The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 13, 1892, Image 5

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Mil PRESENTS! A PAIR OF GOOD Is the most useful and appropri ate Christmas present you can buy for yourself, or either member of your family. While making your selection don’t forget to call at the OLD RELIABLE We have made special provisions for the season, and can please you with anything in our line. * Ehrlich's City Shoe Store SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. Tcannot Begin to tell you in an advertisement what a nice line of candies and confectioneries I have in stock. YOU CAN Come and see them and he convinced. Remem ber my store is headquar ters for Groceries, Ci- vgars and Tobaccos. S. STERNE, The Washington Street Grocer i•;. RbcbiivsD We have received the finest and best assortment of GENTLEMEN AND BOYS’ OpL, O . r JT HING ever brought 'to Albany C-AITFITaEI The Fat and Short, the Long and Slim men. Also a nice, stock of SBOES 3aA. r JTg* and a general line of furnish ing goods. Also have a beautiful * ine of SAMPLES/ 01 * S P r5n S Suits. Measure taken, fit guaranteed. ' Give ns a call. G1JTLIFFIJ0R8AN. BROAD STREET. CITY CL LUNGS. W UTHEK. The temperature as taken by Phil Harris, the jeweler, yesterdav. At 8 a m S3 degrees. At noon 84 “ At4p. m.. 83 ■* BAROMETER. 8 a. m...„ 30.20 At noon 3014 4 p m 30 10 DENTIST—J . A. Sims. DENTIST—J G Cutliff. E. H. DENNISON—Dentist. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, sound health one must have pure, rich and abundant /blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of De Witt’s Sarsapa rilla. The best bargains for the season Hofmayer & Jones’. , at It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, sound'health oue must have pure, rich and adundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer ronte than by a course ot De Witt’s Sarsa parilla. The prettiest line of millinery in the South at Max Cassells & Sister’s. “Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies.” But early to bed and a “Little Early Riser,” me pill that makes lite longer and better f mi wiser. Fresh Western Beef at Connagban’s every day. 2-18-tf. ■p- Dcnlavy & We truly believe De Witt’s Little Early Risers to be the m< at natural moat effective, most prompt and econ omical pill for biliousness, indigestion aad inactive liver. Mrs. L. It. Patton, Rockford, 111., writes: From personal experience I can recommend De Witt’s Sarsapa rilla, a cnre for impure blood and gen eral debility.” The Great shirt sale is still kept up, with some new bargains attached at It Hofmayer & Jones. Capt. John Forrester, of Leesburg, is seriously ill atdiis room at the Al bany Inn. He is one of Lee’s most prominent citizens and has a number of friends here who will be glad to to hear ot bis early recovery. Have you tried that Mock & Rawson’s? DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. fine tea at! When Baby •was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Quid, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she' gave them Castoria. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESSCHANGE. At Bary, Gl., Aug. 11th 85. Mr. B. L. Kachala. Dear Sir: 1 notire in an advertisement in the News and Advertiser that Green & Mason have sold out to you, and that wc be speak a lil erat patrona e lor the new busi ness. I never was aware that I ever sol out to you, consequently I wool 1 be very gla 1 if you have that left eat ol said paper. I have never given you permission to use my name in any manner, much lets in this instance, hence I ask you to drop it at once. X don’t care to have my name n ixed up anv further with said business, and I think it somewhat presumptuous on your part to use my name uninsi rusted or without permission. Please give this your promp-- attention, and oblige, Yours Krspctfully, a. P. Green. ft. The at>vve letter speaks for itself. By ref erence to notice elsewhere the readers ot the News and Advebtise-i and the public gen erally will see that Mr. Green’s request has been glinted. We submit to the withdrawal of his good wid. Respectfully, R. L. Bach als. Act. TO WHOM IT CONCEFNS. This is to certify ihit the uhuerbigned who was oue of the partners in the^flrm ol Green & Mason, did in connection with Mr. Green sell to Mrs. K. D. Rachal. on Aug. Sri. 1892, If dujl, spiritless and.Stupid’, il your our entire furniture business. Furthermore blood is thick and sluggish; if your fbespeake for the new firm the most liberal appetite is capricious aud_ uncertain, patronage of the people, and do so still. you need a Sarsaparilla, suits take De Witt’s. For best rt - Hood’s pills cure liver ills, jaundice biliousness, sick headache constipa tion. HI | There is no better place your health than at Gow< Gainesville, Ga., the Wats*] deriul curative power anil is delightful. to regain ipriugs, ’Oil imate W ilspriti *![ ins WC the dim Cedar Posts at Ci ,er & -5‘ l 33. B. JOBSS, Bfil-KHIH Do not let other merit other preparations on you have not Plantation (Jhii stock. Apply to ngeius m: low, who guarantee it. tym off they re in d be- U. J. Lamar & Sons drugists. (duarranteed to cure itch in 30 minutes. For sale by all 4-1-d-w-ly. ^Js?“Have you seen Hood’s Rainy Day and Baloon Puzzle? For partic ulars send to C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . Respectfully, • J. C. Mason. To My Friends"—As will he seen by the above notice I have purchased the furniture business of Green & Mason. I intend to dis pose of the entire stock at once and to do so am going to sell everything at cost for the next thirty dajs. This is absolute and ap plies ts nA furniture and a" 1 small musical instruments and sheet music. If you desire to buy giads at cost for cash come and tee me at my old stand known as the Albany Music House. I mean business. Resp-re’fully, R. L. RaCHALS. Albany, Ga.. Aug 11,1892, 1] Do you know that Plantation Chill Cure is.sqld uttiJer a. positive guaran tee? It ' ' -ts 50e per bottle, bus if it fails the money will be given back to .you. H. J. Lamar & Sons. T, In addition to our great shim sale taere are a few other big bargains of fered at - v ifi'.'- 2t Hofmayer & Jones. When you are tired of having chills get a 50c bottle ot Plantation Chill Cure and stop them. If it fails we will give you your money back. H, J. Lamar & Sons & Connaghan’s ‘beef the choicest Beef and Try them 2-18-tf. Duxlavy . marseD keeps ' Mutton steaks in the city, and be convinced. Half acre lot on Tift street. This is a bargain. Quarter acre lot on Flint street. Half acre lot on State street. Half acre lot on State street Half' acre, lot on Westbrook avenue. Six acre lot within city limits. The Wardwell place, will im- improved 6-i acres, prolific vine yard and fruit orchard thereon. .Tust out of city limits. This property must be sold within 30 days. Terms satisfactory to pur chaser. a » JEL 3Et. JOA ES, 9-J- Washington St., Albany, Ga. XF.XOX7R HACK ACUKS. Or you nre all worn out, redly good for noth- ing, it is general defility- Tty UliOWK'S IltOS BITTSKS. It will cure you, cleanse ycur liver, and give a good appedte. Wq sell more Plantation C !nan any other chill and fev cine, and do you know why ? it never fails to cure. H. J. Lamar & The prostration after the grip i3 en tirely overcome by Hood’s Sarsapar illa . It really does makes the weak strong. Why pay other dealers 75c and $1.00 for a Chill cure when you can get Plantation Chill Cure, a better one, for 50c? H, J. Lamar & Sons. plications. applii gists. Cure3 scratches on horses and mange. on dogs with one or two For sale by all drug- 4-1-d-w-ly. We guarantee every bottle of Plan tation Chili Cure, and will cheerfully refund money in case of failure. t • ■ k - H. J. Lamar & Sons Itch on human and horses and all | animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Hilsman & Agar. Ai- 1 bany, Ga. NOTICE. All persons having guns or pistols at the Gun "Works for repa rs are hereby notified that the same will be sold within 30 days from date to pay charges on them. JOHN HAENEL, Gunsmith. Albany, Gi., June 25,1895. GROVER CL.EVEL.4ND Would like to have some of Mock A Baw- eoi’s FINE X2A. Don’t yon want some? * FOR RENT. One new five-room cottage in good neigh borhood on Pine st. Apply to Chuger & Pace. FOB BENT. A new, neat and well*appcinted five-room cottage, with kitchen. Terms very reason able. Apply t> 7-31tf JUDGE W. T. JONES. TO THE PUBLIC. I am now prepared to serve my friends and the public generally who may wish dental work done. My dental office Is now open in the rooms formerly accnpied by Jones & Smith. I do only first-class work and solicit a share of the public patronage. E. H. DENNISON Dentist. 29-fillTICE : My business from this date will he spot cash—no charging, ro accounts made what ever. You will get the benefit of the low cash.pi ices—^largest stock, lowest prices. PHIL HARRIS, leading Jeweler and Optician. — »■♦ « > Fresh Candy Every Day. Having secured the services of a first-class candy maker, we will make a nice assortment of taffy, peanut and other plain candies everyday. Our order for tools not having arrived yet we are unable to make the line of fancy candies that we intend having, if you want a pound of fresh candy send us your order. Very truly, Mock & Rawson. HOFMAYER & JONES, Still keeps it Up—The Creat Shirt Sale. Only 42c. forth 75c. 62c. forth 85c. To-day and Tomor row Only. Just received 30 Doz. unlaundred shirts of which our regular price will be BOe. hut to introduce them ]today and tomorrow for 42c. worth 75c t • ‘ Ylso for today t and tomorrow our ... “H. & J.” collar at lOe* a piece. HOFMAYER & JONES, PALACE BUILDING 17 and 19 Washington St. CLEUIKG OUT SAUL Our Mr. Geiger is now in New York purchase an immense stock ot FALL |WINTER GOODS and to make room for the same we will begin a clearing out sale toworrow. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES and all grades of Dress Goods will go regardless of profit. Our stock of Black Hosiery are dyed by the best dyers in Europe and prices on these goods will be 50 per cent, less than any other house. The quantity of Imported Black Hose just re ceived will explain how we can ssllhose for25c that other houses charge 50c foi* In short our stock of Hosiery is Lrger than all other stocks in the city combin ed. damMask towels-* Examine our $3.00 per dozen Dammask Towels apd compare with other merchants and you can see the difference in quality and prices. Umbrellas and Parasols. at a sacrafice. We keep all of the standard Corsets and charge the same * price as other merchants for them, but we still cocfi’.ue to give Coupons which saves 5 per cent, on these and other goods you purchase. Give us a trial and be convinced that we are headquarter for bargains, REICH & GEIGER. 82 and 84 Broad Street. SUMMER GOODS. HILSMAN & AGAR CO., Have just received a fine line of Sporting Goods, all |this years make. Such as Spaldings Bats and Balls, Reachs Bats and Lion Balls-in fact! halls and bats of all kinds and prices from 5c. each and upwards. Hammocks, Hammock Ropes Stretchers, Hooks etc. We are selling our stock of Music at 5c. a copy. Call and get your pick before they are allsold. 1 HILSMAN & AGA