The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 12, 1881, Image 2
A • . The Wvhington corr*<ponl»nt «f tlits Atlanta Const it utiom iktius to bo -tom*»what Jaz>*d Mince lbe inauguration •if Barfield. He should have made ha-te jwvera! days a?o lo telegraph Li* journal that Georgia’s n *w Senator had already taken prominent {mail on liar mg refitted onr Mach -ed to do machine work at s terms. "We liave on hand, and f ncctions. GLOBE LEAD, Etc. Steam and Water Piping Pbit. Hocrroa Cocstt. Sa. We c«*r koovo Swift's >yphiliUe Cwctl »w<i la huHmn ol met of Ryphilk. Memr h niMAttm. .‘en>fala. «* II **ads tbs tm cb u LVoaurk, *aa D UUtai. J4are C«. I L V» r?3,»f J.W. U’.knp A C« H savaa- Ui,E'.J»rki*n,Drp1 Qnk Sap'r U, Wb. •n- Kit mirea, S. W. K*aa Com. Tan. 1 Ptcrrf. Sb'S. C C DaPoas, Day A fisrdoc, rnj „<-qu*i3i«4 wtlk tW Moprtrter*. u4 r »*f i a* fatUw— whom tegaatura* »^<ir « r<>r>-cvla( TV.J u. >r. rbirtrter am4 a*«4(a|. a. h nr»LQcnT. Gto>*r»T e|H — n*a. EKKLY APVKKTISIXG RATSlL nmtlkUlfd ctveulstie* ef Dm Nmrs osd u»c« g«« our weekly itw large* I ra Mitral advertises-sate mint bo paid far to* sd*awe. . -.11 adv« rtiaeweols muUtake tho mo of tbe pa* k**r aulas* otherwise stipulated by coo tract, a cd » tbo faifawieg additional ;bar;n wlii M re- Ut,|wrally, I# por coat inaldo. aoxt t<> reading Matter 1> ~ ** la Local reading rolurat r : Off “ “ Editorial Bailees uttor tbaa caliiog attention to naveIrrrtlenuroU and ktoei dodger*, tocento 'r llba far first Insertion and 1far «acb sab * Itflle ***- Heart ieiog a redo* so lbe first appear- A.toaoi trnltautrnt, or rrbaa proatntad, except r e< berates contracted far MclNTLSH * KVANS. iTop'is. SATURDAY. MARCH 12. 1881. It U thought Garfield Kill "act op’’ tbo wine >t Mate dinners; or, in other word*, that bis wine policy will be liberal. Pontmahtr-Genesal James is a Welshman and a printer by trade, and (< generally believed to be tbo gem of tbo new Cabinet. far Georgia ISiplwt Convention will Imlil ila annual session in Athena on the 2tst of April. It will bo ■ repre- a ncativo body and largely attended. Goon morning, President Garfield. Neither force ner fraud were body guards at your inauguration; now aeo to it that neither be employed in Nprr!tlratIoiM* for a Frnr. nk tu 1.- hr* from A g««l and *oltrot 1 drd. »l f>r d. ub> .the amount o( the f will l«j rrtjuir-d *>( lbe pro, i tract for building the itwir Jr* be a • ard<d. unirred that the ibord *p» teredoo the miuutrw of thr cot in terms o: ihe law, an t that building said fence V- l-t at MunJ»y, tbs 2SU* of Mirth ocx: PKOCIKK Apply to F. E. ZERBE. lanagrr of the American Patent Agency 28 Wall St., Atlanta, (la. AMERICAS INVESTOR 0>KK«OF THK RAILROAD rOMMIfJ IO - *,! ATLaMTA, ***., 1-cbruary o SSI. j T h** I nj t net In i created In the- circuit court of hr t'nii»J 'li'raln tbr t*>r o! i>corgr M. Tilley ft Nivannub, Florida au>l Wew'cru Unilrosd 'ompar.y «*t si, buvlug hrei. d<rv>lTed. the fit I) iw- mit order has hero pa«*d by the Csiumisaiou, I 1 lie relations of the Savannah, Florida aed Western Railroad t<» the Commlwuoners’ •■StaDd- »nl" Tariff - , are hereby made the same as those of tbeMsci'ti sud Brunswick railroad uttd tbe^s- rannah and tlieS uthwntera RaMr -sJ Divisions • ftheOntrmi Kaiiioml, as j nblNhed io Circular 1C. A. BiCul. Powders AYR no* in Store snd Constantly Arriving as the season aJr&i.cca, a fall line of Fanty Dried Beef, Beei Tongues. Oat-meal, Buckwheat, Gelatine, Cranberries, ;/in! Sclrei tistr. rwlabl ~.e»l 1AC. and tho ixnt, citiUMnl l<T, foa- «, IMHO, bJ AfClXTOBlI k Railroad I-rifMfitiott* VCt publish on our lirst page this '.nothing a rery - able and interesting let* ter frowC«L W. G. Raoul, Vice-Preai- : d nl of the Centr-l Railroad, lo Hon. • 4no. D. I.’oijiuniore, member of the S«*nato of Alabama, discussing the sub* j jeet of railroad legislation, which sub- j jeet has bt en under consideration in Assembly of onr aiater for seme time past. The letter Irst published in the Montgomery t< 22d ult mo, and has attracted so much attention from those interested upon the subject of railrdad ! ^ tnnam f or m0 aoy or credit in this Bute, that wo hare g mj |jj Cfe seems to be no end to the requested lo reproduce it. j demand for money. Xo one question is of more import- ^ ^ trwu ' We is that tho money tho people o f Georgia just now * | g IJ0 | 11^.-1110 demaod js far in ex then this very question of railroad leg- j ^ of lhe stipplv-and it will a wavh illation, tod *t U very evident from the « ^ M uo|il ^ u a J|U , t upao »ur statutes atrerding some protection •» foreign capital. With our sweeping The Moaer (Jnevtion in fieorgifi* We want lo see f- e **j n »> ai^- and >un I loolisli** usury law that now tun U ns a 1 *ad !ctt • uj on the slat- ule» of Georgia ami a *Sicare-croW’ to foreign capital, repealed, and a good, honent, straightforward collection law eriacteti in its stead. Four-fifths of the farmers, in cl anics and buaines« men of Georgia are money borrowers ; in one way or another, and, with an ' eight-p^r-ca*nt nynry law upon our statute*, a majority of them are pav- . ing fr» m twelvo to eighteen per cent LMDRETHS’ ■ iihe I iitcrett muirested, both by the nil rotde end the people, that it will claim tbo earnest attention of the General Assembly of this State when that body reconvenes in Jo'.j text. Being a railroad man, it a natural to suppose tbst Col. RequI argues from a treats bis subject with such fairness that it- would b« difficult, even if we felt do disposed, to stuck him ia the position assumea i-i the letter under con* Without any dasiro tu or dissent from any of views, therefore, we merely desire to elaborate somewhat upon one very important point suggested by raading bis letter, vix: the tendency of tbo re- railroad. ni your administration. It turns out that Conkliug- cut the cards for Garfield's Cabinet after a'l. Kay what you will about the pompous,, pcacockish flnseoe, be will g-t away ' >vith the beet of ’em. Tint Dayton Journal remarks of Garfied talit * be Dover shook bis moth er.*' It might be further remarked that no man who ever did shako his mother has yet attained the 1'rcsidency. Tax Charleston hanks refuse lo take fsilror certificates from ihtir customan at par. They canuol get rid of them. They are nut ?egal tenders, and are only worth their lace in paying customs duties. ' Titmtirv.x-r Gahkiki.d'h inaugural ad dress is full of patriotism, and a frater nal, conciliatory and conservative spirit pervades it throughout. In fact, if it is a fair indication of the spirit and policy of what his administration is going to lie, he will meet with no obstacles ahd hear no complaints from tho Southern Democracy. of It is said that the new Svcrutaiy War cannot tell a double-barreled shot gun from a mountain howitxer. “But,’*, says the Cincinusti Enquirer, apolo getically, "ho can learn. Tliero was . Uncle Dick Thompson. When be wont into the Navy ho did so with tbo impression that a hatchway wat a place to set hens." New York and a number of other Northern cities hare lately been trou bled with small-pox seircs. A man in the worst stages of th i- horrible dis ease recently appeared in the stieets of New York, rode in tho horao cars and tbo ferries and was in communication with a number of persons. Ho created ajianic wherever he*went,l>ut wis final ly locked up by the police. A Ws sea it stated that Bon Butler has solemnly announced that he is out of politics for good. We are constrain ed to belie 10 it. We hardly think, however, that lien's retirement ii vol untary. lie his been a disturbing ele ment iu politics so long that no party in existence will bavo him, and he fiuda himself 1 political alien. He has not ‘ retired from politira exactly, but poli ties seems to have retired from him. A wxddixo assembly at Columbus, Ohio, after wailing half an hour beyond j the appointed time for the ceremony, j was astounded by the entrance of (he bridegroom With the bride’s ,. sister on bis' arm, and their an nouncement that they bad just been married by a clergyman around the corner. This trick threw tbs outraged girl into brain fever, from which site is likely to die; but the wedded uoupla liave gone on a bridal tour. ' Tbs discussion of the railroad ques tion in Georgia ahould proceed. So far. It seems that the subject of railroad legislation, the duties, powera, v|e., of the Com.nisiion, has berm discussed in * the public prints only by railroad men and lawyers—the former being stimu lated h* a desire to shape the public mind for future use, and tho Utter standing upon the periphery of their profession and haring an rye to bust- developing the resources of any conn try. The railroads that hare bun built in the Sute during the past eigh teen yean, some or them penetrating the very bowels of the richly mineral- mountains of North Georgia, and others the .vast timbered lands of the Southern portion of tho State, have d mo more to develop the natural re sources of our State than any other Industry or clast ol enterprise, and it ia a matter of the greatest impor tance to the common people that this work of development ehould be con tinued. If it is seen, then, that we have State Uws whieh stand as obeta- o!at in the way of capita] sacking in vestment in new . railroad enterprise*, is it not tho duty of the Lemalatura to so modify such laws as to keep the way open to these great factors io the de velopment of our rasourcee ? To any fair and reasonable mind the question stands answered. There has been quite a popular cru sade against railroad corporations in tbU Sute, I ul a reaction ia sure to come ii the near future, bectuse mach has been done ihsl wss unwise upon tlio part of our law-makers, acting un der the influence of the popular faeling that has prevailed against the railroad, for two or three yearapaat. lues have been enacted that must be modified, or the people will be the sufferers. Capi tal cannot be driven by legislative enactment, and it is sure not to.eok iu ve-tmont where its rights are tho least infringed upou by Isw. There has boon just such a erusado against cor porations in the West as we have hid in Georgia during tho past year, but we notice that in Arkansas, Nebraska and Colorado pnblic meetings are being held by the people, at which resolu tions are passed deprecating hostile legislation against railways as eartain to prevont the development of these States and to injur* tho best interests of the people. J Railroad Commissions s-em to be the order of the day wherever the question of railroad legislation haa boon consid ered. The General Assembly of Geor gia bis created a Commission, and en- aetod laws delegating to it almost un limited if not absolutely Arbitrary pow ers. The Nnws skd Advbbtism was a strong advocate of somo tort of rail road legislation at the time tho act cre ating said Commission wa« passed, and it ia now, and will rontinuo to be, a lesions friend and supporter of the Commission, hot we do not think such laws should be placed into Us hands for execution as will impede the devel opment of the Bute's resources by vir tually frightening capita] away from railroad enterprise*. Men of sense are not going to invest their money in building railroads when they know inch invcstmanls will not be remunera- ti*e. t It b very impest, st, we think, that every Style should have tom. law reg ulating railroads, but aach law* should not be ofrajiiire. Railroads and the cspiul invented in then bare rights • liirh should he respected as well ms those of the common poople. Rail roads sometimes become estortionate, arbitrary and umeasooable, however, and are liable a.timea to diaeriminato against certain interests and localities. Hence the (iecea>ity, wo think, for n CommissHiou; bat that Commission should stand is a board of aibilration between the people and the railroads, and not a> an obtaeie to railroad enter prises. - m Unyes ns a Civil Service tnd extravagantly worded usury !s» •a a "scare-crow,’’and our iron clad, doubled and twisted, yanl-u ,-id.- boine- .tead act as a convenient foriiflr.tion for ll.e borrower to hide behind, with divers loop-boles supplied by the laws of the State for liis escape burn lb The Mae orPe'try^*!.- tr?e ir.meentir Party. In n rtfc^ni Intvrv.* w, Kx-Gor. 1 il- hert C. Walker, i»ow of New Yor'. city 'jut!y of Yi (ini*, ai d: 4 *ln brief, I think Democratic ptrtv should firmly itlberv to tb- jpo'icr which ca!!t»t) it into being—a |»- * I ic t baaed apon gre*t principle*. It ia, *n<i alway* ba* be*n, tha party of an.l for the people, and to it must th*y look for the maintenance of their in tiTitlusl right* andjibertie* a* citixens tg«iu«t grasping monopolies of all kind* and charactets, whether arising from con- j contritions of capital, unjust tariffo j or corrupt* political * combination a Ii is tho party of'hooeat goremment,home rule. rv«| economy, reform and progre**. It is the champion of free, unawed, an bought election*, without fedeial iu- t terference either by noidiers or d-puty j marshal*. It cond-tun* alike tboar I twin hnMakrio'di-ttmiott,central amtioti • and accession, and hold* that the Indi- ! vulunl riiate.-s, wi-h all th»*ir- referred j rights and powers unmarred and un- ! diminished, should lire in order that the ; union o' a! 1 t h.toreroigti States mar *^ Yi»t wish To HE v. .“H. I. oh * k:tr. *. v a«L,btn. FOSS and SCHNEIDER, Queen City ZX, *a4 T91 CINCINNATI DvJemirn-d rrwp«-vf falJw tpr/yr ibrlr ! rripM lo ihv of Alhwur, lor hF. PAIRING AM. IbIKiM OF KroYfc> If t*mi IB oW »i«t« broken o' wn-n «r will tsxke ] it BKtMLKV HK'i , wV* il 8. L lltoM’slRorv Expert Bottled Beer a Specialty, frb?S w^ot Cut thi.s out ejic'ii week see wlint it spells: ill uF uHMinjI »NKRS ll'JADS AND REVENUE". Inon *TT Ci IBTT.Ga, Mblfc IMI. fob26-w4t itsalf live. Upon thaae sui.jnru the pijment of hia hones* debts, i.o sen*- P olic - v of the Democratic party shoulO ; j bio man who has money lo invest i. ‘ 1,r »y» bold, uncompromising and | going to send it to Georgk for loan, *8K ri>, " T *- "'h.t is eallad the aeiane- | when be can find safe icreslment foi government u but pracucal business : it elsewhere. i 0,1 * comprehensive scale. Tbs same It ia well enough for every State tu 1 principles which command sue- havo a legal rate of intere.-t, lor the I *"•» >n business affairs an tha raal protection of involuntary debtors and ) fjanJ *o or > of aucceaslul goveramantal litigants, bat it is useless tu trv to ! » Jalill iatration. And this truth is b«- regulate the rate of interest on .oaos or C0Ia,n S daily more and more patent to j Jji-uii. Sub<.-iiuio 0 Si ,^ r >e in trery-day bu-iness transrctiODS, by the American people. Abstract th.erie. j mcJo^Jtnrjy legislation. and scntimeuul notions in our politics are being rapidly supenedad by th. ot Cuniro! ,0 S i: °f facts and tho practical common Money is i ! ot everyday life. This tendency The people of this coon try certainly ought to be satuded h\ this time that they money by legislation. . . commodity, and the price theteof u j "f the public mind win undoubtedly regulated like that of all other com I Bnd »“Ph»tie expnaaion in tho next Just Receiv modi ties—by the ratio of supply fol [ Residential empa^o, and it will mat- lowing demand. In the matter of mot.- ! tl ' r litUe whether the candidate be a •y, it would be unsafe for those who ! J Idier or aeitU. n, a politician or a lay- harj the commi<ditr, to supply the prera.ling demand in Georgia. Hence the insutllciency of the supply. Our State needs money tor the de Telopmenr of its vast resources, nnd the quickest, easiest and inort eflectu.l means of obtaining ii and reducing tin- rate of interest is to place such laws upon our statutes as u ill make the borrower's property liable for his debts and as will afford some protection to those who have money to man. Enact n good collection law; make si! that u man ^haa liable for what h<- owes, and then money will seek Investment in Georgia. Then will the k pply bo- come equal to the demand: then can t'ie borrower obtain money to tho full am -unt of the value of his real estate; thei will our people become more careful .bout contracting debt.: then wi : i the rale ut interest ou money be re iue-td. and mu before. A good col lection law- would be the best thing the loml inontlicd -poor man's friend’’ of the Georgia Legislature couLd give to his people, and would eventually .rave to bus gri-.t to the titale .1 large. nan. provided, always, he be a states man of high character and capacity, possessing broad, comprebcnairu and correct views upon the great public queations of th* day, combined with a thorough practical knowledge of and sympathy with the business interests and po-iriblliues of the country." Royal Baking l be Mineral Wealth of New Mexico. A loeadvilte (Colorado) corn-spon* lent of the Chicago Tt ihunt, speaking of the rant wealth which the railway system is destined to develop iu Nee Mexico, rays: "The Ate.hi.on, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad ha* given a m-w birth to this nt civut land, and will err Over One-Bair of the male portion of the American people suffer more or less with disease, of the Kidneys and Bladder. There are various causes fur this, but over work is the chief cause. Nothing it _ the nkulo Materia Medics is so well i ITn LJ ca culated to invigorate and restore 1 laraodawiy h'-r’thy tone to these organs as Rankin’s Compound Extract of But hn and Juni* per. A few doses taken occasional 1 .! . „ - - - „ Will greatly Dcnctlt all tbOMO Who tr» ; JL *nd eco'tlt’ilioY what I* koovii tv ilic •aftlictod with nnyr disease ol the Kid- . p!»n-ati.n. ajj.mtur tb* --t-ru r • . Tilerl/loe * ilmttsths? city klb-.iit. . II’cb dr* nci or 13ladder, - j Uiy locality; Bel! ndsptcd f*r v!i.ryards .<r nur- I*rfpared onljDjr Hunt, Hankin A - •. <-ri«,orfo-re9id^nk-eio»*, in-ifg fru*», the nrtirerrlof. .*.2 r«w ..In v »* ’ rlY«r and all malaria. For aala on TeA>ooabI«- U J * l * urmi, .Forfurther partlcmara apply to or atl km alto Sroj«h» oat Tor tho Fall and Wla (r,Trade a seuend naaoritneBt ol DRY GOODS, A GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE TalnalSe Lois of Laii fir Silt J BOOTS AND SHOES, H off, l( Am Lamar. Druggist*, and for tale Druggists. Antioch, Tbottt Co n Ga^) July 4,1879 { I nm one of tho unfortunate sufferer* fioin Gravfi or diaeaao of tho Kidneys, and find more and speedier relief from HankinV Buchu and Juniper thin any thing Mure *Ycr tried. I esteem it *o highly were there but ono in bottle the world 1 would wiUingly give $100, or a"V amount for it. I recommend ii nl»ov<* all othi«r similar pi"parations. fi T. Wish. •ltu-febma. Jicm Aduevtisemeuts. Special to Ladies! j j AVIStl tak a t|ia a/awjr at Alhsnj for it for CATED TOI- m ft .wi.r'. aani , t«KT tf 4HK. far H-.-ttlfylHc «nd Fra- Uinly reap a rich reward for Un tutor- ' pn%o. I: wilt Main lake it* j>lac»\ l»% ita connection with* the Sjullirrit Pocifl*, §•> a great transcoulin^ista! route; and, moreover, its Imn! tra«b ) Ma»l lUlm, at Uw^r-if Mm. B. Colinaky. (t W* .-atirrls free fr»nu r-xmetlcs. and la the oni* OAfa, p^rmanant-aod estUtaoterj dlseor- •ry th-»t h«« ever b en made lor beautifying h- rampfaxlun. It le eudoraM by many of will be large and lucrative, from «att!«». ; rpfaxiuti. xliatf tnedtra raon*'- the country. ' MIM A. B. WISGAkD, At Hr*. B. twolluakr** MUUate’jr atora. A bunr fla . Mcb 7, IS82. “ ‘ * tawdJkwIn ihevp. and I?n« rapitlly devetoping min j ing iniluRtrisR The whole mountain i range through th** Territory is one vast j mineral .belt. It waa its mineral •■mitia uihmh Wvwtib whirl, first attracted the raps SEWING MACHINES NEW LOT Or TIIE FAMOCi T sluat r»«rived, with all ef the latest improve- wwi-tlifiMlo. Tho WHITE comprise* all the pracll *al pot tta of virtuo that can be ap plied Ia a Marblne, and X feel no hrt taney la (iaarunteelng Satisfaction tu orery on*. lalaohavo tha WEED, a vary good ma- reopened, which have k-n buried ' tovVS^uIar old aifrCBB. with Clous Spaniards ill Die early part of ihe sixteenth century, and the reputed treasures ot lbe Seven Citiesof Cibola, a* r ported by Kriar Marcos, de Niga, was a mnvi.ig cause of iu early con quest. Old mines are being c minimi >y under the debris of centuries, and j American enterprise is daily di-c«»v*r- j above wakw. Call early *adg*ta guod Ba ns. . , . ebioo and fk good bargao. ing now ones. Tho tV hho l)«ks *»s ! S. S. STKPHBX8. ci'.r ment of Usl year a .l the .--cup.- ^-V- MStoSV. HaNUlwXwlm ti-ro of the C»ril'ua are followed l,y lbe J . A CALL opening of new di.toics >».is wmtor. nf f/ie St(H .^ Fromm, u rt.«m .re the dm /^ Wer » o/ % Southwest covene* rualeic the JlagJiluna re- ge ficorf/ia Industrial wejt of Socorro, whore great find-. Association. both in ailver an 1 gold, are icpor.ed ] daily. . "j-f i-Ate . ium, (1a« Manh k liii. rowan drew WBIJUTA POPE, Albanr. Ob. J M. EENDVL1. Jaul6-tilBW<lsr|y rfhei itt’s Sale. GEORGIA—PooaiiKBTT Oouxiv. W ILL be 5-.!d at p jblic i»utery Iwlbrr »h** eou:l DiiU-e «»••«» r in the city o Allwinj, «>h 1 bej Iwecn I Lit legal hour- uf 1.11»». OB th* fil>* 1 lit #I»J lo April ii- x', the followtng.jpioM-r-y,- to *r| ; one-balf orioiof land - No.JWa.p.trl of lotoi laid No. 393, part of lots nf land Nob L'Sai.d 124. in the first district of Dou h«*rt r county. l^vi^I h ai the propen v of W. J .Smith, ar m Tot «If satisfy a tax n fa. State and toanlv «• Pi .M Smith. Tenanls iu p>f-seiaion nf4 f fled. *^WAR|W F. ii EDI r. j, rtm sheriff .Sheriffs Sale. GEORGIA—Dough kutt Co. TT7ILL be sold at public ooteiy b«dbr Ih* eu*»r» Tv house door la the eit- of lbany, Ca , b- tveea the legal hours of mm, oa the first Tut- <L>« ia April next, the foUowia* proparty, to-wc: Lo* of land No. 421 in the Brat distrtc.and lasol Und Nor 241, 280, 2S4, In the recn-l d t: In Leyird In as the propcity mt J. K. P Ke-t«»n. U* •sUafy » ui 2 ft. Sute snl Oooaty f* aald J. K. P s Ku*;on. Tenants in po-scarfuM oarifi d • EDWaKDca. March 5,1S8L Slteriff’s Sales. GEORGIA— Douohshtt Coustt. ^fTILLbe so’dat puMfc outcry twfar* theruurt f Y house door j n u«ctty of Altauij, the leaal h mr- of sale on the first Tu-»1ay la April next, the oUowin* •ot No. 74 Rrwa l wir-trt, Lavfed on m th- proper- ty s'C. ttdtl ft. M-toacd wing prupsrty to wiu (Ity in tha city <n Albany, (hi -tya'C M dark. r»-iee. a-jonty. hoprr- io ttsUk t »y pointed out by dtfeodant V G EDWxkua. msxS vh^rffD. < itatiou. 3EORGIA—Wobth Cocxtt. ^prxiua u i that the ratal*-of Nathan Walter; late <*f aata county - , d- erased, is unrrprrwrr.ted. Ihtais tonotir a’l parties luierest.-d t*» baaml appear at the Corrt o» Ordinsry on lh*» <at Monday iu April next, to show cause. II any they have, why letters uf adm: • i.tra fan i'iouIJ a *t hid granted W» the _ le.k of me Superior Court, caeoiite otner It and suitable |wr» *u. ijir-n ut.der my hand offi- dally this aih day March, 18*1. TH»«. M. UPPIIT, Schedule of the S. W. K. R. CHANGE OF 8CHFIUXK, fTVIE schedule cf the Southwm:r X and alter tfaodsy. Jtsu-ry Pth, 18VI, w-.l) W M fulowv: La*t»*s Albany for RmiihrllV. J*I!y 1 p m Arrlree Albany from ^mithrllir fidlj... 3M p rc 4^3ptn \ud sit •tlrh planter* •»! i new, und will be s*>i*l *l IKKl - /T.xia as ar* necde>l bv the ■ctfan fhir SS2T To the. HOUSEKEEPERS tn Uk*» dty we would aay. that *>ar* better pre- S. waivd than ever to fill their order- far eretytmus ; •n 'hr Fancy and Family (Hserty Line. CtfU» I TRY PRO!Aide nd aU the delicaciea of tbv mm. thedeiicaclei of tbv as*** son can alway* be had at oar store at the Ye*» Lowest Market Prieee. w. Iqiiiiisilj Fsw! teilti ly k! AT LOWEn PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFEERRB IN TltW MARKET. ‘‘PLOW BRAND” BA? BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, CLOAKS and DOLMANS. SHAWLS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, SKIRTS, Etc. “Diamond Soluble Bone.” i M AMT FACT PEED BY ! DRESS COOSS, XTOTIOXTS, W al-fco^.VJ iiarm. Sc Co- j Wilmington; Delaware. Tbewm Pertil : x*ra have l»een n«etl for the pant fifteen year* by the pia vtera of Oorpia, an.l wneh year the inmm«lng drma&l for theta • oa been greater ■ ban cott d be supplied, although the manufacturers have been ad ding U» their capacity year by year to meet this demand. Tblagrati tying aaeeen* isattribufaLle main ly tn two facta, vis : UX. That the raw ma terial* uw I by an in the manufacture of our Fertilizer* are the heat and highest »ratio ar-* that can bo bought in the market, and 2nd, that we spore no pains or expca-c in re ducing these raw materials to the eery finest i.m far ImmedMt by the farmer*. * on as far further partignlara. Special -meata offered to ibe planters of south west Georgia. Y. C. RUST. AGT- —, Gn Adminis-truttof’s Sale. Leave* Albany for ArlinytoB, daily, vxespt "uoday. JlMan Georgia Railroad Stork. T‘ * Augu»U Ereuity A't*e i f Tue»!ar says: The dwuiJ for Geor gia Railroad Stork in-day ia strong at 114V >» US. «n.l for Central at 10UH to lUM*- There It** 'teou much activ ity in ‘.beta two securities. Ames Albanv from Arlington, da txcept jlo’ dtj tkr \ lbany Night brt-ighi add j*‘«*otu- s*d>tiun t-aia kaos * lbany mr Macon daily except "uttdar L]J p xn In arcordanco with a rsawlorion paaaoi by totoriHIHnMal. -ratira -to, <U, a«sembled, a meeting of the Stockholders uf ” the tSouthwest Georgia ladustrial Aaao.iatieu la hereby railed to coavene at m’* Hail at 11 o’clock a. w., on Saturday, March 19th opt Mondays. . dflS a a- O N the firs: Tuaotay in ««Hi *ex» kfarr tbr remit ll'Hue dour of W-*rth r«umy. at Imb.-Ha.'to., between the Ml !-r.ur» «f*»!e.l arUlaoH by ri tue ef o» eoL-rnf tSe « eartol #»r dinar- *^ iVdenn-y.i- the pr> petty ut tbs ae tata of Ktsaa-dy IHxoo. 4rc-*»4 5S were* oitm ef Inri Jta.417 in the 7th I>i-‘rrl i-'-ahl cruntj 4-r lbs Wn fit U U^n acl rrrdi-va. Tmu C»aS LDWAED I IXOY. F-b 1.18BI. Admtnr THE BEST IN TUX MARKET! 5_Bitra -w'-k Enaaif ird Bsaarvscts Keforaer. Il now- turns out that Mr. Hayes, the groat rirll service reformer who has fur four years occupied the Presidential chair, in spile of the notorious fact that The Kansas Relief Aweb he re- j pots that 6 V<A) colored people ban- c.'uiv into the Stat - in the two year. sin re the ex dn h *gan. f.»r who e re lief I ki.lW* h -1» »n rv-iv-i The Ataocialion n >w wants fu ds with whieh to ouy Un Is fu- the refug ;es, but proposes that a national relief As sociation to catahli-hud at Cairo, Ill, which shall send the poverty stricken into older States and rift out those able to bur Un is for Kansas. A raorosiTiox has been made by ths j Northern Electric Company of Boston, ■ tv light the Caplin-, public grounds, and the whole city o r Washington, «o that even the full moon will be asham ed ti show its fare, by nu avs cf elec- ! tricitv. Tho company pr. po ,e« to ut*U llit* dome with 120 lamps, and-to rr -ci «x iron towe»« in ulffrnMt parts of tli- rity, each to hive 50 lamps, so that (he iggit^iU light will not Ik !ow» than J. <O,a0 candles poffff, Tor the nutn or $320,000. After the first.year j tiu cotit will not oxc« ed $00^0.0 an-; P! xioihjr. whereas Ihe gcvimment now j pavs f«»r the \ oo- gaa li^ht whirh is I furnished for f 155,800 a )*»•'. he was not e'ectod thorets, compelled the freosary officials, during hie entire term of office, to pay him his salary | monthly in advance. This he did in j plain contravention of paragraph 3,048 • of the Heviaed Statutes, which provides ! that u no advance of public money shall b« made in any whatnvnr,* 1 and in 6pito of the protestof the officials of the treasury ag*ins'- this bold violation of the law. WbeC retsunslratwd with by a number of his Cabinet, it is said (hat his fraudulency aimply auswered 1 that he most have the money Tor invest ment. Bu- nothing better ruigbl have been #xpect-*d of a tnan who would take the highest office it the gift of the linpublic under sueh «ireu-ustauo.** as marked the **eoqnting in** and in- apgoration of Mr. Hayes. ioxtaot, fur tLe purpose ol slectiag a-d tka tranaortloa of oUisr important busi ness. A fall attemUsce U aansaVly request- tod. U £- WELCH, F. V. Kvojm. FrssldsuW lOO BUdUKLS 0000 soCj * D CORN TV torrid “EXCELSIOR” COOK STOVES AXD A LIKE OF SPECIALTIES TOO MUHEU' L'.. TO UBSTOK. Bleached and Unbleached Goods. Calicoes and Thou sands of Other A rtteles. rCALL, EXAMINE AHD PETCE BEFOBC IT U TOO LATE. TeLneij S. MAYER A CLAUBER. LEADING FEATURES: Patent I d ts rri* i3 Pras. TJTns^jtoP JUvtorrib*# t)*A-li jratr.< I»nr Cro^ Pi*oe Nirk-I K-K.U ixMibL. a-tort Outer* Nickel fank H*-ary ILr.rf Carer* IJtanlEtVrrt F'.rrv I*onrw. etc. utNcrACTCun ar liAAC A SHEPPARD & CO . Ba t rc-f Ml And for s Is by principal < HINE SHOP suiocg the **p -wera behind iho throne Cordou’a L - urcllablllfy. The Atlanta Cone-^pondcnt of I New Orleans Hires writrR | ot March 5:h : -I. : tt!e ; to the *t*t**m»T.t that . will build th * G.-orziv »-».sd, a f ! !in*- fr Rirmingham. ow ing t*» tho fact «*f hi- ' nutnrmtiK failures to carry through ; other onterprlatoS v ith which li»« has b**t-n connected. Hik, total unrellvhili- 1 fr as to houams capacity can ziv»- him onr Machine Shoj', we arc now prepar- , work at short not ce. and on favorable ! d for sa - full assortment of TE R I’ll*!-: and con- ' fLOBE TAI.V ES, Sheet Etc. Piping cut and ami fitted to order, i mo hopes of rai-ing tnunev h« r«i wli* SltoLL-V"* Wm iu e It* typraraace ,i,i||.ie. », * . in Cincinnati. vorably known. Mas’a iiUsi" ft} Ut * Ts<u| O. W. TIFT & OO. Otkaey,Ma.,F* *r*tar» i!41 4«v41a-w m IWDSTiacT Pri nt