The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 12, 1881, Image 3
JZditrliser. <ATCKDAT, M ARCU «J, 1881. A. Ij STASD FROM UNDER *#>® ft Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty ,h tm rxin association. Mtellaf of the Directors Ttieoday -*A Jtleellac of the Stock la aiders Celled for the 15>th !■•(. x FATAL LfeAK Hf. ietrpb Perk Jam pa Tfclrd Mory Window. of ih liukt* tt« flarnu. SILLA is ANHE*. from ■ A ftn-end Flic. UhUh L-a»e« » gfitH n One *i*»re tl»n >e In tk< n| ||, r Only J. r & Co. YARN 18 H. KTO- PERFUMERY. FANCY GOODS, Mr. 1. K. Welch. :'r*-»i l**n».«*.!teii * ting of the Board «.•: Director* oi bo Jthwe&t Gc iodu>trul •ociation Tuesdav, at which a Qsjor- tv of the members were present. Mr. Welch tendered his resignation (o Iht Board as President of the Asso ciation, and the same was referred, by . motion, to a me?tins of the StockhoM- : ers to be called on Satnrday, the 19ih { I VtiUlsdh tadMMU.til lsslte«aheea tram UraJl aad txaralna oar *o*!« aad tdm part basing el^ Oar M*. BOr- tbnov la the y.mhrrn mirkats m king d la order le aiaka **m for a targa rpriag hod, ocaraedtolog vara tadarararats laprleaa 5,000 'STJLS.'JCS Cheek Nainsooks. 1 P r ‘* n Mr D V. r»fah*« •o»m- • ». ut|.i rt-Turnr.I home fmn: Ma«*«»n ’l »»»•* »v ••tefftoor*, wc learned Mr.-L»«»*ph {hdc*! w*ll known . o-/. ;. »»f Atlauu. m^t with bis d-»fh U’-d”- the folio' - irg eireumvanre>, about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning: Ho wrnt to Its r«wni on the ih*rd floor of the Broun Hons*. where t»© wa« stopping, and retired. About 4 } inst. ; o'clock Mr. Xelzna, who was in a neigh- j boring room, heard a frightful j scream, which alarms arrrraf j persona in the boaw. Inve?ti- •ly follow- j ^tj on r^realed the fact that Mr. Fair' waa j h»l either fallen or jumped oat an- 1 ot his room to the ground below. H'* The beet 6 and 10 cent 01-1 ^V.^Tfr T* ~I****« *f k T:“ d 'ami; bolding over, under the pro j about tie boK vhicb. i- of the constitution, or.til then j ,» roe k a beer keg which hsp successors are elected. The Director- i p. BW , to be where he ML yesterday agreed to call a meeting of j s , ieo cp „ d carried to hia the Stockholders far the purpose of j whcrs h , bresthed his U electing officers, discussing the practise- j j„ , T . ry f.„ mmuUs . hr •I .... t’K l 4.1 J i rz t ! •!» Ti r-» I I , rut* t •* > .a h- l:»»* lit a-. h r ! U'lf -s» il.MifU'l. Th*i' t-ir.ri. «»» the if * W»!.eti I. f }l»* tt.U d u: . D«’|. * la y • nd'aM u in an old The constitution < | provide* that the Pi TOILET ARTICLES, > officers shall be elected b j holders, annually, immedi DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, j held last year, and hence the ddent and other i br the stock - The regular terra of the pre»-mi officers gars always on hand. Pipes j tUion and Smokers articles gener- ' airy. Some Partly Damaged. Just Received. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS JUST RECEIVED. IBISH GOODS SLOW PRICES (^Prescriptions Ailed with care, day or night. GILBERT, lipnt, & CO Mr. J. ; n«ar tl bu>'U»*H tit*- tin* arid th. wh-n t asleep, b-jond covtied. lire orignuU-tl centre of tfct* main street rnmn •'THE *0*KT({l£Sn<ruX«EOF. eu.“ Home IntFrestins: Fact* ftaj Fljrurec. Toth* .Y*»rs and Advert : >*r : T.sur «r iclr in Thtir dk\'- daily on Moi.**v u'tieafion in (»«*orgi*," «tr k* «% ih« kt k rote of an agiiation 'hat -h**iiid be k.-j*i pp unt:! lh«* f»**n •ra! A bfmbly can b** induced to turn it-* attention from j<.l « aril code lii.ker- ’.ng rxpedienU l-» s mi.-* legislation tha* will tisurv to the g-*od of ihc State, and reii- to the people then o f from what wo believe be now the only serious uj tacle in the Hay of pp*gn-*-s and de velopment. The futility in practice of F. UrOlUAL riiKKKSPONDEVt'E. FflO.ti VI* .l.Htlf En Ri nt.' to the u.ihan.n w :«! 1 nd’rs. Vio*i osur COtll- -h«*j. i»i the r-ar of the atore of II. Haily, which was located • centre «»f the Mode of build- j ijeb-ir.g the ns»l*» part of lb*- : portion of the pltco. There i Lu no «ioui*t that the origin of | r»jt lb-* work «»f an incendiary, J to«rh wa> applied at an hour I abstract prin rerybody in th-y town wi« | venience, hat- so that the flame* spread j : ©d of late control before th-y were di*- | hardly cecda an The builditig in which the ■ bio or an huceat mind. Al located near the i titur, howeTer, that Mich t»f stort n on the I practically us-less toward tli g Eaat and Wtai, j have professedly ia view, tl I st • from P , and .\fa ed in !hi« p M.v- >. *his d.‘». jra :n Jones I k. hotlli-i i7ns, I ’‘ for I* a = • ri:an<»ina, i. Chan .le > Albany. 1 la • bet A - X !l tht-ir enactinent ! lio defeuded on morality or eon- rullr rears tha emonstra- question u a* Diock n to frienc went I Tout ensco the a* hone sit* With the KetfatofeaM I*»rrj raaruifi—Thf Cahlhct Qmjtlfl- li* tl, llte. V- - :• ..t March 5.—immediate- y :*fic. ihn i<a in. of the journa r ’ ct Mnhone, of Virginia, ee- hi-eo.l-'igue. Senator John- . :* ''irgii.ia, adva-cutl to the Viet- . t > • i«• s-k and was swinn in, aab- : ; > the modsti doath. He look - - up**:t tli-.* Repub: i "in aide, ia :• t r--w i < xt o S-nator Mitchell, ►f Pennsylvania. Ou • • t• v:. . f Senator Pendleton, of ti > itr.t l‘J:If>, adjourned ill 12 o’clock to-morrow. The Bepablican Senators held a ancus this aftcrnoi i*. to lake action in “egard to the orgai . >t:i*n <>f the Sot- tc. lucre was a ct arr.tnous oppoai- . X* patlt nd they He was main street runui g Ea*c and Wtab | bare professedly ia view, their evasion room, -fc^d fronts! by the Court Home square. I requiring the merest modicum of in- t with- j The bcildiugs were all wooden struct- ! telligonce and skill, their elect is un- | urp^, an»l the flames spread rerj rapid- | doubtcdly to restrain tho lull circula- [ the bility of holding a Spring Fair, and the * | f lu M jj y r> Peck was sober * lj in both directions, and in a very j tion of money, a«d are a boon ,onIy to :tion of other important bust- j ^hen he went to Lis room, and it is j short while after the alarm was first > ihc usurer and the money lender. : supposed tbataf^r retiring he ar *se in j'giveu the entire block was completely ' Tho other kindred topic you discuss, An official call for iho mooting of tl i,,i eepond unco ;i*ciou.!y loped into j Enveloped. to-wic: the necessity fora thorough Stockholders shore referred to is pu!>-. ( , Frn ;,^ | n, G following is a list of tha hmi-! revision of our Istne and impotent col- ! ss houses burned, together with the : lection laws, is not less important than > reliable ' the other. lished in another column. Illl Atbaor Or. SETTS AXD GOSSIP. (iatticred », Oar Local Baportar. returned OVB COTTOS .H1BKET. Oar cotton marks! haa been rery | qalat, with offering# light during the i past week. We quote: Kidding I.ow Middling Uood Ordinary 9?« » 8 Calhbert In Moarnlna, The following postal card rrceived from Cuthbert yeatunlav afternoon ex plains itself: CcTnss.iT, March 8. 1881. Our tittle town is in mourning. The good and noble Dr. Hamilton, President of Andrew Female College, it dead. Ten dats ago ho -vaa suddenly stricken with nsialysis, snd last night st 7 ‘ —Don. Noises Tift has from bis trip to the North. — Can't tha Library gat Kit Warren to deliver his lecture in Albany ? Ha would draw a good house, we think. —We had a alight touch of spring yesterday. It was very slight, how ever, and was felt only ia the sanshine. —Eggs are scarce in our market again. It seems that tha bans bava hard time of it trying to keep Albany ■n eggs —People who are hospitable and gen erous without au object are gettiag to be very few and far between in this wicked world. —Two week* ago eggs were sailing in our market fnr Aftsen cents per down, and now they cannot bo booght for less than twenly-ffve. —The gardens in this vicinlt^.hava been considerably "set bark” by tho cul.l weather during tbs past weak, hut no very serious damage haa been dono by the frost, as yet. —S'.mo men who pretend to ba pub- li.--spirited got well paid for il, bot the editor is expected to devote his col umns, time ami labor to local enter- o'clock he breathed his last “ A gU'i i P riM * of « T « r I *” rl for nothin *' man ha* gone home, and it wi I he hard j —Hoarding house chicken soup can to Itud ono that will 811 his plscc. , )>0 mlldei it iK M j d| bj hanging op a , t , : hen iii the sun so thst her shadow shall A a.vorelxu ItemeOy lor Snull-rox fall into tho pot of salt and water; the pa■ Ud inhi• rl ^| only trouble laj that on a cloudy day A hunt t.'o yours ago the Jtecortl 1 the soup ia liable to be weak, made known through it* columns a —The winter has been, and a meat *• "* N-Hr>flc winch had opportune it has b.enfor m.tri- .. Betrothal, We are pleased to chronicle the be. troths] of Miss Rosa Weslow. of this city, to Mr. A. Cibcn, of Waeo, Texas No cards. Mias Rosa ia ono Lcrlar* by "KIl” W.rres, Wo hare been requested by a ! losses, according to tho most reliable ! the other. The courts of no State in j information that could be obtained yea-: the Union lie under more undeserved [ ber of the committ-o of xrrangcuirnt* ; lerdav : to give notice that Judge K. J. War-! J. H. Daily, dry goods, groceries and of the j rfn * °f Leo-burg, ill deliver an ad- j. liquors; value of atock,13,300; nothing accompli! ed and popular young I dress at the Court Ifeaaa in Leesburg. ; saved; no insurance, of our city, and Mr. Cohen i, | on Walnaeday night, the 16iff mt, fur • f \V. F. Uarts&cld, groceries and fortonate in winning her for his bride, j ‘ h * btLeflt of the local preachers, j liquors; value o: stock,$3,000; nothing From apriMmletterreceivedMonda, ' J* w ,- f C ° C f h ™ n - S™*™ “ d night we learn that the Lobe. House j »"*** Uu ’‘ S K,t W * rr6 '' I '*>“ of » ,oek * H 00 * ,0 “ and Mr. A. E. Hines’ bakery were de stroyed br Arc on Sunday morning. Warren j will want lo hear that lecture, and j aboutjKoO; no insurance. ; ti..:ae whu koow him beat will go far- j Twitty * Culpepper (two-storr build- Our informant did not asy how tho flro ** be " rt lk “ ‘ h,y wo "‘ d * "• ' !np) dr - T 8 °° d * : ” loe ° f ‘ St0cb >b ° nt j «... 1 circus or tninatrsl ah..w. K.t Warren , $7,UXA most of which was lost; inlur- is a whole -wenaxrrie within Limself, | ance, $4UOO. aadtsperhaps the heat comic delinea- I Bu-h & Lyon, law office; loss$700, t-vr of human nature that Georgia has > besides bnsiness papers. originated. Capt Joe Bennett ksoping the Lebrn House, and the loss falls braviiy upon him, the furniture destroyed all being bis. Lin 3t ft r composting, for sale by Westox A Davis. given t<> ili» public by s correspondent •if the Stuck cm (Csl.) Herald, who de clared I lint il had been successfully used tu Iris knowledge in hundreds of vases, Slid Would prevent sinall-pox, or cure il even though the pilling* wero filling. Thereripe was originally pub- lisne.l as a panacea for small pox by some u( toe m at scientific sctnnds of Medicine in I’sns. It is claimed to be to infallible effi ncy. Il is a euro also foracarlet;. vrr. a..d i: is harmless when administered to well persons. The (olio-mg i- the p-o-rriplinn: Siilplmiv of site', one grain; foxglo'o (digito i ) one grain; half a teaspoonful of sugar; mix with two tablespoonfuls of water, tv non thoroughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Tako a spoon-til every hour. The disease will disapp.-ur tu twelve hours. For chil dren smaller doses should bo given, ac cording to their age A suh-oriuerof the Hecurd-called at this offl •* \ rstnnlar with a slip cut from the i-aue of tins paper which con- tai wd tint recipe above given, and stal- «d that the preparation had cured hit viiil-1 of suiall p*-x tn one day. Tha remedy appears to !’■- preewoly the Saiuu as mat on- lieing dispensed to scorsa of peopio doily at St Joseph's Orphan A-yluiu, at the corner of Sev enth and Spruco Streets, in this city, and Which h i* been found remarkably efficacious. Mother Gonxaga, the ven- erahio head of the institution, who is hii-il} augsged in compounding jthe medicine, has l-:cn a member of tha order of Sieior* of Charity for fifty-four years, and is now the Mother Superior of Ihn order in ibis city. She mates that all- received the specific from Father Keorich, of Germantown, some t*-n years ago, who first had it from a French physician, who discovered it during tho prevalence of a small-p>x epidemic in Farts, where it had been used with great success. When the Si*t -r Unt began to make it she voluntarily aentn bottle or two to families that she know wete suffering from small-pox: the resalt wss so surprisingly '• bene ficial that tho report rapidly spread, and in a short time the news was known •11 over the neighborhood. Several pritsts in the city not on) v recommend ed it, but announced to tKeir congrega tions whsro t could be procured, and |h« additional publicity thus given has ueevaaiuied • tho constant labor of all the Sitters in the work of preparation. It is mads in a Urge copper vessel, which holds aight gallons, and not in- frequentlv twenty gallons a day are distributed. Any person can procure monial bargains, too, hut hare it is eora planting time, and ws have not had the pleasure of "writing lip" a single flrst- class wedding spread. It’s too bad. —The front of W. II. Gilbert, Ag’t iV Co.'s drug store was ornamented Iasi night with a very handsoma illu minated sign in the shape of a drug gist's mortar. It attraotod tha atten tion of every passer by, and was very much admired. —Mr. R. S. Stephens announces ia this issue of the X aw* a>u AnvaUTls- ek that he haa just received another supply of tho celebrated White Sewing M icfaine*. Ha has machines of other patterns, ranging in priee from $33 to $45, end guarantees every one to give satisfaction. —Yr. Geo. S. Greenwood has bought out Mr. L J. Brinson's lumber yard un Washington street, anS will run it in connection with his other bnsiness — furnishing sash, door*, blinds, etc. He gives his personal at tention tv his busintse, and all orders receive prompt attention. —At tho meeting of the Director* of the Fair Association Tuesday a com- •uittoe was appointed to wait upon th* Mayor of Albany and urge h*m to order an election under the special act of the last Login 1 ature authorising th* eiti- sens of Albnny to veto upon tha ques tion of incorporating the Fur Grounds and koeping them up as part of th* city. —Charles Ilenry. infant soa of Mr. and Mrs. John Mock, died at thtir res idence ih this city sb- ot 1 o'clock Tuesday morning, aged six month*. Like a ray of sunshine, this little one was permitted to brighten their parents’ home for bat a short apse* of time, ere his pure spirit was recalled to join the angelic throng. The remains wars in terred in the city cemetery yesterday afternoon. The bereaved parents have our heart-felt sympathy. —Miss A. E. Wingard haa a cetic* in this morning’s News asd Abvxstis- kb of special interest tn the lidiet. Death eritr. B. DMnk water. We are pained to have to etironie'e the death of Mr. Everett Drinkwater, which event took plaee, after a abort illneas, at hie residence one mile Booth of the city on Friday night, lie was one of the old eitiiena of Albany, a brickmason by trade, end an industrious, good citizen. Ili* wife died several yearn ago, but hi teerea three children, a broth or and a largo circle of friend* to mourn hi* las*. Hi* remains were interred in tho city cemetery Saturday afternoon. Flavor Vour Tea. One of onr exchange* tells thoss who like highly flavored beverages, especial ly a well flavored tea, to drop a sprig of lemon verbena of two or three leaves in tha top of the tc* pet while the tee la being drawn, slid they will And they hsve ■ new aroina lo their beverage they never dreamed of before. Tha effect of the lomon verbena is very beneficial, removing all wind from the stomach, preventing that nervous ness caused so' often by tea. and re moving ell aymptems of dyspepeia. Theta who naa it will be likely fe con. tinue. Lime for Fertilising, for sal* by St Wbstox A Hath. commander of the lex vernation is worthy of ran about sa follows: Chan—"Captain, wl of the weather proapet Chan—"Do- you thin' of a storm 1" Captain—"oh, yes,: ly doubtful about on Nassau. Yon see tho heavy. How must it e-mo Wu ^ hmi; me existing :ies have bee-1 tilio-l The cau- Jj.limed lo in-i iIr- action of ■ Democratic F-ns-m* al.r. held a q and decided to organize iiume- iryNaihanGoft Jr. i - L’nitad District Attorney for the district St Virginia, was sent to the Sen- day, but failed to reach there bo ld adjournment. I: will go ia sir, rough.” there is danger I :ie except! n, all the on o r Hon. Robert tabinct wore quali- reproach than those of Georgia. We fay undeserved, since our c juris aro hampered in their administration of Jostle* by a code of civil procedure that is aimply a disgrace to an enlight ened and a progressive system of juris- j prudence, and offers a premium to j fraud and dishonesty. The partial re- . .... , ,can‘« forms that wero riven by th,Tin many I n ° M C,,m *‘ e ’ 1 -»“ d ««; bot th# j Re, s e ’ / - will bring all of that out of you in less ; to-da Cep , Mr. respects, excellent constitution of 1868. ! The Democrats take the ground that the business of the bj ccial se^aioa ought to be disposed of as rapidly aa possible, that it cannot be transacted properly without the formation or reg ular committees, and that it i* there fore their duty to proceed with tho work of organization forthwith. The Democratic caucus committee v jj 4TC j held several meetings, and expect '* * to complete their labors in time to re port to the canons to-morrow. I SenatorMahonereceiv'd invitation* —“You look somewhat bil- both from Democrats and Republicans Jones. Yon live in I m«l^ | In their respective cau- can-'ea, bnt he has not attended either, publican Senators held * a caucus -day to disenss the Democratio ir. It is extreme- r ever reaching le land winds are be at tea T* Chan—“Pretty rough, and I think I*d go borne. I want to go home : anyhow,” (turning to N« ! never bad the * losst idea of taking this •ver produotfd- W* know be will hav* a crowded boos*. —Messrs. J. Hefuiasar St Co. hare an important announcement in their regular place in this morning’s Xew* ASD Anvssvtsaa. They are now mak- tffice of the Camilla Ditpatch ; Ion $800; no insurance. Twitty A Culpepper’s drug store; value of stock $^,000; insurance $1,000. Butler A- Turner, general merchan dise; value of stock about $7,000; ladies railway* find the latest designs in drea* goods, trimmings, notions, etc, at their store, snd *t the very lowest cash price* the market can afford. ing room for a large new Spring Stock, j partly insured, and are offering rare inducements to : W. A J. Spence, drug store; value cash purchaser*. They keep their j of stock $1,30U, most of which stock fully op with the times, and the i lost; no insurance. WI II. Bullard, bar an-l billiards; value of stock $1,000; no insurance. M. Einstein, dry gomta; value of stock $5,000; almost entirely lost; no jinsurance. Robert Caldwell, barber shop; li i $50. It. Slca,ingcr. variety store; loss $160. 1 Value of buildings ioet: J. B. Butlsr, ; $*k): Jno. B. Acre, $1,300; Gao. C. ; Cochran. $800; J. T. Owens. 1,500; H. W. Spence, 1,500; B. Morgan, $200. The total lost o' the fire is estimated ractapr BIKE tub change. Captain Steele la Answer to (tap Complaint el IheThomaavltle ISu- terpria*. it, no distinction being made on sc j Miss Wingard haa accepted the agency «oant of religion. It U given^free ■ , t A |h. nT for Mme. Rowley's Medi- where purwtw »rt untblo to but . »Tnllrt Xf««k and Ralm f*. L. in those who desire can make a smal: i r ° , ct B * Im * or beau- offering ia return for it. H i* the cue- j tifying end preserving the complexion, tom of the Sister* to send oats printed ; a nd has samples of the Masks at the prayer end a mall <of th* ttor , of B . Qolinaky. Those of h J P~P fe I °° r friand * Wk ° d “ if * toi “P roTe in th* vicinity, auO the Sisters say that j their complexions, or are suffering with ia no cssc where it has been used has it foiled to give I he boat results. Nothin* on W«rawUff m— i^T Certainly * strong opinion, said one of our reportrra to whom the following was detailed By Mr. Ilenry Kaschop, with Mr. Goo. E Miller. 418 Main St., this city: I suffered so badly with rheumatism in my leg last winter, that f was unable to attend to my work, be 1 .g coondctoljr h.Ipl-nw. I heard of tiL Jacobs Oil and bought a bottle. eruptions of the akin, should call on Miss Wingard. —A rope with a wild Texas pony at one end and a Texan” at th* other at tracted quite a crowd on Broad street Monday afternoon. The crowd, eager for a little sport, made up the torn of two dollars, which was offered to any one who wonld rid* the beast. Final ly Nelson Mayo, a two-hundred pound darkey, undertook tho job, but Broke Ills Us. A stock trader who ia shipping at Barnes A Yankoy’a stable with a drove of Texas ponies, was trying to gat one of th* animals saddled, with the avowed in tention of riding l.lm for tho Drat time, Monday, and aa soon ss the girth was drawn the pony, a beautiful little bay. eemmenced to "buck.’’ He made s-sv- eral desperate lunges, and in his efforts to throw the saddla and get away, threw himself and broke one of his hind legs just above the fetlock joint Tha owner gave the suffering animal to a negro, who drove him off saying that he was going to fisplinter” the broken leg and try to cure it A Narrow Escape. On Sunday Iasi Mrs. B. Golinaky, of this city, left on the Macon train for the Northern markets, and whilst on the train at Smithvilla came near meeting with an accident which might have ended in her death. Some man in the train, in gathering np his baggago to change ears, 1st a pistol drop from hia overcoat pocket, and when the weapon struck the flour it was discharged, the ball passing by Mrs. Golinaky and en tering the side of the car within two inches of her body. Thnso who were present say it was a very narrow e«eape indeed for Mrs. Golinaky. Here ia an other text for an -article on the evils growing out or carrying -pistols, bot it really scorns that it does no good- to writ* inch things. mothers! Blethers!! .Wothere 111 ' A re yon disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suf fering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at oner and get a bottle of Mu. Wixblow’* Soothiso Sracr. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother on earth who has ever used it who will net tell you at once that it will regulate (he bowels, and giro rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. At-Bairr, (»a.. March 10, 1880. Editor* A’ewe and Advertiser : The erticl* copied from the Thoinaa- vjHe Enterprise into your paper nf. hia date would seem to require Mme ; ,t $23.1100. explanation from me. There remains now but one store It limy invariable cu.tomto make j houlw in the business part of to ehango in the (ale of,ticket* when I ; J. s Jones A Brn's. D. B. Heath & can dean, but have never considered. I Co„who were; burned out in the flret when my anpply was exhausted that it j fllv , hare a stock of goods in tho old was my duty to dose the ticket office ; warehouse building, and Baggs Sc and go around th* neighborhood to ; Collins and Mr. Brimbeny have atorea hunt np ehange for travelers. 1 have not received any order on tha subject, bnt oudersUnd that the Com pany expect their scent* to extend all reasonable accommodations and cour tesies to patrons, but 1 do not think that agents are expected or re quired to do iwpoasihlaXthiDgs. tn the ease cited it was impossible for a* to make any change and I so it.- fo-aed the gentleman. Vary reaps-tfaily, Joa T. Steels, Ag’t. Th* following decision hss just been rendered ny the Supremo Court: Tbs State vs. Southwestern Railroad. Motion—from Fulton. Practice in the Superior Conit. Settlements. Contracts Attorney and Client. At torney-General. Ja.kion C. J. 1. A mistake ia settlement of a suit pending is court before it be enter ed on record and made the judgment of the court, always opens it to investi gation and correction, and if it vitiate tha settlement a* a whole, it shall not b* mad* th* judgment of the court at all. t. Th* Attorney-General has not au thority of himself to settle tax execu tions at lota than their fall amount; such authority must come from the State in order to bind it. Judgment re versed. Clifford Anderson, Attorney-General in error; R. V Lyon, A. R. Liwtcn,' for defendant. at tho depot, which leaves th* town now with only' four storoa We learn that several of tha busi ness men who wore burned vnt will go to work immediately and pot up brick storea Garfield’s tabluec. Wastiinutok, March A—President Garfield this afternoon sent to th* Sati ate the follosring nominations: Jame< G. Blaine, of Mein*; to bo SeCretai y of State. William Windom. of Minnesota— Secretary of the Interiot. Way ne McVcsgh, of Pennsylvania— Atmrnoy-t ieneral. Thos. L. James, of New York— Po-Jtniatter-General. Samuel J. Kirkwood, of Iowa—Sec retary of the Interior. Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois—Sec retary of war. * Win. H. Hunt, of Louisiana—Secreta ry of the Navy - Th* ftenste received these nomina tions at 3XJ5 o'clock, and immediately, on motion of Mr. Cameron, of Pennsyl vania went into executive session. , . , ! in stomach, and tho "Tex*a” ia better * ? 1877 ’ ° nder 1 than -ipic.;- as a remedy.' collection law* may U aay. .a. «. said to stand Ju»t where they stood Cta»—Mfcjn he fifty years ago. Under the ; re-sent instrument, suiioi a are relegated back to the old system of endless appeals, and dilatory defenses filed without the sanction of an oath, and of course ‘ veraen’ for the immediate reorgani- while four Republican scats are vacant the effort should be strenuously re sisted as an endearor to take an unfair advantage as well as disregarding an in coming ^ Senator’s privileges, whose wishes in regard to committee assign ments should be consulted before lists are completed. . . .. . , .. . * than forty-eight hours. It will sift you i movement : j°« li*** doubt it ^onofthesenate committee^. Tbs nave nearly al. beeu obliterated by the j Th . *p* t hpr f ftr fail* • •“*▼•••»! opinion of those present was bungling travesty of a constitution / be ; e# ^ ^at if ihe^ Democrats Insist upon at- foisted upon the people in 1877. under I '? * to “* ch » “ d tho T , ex ** r “ better | tempting to organize the committees which all our collection — " : p ^ Now, for the purpose of allaying any uneasiness at Chan’s homo, I must state that the '''Western Texas’’ is a j superior sea-wortby ship, and that four | hours at sea this morning was as smooth without responsibility on the part of a ' h*" * S ‘ >0n J* dishonest defendant. In these, and , j gpeut last afternoon and nicht it j doubtless in other particulars, the con- ! mT oId bo:nej Fernandina, Fla Many dilution of 1868 was the entering . b&Te taken place there since wedge of .reform much needed, and ; twenty yeart ago, when, a barefooted which interim would have borne good ! i t r ,d its sandy streets, dabbled fruit in restoring and elevating the j in ju , M . w , Te a and enjoyed its de- aUndard or both public and private j , ighlfll , ^h. X 0 w houses have been credit. An example will probably illustrate the subject better than any enumera tion. Bowes A. fl.UUD by note. B being a -coundrrl, propores to let A. collect his just and honest debt, "al the end Of the law ’’ A. having brought suit, il is in the ordinary cnuiw of things, barely noreible for him to get a judgment much under 12 months. An appeal continues it for six months more, mud is grantable as matter of right Another six months is allowed tho officer to mako the money by levy and sale, supposing it to be allowed to go “to that extent. This covers a G riod of two years, or 18 months at the ist, even where no defence is made by B., and with good fortuno on A's. aide if he succeeds in getting hia mon ey at the end of that time. B. remain ing in the interim perfectly quiescent cr merely giving the levying officer satisfactory assurance that tho money will be forthcoming at the term of court, to which the execution is made returnable. Now, let us seo how the mutual accounts will stand between plaintiff and defendant at tho end of that time, say twenty-four month.: Cl’ks cost for carrying caso to judgment and recording pro ceedings, $6.00 Sheriff for service 2 00 Issuing execution 2.00 Total costs $1000 Add interest at 1% tor two year* 140.00 Add principal of A’a debt... 1,000.00 Irai^thla L*Cl«r— Tc Is Onljr One of •f th« BUmaj. otJ Novembers”, 18-0. ( Da J. BaACriiLD—Sir: My daugh ter haa beon anffering for many years with that dreadful affliction known as Female Disease, which haa cost me many dollars, and notwithstanding I had the best medical attendance, could not find relief. I have uai-d many otli- r kinds of medicine without any ef fect. I had just about given her up, was out of heart, but happened in the store sine*, affliction perana of your Female Regulator. She began lo improve at once. I was so delight ed with its effect that I bought several more boltlea* The price, (1.50 a bottle, aremed to be very high at first, but I now think the cheapest preparation on the THE NEXT GOVERNOR. Grady Predict* that the Race Will be Between Felton and Btoun’— General Gordon and the Ceorxta Western. _____ -II. W 0”1u Atlanta Constitution. A trip tu Washington the other day confirmed me in the opinion, expressed long ago, that Dr. Felton would be an independent candidate for Governor at the nextelection in Georgia Of course it is too early to predict anything, and vet if I were called on to bet to-day I xhonld say that the race wonld be be tween Blount and Felton. I know Mr. illount very slightly and hare never liked him especially, but no ono can vi-it Washington without finding very «oon that he haa nobly illustrated Geor gia at the capitol. There arc few men in Congre-a, if any at all, that stand higher than he for efficiency and integ rity. He would make an excellent Governor and will have fairly won the < ffh-e if he beats Dr. Felton for it. The rumor that (Jen. Gordon will pojsibly be in the race, can be met by very definite denial. 1 happen to know Ain't of A’a recovery $1,150.00 With thii compare B’a account at the end of the time: Principal of A’s. not* $1,000.00 Int. two years at 12 24000 Total $1,24000 Deducting costs, $10 paid by B, leaves $2,230.00; or just $80 made by B for simply withholding payment of bis just debt to A, as long as the law allows him to •do so, without action on his part. Now, what higher or better induce ment, wo might ask, coaid be offered to dishonesty or scheming villainy than that afforded by the above example, which any reputable lawyer will .say, from his experience, is neither an ex treme nor an exceptional caso. Of coarse it is taken to be au object of B lo keep down the costa of the action to the lowest possible figure, which he can, in general, easily do; on the other hind it will bo admitted that 12% is rather a low margin of profit to allow him to realize from A's money. And when it ix further recollected that such a suit for $10,000 will necessarily in volve no more court costs than ono for $500—that B,by an appeal, now given him as matter of right, and without any additional appreciable costs, can claim a further delay of aix months at tha least—that the merest figment of a de fence, not sworn to, will generally give him additional delay—that pending the proceedings ba may mako built,old ones decayed; but I could easily locate the changes. I was a gucs' to tea last night at Fernandinm’s pride, the Egtnont Hotel, by invitation of Capt. R. F. Armstrong, brother of Col. Joe and Capt Jim, of Albany. He is intern ted in the construction of tho new short-line railroad from Fernan dina to Jacksonville, and gave mo much valuable information concerning Fer- nandina He thinks that the new road, affording a route only two hours and a- half between Fernandina and Jackson ville,' will denote tho sign, business and general importance of the "I(land City.’’ Tho road will run through its first train in about twelve daya Vie loft Fernandina at 7 o’clock this morning, and had a smooth and de lightful trip around the island and across the two bars. Tho “Texas” has an unusually clover captain and crew, and the passengers aboard hound for the West Indies, make a most happy family. We leave this port to-morrow (Saturday) morning at 8 o’clock, with ninety-three passengers. Among them quite a number from Georgia Mr. J. or*ticuiSu c * n L P. Stevens and wife, of Atlanta are along, and their presencewill add much to the enjoyment of tho trio from Al bany. Jacksonville seems full of life, Yan kees, fish, oranges, aod last, but not least; “nlggera'’ Tho number of northern visitorahere is reported larger than ever before. We also had the pleasure of meeting Maj. Frank Warren here, who used to keep the Towns Hotel at Albany. He took good care ofusalL Thanking Messrs. Levo St Alden, agent at this point for the Mallory line, for a special press ticket, and announc ing myself off for a two weeks trip among the islands of the South Atlan tic, I will close this hastily written let ter with a promise to harden the read- _ en of the News and Aotxxtueb with j C 2waln!^. a fall report of the toor on my return. Good-bye. P. V.E. t ttilM FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Vo Preparation on earth equal, Sr. Jacom Oia aa a soft, sure, stm/Je ami el,tap External A trial atiUila but tha compaimtjralr Sap of uO Oats, and arrry on* Buffer- Ita claims C * n >Q -t poalUra proof Direction* In Baran Lanxnaffia. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A HD DBALBB8 IH MEDIOIffB. A. VCC-ELER & CO., *:jkrd..T7.8.A** Albany Markets. LIVE STOCK S to |150 175 to 9U0 „ HARDWARE. fasyffltoias:r±?^!; Flow slabs Swedes Iron • GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. HANGED FOR RAPS. ii!« ore History of Victim—Confes Crime anil s Crime. Bf Telegraph to the Augusta Chronicle. Atlanta, March 4.—Pink hanged to-dar at Marietl once of eight thousand crime for which he was rape, committed dn the 4th 1880, his victim being Margaret kins, a twelve year old wl aiding rear Marietta. At over' A’s | term of Cobb County Superior Gritty 2 S Family and extra 7 00 Huperflne..*M TOO Kush—Mackerel in bbl* 8 00 ' money to his wife-thst ho may in : he ^ , f, ir trial. of w. w. Kckler aeteral weeks that the:© is no political office ia or like manner mako an “alignment,” and j (o 1^ han «re<i , and he knowing of my daughter’s about Georgia that General Gordon prefer any other creditor over A—that ®. . Joa persuaded me to bar a bottle could be prevailed on to Accept. He he maj homestead A** $1,000 in his A motion lor a new trial aperating like magic. It Is perfect]j safe to use in all case*, and pleasant to ] *t the taste, and is tho prescription of one Ml°be, and knowing wLat 1 doabmt il. of f he oldest and best female physicians if to-day one of mjr family vu suffVr- and norms in the United States. Sold | has had enough of military And politi cal honors, And is now engaged in a new career, on which he entered delib erately. and over which he is en thusiastic. He i* up to his cars in bus iness. and would no more re-enter poli tico than h»* would enlist in the array. As to his affairs and the Georgia Western. own family, and ia a hundred other • ed. trial Eariy yesterday erarrwhere. 25 cents a bottle* after using which I felt greatly relieved, j thrown off at the first dash. Another Wi ^rCTr^*jr C m‘^*JLti“i' Urkey ‘ aenrmrda *ied it, and there is nothing on earth^o good for j “°™ riJin K arom.d, follow- rheumatism as St. Jaeoba OiL It sets «J 1>T Ike yelling crowd, for several Kb a —Mr. John M. P.eadc, of Kewaun- nee, Wis^ who has been in our city for several weeks past, for the benefit ot hia health, started home Wednesday morning in charge of his devoted wife, who came to him about a month ago. We Are sorry to know that the state of Mr. Reade’s health was not at all im proved when he left. He came here thinking that he had some pulmonary was • affection, but when Dr. Hilsman was consulted the latter discover© 1 and in- fotuied him that ho was suffering from an enlargement of tie heart. He wti quite feeble when he started upon hia lewyjeuraej Wednesday. that aeful disease I would have it if it coei $50 a bottle, for I can trothfulfy nar it hat cured my daugh ter sound and well, and myself aod wife do most heartily recommend your Pemile Regulator to be juet what it is recommended to be. Reep^ct fully, H. D. FasmaasT'-x. For sale by all Druggist*. d-Batfebma. La Ctmm BapatUcm* Leader. Having been cured by St. Jacobi Oil, I recommend the mne to all suf ferer* with Rheumatism, aaya Mr. L Shiffraan, 3804 Caumet Are.. Chicajro I1L ^ indefinitely, or avoid it altogether —the enormity of the Georgia system be comes apparent. Better, we pat, do away with all collection laws at once, and compel people to deal with each ctb«r nnly on principles of p.-rsona' He has b«en requested to giv® to tho public his full programme snd iu detail's and declines for the rea son that he does 'not think it bert at ! power-thereof, present. It is enough to ray that he j We may resume thi has indorsed and approved every And give the reaaons and ground' of promi-e made for him i.i regard to the j th ;a peculiar circumlocution system in Western, in my dispatches— } Georgia. Meanwhile we are glad that Jhat I made DC premises without ! 7 oa have taken up the ■ ing he l,e- I ways, with the aid of a very moderate- ; preparing to meet bis death. His j ghgAliS'*- ly feed shyster, can felay the claim | .... -a. .j—• '.Sfaulated • 1 hite clan fled _ _ _ lllowclarified.. night Pratt, for the first time, confessed the crime. At twelve o’clock he left raiio^ X . ............ .... / the jail, surrounded by a guard of tbir- J COCNTUT PRODU t%' men, for the scaffold, and while en honor and buxines, integrity than keep den - T,ng ,be K and .hen the galfows was ^ ctsiaesfr reached he spntas from the vagon and Fod'kr.itiM^ Buojeci 1 nimbJy climbed the steps to the plat form." After prayer by a colored min ister. Pratt addressed the assemblage, Haywood L : ma Fertiliser, composed of Lime, Potash. Soda aad Magm-sia, at $16 per to a. For rale by 3t Wwrw AR 4 ri*. first getting his ronNent. He says that there is DA d *ubt about Lia building the road—and says this to all who inquire. I know th it the signing of « the contract by the Louisville and ' Nashville company has start d the en- : terprwe ahead, and that nothing now Ktand- between ns and actua Iwork, ex- | cept the few days necessary torloee op mstter* here and ^ct the force in the field. General Gordon haa been closet- The moat aeusible remedy, and the only aafe, sure and permanent cure for ail di*ea*ee of liver, blood and stomach, | Including billious fever*, fever and I ague, jaundice, dyspepsia, Ac., is Prof. ! Goilmette’s French Liver Pads, which : cures absorption. Ask your druggist for thia noted cured, and take no other, ed with hia friends in the]new company ; and if be ha<« not got it or will not get almost ever since he got the charter. 1 it for yon, $1.50 to French Pad Co , He ha« b*-en trying to get possession j Toledo. O, aad the wiltaend you one 1 of the charter for ieveral month*. i post-paid Wy return mail. 3«t appears to be the proper and at the eif iraiion of thirty minuU s hi* body waa cut down and given to his friend-. Ilia father, brothers and sisters n itnes-ed the ex ecution. For the pa.*t two years I ha*'^ be-n troubled with leucorrhcr.i r»nd female weakneKS, which at limes has been *;o great that I co’ild n^ith^r eat nor sl^ep. 1 wore one of Prof. Gijimette's Kidney pads and it cured me. Mas. H.Jasoxm, Toledo. 0. salt Green Damaff’! Leather, \r f»- oaki Good hemlock Good f!una_-« ft hemlock upper K1 llanu - 1 cr. Woo! -Ktit!*, each Shr.vrl i ?>•'». sodot >rcn< »> Corif’:.'.! ► r D. ij CatJX SEEDS. SecJ Rye Bariev Milieu llNDSTINCT PRINT | LUMBER. « w —ja, .Iry, Y thourand . . » r - ••»:.-! :n;tl. l..-i,'f* thonn.qr.'l. Weather I •oar-ling, roujdi. tbounna.i... 13 40 'Irfesctl