*A- quitt, WaUtinv.of Gilmer, Wilrou, of Cam- Hen, WL*e.«r, Wright, Word and Speaker Little. Adjourr rd. afternoon esssio.v. The House w»t occnpikd during the ef levnocn iea*ion in pasiiLg the following fecal b1lS: „ , n . To a bo.’ah the County Court of Gordon. To i„«.Ull.tb the Com.ty Court of Screven. To amend tbe charter of W . To prohibit the cal* cf domestic wines in lent than a quart In B-vrtow To incorp irate the Mechanic* and Trad r»’ Bank of Atlanta. To an?:-or x-Mm OQgnly to bu cot \ • - from * .-liti-ri that «:o not bat chain gs i •*. To rr^ lite the sale of aieJ cotton 1 Greeti com; y*. To amend tbe charter of Tbomaston. To ir;c»»r|Kjrate the Commercial Bank, of Way ernor t? sell tbe property of the State on the corner of Walton and Forey th atrec'*, known as the Georgia lottery property, wasagretd to. A bill to appropriate $2,5'0 to repair the buildings of tne State Uuiver«l;y was pass ed. A bill to establish a reformatory insti tution in tho county of Richmond was passed The joint »p*cial committee to innaire into the condition of baalaesa and fix a time of adjournment, made a report recommending that ttc General Assembly adjourn tine die October lGth. Under a suspension of the rates, Mr. Rankin offered a resolution authorizing the leasee# of the Western aud Adamic railroad to change the gauge of the road so as to conform to tbe gauge of its principal connections. A bill for the relief of the lnnatic asylum was read ibe third time sod pasted. The bill to allow the Losband or widow of a deceased person, when such survivor is a mi' or, to take his or her share of toe estate of the deceased without the inter vention of a guardian, was called np, but tabled. Tne resolution to require the superin tendeut of tbe lnnatlo asylum to inquire into the causes of the increase of lanacy in th s State, aod make a report to the next General Assembly, was agreed to. A hill, introduced by Mr. McBride, of tbe Forty-third, to regnlate tbe issuance of requisitions by tbe Governor for fugitive criminals, was read tbe third time and passed. A bid to anthoriz* the commissioner of agricolture to appoint fish wardens in snch counties where they are needed was taken op and passed. A bill to authorize tbe board* of educa tion or other proper anthoridra to eatsb.lih a department of iodnatrial education In connection with the publlo schools of the conniHa of this State was t -bled. A bill to pioblbitthe sale of liquor within three miles of certain cborohea In tbe conntiea of Butts, Jackson, Gwinnett and Macsn was recommitted. A bill to memorial Congress to remove obstructions in the Oemntgee rivnr. be twten Milledgeville and tbe Central rail road, was passed. A b'll to repeal an act creating a board of commissioner* of roads and revenues (or the couutics of Camden, Thomas aud Echol", *3 far as relates to Echols, was passed. Adjourned to 3:30 p. m. AFTEBB002I 8E8M0B, The following Home bills were read the third time and passed: A bill to incorporate the town of Eliza beth in Cobb cuonty. A b 11 to incorporate the Colamboa and Northern Railway Company. A bill to allow any person In Emanel county to sell home-made wines in quanti. ties not !e* than one quart without li *nse, provided it shall not be sold in any bar r °S! l blll to require the jadgs of the Sape rior Court of Walton county to publish In advance of tbe opening of aaJd court the order in which bo will lake up tbe cases on the doekrt. A bill authorizing the mayor and conn cil of Waynesboro to assers tbe value or property in asid town, and to levy a tax of fonr-tenibs of 1 per cent thereon. A number of House bills were read first and second Urn* s. Ad j anrned. HOUdE. Called to order by tbe Speaker and open ed with prayer by tbe chaplain. Mr. Boyd < ffersd a resolution that after to-d»y tbe House meet at 9 a. m. end ad- 'onrnatl p. m., and at 3 p.m. and ad uurn at 6 p. in., which w«s adopted. Mr. Harris introduced a bill to ratify and confirm the charter obtained by Frobell, Ansley and Livingston under tne general railroad la*a, to confirm to tbe Covington aud Macon Railroad Company ail the rights, privileges and franchises granted in said charter, which was read the first time. SESOLUTIOSI fASIED, Authorising the Goven or to sell certain property of the State. Yew 1(0. nay a 12. To pav the jo nt special committee that visited tbe S'ate lnnatic asylam Yeas 91. Appropriating 175 to 0. W. Hammock, of Lowndes county, a Confederate soldier. Yea* 123. 1ES0LUT101I TABLED For the relief of the Maryland Ufa In surance Company, of Maryland. Ditents- ed by Gordon, Bartlett and ElUs for, and Hall. Herndon and Russell, of Harris, against. azaoLrrioN withdraws, A bill to require the owners of stock in tho county of Hart to prevent tbe same from running at large on the lands of an- o'faer. bill to repeal an act creatlog a board commissioners o! roans and revenues for Appling county. bill to authorize the commissioners of Chatham county to issue bonds for adding and improving tbe court bouse. \ reso utlon ortered by Mr. Rankin that Senate meet from 9 a. m. to 1 o’clock, and from 3 to 5 o'clock, was passed. bill to amend the charter of Qaltman paste). bill to anthorizs the Ss/annah Cotton Exchange to bridge tbe foot of Drayton street was parsed. A bill to enlarge the corporate limits of Albany was pus*d. A bill to prohibit tbe bnrying of dveeas- 1 persons within one mile from tbeMacon waterworks was passed, A bill to prevent tbe running at large of stock iu Bibb county was parsed, “ - bill to to pi registration of voters in Fioyd, McDuffie, Burke, Rando'ph. Klbert, Og etborpe. Wil- Kin-on, Green,Washington, Walun, Mor gan, Lowndes, Emanuel, aud Pulaski, was passed. A bill to provide for prohibition in Co lombia county, was passed. One hundred copies of tbo bill to estab lish a school of technology were ordered printed and tbe bill made the special order for next Wednesday. A bill to establish a county court in the county of Klfirgham was passed A bill f or the relief of the lunatic asylum was passed. A number of House bills were retd the second time and passed to n third reading, after wh*ch the Senate adjourned to 9 a. to morrow. HOUSE. The House was called to order by the Speaker, and opened with prayer by the chaplain. FINAL ADJOCaSMUT. Mr. Harrell, of Decatur, moved that the report of the committee ou final adjourn ment be taken np, and offered an amend ment making tbe time of adjournment Oo- toner lMt instead of October 10th. Mr. Boyd moved to table the resolution and amendment, which was rejected, yeaa 9, nays 75. Mr. Alexander ottered an amendment, Unieas the transaction of tbe publio busi ness requires a more distaat day.” Mr. Wheeler called the previous question, wh.ch noo net sustained bv yeas 39, nays Appropria lug $500 to purchase a por trait o! cx-Governor John Muledge. ■ILL LOST. Amending section 5057 of lha cede, de claring “that titlea to property taint«d with usury shall be void,” by inserting after ti tles the words, “mortgages and iltns upon “ Mr. B»rtl#it offered an amendment that It shall be void as to nsurioa* lnterrat and valid ns to tbe legal interest and prinripj, bat subsequently withdrew 1L Messrs Brandt and Fite advocated the bill, Mr. Bartlett hi* amendment and Mr. Arnhem oppo ed tb«bill and amendment. The vatu stood >e#» 19. nays 00. CONCURRED 15. The Home concurred in the 8enate amendment* to the following bill*: Chang- irg tbe time of bolding the courts of the Oconee circuit, changing the time of hold- iiig tbe courts In tbe Blue Ridge circuit, reqnirii g the registration of volersin Cobh countv, abolishing the county coart Clayton county. % awsiboob anatoB. The JLus* met at 3 p. m. The j iut committee ou adjournment anbmittHl a report. Tbe bill to amend section 1963. Ihenn- finished business of the months, was lost. Hooaebilt 361, to ar preprint* money (Or tbe branch colleges of the University, wo* taken up for a third reading, and on mo- tL n aid on the tab’e. The MU to require the tax collectors of tbe several ooontias to record the nam»a of all tbe tax defaulters waa read the third time and parsed. .... House hill 373 was called np aud tabled Houa* bill 381 was abo tabled. The MU providing for tbe lease or rental of tbe wa'er power of tbe Indian Spring ae-ve w*a recommitted. _ By wnanlmoua content, Mr. Rueeell. Clarke, introduced a resolution authorising the (K vsrnor to anbacrlbe for 300 copies of Morris’s annotated code. Adjourned to 9 a. m. to-morrow. ter#* Bark. iporste Baltimore l'i id Pe- i'fptemb*r 22 —The S 3 order by Brfiidsnt Ca hingthe Jounty Coort of Clayton rh board of comniinaioners in The following b.lU adven ead ond r«-porttdou the report certain cases tfret-d f o aud bills Providing a r«*n wr.*ri ;idgir.ent baa been rendered ilia gaily or by mistake, in couaty or juitice oourta. tbe east bank of the Oconee river in Johr.%>n ronnty a lawful fence. Submit.I; a tbe question of prohibition to the legal voter# of the Twenty-ninth Business Before tha Laalalature. Of late tbe preea and people have been inclined to goad the L*g ilatare about tbe protracted teuton, anu the waste of time and ibe public money. Recently a special joint committee was appointed to inveetl- irate th» condition of business before tbe ti*-i.«-r*l Assembly, and report on a time __ for adjou'nment. Tbe oommfttee. after roads looking into tbe basinets, reports that the •■*j urnmer.t may be bad October 10. They find the following businesejet fore the Legi&latur, to M diipoMd ol: BOCBB .nutUS. lluuw rcio „ucmt rud tint Um«, H .inf r.Ni mii.ns rud ucood tim«. 4; MM ; bllb ol a ^tJ. ■J time » htlle were read the J tii i third reading. - amend and ediff all lew- on tl. of ft-rul.zer# and « en»ic*l» Mvt.r* 1 nrin>d. and made the apecial order for next 1 hu '•day. . A jyjxt reeolutivn to raatkc.-u? »be Oct- Hou*e 1 -.11 r»-atl second time. 143; bills rat . landretdy for transcdfiion to the h-v-Qat*,.v>; bills oo the table. 40; bills ad- verat-iy r» p -rted,90Q; resolutions for read ing. 23; bill . - of commit i tin-- 3b Hill# of both Hones are in the bands of corumitteer Almost •»:. th. b: li before the House of a general nature. ■NATE. 8ena*e i ill# rea*l tit oiiie read o..nd ilrn* lion# read first t Uni l tin . 1. H*> JUDGE M’CAY’S RETURN.ISSS p SH&‘" , tM'“n| l «iS3: A consolidated I provide for the tlon. wta ANNOUNCEMENT MADE THAT HE WILL|for RESUME HIS DUTIES. An Imposition Agnl^st Which There Ought to ba Prompt Protest—No Official Evidence That H« Has Re- oovared Hi* Rtnion. told that there tbe slightest chance Stale to appropriate a dollar for rneb a purpose, as mere i* a const t itiomd bar to euch action. He called on a number of manufacturers here, d wa# snrprited to find only two or three who w II make exhibits at New Or leans. “Ihe Kxpotid n,” said he, “will be -t i:ri'.tI l*n tin.-. tr«<»: fr.iMl ‘•trei't to llir* ; ' i . I- is almost completed and we will run steam <•>.rs « \.-rtM-'Vf mi. u es; t!i<- ro :ml tr p fare will be fifteen cents. We expect to get a railroad rate of one cent per mile Telegraph Bureau, 17KP*achtbee Ft. Atlanta. September 22,1W5. If the United States Court for tbe north-1 from all parts of the country and' hope to em district of Georgia may Uta M » *}“« »« many peoples we .ample, Uncle Sam ib a great dtai looier Ur. FMnk will be in Macon in a day about bis jadlciary »y«tem 'than appear* | tiro, in bU ordinary basinia* method,. Tne irregularities of that court and ill otBclali IS IT A JOB? have more than once been referred to at The »nt« of th. old Building o'the Late length end In detail In this corrcv Georgia Lotie.y. pondence. Tbe tran*ectione in this court There is a very valnab’o piece of prop- nn.ntnrrltinl.maT.nr ert T on ibe corner of Walton and F .rsytb were perbap, more open to ortUdim a year slr J e(<iintlle henrl o( At ,„ lt#i fornl / r i y ago than now, but thsra is ieasjn to fear I property of Ibo Georgia Lottery Coin* that there la now about to bo put upon the pany, now tbo property of the State of peoplo of this district a great ImpoeUion Ueirgl,. ^bi. property I, voloed all th - Iu : U. n.rne.i -nr » w.y bciwecn $3'J,000 and $50 000. Early in that ought to meet with earnest and tfae te9S j on q U j te tt remarkable motoaon prompt protest. 8-mie time ago Jndge Me- was Introduced authorizi'-u »he Governor Cay, judge of the Northern district, on ac- to sell this property for $15,000 It was un- count of mental incomnetency, caused J dentood that the managers of the fund by intemperance, and, as claimed recently raised by the Young Men’s Ohris- by bla friends, domestic troubles, was Uan Association to erect a new bui'dirg taken from tbe bench and carried loan I were at »he bottom of this movement, asylum in it distant State. After ho had This fact was brought ontdnrii gtbedis gone into treatment there the reporta th&t cussioa of the resolution in the House, and orfted here were far lrom indicating a re- the rcaclnfion was so amended as to pro- covcry from tbe mental malady referred vide that the property shall not be sold for to. Instead of bis friends and family ef- lest than $15,000. fectiog a resignation of his high and Whatever sympathy there may be for important office, involving each the Young Men’s Christian Association of great public interests, and instead Atlanta, and it is warm not only here bat of tbe ■ government tskir g cogni- throughout tbe State, it is to be hoped zance of the oitaatton, which wav se- that no job in this matter will be put upon rlonsly threatening tbe Integrity of the ad- Georgia. The 8 ate cannot aflord to tak* ministration of ju*tic* in the United any part lu any religious movement, much Siates Court for this district, tbe bench leas donate or sacrifice valuable property was left vacant month afttr month and for th benefit or behoof cf any religions term after term. It ia to be hoped that I lnaiitation or movement. It Is to b* hoped such n condition of things as has been wit- that the Governor will see to it that ibis nested here la rare in tbi# country. Lately valuable property will realize for tho State it has been reported hare that Judge Me- every cent that it la worth. Oay bad noovarad to snob an extent that be would ‘probably b, abla to I j A r.mporano. * poatle. return here in tbe fail and epl.r again | The prohibition ipo.emtnt heio ia being 67. Mr. Walkini, of Gilmer, offerc 1»tub*'.!- tnte “that tbe O.neral Anembly do ad- journ tine die at 3 p. m. today.” Mr. Watkins, of Cofqnitt. offered an am.irdment to the substitute—'^‘to-morrow 12 m.” Mr. Drandt offered an amendment that the General Asienibiy adjourn when the public bosioess 1. disposed of. Mr. a Merton moved to Indefinitely! pottpoue the resolution and amendments, which did not prevail by yeas 14, nays 118. Mr. Qnstln moved to table, which pre vailed by jess 83, nays 33. THE MILITIA DRILL. On motion of Mr. Butt, of Marion, tbe bill to organize tbe militia of this titate was taken np. Tbe llonse went Into com mlttee of tha whole, Mr. Hawkea lu tbe obair. Mr. Keiley moved to strike ont section tlon 2i, appropriating 17,400 per annam, which prevailed. Mr. Bati, of Marion, moved that tbe commlitej rlie and reoommend Us pas. r. Harrell, of Webster, moved that the committee recommend that it do not past. Mr Bntt'a motion prevailed |by yeas 71 nays 41, >nd the committee rois. The amendment to section 3. proeMIng that tbe adjutant-general (ball receive do further conipenentiott than 12,000 per an num, was notadopted. Tbe amendment etriking ont section 21 was agreed to. Mr. Berner offered an amendment (oerc tlon 3, mating tbo keeper of public prop erty adjutant general, without any addi tlonal salary, and striking oat aUtrietcocc to additional salary and payment of ex penses. which were screed to. Mr. Bartlett offered an amendment to •rction 15, provtalng that tbe General As sembly sbtll not appropriate money for ' repairs of the armories, which was agretd to. Mr. Wilson, of Ctmden, offered an amendment making the number of colond companies twenty tntusd of ten compa nies, wnlch was rejected by yeas 30, nays 53 He presented the memorial of a convex Uon of colored military officers in Bivan- nah urging amendments to tbe pending bill, among ttiem that colored companies be limlwd to tweotv ci- ■ <>r MM '.one company of cavalry and one of ar ilery, which wtt retd. I Mr. Lofley moved to strike ont section 22 providing for an advisory board, which did not prevail, by yes* 13, nays 79. Mr. Herndon offered an amendment striking ont ten colored companies and in serting fire, which was rejected. Mr. Hall offered an amendment making tbe colored companies consist of fifteen of fufatitry, one of artillery and ona of caval ry. which was adop'ed. upon th. dtahuMg. UM duties o,: t, “t5 ndgeshlp. Few people b*r» 'bslltved in Rct a NoTcnib , r M . j, wm interest .hep r obsblllt.TOfsuctmsthiog, and fewer tbsdc( , eD t e , 0:11 ,nt 0 f tbe ccmmnmtyto ?!Lt T ! d .S!! t . J ^ g !L 1 !!. cC ^ t , ' r 0 e “iu«i e ”£| I know that th. manages of tbe movement . . . 'i.” ’Pff. :re, 5, u ™ n “S I areuslng one John E. Bryant, c immojly M 1 . d P “irt h JU Iu known n> •'Bkowhcgna Ilryat t ” to manip- bis offidal X ulat- the negro vote. He Is already mor- h .° we, ' r - .tila*., tne among tbe negroes of Atlauts to seethe nT.ffjf’mKStdiixh? mVjSSthonS thefr votso. It not likely that Bryant li is tb*t ba^ w.ll will atreDgibou the cause ranch, ami tspe term of bU court and encage In thebeor- o1aUjr lf ,f e IJrJaal - s political methods ar. d«SkXSdM^bSS^?Mm?yhJStftU " , i ,y " lb ’* hto « bo brought before tbe conrt. Yonr corres-1 l 0Ut;n adge McCay, aud what Is written 1 THE PROHlBirioNlST*. here is in no spirit ol unkindness, I Qsttlrg EvsrythlnKln Weaalaess for the calling attention to Comlnn Campalgn- _ _ _ dch the publio interests of _ _ " ... tbis district aro deeply concerned With I The Frohibltlonl.ts here are making past year matter In which tbe public interests ol .jis district are deeply concerned With, M*3^^M tho knowledge ol the jodgo’e condition for R r *“* prejjarations lor a molt ective cam- the past yesr freslt In the yuhhc mind, the 1 paign. Tfieir committees are piebald, be- announcement that bo ts about to go upon inc competed ot good Democrau negroe. the bench again should excito public con* ex-scRlawoga and carpet bssgera. cem. There is no rHidal statement ot any John E. Bryant and Bill Tledger propoae cliara-ter that li >» recov.ri d from to take s In;: haml. Tnere is milch talk ll- the nntoTtanate mental ocpdlUoa ttot I g»dy -boot th- prosproto fay .thy ,9th. of een.^.t td* forced removal from I Hoimibtr. Tbe 1 robibitionista claim that Mr. Harrell, of Webster, moved to etrike ont section 15. exempting armories lrom tsxstion, which was rejected. Tbs bill passed by yeas 07, nays 30. eiSATX BILL on THIRD RSADISO. Providing that dower may be assigned in lands held under dssds, bonds for title, srd instruments of fits effect. Pending action, the hour of adjournment arrived. Mr. Felton wss in his Beat to-day. Mrs, Felton is convalescing. AVTRRRCOK SXSSIOX. Tbs Hons* was called to order by the ffnesker. •IXATS RILL* VISARD. Providing that dowtr may bo Assigned la lands held by deeds, bands for titles, or other Instruments in writing having tbs •sms effect, when a portion of the pur chase money has been paid. Yets U0, lays 39. Amending lbs set for tbe relief Of malm- ed and indigent Confederate soldiers. Yeti 93, nays 0. Antnorising executors, administrators, B srdlans and trustees to Invest trust ndstn bonds or stocks of tbo State. Yeas 106, nays 2. Amending section 4130of the cods. to allow justices ot tbe peace when neces ■ary to sit mor* than one day, provided that no mon-hly ie stoo shall continue looter than three daje. Yeti 91, nays 11 Defining volantary assignment and riding lor the filing of a sworn schm wth tbs deed of assignment. Yeas 107, A bill to amend the act requiring rail roads doing basioisi in this mate to fi'o their charters and amendments with th* Secretary of Btata; passed. •CVATR anu LOST. To farther protect landlords in collect log rents and declaring th* tttta in Und- Yeas id fir tin *>, M. Atlaata, w-i-Uiubtr X—Tl.# k>n*tc m«t #l 10 o’clock. A rn«*»#x« *■*» rc- from tt.* Ho-.w nanouncinK the of r*rtaln 1 nt fuiiowing Home hUla Were r<*J the thL- ’. Vi-.ie and p*aa«l: lords anlil the rentu are paid, najafil* idbfibitsly rosrroBXD.I Repelling tha net authorizing the hiring ont ot a certAin cUn of conricta to {hiYite dilttM. C landing the time of holding Hall 8a perior court. Adjourned. Lynched (or Murdar. Chari.eaton, September 22.—A sped*l to the New# and Charter from Johnson, C. t say#: O. T. Cnlbreaih waa lyr. d to* daj*t Li^kl Ooort Hour. ' a was (h^r^td with l.i!inq Wiliiam H- ..mood, a \ ou nt»it w ho wm K^ar Vn« h r l.OGae of kn. ( all realh. fn Letter From Prnslaant Clev*lnnd Ds- olnring Hia Pflnolpiea nnd Policy — The Swatarn and Yantlc Ovarduv-ln Caneral. JWashiboton, Sc3te.Tiber53.—The Pres ident has to day sent to Doiman B Eitor^ |chairman of the Civil Service Commis sion. b long letter, setting foith his views and policy in relation to thd civil service, and accepting Mr. Eaton’s resignation, to take effect November 1st. The following the letter: Bxtcunve Mansion, Washington, Feotcra- cr li. isa-lIoN. Dorman li Katon-My Dear «Jir: V am i« receipt ol your l«vu*r lou- ch-rliiie }<"ir r' Mj'iiRilou as a imiuburof thr civil service cotuiniasfoa. I ranuot refrain fr.*m the txpresslou of my sincere regret that you have duiermlned to withdraw from a po sition lu tho public service wheroyour Intel- llgent periormance of du'y has been ot tncs- i lmable valuo to iho coantrv. Tho friends of civil service, referring to all tbooo who desire no,i-i government, fully appreciate jour devo tion to a cauao in whicn you early oallsied, and they have seen wig i-fftcUon that yonr zo»\ and 1 have not led you to Euppose that tho lu which yon wore engaged was uot aubject to the rule# which ordinarily gown pragma 1 in human aflAirs. or that it should at once reach perfection and universal acceptai ce You have been WlUinf pailenvly to accept good refulN aa thi y, st^p by step, could oo gained, holding every advance with uoyI»*id ing BicadfattneBB. Tho aacce»a which thm lm# attended tho work of civil refora finf lar/'-ly to the fact that lu practical Dienda have procecdetl u too argument that hewlthy progre»a IWonlybA m»de as bucU of tho people who efearisb pernicious political Ifl—ajoog fostered and encouraged by vicious par.isauablp. are persuaded that the ebango contemplated by the reformofTt ranbtt-inUal tmproTemeuta and hum. fit*. Toltratl u for old prejudices graco- lul lecogoltlon oi every aid, tho sensible n i 1- zaIiod of everv inttrnmeutallty that promises assiftance aud cooitant effort to demonatrat- itho adveuUgot of tho now order of things arc tbo meana by wblcn this reform movement will in the future be further advanced, the op position of incorrigible spoilsmen rendered in effectual and tbe cause pluct-d upon a suro fuuudatlon. Of oourso there should be no Mirrtn'bT < f p iii' iiM 1 i "r l .r k aard Hep. and all law# forth© enforcement ol re form should be rigidly executed; but th ben efits which Its pnnciplaa promise will not bo lluily realized unlfBS tho acqniescence of tbo people is added to th* stern assertion of tbe doctrine and ■ Igornu* execution of tbe laws. It is a source of congratulation that there are so many friends of civil service reform marahal- • d <<n the prat ii'-al m lc of tin* 'I'lt-Mloii. I n.- numb«r ia yet greater of those who profess friendliness for tho cause, and yet miichlcv oualy and with supercillons self- rlghteousupfia decry every tfTort not [In accord with their attcnuatecl Idea*, meeting Jwlth carping criticism the tabor of tho«e actu ally Id tho field of reform, and Igu ring tho i conditions which bound everv utrugglo for radical improvement in the affairs of g jvern- ment, demaud complete and ImmedU; with sat- falth •ecta for the 9th of tncuuivcr>al rule. feetton. Tho reference In your letter to the Kttimde of ttn- mt-ml-.-ri of my cablii'st to the mer»t syfitem eKtabllshed by the civil service law, besides htlng entirely correct, exhibits an appreciation of an honent cudeavor In the direction ol rehirm and a disposition todojus- |tlc« lo prov-u slucerlty, which is most gratify- iiig. If such t eatment of tho«o Upon whom the duty rests of administering tho government according to reform caused bis forced removal from, . . onrtA the bench, and ther*Is no assurance to the ,he 7 carry ttte QitJ bj public that he Is in any c ndition to enter ■jiWgs * n again upon the duties of inch an impor-1 *>• *° add to the business of taut office. There ought to be no uncer- JJJJt T!? 1 ? w . et fiS tainly In the public cuniideuce In tbo Jd' eJect i < J D A ^ 1 4 c k and * diciary. Ills a last resort for Ihe most driven ont Atlanta will be set back twentv important interests of the people, and it is I yo*w» * failed to find a tribunal to which they ought to bs able H woman airainwt to to feeling that Justice will be admlnia-1 wblaky world without «ml- Several tered Impartially by t juipetcot Judges, I famnle orators will thunder daring the To this prcpos.fion tbtre can bit no dia-1 paign, among them Mitt sjlfflH lent. I Htrkes. Sam Jouea ia also expected It may be, and It Is csrtainly hoped,that take theatnmp . Judge McCay baa enfire ly recovered, that Ido not believe that the Prohibitionists he la of soand mind and even balance. Bat will succeed becaura thia city pays a yea v whether he la ao La matter aoont which revenue of $52 0,0 fur the privilege of sell- ihepaollohaa no InlormaUon whatever, tag •piflU. Property owners will hesitate The condition of Ihfnga l» being dlscotaad »*«ng time before caaUng their vote* and with aorce leriouintaa. It ia a matter upon I influence for tbe side which prapoiea which tht publio ought to be oorrocUy In- »W> revenue away and make np t formed / dafleit by rats kg the tax on real and per- . tonal property. GEORGIA’S DAFT. I . ^ „ Confab Between Prisoner and Lawv Th* Atormlna tnorenm* ot Lunactn.h* chiei Connolly has had » t-rated .Imr Stats- swung at the entratea to tbe vestibule Inferentlally, jodglnx by tha roaolnlioo IfadU;* »tha ejlla, ao that tbo awarrool recently lutrodured to tha Bantte by Ben*- little lawyers wbo iolest tbe police conn tor Baiiell requiring the rap*rint-,ndent cannot get in to "dram” buaioeie, but of tba lunatic asylum to Inquire into aud *tand on tha ontaide and talk tbiouahtble report to lb# next General Aewmbly tho 8'ated door to their client,. 1 told the ceases of the grvtt increase of la* chief that It was a capital idea and he nacy In thia State, tha pao- smiled grimly—that la for a young man. pla of the Cracker State are not ■ ■ as level headed as they have been reputed I Atlanta On a Drunk, to be. After the passage of the reealptlon I A remarkable feature to-day has been to-davyoorccrreapooder*Mnt*fvxew«suo*»i;-l the aUiUilcg number of drankan people ator Kussefl and other Senators interested on tbe streets. The police say that on wet iu the reiolntion as to the meaning cf it I days three time! aa many men gtt drunk From their itatemmt It appears that There l as on dry days. That Iooei natural. Labor- la an alarming increase of lanacy in Gcor- ing men can’t work in aneb weath*r, so g(a, and especially among the negroes, they spend their money for liquor. Qilte Before tbe war it waa rare | a number were rnn in. The 1< ‘ u< and perplexities attending such an admlnis- tratlou were fairly regarded by all th«»* pro- leAslug to be friendly to auch methods, Its l beltuve lu civil scrvlco reform and Its ap plication In tho most pra tlcablo fora attainable, among other reasons, because it opens the door lor rich and f oor alike to par ticipation lu public p ace bolding, and I hope the time 1* at baud when all aeo tho advauuge ot reliance n oiu-4,rtunitj upon merit mih! tituei dtpenoence open tho caprice • * poople will id of efita ol thosa w’ho impndontly stand bctwtvu tho people aud the machinery of tlu-lr govern- me nt. In one case, rranonablu lnt<-:llger.c* and tho education which la freely furnished or forced upon tho youth of pur land a Reptile tlon of ihtap ill President Oran trie conflict it be rsganleaa of the i service act or any e: tratlon. In any part cuiU'-t, I could fur better fcr;.- t; 1( . ( u’go'ol refora fn tho exce«s of th*»t full • ,.o v w ‘ h i rh is hard v cornnatlble with th v * ’iesof my pr«-tat i'i!n e. A WATER FAMINE. Thisciiy !# eull-nugfro u » w a t* r fam ine. A break of seven or ei^ht square feet in size hoa occurred in the priac p i! main iu Ge(.rg*» own, and materials are not at hand with which to make Immediate re- pair*. Th j city is recti v v.^ only half a supply of water 'o-day, all of which is al> M lo- bed bj th- occupants of the J iwer por- 9 tlon?. Materials for repairing tU break have b*-en ^ei>t for ami may b* expected within two or three days. It is found that the valves which were declined to shut off the water from th* damaged main in emergence of toil nature, leaving the other maiui Ij serve Urn city as best they could, are not in working condition, audit is probab’- that when tne repairs aro b-guu tbe w&'er will be entirely shat off, in order to clear the damaged main. Dwellers on tha higher grounds, including about one hr.if ihe city, who are entirely without water, art* loud in complaint of th- ?e wbo sr^ respoiia hie for the c ndition of thinM?. Chief Engi- neer Cronin, of th« fire dcp&rta.< it, that in case of fire the situatioa w .u: i hr alarming. A STRIKE Or rRINIEX 1 . By order of the Typ'.grnpbical Ur'ro, fourteen prioter^ employed in the job ■ ili:o of Gibson Bros, struck to-day. 'ihe 'tr n Ins paying ten cer.n „ jvat - j for Comp isltlon in foreign langnsgev, or a ioIhI of li tv CftitM. Ti • t iron r-^u m uns calls for a pries and .* half, or tiny cents, tnd iu ortVr t >i i:f the union s -ale the printers were or.i* ! out. litHluosons say thsy psy accorJi g to a sea * agreed to by the union ten y »ra ngo and iu forco ever Bine*. Ti •• a: . junt uf : ; a-y in volved Is small, b.ri th* firm res 11 ts on principle. Members of the Typographical Union say that boJy never approved ot what is known as the employers’ trale. 1 he uni >11 has taken steps to raiiM! a large fund to beu-ed in case of further strikes, and has already pro/ided for the striking printers. SniP8 OVERDUE. Tha United Hta'ea steamera, Sira toga and Yantlc, which haveaboot $10,400,G00 m silver coin on bjar.l, were due at Waah- ington yesterday, but nave hut b»en hoard from sinca they sailed from K-y WssL Th* delay in their arrival fs undoubtedly due to the recent stormy weather, and It believed that they encounteml htavy G»lfS oil* Hatteras. No uneasiness i? felt (or she aafeiy of tho vemhur th*-ir pre cious cargo.however, either at the Navy or Treasury Department*, aa the vesrels are a'nunch and strong and are in charge of able aud discreet officers. NOTES. Comruodo r e Alex A. Seemmes, com mandant of the Washington n»vy yard, died 'Suddenly at H t uilton, Loudon coun ty, Va , yiwierday affernoon. Colonel Absolom B drd, assistant inspsc- torg»n*ral, waa tots morn'ng appointed by the President to be inspector general of • the army, with Ihe rank of brgadier.g*n- *ra>, to succeed General Nelson H. Davis, retired. Tha signal corps station at p.iyn«er’e Hill, Noith Carolina report* that tbe three masted schooner Ada F. Wbitniv, of riiomaston, Maine, Captain K Oil'.urist. from Boeton, bound to lira Ga., in baiiaNt, had her blown away and rare I a number were rnn in. The kcal option Now I bill may have something todo with thia the asylum is being crowded with lnnatic fijek of drunkards, negroes. 7he increatc u noted also among aneffnested and ignorent white,. Upon*! TheCItli.ne’ Bank Cat*. cor»orylnv e .Maatlon onel eading cause of ATLAirri , s.pt.tnh.r 23,-The taw ot th. taelncreaseot Innacyle attrlboted to the q;,,, lhe l ,m cer , 0 [ the Citizen,’ nve, ’Ste”’fit^fe" I Bank lral come np tn the Boperlor Conrt Asm nOW prevailing over the “ISI®’ I thM i.»tI l5Tm •IliFli nn*n« mthalih ref 11 not mcuiauj a"u pojuciui. iui w rlbUlllea aud duties of publio employ rise nt. [You will agree with me. I think, Ithat tbo support which baa b*vn fivan to tbe prerant adminUtrallon lu ua efforts to proservo and advanco this reform by a party restored to power alter an exclu sion ter many years from participation iu Iplaces attached to thepnbl c scrvice,confront cd with a newajitem precluding theredlsirl- Ibotlou of inch ptacea la lu htsmt, called u,-jd to aurrtnder ad vantages wh;ca lisp verted partisanship had taugnt the American t*opU tMloaged to aaeeaaa, and perturbed wlihthasusplcloa always raised In »uch »nl emergency that their rights In in* conductor this reform had #ol been scrupulously guardr lad. should receive duo fckooaledfMDMt and should oonflrmonr belief ilutthareUi seuUtaant anon* tha people Utter ta-iutiu I desire to hold office, aud a patriotic iaipnlae uponwbtab may safoly rest the lottgitiyol our InsUtntloua anil the strength and ycrp%l luaiity ol our government 1 have determined to request you to re tain your prvu'ut jMMitlou until ilie Ut day of n<>- vembt-r next, at which time your mlguatlon may become operative. I d»alre to express my entire confida nee In your attachment to th.- Icause of civil service reform, andyoar ability to render It efllrltnl aid. and 1 fndulie tbe hope and expectation that notwivh»vanding the acceptance of your re»t*naiinu your inter-i eat in the obj-cts for which you have labor**.! Of .it.tKiiuht. I October. It t, to be hoped that the “mon- ~ti^ n nV.riir. .*™******* ■■,j*I>*.!*«” in elatinR off tbla caee ii atm raU^aq* aathna!>»ni._ In th » rannectjOD, end , n< j , h , t lh , .^gru, put up , n At'«nu !* by that di.Rtacrinl all.ir will be at length ^ f inMiiJl nrer l {i| , « Htlle’ ah I e. wlpe '' aw * y b 7 Uie coarl - Th ® lo,| a"” o( IMrsi**ol o*sr th.6tate. aM ee- {„ lbi , d ,y wer , wr^ted bj parity te AUanta. and art »ege.al ro-1 ^ col.p.a ‘ ol that roiun-to- ljnf.?il2! > !rJi^nr2*wbVr. r >h lhe core InaUtntion anil the mtn •S?,";nl*.VtHl. * h °KO* th * nioney ahonlil be made eilhn JSlSjSS J * ■ hJ 114 * ,0 fiiax"rK« or wear the etripe. I know ° iM.v21^ Z fn 22rtn« metier eml , h4 one willow who lost her *11-38,9»-ln that *h. JSl'croih. and a mechanic who in* day had h£bmk2 r r iiwui'i 1 ! 2 *«n turn ,h * h * ,J e»raiDg, of ten jearaiweptaway. 5* lijt th* Intuttce would till a volutut. Ol moment. Tb* lunacy statistics, not confined to the asylum, .when t>ubff,bed will be * •orptla* to tb* peopla cl Gaoryta. A TAX MATTER^ Layylnc th* Taa to Pay for th* New Cap hot Building, Governor McDaniel thia afternoon laanad tb* following txiCQilT* order t Kxocrnr* Daraxranr, Atlswta, a Beptembcr 22, lSSj.—Punoont to IMtuM, ■ — Th* Value Policy BU. Anun, Beptembey 23.—Tb* Chamber of Commerc* got aeTaral commnnlcaiiona today to th* effect that Macon, fi.yannah anJ Roma will join band, with them in downing tb* raiuc policy biff. It la roonc y asMrteil in torn, qaartera that CoL Gab yin, of Biebmottd, who introdneed tb* mtaaun, rat nctnated by a Tlndictlva rit An underwriter Hated today tbat .inYjukii-'----*— — ima wkieh I Ltatvin laid [be tad never read an inMir- reanlrea the t.'.voruorV with tha aubSnco ot »o«* Policy until tba other day. Calytn Ui CoDpuollcr-Ueoertt. to levy a pMcemaga ought to read np or be will bo read ont. on tba UiaMe property ol Uda but* .ufflcl— 1 to aaeat tb* fioencUl rtqulrement Ibereot, . , to exaead a aerial* per o**L thereto named, Pol.ce Eierclalnc their Cue*. ■ad af ar approztmaUac, a* nearly as 4mm, Beptambar 21,—Officer Nor- e. tbe «*.«**» fn vxl'ic man. of tb* police fore* (hot * hone 'at Redd &. Cox , etabi.s to pat It ■it le farther ordered, that In addition to the * uns - tbnwtemtea aboy* ordered, aa extra par c**b ol one-half of one-tenth ol one per cant be ■aaewd and collected In unlorml.T with «:i act approved Beptember fiBMi h«m tb* amount of the tJM taxable property, rf.itrood by ’ each tar AuatrLin Politics. Viasrfa, Kept. 22.—Tb* divlaions in the * “ "icchsmiti ie the iefia- . ,v ’r[oppnition party of the It: inFWB N n.KiSFki:Hoi tir , riported to b* dne to . , »|.lHe r ,n, hm, ,h. I BDC* Of lit* I'-IUpCTOT, Wll'J dtsirt, tO value of alt property In tma Mat* Buttle, toil prevent th* whole oppoiition becora- taxaltoo ad valorem, for tha pnnoMOi build- log a ncitnl party. Tb* two elnb* henceforth elect a common ■baiSMtaSoSSballoftSaiSSt?!r”* 0 * 1 .” E 00 - 1 !' 11 . 1 *® *° decide *ito th« per MaLtabaropantely itue^wed aa 1 col* h--aerat policy, bnt on national quaatlo • iVcteVfOTiba parSw racutloowi: lhaclabf will act aeparate.'y. It ti feared [Signed] “Henry D. McDaniel, that the attitude of Germany will fncreavj ’ Governor. the bitterness which has existed for aoai« •'\Yk. W»to*T,c omp'.'outr-GtneriL’’ I between the various nationalities i*p- ' I rt sen tod in the lleicherath. Itwlllgrrali ce orcia s EXHIBIT J n.t!.-j re*at:oi:s of the monarchy To b« Taken From Mason to tn# Eioo- w »(tl Germany, sitlon at flaw Orl«i*ne. Mr. Cfiartey Frank, eommisjHMksr of the drill,Centra! and Arn» r -ai. K((»Miiu.ri. wlflclior. .i New Orlrar.s .S.»von»l -r iiitl 1 ob froi ff.f H- i taken by * : Mbit ft on Macon «t.ng ■ . -*j;s afi*r th* h'dit* Fa: He denir-i I th«t he T:«it«r** 44 rrrxl mtn 1 Ulature ami t&i'zed lo Vh-u MR. EATON 1 LETTER. J Civil Scrrice CommUaionar Eaton’s let ter of resignation is da'vd July 2^th. and says in opening part: “In purvuanoa of the pn pose ol which 1 informed yon 8*veiul weaks ago, I v*-ry rctpectiollj t#n- iny resignation as civil cervioe coiamU* sioDcr, tmt oat of deference (o year wishas I will n< 1 t.ry» ii.i aci - ;.ta* .UMtil • urh time in the autumn aa yon may find con venient for a new appointment.” Mr. Eaton recites his connection with the civil strvica reform movement, and ittat*« that it waa his desire to bo itlievod from official connection with the commission (after i* was fairly citablished, but hu was di-v.iaded fr ni insisting on rtsignatiju ItVtbSlMUMlIlffMlMS. ■ Continuing, Mr. Eaton saja: I I taw plainly from hostile Journals that I should hotbargel, IflrviigneO, wltn fl^elog from tho perils of that crisis. It waa clear enough that no excuse from my long sor d«<l*rat'.ou ol m; ronfldeoco in toller of tbe Presidential candl .... . »uu u of tbe Democratic petty woolal relieve me from the damaglcg pUualbfUty of such e charge As e private citizen Icoak* •00m the imputation, but as a public officer.! the bead of a conmizaioa r. presenting ifl cause of dvll service reform, I bad no right to mako am opportealty for Ha awamlae ■ either party to use inch a ebarxe to lu tniary. There was another rvaaon why I should not have tendered my reelgbfttfea end abouldl have refused to do ao bad It been requested I near the time of your acc* salon lo offices for 1 sbouid regard ft ea e peralclona prooodeoL utterly rrpmruant to tbe spirit of ibe civil serrlcc act, to treat [Bted office of civil service commUiflM as a political one and h«C( e aa one to be filled auhebtflnulng of tech FrmsdeaUat term. Tbrae considerations ronatraiucl me to con ' tiaoelnmy place until ihe ri*farrn policy of 1 yoor admliiUt-atinu, ao clearly defined In your declarations, should bo unmifitakab'.y abowir | In jour acta aa hrealdent *» It bad been iu K at-U aa Governor of New York. Tbat Jh«* arrived. No candid man can lougi-r B ptcnd to regard tha* policy as Unite or djubtful. Every one [the five months of your edmiainrHI during which Ue civil service act an l lb* rule* have been cut r<vt with a% much br. *dto, firmness and fid<glty aa under Prwsl d* nt Arthur, baa note 1 y eddied new evldi-mv of lie utility of the n*w system upon which hecoocretulatvd tbe country, out has nf more d* fi mi* tbo •«tilol purpose of you n. '.vtr\Uou lovofovce both the law at t tht r* v** lu the future The few change* you have made In the rniu* bare lut added to th*-fr justice . ", :»-ncy. , w .» Ur u I ha town able to It there 1* not a member of yourcatl. et rh wick, sails ■PHH l at 12 m , yesterday, three mil«*s south of Foynecr’a Hill life aavirg statioa. The orrw of s«v*n mun were s«iv«*'i. Tu* vss- -♦•1 is now breaking op. me wind is from the north ati<l the surf high. Fourth class pia'tira-t-rs appoint d to day: In North Caro.ina, at Hoiithford, JoboS Torn*r. lo Alahaav*. at Gunters Henry W. Hall, In Mississippi, at E igllsh I’.iii t, Julia A.bing»r. 'J he Rraaldent toduy api>u:nfeJ ♦•z-ron- fc r. -hmihii H. M 9tockidir«-r, of Indiana, to feat c n 1:t.•.h ,1 r .f tin* grneral land office, vice Lather Harrisox, re signed. A Horrtblw Suieid*. 1’nfTtiN. S. i- riMihrr Jl.—For «om* timo pa.-' r ram ii fi’Ilifit »-'|, a^.-i;.’ n;i his oruthera KJwaril and Georg' oav.? been umprieforfi of the iioxburv Gazette. Francis bad b-«*n auiF-'i' gfruiu ab-rration of h-4 111 iti(i. Yfirarday moriiiug he 6«- cumf wtiTer, and h * hr. tin r indue**! him to accomp*jiv him ti tu*- c Ill e of l»r. Williams. Upon entering tbs« flic* be be came unmanageable and jump <i thr*»ugh a window, carrying toe huso with bim. Ttiuae lu the room succeeded, however, in securing him in time to save him from b«;ng dashed upon the pavemcot b«!ow. L’gon being again plar.-.J in the r. om he suddenly M-ized a cup that stood on th# tab!* ami broke it imo fragments, secured a sharp piece 0$ the veiael, and before hi? move- menta coaid arrvsted, drew it rapidly acrosa his ihrjat from ear b) rar Then dropping hia weapon, he gnsp*d with hLs hands the r jj -.-.h! arlerie-s ai.d tor* them ids open, lie died While besn* takeu to Ute hospital. r.-.-aaUt to th.- ,* .u! lux U*o appolnuz* gu Amedoan Owmn Oustsd. GALVR-ioit. September 22.—A ij'ecii lha News from KsglH l*a»*«yi l-'P have reached here oor.firming ibtO&nfl foil of Ltd »i;«« n m.w r 1.. .. ?. hi nen mouri'airiri, M**x , hy • r«M/pa, upon a trumped t.p « • * d . ai* t^rgnant. The uw:.:- t ** Ite Davis at d other American 1. fhe l.-od tired h;s al.egol ■ »k: rt: - 1 < • tl SO-dir19 tll'-J - * • j American owners and 1 poftsetsloo. These ate the aln* 1 Wl discovery abjut six months le much excitement, as they I.*-' 1 " 1 ounces of silver to the ton. T: , : ‘ A .ro agaihvt tbe America!) a af. tt.t t-e • iit:gaf.. in the Mexioea c«jurts. Tb* 1 8t*»e* consul at Pi«dr»is Vega* # ing bit. ?-eif in behalf of tha A c animate, with the hope of reaiorlng 1 Churcr’. £5a ftsjgSrt. 1 hpi ‘ 1 ' ally dedicated Fitaht In 1 Bio Rapids Remodeled M ibis pla*e wai . - day. Whilethecougrrgai u th** buiMing K’i .* and a*jr.s of Wuliam Vanl *o. ■ • Bryce, editor of th*- Current, thre * ' 1 11 l!jc- porrh and hurt h:m. ! * ' n ^ r ‘- * graa* fight waa thmtei. 1. A. bitter warfare has r<- M, l ror ye.r, benefit romememb-riol tb-ettorch and Bryce was the leader oi one uct.on. Kverauce he was dlsmLse*! frotn me c.uuroh fce haa kept up the f 4 *- ’’ m-ougn his pape-. Last week he asiatted the pre- tidirg elder, the minister and others, in tha Current, and by circular* thr x-’u the mails on F»tu-day he rna*'.** an tttack on Mr. and Mrs. Vaolco. it was lor ffitaihat the boyt attacked him. Germany and Cuba. Biruk, September 22.—Th# North Ger man Gazette to day deacr.i-ea aJ_ # fable tte statement recently marie J’ many waa ooveL g Cuba, but m the event 0/ war between l»erni*D7 Spain Cube would be an txnior’ of attack, li ruiicuiee tbe id*® imauent annexation of Cuba 1/ *»<rmany. Trr» wistera and brother of! h« late Kain«*r Hvm«J. pastor ot th- Anibr.*^ Ca»h- Oii* Charch of Dee M jiO** Iowa, w-l con test hn» w»tU on iho ground tbat he wax of unsound mind at tba tima of maiin*; that r t ^ r iuxtmmwnf. Fatevr bmxui bevp»a'h‘ i to >*n.r%|i , f ah'ireh raat esUtte vali**al At 0* rly aad lo hn rtiaUqpa on'.? teW.