Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 06, 1892, Image 2

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UraMpSot drain. All ton drains, etoii JmUit go the same mi} 1 , -Except-'in Iwnsely- crowded localities sanitary sewerage is a,vmiis'ailce'instdild at: a buried, anil a Vetty ‘ expensive otic itf that. - , As to Water for Are purposes.. Wp nave a splapdid department now.ana, If wediad the most approved system of waterworks insurance rates would bo the same (J refer, you to. the rates fttBrunswIck, Americas and Thomas- VDle), and we Would have, to keep at least one .engineer and us much lmsc ns we uow bavin. The saving Would not exceed $600' per year in the depart ment. . i It la all very ■well to say we want h perfeot system, (if Waterworks .arid sanitary, sewerage for $100,001), but when our peonleihv,csfigate tbo mat ter, as they will, they Ihay.not he wil ling to. Saddle themselves tunl their children with such a burden until it Mr. ti. It. Tylk», i)i Montgomery, Ala., is visiting jlrs.'A G. IIn!I. - ,—~— r -- “Wk get the new* tffcpcv ®Vf. U*iuu> gtarted'.” That’* whattboy say. ,'J’he .family rif mITk-TB' Itntey, of the police force, lies uidvetff put to JHrjfit They will ro’turif"’to the city itnvi 1 uniiinwti' ' iurlnW to) A PrapMlrtea * pwnmV Snbmlii, 'Ordered,,' brirnlo Moll #n»orlit JBt«c> Ait important meeting of tbo City, Council was held Monday night, a full .lxinoiL'bpfug'present. - • ISd. Johoa stibmlttedittpropoBitlon, ashling that a sewer bd placed Upon Ills lot. on South street, After some discussion It was referred to the street committee, . Cnpt, S, K-lyhestoh, yrehident of. the A, F.. & M.'ity., naked that liis road he. griinted the right To run their track ■duwn Washington street In order to reach their tcnhinalgTouuds. Defer red until the t.ftilon prtBseiigor depot is assured. * '%• . City Attorney IVooten read for the lirst Hoie air ordinance requiring all lieoUsod drays, haqks ttijd.- oignibiisea lo be iti good repair and all horses and next summer. , . fjpwn of the Knighta of Pythias ap pealed at the dancing elnsa Friday evening in their , new uniforms,' and very swell,they were. Air. F„l‘\ Putney's big brick afore at lfardaway l» going to be a very UAttd- aumu building, ft is now rboted, and t lie. inside Work has been eommonotil. Of all the sportsmen in Albany, very few of thorn can boast a gobfl bird dog .this season. There are dogs and doge, but good ouea are Unusually seance, it has become more of a necessity. There is an Impression that only about half the citizens now take enter; This is an error as at least four-fifths of the houses in tbo. city are supplied by present, well owners, and,, unless piu.-eiii,., won owners, anil, unless rates tvere innreaaod instead of re duced, the income would be but little more rhnn now. lie concluded that lie could realise more by retaining the well, but it had •been a great source of annoyance to him and lie wished to get Hil of it. It would be n good investment for .the pity. T!|« well owners were willing to take the notes of the City Council With a reaBOtiablu interest thereon. Referred to a committee of three, consisting of Mayo, filibort, and Aider- men Rockett and Clark, There was-considerable discussion over the proposition of tlie well own ers Mid the, approaching election. It was moved to defer the •!report- of tl|o committee regarding the 'purchase the. private Wells until the fourth in irebritliry, and that the election tor Bongs bfeTheltl'.on the second Tuesday In March. : Col. Wight, Mr. II. M. McIntosh dud Sir. N. W. Tift, wild wow'' , 'seiit arid addressed this Cc. : : ; :'t by permission, - thought Ai'PKicnitoiuiiD. Arw»)rd an in Ni l ion, tumrgr, ' ' :• r rfomlay .morning, Chief of Felloe Westbrook and Ofhoer'MoI.arty arrest ed IV, r>.■Wilkinsotv’yhril engineer pn the Central ralirnad- ' Wilkinson was charged with rob- sober, pPaocahle and orderly, and noth ing Occurred to fnrn|sir a lively Hem for the.local newsgathcror,. Bomb people are beginning to find fault With the plan of: the proposed system of waterworks without haring the slightest Idea- about what it la, or rather, about what it yrill ho. .Mr, 2C At. Ito'oks 8»s assumed charge of the large viiiBjfard nud fruit farm at tlie Sand Hill* ig.'Kast Dougherty. Wr. A. I), Phil()p$, (the grap*) .expert, returns to fUa'. ’home iii Northeast PdnnBylvanih.Alsis week. • ' j i. I,oNUO« Tlu-IIrrs pubUsboK Home of tbo tew things thgt a UIbs Its. A'ihi will And the artlclo ip another, column, and If,' after reading it, you are still in doubt as to W)i4t a'klsa Js, ask some of the yotinglaoieaof yo# ruUinaliila'niie. Jfr. and Mrs. j). 'ICy'iSluRb, whose House was btirtmu fiartirUay morning, moved to tlte.'Hotel knd Mr. and Afrs. K. I;.Iaibou, who word also burn ed out,of House 'and' home, have moved intp'ottp’of t'ho odttages of tho Thorn esta(!p,'b;i, Society sti Wiux,x driving raj Just tax your inemdryA'aai .s.jc Jr anything like tffein lias ov er been , !• fowl you for the money.' JCnni the eyes of earelessnesa oannot fail to »eo ' wliht a ui.ifvelomv cdniblniitio^at tlm big and little they afford—the-.hig in what tiiey give for tim nroney nnd the little, line the money tlmkiH aS|ced for them, dome prices' tumble just a Tri«§ j. the disfanco tiiey; fall is soaroisly great enoiigli to maka A differenee, hut tHere l» ft slushing flilfereilod’ hut wepii the figureB Wc now, quote afid tli». tl»nfc jirevttilKl n we'elc ngo. l>oh!t'in!ib our word fprdt. iook at tiihin for'jreHfi^P selves,: '. liing the till of Purker’H restaitrant Mtd'hewS till) Uiiioh depot. At !i p’eldck Saturday morniiig, jiur- the progress of the Bmith-fjehen- lire, a window iftThe Jjuilding was opened, the glass broken .and an entrance efteetrd. Some, twenty-live' dollars was abatfaetedi The thief appeared to have lmeu iu great' haste, as. change vvan seaUlifed over tlie floor,,f til. ■ Air. Harmon, 1 hi? manager -of the stAiid, liafl. left the store to efideavor to save bis eifeetB, which’were jq,; iibe, lie lVniisiedt V’ mu! ijplise of Sir. Leben, where lie bdardeli, 'anil avliiuli .was then a prey i.oihe dairies _ ‘ It. H. yiiugiin,,!)jght ear Insp'ee- tor, snip a litapi oincrgo from a wiiiflwv,; parly that morning. -'• lie recogtilaud film as Wilkinson, .hut , thought nothin?'- of it-,'' n* rife window hail been used peonslonaHy fov a place,of ingress and egress. Wlien-tho loss was discovered the circumstance was recalled to the mind of Mr. Tnoghii; - Alr.-Farmon issued a warrant for, Wilkinson, charging jilm With simple larceny. He . aeknowl- siueuoe of Sit*.’; If. If, .went with it. * r ’ iOppndiary whQ. lius been try- ’ •% dut.Mr. Smith for three or ! nasjhiis succeeded at last. ' JiaH-past a o'clock this Pity Was aroused- by the ho-sonei.otis .whistle of ft'id «)veral losoinotive rapid toot-toon, of the oloitiiy fqliowed. by the, Hie alarm, and within a ; liOules p^arge ;(*pwd had 1 ■ 'Hnd tiie Mipdhi'l'hqilding < -street. - 1 ' \ ylia te icited the place ilrat .t the 'building miiigv gp, and at ..i ....... Of tlie olty.survey, siihmiUed an esti mate of the oosbof the proposed water works. it would take a little over twelvn-mileB of .'piping from four to dly-i On- a down Street, Saturday morning, one of thV street oar nmleu stumtded and fell. The edr ran on to the prostrate animal pushing it ppme distance. The. hay burner Was badly puijished. .4.:,^..,:^?:' ^ Atii. T.M. llifxmjnfipsi of. iVaturloo; * H.'.C.j D’nrneh linprensed-.wlth tlihi •*«- tldri. A “wrl'e np’Mn one oC thg tStut* , .piqwes has enu«ed him to opob-a ,oori S n-epondenou with Air. J. Al,-Tift Te- I gar.iieg, wind, he aptly calls this high- * ly favored sei'tlrie IT,. —)--.- - twelve Inches la diameter, ■-easting $1*1,TOO.- Thetwo pumps and'engine would swell the slim lo $00,600. ’The sewerage system would require eleven njQty*Jib the charge. Judge Jones graver Offense, refused fo ac. e^t tire plea and Wilkinson Was JAHed.-, a v;-: nofortunnte man, Icavieg'a responsible and a’cmuiiera- tfve, position with tfip railroad, now languishes behind uidftard. . ' '.I — 1 *1 . .- ■ J TltOClIt'S AT VA*0»OA«g-il> lei miles of,^piping eight and ton iitehea In diameter - which, with;main holes, oto., would (uuiBO an outlay of $Bil,7(H). O. I- 1',artery of the 8f. Augustine well drilling eoijtpauy, ered to bore n new well for $T.D0 per foot, or Id- cceaise the depth of the present well (IVd-Jl’inOted feet for. * x ” * Totnl....:...;'......A....;........$lC>30.*l T.heoity qf. Albany agreeing to .fur nish the (premises of l'ach well owner -fth Hidffcicut water for nil purposes free of oost, ; - N. F, Tikt, ) Adm’tor Estate - .l.M.Tiwr, ,. .y. XelsouTlft. Em I-. Wtiiitr, Agent. ’ : Coji.VKUOw ; ! Ti;fiKT Wki.t, Co. CiflfEH; Wight addressed Uio hr,ey as follow*: . • y . - ilud iicrsoiial nil’eMs, of the . ■; • ' ! ; l?rRtiklfn,/the colored prciis- tlia; HKiM.ini vrss OpVdtis way jid .tb 1 nks that he was;ff.rst to itdit .raise.'the, -.larm. the' blaze was! only a kbcii -he : jlrst UiStmr- '‘kifvvbry rapid- •kfKrtn.sf, i' on ; Wlib' ftttil Coi. tVlKhi Trlegraphei) F«r« . • I beg leave to,submit the follbw! to the Mayor and CounAlt consideration: • If yolrshould son •wells ami pin-" be, in mv Tlie.followiug telegrgi.) vas received on Mondny.fvoni Wnyerrtss: 3'o Colmlel Ed. L. Wight, Fourth Georgia It ~ nienti • (Jan you eohm hero lo-nlglit. Rifles on ihuy; Want conference. ■ (SignedV- '•J.Mo.JVE-m-' BW . *■ ' * • »tf ■S’-*'- INDSTINCT PRINT %