Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 02, 1885, Image 1

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■sc WEEKLY TELEpRAPH AND MESSENGER Established 1826. MACON, GA., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1885. VOLUME LIX-NO. 48 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. TWO DAYS’ PROCEEDINGS OF THE house and senate. qnest to withhold the report then voted In favor of its i sssa^e, and he had replied that such a statement could not be truth, fully made. Mr. Harrell said that he did not state It on hla own authority, but wei lllfur.i ( d ; ..ml it.( li i e t M If ■-r j remarked that such a statement could Dot be trnthfolly made. He, of course, did not u.ni.mher "9.—Tho 8enete Impute untrntlilulncss to the eentlemen Aiurra, September - 3 ’ from Webster, and he noderatood it that met at 3 o’clock this altornoon, President mlrtn Davidson in the chair. sisolotioss psaaiD. ^reirina t'ne reading of the ionrnsl Mr. For the relief of W. J. Adman, for" er „*T,‘ eava notice that he would, at the tax collector of Heard county. Yeas 92. Maddox gave ounce. . authorizing the Marietta and North BtopertlnWi move a reconsideration of the I Q eoJ ,, ia ra || r J a j to use the riklri of way of Leafs bill eatsbllshing a oily court Ixr the the Western and Atlantic for the construe M „i Bailoe'. tlon of a track to Marble Mills. Yeas 93. county Ot notice that ho would at the hour of adjournment the House II,. Mitchell gave notice that he wonia w „ CQnelderl B fo), amending Motion move a reconsideration of the bill toeoi- 2571 of the code. ..atinc the Classic City Street Railroad rhe barbscue at Eut Point has been i>°'* n “* postponed until Saturday. The bill’to establish a oily court for the aimmoor sesMO*. conniy o! Bartow, waa recoup, tred and I ^TbeHouaa was called to order by the Ubled. _ bum rassiD. • The bill incorporating the Classic City I Repealing Section 29;0 ot the code. gists to sell liquor to practicing physic ant, WP\A/*J and for sacramental purposes. ivs-siw By Mr. Steve' s, a bll incorporating the Albany and Dawson Railroad Company. By Mr. Ccanpell. to tepee! an act to amend section 1CS9 of tbe code limitirg tbo power of navigation companies lo oorrow money. This act waa originally passed on the ldc* that rcfcraace was had to railroads instead oi navigation compa nies. , , By Mr. Harris, of Bibb, a resolution for the relief of the London Assurance Com- pany. |(V THE states. WHAT 13 BEING DONE ABOUT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Numerous Posvmaaiera Appo’ntetf.-the Missouri D.lennll -n on lland*-in Otflcer’a Re.lanatian Askod —Cere.ta ARUln Wins. By Mr. Boyd, of Lntnpkfn, a bill to add an additional section to the road laws of tbe tate so as to provide for tbe levy of a fax by the county authorities for working the public rotds. Tbe unfinished business of the morning session waa taken up, being a bill by Mr. Barnett, of Richmond, to repeat section 3129 (a, b, c, d, e and f) of tne code, known as tbe “Insolvent Traders' Act." Mr. Bartlrit moved to recommit the bill, in which he was warmly supported by Mr. Harris. Tbe motion was vigorously opposed by Mr. Brandt, but the motion prevailed, and the bill was lecommltted Railroad Company waa also recon- Paving Jamea A. Cody, of Fulton conn- with instructions. . . . BtrettRaiiroau vo i , ty, a Confederate soldier, *75 for aa arti- The bill preventlog the importation aud ■EsSuff—r ™ Tbe lolloping bills and resolntions were Tissolinion authorising Ibe Ooveri or. — „ I --1 , _ ... t„.nh«rribefor 600 copies of the public Amending charter of tbe town of Dobiin. !?,. „j 1884-85, to be published by H. II. The House concurred in the Senate llffl OI lo-l 1 . ...I .....41.. in ...ta Am.^Jraania ta <1.0 4.ill InAnfrUiraItnty thlX Fixing the punishment for burglary in tbe night. Repealing section 069 of tbe code. saleot second hand clothir g, waa passed with an amendment providing tbit It abal not apply to clothing having certificates of disinfection. THX RAILROAD COMMISSION BILL Mr. 'Tate, chairman ot the committee on railroads reported back tbe railroad com munion bill with the recommendation that is do pass. Washington, Ssp’ember 28.—Tho Secre tary of the Navy has decided a iurther postponement of tbe reassembling of tbe Smith court mirtia), until after Ihe 8a- pretne Court of the United States shall have rendered its decision upon tbe peti tion of the defendant prsying for a writ of prohibition to restrain the Secretary and conrhmirtlal from further action. Franklin Mills Jackson, eon ot Major R. W. Jackson, Fifty-eighth Artillery, has CEORGIA BONDS. Attorney>C»narnl O’Btlen Decides That N«w York 80*1*88 Bank* Can not Invest In Theme New York, September 28.—Attorney- General O’Brien has rendered a dcc’sion in answer to a communication of the Banking Department asking whether New York savings banks coaid lawfully Invest their deposits in Georgia State bonds. He holds that th»y cannot, and in support of bis rilling quotes from section 2G0. chapter •109 o* the laws of 1882, which prohib’ts savings banks from investing money in stocks or bards of any State which THE CENE6TA AC AIN W.N8. Th* Dauntless Badly Bsaten in the Cap* May Challenge Cup Race. CarE May, N. J., September 23.—The Geresta rounded the Cape May lightship at 3:35:?3 yesterday afternoon. The Dauntless was not visible. Bhe was last seen at 8 o’clock Saturday evening off Long Branch. The Genesta passed liar- nrgwt at 1 a. m. yesterday. The WCither daring the whole passage has bsen v«ry fine nnd the >ea has beea smooth, with a moderate sailing breeze, fluctuating be tween ‘.mill ami northwest. Atlantic City, N. J., September 28 — Tbe Genesta rounded the five fathom ligbt- defaalud in the payment of any part of either principal or int 'rest of any debt au thorised by any Legislature of such State to be contracted. He then cites the finan cial legislation of Georgia, and gives in de tail the history of the issue of various se ries of bonds. The iesue by tbe State of its guarantee of $1,600,000 of bonds of the . . . . * a*#,.. q w < i'ai Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company, been appointed to a vacant at targe I wblc& it repudiated in 1872 is what the At l.i.U. Urtlnt Thu l'roau'i'Tit I a n.. r ...i l.... li. cadetship at West Point The President tornry-General basfs his conclusion upon, haa no more appointments at large to and ttc default on these bonds he holds . brings the rase within the statute of New ■The Secretary of theTreasury Has fanned York TepuUU^ Ihc Innetmenta of tnin ths following circular to customs officers “ M °< earing* banks, in regard to tlie prevention ot amall-nox: "Iosnectors and other officers of customs on the Canadian fromiar, will appoint Mr. Hawkes, of 8atnler, stated to the House thst tbe minority ot tbe committee desiied to make a report againet tha pas- eene o tbe bill, but bad not been able to complete 1L He asked leave to submit ibe report to-morrow morning, and the leave wasgranted. „ . , t „ ... In the regular order tbe bill would hive bailiff SSv^lwo Shell tbe 1 Paff, J. B. Hamlttr*t,B~ W. P/lnoe and | a t intervals to-day. It Is feared that much vSaIh. ux 1 aitSuon bS on he H. Hall. ... "'lout damage 'has been done to rail- tbe taX bl1 ’ on The Postmas’er-General has just ren- J r0 ids end other interests. A damaging c, J!°} r ;, t . n mn vmA that the bill be made derrd an interesting decision touching the washout has been reported on the Thuradav n*XL right of creditors to ottscb the sslaris. of J.cksonviile, Tampa and Key West road, 5lr P Itari?«on'of'offitiuan made a strong I te«x defora who may be poeisl em- Ubont two miles beyond Orange Park. The .!h. motton and " ovr5 ployea. Tbs postmaster at N.w York re- t,» c k is washed away for IOOyards and the hjmsdafhs «n«cSS informed ths d-pirtment tnat at- ro ,d Is compelieil to transfer passengers. The Senate amended by striking out " Hiritmsrards iwithdrew templshsve been made to garnishee the Tfce Jacksonville, Halifax And 8L Augns- 12,000 and inserting |2 ,f“’. ?hi. , motSn"°H; nrKd' e h W .t th. l.iu’bi eM.ris. oi smploTes tohS.to, and tine railway .uffirrfconjiduaW.danmga iShMissuita price no! exceeding 50 osnts amendments to tbe bill incorporating the Sr ciDv’ Passed. Classic City Street Rsilrosd Company. ■a Mli providing that the grade of all I coaakcruto a clibioal ebbob. tnmnikeroAds in this State snail not ex- Mr Harris introduced a resolution an- ™«d P one loot in fiifeeu save in cues Ithorizlng the Ooveri ur and Secretary of Lh.re there fs a speriul . harier. Pes.«d. State to correct a clerical error in the gen ii hi I to Incorporate Ihe Augusta Co op- eral tax act in which emigrants had been .ra iv. Ftu- Iosurance Compony. Parsed. I convened into immigrants, which was A bill to appropriate $219 to pay tor the I read the first time and reieried to the fi- rarrers and mattiDg in tha Senate and nance committee. House of B-piea<ntatives. Paseed. I On motion of Mr. Bartlett, the House A bill to require the registration ot vot-1 took op a hill to repeal the second section •»« in the county of Richmond. Passed, of an act entilled, "an act to regulate and A bill to nppropitat»9l50 lo nay Jarkaon I control certain convicti in the county of T Tavlor for making theipdrxeaof the Bibb” for the purpose of concurring in Senate and Home journals for 1885. Pass-1 certain Senate amendments, ed. ^ to* sew SINATOU SWORN IN. ^ ^ ™ M % T , , „ further by adding to section 1, Ihe words A message was received from tbe Cover- i. but , a |,, Btim <na n no t he paid byesid nor thst the returns of an el-ction held hoard lo said mayor nnd council for any in the count es ol1 Hart, Franklin and , lme when the number of said conTfcts ■ > ■ _ Habs'sham lo elect a nuccewor to the late |h „| ^ reduced below tbe number of ten.” _f A aSl Atitritoted and "op» 10 poslmastera to disregard attach- oii>»and Atlantic railway has been atop- Hon. J. F. Crait, oi the ihir jf-Brst aena- Mr _ Ga8tin m0Ted t0 concur In tho Sen- » nd ^n „ membcr. ntent. Issued bv State courts bnt to sp- pedT torial district, as certified to tbo Soc'etary ate ame ndments, Thursday would ue as soon as mrajccre | Ms> in nmirt and ettU that I r of Biate, showed tliat Hon JamesF. White I Bartlett seconded the motion ing had been duly elected. Mr. White that the amendments had been agreed prosebeu the oar of the Senate and took upon by all part ief, andiWere satisfactory the oath preicr.bed. He kh3ed a ponder- tohim ous Bsble which had been brought in and I amendments were concurred in, held for tbe occasion by Majir Smith, tbe 1 Adjourned. popuDr messenger of the Hoase. AmtSTA, September 29.—The Senate A bill to incorporate the Angosta * n d I .. nrf r Pr hv Preiident Carlton. Mutual Endownient Assccistion. "SJ ^ing thscontidora'. “irMrapVffi, section 1 ?,'article's 11 ‘ ne °' 1! biU. were read the first time. Mr. McBride, cheiiman of the committee bills pabs»o. on enrollment, submitted a report. Amending the charter ot Dalton. A biii to v«st the tax coUec-or of the li.corporating the SAVanneh and Tyfccs countv vl Lowndes with the powers of the Railroad Company, sheriff so fsr.ss relates to the collection of | Amending the charter of McDonough. ntes before I o'clock Baturdsy olternoon, nnd at 0 o’clock the Genesta woe three miles ahead of the Dauntless. Tbe wind was moderate throughout the night, alter nately from cslms to brisk breizes. with an occasional Ugh* pnfl. At 3:25 Sunday afternoon the five fathom back light ship off Cape May was rounded by the Genesta. She had completed half the distance in about 23 hours, 38 minutes and 8 second*. About 5 p. in. Sunday the northeast <ud lightihip wa* passed and a few minutes later tho schooner Dauntless was discerned about live miles northeast ot the light ship. Sue was bearing down under full canvass, save that in place of her fore top sail, the main top stay sail and her fore top had gone by the hoard. It was not know how the Dauntless came to lose her top an 4 iimmi tf.it th* hill be taken I q ul1 m bcwiuhuct nuu iu« wuibwi m.di ——*"—• — Ball, butlt was supposed she wss carrying tne uoor ana g » icneiied tol^ rfrt< * e ,t,s P roc,am4lion » 8n(llje , expre,8ea hh c day originally fixed for blow!Dg up bar balloon top eail and a gust of wind us regular oruer. xao . .. *7111 n hev the notice. I 1 «» 1. -—fi* *- ** k— L l% - CORROSION AT HELL GATE. tax fl fas. Pasted. , . .... A bill to create a board of registration for tbe county <»f Pike. Passed. A bill to Incorporate tbe Savannah Dredgh g Ompany. Passed. A bid to prohibit the sale cf liquor Amending ths charter of Buford. Amending the charter cf Thomaaton. Amending the charter of Vernonsburg, Prohibiting cattle from running at large in Bibb county. Providing Juitlce court homes In each within two miles of Newfork Church, in militia district in Bartow county. Madison county. Passed. Enlarging tbe power of the Macon board A bill to change the name of Indian 0 f health. Spring, In Butts county, to FioTilla. Incorporating Spring Place In Murray Pasted. I county. A bill to provide compensation for the Amending the charier of Washington, monitors and clerk, of all national. Slate Prohibiting non-residents of tho State and county elec ions in the county of Mua-1 f,om herding or grazing stock lu Murray cogre. Passed. I county. Tho bid to incorporate the Classic City 1 Regulating the sale ot beef, mutton and Street Railway Company, was taken up on p$ r i- m Dodge county, motion of Mr. Mitchell. The bill was Amendug the act submittirg the amendni by making rome changes in the I nritfer of prohibition to ths voters of Bar- board ot dtiectori*, and providing that the t 0 w county. company may issue bonds noi to exceed I Aa ending tbe charter ot the Rome and one-half tLe value of tho property of taid Chattanooga railroad. company. Tbe bill passed. Amending the charter of Lithonia. A resolution to appropriate $500 to refur- Amending tbe charter of the Rome niib tbe otlice of the principal keeper of street Railroad Company, the peLUeuUhry, the same 10 be paid out Requiring registration of voters in Of convicts. Passed. ... Gainesville. . .... A Dili to prohibit the eale of liqnor with- Prohibiting the sale of liquor within in two miles of Cedar Creek Lnurcb, In three miles of Prof pect Church, In Meri- Butta county. TaBsed. wether county. A bill to amend an act Incorporating ihe Adopting the stock law In ths M2nd dls- town of Chipley, in Harris county. I trlct of Pulaski county. . Paa-ni. lfN . Amending tbe road law In Walker A bill to authorize the ordinary of D»>dne comity, county to sell at public outcry all insolvent Incorporating Norwood, tax tl fas. belorgicg to the county. I incorporating Gordon. Passed. .... Requiring registration of voters in Ap- A bill to amend tbe charter of 1* Fay* I pUng ooonty. et*. Passed. . .... I Incorporating Tallulah. A bill 10 submit tho question Oi prohibl- Incorporating Camming, tlon to ihe quahfltd voters ot Harris! Amending charter of Weycross. county. Pted. Incorporating the Rome Mutual I mar- To amend the charter of the cliy of ance Company. Rome. Pathttd. NlW matter. A bill toeularge the powers of the mayor M Cranford-Amending tbe charter of id council of the city of ‘ M theG<orglaEk»athsroandFlotldarailroad tac. ^ .riCIAL ORDXB. A* bill to authorize the authorlti.s of The resolution authorizing a settlement Lnurei:s county to build a bridge over the ot tho claim! of the M»ri, c’a and Nortli Oconto rlvrr at Dublin. P.ssed, I Georgia railroad wne made the special or- A bill to incorporate the Capitol City U, r far Thursday. Street rsilread company of Atlanta. The Pike eonnty rceietratkm bill was X’ae.fii. I reconsidered and ubled. A in 1 to Incorporate the Cincinnati, I azaoLCTiona ranzp, Oeorgia and Florida railroad company. R %l i„i r g London and Lancuhlra In- A bill to Ircorroratetbe lonisro 1 . nod ’“^“horiUraaffie trmenrer to return eer- i°iTn J,' !,?2Pi!iS*it. I RMUmore'piac '* ln bcB,i, 10 tb * Coluuibu. lusnrance and Fatrrs Fiirk etrtct railroad mmp«BT SlJcto^^Ua Uf. laanrano# of Atlanta. Psmfd. iw. ConDto? of Macon. u,,d ' “ xe ° u * cwr oi counth s of Kmols and Colquitt. Passed. The bill to^omnizo the military was Adjourned to 8 p.m. I rciu j ffCOn d time, thespeotidorder fotThanffi&y^aa^onBltbeir debtors wno may oe pue.»i em-1 aDontn ‘xsiu. si *h. d as^aartrttfJS, us it s ssa w ... £ka?2S^S’lts Titular order • that it was uked for InstrucUons In the matter. The The Jacksonville and Atlantic Beach road ronaideration should Po'traaster-General hss decided that the { 8 damaged several tbcueands of dollars. IS/SefSi’JS" 1 consideration BDoa,a 8altrfet of poitsl employes csnnol be at- U i a fa i3 that the country is so inundated n °Mrf Harrell,*of Webiter, said ths bill bad I Cached for debt and will send oat iostrao-1 that work: on the Bine Springs, Orange tot been printed and distributed, and 2 ttmhandjoithepostm.sterinto Age°n'tS5Tu telegraphed Com-. A Po . lpon . m . n , of ,h. Or.at Ezffio.ion ..n.^;iori.r mbisioner Atkins that he h». notified, very for Two w.ok. Necot.ltat.d. &r*. r n« garffi Ano»u. L . L,8.pt. 9 ^E Mm » W w„ un B |n°lt^ reeffiar order* He .nnealed to I Preside jt’e proclsmalion.and liefxpicsses tho day originally fixed for blowing np the House f$ once in its history to adhere ThVtommlMlon.'r dMla?M tliat'the’seP ,b °d rock and 00m P taUB « Rework of to the regular order and pot leave an irn- The ^mmistffin.rdMlaraa mat toe seP , ,he obstrnetton to navigation in pnrtant measure in which the 8tate » r , n ni^ , h „ whole iorce l’ the mUitary U'" G“e. The discovery wm made a vitally interested to go ell over the world I tS^SmoSzSSlattSSr remove! ^ few d.ys ego by Lientenant O. McO. ‘-search of other business. ThfpSsffintundated tbe fol- Derby, iu t erlnleudent of the work, that Mr. Jenkins’s substitute was lost-yeas . «« ^“' d n 4ual LftiSSSen- L R U '» E« number of cases of dynamite najs 40. , , A t .o D«hr* * Afhra. Ahi Thomas J. cartridges which had already been placed Mr. Felton’s motion to make ft th o i?ke neniied- jamee B If ackSel" it '« the receptacles provide ! for them in special order for Thnredzy was lost- yeas bake, suspended Jame, B tbe Kal , eriM which honey-comb tbe work. 00 neyi50-themotion requiring* a ‘ d *, ta ’ 0 ” ’ htdbecome corroded and worthless. It thirds vole. , .. , .. . . ‘ t.-);..:,,, - It „ nostmaslers anpointcJ to- became nec< sssry to remove all the cart- Mr.F’elton then moved that *he bill Fe I . ■. ... j.- ar | n i, n it a t ridges already in position and provide made the order of the dav for Thnrsd.y P ^, InGeorgla Adolphus W.Banm Lome remedy .gainst farther corrosion, next. This motion required i m.brilj Y.vC'ior^ w 'w T mmonV at Hm All tho cartridges are now dipped in vote. He said that he wee anxlone for an Irrtrgton W W. Ttmmom, at atm me;ted h ee jw.x previous to being put In early discussion ot the hill, aalit wms the *«“**•., *'^MlfeH ofucock at the cells, and it Is believed there will be meet Important measure before the Honse, StiKsIffiff-’j F l&T ltO& no more trouble in th'- m.,. .ie. and he would be willing to see-ah other nw MVMulUn aioSnvM-JtSS '“J’ thue caused necet legi. 1 allot, stopped it this Iniqoitons b »l r m";.h««, - f k’ Adam- 'Aden" ment of the great et , cou'd be defeated. B nmmer at Mississippi Point two weeks, bGt (ien. N'ewton has not yet Mr. Gordon said It the gentleman from “ bmaer, at Mississippi x oint. definitely fixed the day. Bsrtow desired an early discasiion of the death or a newspapib man. bill, why not let it come up In its regular n v .. . Vi> „ . „ order When it oonld be reached to-morrow j Charles B. Ketch am, son ol Rev. J. H. Mr. 43nann. as one of the minority, said I Ivetcbam, of New Albany, Iod., died In the minoritv n port had not yei bf en filed this city to day of typhoid fever. He was Two Travelers FataUv Wound Each Other nor primed, and it would not be ins', or [or some time city edimr of the Kansas |„ 0 C io.. Fight. 'dFSSf p P rto-" k ST. Loots. Sept. 27.-Intormatlon corn,. an,l°a fdlrVb'jwln-at tbt. bill. 1 worked on the Chlc»go News aiid Iudian- here that a desp.rate tragedy occurred in Mr. Gordon charged that th. object In apoiis Journal, and daring the past two the village of Cottonwood, a point in this seitlrg the bU! for Jhursd.y was to force a years has been employed by the Waabiog- state, Friday night. Two intoxicated kMW°"tl^"1r%ia W bSJSh: r,S ^ W» “S Ur.D«.n got mto a dispute end then b Swant* i | known and highly is'ccmtd among pttbtic | a ronghand-tnmbie fight over the weight has Vi.bin ten years previous to m.king ,Md at SAAM t> m vastndty She waa Ins'doot the city ),h|i, but having no such Investment by euch corporation hos I ‘.c'SmpaofMbyihS't^r^ckenb.cb! |totmipmand them thojm'ob drose'ih/u 15 me Dftuntlfss was siRhted oil Here ford inlet, bound down acd at least twenty miles bebiud the Genesta. The Genesta was becalmed tfT Burnegat on Sat urday Light, and did not pa fc s there until midnight. At eight ’clock Sunday morning she was cfl Atlan tic City. Very light winds from the west and south prevailed on the comas to the Jigbtabip. After 8 o’clock last night a light wind prevailed and the Genesta was prob ably again becalmed. A light nortneast wind then came on, rendering ner return to Handy Hook very slow. BaMDT Hook, N. J., fctepteuiber 28.—Tho Genesta pasted Handy Iiook lightship at about 10:05 a. m. under main sail, foreslay sail, jib, jib topsail and topsail. Her cor rect time coala not be taken from the shore, as the weather was hazy. The Danntlefts is not in s ghL New York, September 28.—Tbe Cape May challenge cup, presented by James Gordon Bennett in 1872, will also go to Eogland as one ot tbe Gencsta’s prizes. The Genesta in this race won perhaps her easiest victory, by again beating the schooner Daunt- ess, tuts time in a run from Bandy Hook aroond the Cape May lightship and ro- turn. Tbe Genesta had a lead at tbe Btart, and pluckUy kept it throughout the race. The starting signal was given a few min FLORIDA DELUCEDj sanitary Inspectors of the Marine Hospital Tracka Washed Awjy on Many Railroads service, ana tirailar inspectors acting nnd Heavy Losses Sustained, under State aathorlty, aa far an practica- j 4ckk , ST illx. September Z7.-Ohum- "Wott tionn her. show the heaviest r.inf.,1 in the ties for the examioa*ion ot baggage as may 1 twenty-four hoars ending at 12 o clock to- bs practicable.” The Hecreiary has ap- ^ fty fcVer known in tho history of the sig- SatySn rlilraa'dlraTr^entir^ Vemoffi *«Tice office,being six inches and a from Canada: Drs. H. G. Tintham, B. W. I fraction. It rained hard all last night and A DUEL WITH CLASPED HANDS. OPPOSITION TO VACCINATION. i Health A Mob in Montreal Wrecks Offices. Montreal,Bcp'^mber li-**—Voluntary dis persion of the mob in the morning did no', mean' a*sent lo rompi!«ory vacci nation, which was put into operation to day in ar“<*»rJa*jce with ihe decree of the provincial health board. This evening a howling mob snrroundc! tbe ea<*» eml branch henlth f Hi e nnd tmeteJy wrecked tii«* bull ling. The police were powerless, and the mob, gatherings .»*ngth from this, marched upon the centra oTioo in tbe city hall. By tbi* time, however the fef of tbe way like bo many sheep. After the mobhad smashed the central office they turned their attention to the central it> lice station, and soon had the windows in that bnild n; l»ro',;» .. r» volv^r -)• >ta wire freely fire J at the police. To scaro them, the police fired over thfir breads onlv to be received with jeers asdlt: ">ter! Thing i now locked so bad tbit the ‘police wero armed with rifles with fixed bayonets, but happily it was not deernul notary to use them. The constables ir:?tt-ad charge 1 them with their staves,c!. »binc right and let! a*.d bucceeded is scattering the rio?< r*. In the tight, h ver»r, tho windows of the court house opposite tho city hall were smished. The mob :ater, in df-tach(Hi belies, paraded tne and broke the windows of the Herald dire arnl the windows of the n oiral health olli-res and of thp charrmaao! tho finance cmiimitlee and public vice.: utors. A number of arrests were made. Tiu* city is in a Btatf of gr^atezn'i eut. It is fesred that the riots will be cont,nneri to-morrow night. The police »re guard ing thf* public t> i - i:i ,R to-night. The military to-morrow will be h*M in • di- cess to quietly put a stop to a repetition of the crimes of to-night. Killed bv the Mayor. Fort Smith, Sap erabsr 29.—Hex*nder Aaron wav‘■hot and killed on t e^.-eeta of Van Bnren last night by Charles Ts> lor, mayor of that town. They had had*a (litliculiy about a prr “titute am 1 ad threatened each olhei's l.f#». Airoo fol lowed Taylor and attacked him wit:: a ra- i. ir, when the alter drew hi- pig 1 . . and fired. Aaron died almost instantly and Taylor gave bond. The case teems to bo one of aelf-defense. Taylor i« well con nected but dlssipattd. He was elected mayor of Van Boren Hist April, whpn ho was just twenty-one years old, and is said to be the youngest mayor in tbe United States. Aaron belong'd to tbe lower class, and waa a regular rufflin. Mr.Feltun said he wot3d not reflect upon tha Treasury Department, has, at the I ihonld clasp their left hands together and tbe numbers of the House. That was a ol \Becretary Manning, tendered Ids tight only with their right hands. Thus question between them and their constitn resignation, to Uke afloat Hcptember 30 nrranged, each man with a revolver in hie en”. uu oe u fu accapt to-day. OtpUto Johnaon Tighl ^ tnd began his bloody work. Haven Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, moved at a appointed fromOblo in 18w. and has t bot* were exchanged, and one of tbe men inbatitnte that the bill be mode the order | constantly In the aervica ever since. I f e! j w j t j, f 0Ur ballets In his head and of the day for Monday next. There art no charge* Mtinit him. His breast, wbUe tbo other sank dying from The discussion waa renewed. Mr. Fel-1 “censor has been selected and will be ap- lwo or three desparate wounds. ton said II this bill could be defeated it printed la a few days. — wonld be worth all that has been spent by bow thb choleraepbeass. a bib Defalcation, this LegUltlnre. ..... I a reDort latelv received from the United Boston, September 28 —It is stated that Mr. Harris retorted that If th* bill pais- BtfJJP^JSrZi Marseilles »uto« iLhS the bank examiner who has been inveeU- ed U would be worth more thin ha* »*so ISblffuSnc^blr of delths from cholera gatingthe aflsirs of the Farmlngham 8av- spent by the Leoislature. . 1 has iteadilv decrea*cd at Manelllps and I t n cs Bank, whose cashirr, Coleman B. Tha vote on the substitutei offend by An«S?aa5»,oat it has been Adams, committed eniclde In the bank Mr. Calvin, was yeas fli, nays 59. EiilriE iS fflcU iroand hos! dtS building on ihe 20th of last August, has Before th# rssnlt eorld bs announced I ti.a first ontbreak discovered that Adams waa a defaulter to Mr. Hardeman, ol Wilk«, called tb.,o.. ^er d"e. be the extent 5 lolly *223 000. Adam’ enl- p ssa ® fjssss, Suit: TheVnb.illute vu ioet. wd th* moUon dl^S^^B 1 «Mk5cSfar! >l Tb« bank.” f Me- Felton to make the bll the order SSSnJ to wS? or rill Varm.nU of bm! amlner. have appll.d (or an injnnclion re. t E.SryS.^ fl r.n' h ^^» fh» HottMtAiourn^ 1011 °* Mf ‘ “* rU * tl ’ Si«l,» from France or Bpzln .tumid bej A Timely Conf.i.lon, I thoroughly didnfected betor. btln* lanced K.suvillz, Sept. 28.-In tbe prtliiqjnary in American ports. It hae besn made evi- Wal 0 , j obD Bradi.y (or the mnitierol snapped it off, it linvlng probably been previously weakened by the storm she encountered in the Brenton’s reef race. Bbe was tklmming along at a rapid gait, and the slight disaster she has met with did not appear to hamper her progress. It ii estimated that tho wi9 then between twenty-eight and thirty miles behind the Genesta. The latter had the wind fair, with all her canvas set and her spinnaker elevated. Sunday evening the Genesta was again b_calmed, and at other time* the wind was lighter. At 10 this fore noon the Genesta Tounded the Sandy Hook lightship. Her official time the race was 42 hours minutrn and 55 second and her actual time was 42 hours 10 minutes and 40seconds. J. Beaver Webb was In charge of tbo cutter in tho Cape Mav race. Sir Richard Hutton having gone to England. The Danntlres was expeofed to arrive at the Sandy Hook lightship about 4 o'clock p. m. Yachtsmen are at a loss to know how her topmast was broken off. | CONFESSION OF A MURDERER. He Killed Hie Father nrtd Allowed Hii Brother to Hnnu for It. Saltsddro, Pa., September 27.—No little excitement h»s been occasioned in Wash ington township, Indiana county, by the confciftion of John Allison, brother of James G. Allbon, who was hanged for the murder of his father, Robert Allison, a year ago, that he (John Allison) killed the old man. Ha says that the crime wot committed with the object of securing soma money that his father waa supposed to have hidden in an old cheat In the house where the murder was perpetrated. Alter the bloody transaction tha self- confeB«ed murderer asserts that the client was broken open, but the treasure was not found. Allison had beon acting very queer- ly lately, and it is believed h s ghastly se cret has made him insane. He has a'lowed his hair and whiskers to grow very long and shaggy, and as he wears no clothes ex cept an old pair of overalls, he presents an RcBiat’atlonIa Cincinnati. CrNCiNNATr, Bsptember 29.—The regis tration ot voters in this c ty under tho law enacted in May lust closed to night. There has been a very general aqaiescenco in tbe law end a pretty fr.U registration* Tbe wards have bfta subdivided into vot ing pr**ciucts, with a view to haw cot more than three hundred vo’ors in any precinct. Manvchtrges of fraudulent r^’.Oration have b»en made, but only a f*-* lmveso fnr been traced. A man to day oifer«tl to sell Mayor 8mith any number ot registra tion cernficatee he wanted at$lescti. Ho wns immediately arrested, ami f< nd to have a number of apparently genui :e cer tificates in his possesion. remo '.junc- gham Bonk. -The 8u Jud.cial Court has ordered thit a tion be issued retraining the Krai Savings Bank from lurtner proo- -lings with the business of the corporation ex cept no far as may be necessary to maintain and continue the organization of the sav ings bank and collecticg and receiving money t!u» until after n lull hearing has biOD given the question. A permanent in junction will be consideretf Tuesday, Octo ber 27. The Praaident Invited. Rrcnfaoxn. Va.. September Jv-At a meeting oi the common council thi« even ing a joint resolution waa adopted inviting '’resident Cleveland a- d his cab: ft to vitit Richmond durirg the State fair, which begins on tho --\nl of October, ex tending the hospi el. ty of tbo city a 'Sea ring a true and *inr -re welcome. A com- mlttee from each branch of the city conn- i appointed to make arrana’F:i, n nta for the reception of the dihtii-p j .-h'd .“itor* sheu’d the i.ivpatum baair. ^teJ. Til* NIOBT SESSION, Sen. frast at 8 o’clock. Alter rewlinf sev.r.l Butu* bills the first Ume, Nn.tor lladdoxm.de she l "ink ol no qu min nrvien-. Tbe roll c-tiled and 21 The l’rtaident declared tne 8«nat* ad- jonrned. H0U8F1. Called to order by Speaker pro It n„ Hop 1,. U. l.uo.r,»r.dopened*UbpZZ3« by Iter. M. U. Dillard. railroad bills passed. Incorporating the Albany, Preston and t . I.a r- wt« ‘ . v y. Y.*v* * • 1 .r,,rn r»' g ihe ranK". -'»»rth a:-d Bonth Railroad Company. Yeas 90. Ratifying the charter granted to r rooeli, Aaeley aud LiviPSStoa for th# Covington snvi Mr on Uiuroad Company. xetS w. Ainrtiiiif g the charter of the Atlanta and Whtt End btreet Railroad Company, ^ Incorroratirg the Newnan and Western Railroad. Cc mpany. Yeai f J2 IncorporatiLg die >t* -~ vilie Railroad Compaq nd We and Gr Yeas, 83. •orating IhcOohjabOI and Honda ^icc^rporVicg tiis Thotnasvllle and Au- gotta railroad. Yeas. 92. li fori orating the em Railway Cotupan bills parsed. .a> zing the time of bolding Fulton Bu- perior Court. Y «as, 89. Prescribing the manne pbat' 1. or oiner preparati' Year rov:dic • for two wen roll ^ut < rior Court. Y«*a‘ ling for th' and forfettni rollton. Ye* Yes, 94. of tell i oi Car- mtion of fines the city Coart of Car- Mr F’ai|iir.nt off.red aruolnllon (ur the reliel ot th. L jndnn assurance Corpora tion.ol London. En K Iand. Tbe Senate adjourned until 9 a. in. to' mortow. , ... „ HOUSE. CMied to order by tbe Speaker end opened with prayer by tbe chaplain. KZCONSIDXRATION. Mr. Hightower mored to reconeider tb. bill amending tbe charter o! Dublin, which motion prerailed. Mr. Drown moved to reconeider tbe bill incorporating the LaGrenge, North ami B.utii tiilroad, whkh motion preyaUed. Mr. Humphries moved to ncooMder tb> bill repe.liug section 058 djtha oodf.whicF motion prevailed. BILLS PASSED. Declaring when execotione and lodg ments are doruirdit. Yeee*5. Amending lection 1503 of th* cod, Yeas 91. Making all ooryerstion* acting ae com non carrier*, by land or watm, onteide ol .be reap* of their charter,Jlab!e (or dam age to person* or property. Yei* 90.0*1*3. Amending lection 021 of the code. Yeas 88.nays 21. .. . RelatioR to corporations engtgsa in rap- nlshinw- li(e Indemnity by Vroridb g T for tb* better enforcement of rise rc.,1 laws. Yea* 100. neje 7. Ike bill repealing section 3148, (*). (b), (e). (d), (e) and (0 of the cod* were Ole- ■ - the hoar of adjournment, nui lost. Improving hlghws^s ot the State. Yeas ng section 46*2 of tbe code b r l eitcutioni privet*. YeaiM, FLOODS IN FLORID*. j by tb , coa.M of tbe epidemic thie u.pmy United State* M.rthel Miller, tbe r-mm- nipition with jaek.or. rummer that d*lectlt*dr*In*g* U thime’n , tr i Dk e*t clrcameUntfel evidence of the Railroad Commonloatlon with Jaekson-1 ctul# ^ y,, lp „^, 0 , cho era, aet* *T; I prhoner’e guilt wae produced, bat there ell. Cut on. lphold, and Iurther theta d,D j ,D bti ono j were no witnres-s ot the murd.r. On lest jACUoxvuut, September 20.—This city I tb* quantity of cun* In th* etr is (oUowed I B.turd»y elternoon at Ducklodge, near It quarantined by water, eo fer aa the raU- by a greet tncreeieIn the number o( deaths o.u.tin, Va Herron, e wealihr (ermer, roede are concerned. At l*iitl3 Inch*, of from cholera. An outbreak of cholera hae wbo bld b«, n thrown from hta bone »nd raiu fell in Ure leal GO borne. The water I occurred at CtU. eml all ve**«ts levying f.uUy Injured, conlrsird that he killed in th* etreame continued to ties lest night thet port lor th* United States *»* now ex- Miller, thinking tbit M filer wae coming to and th* roads are eo washed ont thet raU trained by a medical tnepecutr nndai-the l mM t him, end that Dredlry bad pothing road people think it nnsefe to send direction of the consol aforesaid. BUIaot I m do with the ertm*. Miller’s pistol was out any but work traint. No train be* er- health are issued to them. found in Herron’e room. Herron died in rived in tb* city .tnco teat night exoept th« ciacvoaTjox or silvxz. an agony of remorre. Tbe story ot Hep from Use eoatb. and throngh travel can- .... ron’a conlesaion ia received here with eome not be resumed except over tb* weetern Statement* prepared; at the treaiury de- donbL division of the Florida Railway and Navt- partmeot ehow teat the amonnt of Hirer ration system before Tbnred.y. All tee dollar, pot into circulation directly from can. Toomb’e Ccnd.tlon. 2S2?r &i***-J& ■ •”* 10 ■ I (erxciai TXLiotav.l Tbe officials eetimata of t ter it within repo. ii.,. pay of official itanegrapalc „M ol She Superior Courts et no more >15 t»er 'Ity. or f 1,500 |<r annum. S9. n.ysll. ICO,lire aecl *crlb,!:V m.f eu i J1A00 per « lie- f - tftX :ivji of ths codv, pre- uDfrihsU nettot more um. V«-*aft'.*3. nays 3. r.’.ie-f of (J. W. f Dade county, and r-ond time, -ted on *vere the id th « un the rvinart of the rai'roi raturdnY. fhat Mr. Jarrel. LI Amend! RESOLUTION T All ED. Relieving <». W. Hui;bf, toymar tax oliector of Dad* county, snd his suwUss f payment of *25 liqaor tax overch*rg«d. rhe railroad commit' ,e minority art (urtii, ! (or Thurl'i.y. A w (oe li„u.e re.... rot,! xuion. te makes a report rr time. The Waaiixarax, Oa., September 28.—G«n. Toombs ipent a little better nlgbt than (or 'vV-'thi’st 0 Vm°rrtaerx>o?h*Btvunab* I»wu"^^^Nt‘.l«t“ WSMs'taTidIUkra’but mti* '£SJri*°hm“nt wMhoola Ottjht Ftofida Bivar Navi- year. omcKBOLDXis. seldom knows where be is or recognizes gation system are numerous, and cannot I miseolki I anv of hia attendant* He will talk ro- be located to-nlgbL On the Jacksonville, ( Benetor* Cockrell and Vestand nearly | tionaily at times. It lathe opinion othis ... SL Augustine and Halifax railroad all the Representative* from MUwniier* {, b ,,ia„,«d all erdantatbat recovery!. moo carrier* bv land or water, outside ot there er* golUca cut by swollen etreama lln tire city et present. Their abject have possible, and that it laonlyaques* ■Mft esinan,Dy.HBq d Beyera, Bwestwatn and .Durtto, Itstoendeevor lo esenr* th*dlnaMHunt SSbowifigb*eriff" end no trtlns have parsed over th* track of incambeots of verlooe FVderel office* In I u for two days. Thomas creek ta five mile* that State by Democrat*. Owing to tbe Ue, and row I.iiure ci members of Con grata taonab, Flotlda and Western track twelve mike. All stream* around th* city ere bank-fall, end at 10:30 to-nlgbt rain waa faffing, though U ha* been clear through tb* day. Tb* stream* ere still riling. No damege haa been done bntld- Ingi in iheciiy or to wherfa yet. In tb* St. Johns river the water stand* twelT* indue above (he normal height. A Destructive Prairie Fir*. Truvxu, Dai., September 28.—The moat destructive fir* ever witnessed in this com munity occurred yesterday. A man living In Uke Township set fir* to some drew. A strong couth wind waa blowing at tbe rat* of 09 mile* per boor, and tn an Inatant Use llimea were b-yond hi* control and traveling northward with frightful strides. The fire corinm.d everything within iu reach, tnetadtn* home*, barn,, hay, write end (arm machinery. It ta catenated that many thousand tom of hay were deetroy- Brocki'a idantlty. ssSUiSasssasj! „Utad‘U,iSSjSS,SIS«rSTunta prove te be tee <BrjteU "^Pr*- It la eaid to-night on nod P*r*d to present some Important docu- antberity that an agreement Tee I menttry evidence for the detenee. J been reached, and thet the ntme^H ot Wm. Hyde, formerly of the BLUolel A Chin... Camp Kaidedi Repoblioaa, will be preeewted to tbe Free- 8**mx, W. T„ September 28,-The Chi- tdent to-morrow ** the nnaolmour choice I Dea . camp at tee Newcastle mine, wae vie- ot th* delegation tor Use office. By tee I u, d Saturday night by a mob ot marked - ——-Mr'-MH’-’ < -”UU|M|UwhIt< men, who compelled the roard to iurft-nd«-r. After some talk itc rr.ob r* *-si to give t p Chinamen twentv-focr Lours to leave. T.iey ‘a’.ti they would rid- die with bullets all Ch.ua.nen found lher« at the end of that time. A ipecial train been bent to Newcastle to bring the agreement bttwfea members of the deb cation readied to-night it is said that the diy of 81. Laois shall b« giTen the ^col- lector, poatmoxter and somjor and l nit cd Btatsa n: art hal. and that the appraiser and district attorney shall come from out- tide tha city. . *-Vr ry hog li lit !«»•*« i« *PF>e»rtng .t fatal. Kmrr.iera sr h.nter meat supply. i kiaru. • J tor Chit >>ptend^ cepi Bli U.U Ul UICINWt MW ■>« rxiremely atrapge and wild appor.rar.ee. Alltion will be confined and nls mtntal condition Inqniredlnlo. Jamn G. AJllson, who wae executed (or tbe murder, was convlclci on circomst.n- tlal evidence, which waa exceedingly direct and strong, bat there were many people, as the Ume o( the trial, who th' right ho was innocent In the event of an examination establishing the eanity of John Allison, it ta possible the case may be tried oxer again. _ MURDER IN VIRCINIA, Judge Ward Assassinated at Abingdon-* Tho Crlm'nal* Promptly Balled Lticiicw, Va., September 29.—A Dally Advance ipecial irom Abingdon eayi: Judge George W. Wnr,l. editor of th* Examiner, and commonwealth at torney for Washington county, while abonf to enter the Colored* hotel yester day. about four p. m., waa fired upon by Dr. William White, Independent can- d’.date tor Stale Beoa’or, who had been concealed te * storeroom nearly opposite tbe hotel. While stepped out ol the door and discharged Bie barrel ol a shotgun, loaded with nucWhot, et Ward, who fell lace foremost, but recovering on hie knees drew bts pistol and fired three shots et a young relative of Whlta’a who was on the opposite aide of the street behind a tree. White in the meantime had •tapped Inside the store, aud hearing the tiring came oxt again aud fired the second barrel at Ward, wbo fell. While he was lying on the ground, two of White's re- litlvei (one ot whom Want had already •hot at and whom be thought had ebot at him) walked up and fired .even shots ai him, (Ward), ail ot which took efiect Judge Ward is In a very critical condition, and it 1« thought be cannot live. Dr. White end hie two relatives have been arrested and bailed te Ihe sum ot 37,000 each. Great excitement exists In At ..ig- don aud vicinity, but ns fear of further violence U entertained. An Outbreak Of Clend«rft. f 'ii ii 'Atio, 'S'ptpmbr — Dr. l’a *»n, State veterinarian, hss returned fro:' Van- tlftlia. 111 . where h»* 1.11 he,hi i:.ve-t »V.i tho recent outbreak of ►rland* , r« If-* re ports lievingk lied ^ix horses la tbit '>* n , and says that the existence ot zla. • -s m lit is.t>•! vini'ent form •> un'j h-ti" .able. He hss takcaanch step** ait vntJ.h- inks, promptly ntump out tne disease, a;.! haa ordered *th<* mt**'. erd p-o«ecu'lon '11*0 farmsrs for felling bones known by them to be affected by tne dl'eate. meet* Help for Pnrn Niw York, tteptember : leg last evening of tbs eighth w»rd branch ol ihe Irifth National Lt«gue, on m >' cn ot er. Father Aoaolstos. pifitorof - • An thony's Church, a oablegrarn was »ent to Charles Stewart Pomtil, at Dobl n } log $1,000 from this bra .< h for the Par! a- ruentary fund. bt. Anthonv’i Cbon h la iu charge of the order ol Bt. F/ancii. Murder tn Chlcugo* • i!! • \ . r . > : . . .1' Waugh, who was shot In the back by Janus F. Sweet Biturd.y evtir.r^ wp- t. d:»ti !a •». /.!vht. b»«-» » 11 his wife was assaulted while nn.^: urai- meut. Mr*. Sweet ol<o makes ttii fUt«- ment Waoph deuifd this ssteroon. ^'weetwill have a pr< i.uinxry hfar.^rt a few days. A Daclftton Aaalnat Cecri ... New York, tteptatnber 28.—Atwroey* General O’Brien, of this Htate, has just is* sued hia dect*ioa in the Georgia load e#s«. anti dscldss that the State ot Georgia Is in default, and that aaTicgi bsnki of tint 'tiite ar»* prohm *.r l by law fr ■ • in any bonds issued by the Htate of beor- Eis. Fatal Acc'dent. BnrcnAMTON, N. Y., Hcptember 28.—Fas* Henger train No. 8. on the Albany ande fjoehanna railroad, ran into the rear .. a utitilt train near Colliers to day. > Cook, engineer of tlie par*«ienRer train, *■' * kille.l and his engine was h:;r. 1 river, A heavy fog prevailed at the U"- • Ground to D»ath by a Tiain Harri^o.n! ui’ . Va„ Sept J°* James Ralston, rtni '.rucK of J. K. Taloia<!ire, n waa ftinioiunl by fire liut niah la al>out f i 'pti umiranc* J uriginated fro:., a defective kitchen. Crimea of a Brutal Negro. Charleston, 8. 0., September 28— Jake Flower, a drunken negro, attempted ** outrage three respectable white wom> living about two miles frcmQpmmarvi' yesterday morning, and failing In the at tempt, barned down the dwellings in which they lived. Two of the women, Mrs. Mitchell and her daughter, Hannah, about nineteen years of age, escaped through the hack door of their bouse into the woods. Mary Bowers, the other woman, waa caught and so teni ably maltreated that the will die. Flower was \ uT-ued by a constable, and resisting arreat was shot. He fled for about half a mile in the woods, when he fell and ex pired. Convicted Of Thaft. Galyejttov, September 2.).—A special to the News from Han Antoi.io ftayft: D. Kennedy, one of the weai(h;e«t stockmen in l vidiie cotaTUv, wm convlctenl of tlie thrtt of a he.fer In the District Court of Cvaide coantv a fen day a ngo. Kennedy la worth a*nd haa. heretofore, iuene a-i ambUrriahed reputation, ilia convic tion is thought to b« due to ] all the circumstances xurr».un- are exoceratmg. -Ml* _ eil-kown far® t id extensive cattle dealer of thii coant v, was run over by a train and kiilid »tl an* station on the Ball! railroad last night. aid Obi 1 ' Fraiaht Ratat. Sr. Lou:-. September 2:).—The frt - ’ agents to day agren.t to ma-.e t:*e T, ‘ from here to New York on cooti- e --, c j cotton thirty cents per hnndred It was also agreefl to restore on 1st the rate on thirteenth cla^- f:*- t .etnr;:! sheet cfJ :'.y 1 which *:• Trial of Cei Bennigset). Dr. W man and Pastor S'.cx ns wltneesea in the Ss.. of defense will be ihat siuce bociatiits went into efiect have ! eta organ./sd. Yoltu; two ot the defendant ohe Laving printed umbo wm purnoe-dr of a train by Harnonrs d.r« c*^e I haw begun euit for libeh pi. ' at ♦oc.'AiC. i Rwea for On