The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 04, 1881, Image 4
mm afixTcrtlscnicntg. Centrai A SoiitiiWd*%rs R B $£S WHAT NF.GKO TAKKS IHK LIFE UF TIAJOK .W , J. HITIIKA. ide Judge Lynch Xak Hand) and Mlxty the Work. •• tb« ( Bullets 'ass In Finish The Arlington Advance of Friday last contains tho following particu lars of the murder amt lynching in Early county on the 35th: ' A difficulty occurred on the plan tation of Hr. J. R. II. Saunders, in Early county, seven miles north of Blakely, last Wednesday evening, between Hajor W. J. Bathes and one of the negro laborers which resulted in the murder of the for mer. The following are the parti culars as told us: It was sundown, and the hands had all quit work and come to the house when Barthea told Matt Butts, col’d., to go to the oat field and bring up some oats for the stock. Butts.refused to-go. Bathes'told him that he - must go and Batts agsith refused, saying “111 be d—d if I go. Here Bathes struck him over the head with a small atiok. Batts drew his knife, and, before a gentleman standing near by could interfere, stabbed Bathes three times the first .taking effect' in the heart, causing instant death. Butts, not stopping to ascertain toe . result of bis action whirled off and walked out of the lot, saying, “If you follow mo I will kill you?” He became uneasy, however, and left. There being no one present beside the other negro laborers, no attempt was made to detain him. A number of Bithea’s friends were eoon gathered at his house, and af- - ter attending to .Ms. remains, a pai*> ty set out in pursuit of the murderer who came on in the direction of Ar lington. They had no difficulty in tracking him, and,' after several hours' riding, overtook him on Mr. Seaborn Sheffield’s plantation,about a mile from, here, where he had stopped to rest, we suppose, at the house of a cousin. The party came by Arlington to get dinner, it being about 11 o’clock Thursday morning when they secured their-prisoner, and left daring the evening for Blakely, where the prisoner will be ‘lodged in jail. Major Bathes was regarded as a peaceable, inoffensive man, and was highly respected by those acquaint ed with him. He was an excellent farmer, and has never been known to have a difficulty with any of his hands before. He leaves a wife and two littlo children. Matt Butts, col'cL, is a heavy-built negro, abont 21 years of age, and is said to be a perfect demon. He has had several difficulties with hands on the place : this year, and only a few days prior to the difficulty mentioned brutally beat a negro wo- pcccl. lgl! ; l ■ l ;\ spape mm dm bulls, has a vain. ■ : enriches a I<h> caxcf> pression by «ome cor This is particularly isolated tigttres of which are seldom c grammatical; or in iiouncoments, when punctuation are ofte; space.- i- / ’ . Some of these rah I surd; notably, tint piano is wanted bv a I ed legr-T In the not* black lady’s fan, 1 faced lady’s wat ecL . t :„ :Jl . “Sewing done b«re” is the an nouncement upon mayIrdoor; and it took a small boy * to discover the GEOBGI BAKER COUNTY. C JLaTV. tO Eteffitt * AStcr* 1 * Bash Bui, etc., iu link «r v u- pvrior Oort. ,-t *1. j 5*oteu»l«wr Terns. J990 to the Cvtxr* that the Defendant*. i!.-y, Sarah A. Moruiub and John ltbou' the limits of said Stale. It ml by the Court that service of blA^Ul be pcrfftlrd uU tbr ulJ •‘j. Sarah A. ■slocamb and John alios in the Albrn >a\ an.\ah, a., March Q> and i/irr SUNDAY. its" t last. . 1W, —trains on the ( >Llral and S.jt,-*. h rru tlAiir*t«4la aod branches wui r jo 9/90 a uj Lv.x. ._**avaanah :he of ; it ha ;es are ab- whlch “a y with carr- of “Lost— s ' and “a small, gold- were advertis- the oest term of Hot. 1, USS. • A tree extract frt Coart. Q. J, WEIGHT, J.8.C Not. JO, 1580-di Ida mtmatmot a B. F.Hcnmn 14-40. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Bakes CouxTf. WHSfott&Sff&Zisd —Lv. t A p a Ar. 520 a m —Ar. a m -..At. 12JW p m —Ar. 1:44 p a ... Ar. 4:15 p m Ar. 3.53 p FOSS and SCHNEIDER, Queen. City BREWER?, AT THE CORNER! —Ar. si.44 a u • —Ar. IW m AND WILL DO! 289, 291, 293, *»S mad 297 Frerroaa 8L, j CINCINNATI. Ko.UL -Lt. SJO p m -Ar. 7:15 am it) a m .Ar. LLIO p m -Ar. 1:40 pm -Ar. 4:15 p m —Ar. SJSpm 9.44 am II90am Wat daily papers, ice-chest lo held so many pounds of ice, and a. new harness. The won der was why be wanted to keep his new harness in sn ico-chest, until it was notice lobe an error in ponc- tnation. Morse’s old geography announc ed to s horrified public that Albany had 400 bouses and 4,000 Court Hoare door la mid c inhabit- ftfjyaaSfij&i ante, all standing with their gable .£»■**» ^ . ..d. tl,. , 1 to IMBU.iMln or audeoaotv. seta torpor- pore of retaraumvai. Tmuad. O. W. WfLLIFOKD, " minor chlklrre. ends to the street A barber’s sign once read: - “What do you toiuk Ptl obara roo for nothing and fire) When his customers.asked for the drink, and refused to pay, he took them outside and read to them “Will! do too think! Ml ohora^oo for nothing and girt you » This reading giver it a different meaning. . ; Detached sentences often present a quaint expression: “Job print ing!” said an old lady, reading the familiar sign, “poor man, he most be awful tired-of it, for he's been -at it ever since I can remember 1” In a druggist’s window in Chi cago there-was for man r years a sign, "Artifiichtl eyes,’’and Immedi ately under If, “Open all night,” which of congee referred to the store and not to-the eyes. A merchant once want to the si| painter' and told him he w neat sign with a couplet in rhyme, painted in gold letters; when the msm brought the sign the inscrip tion read: "Sugar and tea Mid.” The merchant asked angrily where the rhyme was, when the painter read it to him: “Sugar and tea Since writing the above we loafn that, the party in charge or the prisoner was met and overpowered by a body of 75 or 100 men and the negro taken from them and banged to a tree by the toes. HU body was found hanging there this morning literally riddled with ballots, particulars next week. More PORT NOTE*. shipping, Receipts and Export.,and other Batura of Interest. Sanaooh'Nan. • o The value of the exports Saturday waa 4154,423 73. There was an advance Saturday of ){'cent. inspirits of turpentine. A sign on a tobacco Csctoiy reads “Twenty boys wanted to. strip.” “Shirts reinforced” is the legend in a 'Detroit' dry goods store. -It means that they are provided with double yokes. “Mr. Jones’.Shirt Store” reads an old. lady cautionsly. “Well, why doesn’t he getlt mended!” '“This boose for sail.” was the way a landlord spelled the announce ment A smart fellow, came along and asked “Whon will the house sail.” “As soon as some one comes along who can raise the wind,” was the cool answer. “Pocket books reduced to fifteen cents,” was the nolico in astore win dow, and a wag passing remarked that- he was redaoetf to noth- Mitchell Sheriff Sales. .(STILL to Mid bofon tbu Court Ar AJtasy Ar SSt pa: Ar MUMgcrMo Ar t.-Maa Mr. J. A. PoUiin. Waynesboro Deer &r—I desire to I the proprietor!, my I derired fron HILL’S HEPATIC PANACEA Expert Bottled Beer a Specialty, febSft'vCm * *i- - ' .) I. J. BRINSON, Coutractor&Builfler bon extra:u ftordeolh vo.Jd h» tbu Ira- result. I tiva ton otlnj H. H. P. FOB SAXE BY GILBERT & CO. urnpm —AT 1S39 |s m Postponed Sheriff Sale; GEORGIA—Mitchell Col'.ntv. w D &ss“* Uto " u,? Ar. SSIaa Ar. . 7:ltaa Ar Sarri-u.l. JUIMsolila Ar l:uia Ar 11 :ta a m Ar ctipa -At Sign Court flout, door lo! h'legol boon of air SSS^I ■ mttutfj A Oo.TfW.J.Sprace, F. B. Spence, J. T. Spnti A Go. nw. B. Spence, ] faaHWK ■Tff.W.SWTMDl DOUGHERTY COUNTY. Dwugberty Co. Sheriff Sale. OE0R6IA—Dorratnr Couxty. baaoMb.brelb«Court Boon4sor <a dtf of Albunr. * Georgia, on the f Turaday In Juoe Best, batmen the baal bo , V. or Court In a?oF oT J.W.Mid M.V. M»jro. nmy7-»d F. G. BDIfl ARDS. SSlir. mg. The total tonnage of the veuels at this port on Saturday was 19,029 tons. Tliefe woro In port Saturday two steamships, seveutecn barks, .five brigs and-eleven sohoon a total of thirty-three v< - Tho visible supply of cotton from all sources on tho 27th was 2,724 bales, againg 2,302,766 bales at same time last year. “SweeUbeart factory,” is a sign iu this city; benealh one discovers that It refers to pop-corn; doubt less tho firm-bavo numerous-calls which result in disappointraeuts. In Pennsylvania there is an old house callod tho Ilnrrowgato. In front of It and directly on the side walk bangs an old gate with this in scription;. “This nte bans’ well and hindsrs none, agJKSSf." Anotheroign reads: “f. gstrit* focDtrmott, Uvea here, - I Mills good panar, ala and b«sr, Eva sradomy-—- Lk.HA WILLtHD YOUJJG WILtABD.. It avpaartng to tba Court that tbs dafondtoi reaklas out at tbs State, U U ordored that ba ap pear sod plead by the aaxt term oTthls Ooort. or lud.lault tba Court wilt pruned aa to Jenin abaU appertain; and that this order ba published M MgMrll by lh( n*MntR_ ^ 7 Wife O. FLEMING, «H«74m4« JodtehC.A.C. Dougherty Co. Sheriff' Sale. GEORGIA—DOUOHEBTV fWKTT. W ILL be sold bsrore the Court House door la tbs city ol Albany, Gtorala, Utween tlie leg si hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In Jnco next, tho following property, to -wit: Tba west half ofto* or land No. 154- consisting of 1M acres, raora or lam,'tba mid lot oalag In tba tnty, Ga. Let led on ;to*wlt: __ land No. am, tba mid SttWWH?gfS35&*—Vjra. tloa court 1 fa of N A A.F.TiU ACo. n. A. H CbasUln. Tenant! In pemearina coUfiod. Tbb levy undo and returned to me by B. A. llarncy, ConiUble. F. 6. EDWARDS, The exports of cotton coastwise 1 from September lot to date foot np 322,491 bales, against 280,398 boles at | the same time lost season. SSlfiHHttSgMgs&r. The exports of cotton from this port to Great Britain since Septem ber 1st have been 194,465 bales, against 184.654 at the same time last year. On a pleasant road ieadini Baltimore,Km a ^little .waysii is the following: “Cakes and bner, • -U t ;» Cheap and rood. Sold ““ wire r out of e shop, By Mstur t^od.” GEORGIA—Dougiiektt County. w p testae appMtoUmCouit of OitUniury of Mdtl couatj for a discharge from bis guardian* shlpofR.Q. fMckcraoa. thu is tbereforr todte alt persoas concernul to show cause before me on or before tbj first Monday in May next, why the ku g. P. Burks should not be dlriil«t*d *— bis guardianship orB. Q. Dickerson, and n the usual Mines Of dlsmimlon. jdacei raeJ Th,™ —— q-uini. | aaa atat” t ”°" 5500 Refill Savannah to France since Septem ber 1st 41,014 bales of cotton, against 18,752 at the corresponding date last year. Among the freight by the City of Savannah for Philadelphia Satur day were 1,242 barrels and 2£79 crates of vegetables, and twenty- four turtles. Of the shipping in port Saturday Haw a Beat Little do I TTaoages ippiug _ . there were thirteen American, elev en Norwegian, - four British, thre- Spanlsh, one German and one Poert uguese. . The exports of cotton from this port 'to Continental ports since Sep tember 1st have been 362^34-balee; at (he same time last year they were 219,740 bales. The American baric H. L. Booth was on Saturday cleared for Brem en, by Messrs. Holst 3c Co., with a cargo of 3,550 bales of upland cot ton, weighing 1/182,484 pounds, val ued at ~ PROVERBS FOR SUBSCRIBERS. “A wise son maketh a glad fath er,” and a prompt-paying subscriber cause th an editor to laugh. “Folly is joy that ia destitute of wisdom,” but a delinquent subscrib er causeth suffering in the house of a newspaper maker. “All the ways of a man are clear iu his own eyes,” except the tray the delinquent subscriber hath in not ' paying for.hie newspaper. "Better ia Utile with tightoou*4 ?**»*» »? nets,” than a thousand subscribers ' who fail to pay what they owe. “A just weight and halauce are the Lord’s,” but that which is due upon your newspaper belong* to the publishers thereof. “Better is a dry morael and quiet. nets therewith,” than a long list of subscribers who cheat the printer. - “Better is .the poor man that walketh in integrity,” and payeth his subscription, than the rich man who continually tolleth your devil to call again. _ “Judgments are prepared for - , scoffers, stripes for the back of ] husdiiS® “My husband is one of the best men. that ever Kvod, but ho will have his own way. I must always give in to hirp. Ifve become used to it, you know, and don’t mind'h now as I once did.” ThAspeaterwara neatlittie..wo- man of middle age, rather tastily and nicely dressed. She had a sun ny face and a twinkle of innocent mischief In her eyes. She appeared the very personification of a thought ful, kind-hearted house wife. .' - . “He says he won’t give bat (23 per month for your house, and’ he wonV*' And she shook her little head in a ludicrously solemn manner, as if. tho decree of (23 waa as.irre vocable as the law of the Medes and Pcr- - ! *ns. “There Is no uke of my trying to change him, be is ao awful ’set.’- Let him have his way.” Then her brigh.tlittieeycs'twinkl- ed, and she came cloaer to the lady of wbom abe waa trying to hire the the honse, and assumed an air of meek confidence. c. _* “Ton can make the lease for (23 sfrtse? you fools!” and everlasting punishment for him who {payeth not for his newspaper. month, yon know,’ >n tlM^thw (2*per'moutl>." ' She hstltatod, rather than stop- ihoayltrK ,T.|AMB BACK IMSSM Lt ..Ellen- a 3 as pm Lt Mill ^Tilla-. •:13pm At M«eaa tail Ar_ Ar Albany - Sanaa Ar au»»u_ Sanaa Ar_ T:S»aJ At SaTianah with Haraanab. FlarUa 'aai Men Aupna w.u aU Homo bond Allanuwith Air Line and J.C. Soaw, Oan. Tra*. A^t, W. F. SHELLXAN, Saft. SV.AL, trio S.Vi IAY Tit, t will ran aa user* from Sarannah for Brunrtticb lo train, arriving at Uninawlck at 1 45 smui klAMAOEa’s OrncL Bavaxitab, Gi. Moj tat, nx and after Sunday, .may Paaaenger trains on thlaJEoad followa: - —i NIG1IT EXPRESS. JSSISST** D ^ at :::::i;3FS Leave Trbe.nriUe * IMF M Arrive at Callahan “ 93IPM Arrive as JaefcamriUe “ letuPM Leave JackeonvUle * 7 ns AM Leave Callahan - 832 AM Arrive at TebeauTlIle “ II3SAM Arilve at Jeavn “ 1230 P M Arrive at Savannah “ S3SPM Paaaen] take tbla A M. Pateengos leave Bnuuwick at *30 A M. arriving at Sarannah 230 i*. M. .for Darien Uke thlatraia. leaving Macon at 93d A. M.(datlj Jeaup with mi- train for Florida, from Florida bv thli train coa- fus wciai? 1 * * ,1Ue “ Drawing Boom Carlow tbit train hat wren Savannah and Jacksonville, JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS, Leave Savannah dailjat 1130PM Leave Je-np - 23SA M Leave TebeauvUle “ S3SAM Arrive at Callahan “ S30AM Arrive at JaekaoavUle “ 735 AM Arrive at Live Oak-daUv (ea- “SSfffi “ ,,:0#AM Leave] outlay; Leave JaekaonviUe Leave Callahan Leave TebeauviUe Arrive at Jeaop Arrive at Savannah daily (except ,.S:4SPM sj#PM ..0:44 PM sao PM 11:00PM .J:UAM Palace Sleeping Cars oa l hie tiain daUy be* Savannah and Jackaonvilla, <3iarlaaton and Jackaonvtle aad Maooa aad Jackson ville. - Js«2fflr5asssBSjr actudaqi wtta & train Sarnortdadai!r. e:45 A- M.dally. Savannah for GainaafiUe, train. Paaecngan fron Quincy, Tallahaaaee. Mon- tlceno and Madison take this traSTme^ XabeaavUk at • JfiP. M, ALBANY EXPRESS. Aave Jesup <ta^. That tae Pad foil, to wtU POSITIVELY aad PE&MANLNTLTRi Grant. DUSeUa, cf the KiJorv^ IcrooII- thc Urine, lcdimatloo &r ped, as thoogb ahndtodffinished, is if she hod said or dona something men mot. She saw something w'hlch made hOf say, • In -an apologetic iw#** 1 01 .7*®om it : .u . . 'He is to set, 1 haft ‘to Ue win always have his own war, and ““Don't yo» think ft wrong to de ceive your husband r X " VcTT* I wouldn’t deceive hlm^ he need aerifr know anything abont to- I out easily pay that Mt -money, or by economising on mar- 'ket bills? I do want tile honse ro, and there Is no other W*y. - -' the little woman wcntawavpcrfcct- ly bappr, saving, “He Is the best ^ - in the world, bnt he is so pig waarlag prof. G-inuarmss French Kidney Pad, Which cmraa by ‘ Aak yonr drnnfat for P »»»»« 4*Ph Tai,— Arritel ABhel Arrive Albany Leave/** Arrive at DuPont Arrive Jeeup Arrive Savannah rSSffffZ IPM -.tJfiPM -lfi night ..Mil -IfiSAB ...4:45 PM ...IBfil 1:4S AM ..•:WAM -IMAJI ^ ANi> DEALER IS mm ALBANY. Lumber, Brick, Lathes, Lime Cement GA. Shingles and Eatimatas faralahal for bwlldiags aad mormeu takru at lowaat I tv lag ratra. Albany and southweat Ueontla need anan- terpriM of thU kfnd, and I ant determined to snDiilv the demand. Patronage solicited and satisfaction guar anteed (^•OFFICE: At S. Sterne’s Store on Wssbington Street. Alhaav.GA.SvpLS.ISSe. it Hoxuw J.fOaa. Saw’l t>. latna. Ja BXJSHsTESS. Will give prompt aad clero atlsaiWa la all bo»- ines* rntrustad to their care. Altoany, tie, April I,ltfiL dlwAvlro OPATTISOIT’S Iron Works (Established 1867.) ‘ !. FATTISOII • 3 _ founders & Machinists ALBANY, OA. Iron and Brass Castings of all De scriptions. Proprietor* CCOK’S IMPROVED and Planter. 5Iade under Cool?/’* :'o _ M jatfiit. fdl and healthfnl. • f^tUlhctlou guaranteed. Ltdvi the cite ia laid a quilted petd. afleh reuden ratlin? inponibe. Beware of infrlnfementa. Aik for Cooley'S Conet and take n* other. Send to by return I Manufoctui ring Company. BAXES, SEED t COOLEY, 343, 343 c*4 347 ANBRETHS’ MHesifAioca Tkt&UMttmdwuM, Cram* in Cii l’rU~d *—‘tHETH OtVIDlsLYVll * SONS.Pntuw.J’i. The Best in the Market. jani-Gtnw Mrs. B. GOLINSKY n how BECETV1NO DAILY FOR HEX . FASHION EMPORIUM THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF French Lawns, Linen Lawns, Embroideries, tbronxb to aad from So ij;. aaa JaeJucavUle aad At Jatkaonville dally (Say. | days accepted) for Green Core Springs s u I Araoriinr..UolottA. Eaterprire andalFlind tiior.fii Pret OnlhoottoTa French Chet. If ho haa not got receive the Pad by ro- curibTr. IiurlSgoti ulbttaSrTHIIHHI |«ltat ratlatWIciiawA'FiiiS^Uy jffiS/gas^^Sfsgd; The arrangement was'made, arid ic little woman wentbwavperfect- my5uirnmrbM,Kmi2 -Hope deferred maketh the heart Hope t sick,” ib a proverb sadly realized by " i publisher who senaeth ont bills. 1 the “A righteous man hateth lying,” hence the editor waxeth wroth against the subscriber who promises at a cost of £7,9881 >«) to call and settle on tho morrow, yet . - calleth not to settle. ••It biteth like a serpent and sting- eth like the adder,” when tho adder gets through’adding np the amounts due from his subs. "With all the poverly of Ireland, the perccntope of paqperistn n I wittm: . much smaller in that country than j^^woreoaiaofibofntooeowobod ood I rv- foofot Car tat Offlcc, No. 21 tba company, cepof. J. 8. TTOOW, „ JAS.L.TATLOR, GeueoU Pisrcnjrr Agran H. 8. HAINES, Gaovral Maaacer. LACES, (real aad ItaltaUM) arar braogM to tbio market. Nun*’ Yelling, Grenadines. Silk and Lisle Ihread Mits and Gloves. A very tage aMortuent of CORSETS, PARASOfA aad F ANS, prettier Ibea mrytkiagkvptta a Sial-dam raacypad Dry Oaad. ataUUbaaau A San MILLINERY ASSORTMENT Ibh .Ida of New Yatk.aa I kai. taken w«bl care to mlret Iba lan Irioma. con and made, aim mack, aad wa are rare ererybefy wUlba I aad prka^ aa I wnt mM at Um lawam prirea for retaaaiy. Act, w. kare tba trndt tbimyie.qtmntya ■atari riytmbr ■ wttb Albany. Ga, April t, 1ML ddwtf MRS. B. GOLINSKY. AUG. F. FRANKLIN & CO., FEED, .roily BRESyAy,3TaH<toer. T*l fordlax loSli ood-nbraa with its ... •otensir. mod elrfiut Trrondoli, of. uaafiaerieirof th* piomeuade. alrr unriT,l ' d ubl *^ Storage and Commission Hants, MAGNIFICENT PISPLA? -OF- SPRING GOODS l A STOCK WHICH FOR Variety, Style and Elegance STANDS Without a Rival in Georgia! Our Various Departments are replete with Lai Choicest and Rarest Novelties l Nothing Left Undone to Make Shopping Pleasant those who Visit our Establishment. 1o> A 1®* Prices Low this Season. A J BUSIN ESS SOI jciti :d. FIOSTITEY’S BUILDIIsT<3-, febl2-w6m Bay Street, BRUNSWICK, CA. L KADI NO SAVANNAH HOTEL. in England. In 1S60, 85,00fc> per- ^ Lu. son* wero relieved in Ireland at *a ; s*ttaRiSo» »»y kum, itemM*-«.mrmw.* : ne'arfv-S?’, "' lli,C DGftriv f45,000 persons \\ ore relieved and ar«hearingotgood resuna firocn Lhroi crery ■ lUBtf the j “f’ * population of England ntfonr times ! Prof. Oallmcltc^ Frmch Liver Pnd, thax of Ireland, it wili Iks scon that ! ^wbittvdjim Vhnr and Ague, Dumb pauperism-in Ireland is urn i ia if ; Agu;. A^Cakc. BUfoos Fever, Jaaodice, D y ». wKnt is in England, InVbbdrlion i m«tte‘.*TreatU« on tbe Kidneys ami Liver fro* by mall. FRENCH PJ THE BEST IN THE MARKET! 3. Tzxima mm 2Si THd* resp«ct/ul2/ refer the traveling public U re of their friends who have been gursu of the what it is in England, In proportion to the population, and is even 12 per cent, less (ban in Scotland. I bore a MaBSHALL H jUSK under the present i meat. The increarod patronage received by thw house haa necessitated the lease of what wma * formerly known as the “Florida House." and k . has been supptiod with elegant fnrniture, car pets, etc., and forms a grand combinaUon under one management which will — the traveling public. be appreciated oj ; PAD CO,, loiedo.OnJo, 1 bar., Dee. 7, Itfo-tL JOHN BEESNAN. Manager, m “EXCELSIOR” COOK STOYES LEADING FEATURES: W.. «l Iv ■ .rs l Wood-Orate Me AuUanar Hwinaimr pro Btop irainr I/>ur Crnsa Piece Ib.tiiri^ Hli- rt Centers ]|--sty UiDif Cm»rs Flrr* D’. Adapt*! ts iZ Iq^wrt. frtrsi «ish iZ Tinu. cfactuked nr ISAAC A SHEPPARD A CO , Baifonore, Mi. And tor a •!« by principal dealers. Call and see us. Marta 14,UtMf So MAYER A CLAUfi££ r- fn IlNDSTINCT PRINT