Twice-a-week telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1899-19??, February 15, 1907, Image 1

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'"■fpwn" ■vm / TWICE A-WEEK TELEGRAPH WASHINGTON. FEB. 14.—FORECAST FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. GEORGIA: FAIR AND COLD ETC FRIDAY: SATUROAY FAIR; FRESH NORTHWEST WINDS. $ ESTABLISHED IN 1826. MACON. GA.. FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 15. 1907. TWICE-A-WEEK. $1.00 A YEAR. BACON AND BEN TILLMAN START A FILIBUSTER WASHINGTON, F*b. U.- lopme ]] II •The i<Jg \vnf?n .in adoption •sired by sud- | i n:i- i •niiie, I »* tlie j •rneiu ; This report i nd' d to aid in j iiifor.oIa-Japa- I to for • u.gv r PREFERS LIFE IN PEN 10 JAIL KUROPATKIN’S STORY OF RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR IS AT LAST ACCESSIBLE Expressing synip but regard,ng the on other point!., Tillman, first elicit m pn the obje ilth Ha FAVAXXAH, Ga., Feb United State.' court this sistant District Attorney formed the court that he :>• . h .-e.l by .'X-Postms jl4.—In the morning As- Akerman in- had not vet Peeples. Extreme Precautions Taken to Prevent (-ailing In dictment Reaching Public. jail Pathetic Survey of Defeat's Cause AT DEATH OF JUROR’S WIFE INTERRUPTS THAW TRIAL He prefe Mr. Aki Judge ■Sir. dnioii, though, nonths in jail,' that i 1907 by the Associated | PITTSBURG. Pa.. Fab. 14.—The most i phenomenal atmospheric disturbance ever witnessed ir. this city occurred j at 12:52 today, when, during a bliz- j zard, several peals of thunder were heard and a Hash of lightning came from the heavens causing a magnificent I complication of atmospheric conditions [in. gratlon til tome cb-mii"! again co snpplj e under tli A \ • at the sner, wher up f< d fr un them (Copyright Press). ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 14.—Gen- eral Kuropatkln’s history of the Russo- ! and frightening many persons. Japanese war. which was confiscated by :he Russian Government, has at last been accessible, despite the most ex treme precautions to prevent this gali- • report will a tier. Ho*t lity that intact ill u —ic ; h< atic hostility. . snators. il hen ; attitude, dis- j i party policy I would rather in the Atlanta in any eounty wys that personal!; >r,end a year and prison then six me jail in Georgia. Alarmed at Democi Administration Sene the adoption of itu alarmed at the Detn Ai! of the Democratic questioned as - to the c.aimed the adoption of a pa in regard to tile report, and l ors making the objections, ini 1 ihey were actuated wholly 1_ ment of what they thought was an at- lempL to force Immediate action. They stiid thul their statements that they had not had an opportunity to ex amine the report were sincere, and that there were no ulterior motives involved. Senator Bkickburn, chairman ef the Democratic steering committee, was in ihc 'Brownville hearing whell the re port was called up. He said there had been no discussion of tiie report and he. fell sun- that there was no dispo sition to filibuster against it by carrying it over until tomorrow. Senator Ba con and Tillman made similar state ments. They agreed that the restrict ion of Immigration provided in what <s familiarly known as the “Japanese coolie clause" Is of great importance. They would not say what their attitude would be. nor whether they favored a party conference concerning It. It tvks made plain, however, that they would consider the report over night and then if the question proved to be one on which it was advisable to hold a conference, the party will be called together tomorrow. , Knox Speaks for Smoot. j The session was begun with in ex- j redact- their representation if they did tended address by Senator Knox, of j not feel ..ble to pay so many members Pennsylvania. In defense of the right as the larger countries, of Re. .1 Smoot to his sent as Senator | '■ the put ft a- i: g chapter official indi. Tiic >ric :tr.iont work value . front retching is remarkable s the closing Professor John A. Brashear. of the | Allegheny observatory, wiio announced : through the Associated Press last night ! the discovery of one of the greatest sun spots ever called to the attention from t! jVnm j HAGUE MATTERS OCClPY president WASHINGTON. Feb. 14.—Questions affecting the work of the second Hague conference occupied the attention of the President for a time today. He discussed these with Representative Bartholdi, the president of the Ameri can group of tho Interparliatnentarv Union, and Representative John Sharp Williams, also a member of the union. Tho former presented certain resolu- tander-in-chief and for the | merciless criticism of the men and measures which it! Kuropatkln’s esti- j male, swept Rut. and its army to inevitable defeat. The work consists of three bulky volumes, respectively de- 1 voted to the three events of the war. j the battle of Liao-Yang. the battle of 1 shut river, and the battle of Mukden. | The voluminous general orders, sta- i tistics, reports and other documentary ■ matter have been collated by Ge». ! Belkhovetoneff of the general stuff. : These with the "Conclusions" which have been formulated. constitute most amazing revelations of disorgani- ■ of astronomers, when seen regarding today’s phenomenon, said "The disturb ance today was the most remarkable thing I have ever known. In view of • the gigantic sun spot I expected an ! electrical disturbance! sometime today. ■ I thought, however, it would take tlie form of auror.iborealis" or that tele- graph and telephone communication j would be seriously affected, i “Instead, the disturbance -was awe- inspiring and terrible to those who ob served it I do not want to stand sponsor for any statement concerning tlie phenomenon. Unofficially, how- ver, it was very remarkable, '« consid ering the low temperature. “At noon today the great sun spot which is llS.OOn miles long and 30.000 miles wide, covering an area of about ROME, Feb. 14.—The Pope today re ceived In private audience the Right Rev. Benj. J. Keily. bishop of Savan nah, Ga., and the party of eig’itv-two American pilgrims he brought to Rome, i The . bishop delivered a short address ' and presented the Pope with Peters pence. The Pope thanked the bishop warmly, expressing the satisfaction which he felt at the loyalty and faith of the Americans in the present troub lous times. In the course of his re marks the bishop said: “We came from the new world to solemnly protest against the persecu tion which the church is unjustly suf fering in France, w.nlch boasts of be ing the beloved eldest daughter of the church. In America there are over ten million hearts which sympathize with the holy father. All the holy see approves, we approve; all it condemns we condemn. It is false to say that "*xn-v ■ MEW YORK. Feb 14.—Another trag ic chapter in the history of the Thaw- White episode was written today wher; grim death stopped in to bait the famous trial in its fourth week. The wife of Juror No. 11. Mrs. Joseph B. B'clton. passed away this afternoon soVi: after her husband reached her bedside. Ho had been summoned from NEW BRITAIN, Conn.. Feb. 14.—Not a . clue as to the whereabouts in New York of \Ym. F. Walker, the missing treasurer of the Savings Bank of New Britain, had been received today by the bank directors. No clue as to the loca tion of the securities which Walker took from the bank has been found, in spite of a very active search in New York and several other cities. The bank situation apparently rests on the apprehension of Walker, for the run of depositors has ended. The actual the church and State separation shows j shortage remains unchanged at $565,- the French church in the same con- ; 000. The belief is Held by the directors dition as the American churcli. We ' that the greater portion of the missing enjoy perfect liberty of possession, us ing our property according to church law. our rights being protected by the civil laws.” The Right Rev. John Shanley, bishop of Fargo, who accompanied the Amer ican pilgrimage, also was received in private audience by the Pope. ziition and incapacity and even of di. - n,540.000.0()5 square miles, was directly lions adopted by the union at fereiu-e in London 1 sether with a history of the event which led up to a meeting of that body and tho program arranged by it for the coming Hague conference. Mr. Williams believes that the mem bers of tHe court should be paid a •slated salary by the governments they represent, sufficiently large to enable them to retire from till private practice. He suggested $15,000 a year. In the ease of the smaller countries. Mr. Wil- obedience of specific and urgent orders on the part of certain general officers entrusted with high commands in the lle’<l notably Gen. Kaulbars, against wh m a formidable indictment is framed, saddling upon his shoulders - f tically the entire responsibility for ummer to- | 'he crushing defeat at Mukden. Kuro- , i,„ 1 patkin's reasons for the failure of the j war are based chiefly on a comparison I of the war-like spirit of the Japanese, i their preparedness and valor, which he ! says had never been seen in any pre- 1 vious war. and their abilty to : maintain the numerical superiority necessary to assume the offensive, with ■ the disadvantages of Russia owing to ; the Inadequacy of the single track rail way from Europe in feeding her fight facing the earth. This spot is-very ac tive. Taking these facts into consid eration it is not hard for one to stretch imagination and connect the cause of today’s disturbance with the son spot. Then again there is a white line about 10.000 miles long running through the spot and in my belief, this white line Is respohsihie for conditions today and any additional phenomena which are very apt to 'follow." In Allegheny City the disturbances caused an interruption, to all the police and fire alarm signals. Halt. Mr. Knox received from j many congratulations on j taken up from bis colic ’.gi bis speech. Tile A m- cultural bill w for consideration. Difficulty arose over a proposed in crease to the salary of the chief of the K J>stry Hurcau. Senator Hale, face tiously observed the "towering import ance" of Die Agricultural Department in comparison with other departments of the Government, and called attention to the $4,500 salary of the assistant secretary, saying it was proposed in tho bill to increase that of the chief of several bureaus to $5,ooo. debate followed without action. The credentials of Robert L. Tay lor. elected to the Senate from Ten- nessee, were presented by Senator Carmack, whom he succeeds. FLAG TO FLAG RACE WILL START TODAY MIAMI. Fla.. Feb. 14.—The ag race from hen to Nns-.i as postponed on account c c.ithcr. will positively start block tomorrow morning, cather conditions. The rules llag-tn- . which rough at 7:30 despite govern Hants thought they might be willing to * n F strength, with commanding officers — 'disobeying orders and in a hopeless state of confusion and cross purposes, with a low state of morale and con fidence among the troops and continu ous news from home of internal trou ble and insults and reproaches against the admiralty. The general closes his survey of the cause of the defeat of the Russian army with the pathetic reflection that if Russia had been uni ted and ready to make the sacrifices necessary to maintain iter dignity and integrity, the valiant Russian army would have striven until the foe was subdued. The book contains the text of Gen. Kuropatkin’s reports to the Emperor, in which he enlarges upon the causes of the defeat at Mukden. Elsewhere, however. Kuropatkin frankly admits to the Emperor that he himself was much to blame for the Mukden defeat^ saying he did not insist sufficiently.' be fore tho beginning of the battle upon a strong reserve for the decisive mo ment. ■i mg the race have been changed. This time each boat will go at pleasure as to course sailed, stops, etc., the first to reach Nist.m to b" declared the win ner. The entries are: Whiz, by Thomas E. Norton, of New Haven; Lee S. by A. P. Gerloch. Jaek- sonville; Klondike, by Charles Ball. Miami: Daggett, by John Haggetty. New York. While discharging his duties as flag- running ■ ,n;in walking along the roofs of the long j line of freight cars composing freight train No. 61, of the Southern Railway. B. B. Brown yesterday about noon in the vicinity of Damp's Ferry, made a misstep from one car to another, failing through the intervening space to the trackage be low. whore Ids head was ground into a pulp and his body otherwise mangled by the fast circdng wheels. Mr. Brown was 20 years old. and leaves five brothers. J. B., W. L.. C. S-. S. G. an.. \V. A. Brown, the latter residing in Macon, and one sister, Mrs. Rosa Bay Parker. He was a popular young man and made many friends in Macon, who will learn of his untimely death with much sorrow. Tlie body was brought to the city last night over the Southern and taken to Jesse B. Hart's undertaking parlors, where it was prepared for shipment to Dorsey. Gn., the deceased's former home, this morning. The funeral will take place front tho family residence In Dorsey this afternoiin. 'WARNER SHOWS POWER- I IN REPRESENTATION MEETING. PERSONS INTERESTED IN ' GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. Feb. 14.— 1 Warner won a hard fight today in the ! Republican State convention when his ', influence resulted in the nomination of j Frak B. Leland of Detroit, for regent of the university over Levi L. Bar- LOTTERY HELD TO GRAND JURY, hour, also of Detroit. The fight came | over the seating of the Detroit and -As MOBILE. Ala., Feb. 14.—As a result of the preliminary hearing of the cases before United States Commissioner Jones today only those who the Gov- < rument believes are directly interest- . d in the operations o{ the Honduras National Lottery Company in this city was he'd to the grand Jury. These in- qiude R. K. Thompson, foreman of the press room of the printing establish ment; L. S. Graham, alleged proprie tor of tho Graham printery. and Ed vard L. Penac. who appears from the testimony given to have superintend ed the shipments of lists. Each was ’odd In $3,000 bonds The local officials o: Wayne County delegation. Two dele gations were here from that county, 116 in each. The credentials Com mittee recommended. 7 to 4. that the Leland delegation be seated, and a minority report gave each delegation half a vote. The majority report was adopted by a vote of 323 to 302. The seating of the Waynt delegation made things so overwhelmingly in Leland’s favor that Barbour’s name was with drawn. Other nominations were as fol lows: Justices of the Supreme Court—Wil liam L. Carpenter, Detroit; Aaron V. the grand jury. | McAlvay, Manistee, e Southern Es ! Regents of the Universlt SHERIFFS FAMILY COOK KNEW OF LYNCHING CHATTANOOGA. Feb. 14.—For the first time during the Shipp hearing there were alleged members of the mob that hung the. negro, Ed. Johnson, named today. J. M. Stoneciphcr, a j Government witness, named four and j told of alleged conversations he. had ! with them before and after the lynch- j ing. The public looks askance upon ! the possibility that Sheriff Shipp may j be convicted by negro testimony. ! Three negroes were witnesses today, j among them a former cook in Captain Shipp’s family. She told of dinner I table conversations that indicated j knowledge on the part of the Shipps ! that Johnson would be lynched. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14.—The fol lowing nominations of isthmian canal commissioners were sent to the Senate today by President Roosevelt: Theo dore P. Shonts, chairman: John S. Stevens, chief engineer: Brig. Gen. Peter C. Haines, retired, civii engi neer: Mordecai T. Endicott. Benjamin M. Herrod. Col. W. C. Gorgas, U. S. A„ and Jackson Smith. The nominations are dated today. A statement given out at the War ' De partment says: "Mr. Shonts expects to retire the 4th of March next, but in view of the fact that the names have not been sent to the Senate before, and it was proper, to secure confirmation, this list was sent in. although a vacancy will occur after the adjournment of Congress in the resignation of Mr. Shonts. It is expected to make Mr. Stevens chair man of the commission and the other vacancy thus caused in the commission has not been determined upon." Colonel Gorgas is the well-known head of the department of sanitation, and Mr. Smith the head of the depart ment of labor, quarters and subsis tence. HILL ASKED TO TELL OF DEAL IN ORE LAND ST. PAUL, Minn.. Feb. 14.—A sub.- poena was Issued by order of the Ivnuteson committee of the House to day. directing President J. J. Hill to appear before the committee this aft ernoon to explain the recent deal ST tho Great Northern railway in ore lands. This committee was appointed for the purpose of investigating the ore lands transaction between the Great Northern railway and the United States steel corporation, and the committee will make an effort to ascertain if. under its charter, the Great Northern Railway Company has the right to deal in ore lands. securities have been hypothecated, as inquiry among financial interests in New York cjty brought out the fact that Walker would have been unable to dispose of tho securities except at a considerable sacrifice. On account of the state of the market he would have been able to borrow money on them without much difficulty. The developments of tlie day were that Prosecuting Attorney Mitchell, on his own initiative, drew up a war rant for the arrest of Walker on the charge of appropriating to his own use two bonds of $1,000 each, belonging to the bank, and sent Chief of Police Rawlings to New York to inform the police there of the fact that fhe miss ing treasurer is wanted on a criminal charge. tiie court room been in progres minutes. The fi Mrs. Bolton's de shortly after 2 the afternoon si gerald immedi guld- s. and FARMERS’ UNION ASKS FOR 2 CENT FARES MONEY WILL BE PAID IQNERS T Promptly at S o’clock this morning, Col. C. M. Wiley, ordinary, will com mence the work of distributing the $20,000 of pension money to the old Confederate soldiers and widows of Bibb County. Upon: completing the task of sign ing the three- hundred and fifty-odd checks yesterday morning. Col. Wiley was .so completely fatigued by- the tedious writing that he decided to take the afternoon off in ' vacation. ATLANTA, Ga.. Feb. 14.—Tlie Farm ers’ Union, of Georgia, will file a pe tition with the railroad commission within the next few days, urging that body to reduce the rate of passenger fare in Georgia to two cents per mile. It is said the petition will be pushed for all it is worth. Four States have recently acted for the two-cent rate, and the union thinks the time has come for it in Georgia. The matter was up before the commission about two years ago. but no action was taken at that time. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Feb. 14— Madi son Jones, twelve years old. discover ing that a portion of a 600-foot trestle and will therefore be fresh and ready I J“ d burned near Sparks Gap on to serve the long list of pensioners | today. Fortunatetly the money comes at very useful time with many of the pensioners, and the circulation of $20.- 000 will be felt to no -small degree in commercial way. ANDREWS BANKRUPT, RAN CHAIN OR STORES WIN OF USUIS HO ffl SHOT GREENSBORO. X. C„ Feb. 14.—In the United States Court here today, E. M. Andrews, who. owns and conducts a chain of stores in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. was adjudged bankrupt on his own petition and the case referred to Maj. J. E. Alexander, of Winston Salem, referee in bankruptcy. Tiie liabilities are estimated at $10,000 and assets at $90,000. Mr. Andrews owns real estate at. a number of places and formerly con ducted a large number of furniture stores in Southern cities. He now has stores in Columbia, Spartanburg, Greenville, Augusta, Athens and Greensboro. His creditors are a num ber of factories, banks and individuals scattered throughout the country. from Kirmirtgham. this morning, left his wagon in the road, and taking,off his red sweater, flagged an approaching passenger train from Birmingham.- The train came to a halt, and the passen gers upon discovering the situation, mado up a purse for the boy. NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL OCCUPIED TIME OF HOUSE. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14—The naval appropriation bill occupied the entire time of the House today. The single remaining section is that increasing the naval establishment. It was al lowed to go over until tomorrow, when it is expected an effort will be made to reduce the number of battleships provided for in the bill. In connec tion with the restrictions put upon the power of the Secretary of the Navy to order repairs upon a vessel, a pro vision was inserted requiring that none of the restrictions shall be cons! rued to it with the repairs of vessels dam aged in foreign waters or on the high seas when necessary to enable them to get home. The bill was still under consideration when journed. where the trial bad for less than fifteen announcement of h was made In court P. m.. the hour set for -sion, and Justice Fitz- ttely ordered un ad journment of iht' case until next Mon day morning. The court also ordered, with, the con:’ nt of counsel, that the other eleven jurymen he given then- liberty and no longer held He admonished the jurors to ed by their honor and their o not to read the newspapers or discuss the Thaw ease with anybody. The death of Juror Holton's wife cast a gloom over the criminal courts building and bad a particularly de pressing effect on every one connected with the trial. The prisoner seemed to feel the matter quite keenly when he was brought into court this afternoon to hear the formal announcement of tho formal order for the postponement of his heating. The fact that the Thaw jurors have been kept in close con finement since they eere selec ted for trial service, and that Air. Bolton had been allowed to visit his home only three times during his wife’s fatal ill ness, lent a pathetic aspect to the ease, and the greatest sympathy for the af flicted man was expressed on all sides. Thaw’s Sympathetic Gaze. During the brief morning session, when Mr. Bolton had taken liis place In the box Thaw fixed the juror with his gaze as he entered. It was not a stare of curiosity, nor of concern as to his own welfare that the defendant turned upon the juryman, but there seemed rather to be a light of sym pathy in the eyes of the man accused of the murder of Stanford White. Airs. Bolton suffered from double pneumonia. Her condition became seri ous yesterday when the morning ses sion of tlie trial was abandoned to al low the juror to visit borne, which is far up in the Bronx. Bolton «as ac companied by two other jurymen and by two court officers. The law which was Invoked at the beginning of th« trial to keep the jury together, pro vides that no one juror shall at ar;y time be separated from the others. Airs. Bolton rallied yesterday after noon, her husband returned to his place and the trial went on. When court r convened at 10.30 o’clock this morning Air. Bolton was again in scat No. 11, but it was stated that his wife's condition was critical and ho might be called away at any moment. Dr. Evans Was on Stand. Dr. Britton D. Evans, superintendent of the New Jersey State Hospital for the' Insane, was recalled as an alienist to continue liis direct examination. The witness was asked to detail tlie conversations he had had on various occasions with Thaw in the Tomhf. He had already declared these conver sations to be an essential feature in bis conclusion that Thaw was of unsound mind at the time of tlie doctor’s first three visits to him, the last being on September 22. Air. Jerome had with drawn his objections to the statements by Thaw going into the evidence, and Dr. Evans was about to detail the events of his first visit on August 4. when the summons for Juror Bolton came. Captain Rickets, of the court police squad, was seen to whisper to Justice Fitzgerald. Bolton seemed to divine his mission and moved uneasily, in his chair. A recess was taken until 2 p. m., and the juror, still accompanied by two of his associates and two court officers, hurried to the little home in the Bronx where Airs. Boiton was kept alive only by the use of oxygen. She died soon after her husband arrived. Juror Rol- ton is 57 years of age and a clerk. Jurors Wiil Be Free. When court again convened at 2:25 p. m. there had been a conference of the attorneys with Justice Fitzgerald and the agreement had been readied release the remaining jurors from in taking this raid took pains to the House ad- j confineme: | action Justice Fitz FOR LACK OF MONEY MAN TO BE EXeC’/TED. TANGIER, Feb. 14.—Ben Afansour, formerly Raisuli’s lieutenant, was as sassinated today opposite the Spanish legation. Three natives belonging to Ben Alansour’s tribe, doubtless in- i censed by his treachery to Raisuli. fired point blank at him and he fell to the ground mortally wounded. The assail- LONDOX. Feb. 14.—Fifty-six women ants of the chief then threw themselves suffragists who were arrested within ! upon him and despatched him with WOMEN SUFFRAGISTS PREFER TO GO TO PRISON. ny w< dismissed. CAPTAIN FAILED TO ARRIVE AND MATE TOOK CONTROL. -Frank Leland. Detroit: Juniu< E. B’eal. Ann Arbor, member of the board of educa tion. W. A. Cotton. Escanaba. '.vvaxxah, 14.—Ship- ners of the lived :t o.i- g that the placed in norrow for i>e of the I ,tr in this j last Mon- re he had had pur- I been re- I HUB FOR YEARS BUT FOB! ME >ar<l t! MAJORITY RULE. roose-d Mew Law For Nominating Cities of Less Than 25.000. t’PLANTA. ‘Vi! 14.—The L.-gisi. jortty ire /i » f MADISON, W Is., Feb. 14.—After be- , ing mourned as dead for twelve years, i Cbas. McGee Williams, the famous Wisconsin University baseball pitcher, who disappeared in Chicago in 1S94. was found yesterday at Merrillville, : Ind. He had been living there since July. 1S94. as an ordinary workman. He is married and owns his home. Ac- • ording to Wi hams’ story, he -r.e'. r, .1 mental aberration when he mysrerious- ; ly disappeared front a hotel in Chi- ; cago. Williams said: 1 “On July d. isi'4. I suddenly found myself i.i Hammond. Ind. I iiad no re •nlleeti'in of I g Hr-ie and i: was only by asking strangers that I found where I was and wita day of th~ month and year it vis. t began trndg a way without flnrpc- ■ and Alerrillviile." the precincts of parliament last even- , knives.- The assailants were arrested, ing were arraigned in police court to- j day, charged with disorderly conduct { and resisting the police. Airs. Des- ; pard, a sister of Gen. French, who has | taken a prominent part in the suffra- | gist movement and x-ho was the lead- j er of yesterday’s attack on the House of Commons, was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or undergo-twenty-one days’ imprisonment. Some of the women who previously had been imprisoned for'engaging in suffragists demonstra tions also were fined $10 with the op tion of a month’s imprisonment. The rest of the prisoners were condemned to pay fines of $5 or undergo two weeks in jail. They all elected to go to pris on. KT10 A BP WANTS $10,000 FOR STEPPING IN A HOLE COLUMBUS. Ohio. Feb. 14.—Be- | cause he could not raise about $75 for a transcript to the United States court, j Frank Castor, who murdered Policeman j Davis in this city, will die by the , electric chair in the Ohio penitentiary. Castor's father and mother and sister . arrived here this afternoon from Flint. I adhered t unj . Atich.. and saw him for a few rao- VALDOSTA. Ga.. Feb. 14.—The court officials here are busily engaged j ments. Governor Harris, late this aft- in getting ready for the next term of j ernoon, refused to interfere in the case. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION STANDARD OIL TANK, 1. i Negro Hanged BASTROP, Tex Washing! m, .a ntir,’. l :.»■ i ty for th. niur Itr ' f-oio; td. j NEW YORK. Fob. 14.—'With a roar ] that was plainly hi ard above the street ! r.oises of this itv. a big oil tank in j the Standard Oil storage plant at Con- I stable Hook. X. J.. exploded today. So ! great was the concussion that wind jws more’ than a mile distant from the I scene were shattered and buildings i many miles away were shaken. Fortu- nately the tank which. exploded was an ise'ated one. and only three per- sons were injured. These were work- ; men who were fighting a lire which had j started near the tank. Houses in 'he immediate vicinity were shaken as by ] an earthquake and thousands of win- - — —- ■ daw- were lirtken ov the >h,-cks. :r Murder. | Across the Von Kail, on Staton Island. ol>- 14.—A. R. [the effect was almost as severe •c.i-' -ang- : it. •> I down-town districts of New York there Jen::;,- Muore. I was distinct tr.-ml. mg ,.f the earth, 1 lusting for several seconds. VALDOSTA. Ga.. Feb. 14.—A woman ; living at 309 Spivey street burned i almost to a crisp this morning while * standing before the fire. She got up ! and built a fire and was warming be- j fore it. her back being turned to the I blaze when her night gown caught. It I blazed up instantly and in a moment i the woman was a mass of flames, j Another woman was residing in the house with her and flew to her rescue, smothering out the fire with a quilt. WAYNES BORO. Ga.. Feb. 14.—Ala jor A phvsician was summoned and the , ... „ . woman's injuries were given attention. ^' . A ' £ in '" dl * d thl " n ? orn,n * I She is still alive, but the chances of a f h °rt dines?. He was born m Lib- ' her recoverv are very slim (erty County, at Sunbury, 1>>2d. He : - Dr. Rouse, who attended to her in- | graduated from the State university in juries, said that her burns were the worst he. had ever seen. The woman is a comparative stranger here, hav ing just i-cme from Gainesville, Fla. the city court. They have about sixty papers to serve manj- of them being suits on account and other suits. There are several suits against the railroads for delays in freight. These are mostly brought by stock dealers who claim damages to their stock from delays in transportation. These suits aggregate about five thousand dollars three thousand of the amount against the Georgia Southern road, and two thousand against the Atlantic Coast Line. They are brought by local stock dealers. Miss Caro Talley enters suit against the city of Valdosta for $10,000. which she alleges as a result of stepping in a hole on West Hill avenue. The ac cident occurred sometime ago. and she claims that she was almost permanent ly disabled by it. Castor is rapidly losing his nerve, bu-, , , ,, has not yet been infomed of the Gov- ! 1 u t,ler 1 er “I°f'l had° n the money." said CastoJ “they would never get me." j ^"“hope’-^'.hat I I state tiiat the rule keeping them to- i gether had not only been adopted upon I the separate recommendation of e tch j .-ide. but was the result of all agree ment based upon reasons which ap peared excellent alike to the interests of the defendant and of the people.; There was intended not the slightest reflection upon the Jury in any way. been well, Justice Eitz- rule could have been he close of the trial, but the sad occurrence had brought ! about a condition which must be con- i fronted. It would be manifestly un- “ I fair, the court said, to keep the jurors homes during the DEATH OF MRS. LEILA HAYS AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. -T eito W. Have v'C he adjournment until Fitzgerald expressed the trial might then alized. however, that i this will depend largely upon the eon- dition in which Juror Bolton may be at that time. If he feels that he can put procec It DEATH OF MAJOR W. A. WILKINS IN WAYNESBORO. GA. Hays/ of this city, and daughter of Air! f aside all personal considerations anB iiiiu Mid j. is. u/.'itioii, Oi i>yron. } continue to act ai* a juior, tiie trial will died yesterday evening at 6:50 o'clock I be resumed. If he feels that his con- after an illness of about four months. Besides her husband and parents, she is survived by two small children. Airs. Hays was a member of Tattnall Square Baptist, church, and exerted a re ligious Influence among those whom she “new. and iter life was full of many Kindnesses that won for her a iiost of close friends, who will regret the an nouncement of her death. The funeral will occur this morning at the residence. 552 Oak street, at 11:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Forrester conducting the service. Th” interment will be at Byron on the arrival of the Central train, leaving Alacon at 12:30 o’clock today. HONDURAS AND NICARAGUA WILLING FOR ARBITRATION. DEPARTMENT STORE CASHIER CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT. WASHINGTON. Feb. 14.—Dis- 1S56. He attended the law st^tool at | patches received by tho President to- 1 Harvard till 1S5S. After studying with ’day from the Presidents of Nicaragua j Colonel Thomas Cob. of Athens, he and i ar.d Honduras, give assurance of the j his brot’her, J. H. Wilkins, were admit- j maintenance of peaceful relations bc- I tod to bar at Watkinsville. They be- j tween those two countries. In response j gan the practice of law at Louisville. ! to the j- :nt not” of the United States, I Judge Cane becoming a member of the j Alexico, Guatemala and the other Con dition of mind is shaken so that his pers.opal affairs are such as to pre vent his giving his whole attention to the case during tho remaining days of the trial, some other solution of tha difficulty must be looked for. The statement in court that compel for the defense and prosecution had considered the proposition of taking the depositions of Drs. Ringaman and Deemar, the Thaw family physicians, during the enforced recess, which was endorsed by Justice Fitzgerald, was modified by statements made after re cess. Air. Hartridge. of counsel for Thaw, says that the defense has decided that it will be of greater advantage to have the physicians testify in court. Air. Hartridge said that what they have to say would be of greater advantage if told to jury by word of mouth than if depositions were read. PHILADELPHIA today, firm v woman lepartmei ' h emb” b. 14.—Miss '■[i-mier in Shcllen- ■ store, was arrested y a member of the z'.ing $25,000. The uc ear: ’>ged to have secured this ithin :e.n months by falsify- ■ ’ks. She was taken before . Gallagher and sent to jail of $10,000 1-ail for a further iaring firm. In 1S70 he came to Waynesboro to engage in merchandise. He has been very •successful in business. He was always a public spirited man and did much for civic improvement*. He is bis wife and four children. Airs. Inez Jones. Mrs. R. C. Neely. Mrs. Seudder and Cap:. Wil liam A. Wilkins, .Tr. He established the bank of Waynes boro. of which he was president for some time. He was a member of the board of tru-tees of ine First district j the' 'if amount of the shortage I agricultural school, and had been al might prove to be much greater. Vko}'# interested in- education. tral American countries, both presi dents signified their willingness to agree to any steps which may be take” leading up to the submission of the questions in dispute to an arbitration court md to abide by its decision. Dabn'er Motor Works Burned. NEW Y : iRK, Feb. 14.—Tho motor works of Daimler Manufacturing Com pany at L’ng Island City, were de stroyed by fire, early today. The loss is estimated at $400,000. The plant consisted of one main building and jseveiai smaller structures, all of which severe wooden. MOTHER AND CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH PONTOTOC. Mass.. Feb.-14.—Vain ly endeavoring to extinguish flames, which enveloped her infant son, Airs. Charles Mauldin was burned to death at her home near here today. The child's clothing caught fire while play ing about some burning leaves, artd before assistance could reach them, both Airs. Muuidin and the child had '.been burned. I i rij