The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 13, 1892, Image 1

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indstinct OlerJc.v; THE w SEELY NEWS AND ADVERTISER Vol. XIII. ALBANY, GA, SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 13 1892 No. 137, Was No Protection Against the Revolutionist’s Bullets. Battle Between Revolutionists >:& and Government Troops. Foreign Residences Were Badly- Wrecked by the Bombs,—Amer ican, French and Spanish Citizens Suffered. New Orleans. Aug. 11. — Letters from Honduras report a big battle in the interior between the government and the revolutionary forces. - The lat ter were defeated and retreated toward Nicaragua, at Ceiba. Foreign residents complain that there was no notice given of the intended bombardment and sev eral innocent persons were killed. The residence and office of the Ameri can consul at Tocca was riddled with bullets, two men being shot on the premises. The stars and stripes were floating be fore and during the bombardment. The residence of the agent of the Oieri American line had the American flag flying, but that and the residences of the French and Spanish residents were bad ly wrecked by the bombardment. POLITICAL ACTION. Work of Convent Ions In Several States. Congressmen That Were Nominated. A Commercial Cincinnati, Aug. 11 Gazette special says: The Republican convention of the 18th district nomina ted A. H. Walkley of'Wayne conpty for congress. Indianapolis, Aug. 11.—A special to ihe Sentinel says: T. M.. Merring. of Richmond, was nominated by the Dem ocratic convention of«the Sixth district of indiana. -Louisville, Ky., Ang 11.— In Hen derson, Capt. \T. T. Ellis. Democrat, was nominated 'for congressman in the second district. ' Drainard, Ang. 11.—The Democrats Df the Sixth district have nominated U. R. Baldwin of Duluth, forcongress. THAT AWFUL COLLISION. f Nearly One Hundred Persons Drowned ^ Oft* tfio* Coast of Finland. London, Ang. 11.—Fuller details of the collision, attended by great loss of ' life, between steamers near the coast of .Finland show that the two coasting steamers, Ajax and Runeberg, collided off the port of Helsing-fors, the capital Of Finland, Monday last. The Ajax was loaded *with people out for a Sun day sail. The Runeberg struck the Ajax near ' the centre, shattering the steamer so that the water flowed,in in torrents. The Ajax sank almost instantly, carry ing down nearly 100 persons. Eighty- six persons are missing, and thirty-nine bodies have been recovered. Nervous Excitement Killed Them. Lincoln, Neb.. Aug. II.—At .Fair- mount. Lizzie and Bertha Shu*z, aged 20 and 17, were driving into town when the team ran away, throwing the occu pants out.' They were assisted to a house, and quickly' recovering, hired a team and started home. Bertha, while - -.putting away the horses, suddenly 'Y dropped dead. Lizzie and her mother ran to the barn and Lizzie fell prostrate almost on tlig/body of her sister and ex pired. '• The Cholera in Persia* Sr. Petersburg, Aug. 11.—Advices from Teberan, the capital of Persia, 6how that the cholera is increasing in violence there. The death in the city now average sixty daily. The official report shows that Sunday reported from all cholera infected districts of Russia 4,261 new - ses.. The same day 2,177 persons die i f cholera. Sivu Mill IJurnt in Norfolk! Norfolk, Ang. 11.—Between 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning, fire broke out at the saw mill and dry kiln plant of the Taylor Lumber Company, ’of Suffolk, ifa . destroying all the buildings, drv Ins and machinery, together with v-ut half a million feet of lumber. The Tut was valued at §23,000, on which -tijfcrc wa- insurance of *18.000. The; w. '-So insurance on the lumber.’ Four cars on the Atlantic and Danville rail road. also loaded with lumber, were , burned, THE GEORGIA DEMOCRATS- TlioGubernatorial Convention Nominate* a Fall State Ticket. Atlanta, Aug. 11.—The Democrats met in convention at the capitol at 12 m. Hon. TV. T. Atkinson called the con vention to order, and, upon permanent organization, lie was unanimously chosen chairman. The work of the convention did not consume much time, there was such Unanimity among the delegates. TEe following ticket was nominated: For governor, Hon. William J. Nor- tlien; for secretary of state. General Phil Cook; for comptroller general, Hon. William A. Wright; for treasurer. Hon. Robert E. Hardeman; for attorney gen eral, Hon. Joseph M. Terrell; for com missioner agriculture, Hon, R. T. Nis- bit; electors at large, Hon. William T. Guerry, of Richmond, Hon. Joe James, of Douglas. The following resolution, introduced by Hon. T. W. Glover, of Cobb, was unanimously adopted: Whereas, the senior senator, Alfred Hr Colquitt, has been stricken with serious illDess while at his post of duty; therefore be it Resolved, That we, his fellow Demo crats, deeply sympathize with him and his THE PRESS COMMENTS Tennessee’s Governor Creates a Storm of Iudignation By Commuting the Death Sen tence of King.. King's Life Was Saved by the Prompt Action of Officers Who Carried Him Away. . The Mad Populace. family-in this affliction, and that we ex press the hope that he may hrfve a speedy recovery, and be restored in health to finish his duties. Resolved 2. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to him by the chairman of this convention. FOUR FATAL BULLETS. 1 {L Discharged Bartender Killed His Boss, and Then Kills Ilimselt Anniston, Ala., Ang. 11,—Talladega, twenty miles south of here, was aroused by four pistol shots in rapid succession. Men hurrying to the secene found two men lying on the ground, both of whom died before a physician could reach them. It was a case of murdter and suicide. R. L. Rasberry, a bar-tender employed by N. Simmons, was discharged. Draw ing a pistol he shot Simmons, on the road, and then placed the pistol against his head and fired. He then fired two more ghots-at Simmons, who lay on the ground already in his death struggle. Garzaites Not Gathering. Laredo, Tex., Ang. 11.—The rumor that the Garza revolutionists were con centrating in this section originated in the rendezous of the forty-first Vaqneros at La Gata in Encraal county, where Catarhurearza organized liis band of revolutionists in December, 1891. The stock hunters were sent out by large stockraisers in Webb and Encinal comi ties to gather up scattered stock, which has been made practicable by heavy rains which have fallen throughout this section. This information i3 reliable, and any reports or rumors about the gathering of Garza revolutionists on this part of the Rio Grande frontier is with out foundation. J A Noted Murder Case Witness. Montevista, Col., Aug. 11.—P. J. Sheridan, a farmer, living thirty miles north of town, while driving through his gate with a hay-rack, was crushed between the post and hay-rack. Several ribs were broken, and it is thought he cannot live. Mr. Sheridan gained a world-wide reputation a few years ago as being the man wba was supposed to know something about the Phoenix park murder. He has been offered large sums of money to go to England and testify as to what he knew of the celebrated murder, but he has steadfastly refused. Memphis, Aug. 11.—The indignation against Governor Buchanan for com muting King’s sentence found vent in hanging and burning his effigy at the corner of Main and Madison streets. The crowd was composed, hot of toughs and street arabs, but of well clad, unus ually orderly and respectable young men. When the figure burned in two and the lower half fell to the ground, the crowd vented its wrath by kicking the burning embers about the streets. The governor was cursed and abused with every contemptuous epithet imag inable. The publication of the gover- nor’sreasons has only added to the gen eral indignation. That he should review the case and pass judgmeut oh the jury's trip to Arkansas and pronounce that the judge had eried in refusing a change of venue after the supreme court and the federal court, had passed'on.these very matters, is characterized as the grossest presump- ■ tion and impudence. ."Would Have I/rnclied Kins’. There is little doubt now but that King would have been lynched had he not been so hastily smuggled out of town, and the mo3t conservative citizens were heard regretting that so laudable a purpose had been frustrated. Men who are opposed to lynching be fore a trial, openly say that when a gov ernor, against public morals, sets aside the verdicts of the courts, that justice can only be obtained by uibbvlaW, and that it would be a fitting rebuke to the governor for his action. Loyal as this people has been to Gro ver Cleveland, he is criticised very se verely for the letter he wrote Mrs. White, the niece of Colonel King, and which was laid before the governor; and Senator Harris has very few.friends left on account of the active part lie lias taken in the matter. Nothing in many years has so stirred up public indignation at the escape of King from the gallows. The public is as a tiger I On Gladstone** Policy, a» Indicated in Recent Speeches—-The Queen's Call. London, Aug. 11.'—The Standard, in »n editorial, says: - j "It is clear that Gladstone cannot | Th© \S ife Ot a robbed of its prey. MGS 1^ ALABAMA- Texas Printers on a Strike. Fort Worth, Aug. 11.—The Daily Gazette has been forced to suspend pub lication for two or three days. The Gazette for months past has been pay ing its compositors 50 per cent, of wages weekly ana settling in full on the 2d of each month. The printers demanded a full weekly payment, and The Gazette refused to accede, saying It was impos sible. The typos walked out to a man. The office ordered the doors locked and wired to Kansas City for a force of non- uion men. The Kolb Men Found Officer* Tamper- iiiS witli the ISallot lioxes. St. Louis, Ang. 11.—A Birmingham, Ala., dispatch says: Rockford, the county seat of Coosa county, is in a panic. 'The conntv went for Kolb on election, and the Kolb men assert that they caught Jones, probate judge and sheriff, tampering with the boxe3 after they had been returned to the court house, by which their majority was reduced. Wednesday one hundred armed Kolb men marched into town and declared their intention of killing the probate judge, sheriff and circuit clerk, who constituted a returning board, and declared vengeance on all Jones men. The sheriff summoned a posse and a riot was prevented. The mob declared their purpose of returning Monday next pre pared. to execute their wjll. long count on the support of either of the Irish parties. While he ignored Redmond’s question, it is doubtful whether the assurances given to Mc Carthy will be satisfying to the National ists either in Ireland or America. ? The Chronicle says: "We doubt whether tiie oration deliv ered by Gladstone will berauked among his’ finest efforts. It is only when he stands at bay that lii3 oratorical genius soars to its highest flights. Yet it was a masterpiece of adroit allusiveness. Everybody knew that while he dealt laboriously with the speech-- of Goschen and McCarthy, it was only Redmond’s demands that troubled him, and he solved the problem with consummate skill and dexterity. Nobody, can say that he ignored Redmond, yet nobody can say that he even once recognized his existence.” > The-Chronicle contends that the most important passage in the speech was the promise to proceed with the -Newcastle program, even if the house of lords re jected the home .rule bill. "Nothing else.” The Chronicle says" "is wanted to whip up English opinion in favor o( home rule hut the obstinate refusal of Murdered Attempt.* Revenge.- Man Exciting Scene in an Arizona Mir Court Room. the peers to deal with the matter in a prudent spirit.’" ‘ To Head Uie New Government. London. Aug. 11 — Mr. Gladstone has received a communication from Sir Henry Ponsonby, private secretary to the queen, announcing that arrange ments were beiug made for a reception Friday at Osborne -house. the queen’s residence ou the Isle of Wight. The object of the queen in summoning Mr. Gladstone is to entrust him with the formation of a new government. Lord Salisbury is expected at Osborne boast to tender the resignation ‘of the present government upon the adoption by the. bouse of commons of a "no-confidence” amendment to the address in replV tc the queen’s speech. GOVERNOR TILLMAN’S STRENGTH. is He Will Press She.ppard Close Even Hfs St^oasliold. Charleston, Ang. 11.—There is very little doubt now that the reform wing of the Charleston Democracy will be al most solid for Governor Tillman and re form. The announcement of Chairman T. D. Jervey, of the reform committee, of his adhesion to the Tillman cause is followed by the announcement of Wil son G. Harvey, Jr., the secretary of the same committee, that all the reform candidates for the legislature were Till man men, and the further statement of M.'F. Kennedy, a prominent reformer, that all the reform clubs’ were Tillman clubs, that Tillman meant reform if it meant anything, and that there should be no compromise with the ring. The club meeting at which these speeches were made, elected two delegates to the state convention, one a Tillmanite arid the other a Sheppardite. A great many people who labored under the impres sion that state, politics would not enter into the Democratic fight in Charleston are awakening to the fact that this whs a mistake. It begins to look now a3 if Governor Tillman will give Sheppard a close race even in Charleston, the bead center of ring rule. * diaries Against an Official. Washington, Aug. 11.—Charges have been filed at the treasury against George Cake, appointed on Saturday by Secre tary Foster an immigrant inspector in : ; place of Mr. Evans, who was.removed because he was not a citizen. Mr. Cake j was appointed at the instance of the 1 Glass Manufacturers’ Association of ’ Pennsylvania, and the charges preferred ; are mat he has wives in Pittsburg and j New York. Acting Secretary Nettleton ; has instituted an inquiry as to their Cleveland to His Namesake. Gloyersville, N. Y., Aug. 11.—Ex- j President Cleveland has written the j following letter to lids namesake. Grover ! C. Daley. wltf> will be S years old No- ; vember 10 next: * •, Buzzard’s Bay, Aug. S, 1S92. My Dear Little Namesake: X was very much pleased to receive your i letter of congratulation. _I am • satisfied that thus far you have been properly in-1 strncted in political affairs, and that you are already well grounded in the Demo- I cratie faith. I hope you will’never be less ; a Democrat than you are now. Very truly yours, Grover Cleveland. The Ralliray Telegraphers to Sleet. PittsEvRG, Aug. 11.—On the 10th, 17th and lSth of the present month an •important convention of the Order of Railway Telegraphers will be held in this city and it is understood that the grievance committee, which has been at work for some months, will present their report, and if approved a demand will be' made for increased pay. lYales Will Support Home Hale. London. Aug. ll.-vThe Welsh mem bers of parliament have decided to sup port the home rule bill, provided Mr. Gladstone gives Welsh disestablishment the next place in the program. The bi- mettalist members will not bring the bimettaiic question to the notice of par liament until the next session. Sullivan Getting In Sliape. Canoe Place Inn, Ang. H.—The mighty John L. Sullivan has attained one of the objects ior which he has been training eo conscientiously ever since A Gigantic Consolidation. Chicago, Aug. 11.—It is announced that the^nanagemant of the Northern Pacific and Wisconsin Central railways will shortly be consolidated, the latter road becoming a part of the Northern Pacific. The consolidation will take place in New York within the next two weeks. his arrival here. It was then announced that he would reduce his weight to 210 pounds before going into the ring 0 with S The Stockmen Released. \TSjEA'ENNE, Ang. 11.—The stockmen Ti»e Cholera Spread m *tic?<..^, Moscow. Aug. 11.—Grand Duke Ser eins. governor general cf Moscow, has ssned a proclamation in which he urges :he people Cofbeit. He has gradually taken off his superfluous weight pound by pound, and when he jumped on the scales after his afternoon’s rnn. he tipped, the earn at exactly 2b> pounds, die is as strong as an ox, and in perfect cbnd.tiou. Roasted on a Forge. St. Louis, Ang. 31.—In a rbw between workmen at the repair forges of ftie St. Suburban electric Louis an Moores, an ex-convict, was se thrown pr. an open forge, at wh Ke was fatally burned. in be iced otty and heat. -he people to strictly conform to the sanitary regulations formulated to eom- jfe pueu released on $20,000 bail each. PiSrdcfifcauy (m their own recognizance. The sheriff had refused to pay the ex- of keeping them longer. bat the cholera epidemic. He declares that those who fail to obey orders will be severely and summarily pnuished. Sixteen new cases of cholera and ten deaths from the disease occurred here in one day. l’lainln" Mill Burned. Hamilton. O.. Aug; 11.—The planing mill of Bender Bros, lias been burned at a loss of $$0,000. The insurance was light. The Switchmen Take a HandL West Superior, Wis., Ang. li.—The Switchman's union will take a hand in the steel worker's strike. At a meeting they promised to handle no cars con taining product r non-union workers. , The Result of the Tewksberry- Graham Feud—Lawyers and Reporters Slip Under the Tables to Escape. Phoenix. Ariz„ Aug. 11.—During the preliminary examination of John Rhodes, accused of being one of the murderers of Thomas Graham, in the Tewksberry Graham feud on August 2, Mrs. Graham the widow of the murdered man attempted to shoot the defendant and was prevented only by an a icident. As the trial was in progress before Jus tice Hudson, Mrs. Graham, who was 15 feet from the prisoner, sprang from her chair, drew a 45 caliber revolver, rushed towards Rhodes, placed .the pistol against his breast and pulled the trig ger, but the pistol missed fire. There was immediately a mad rush from the courtroom and lawyers and reporters hid under the tables, Sheriff Montgom ery took the pistol, with the assistance of several deputies, after a desperate struggle. Mrs. Graham pleaded for the revolver to shoot him. The justice or dered her removed from the court room, but she returned to make a second at tempt, when her father, Rev. Mr. Mil • toa, a Baptist minister, took her to her hotel. NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS. W. K; Kemp Will Lead the People** Pai-ty in the First Georgia. Savannah, Aug. 11.—The People’s party convention met here and nomi nated W. R. Kemp of Emanuel, as its congressional candidate in the first dis trict to oppose Colonel Rufus E. Lester, the Democratic candidate. There were but twepfy-fiva delegates present, Ef fingham, Bryan and McIntosh counties being -totally unrepresented. Burke county sent a negro among its delegates •and he was given a cordial reception. He was placed on the committee on res olutions, which, reported, among other things, a resolution denouncing lynch law, which was unanimously adopted by thp convention. BASE BALL RECORD. The .following are the games played by the National League: National Leajjne. pAt New York—New York, 4;. Brook- iH.k At Philadelphia — Philadelphia, C; Boston, 3. At Baltimore—Baltimore, 7: Wash ington, 2. At Pittsburg — Pittsbnrg, 3; St. Louis, 2. At Cleveland—Cleveland, 5: Cincin nati, 6. .. At Louisville—Louisville, 8; Chica go, 3. An Exciting Cimrt Scene. Little Rock, Aug. 11.—Some months ago a wealthy ’ pawnbroker, L. Storthz of this city, obtained a divorce from his wife ou the ground of infidelity, and sued W. H. Howell, a young man prom inent in railroad circles, cfe $50,009 damages for alienating his wife’s affec tions. Mrs. Storthz went to St. Louis after the divorce. Wednesday while depositions -were being taken in the damage suit in an attorney’s office. Storhtz charged Howell with having preventing one of his most important witnesses from being present. He jumped into the air about ten feet over head of one of the lawyers and .port Howell, cheking him and nearly pouch ing liis eyes ont. Howell drew bis re volver, but the two wer separated be fore any farther dama .as done. Restored Alter Denison, Tex., An ago Mrs. John Hew the Arlington het' One evening in from her room diamonds. Thefts an I the pin wassi into the pc-. Mte-.Howard through the mai servant confess! forgiveness, and reside- at A ard will let the not divulge her loriue The pin was a fai Years. Three years .3 a guest at -prings, Ark. Gdy missed ± ;n set with e very common, to have parsed a Bneak thief. :overed the pin note from her eft and asking is married o. Mr9. How- and will vant'a name. The Dead New- York, A Charles W. Riggar Tailor killed by a nv b : eral months ago, ary; Pacific mail steam' ' Colon, in charge^of eul McCreery. jailor will be WM uso sev- e on the ia, from tes Con- e dead elphia, held, artici-