Newspaper Page Text
William E.
Attorney at
Law 51 th»t
BANY, OA. . M*. Saw* Boor, of Atlanta, who ia
i well known in Sonthweat Georgia, has
the Court awwt^ op been appointed Commits’oner to the
In front of _
stain, urer Telafiapit Ofloa
Attorneys at Law,
C• net—Ore,5.ilimi *••*«•*■
n«r Broad «od WaUln*tu«t«<».
uoc. a,
Dominion of Canada of the Interna
tional Cotton Exposition.
Letter from Balc<r County—The
Crope—4*lazing in the rolatr&bse*
Fi£bt With an Allcalor.
Baku Cocxty, Go., June 15
Editors .Teicj and Advertiser:
It has been sometime since I have
seen anything in your columns from j
Baker, therefore, T propose giving
yon a few dots.
Wo have had some i'aia in this
rection, but jut now the eoru crop I
is suffering for raiu,' with plenty of !
rain, however, in tbo uctr future
A St. Louis doctor’s factory re-
ccutly turned out a dozen female
doctors. As long as the female
doctors were confined to one or two |
iu the whole country, and thos
lie w
Rental, we
niafn -
time- utrf Ouln 1 Ballmhl
at Law,
the New York I>gisteture
adjourns without having selected a ..
United States Senator, yon may Just ,he corn cro P °f *6 section wilt be fem ,f 0 doctors
count on Conkling’a being elected, a fc,r ,Tcr »* e - The cotton is very log branch of
with a strong.probability of Dene crat-1 *** have ell seen evidence. lath, dr
ic success. • • _ of the early approach of the cater
pillar, and we fur that it may very
seriously damage and cut short our
crop, the prospect of which Is ex
ceedingly flattering just at this time.
1 believe alt agree down this way
A H0B8IBLK murder occurred ia • the
Dade county coal mine. A negro con-
»iel decoyed a white mar, earned Me-
Daniel, another convict, t<. an nnfre-
S. t.VAsnv. A. H. aLEKIKNli gregate debts of tlic cities and towns
VASON tit A is FRIEND .,f this country at $570,000,000. The
county debts amount to 1500,000,000
■md the State debts to $300,000,000, a
.picnted part of the mine ami menlej- j , ||lt „, e reatl)er u io ,
, d him with a hammer and pick. The favorite amu-crnct fn and
Tub census bulletins report the *g- nround Newtou now is the gigging
were only expci
our peace and did not
but now that they a
iu producing female c
business we must protest, and ia so IIS* 6 !
doing will give a few reasons why ! •he .-.ate
wilt not provearpay-l elected Jui
logbrOnetk Af industrr. |C—UMtoftlw
In tb
August, 1815; he was aftet
graduated In Tale Cotleg*
ichool, and returned to G
ind commenced the practice
' i 1810 he was el«
own, of Atlanta,
ckeu* d'Ri
U 15,1321
; when
i he
”Tho> t
U father
i to
thill. 13 feifi
US CdllCAl
toil At
Virgil, the
: Pi
. South C:
u Canton
; hfe
w*»”t prog
I bel«»w—ill*
ttod to t
ho bai
r In
i feud Mtiooth
1 V
always oa the I
iict blowing.—
A blacksmith is
— I strike—when ho is
u sometimes that I Earl Marble.
of progress. Old i „ . , . , I
.1. 6 .i I strawberry short cake is so call
ed because it is short of strawber*
—, »t the "Loo* Star.’*
, la the :9th rear of Ms
poet, said tl ere
above and a progress i
as a progress below i
A friend tusdeparted o<
Tna places wnlcli Ear.
forth Id hit sta-loa,
Lhu shall knew Men
Sen ,
ferual regiou, aud easy the
Aud, thei re fore, when men talk
I you .about j rogre=s, they mean to
j carry you tv; hell, a political hell,
tpped in political tUmea. I know
Attorneys at
Active and prompt attention given to col-
k.timiN uni all general busine**, I*t»cIUy
it. all tLo courts.
• ihtcd ov**r Mutlif n Kxpree* o(le«^oj^**
r c<»urt lfouw.
James Callaway.
«A-l lornev at Tj aw
W. A. FORT, ;
mm raniciAV ui soasm
rirEN DEBS Ml protrulonal unpos lo Ihe pM-
i pi. of lu min 3ini adj-ilolns unroll,*, |itr.
rVularlv »lonr Hi. Ilrtrofth* It A A Rlltiurd.
V.ciM mi ham) » full lino nr Family amt Fatani
llrdleiuea. rbrstcuns' |,rwrl|Slno. promptly
mint. JunriS-wly
lot-il of $L370,000,00O of municipal
indebtedness. Including the national
! debt, we owe ten per cent, of all we
Maulstick says Joe Emmett, the
comedian, so-called, “ought to bare a
■ etofn pipe in his gullet, a brandy
lionuicniiig. or a sort of liquid race-
• track, that would keep the whiakey
perpetiiallysrerolTing around the pal
ate, and a pyloric valve in bis throat
: i bat wouldn't yield to pressure. Tie is
i :r very amusing gentleman when in-
I toxicated."
Deloss & Oslntm,
Albany, - - - - Georgia.
Trowbridge & Hollinshed
Teeth extracted wiuout pain. All work
arrantM. Term* raodurate. Will go »ny-
Vcrc oa B. A A. and 6. F. A W. Railroad*.
Office ovcrGilto’s Drun Store
onleri left at tbo Drug Store trill rocolvo
itpntloo. Jan 7-ly
lafcypIvUrFITLLY teaion Ui* lervlees, In the
ilr vartjua hraochc* ol his profession? to tb«»
•Jtlsins vibiuy nudsurroundlnKcouQtry. Of-
Bee opposite ».trt llnuvi, *»n (Mnststreet.
Is tbo place to stop and get a GOOD
Merrick Barnen, Proprietor
Albany, Georgia.
of fish in 'the Colawahec. The
young men—and some not to young
—indulge in this fine sport nearly
every day, and many very fine fish
arc taken iii Ibis way, and just here
I am constrained to relate an inci
dent that happened to a party of
giggers who were in the creek last
rridav Indulging in this favorite
Ou that day this party, consisting
of Will Williams, Lawrence Howell,
Charley Norris, Purd Odum aud
Walter Perry, each armed with one
| of those heavy, strong and sharp
gigs hurried to the Colawahee for
: the purpose of taking such fish out
! ol the creek ou the points of their
-harp steel—barbed gig.—as might
,'onic in the way. They had not
proceeded more than a mile or to tip
■ he creek before they met an ob-
.tarle in the shape ol a huge align-
lor, from whose dimensions one
would suppose be belonged to the
Anak family of the aligator race.
1'kxas is alive as well as G. orgia, on
i he prohibition question. The prohi
bitionists, at their State Convention
last week, decided that it was not ad
visable to form a separate political
party, the great majority of the dele
gates being of the opinion that tlie
Democratic party can be made avaiia- j t hey saw that a fight was'inevitable,
ble, with proper action on the part of j, c would not move an Inch for their
the prohibitionists prior to the meeting j presence, but simply bent himself up,
of the Democratic State Convention, j lushed the water wit 1 * his tail, and
Tnx census appropriation of $2,625,- | glared upon the crowd with his fiery
000 has been exhausted, and 800 of the j <\vcs as much as to say, trouble me
1,400 clerks havo been discharged, bui | if you dare and I’ll demolish Ihe
there ia still a large amount of work to I itd one of you. So thev marshaled
placed, if they doctor
anybody it must be womcn. aud
three-fourths of the women would
rather have a male doctor.' Sup
pose these colleges turn out female
doctors until there are as many of
them as there arc male doctor.,
what have they got to practice on?'
A man, if there was nothing the
matter wiih hiiu, might .cptl on a fe
male doctor, but if ho was sick a; a
hirsc (If a man Is sick he is sick as a
horse,)the last thing he would have
around would be a female doctor.
And why ? Because, when a man
has a fumbling around him
he wants to feei well. He don’t want
lo be bilious or feverish, with his
mouth tasting like cheese, and his
eyes blood-shot, when the female is
looking hfm over and taking ac
count of stock.
Of course, these female doctors
are alt young and good looking,
and if one of them came into a sick
room where a man was in bed; and
ho had the chills, and was as cold
as n wedge, and should sit up close
to the side of the bed ami taka hold
of his hand, his pule trould runu'ii
to 160, and she would prescribe for : As
sin-1 They call it a bay window be. I A sr^jcaitiroi
vay. j cause you go there when volt would „ !, " t I :
* to j look out to sec. —BostonTranscript. | Xo “^, l!i ‘ Uwo
' ; It does not follow tt
*w1 is « perform,
a friend of mine, a good Methodist i l'‘? no “ccsusue piavs
friendof mine—I belong to ;hat con-. u manor. Yawc jj bti
norlinn oatil hi flMn'f it flnn tree *rx vnsVe w
true anti trt.-i In ?rery relation,
.hrough tL« ot dt£lfc*S
li- Hi* roa^nti nor h*g
m* hits in h's glory ad
b Gnjbtxnd Uid H oar
need in s&fe
1003 He
make money ia lo »raiac
I ttfolloo Im ifaj ho diiat UHm it | Oatwjrl
i the Btbio, wiiia they got the I take • poimd trouLfll h ap lilb
?vr Bible oat; he said one of the 1 shot, and then go and bet it welsh*
onsh th*Ir bodittfl
, Who Tii U T Good people. A* mu mJy • Oh i
l pr
a fever when he had chilblalne. ;i»cm5 measure?, m a
Oh, vou can’t fool us on female doc«: he j 0tc ? for Oeoewl .f 111 * w ?°
tors.' A man who has been sick ‘“ them. During the Legia-
und bad male doctors, knows just! l,,rL ' oflS68 hc was noininated by
cd. In Iwkc was
Governor *>nrr ilu* lion: Engenins
A. Nkbett; In was again a
candidate f.rr Gorernor, anti op.
pose<l by the lion. Joshua Hill, an
original* attlon man. ami lion.
Timothy Furlow, an original secess
ionist'.;' Governor 1 Brown was
elected over both by a handsome
majority. During the war Gover
nor Drown opposed the policy' of
Fres'dont Davis on the conscript
id. but threw no obstacle In the
way of execution of the law by the
Confederate government; he simply
disgusted with the President tbo
ciiisiitiilionality ol the measure.
After the surreuder h« advocated
ncqiiteaceuce in the reconstruction
measures, and hccamo very unpop
ular on account of his recommen
dation that tho people acquiesce
and carry them out in good fatlb.
the Democratic party opposed
■gain steeled “I hare been assailed in the State I *
of Georgia for saying that I rep re- j _f'\r ■
vented the people of Georgia, and of -v U311 -
the Eighth District In tlic House of I
Representatives, and never brought
home a dollar of public plunder.
My hands wore clean, and I brought
nothing for division. If you get
mora from tho Government than
you par out yon are a thief, and if
you get lees you are a fool. I know
of no better rule of government
than the protection of life, liberty
and property. Thcso principle
were recognized by tho great
patriots, -but where did it come
from 7 From old magna charier.
“They siy that I am an indepen'
dent rebel—I glory in it. When
my time comes as here I see the gato
opening to me aud they call ou me
for my stewardship, I am ready to
say to my God, I will never, never
throw sal; upon that sacred altar.”
impartial spectator it
oasly like a demijohn. J
it, | Cunslltnslon.
lies? Ci
s to bo
is coming man estdried asaaottertSites canid a?
ssCntrAl Uity Iisin. If he | siatn.
»■« classed'as a swell be As
au h« couid t*il.
Cstber great or
be done, and Soperintendent Walker
proposeathat the employes tender their
resignations, but remaiu at work dur
ing the summer, depending upon an ex
tra appropriation from the next Con
gress. The appropriation will have to
bo made, of course, for it would not do
to suspend the work now,
The Ohio Republicans will havo to
got along without tbo Jewish and tem
perance vote this year. In tho case of
the Utter they positively refused to
insert a prohibition plank in their
platform : while they openly repudiat
ed the Jews—who hold the balance of
power in Cincinnati—not simply by re
fusing to nominate an Israelite on the
ticket, hut by the reasons given for
this neglect—that it would oxcitc the
religious prejudices of the Republicans
of the Western reserve.
j Messes, McAbtucs ass Gairris, of
' Eastman, have issued a circular for n
farmer's excursion orerthe Macon &
Brunswick railroad to Brunswick. It
T his IIoumi is well furnished and in ev- wil. stop at different points slong the
ery way prepared for the accommo- roa ,„ , 0 fi oe terms, forests, saw-
I mi.U and turpentine distilleries,
piled with the best the country affords, Theie will be no change The train
uail the -ervauts ore unsurpassed in po- ■ w ;n leave August 2. Delegates who
irtenoss und attention to the hams oi . . , .
gacsts. Oir.uibuscs convey pivsseugers to will send their names lo the above
and from the different railroads prompt- ; named gentlemen, will be furnished
tfmSr® 0f c V arK * , ‘ Ch “ rBM t0 | with tickers, good lor ten days, when
' thev reach Macon.
As Atlanta correspondent states that
on the 6th Messrs. J. L. .Taylor and
W. P. Hardee, rcpiesentativcs of the
Savannah, Florida and Western Rail-
nsd Company, had a conference with
the Railroad Commission. They made j ^p^a?.ln~dia(anon, but
a lull Statement of the business of ihew 0|hew m ,, nUined thclr ground.
ibeir fears and commenced a lively
attack upon his aligatorehip, but
ibev soon found they had a heavy
and dangerous job on their harnlr,
they only had for weapon* the gigs
before referred to, and they were
not snfficient, they could make hut
very little impression- with those,
for his hide was too tough to allow
the gigs to enter, and then tho ali
gator would snap off the handles of
their gigs andYob them of their de
fense. Just at this timo the fight
became exceedingly interesting, the
men would punch tho monster with
their gigs, and he would snap the
gigs and rear himself out of the wa
ter standing upon his hind feet and
tail and makedesporatc plunges at
bis 'assailants on tho bank. Jnst
about tbo time be was up high in
the air ready to make hit plunge,
one of the party would plunge his
gig iuto.his side and throw him off
his balance and back into the water.
At the time he was making these
desperate efforts to get at his tor
mentors on the bank of the creek, bo
would rear or bellow like a Hon in
a rage, indeed the sound was fright
ful, shaking the leaves from tne
trees in the vicinity and almost
deateng those near by.
"But with bis mighty noise
He couldn’t ecarc Uuee boise .*
Not all of them, too, did give
back a little—one of them being a
very fleshy man—having a consider
able amount of surplus flesh, but
none to spare to that aligator, con
cluded that “prudence was the bet
ter .part of valor,” stayed off at a
road, and made application to have
ibvir road put into divisions, with sep
arate local rates ami power to make a
joint rate. The proposed joint rates
were submitted. The com mission has
the matter under consideration.
bow much be would like to have a
female doctor come tripping in and
throw her fur-lined cloak over a
chair, and take her hat aud gl-vcs
and throw them on a lounge, and
come to the bed with a pair of fca-
rinc bine eyes, with a twinkle iu the
corner, and look’biui iu the wild,
changeable eyes, and ask him to
run out his tongue. Suppose he
knew bis - tongue was coated so it
luokcd'liko a yellow Turkish towel,
do you suppu-e ho would want to
rnn'oot ov> r five or’six inches of the
Miwer part of it and let that female
doctor put her eve on it io see bow
ftir-redit was? Not much. He would
not let her see it for 25 cents admis
sion. We have all seen doctors, put
i heir hands under the bedclothes
-iinl foil of a titan's feet to see if
they were cold. If a female doctor
.huuld do that it would give a man
crumps in the legs. A male doctor
cun put li>i hand on a man's stom
ach, and liver and lungs, nnd ask
him if ho feels any pain there; but
If a female doctor should do the
same thing it would make a man
sick, nnd lie would want to get up
■inrt kick himself for employing n
female doctor. Oh, there is no use
talking, it would kill a man.
Now, suppose a man has heart
discaso.ana a female doctor should
want to listen to tho beating of bis
heart. Sho would lay her left car
on his left breast, so her eyes and
rosebud mouth would be looking
right in his face, aud her wavy
hair would be scattered all around
there, getting tangled in the buttons
of bis uight-shirL Don’t you sup-
no«e his heart would get in shorn
twenty extra beats to the minute?
You bet! Aud she would smile—
we will bet $10 stm would smile—
nnd show her pearly teeth, and her
ripe lips would be working as
though she were counting the beau,
and he would think she was whisper
ing to him, aud—IVcll, wbat would
he be doing all this time? If he was
hot dead yet, which would' be a
wonder, his left hand would brush
the hair away from her temple and
kind of stay thereto keep the hair
away, and his right hand wonld get
sort of nervens and move around
to the back of her head, and when
she had counted the beats a few
minutes and was raising her head
bo would draw her up to him and
kiss hhr once for luck, if he was as
bilious a« a Jersey swamp angel,
and have her charge it in the bill.
And then reaction would set in, anil
he would he as weak as, and
she would have to fan him and rub
his head till he got over being ner-
von.i, and then make ont hU pre
scription after he got to sleep. No;
all of a man's symptoms change
the Republicans for TTniled States
Senator, and defeated by Hon.
Joshua Hill, which was the . only
defeat of bis life; in every instance
when he had been a candidate be
fore the pcoplo he has been success-
ful. After bit defeat for Senator he
was appointed by Gov. ' Bullock,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of Georgia, which po itlou bh held
till 1870, when be resigned and ac
cepted the Presidency of the AYeit-
ent and Atlautic railroad company.
He lias devoted hi* life to business
pursuits, being a candidate for no
office, but acting with the Demo*
cratiq party, slue* 1872 upon their
reconstruction platform. When
General Gordon resigned hit posi
tion iu >hc Senate, Governor Brown
was appointed'to fill the vacancy;
he was afterwards elected over Gen.
A. R. Lawton, his opponent, by
over a two-thirds -majority of the
Legislature. Senator Brown’*
term expires the 3d ol March, 1885.
A Ker to a Pereou’s Nams,
By the accompanying table o(
letters, the immu of n person or
work may be found out in tho folj
Tile Convicts.
A great deal of sickly sentiment-
■ N
a man a _
aud, after many hpnrs hard fight, [ when a female doeipr'is practicing
succeeded it. killing the monster, cr. | nn Wro ’ n ; « d ,hc wou,d tl'l himilead.
rather, in worrying him to death, j . “ * • ? “ ~
Had the aligator osed a little stra-' a sensible Woman,
tngv, aud crawled ont of the creek ! Tliero ia one woman in Iowa who
the bank, they could int have >* n ’‘ hankering alter office. Her
Ithe only medicine
That Acta at the Mime time mi 4
Bmnuv « Mm tAm gnat argent to
Ifeauw Ctontd or torpid, tout poinmooi
\hamortnrt tktrtfora /bread Into Uc &.W
Idat t/tCMldhr,
Axrt xtnvors snossou,
|*rfinuUngfru attlon of Urn orfftau and
| nttorlnj tMrpoterr to Miwecf Atoto*.
Why nBn BUlou fatal aa4 ichcsl
f toratntrd witt Pits*, Coasttyatloa!
|Why frlgkttatC over Cisordcnt KldMjit
] Wkyaaiiniirvesi ec lick talvtal
I BtUD.HI-tnBTaiitte(UtaU.
I r is said that the forthcoming report
of the railroad commission will be an
j interesting one, but will probably not
! he ready for publication until seme
time ia July—some of the roads hav-
. ing not yet sent in their statements.
The report will give, in an appendix, an
ahxtract of all the railroad legislation
of Georgia, and, decisions of the Su
preme Court on questions affecting the
roads and the State's control of them,
including the decision of Judge Wooda
, in the Savannah, Florida and Western
' case. It will also contain statements
of the gross and net earnings of all the
railroads of tho State, and suggestions
of additional legislation.
WHETHxn by the new census Geor
gia is to have additional Represen
tatives in Congress ia not yet known,
as no apportionment bill was passed at
the last session, but the Macon Tele
graph and Messenger makes a sug
gestion which w'e regard as well calcu
lated to obviate any t oubls that may
arise should tho ‘now apportionment
when made give ns soother Represen
tative. The Telegraph suggests that
the Legislature constitute nine
gremional Districts, with a provirion for
tho election of a Congressman to
•lected by tho State at large if it
out that we are entitled to tea Bspre-
prevented his landing, and onco on
land he wonld have cleaned up the
whole crowd iu a few moment*,
tint lie attempted to show off him
self by making plunges, lashing tbe
water* into a foam with his tail aud
making a great noise, he attempted
to. win by brute force, and, therefore,
lost the battle for his folly. They
sent for a team and wagon, and
mauy bands brought him to
Newton, where he was kept on ex
hibition all Saturday morning. Tbe
great wonderment of all who saw
him, being tbe largest aligator ever
seen in this country. He measured
17 feet from tip to tip; 37 inches
was his circumference in the largest
part of his body; and would havo
squared—well, he did square him
self at those fellows—but it done no
The reptile weighed several
tindred-pounds. Sam Livingston
bad him skinned and stewed np,
of oil,
ery of
name is Mrs. Mary E. Nash. She
was nominated by the Iowa Green-
backers for the position of Superin
tendent of Education. In her letter
declining the nomination she says:
“I am a wife - and a mother, and
have a home to. take care oL which
occupies my entire .time,end forbids
all thought of neglecting' it for any
political honor, especially when the
chance of securing the honor is as
questionable as it U in Iowa outside
the Republican party. I have never
appeared in public andinever sought
notoriety in any direction, believing
that, if I make .my home what it
terian churches of Scotland,
for many generations of the
so, while Ido not question the kind
Intention of the gentlemen,^they
certainly bad -no right to lake any
name from my home and hold ft up
for the State to read, and put me in
the role of an office-se'eker, and
which by no means belongs to me,
and which, under no circumstances,
would I consent to accept,
tiou to this, my
were to float at an, « „u„, uc i".uu ; - ^
Loi lie vo , re e Ind m Aa an U d ot Wl ^hlZl I ®*rtyfcj S«Nortt
wonld not desert my ftr •^hStfi^Ve-iamcnt company
have held (ho larger number of their
Lei tbs person whose name yon
wislt t<> know designate in which of
-the upright columns tho first letters
of his name is contained If it be
fuuud iu but one column it is tbe
top letter; if it occur* in more than
one column it is found by adding
the alphabetical numbers of the top
letters of these columns, and the tnm
will be the number of tbe letter
sought. By taking one letter at a
time in this way, tbe whole can be
ascertained. For example, take the
word Jane. J is found in the two
columns commencing with B and
H, which are the second and eighth
Ictteis down the alphabet; - their
sum is ten, aud the tenth latter down
the alphabet is J, the letter sought.
The uext letter, A, appears in but
ohecolutnn, where it stands at the
top. N ia seeu in the columns bead
ed B, D and H; these are the sec
ond fourth and eighth letters of the
alphabet, which added give the
fourteenth, and so on. The use of
this table will excite no little curi
osity among those unacquainted
with the foregoing explanation.
Tnx Jerusalem chamber, where
the New Testament company of re
visers have held their meetings since
June 22, 1870, was originally the
parlor of the Abbot’s parlance,' >nd
is associated with many Intereating
events in English 'ills. ory. It was
to this spot that Henry IV. was con
veyed when seized with his last ill
ness, and where he died March 20,
1413. It was here, in tbe days of
tbe Long parliament, that the cele
brated assembly of divines, driven
by the cold from Henry VII.'s chap
el", held its sixty-sixth session, on
Monday,'OcL 2,1643,and continued
to meet until (its closing session,
(the eleven hundred and sixty-third)
on Feb. 22,1448. Here were prepar
ed the-famed Westminister confcs-
fesrion ofJuith and tbs Longer and
ality has been
thieves, murderers, incendiaries and
other scoundrels now serving terms
in our penitentiary for violating the
law* or tho land. J Whenever* poli
tician wants promotion, ho forth
with panders to the prejudices of
the negro oy etldcavoring to knock
a shackle from the ecnvicis. The
system ha* thus been tampered with
ouitl crime b being robbed of its
merited punishment and tbs condi
tion of convicts placed on a par with
o:ber laborers. So,far from our
elate prisons being places of punish
ment they arc fast rendered pleas
ant and quiet retreats, where trans
gressor* of la w can retire for a term,
protected by tbo humanitarians of
the Stale from insult and abase.
Now, while we believe In treating
these creatures bumauelr, at the
same time they merit andabonld re
ceive some pnaishment. Convicts
should be taught to look upon the
penitentiary ' with some horror, in
stead of a farce, as it is fast becom
ing. There are uow iu tho pay of
the State numbers of men whose
solo duty la to visit convict camps
and look to tho comfort of tbo in
mates. The Statu should ccc that
they aro not abused, b.itat the same
time this wholesale vigilance
is a nonsensical sacrifice of public
money on tho shrine of private po
litical aspirations. Our convict ays
tern ia now an admicable m;e, qnly
there is too much leniency enforced
and wi hope the Legislature will let
it alone. Bat it is argued that the
North considers it a relict of bar
barism. Let that section think just
wbat it wants. We are not running
onr State in the Interest of Musa-
chnsetts, but of Geergis. S» long
as tbe tax payers are satisfied it
matters very little to ns whether
our laws are palatable to the North
or not. We hope that the General
Assembly in Jaw will .devote more
time to tbe legitimate basinesaof the
State and give our people a rest
about that penitentiary.; They ere
heartily sick of this misplaced phil
anthropy, and the honest voters
don't intend to tolerate ::;r more
of it
▲ Good Jlcznory.
Broivn was a carpenter and John-
son a lawyer in a town in New
Hampshire. Brown was bright and
had a remarkable memory and was
fond of politics, while Johnson was
a leading young lawyer and local
political leader. Both belonged to
the same panv, nnd both were ap.
pointed to tbe eamo State Conven
tion, at which a very important sub
ject was to be discussed and acted
upon. Johnson had prepared a
long and able speorb, which he in
tended to deliver in the convention.,. - , ■ -
The two young delegates took pas- f IU »uch quantities as one li
sage in the same stage to proceed to A B u,m.r«bte Bo, Preaeh.r.
the convention, which was to be xmntiPo*
held at the Capitol of tbe State.
They were the only passengers, and
while away
onldn’t he be as well If balet
them alone.—Yawcob Strauss.
«- The coin for soldiers quarter*.—
Yawcob Strauss. The coin for ran-1
sicians—the lire—Boston Courier.
The coin for Congressmen—the
franc—Wit and Wisdom. A coin
horse.—Peck's Snn.
Cadet Whittaker's friends say
that when his trials are over lie will
go upon the lecture platform. His
exordium will probably be “Friends
and fellow countrymen, lend me
your ears.’’—Lowell Cornier.
“Will tbe coming man use both
hands?” is a question asked by a sci
entific exchange. We we do not
see bow the coming man can 1
both bauds nnless tbe coming
woman drives the horse..—Psck’t
a tosraatar, there w. boo*, ia sake vr te
Hlatma was msjestie as a Xior of bln
Sccr-Uka ap;'ezracee. yet pUvful as*
As a kitten when plcktez t Bower to pteoe*.
The volet of his ••atlas ie“ ha kaaw toaeaxu
Hrr command* b* always mads haau to
ohay, . • " 3 tcmi
Hla“matert" rrMstls ha knew like a break.
And his foot on the step . wlteo soon ftftdr
It.tonodtfd io ewe*:, *nd g*re hunger filler,
Whether hot or cold, wet, freetiag or dump.
To knew there came a sweet morsel of beat
Tor the tooth of “Col. Thncu" and CDmt.
There are 17.000 railroad engines
in the United States, and each one
averages fifty toot* per day. Where
do these 850,000 daily toot* go.—
Detroit Free Press. They go to
make the toot ensemb’e.—Lowell
A New York doctor says that
“ten di-be* of clam chowder ought
Ia Irtlf ifia nlrAnsmtl man llrlnrr **
strongest man living.”
to kill the
Ten drinks of cheap whisky out
to have the same effect but unfor
tunately it doesn’t—Norristown
It has come—a chremo to every
converted sinner.— Mew York
Commercial Advertiser. Glad yon
have got ont. If they had known
yon better, they would hare sent
you an oil painting.—Boston Com'
mercial Bulletin.
Mono, who invented tbe tele
graph, and Bell, tbe inventor of the
telephone, both had mute wives.
Little comment is necessary, hut
just see what a man can accomplish'
when everything is quiet—Lowell
(Mass.) Citizen.
A facetious brakeman on the Cen
tral Pacific railroad cried out as tbe
train was about entering a tunnel:
“This tunnel 1* about one mile long,
and the train will be four minu'es
passing tbrongh it”- The train
dashed into daylight again in four
second.*, aud tbo scene in the cat
was one for a painter. Seven young
ladies were closely pressed by four
teen masculine arms, fourteen pairs
oflips were glued together, and two
dozen inverted whisky flasks flashed
in the air. ,, r . r t
•Met His poor body wwva
Oat ta th* yard's ahade, which ha larad to
Tomato Latatsp.
Slice half a buahol of toputoes
and ttew.until soft; turn into ajar
and let them stand Aururfive day*,
when tho maas will have fermented
slightly, titrain and add 4 table*
i>pooui':ils of salt. 3 tabletpoonluls
or black pepper, IK tablospoonfuls
orcayenne pepper, 1 tablespoonful
of cinnamon, 2 tshle-poonfuls of
cloves, all ground. Stew until there
remain only three quarts, and bot
tle while warm, when the catsnp set
tles by cooling, enough should be
added to fill. A bit of cloth or pa
per tied over to keep dust and- filet
out, or a cork placed in tightly, i*
all that i° necessary. Unle'S ’.he
bottles have wide mouth*, it it
sometimes preferred to put the cat
sup into cans, though sealing is
non-essential. It is best to mix
thoroughly the rod popper with th<-
salt before added lo the mass, as it
sometimes remains in lump and is
not evenly mixed When the cat
sup is U'cd, vi]:c;;iu can be sd led
llntetaUlftMtt tost to fill ranks that are
With eata gone before. Wharal So so*
ana tall.
If animate of tosa* hara tonli, ht had hue
If aoet, than tor mnurjr is hla immortality.
atom alt to, aa a Cat both food and tree,
Whlhaaateaot now, and aertr mare te
tab*. . .
Bat it with faithful, food cate he’s “march .
•ofoa,” _
A leader among them I know he wlU ha.
Ere ho reaches Cat-Paradbe-lf th-re ha one
For an good cats, for rechan one waa ha.
80 farewell Tom ter “Colonel Thorn**” Cat,
Soother Ilka that we aerer again ahall aaa;
I dedicate thoae Unas, a dpooronea at that,
..To that, and conclude with': Smout-at to
I. D. S
June Ulb,lSSl. . .. .
Here hath tho body of a faithful old Pet,
Hte abort race terun.bte Ufe’a aan has act;
Whtl* over hte aahea a tear w» wtU drop.
To aay to hte mem ry, “Thou art sot for-
iu-” '
J«LMor 1 th* D ’ A UB3e 01 ,iK '
Latest Styles!
—OF— LO-rr
; —0—
Good Work! Perfect Fit and
Seasonable Prioea
Guar&nteed I
should be, my tniaaion sls a true UimTrf the"¥rerily':
woman will be filled. This beiny - •*
of England. Here, also,
feat fifty yenre the sugges
tion of Dr. Tillotson, then dean of
Cantubary, tbo memorable commis
sion appointed by William III. as
sembled to devise a basin for a
to while away the time and fully
arc himself, Johnson rehearsed
to Brown the speech he intended to
deliver. Brown was dc'ighled and
requested Johnson to repeat it,
which Johnson did. Brown repeat
ed hit laudations of the speech, and
wat so much picascil, that he rc-
I nested Johnson to repeat it a third
me, and finally prevailed upon
him to do so. By this lime Brown’s
mind and memory were pretty well
imbned, both with the points and
tbe rhetoric of his friend Johnson.
In due timo tho convention assem
bled and wLcn the appropriate sub
ject was brought up for debate,
j Brown watched his opportunity
and got possession of the floor. He
commenced tho speech which he
| had learned from Johnson and be
fore he had proceeded far, he had
! the rapt attention of all. The speech
was received with thunders of ap-
| plaus" and was pronounced the best
j made at tho convcntiou. All the
delegates got intromiced to Brown,
and congratulated him, and told
him he ought by all means to studv
law. He was appointed alternate
Elector on the Prc-idential Electoral
ticket, and his name and his speech
went the rounds of the State press.
Rev. Mr. Bigham, a young Meth-
dist preacher about nineteen rears
of age, is attracting considerable at
tention at Edgewuod. When Mr.
Bigham took charge of the church
there, the congregation had dwin
dled down to an average attendance
of fifteen or twenty The
personal iii»giioti«m and energetic
work of the young preacher has ac
complished wonders in & abort time
The honse is uow filled every Sun- j
day, and the revival which he has
conducted for the last two weeks
has resulted in quite a number of
conversions and accessions to the
cbnrch. Several Atlanta men are
enthusiastic In his praise, and do
not hesitate to predict for him a
bright and useful future.
ui.a .wkdicihk.
A Thorooch Blood PnrlSar, A Ton-
Ic App,1ll,r. PiouDi u lot Osa,lift(or-
nUnt to Ibe bod, Ibomct ccalotnl rhrd-
elane rroo.-ora-nd ibc.e Bitten for fhatr
‘ Trial mu, SOeta. r«a
tire properllM,
bixa (i.r/e-t to bucket
tick Ho
{sessions, the whole number being
•407. the total number of attendances,
“Longfellow wear* his frock coat
bottoned to ibe chin.” The ques
tion now is who sewed tlmi button
_ rs et e.425, and the average attendance at on the poet’s facial extremity?
Hall, is some- each meeting, 15.S members. Their Louisville Courier-Journal,
has even, It i- last meeting for the New Tustamenl - -» ,
at 5 P. M., Nov. 11.
offers h
s dinner hour at II in 1 work eh'
ing bteau-e that timesuit- 18S0.
railway arrangements, and
1 Invite all tho-e who rente ! Some people ale SJ
kirn to dine before leaving J they cannot even rest
A New Bedford newspaper com
plains of the lifelensncss in th«
I whaling busines* at that place. The
nervous that schoolmaster’s abroad.—Nsw York
Commercial Advertiser.
i r ia
ha ry.
Colonizing JVexleo,
Mr. Samuel Brennan, who* h*
been granted bv the Mexican gov-1
eminent a large area of fine Inndon
which to found a. colony of Ameri
cans, has arrived In San Franciicol
and been the recipient of a 1m tk jolt .Woiiirr*! !Hoiiitnt! ffoiktr* t * s
which was attended by n*oy lead- Are you disturbed at night zad
ing citizens. Mr. Bra ninth oilers i broken of your rest bjz sick chikt suf
tempting inducements to tbotfe who ; fering and crying with th« excruciating
,■ •; ’ nothing hut u WaEnEE*8
7—y-- L>RIVALED. Tbotuaoda on tkiii
n-iith tnd happiMEi to It. m*~Wt oflfcr~Wftr-
n**r • “**/« l„oic BlUen" with p«/fect co«Sd«aM
H.H.WARNER & CO., Rocimtar.5.1.
□ documents to tbo<e \vh
first ‘come forward to colonize his
land—a free grant of 100 acre* of
land aud a city lot; the land *ud the
lot* to be selected alternately and
the priority of the choice is given to
those wlio fir3tarriveon tho gTonml.
In addition to these Advantages the
about it. There is not
earth who has crcrused iti
Mexican “ .vernmeut undertakes to ' tell you si once that it will re-ulat*
pus through itacustoms free ofdaty *---!,»■ • ■ °
aud through Its mails all supplies
anil letters for bona fide settlers on
the Brknnr..i gram. When five hun
dred families are on the ground tbe
titiaof tha recond half of the giant
ef4S league* more will be given to
Mr. 3 fan nan.
pain of cutting teeth? n »o. go
and get a bottle of Mbs. WntatoWa
Sootuiso SvRt-r. It will r.'lier* tha
poor little sufferer immediately—d»-
pen'l upon it; there is no mistake
* -her ou
b.', win not
. j . crista the
bowcL, and give rest to the mother
and relief and health to the riiili
operating like magic. It is perfect! T
ssfe to use in all esses, and pi-..--. ^
the taste, snd is the prtacriptiee of oa*
of the oldest and beat female pkyrictana
and nurses ia tho United States, field
everywhere. 25 oants a bottle.