Newspaper Page Text
j. Mm & Go’s
J.non yank lace Buntings at lJ^c.
Black all-wool Bunting-.
Black Damaaae.
Black Organdie*.
Black Shut* Cloth#.
Black Nuns' Veiling.
The Coachman's Dress Goods, with
1‘lalds anil Stripes to match.
Ji)0 Corsets at 25c. and upwards.
From Auction
The largest, best and cheapest Em
Indies’ and Misses’ Gloves and Mitts
(a large selection.)
Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty HSJreft-hCJ!
Umbrellas and Parasols, beautiful
sud cheap.
White Lawns.
White Swiss.
White Organdies.
White Linen Lawns.
White Linen Cambrics.
Pure Spices!
m run hi
Choke Fancy Groceries
Ne*t Door to Po«totF^e.
our corron
The market was steady yesterday, re-
•vipts being light. We quote:
Midding 9L,'
l ow Middling 8k:
<1 .od Ordinary fit.
Contrary to all expectations last
week’s prices wore not only sustained,
hut a sharp advance took place, and we
quote 29 to 30 cents to-day. The mar
ket is somewhat excited in Georgia,
and all lots offered are taken readily at
prices quoted. The market in Boston
is also firmer, with* slight advance,
nused by the unexpected firmness and
the small but ready advance in the
London wool market. At theao figures
holders ol wool would probably do
w.-ll to realise. Georgia wool his that
advantage over others, that it ia one of
the earliest wool clips on this conti-
li. nt. The|snxiety of daslers|snd fp'n-
ners to replenish exhausted stocks or
assortments from first arrivals, and the
usual rush accompanying the opening
of a new season gives Georgia wool a
divided advantage. The business ol
the week was lively, which from pres
ent indications will not be diminished.
The Brunswick Pair.
The Brunswick A- Albany Railroad
will sell tickets to the Brunswick Fair
ai one-half fare for the round trip.
These tickets will be good for six days,
ami will alford an excellent opportunity
t.i ill who desire to speud a few daya
pU asantly in that city.
The Crop Outlook.
The condition of crops In this sec
tion, as we learn from conversation
with planterais about as follows: Cotton
is in an excellent condition, well culti
vated end growing rapidly. Corn is
backward and suffering for rain, but
is well worked, with a possible good
yield yet. Other crops are in a very fair
condition, but all netding train.
Slightly Shot Blmnlr.
Monday evening, about six o’clock,
while s party of boys wera practicing
marksmanship at Government Pond,
young David Brown accidentally shot
himself in the foot with a small pistol.
Be was holding the weapon in hit
hand, pointing downwards when it
fired. The wound is quito painful,
hut not at all serious.
Married, May 18th, at Chicbasaw-
bstchie, by Rev. S. R. Weaver, Hev. L.
H. Green, of tha South -Georgia ConJ
fercncc, Methodist Church South, to
Miss May Gullett, daughter of Mrs.
Martin, or Terrell county, Ga.
Married, June 1st. by Rev. A. M.
Willems, Mr. \Y. A. Woodin to Miss
Fannie T. Alley, all of Alnany; Ga.
Ifttkifi Contest.
Mr. B. F. Lebcu’s prize contest among
toy speakers came off at Library Hall,
J unday afternoon, the prize being
a beautiful cake from his bakery.
Tree contestants entered: Master
Bxla McMillan. John Greer and Sol.
Wilos. Messrs. J II. B. Sbackel-
fat T. G. Pond snJ L. R. Welch acted
as adger, and awarded the ;wise to
jter Sol. Wcslow, whoee speech
[t-Cerdinal Wolsely's address to
veil.’’ Each boy acquitted biiu-
f-II, and Sol. may well feel proud
St ictory.
The best 5 and - 10 cent Ci
gars always on hand. Pipes
and Smokers articles gener
•^Prescriptions filled with care,
day or night
XDeny Om BjWwakm It. 1WS.1T
YVrsr tk; ccr'raetor, with
dozen or more, broke
*ur mj I large brick
* Lewis, on
lding, when
the ap
portion of the city. It
0 see the activity
on that particular spot jolt now.
Sanodine cares all akin diseases.
The readers of the Hxvg and Ad-
vtar:3t.R are f&at!!iar with the sad par
ticulars attendiog the recent death of
Mr. Robert S. Stephen-, who was
drowned in Flint river on Sunday
morning, April 24ih, lasL Hi« body
was not recovered until tbe evening of
the fourth day after his disappearance,
and had to be hurried into the ground*
a funeral took place by torch-light
TH 11 THE dll’ 4'OUlfCIX. WAS
SECOND DAT’S frolic Mitchell County Department
Further « on»ldrratIou
Camilla, Ga., June t. list.
. Proctshwa ul AwuS 4
The hog lsw will probably be the
chief discussion of to-day in Albsny.
Messrs. Welch he Mcsx an
nounce the arrivst of some new and el
e ;»nt jewelry- See advertisement.
Thronateerka Fire Company doesn't
«eem to think the City Council acted
justly, and tsks for reconsideration.
Will onr City Fathers reconsider
their action in the case of Thronateesks
Fire Company? That’a the ques
tion. _
The chicken market is somewhat im
Droving, but onr country friends do not
bring in half enough to supply the de
There are now about a half dozer
ice-cream dealers in the city, and they
all seem to be doing a good cooling
business. .
DorMHcalT Superior Coart convenes
next Monday. Jurors, witnesses and
all concerned will remember tbe date.
S»e notice.
Miss Estelle Daniels, ol Midway,
Ala., sndMisa. Collie Black, of Eofan-
1a, are in tjie city visiting Miss Mitde
We understand that a good crowd
will go down from Albany to the
Brunswick Fair.’ 1 he B. A A. will is
sue round trip tickets at one-half rate.
» ft-
A few spring chickens are now
coming into market. They sell for
from ‘JO.cents to 23 cents apiece. They
are very small, as a general thing, how
AuERict’s, in a-big public meeting,
has petitioned Colonel Cole to build a
branch of the Macon ami Brunswick
road (o that city, and is hopeful of
It is time for those who intend to
introduce locti bills in the Georgis
Legislature at the adjourned term in
July to advertise the titles of such
hills. In compliance with law.
The ladies of the Baptist church re
ceived Monday, through W. II. Wil
der A' Bon. a handsome altar and set of
pulpit furniture, for their church. It is
of black walnnt, beautifully fini-hrd>
and the ladies arc no doubt very proud
of it
Rev. 1)r. James Evans and wife, of
Rome. Ga., are in the city, viaiting their
dt ugh ter, Mrs. W. B. Daniel. They
will lomain two weeks, and we are
gratified to learn that this eminent Di
vine will preach at the M. K. church
on Sunday next.
Mr M. W. Deariso. one of our sub-
acribers in Worth county, brought is
Wednesday ninepounda of wool which
he clipped frotne one Rhcep, and for
which he received thirty cents per
pound. This is a most extraordinary
yield and a good price. Why not make
all the sheep aa valuable, by giving
Ihem close attention.
The “Hog Clover" which was distrib
uted in this ssetinn by the State De
partment of Agriculture, is proving an
entire success. Those wh« have plant
ed small patches say it grows luxu
riantly and affotdt excellent forage for
cows and horses. It is probable that
much of it will bo planted in future.
Mr. J. G. Lcndt, of East Doagher-
ty, had his corn crib, fodder bouse and
wagon shed destroyed by fire Saturday
night. He had enough corn and long
forage to run his place througfi the
summer, all of which was destroyed.
The fire is supposed to feave been tbe
fiendish work of an incendiary.
Ml Jc ekfh Cctlot happened to a
painful accident, or rather the accident
happened to him, on Sunday afternoon
last. In alighting from a boggy his
forward foot turnad as it strnck the
ground, and his ankle was badly
sprained. At first it was thought that
his leg was broken, but ^Monday it
was found that his Injuries were not
so serious. | [
Mb. T. B. Babtoh, son of Mr. C. U.
Barton, who is a resident of Waco‘
Texas, and has been for several yearn
past, writes us as follows : "Times are
flourishing out here; everything on a
general boom." Mr. Barton ia an ener
getic mechanic, and we are glad to
learn that he ia doing well in Texas.
A mount ext planter in the Oakey
Woods told ua yesterday we might say
that there had been no rain in that por
tion of the county to amount to any
thing yet. He aaja tb*t there has not
been a general raia in his section for
' that the corn
been cut short at least
I Oca exchanges report an unusual
; amount of sickness throughout the I that night, which will ever be rem
' State this spring, but it is not so in
Albany. The measles hire been going
on a slow march through the town, bat
there has been Tery little sickness of
any other character. In soms of onr
neighboring towns a great deal of ty
phoid feTer is reported, but we ire
glad to be able to tay that Tery few
esses of that dreadful malady have oc
curred in this city.
Sanodine made a
nent cure of every case of i
our stable.
TnUESLAEE & Chafhaw.
We arc in receipt of an elegtntlj exe
cuted invitation to tho Spring Debate of
■he Demosthenian Society of the State
Univenity at Athens, oo Friday even
ing, Jane 10th- We find the name of
>ur young friend John D. Pope, eon of
onr esteemed fellow-citizen Judge D.
H. Pope, among the six speakers of
tbeoocarion, end feel confident, from
what we hear of him, that he will ac
quit himself creditably. Johnny is
tho only reprosentatira Albany has in
rhe State Univenity at present, and we
are proud of him.
New and elegant designs in Pirn
Screens. Welch & Muse.
JW F Su-wlt
The following
Thronateesks Fire Company,
meeting last Friday eight.
Aleaxt, Ga., May 30,1881. I
At a meeting of Thronateesks Fire ;
Company, where tbe actions and rec
ommendations of tho City Couadl in
reference to the reorganization of the
bared fot its peculiar solemnity by ! Company, on account of so-claimed in-
those who attended it. The dreadful! efficiency, was laid before the Company,
intervening the mysterious j the fallowing preamble and resolutions
disappearance of Mr. Stephens and the
recovery of his body, followed by the
-anguish of heart naturally produced by |
a foil' realization of bar irreparable
loan, threw the wife of Mr. Stephens
into a high stats of nervous fever.
From tha hour she first realized that
her husband waa dead she was broken- .
hearted, and could not be comforted. , ofAiUnJri haT , tho t ighest
Her fever finally assumed a typhoid ------
form and her condition gradually grew
worse until about ten days ago, when
tha attending phyaiciina told the
Mends and loved ooas around her that
her case was hopeless. It now becomes
our sad duty to chronicle her death.
She breathed her last between t'»e
were offered and nnanimotuly adopted:
Whereas, Upon a charge of inef
ficiency and want of harmony preferred
against Thronataeaka Fire Company,the
City Cornell has seen propor to set and
adjudge tha asms without giving the
Company, as an organization, any op
portunity to be heard in its own de
fense, be it therefore
Besotted, That while
ay, Ga,
—The (-hovers are indeed p »riin tms
sCASQ-- .Vmey are jet without nun.
The crowd which asnamk.'U 4 ** j The ost ctop i. light, tho gathering
Fair Ground Friday was equally ra J aotcomkig up to expectations. The
large aj that of tha day be:,r. and iL, forige crop must bo spliced by field
interest manifested ia tha ii/hz. Lee- , F. Brimbeny has some
• and-eaay order of sxer ; ,2*, was or.a- j hundred bushels for sale, bought
1 . i from Tennessee. So tbe seed can be
The programme, a s puhlL-hed in , y l& Pea vines make excellent hay
our issue of yeater.Ly, was canted j for horses and cattle.
I out to perfection. ' _ At , h „ JuMjc, Court Saturday,
award of FsctaTi’Sii. ; quj[. 4 number of Interesting cases
Tbs following is a list of ptemluips i were on docket 0. G. Gurley, Esq,
awarded : " j from Baiuhridge, cams ap to impart
Best display hoaemsd* Jelly—Mrs. j his legal knowledge and let his light
Wilder—onn-hatfdoxeB loaves bread.
Best Cabbage—J. V. dailth—one jar
gard for the City Council, and respect
and honor the members thereof in their
aa City Fathers, yet ax mem-
ot Thronateesks Fire Company,
we feel seriously aggrieved, and vs
declare the actions of tho City Council
in tbe nutter as very hnVy and unjust
,-vi thr-ir proceedings herein
Resolved^ That no mcinbor of
horns of 10 and 11 o’clock on Tuesday j Throaateeska, nor has this Company,
night and Wednesday morning her re- I as a body, ever f died or declined to
Rowdlpfi oo Railroad*.
At different time* the conductor* on
the South Carolina Railroad have been
annoyed bj the insolence and ro wdj
nm of n.'gro roughs living in tho
neighborhood of Ladson’s Road. Some
had bees ai rested, but by some pecu
liar legal prrees*, escaped punishment.
About three weeks ago, Conductor
Kemp, in charge ol the night trait,
was assaulted by a gang of such
roughs as have made for Ladson’s
Road a bad repntstion. A warrant for
the artevt of the leaders was ssued by
Justice Gleason, and cn Monday the
constable succeeded in arresting Wo.
Jones, and after a hearing of the case
he was sentenced to jail for thirty days.
When examined, Jones had a razor
concealed upon his person. Upon the
expiration of hU sentence, he will bo
tried under the recent law regarding
led deadly weapons. The oth
ers of the sang are still at 1:
bat it
mains were consigned to their last rest
ing place by the side of the yet fresh
grave of her late hasband in the City
Cemetery. A short funeral service was
held st the Presbyterian church, the .
Bev. B. T. Banks, of the Bapti.t th *‘. r *j m - . ,
church, officiating. 1 Wh,lc n>Enibo ” of
perform any July within their pro
vince, when properly assigned to than;
nor bra this Company
endeavor to ilo all that was In their
power to dn when out oo duty. The
teefion ol property has always been
this -
Our young lady friends can eontribato
much to the interest of this column of
the News and Advertises by sending
as such society notes ts occur to them
•'rom time to time. Many pleasant
things occur in select circles that we
■ever beer of, and visitors come and go,
whose arrival or departure Mends
ronld like to see mentioned in the pa-
ier, and we would always bo pleased
to gratify snch friends, if they would
keep ns posted. We can keep up with
■II that transpires "down town,” bat
•aa’t go prying nroai.d after personals
nd society notes.
One Cor Load Field Peas, just nceiv-
d by N. ft A. F. Tan ft Co.
The CMIxh Lewlelmlare—When It
Isabella, Ga, Jane L 168L
Editors Xeics and Advertiser:
Gxntlibxs—Tbe impression is that
the Legislature of Georgia reassemblaa
July 13th. This is e mistake. The
gdjourned session commences at 10
Mrs. Stephens was a consistent
member of the Presbyterian chnrch,
and was universally esteemed in this
community for her many noble traits
of character. She leaves a child, a
beautiful little girl only two years old,
a father, (Ur. Joe. Gilmer, of ihisdty,)
one sister, throe brothers and a wide
cricle of warm personal friends to
mourn her untimely death.
We have never known a sadder case
than is presented by the death of this
young hatband and wife. And whet
can we say of that dear little
orphan! What human.heart can with
hold in deepest sympathies from little
Lottie ! If it be true that "the Lord
tempers the winds to the shorn lamb,”
rarely little Lottie will not be neglect
Klar and Jail Breaker, A Emin
at Larne.
Nearly everybody in Southwest
Georgia has heard or read of Perry Yin-
son, the notorious one-armed burglar
of Calhoun county, who has committed
more robberies rad broken more jails
than perhaps any man in tbe State of
Georgia. Thtre is no telling how many I
o clock A. M„ on Wednesday, the fith | j, 0 j,ss been imprisoned for van
day of July next. , uu( crimes, but ho has nerer been
Wk. A. Harms, | k n0Kn t0 sta y in jell any length of
of tbe s « n “ a - | time before making his escape. Al-
Sanodine will kill all vevmine on | ,hnu 6 b he Us bnt 0D0 “®- he »» in
stock. ceded to be tbe shrewdest cracksman
that has ever operated in this section.
Vinson's Jast crime is still ficsh in
the’memory of many of our readers, no
doubt. About two years ago s young
merchant si Leary named Whitikin was
murdered in his store si night, and then
the house burned down ovar him. Cir
cumstances pointed strongly toward
Vinson as tho murderer and indlndi-
ary, who was then st large in tbe com-*
munity, having made his escape from
jail only a short time before. A party
of ritixeas who voluuteered their ser
vices, scoured the country for several
weeks, and finally raptured him one
night in a negro house near the Baker
and Dougherty county line, lie was im
prisoned and kept closely guarded un
til the Superior Court of Calhoun coun
ty convened, when, be was arraigned
first upon the charge of arson. He was
convicted of this crime and sentenced
to a term of twenty years in the peni
The Heathens htarnh Measblr.
This popular and prosperous journal
■s before ua, and this, the June number,
gives it a still stronger claim to the
title of the “best agricultural and fami
ly msgssine in the South.” In addi
tion to its very full amount of reading
or the farm and fireside, the current
number contains an interesting "His
tory of the Georgis State Agricultural
Society,’’ by Malcolm Johnson, Esq,
and a “Report on Fish Culture,” by Dr.
H. U. Cary. With such a publication
in the hands of every faimer and plan
ter in the Southern States, there should
be a more intelligent cultivation of the
soil and diversion of crop*, and lest
complaint of bad times.
The Formes's Monthly is sent
postage free for one year for $2.00, or
six months for $1.00. Address J. H.
Estill, Savannah. Ga.
the Bab.
There is no tonic offered to the peo
ple that poetesses as much reel Intrinsic
value as the Hop Bitten. Just at this
eeaeouoftbeyear, when tbe stomach
n -etls an appetizer, or the blood need*
purifying, the cheapest and best reme
dy is Hop Bitten. An ounce of pre
vention la worth a pound of cure; don’t
welt until you are prostrated by a dis
ease that may take months for you to
recover In.
a Company,
as individuals, may differ occasionally
in thex ideas and opinions on matters
relating to tbe Company, yet, as an or
ganization, a perfect harmony sad the
best of feelings have ever existed.
If tho epparatua of this Company is
less quick to throw a stream of water at
a fire than a hand engine does, we
claim that this ia not due to the want
of efficiency of the members of the
The very deficient fire alarm of this
city and the restriction to only twenty-
five active members, officers and engi
neers included, are often tbe cause that
there are not an efficient number of
drilled men timely enough at the engine
iiouxo or place or fire to do qnick work,
-tnd we would, therefore, urge that the
city ho supplied with a proper fire
alarm 'as soon as practicable.
Besotted, That with due
Company kindly asks the
Council to reconsider their hasty a
and conclusions, and to grant this Com
pany that right which ia given to event
citizen, the right to he heard in one s
i wn defense. This Company fnrther-
more,Invites the City Council, through
joint committees, closely to investigate,
throagh impartial and competent men,
the charges made against Thronateesks
Company snd Engine, the members, as
human beings, disclaiming perfection,
will gladly adopt all measures proper
for the protection and safety of the city.
Besotted, That a committee of five
he appointed by the ohalr to call upon
tbe City Council, and present them a
copy of these resolutions, and await an
answer. T. M. Castkx,
Riftuan Robinson, Foreman.
Drawn for the Next Term of Dougher
ty Superior Court:
obaxd jesr ro.t octosss term, 1881.
W E Hilsiusii
T II Ivirksuv
R S Rust
J M Duff
A M Wolibin
N F Mercer
A S Walker
W A Brooks
.1 L Richardson
Jos Thorne
A W Muse
.1 W Mock
A T Lyon
K M Bazemore
J M Cut;iff
\ traverse just.
Joe Rouse
C J. Water*
Wm Thompson
A T Wilder
M O'Sullivan
Wm Godwin
L F Barbour
The Bitter Weed.
The annual eomptaint on account of
the bitter weed’s effect upon milk it
upon us. This bitter weed is said to
be the young dog fennel, of which
cows are peculiarly fond. It ia said
saiii that a lump'of alum the use of a
small marblo ia a gallon of water will
entirely destroy the bitter in the milk,
and will not at all affect the taste oth
erwise. It is well worth the Mai, as
there it but little hope for an annihila
tion of the weed.
Charles Nelson. Eij, proprietor NelJ
son House, speaking to ns recently, ob
served : “I (offered so much with rheu
matism thit my arm withered, and phy
sicians could not help me. I was m
dispur of my life, when some one ad
vised me to try St Jacobs Oil. I did
so, and ts if by magic, I was instantly
relieved, and, by the continued use of
the Oil entirely cored. I thank heaven
for having used this wonderful remedy,
lor it saved toy life. It also cured my
wife.—Port Huron Commercial.
Ton Believe It.
Woman’s Best Fmxnd—To relieve
the aching heart of woman, and bring
joy where sorrow reigned supreme, is
a mission before which the smile* of
kings dwindle Into utter insignificance
This to the^peculiar province of Brad-
field’s Female regulator, which, from
la appropriately
t Friend.” The
teatiary. A» the evidence against him [j \ Ramsey
waa mostly circumstantial, the prose-
cutiiig attorney decided not to try him
on tbe second charge, that of morder,
but an order was taken demanding the
return ef the prisoner to the Sheriff ol
Calhoun county when his term in tbe
penitentiary expired.
Vinson waa sent to Lockett's camp,
and pat to work with the oonvicts oo
tho Rails place. It was predicted that he
would make bis escape in less than a
fortnight: bat he was closely watched,
and remained a prisoner until Wednes
day morning, when, he turned op mis
sing. W* were nnablo to learn how
he managed to escape, but understand
that he waa tracked by the pack of
dogs kept at the camp to the suburbs
of this city, where the trail Was lost.
Every cffortwill be made to recapture
the prisoner, bnt he is an old and apt
scholar in th* matter of fooling dogs
and evading arrest, and it it more than
probable that he is gone for good.
Since the above was placed in type we-
learn that Vinson was captured some
where in the neighborhood of the Balls
place, later in th* day. It seems that
the man who was tracked to the city
was not Vinson, and that the latter
nerer got far away from the camp. He
was canght with the dogs.
John Henderson
Jos T Steel*
\V B Daniel
Marx Smith
8 R Weston
F L Bridge
H M McIntosh
Jno W Stephens
\V S Fleming
L Stern*
A C Westbrook
J B P Durham
D Greenfield
M D Gortatowsky
N F Tift
1st wbee—ootoui
TEEM, 1881.
W H Walters
B P Brown*
M J Gesielt
A M Wilder
Willie Gassett
Wm Van Vicki*
Jack Slapyey
H B Reynolds
Robt P Hall
Jo* Moray
J BCooper
N J Crnger
WS Bush
Jno B Green
Addieon Land
J R Marshall
David Woodin
Ales F Scott
Best display pot fi-zwera- Mr*. W. W.
Wilder—une silk, flschu.
Best display cat flowere-Misios Hill
and B iw.-mu—one wall-pocket.
Beat display wild flowers—Mm. W E.
Mill bell—ono pair
Best display small grain—Dr. P. L.
Bilzman—one Ferguson plow-stock
and plow.
Bait display canned fruits snd jellies—
Mrs. W. H. Wilder—two
Best display garden vegetables—J. V.
Smith—garden hoe tad rake.
Best display frails—J. M. Kendall—
■Mrs. W. H.
Best d-splay pot flow.
Best display cat
rad Bswson—$1.
Best display beet*—CoUNelson Tift-
one pair good pants.
Best painting or ehromo—Mrs. W.E.
Beet display paiaUng-Mr. Reynold*-
Best pillow shams—Mrs. J. T.
silk cashmere parasol,
essay on flowers—Mrs. M. A.
Toornbury—$10 worth books.
Beet rang and piano accompaniment by
young lady—Min Ids Leban—mus
lin dress, fra and necktie.
Mott active and best preserved gentle
man, over 60 years of age—Col. Nel
son Tift—walking cans,
andsomest young lady at tha Fair-
Miss Ells Bunts—oss panel photo
Ugliest man will apply at the News
couldn’t determine, as there were so
tuny fairly entitlsd to the premium.
Best Crochet by a girl under 12
of age—Pair
W it Bennett
W Eason Smith
Prter D Short
J H Dixon
A-B Jackson
W F McClellan
Peter McDonough
C C Dozier
0 J Farrington
W H Gilbert
tbavesse' just, 2nd
ikazt, 188L
D W Kirkman A J Leonard
Chaa Morris Jesse Hall
JHB ShsekelfordB B Folsom
Thos E Joiner
Wm West
Sam Farkas
Jas Jervis
-E L Woodward
A H Chastain
Jas Bostick
G Bogen
Jno B King
Angus Bailey
H H Fudge
L Geiger
BA Gay
C L Mallory
W J Bret tan bach
JP Brinson
TB Jones
M C Scroggins
mpply Auto-
Inks, Paper,
New Stationery, new su,
Pencils, Leads, Ii
Slates, School Books, Pens, Pencils, j-BoaU.
Etc. Welch ft Mrtx.
dWP Su-wlt.
S Saucer
G B Carlton
T G Elliott
Jno Drinkwiter
W H Gassett
B Btown
Geo T Hill
W H Robert'
WB Land
Ben Hill
. B Dean.
L C Shaw
£ W Johnson
its numberless cures,
styled “Woman’s Best
distressing complaint known
‘•whites, and Various irregularities of
tbe womb, to which woman is (abject
disappear like magic before a single
bottle of this wonderful compound.
Phvdciant prescribe It.
Dr. J. Bradfleld, Atlan
ta., Ga., and sold at 1.60 per bottle by !
all Druggist*.
Near Marietta, Ga;,)
March 21, 1871). j
Some months ago I bought a bottle
of Bradfleld’t Female Regulator, aud
have used it In my fhmtly with the ut-
Acocsta. Ga., Ang. 11, 1880.
Mu. Sau'l Shepard :
Dear Sir—Permit me to thank you
for advising me to take HILL’S HEP
ATIC PANACEA. I took it as
yon Directed, and
from a severe headache
pnssion, that retired me to Tear a spell
J K Keaton
Robt Atkinson
Henry 1 Callaway
W W Wilder
J L Roby
CU Barton
SD Bostick
Morris Msytr
Philip Harris
Bauds Brosnta
George Hill
A J Odom
in t
way is tbe power of the press
rely shown dun in the universal
knowledge that has in lees than a year,
been diffused throughout fifty millions
of people of the wonderful curative
properties of that splendid remedy Kid
ney-Wort. And the people from th*
Atirntic to the Pacific have shown
it to three other families, and they have
found it just what It la recommended.
Tbe Females who have us jd the Regu
lator are now In perfect health,and able
to attend to theirbouseholdduties. We
It to tbe public.
tu. RIV.H.B. Johnson.
It is a good i
Frank Ax sold.
Proprietor Arnold’s Globe Hotel.
; remedy for ell
i liver and bowel*.
of th* kidney
only safe, ante aad _
* . . . !T' ‘ „ „ .. : ail diseases of liver, bleed a
writeTh? a P fri^d“‘4 hsve'in tov 1 lncIndin 8 bijous fevers,
nhnd e dyspepsia, A
complication of kldnev (fironkr- that Guilmette’s French Liver Pads,
waspereoanantir cured by toe n-e of ca »» b T ebsorptioa. Ask your druggist
ProfTGaflmette’s French Liver Psd3. for this noted ear*, and take no other,
The dniggitta sell them. i and if be has not got it or will not g«t
■ «... it foryou, send $1.60 to French Pad
Why is H. H. P. like Senator Joseph \ Co, Toledo, 0, and they will send you
E. Brown? Give It up. Because its ' one post-paid by return mail. 2st
a internil improvement. i ‘
Sanodine will cure the manga on ysar
Mrs. W. H. Wilder’s display of pre-
ta splendid, and the only ex
hibit nude in that department. Well
tbe ladies ell know tluta contest with
Mrs. Wilder would bo la vain. She
always makes th* best show.
In tho sernb running race, Pit Ban.
dsll’a pray beat B. P. Sibley’s, and it
was a lively tilt, too.
“Old Beaut,” wo all know “Old Berat
Cutliff,” who for fifty-revra yean has
polled his Mare Jack around, won the
trotting raoe, taking th* ootsida of tho
track about thirty minutes before the
other bone* started. Th* tenth of th*
matter is, “old Beaut” is a brick.
A good large crowd cam* np from
Mitchell county, and seemed to enjoy
the day finely.
Miss Ids Lebeo, ai
ire of only 12
th* prix* for th* best long and piano
accompaniment bj a young lady,
was highly
diet for her a brilliant
In the greased pole contest about
fifty attempts were a
the prises of $1 sod $1 on top of tin
poles, but all to no avail. No
won, bnt lota of fun.
Tha cake-walk, for prise of a hand
somely ornamented sake with cotton
filling, was a most interesting feature.
It was awarded Mis/ Annie Smith snd
her partner Gaino Coleman.
Th* Indira of the Memorial Associa
tion cleared $76 first day, and $66.60 on
Friday, with their tables.
“ Th* Colquitt Guards (eoL) snd th*
colored fire companies all tendered
their services to the enjoyment of the
day, snd deserve credit for the interest
they manifested.
The trotting race between the home
buggy horsee of Messrs. Hilsman, Cox
and Nelms was very lively and inter-
Mr. Nelms’ horse won, doing
excellent work.
Taking it altogsther, the occasion
is perhaps been more generally en
joyed than any Fur ever held in Alba
ny. We consider it the intuguration of
a system, that will prove successful
in future, and accomplish much good
for the
is the cheapest medicine
Advertising it the oil which the
zdetmen put in their lamps. They
that are unwise pul no oil in.
Iff as true of advertising as anything
else in life, that if it is worth doing st
all, it ia worth doing well.
Newspaper advertising promote*
trade, for even in the dullest time ad-
rtisers secure by far tha largest share
of what la being done.
Don’t be afraid to hare a small ad-
irtiiement by the side of a huger
competing one. Th* big one can’t eat
it np.
go advertisement is a window
throagh whioh all tha world may look
into your shop and see Jast what yen
wish to see—no more, no lees.
Newzpsper advertising is a perms-'
nent addition to tha Tepntetion of th*
goods advertised, because it is a perms-
meat influence always at work in their
People are quite apt to go whtre
their attention is called, and, if they
find things aa represented, will pur
chase there in preference to ipending
their time seeking elsewhere.
Sanodine is tin best thing I evar saw
for use about horses.
W. B. CiaHux,
Timberlakt ft Chaplain Stables, Ma
con, Ga.
shine. I. A Bush, Esq, and Sawney I fe probi blether will soon be arrested.
Palmar had a fight over a | —Charleston Ales and Courier.
It seems to us that here is matter
for legislative action. Frequent dis
order- iKcut on railroads in Geor
gia, and conductors are not ip con
dition st ail “times to defend them
selves and passengers from such treat
ment by roughs. How would it do for
the Legislature to make conductors of
ficers of the law, with power to arrest
persons guilty of such violations of the
law on their trains ?
Bash represented the engine and Saw
ney the ox. Tbe Jsdge.helil that the
engine bad no right to butt the ox off
the bridge. But the decision read by
Mr. Bush to our mind was conclusive.
—On Sunday the Union Sunday
School was held at the Baptist church.
The audience was large. Dr. Win. W.
Twitty acted as president of the meet
ing snd lead the exercises. Subjects
relating to Sabbath Schools were dis-
indulged in by the
of the organization generally,
Messrs. Jackson, Bnsb, J. B. Twitty,
W. N. Spence, C. B. Twitty, Bevs. J.
L. Underwood snd Wm. Carry taking
the lead. Tbe next meeting will be
held at China Grove, oo the next 5th
Sunday. W# will announce the pro
gramme in due time.
Borne interest, we think, was mani
fested in the Sunday School cause.
That virtue and intelligence which is
said to be tho support snd strength of
onr system of government must receive
their birth either at the Snnday School
or the fireside.
—Quit* a crowd went np to the Al
bany Fair, so-called, from this county.
The meeting of friends was
And that btrbccuo dinner m
bnt there was no Fair. It should
have been called something else. Capt.
D’Antignsc and the writer discussed
the merit* of the dinner in euch a way
as to prove onr appreciation; bnt as
appreciative as we were we saw a
few who beat ns.all to pieces. We
bad to leave too soon. Tha Albany
young ladles cam* down Jost as onr
bad to go. They will go np
freight, hereafter, and
We fell in love
with a pretty hsxel-eyed beauty, who
declared she bad to be introduced to tu
, W* most posi
tively dispute that But one thing we
know, we will remember next time.
Onr bachelor lawyer has already prom
ised ns to fall in love with that pretty
rad to 'give her an Invitation
to-be onr neighbor. That wUl be
—A friend handed us a weU written
•ooottot of tho Sunday School picnic of
tit* colored people on the 27 th of May.
We have not space for til of it, and w*
find it hard tojpnblish part without mu
tilating the artielt. The writer was as-
onished at the development of the
young blacks. The picnic was held at
th* oolored church in this village.
Thera wera gathered a large concourse
of bisoks, and some whites, by invita-
After several songs,* colored
person qnlt* intelligently made- some
brief remarks to his race, when Dr. W.
W. Twitty, to whom, more than any
other white person, the colored piople
to look as an assistant in their ex-
j a graphic and strong
the freedmen here,
clothed ia th* sunlight] of sd ran ring
knowledge, (and 1th* 260 trillion of
blacks in Africa immersed in
Dr. Twitty receives, as he
its, tbe compliments of th*
for hi* readiness ever to aid this peo
ple In. their pious; dieplays. It is
well that some of onr people are wil
ling to Instruct them.
The dinner waa one of th* olden
time “before freedom." W* own np
to a sort of transportation to the flesh
pots of Egypt
The planting of th* May pole, so
well done,;was;pleasing. Bnt no part
of tha sxtrdses was more entertaining
than th* crowning of tbe May Queen.
The Queen waa a juvenile of dark col
or, bat she was composed and did her
part with much good sense. The dis
play was more than wo expected, and
we congratulate our colored friende. ■
—Judge Bradford, |a kind-hearted
old gentleman, and fall of philanthro
py, gave ns an intimation that our de
partment had been dry this whole year.
Well, wa believe tho Jndge. It has
bean ss unsatisfactory to ns as to onr
readers. However, we think of our
readers, and the sympathetic Judge
promised ns an article for them. Per
haps a little money from our subscrib
er* would act aa a lubricating oil to oar
thoughts. Cash and thoughts art
brighter and more jingling than credit
and thoughts.
—“Pet*’’ate an inordinate quantity
of turtle scup, and had to go to bed.
He is up now and ia ready forbusinesa.
—Col. Heath wants blackberries—a
peck a day through the *eaaon.
Advertising for a Preacher.
Wabash Indiana Courier
“I havo bought the Second Presby
terian chnrch in this city, and I want
to hire, a preacher. I don’t care a darn
what denomication he belongs to, if
he in virtuous snd votes'the Demo
cratic ticket None need apply unless
they hare the above requirements. I
will pay a liberal salary. J. P. Durur.
keuratgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
6out, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headaohe, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aohes.
nr MED ICOm. .
Albany Markets.
live stock
Dry salt clear r»:
Gndf.i ft..!!!!!!“"!”!”!
Coffee, Kio, V tb
Con^meai, t^baihei!!!!!!!!.
Mm4 Water*
An old physician relates his expe
rience with a rick child, to which he
was called. It was crying snd strag
gling, snd the mother, in reply to a
query, said shs oould not remember
when she had given it any water—that
•he seldom did to, and did not know
that i( needed any. The doctor called
for odd water, gave th* infant a few
tebloepoonfula, and It waa relieved of
all Its trouble, stopped crying and sank
peacefully to sleep in ite mother’s
arm*. Let this be a reminder to Both
ers and nonet. Infants who nun* at
th* breast may often (offer as much
from want of water aa adults who eat
more solid food. Often when a child
eric* it is only thirst which onuses it
Ub-MAckerellnbbls. SOO£lOK>
t recuhed,^ gaiionV.
“ .If
Onions, y'bn'shii;
Potato©*. In»h. «* d
r 1££rM.* en :
Gunpowder U*...
Enffluh bre&kfut
Salt, LtTerpooI, V
Whiskey, ucetit
Corn whisker.
Choice brand whUXey i n
Smithj* Holland Saspps 1 7f
Bcdd. beet qtuiiOes
Ota. beet qiuJitie*.
Bye aad Bourbon 1
Sherry wine, superior..
Fort wine, beet quality....
Bmffljif pDoi a oo
Woe,* ft «
Safer—crushed, W
GruutUted is,
Whit© cUrtded
Yellow cUrlfled io
1 73
2 36
i oc
12 00
At U o'clock P. M y Jut ut, at the hcai ef her
MreaU, Uule KaiU, loftat dufhter ef Mr. esd
kit Jehu Coker, of Daofttrty Coeaty, utd
hut elerea months, after aufferlof •evtrtly for
tee d$ji with wbeomtsg coach. She ft 11 e victim
to Bee,l«ft. lb« Moblomd wQwc. of vhlch two du-
mmt proved too pdarulij prMtrmtioc to her ii-
reedy delicete Uule frmaie. She Quietly mmk end
passed peacefully away from earth to bee ran.
While we UIm4 to the bereaved pereaU oar
yspethy la their iNlftlou, we eft r
' ‘ in* the beeeUfel
Utiwnece of oar Berter, Ia which he said:
Mule oeUdren
thee ake ft■ eye ready
ealy Father.
to come uato m, ud forbid that
klAcdow ~
oa the I
. nHVBMft
hot, far of eoeh ft the klnfdow of Beeves. 1 ' Aod
■oc ol her Heei
T Allow
dweet Potato©*
f odder, V 100 »
Yloorth*, dry, H thou*aud ... .
flooring, dry and matched, ft thousand.
Weather board! of, rou*b, ft thooaaad... 12
** dreaeed
Vouch lumber, ft thFrateen<j
Shingles, all heart, ft threinmj
30 $26
16 $20
36 (&9o
“ r ”
! 1 00 3 I 54
[I. ;e—. drj ttlnt
JLePfcther, white oakeole, ft ft..
half price#
45 (A
Good dam a go«l hem Jock u
Side upper,....
Hip* 5j
Country ealf ;, rj
naraoee Leather....... j{
Wool sklna, each so
Shearling* u
Sodot rreach calf. u <o
Cornelian Preach Calf J4 00
feed Bye 1 Seed Wheat
wiey i Cotton »eed
MlUett ....
Cottou »eed U U