The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 23, 1892, Image 1

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EEKLY NEWS AND ADVERTISER. lc XLVL—No 215 w&kSapeHor Court ALBANY, GA., SATURDAY. JULY 23 1892. Trie .00 Per Year CORRUPTION [util Would Have Been Welcome* 1 Hundreds of Dollars Without Belief* ICutfcura. Wonderful Change la Three Months. Completely Cured In Six. r.lhlliusthft <rmr, I contracted some kind of a dl*» jMtfUHfc brought me almost to the point of death, rt ifpi> si in mil leg were one mass of corruption I Att tsto Wtr very flesh. Swelling and itching I fltthS sandng most excruciating pains. The Iteiewu awful. I had spent hundreds of dol- [px* la futile efforts to get well, or even relief, for i suffering so that death would have been o ease. Rev. J. G. Ahern, who was tho _ Blckley Circuit, urged me to procure _ rictrau Remedies- Upon their arrival, I r rto nsa> according to cirections, and In less SB three months I noticed a wonderful change. J appetite was good, roy breath was sweet, and 1 OMtlnuod to take the medicines tho good work sad on. In six months from the tlmo I [was completely cured. The Cmti- fkbbiei did tbo work, and my skin became r smooth and clear, and tbero U now not LSUghtast appearance of the dlseaso. 1 would / 4m conclusion to all suffering from any kind blood trouble, don’t be deceived, but ptrlke at *• fountain head, and get Cuticura Remedies, ksa if ybii have to send a thousand miles for |\e*,^ G. C. HALE, Sellers, Ga. wonvlLd subscribed to before me April 28,1892. WtU&M C. Solomon, J. P. P. C. Cuticura Resolvent i Mw Blood Purifier, Internally (te cleanse tho d of .all impurities and poisonous elements and . remove the cause), and Cuticuiu, the great > Pare, and Ccticura Soap, an exquisite Skin nu^Wpoxternally (to clear the skin and scalp, l restore the hair), cure every disease and humor f the ikin'and blood, from pimples to scrofula. [ Seld everywhere. Price, Cctictou, &0c.; Soap, be.; Rebolteht, $1. Prepared by tho Potter |>»ue And Chemical Corporation, Boston. 1 nt*-' Vfovr to Cure Bkin Diseases,” 64 pages, W ( htsaaiions, and testimonials, mailed free. Skin and Scalp purified and beautified by Cuticura Soar. Absolutely pure. airs MUSCULAR STRAINS r And palna, back ache, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in one minute by tlie Cuticura . Anti-Pain Plaster. Tho first and I nly instantaneous pain-killing plaster. f Jijcfcseual (Cixx ils. f S. J, Jones. S. W. Smith, Ordinary Dougherty Co. JONES & SMITH, TTORNEYS AT LAW "f W and R ea l Estatj Brokers. £iloAey to loan on real estate securities. £. It. JOHES, mmm and REAL ESTATE BROKER, < Weteii, Stocks and Bonds bought and sold, j Obocal Agent Equitable Building and Loan ■ j I Association of Albany, Ga. ^Ijrasklagfsn, HI. - - dlkaa]r,Ga. \h W. T. itej udWlor at Law, ALBANY’. GA. H. J. SWEAT. Attorney At•La'nr, ALBANY, GA. J All business dispatched with mptness. Commercial law a spe- ,ty. Office No. 76}^ Broad, St. W, L DAVIS, . &j$ician ami Surgeon, F |y Office over It. J. Lapiar * Son’s Drug } Store* Telephone 84. Hugo Robinson, Physieiao and Surgeon, ALBANY', - GEORGIA. ©lie. In Yeninlette Block. Telephone IS. I* I.LOEV, ... H j...J EW | 5r QJPcc xAran' ce at S, Sterne’s Etore, Satisfaction toed whore others failed. D.W. PRICE, !! * MERCHANT TAILOR. Bread Street. - - ALBANY, GA f I have just received my Spring and Summer Styles in fine Broad cloths, Casriraers, Doeskins, etc. If you want something nice for | a Dress or Business Suit give me a i call. I guarantee all my work to .1 be firstcias8 in every respect. * Give me a chance at your work “ and you will be pleased, a Respectfully, ■' * D. W. PRICE NEWS FBOK 1ISS0CRI. CLEVELAND WILL CARRY THE STATE BY 40,000 majority. T be Necr.tarr •* N.tlflcatl.n Committee Oir«*(Cbderlng New.— 11.publican, ar. t'cell.g Ver; Blur. Washington, July IS.—Nicholas Bell, of St. Louis, chairman of the notification committee that will gently, break to Mr. Cleveland the news of his nomination, says of the situation : “The country wants Cleveland. No public man In modern times has had such a hold on the esteem of the American people. Hundreds of repub licans are GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM, “They assure me of this in Missouri, and it is so everywhere as it is in Mis souri. He will run 10,000 votes ahead of the local ticket, and wilt carry tlie state by at least 40,000 majority. We will elect our state ticket by 30,000, but lookout for a revolution in national politics. Wisconsin is going to elect THE DEMOCRATIC ELECTORAL TICKET. “Illinois will do likewise and tiie chances are that Minnesota and Iowa will help swell the column.” Quite different from this exhuberant style of talk is that heard from the re publican leaders. Iu an interview today Julian Burrows aftei a painful effort at optimism could only PRONOUNCE THE SITUATION “FAIR.” Another leader of equal prominence talked in a regular indigo vein, but afterwards begged the correspondent who had questioned him not to print bis name on what be said. The ways and means committee have passed a resolution fixing ad journment AT TWO O'CLOCX THE TWENTY-FIFTH. Senator Stockbridge, of Michigan, says that unless the house agrees to the World’s fair appropriation it shall be made to stay here till November. The house today passed a bill which the senate had already passed, remov ing the political disabilities of William S. Walker, of Atlanta. From Mrs. ll*wry Ward Beecbcr. “40 Orange St., Brooklyn.N. Y.) Feb. 11, 1890. ) “I have used Allock’s Plasters fur some years for myself and family, and, as far as abls, for the many sufferers who come to us for assistance, and have found them a genuine relief for most of the achea and pains which flesh is heir to. I have used Allock’s Plasters for all kind of lameness and acute pain, and,' by frequent expe riments, find that they oan control many cases not noticed in your circu lars. “The above Is the only testimonial I have ever given in favor of any plaster, and If my name has been used to recommend any other it U without my authority or sanction.” Mrs. Henry Ward Bbrcber. When beer is shipped over Kansas railroads by the car load it is billed as “one car of bbl empties. ” Strength and Wealth. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "La ©rippe” has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, gently aiding those, organs _ to perform their functions. If vou are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at H. J. Lamar & Sou’s Drug Store. Near Nitch, Servla, a building wholly constructed of human skulls and bones was recently discovered. Hare Tea Bead. How Mr-W. D. Wentz of Geneva, N. Y., was cured of the severest form of dyspepsia? He says everything he ate seemed like pouring melted lead into bis stomach. Hood’s Sarsaparilla effected a perfect cure. Full particu lars will be sent if you write C. I. Hood ft Co,. Lowell, Mass. A boy near Grand Rapids, Mich., is raising crickets by thousands, and sells them to anglers for bait. Teachers, Ministers, Farmers, Me chanics, Merchants, as well as their wives, daughters and sons, who would like to devote at least a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot of ready money during the next few months, would do well to look up the adver tisement of B. F. Johnson, & Co., Richmond, Va., in another column, as it may be the means of opening up to many new life and larger possibilities. These gentlemen hare been exten sively and successfully engaged in business for many years, ana they know what they are talking about when they tell yon they can show you how to better your financial condition. In the K slab an desert, in South Africa, the bush men are able to dis cover water by digging in the bottom of dried-up riyer Marietta, Ga. , Oct 26,1891. Deab Sirs—1 was attacked with La Grippe and had high fever. I imme diately put on the ’Poise and soon ar rested' the disease and in a week’s time was persectiy well, while others who failed to use the ’Poise were sick two months. I use the Eiectropoise on my three little girls end never give a dose of medicine. 1 have known it to correct the acidity of the stomach, cure colds and fever, and recommend it heartily to all mothers. Respectfully, Mrs. Mamie Clark, Dalsov, Ga., Oct. 24, 1891. Gentlemen—I have used the Klec- tropoise but a short time in my family with croup, cold, neuralgia, etc., and am convinced that it is all you claim for ir. By a faithful use of this little wonder I look for the best of results. Respeetiully, S. E. Berry, Of the firm of T. A. & S. E. Berry, □ P.rd ware. 1?ev. J. li. Timmelman, of Chipley, Ga., writes: You may quote me as saying I have used the Eiectropoise with very bene ficial results and can very cheerfully and heartily commend it. A 40 page book, describing treat ment and containing testimonials from all sections, and for the cure of all diseases, mailed free on application. Address Atlantic ELxnrRoroisB Co., 45 Gould Buiidtng, Atlanta, Ga. Probable the-largest well in the United States is the Samson, at Waco, Tex. It is claimed to throw up 1,500,- 000 gallons of hoc water daily. 11 • iv t*getTliln. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the “Leverette” Obesity Pills, which gradually reduce the weight and meas urement. No injury or inconvenience —Leaves no wrinkles—acts by absorp tion. This cure 13 founded upon the most scientific principles, and has been nsed by one of the most eminent Physicians of Europe in his private practice “for five years,” with the most gratifying resnits. Mr. Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes: From the use of the "Leverette” Obesity Pills my weight has been reducep ten peunds In three weeks and my general health Is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully indorsed, by my family physician. In proof et my gratitude I herewith give you permis sion to use my name if you desire to do so.” Price $2.00 per package, or three packages lor $5,00 By registered mail. All orders supplied direct from our office. The Leyerette Specific Co., ?39 Washington St,, Boston,Mass. Miss Oidfamily—My mother sealed all her love letter to papa with a dia mond. Mr. Lowman—Humph! I ehould thing paste would have been better for that. RAKE no mistake. When one wants to eradicate every indication of malaria from their system they are truly wiss, and make no mis take if they will try Dr. John Bull’s EAliTH’a TONIc iIKIIF, For many years it has deservedly maintained its reputation as being the most reliable of the many CGBEs one sees advertised and sold for the most annoying and enervating of all malarial diseases, known as CHILLS AnOFETEtt, it has a good and lasting effect and no other remedy has ever given such sat isfaction. Demand it of your drug gist. Take do substitute on which « larger profit is made. One bottle will do you more good than six botdes of any other remedy, and the relief is al ways permanent. A word to the wise is sufficient. It cures malaria. Modest bearing is very commenda ble in a man, but it is no recorameud- able in a man, but it is no recommen dation to a fruit tree. Savannah, Ga., April 26,1889 Having used three bottles of r p p for impure blood and generq^ weak ness, and having derived great benefits from the same, having gained 11 pounds in weight in four weeks, I take great pleasure in recommending it to all unfortunates like Yours truly, John Morris. Office of J N McElroy, Druggist.) Orlando, Fla., April 20,1891. j Mess . Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir?—I sold three bottles of p p p large size yesterday, and one bot tle small size today. Tne p p p cured my wife of rheuma tism wiater before last. It came back on her the past winter and a half bot tle, $) .00 size, releived her again, and she has not had a symptom since. 1 sold a bottle of p p p to a friend of mine, one of his turkeys, a small one took sick, and his wife gave it a tea spoonful, that wa$iu the evening, and the little fellow turned over like he was dead, but next morning was up hollowing and well. Yours Respt, J N McElroy. Savannah, Ga., March 17,1891. Mess. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga : Dear Sirs—I have suffered from rheumatism for a long time, and did not find a cure until I found p p p, which completely cured me. Yours truly, Eliza F Jones, 16 Orange St,,Savannah, Ga. ' As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain's Faiu Balm to unrivalled. For sale by Hilsman & Agar Co. ■••■I m White Backskia. Washington, July 17.—When the Democratic nominees for president and vice-presidents are formereiy notified of the action of the Chicago conven tion next Wednesday night, by the committee appointed for that purpose, each will receiae a substautirl remem brance of the event: 'J his remem brance will be a copy of tlie Demo cratic platform, handsomely engrossed on parchment, and bound i:> pure white buckskin. The preparation of these copies has been under liie supei- vision of thy. notification committee. Several members of the committee u r e now iu Washington. A well-known casein Aligner* his been completely cured b.v tjie Klectro- pois, and the folio wing interview :r<>ru such a well-known,tellable and promi nent man as PruNytuut Wm. C. Sibley, of the Sibley Mul, must deeply im press, if not entirely convince ail who read it. Mr. Sibley was perfectly willingly to give hto testimony to the Evening- News about the Eiectropoise. He said he had been a great sufferer from the sciatica for five years beiore he began using the Eiectropoise. For two whole years he had not been free from paiu, and at times the sciatic pains were so severe that he would get up out of bed in bis sleep and awake to find himself on the floor in great ogonv. He spent much money at the North for special medical treatment, and was 67 times cauterized with a white-hot iron on different parts of the body. The treatment was almost as terrible as the sciatica itself. “Uow long ago has that been, Mr Sibley?” “A year ago. And you know your self tuy condition before time. I could not walk to my office, or even across tbe street. I was helpless, and had to goinmv buggy everywhere.” Mr. Sibley’s statement are remark able, but there to no doubt ol tbeir correctness, and the cures made by tbe Eiectropoise are endorsed by all physi cians who examine them. A 40-page book describing treatment and obtaining testimonials from all sections, and for the cure of all dis eases, tpailed free on application. Address Atlantio Eiectropoise Co., 45 Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga. Capt. Alvin Hall, of Deering, Me., has a pair of mittens made from bis wile’s hair. When Baby was sick, we gave her Oestoria. When she wag a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. A man should never write a love letter in a language that he has not fully mastered. A German gentle man residing in England recently wrote to his beloved: “Dearest, the thoughts of you are my daily, feed.” Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland, Ind., says: “1 tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, fo- diarrhoea and severe cramps, and pains in the stomach and bowels with the best results. Id the worst cases I never had to give more than a third dose to eflect a cure. Id most cases oue dose will do. Besides it’s other good qualities it is pleasant to take.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Hila- man & Agar Co. Sedaiia, Mo., has a citizen known as Umbrella Bill.” He is a shady character. Ilelp Wanted To spread the good news, that at last a remedy has been round which is a cer tain sure cure for coughs, colds and kindred diseases. Hassons Syrup of Tar is the name of thlo medicine, which is compounded from the best and purest materials, and will always give relief. If you have a. cough at tend to it, do not let it get worse, but buy a botttle of Hasson’s Syrup, which is guaranteed to relieve or the money refunded. For sale by Hils- inau & Agar Co. The auctioneer would- naturally have a for-bidding look. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Consumption, Coaghs and Colds to guarenteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers irom La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expease and learn for yourself juat how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lnmar & Sons Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00 2-23-6 t The greatest day’s run of an ocean steamship'was about 515 miles. f IleGol lli«i “What are you wailing for?” s?.\i one of our local lawyers the ether d:.y to an Indian who paid him money. “Receipt,” said the Indian. ‘■ A ic- ceipt,” .•■aid the lawyer, “a uveip: What do you know about a receipt ? Can ;. o i understand tiic nature c l a reeept? V< i! mo tho nature of one and 1 will give to you.” “S’po—i Mia- -J in; die; I::e go to heben; nu; :i ! - the gate locked; me see ost:«* I’etvr; ne sic, ‘Jim, v. in t you warn ?! Me say. ’W. .t to et it:.’ ‘Ynii pav A. that money?’ ’.Vhat me dob I hati no receipt; hub to hunt a'l over hell ;■> find vou.” The!:y from what are ended winter tlise.-o-es is not easily estimated. ( < ug.ii*. colds, bronchitis and e throat make up fully one-h ilf t i the death rats. More people din from. • ueu- uicnia, which first began a- a d cold” tiian front consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifics Nos. 1 and 7. for 1 v- r and inflamation, for coughs an i colds, are sovereign, curing promptly,: vM y, safely and effectually, and ■ iu.-- an st ing pneumonia—as hundred* of thous ands testify; They have luu in use for many years, and have s. univer sally met the expectations oft; c peo ple that we are almost “c irrylrg :• - J ' to New Castle” to thus speak cn : i.-.-jo —Exchange. TAKE BULL*! iAUiAFARILLA. Is your blood in bad condition? Do you feel weak ? Do you have pain ? Do sores trouble you? Are you in poor health and growing worse? Use Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparille. It will make yon well and strong. Do not delay, Give it a trial. Get it from your druggist. Large bottle (192 -eat spoonfuls) $1 60 Itch’on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Hold by Hilsman ft Agar, Al bany, Ga. ' ,-r yMyi m&u ^ • s y H fp-e. -rr- y Do you Oi*. 2 i ns res ;4 Root Beer?, SOLD At;2 ::: jdVkD EYSEYWHERB.1 the sorry !• the clo: IniT todi :-.t i ic, who ind been to • ii>g society with li is vei ry sorry for the n.” “That’s right, :i i to see you show • Y-.-'m. L’d feel 7 that had to wear :u petfple were mak- Gen. James Shields, a veteran of tlie Mexican and civil wars, ex-STovernor of Oregon Territory and ex-Senator of Illinois and Minnesota, is said to br living in alj :et poverty on a small farm in OhioT He is eighty-two years old. Tom—“>Jack, old boy, I hear you i are getf.i g to \y. quite a lion in [society?” J ck (whose Rock Island stock i> sow? ■ 1;.: eff)—“Yes, Tom; buy I’m uofohig ‘but a lamb in Wall street after all.” M. D. Lane, Devereanx, Ga„ writes: “One summer several years ago, while railroading in Mississippi, I became badly effected with malarial Ido ff poison that impaired my health for more than two years. Several cfTeo- sive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seemed to give permanent re lief until I took six bottles of B. B. B., which cured me entirely.” Mrs. Josephine Batehen, ol' Ame- ville, N. 0.. traveled sixteen thousand miles and spoke three- hundred times in one year for temperance and Sun day-school interests. She a.'s > v. rote leaflets and distributed thousands tf them. YVautcd ! Agents for life of Cleveland and Stevenson—official edition. A undid of money withiu resell. Act quick. Outfit 25 cents—free jyith good refer ences. E. J. Guyton*, Bstlimore, sold 50 first 5 days. jrf- L. Harvey & Co. 30S F. Lexinglon St., 14dlw Baltimore, Md. “What tiling of the future of Liberia?’? asked one Congressman of another. “I haven't given-the sub ject much study, but it strikes me as having a dark outlook.” Popinjay (passing store)—“Good gracious! WhaC. is the matter with that man leaning over the counter in thc-re?” Blobso'ii—-“Got a counter feit I gr.ess.” . ’ "I a&h rstand,” said a handsome young woman, entering a printing office, hat you employ only girls, and that you afe in need-of-a fore woman.” “Yes,” replied the printer, I “Can you make up r. torm.” j A : era contemporary speaks-In a [ ehattv wr.V ■: “hours with Glad- 1 stone.” would not c . ject to tak- • ing oor/ v. ;;ii Gladstone, only we kn.. v th G. O. M. was inclined that way. General Agent Wanted. Mason to travel, appoint and train agents for largest, strongest, cheapest Masonic life associations. Assets nearly $200, 000. State law complied with. Permanent, profitable, pleasant work. Address Fre l. H- Brown,-701 Phoenix lusuranee Building, Chicago, 111. 3-20-sun 4 t Pigeons, as letter carriers, tradiilon tells us, were employed at the lime when Joshua invaded Pa’istlue, as mediums of communication between the headquarters and camps in lands far off on the other side of the Jord n. The Liver- When out of order, involves every organ of the hod}*. Remedies for some oilier derange ment are frequent ly taoen v. ithout the least effect, because t is the liver vrhieh is the real source of the trouble, and until that is set right there can be no health, strength, or comfort in any part of the system. Mercury, In some form, is a common specific for,, slug gish liver; but a far safer and more effective medicine is Ayer’s Fills. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, consti pation, indigestion, and side headache, these Fills are unsurpassed. “For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, expe riencing much difficulty in digestion, with severe pains in the lumbar region and other parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm batlis, with only temporary relief, about three months ago I began tlie use of Ayer’s Fills, and my health is so much improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of this medicine.” — Mauoel Jorge Fereira. Porto, Portugal. “For the cure of headache. Ayer’s'r .ihar- tic Pills are the most effective medicine I ever used.”—R. K. James, Dorchester, }Iass “When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take . Ayer’s Fills, and find them to be more effec tive than any other pill I ever took.”—Mrs. B. C. Grubb, Burwellville, Ya. “I have found in Ayer’s Fills, an invalua ble remedy for constipation, biliousness, and kindred disorders, peculiar t<f miasmatic localities. Taken in small and frequent doses, these Fills Act Well on.the liver, restoring its natural powers, and aiding it in throwing off malarial poisons.** — C. F. Alston. Quitman, Texas. “Whenever I am troubled with' constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ay.-r’s Pills set me right again.”—A. J. Kiser, Jr.- Rock House, Va. “ In 1858, by tlie advice of a friend, J began the use of Ayer’s Fills as a remedy for bil iousness, constipation, high fevers, and 1 colds. They served me 1 ‘ban anything I had previously tried,; : i :. 1 them in attacks of that sort t -r . — i: W. Hersh, Judsonia, Ark. Ayer’s FIMs, PREPARED BY DR. I C. AYER & CO., L Mass. Bold by alt Druggists and Dealers id X dictne. First Lit;!;: Girl—“We are going to move down on Ei lU avenue and be rich. Are you rich.! ’ Second Girl (tlioughtfally —“V> e ain’t rich an’ we ain’t poor. We ire jest mixed.” Sunday-school Teacher—“ ‘By their fruits re shall know them.’ Tommy Traddles, you may explain what that means.” Tommy—“It means that you c .:*always ttfil an Italian by hto banana stand.” A glacier has Uifen discovered in the San Bernardino range, California. Blinks—“You r.on’t mean to say you’ve found r, snre way to make money at the races?” Jinks—“Sure r.s shooting. I never fail.” Blinks— “My!iavl Do yon buy tips?” Jink* —“N >. i sell tin n A Wdnuifiiil Health Resort. SUWANSFE SULPHUR ,yBRINGS, FLORIDA.- Open alCth COramoflation Hofei ac- Per.-oi Go: e y< ar round. - unsurpaSed. Hundreds of prominent citizens tes tify to Sulphur Springs’ V()N11 ! .ltFUL CURES. I- ring from Rheumatism, i -:;i, Kidney or IAver rrli. Neuralgia, Eczema, inking or Opium Habit, tin-,-and all Female Com* .-.lively cured by drink, in tiifcse health-giving iightful. Gulf breeze renders the mminer months cool and plei-ant. Al.-uiutely tree from ma laria. SPECIAL RATES, j Ticket' now on ; ; e (S..F. & W, Ky.) from Albany to Suwannee, including ! ()•>.» u-i'eU’s board, free baths, etc., for $17,85. Tieke j week-. A'l • of this rare : ! tior, at l rot ihle, i hi M* mnia, Ger-r ■jral L>» pi »5i its ur(5 in-C * md bn wjite Cl : good lor two ..u'd a veil themselves o.tage. For informa- li. P. DRIVER, Manager, e Sulphur Springs, Fla. A 4$ %' 'V- v — ,5, V is A ill 15?* _ d children who wanttraM- . I.-. . ‘>Nild tiike BKG i"5**1140A JblTTEES. I‘ pies - u: -o l ii.e, cures Malaria, Ind* fswiicn. ’Tv;_._B23sand !.iver Coiuplaioto-