Twice-a-week telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1899-19??, January 01, 1907, Image 1

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WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEORGIA—FAIR AND COLDER TUESDAY'; WEDNESDAY FAIR; FRESH SOUTHWEST WINDS. NO OCCASION FOR ALARM, SAYS SECRETARY SHAW He Issues Summary of the Year’s Financial Record By Request “Let Every One Be of Good Cheer’ RATION ABOVE STATE BY HOYT HONG KONG. Dec. 31.—Dispatches d from Canton report that over WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.—Secretary Roots utterances regarding a strongly j x,0U0 person." v.ere present at a moet- sentralized Government were vigor- j jng discuss the American-Chi- u i msm » ri w is s ifm 1» ifcpc opfn nmm UD] nvco BOYS BLOWN UP BY AN " ,l LU1U EXPLOSION OF POWDER WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.—"There is 4Bq occasion for alarm. Our only anxie ty may be felt lent we fall of facilities nese exclusion act. RICHMOND. Va.. Dec. 31.—Near La- cross. Va.. on the Seaboard Air Line, at 2:30 o’clock this morning, the pas- I sengers in the sleeper of train No. SI, The following reso- • out ef Richmond, were "held up" and j SAVANNAH. Ga„ Dec. 31.—Because they are against the administration faction, the Citizen’s Club, which has given then: employment, a number of onsly defended by Solicitor-General _ _ w „ H Hoyt in a brief filed with the United lotions were adopted at the meeting: jrobbed of about $S00. besides jewelry. I city employees were dismissed today. States Supreme Court in the suit of First—To revive boycott against The robbers, two in number, got on at i They are adherents of the People’s Kansas against Colorado, in which the right to divert tl-.e waters of the Col orado river Is at issue. The Depart ment of Jus:lcc asks that the Govern- prnporly to g rner. store, transport and j ntent be made a party to the suit, de market our multiplied blessings. Let ! claring that a most important eonsti- every man b<- of good cheer and try :<> • uiiionaI question is involved, he conservatH in everything except j Solicitor-General Hoyt contends .that thankfulness." j the pending case shows a controversy Secretary Shaw thus concluded a j between States which only the national r "_oie of th* year's financial record, | sovereignty Is competent to determine. '■r '/ !'.>• -a.j has been prepared in re- ; fjj„ comment on Secretarv Root’s Now i *** >Multiplied requests. In J y or) . spec ,.], follows: *nt:\ih m he places the recejpta j -The present Secretary of State ic calendar year 1906 at 36-OjOOO,- speaks with the authority of an ctnl- f. nl tlie expenditures at *.>68,000,000 1 f excess .if *iu. r y, $59,000,000. As there haB Deen American goods. Second—That newspapers'sliali r.ot advertise American manufactures. Third—To ^dissuade laborers from proceeding to Panama, j Fourth—To petition the Viceroy ask- I ing the Imperial Government to nego- i tiate with America for a modification ! of the exclusion act, and lastly, that i these resolutions be placarded through- ' out the country. Itures at $.>65,000,000, j nf . nt public man as well as counsel celpts over expendi- learned in the law. The purport of his in the tariff laws or the laws relating to internal revenue. Sec retary Shaw says the large. Increase in receipts is due solely to the extraor dinary trade activity. The total expen- di; . 1 L r, '.V, ! '°','" v '' r ' for ,! m - as , c0 .T^l r< ^-1 Ktlnct for self-government of the peo- » lth , s «y s < shn . w • | Pie is too strong to permit them long but S5.n00.0fr0 Discussing the finances | aBV ri«?ht to everrise of the Government for the six months recent utterances on uniform State laws has been misconceived. He says that if i>ne State maintains a law con demned by the public sense of the whole country, or lags and falls In the performance of its duty, then the in. STATE DEPARTMENT HAS NO OFFICIAL ADVICES y,, the pres Uth S vio fiscal year just closed, « ■- a: rorreimr says that the books of c Treasury show surplus receipts er expenditures of 325,000.000, as Ipared with < deficit of $5,000,000 tbs .corresponding months of the inus fiscal year. The cash In the Tr asury i $190,000,000. as compaicd with $171,000,000 a year ago, an in crease of $19,000,000. The cash In na tional hank depositaries is $$159,000,000, as compared with $t>5.0(:J.000 a year ago, .an Increase of $91,000,000; and the total cash In the general fund is $356.- 000,000, as against $242,000,000 a year age. Against this cash there are lia bilities at tne present time $13,000,000 greater than at the same time last year. The available'cash balance has in icascd during the year $101,000,000. "With the general fund at $237,000,000, Secretary Shaw remarks that the bonds maturing July 1, 1907, can be paid, if it shall be deemed wise, and \ still leave a working balance of more than $120,000,000. During the last twelve months, the Secretary continues, •lie money in actual circulation, exclu- «lve of the amount In the Treasury aults. has Increased over $200,000,000. >f this increase, $145,000,000 Is a vail- »le for hank reserve and $60,000,000 is national bank circulation. “This." he says, “seems to be a com- -tc answer to the oft-repeated and advised . rit i. Ism that the Treasury stem ntce- crily results in contrac- n when money Is most needed.” Ip maintains, therefore, that the ex- ng money stringency, worldwide in extent, is traceable in no respect .d in ho degree to the independent I |£reusurv sxstem of the United States. I Hie says the manifest shortage h?.s been ■* a used 0 the unprecedented prosper ity In ^ ■j|| to respect any one's right to exercise a power which he falls to exercise. His conclusion is that the States must awake to their responsibilities, must rtassume and exercise their power. His searching words are a plea lior more State power, greater States* rights, not less.” Colorado utilized the waters of tho Colorado river for irrigation purposes under the sovereign right of a State. Kansas, desiring the waters for simi lar use. sets up the claim of its ripa rian rights. Solicitor-General Hoyt holds that the question involved should be decided by the test whether only the rights of a State should be con sidered. The position assumed is in pursu ance of a determination by the Ad ministration to exercise control over non-navigable interstate streams. This proposition undoubtedly will arouse a storm of criticism by those who advo cate States’ rights. Many Democratic Senators already have denounced the gradual encroachment of the executive upon the legislative and judicial branches of the Government, and will cite this as another instance of ef forts by the Federal Government to in terfere with the well-defined rights of States. Many Democratic politicians go so far as • to believe that States’ rights may be made a national issue in tho next Presidential campaign. Demo cratic Senators will deliver speeches on. Secretary Root's speech when Con gress reassembles, and will seek to de rive all possible benefit from this agi tation. WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.—The State Department has no Official advices rel ative to the reported anti-American mass meeting at Canton. Some time ago, when the anti-American boycott was at its height, in answer to Minister Rockhill’s earnest protest against the semi-official character of the manifes tation. the Chinese Government prom ised to do anything within its power to discourage the boycott and prevent mass meetings called to further it. If offieialadvices should confirm the re port of whfit took place at the meeting, it is understood that the attention of the Chinese Government will be drawn to the matter and its prolnise recalled. The Chinese legation has no advices concerning the Canton meeting, and it was stated at the legation today that such a meeting must undoubtedly hnvo been the work of "hotheads” and with out the sanction of the Government authorities, as the boycott movement is believed to be dead in China. Nego tiations for a new treaty relative to Chinese immigration are progressing languidly. It appears that while our Government is prepared to concede the justness of tho Chinese complaint, the existing exclusion laws bear with undue severity upon worthy visitors of China, It appears to be beyond the power of the Chinese Government to offer any guarantee that would proteet America against an influx of coolies if the severity of ,/he law were abated by treaty. this country and reasonable ; spirin everywhere. As to the cur ry system of ttie United Stntes, rotary Shaw says that in his judg- rit it permits adequate expansions, but that its weakness is its failure to produce contraction. The volume of money, he. contends, does not respond to the volume of our business. The annual increase, he adds, may be suf ficient, hut there is n ■ annual contrac tion dui Ing the dull Summer months, "Only be snvr ROOSEVELTS RETURN T” WASHINGTON. Dec. 31.—President and Mrs. Roosevelt and party returned at 9 o’clock, after their short sojourn at "Pine Knot.” Mrs. Roosevelt’s coun- .., : try place. The speciaLtrain on which ti e unthinking and illadxlsed. j tl)ej . traveled was half an hour ahead Charge the admitted string-. . , th scheduled time. One of the ency solely or largely to stock and bond speculation.” Co-operation be tween the commercial banks of the country the Secretary declares to be Impossible, bee use the Sherman anti trust law f 1 Thiils It. "Instead,” says be. “we have approximately twenty thousand institutions engaged in cotn- ' mereial banking, each a law unto Itself, 1 so long as it dees not violate statutory ^requirements with respect to Invest- Wents end reserve. As a natural and Ijia \ oldable result no combined effort • made in midsummer to provide am- ■ reserve for the strain inevitable ? ,*->n the return of business activity icient to the Fall and Winter iAnths. Under our present system the m >iv possible contraction during the 3 urnmer anti the only possible provi- u ton for the Fall is accomplished by J.Ue Secretary of the Treasury with- ^dmwing government deposits from the * banks when these funds arc not need ed and restoring them to the channels of trade as the needs of business re quire. “By keeping a tc.tft rein,” he says, "wild speculation may be prevented. • and in most Instances a resultant crash averted. “Unfortunately, the hanks are not the only nor the principal sufferers froip, oclntagious tiranclal diseases. Generally they arc able to protect themselves, for if their loans have been well made, they have only to refuse ad- 'tiltVwM accommodations and awaitre ar If a crash should come from w.lStever cause, factories will close their doors, the weekly payroll wUl cease, and the people least responsible for conditions will he the ones on whom this lesson of self-reliance will fall with saddest effect.” the , President’s aids met him at the depot. ! 31 r. and Mrs. Roosevelt and the chil dren entered their carriages and were driven immediately to the White Honse. NORTH GARDEN, Va., Dec. 31.— President Roosevelt and- party, who have bee enjoying an outing at Mrs. Roosevelt’s country home, "Pine Knot.” left here at 5:54 o’clock this afternoon, over the Southern Railway, for Wash ington. The train on which they em barked Is.due at Washington at 9:30 o’clock tonight. , TWO MEN FOUGHT FAR BELOW EARTH’S SURFACE J.4f MAY DEPORT * FOR ANARCHISTS SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 31.—Acting under orders from Washington. Secret Service Agent Moffatt today began an investigation of the so-called Japanese socialistic organization whose organ, "Revolution.” is published at Berkeley. Commissioner of Immigration North is also giving his attention to the case. It Is stated that according to the defi nition of the immigration law. the Japanese of Berkeley who issued the revolutionary paper. containing a veiled threat against the Preside;, are Anarchists, and as such are subject to deportation. Death of William B. Thweatt. FORSYTH. Ga„ Dec. 31 —Mr. Wil- llan: B. Thweatt, a prominent and suc cessful business man of this city, died Saturday night at Maitland. Fla., where he went about two weeks ago to spend «:he winter. His body was received :n '■-ho qlis thls morning. At 2:30 o’el.-ck J hlsVjjternonn the funeral was held. ;a {Methodist Church by Revs. J. A. Tim- . ®erman and W. T. Hunnicut. after I^fhlch the body was interred in Oak land Cemetery. He !es' .-. a wid yw xnd one two-year-old son. one brother, -and several sisters. He was 4S years ■ki ud t native of Alabama. NEW YORK. Dec. 31.—Far below the i surface of the earth, in an airloeker of the 3IcAdoo tunnel under North river, two men fought today until one of them was stretched out unconscious with a fracture of the skull which may cause his death. When a patrolman was lowered into the caisson, he found several men, standing around the pros trate form of John Lundening. The injured man recovered consciousness for a moment, and pointed out Chris topher Lynch as his assailant. He said that Lynch struck him over the head with a'pick handle. The cause of the trouble between the men could not be learned. When the party reached the surface. Lundening was sent to a hos pital and Lynch to a policy station. HS IN TEXAS SUSPECTED OF CHE HOUSTON. Tex . Dec. 31.—A supposed attempt to assassinate 3Irs. L. H. 31c- Gregor. the r-lfe of Representative-elect McGregor, and the announcement that members of the family of F. Charles Hume had been poisoned, has led many Houston householders to discharge their negro servants. A negro man. who was a servant in the McGregor home, is charged with shooting into the dining room of the Mc Gregor home. The bullet barely n;i: Mrs. McGregor’s head. The shooting fol lowed a rebuke to the negro’s wife, who uHcnl career was employed as enok for M. 1 ego. s. The police are investigating the alleged poisoning of the Hume family. NEGRO 101 YEARS OLD DIED IN LAURENS COUNTY DUBLIN. Ga.. Dec. 3L—After being ill for four months, old uncle Hampton Powers died at his home in this county and was buried at Robinson Chapel Church cemetery. He claimed to have been born in 1805 and was therefore one hundred and one years of age, if his statement was correct. He was formerly a slave and belonged to the late Governor George 3f. Troup. He was a harmless old negro ai^d had many friends among the whites and blacks. There were quite a number of white people at his funeral. Pink Hughes, who was the leading Democratic negro in this section up to the end of the last Gubernatorial cam paign, at which time the disfranchise ment of the negro was demanded, but who says he is now without a party, claimed the privilege of hauling Uncle Hampton’s remains to the cemetery and was with him for several days be fore his death. Acca, north of here, as passengers, and one remained in. the day coach while the other went through the sleeper. The Pullman conductor, while at tempting to arrest the man robbing his passengers, was shot by the robber through the arm. The man then pulled the emergency brake cord, stopped the train, and, with his confederate, es caped to the woods. F. K. Bull, a millionaire, or Racine, ’Vis., was among the passengers who were robbed. The two men who held up the train are known to the local authorities. They had been shadowed here for four days, but gave the police the slip. A Peters burg special says they were heavily armed, and had the passengers at their mercy. The Pullman conductor. C. A. Eberhart, of Jersey City. N. J., who •was shot by one of the robbers, was not dangerously hurt. MAN OF TOE FUTURE NEW YORK. Dec. 3L—Various sec tions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science were in session at Columbia University again today. The American of the future will be a taller man. stronger, more intellectual, more humanitarian, and will live longer than the American of today, in the ooinion of Dr. W. J. McGee, one of the directors of the St. Louis museum. This opinion was expressed by Dr. McGee in a paper enti tled “The Americans of Tomorrow.” which was read before the Anthropologi cal section of the meeting. "At the nr ev ent time.” said Dr. McGee, in suport of his contention, “every - babe born lives on an average of 29 years. Half a cen tury ago the average life was 27 years, and a hundred years back, the span of life was 24 to 25 years. This shows that the longevity is increasing.” In the opinion of Dr. McGee, John D. Rockefeller is a typical American of to morrow. He described Mr. Rockefeller as the "incarnation of concentrated effort." and declared that from an anthropological point of view, he undoubtedly represented the coming American. He considered Mr. Rockefeller’s wealth as only incidental, and said that whatever lines of business Mr. Rockefeller had chosen he would havo taken first rank. At a meeting tonight the association selected Chicago as the next meeting place, the association to convene In the Christmas-New Year's week of 1907. These officers were elected: President, Prof. E. L. Nichols, of Cor nell University, department of physics; general secretary. President F. W. Mc Nair. of the Michigan School of 3Iines. Houghton. Mich.; secretary o£ the coun sel. Prof. William Harper Davis, Lehigh University, Easton. Pa. SIMO.N GUGGENHEIM WILL SUCCEED THOS. M. PATTISON DENVER, Colo., Dec. 31.—Simon Guggenheim's election as United States Senator to succeed Thos. M. Pattison is assured by the action of the Republican members of the Gen eral Assembly this afternoon. Mr. Gug genheim’s candidacy was endorsed by a vote of 6S to 1. Seventy of the 100 members of the Legislature are Repub licans. and all but one of them partici pated in the caucus. 3Ir. Guggenheim is 39 years of ago and is a son of the late Meyer Guggenheim, of New York. He is a member of the executive com mute of the American Smelting and Refining Company. ON HER LAST LED VIENNA, Dec. 30.—3Iinister of War General Schoenauch denied to your correspondent most emphatically that the sensational book, “Austria at Her Last Stand, by an Imperial Soldier.” emanated front any one connected with the Government service, or even from a noted military man. The volume prophesying that the Austrian-Hunga- rlan Empire will fall to pieces as the consequence of war and revolution two years hence, has made a tremendous sensation, both in the German speaking and other parts of the monarchy, Hun garians, Italians and Poles, in particu lar, making much of it. At the same time Italy opens hostil ities to regain the different Italian provinces still under Austrian rule, while Servians and Roumanians join the Turk to back up the Slavs. Italy proves victorious both on land and sea and Austria is wiped off the face of the map. League, trr which they have turned re cently. Those dismissed were: J. C. Bernhardt, chief clerk to the Director of Public Works; . George W. Allen, foreman of the street paving depart ment; Chris. J. Melvin, superintendent of the city lots, and F. H. Cornwell, superintendent of streets and lanes. Director of Public Works George M. Gadsden resigned. Joseph Shatz, fore man in the dry culture department, was dismissed. C. C. Lebey, clerk in the waterworks department. was recommended for dismissal by the committee on water. The. dismissal of the men followed an interview with George 31. Gadsden by Mayor 3fyers this morning, when 3Ir. Gadsden was requested to dismiss the men in his department. This he ’ re fused to do. 3IOBILE, Ala., Dec. 31.—F. E. Dewey and J. L. Dantzler. who were recently appointed receivers of the Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City Railroad, were today ousted from possession of the property on an order issued from the Chancery Court. The action superseding the action of December 26 was due to the fact that an application for an appeal was made to the Supreme Court. The bond case was fixed at $100,000. The old management, which was ousted on Wednesday night last, has again as sumed charge of the property. Those made parties to the bond are the Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City Railroad Company, W. D. Stratton, Bird M. Robinson, Alexander McDon ald, R. W. Jones, Jr., Chas. Levey, E. E. Jackson, Julian W. Whiting, W. H. McIntosh, Chas. D. Willoughby, Thos. F. WhKtlesy, Edmund K. Sv.allo and the Alabama Securities Company as principals, and the American Bond Company, of Baltimore, as surety. The order ousting the receivers is signed by the majority of the bond holders of the road and approved by Carl Holzorn, Register in Chancery. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31.—With services as simple as the rites of the Protestant Episcopal Church would permit, the remains of Alexander J. Cassatt,, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who died suddenly tst Friday, were today laid at rest in the graveyard of the Church of the Redeemer at Bryn Mawr. Following out the desire of the great railroad president and those of his widow, only a small numbgr of relatives and friends were present. The service at the home of Mr. Cassatt, 202 West Rittenhouse Square, was as quiet as that at the grave. There were yio pall bearers and by an expressed wish of Mrs. Cas satt, the floral offerings were confined to a few laid on the casket by imme diate members of the family. The services at the house were held at 2 p. m., and were attended by about 300 persons, • including the relatives, the directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the* general officers of the company and affiliated lines, and men prominent in. the financial world and management of railroads throughout the country. The services were con ducted by the Rev. Dr. AV. C. Richard son. pastor of St. Janies Church. The remains of the great railroad man were then placed in a hearse, and ac companied by a small party of mourn ers. was.taken to B'rvn Mawr, a drive of ten miles from the city. The service at the grave was con ducted by Rev. Dr. James Houghton, the rector. A heavy rain fell through out the day. MAJOR G1LLEAS RETIRED AFTER 48 YEARS SERVICE MEMPHIS. Tcnn.. Dec. 21.—After fortv-eight years active service with the "Illinois Central Railroad, Major 31icliael Gllleas. third vice president, has resigned, and at midnight severed his official connection with that com pany. Major Gilleas began his career .with the Illinois Central at Amboy, Ills., as a messenger boy. 3Injor Gilleas. with his family, will in the future reside in Los Angeles, Calif. N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE EXTENDS ITS LIST NEW YORK. Dec. 31.—The Produce Exchange of this city, trading on which heretofore has been confined to grain, provisions and miscellaneous staples, decide today to sanction transactions on the exchange in mining, industrial and other stocks not now traded in on the New York Stock Exchange. A committee has been appointed to formulate rules to govern the new de part'ment. OF LOUISIANA DEAD; fmf | aju NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 1.—Former United States Senator Donelson L. CalTery died last night. The body will be taken to his home in Franklin, La., on a special train. During the Civil War Senator Caf- fery earned a reputation for daring. In an attempt tp blow up Federal gun boats in Atchafaiaya Bay, La., he swam the bay in the night, pushing ahead of him with the aid of a long pole, a specially manufactured torpedo. •The torpedo failed to explode and 3Ir. Caffery swam to shore without having been discovered. He rose to the rank of first lieutenant and served as a staff officer of 3Iajor General W. W. Walker. Senator Caffery was one of the prin cipal unbuilders of the Louisiana sugar industry, being a leader in establish ing the' modern system of central su gar houses. He first came Into politi cal prominence as one of the framers of the constitution of this State. In 1892 he was appointed to the United States Senate to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Sena tor Randall L. Gibson, and was later elected by the Louisiana Legislature. His nomination for the Vice-Presiden cy by the gold Democrats in 1900 was the last event ot importance in his po- FAM1NE IN CHINA THE WORST IN 40 YEARS PEKIN. Dec. 31.—Owing to the ex cessive rains and consequent failure of the crops, the famine in the north of Anhui province, in the east of Ho nan. and in he whole n wth of Ki.t tg Sti. is worse than at any time dur ing the last f.-rtv v - r-. It is estima ted that four milii r. persons there rv:nsr. destitut re: - "i ::: lusanas ore e rip-1 are wandering c count! y. Authorities are un- cope w the situ iti > Asbestos Plant Destroyed. NX AT I. O.. Dec. ol.—The main Can-y v Co.’s as- ilant at I, T a -suburb. w*s -.1 »\v f< : • >n. The A",(* t i • r OVER CUSTOMS COllECTfl NEW YORK. Dec 31.—All previous rec ords of collections of customs in the port of New York Were surpassed during tl-.e p.’-esent year. Stall.-ties made public by Gollcction Agent Stranahan today show th-- imour.t m nsv- been S2"9SP9 833 n increase of $26,147,301 over the year 1903, ATLANTA. Ga.. Dec. 30.—A fire of no small proportions occurred this morning at an early ltour. comer of Marietta and Forsyth streets. The, damage to buildings and nrooerty is estimated to be close on to'. SrtO.OitO. The flames were discov ered at 12:30. and they were not under control until nearly daylight. The fire, it is said, started in the base ment of Johnson's Pharmacy, and soon extended to the buildings occupied by the Platt Iron Works and the Tool Com pany. It seemed /or an hour that the entire block of buildings would be gutted and the fire would make its way out Marietta street to a considerable farther distance, but the quick and hard work of the entire fire department and the fact that the building was composed of brick, stone and iron thwarted its ravenous track. Offices Practically Destroyed The ofTicers of the Southern Cotton Journal, the Colgan Gum Company, the Dunn 3Iachincry Company, the Dunning A- Sons, cement and lime dealers, in the basement, where the fire originated, were •almost destroved by fire and water. The I.adew Leather Belt Company, oc cupying the floor above the cement com- pany. also suffered sreat Injury. The fire v.-r.s supposed to have origi nated in the basement occupied by Dun ning & Sen. cement dealers, and was dis covered shortly after 12 o'clock last nisrht in the People’s building, corner of 31a- rietta and Forsyth streets, by Policeman Mitchell. When the fire department arrived upon the seen" dens" volumes of smoke were issuing from the rear of the building, in die-ting that the fire was burning some- — - In' the basemen: heiow the viaduct n: For-'yth street. A llp“ of hese was laid under the viaduct, while streams of water we-e thro~n into the building 'rom the Fo-syth street side. The wetep ao- neared to have small effect u-on the flames which were difficult to roaeh on ••-count ef'the smoke ^whlch issued from the openi -gs. - WASHINGTON, Jan. 1.—A mon ster mass meeting of the citizens Washington, of various religious de- r ' —• . v.-n- *-»1d here tonight to condemn the action of the French uaCB. in confiscating the prop erty of the Catholic Church and im posing restrictions on the Catholics in France. The meeting was held in Co lumbia Theater and somt of the most prominent citizens and religious work ers in this city were in attendance. Over fifteen hundred persons were un able to gain admission. The speakers were Edward H. Gans, of Baltimore: Rev. John Vanschaik. of the Dutch Reformed Church: Major McCrystal, New York, and Rev. D. J. Stafford of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. The meeting concluded with the adoption of strong resolutions in repro bation of the action of the French Gov ernmenL BOSTON, Jan. 1.—At a mass meet ing of Catholic in Faneuil Hall tonight resolutions were adopted, a copy of which was sent to Pope Pius X, pro testing against the action of the French Government toward the ohurch in that country. PARIS, Jan. 1.—The Eclair this morning publishes a cablegram alleg ed to have been sent by Archbishop Ireland saying: ”1 strongly support the Pope and blame only -the French Catholics for permitting their enemies to obtain a majority in Parliament.” fig": also show big: tho >vi pared i domost nore: ereba r aggregate U ith $712,791,497 - imparts amo" nst $343.923.53 Di te in both’ imnorts tdjse. Imports f -r 5.142.709. as cum in 1905. The total ated to $917,052,975 in the previous ■mb-'.-. 1905. sur- caused the fire. Tr.- n-.ont .., . ->d ail othei months for the amount of duties collected. INJUNCTION AGAINST TENNESSEE DISSOLVED NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Dc-c. 31.—The injunction granted John D. Fletcher and Hayden Dodd here Saturday, re straining the State -of Tennessee from purchasing 11 000 aerr= of coal land in the Cumberland rr. itntains. was today dissolved by Chancellor Allison. This throws the case out of court- FIEHI Klin HIT AGEN YORK. Neb.. Dec. 31.—C. C. Morris night agent for the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy Railroad, grappled with two masked robbers and beat them off e- r ly todav. One robber stood guard over 3Iorris while the other rifled the cash drawer. Grabbing a fire shovel, Morris struck his guard a stunning blow, ren dering him senseless. Then he grappled with the robber at the drawer, who I his hands full of money. They tough ; their way to the platform and were en 1 c*ged In a terrific struggle when th other robber recovered, joined his com I panion and the two ran off in the dark j ness. As they left they fire.t two shots at the agent. The robber at the drawer got a few dollars and left much I money or. the floor where it was struck Jrom' his hand by the agent. nun OF APPEALS Celebration of Xew Yeai in Savannah Had Direful Results Severe Burns May Be Permanent SAVANNAH, Dec. 31.—While a par ty. consisting of the young son of Firs Chief J. E. 3Inguire, two sons of Rich ard Cooiey, and a son of. Henry Boden and two small negro boys, were engag ed at midnight in tho celebration of the birth of the new year, through tho agency of a small cannon, a srark flew into a can of powder, from which they were securing their ammunition. Small boys went in every direction. When they emerged from tho smoke they wore all more or loss Injured. Tho results may prove serious for two or three, who were reported from the drug store to which they were all taken by the police that hurried to the scene, as being in some danger of per manent affliction front the severe burns they received. ATLANTA, Dec.' 31.—Until the Gen eral Assembly makes an appropriation for use in fitting up suitable and per manent quarters for the Court of Ap peals, that court will be compelled to hold its sessions at first one place and then another at the State house. When the Supreme Court is not in session, the Court of Appeals will meet there, and when both courts are In session the Court of Appeals will hold its sessions in Senate chamber, and when the Senate chamber is in use, and the Supreme Court room is engag- .ed, the Governor will have to find some other place in which .the Court of Ap peals can h'dld its sessions. Down in the basement there is plenty of room, and scattered around are hundreds of boxes, blocks of wood, and blocks of marble and stone, which could be used for seats for the members of the cuort and the lawyers in attendance. With reference to where the sessions of this court will be held for the pres ent, Governor Terrell today issued the following order: ' “Whereas, The Court of Appeals is to be organized on the first of Jan uary. 1907, and no appropriation has been made for the purpose of fitting up suitable and permanent quarters for seats for the members of the court “Whereas, The Supreme Court holds its sessions generally between the hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., it is "Ordered, That the Supreme Court room after 1 p. m. be set aside to the judges of the Court of Appeals for the purpose of holding their sessions on such days as the Supreme Court in the transaction of Its business may not need it, until the General Assembly can hereafter make such appropriation as mav be necessary to fit up suitable quarters for the permanent use of the Court of Appeals. “It is further ordered, that if the Court of Appeals should wish to'hold a session at any time when the Su preme Court desires to use their court room, the Court of Appeals may occu py the Senate chamber if the Legisla ture be not in session; and if the Legislature is then in session such other place as the Governor may pro vide temporarily, until -permanent quarters can be provided for said court. "This December 31, 1906. "J. 31. TERRELL, "Governor. . “By the Governor: "W. E. IRWIN, P “Pri'-ate Secretary.” i i j Tofal Benefactions Is $19,416,926 NEW YORK GOVERNOR TO BE INAUGURATED ALBANY. N. Y.. Dee. 31.—With a brill iant military hall lonicht, under the aus pices of Squadron "A” of New York, as military escort to Governor-elect Hughes, began the festivities and ceremo nies incidental to the inauguration of tho new Governor of the State and the as sumption of office by the new administra tion and Legislature. Tomorrow's pro gram includes a military parade to escorr the new Governor to the capitol where ho will take the oath of office, the inaugu ration ceremonies in the Assembly cham ber at nohn: and a reception by Gover nor Hughes In the Legislative chamber after tho inauguration: the usual public reception in the afternoon at the execu tive mansion, and In the evening tho caucuses of Republican and Democratic members of both houses of the Legis lature elect candidates for officers of tho houses. The legislature will convene Wednesday. CHICAGO. Dec. 31.—A New Year's gift of nearly $3,000,000 from John D. Rocke feller to the University of Chicago, was announced tonight. This is the largest single contribution from 3Ir. Rockefeller to the institution, and brings his total benefactions to the university up to $19,416,926. ... . , Announcement of the latest donation was contained in a letter from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to acting President Har ry Pratt Judson. The major portion of the New Year’s gift is to go to the perma nent endowment fund of the university, and for this purpose securities with a market value of $2,700,000 are provided. The remainder of the gift. $217,000, is to make up the year's deficit, to provide for an increase in the salaries of instructors, and to allow appropriations for various purposes. The $2,700,000 addition to the endowment brings the fund to $10,43.,616. Mr. Rockefeller's gift provides for an annual income of $40,000 in the salaries of instructors. This latest gift of Mr. Rock efeller follows the visit made to New York a few weeks ago by Acting Presi dent Judson. President Martin A. HJrerson and Treasurer C. L. Hutchinson, of the board of trustees, and Business Agent Wallace Heckman, who went over the budget, with 3Ir. Rockefeller. WELL KNOWN BROADWAY RESTAURATEUR IS DEAD CAUSE OF ACCIDENT 00 SEABOARD ill! IK NORFOLK, Va., Dee. 31.—The fol lowing official statement as to the cause of the wreck on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad near Pcachland. N. C., early Sunday morning, was today given out at the office of General 3Ianager Garrett, of the Seaboard, in this city: " “Saturday night. December 29t'n. ;m extra freight train, moving north, while on an ascending grade near Pcachland, sixteen miles north of 3ton- roe, N. C.. broke in two on account of a drawhead pulling out. A llagmau was immediately sent back to hold passenger train No. 32 and the flagman claims that while swinging his lamp to stop No. 32 it went out. and proba bly before the engineer of the ap proaching train had seen it. An in vestigation is now being conducted.” "Wire trouble Interfered with obtain ing of full and detailed information as to the damages occasioned by tho accident. One report says that Engi neer Maxwell of No. 32 was fatally in jured and that his fireman was very slightly injured. “No passengers were injured. No. 32 was northbound from Atlanta to Richmond.” - TRIAL OF LIKE • PASTE NEW YORK. Dec. 31.—Samuel W. Martin, proprietor of a well-known all-night Broadway restaurant, died suddenly today from heart disease. The restaurant, popularly known as "Sam Martin's.” was for many years of the most popular and widely known of the many eating houses g.long the Great White Way. NEW YORK, Dec. 31.—Tn the trial of the alleged licorice paste combine today. W. D. W. Sterry, of the firm ot Weaver & Sterry, a licorice paste ?on- cern of this city, which it is alleged came lender the' control of the 3Iac- Andrews & Forbes Company, was an important witness. He said there was a working agreement between his con cern and the (fefendants relative to the sale of licorice paste. During the ne gotiations resulting in the agreement, the 3IacAndrews & Forbes Company and the J. S. Young Company, he said, gave him tacitly to understand that they were independent, if not hostile to one another, and that it was not until the conclusion of the negotiations that he discovered there had been an un derstanding between the two compa nies. .T. J. Bagley ,of Detroit, an inde pendent tobaoco manufacturer, corrob orated previous testimony of witnesses who swore they had been unable to secure a supply of licorice paste. President Wardman. of the Ryan- Hampton Company, independent man ufacturers, of Louisville, Ky., said that his firm had not only been unable to get paste in 1904. at the time when the combination is alleged to have becrii effected, but that his company had been compelled once to shut down a few days until additional paste could be secured. Later his company secured paste in sufficient quantities to supply, it from month to month. Chas. D. Larus. an independent man ufacturer of Richmond, Va., gave sim ilar testimony. Convicts Fared Sumptuously. ATLANTA, Dec. 31.—Secretary Yan cey. of the Prison Commission, has re ceived two letters from convicts who are working at Milltown and the Chat- tahoochie Brick Company, in which they say that the contractors gavo them sumptuous banquets on Christ mas Day. Turkey and barbecued pork and mutton are referred to as being served in great quantities. One con vict, v ho has passed twenty-nine Christmases in the penitentiary, writes that this Christmas dinner was tha best that he has ever had. W E. COREY DENIES i REPORTS CF marriage PARIS, Dec. 31.—W. E. Corey, presi dent of the U. S. Steel Corporation, has arrived here. Any statement that he is to 1 ip. married to Miss 3Iabell« Gillman in the immodia e future op during the present visit to Europe is